#katsuki speaks / nitrosweet
wildxplosion · 5 years
mom said it's my turn on the switch // hey rosi ily
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Katsuki clung onto the Switch even tighter. He was playing Fire Emblem dammit!
“Give me one more hour. I just need to beat this fucking boss,” he replied, gritting his teeth as he looked back at the boss he’d been trying to defeat for the last twenty minutes.
“Try to take it from me now and I’ll beat your ass instead.”
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birb’s obligatory 100 follower “if you aren’t following these people then you are doing it wrong” post
the inner circle
these wonderful people have the dubious honour of speaking to me regularly on discord, either in the insane group we have and/or one x one. i love y’all, and thanks for putting up with my shenanigans.
@wildxplosion - this wondrous human being is my best friend. rosina is a genuinely wonderful person and we’ve been friends for almost a decade so i am only a little biased. her katsuki is amazing, and she’s built an entire world out of the little information we have for the fantasy verse. she never fails to impress me with how much work she puts into everything she does, and she’s basically my mum. seriously, she is wonderful and if you aren’t following her then you absolutely should be.
@quirkless-wonder - jay has an adorable kitty and that is at least 73% of the reason that i love them. i kid, because jay is amazing and i love talking to them. they put up with all of my random spams and ideas and somehow seem to enjoy it - i don’t know how or why, either - and little brings me more joy because i don’t know how to stop. yamikumo is also wonderful and i love this little danger floof and wish so much that he was canon because his interactions would be golden.
@nitrosweet / @resilizuku - i was super anxious about reaching out to quinn initially but i am so glad that i did because they’re lovely. quinn is super sweet and again puts up with my random spams, and their proto katsuki and izuku are both so good. they’re so sweet and fun and i now have no idea what i was anxious about. quinn also has a super adorable kitty, too. i am easily won over by adorable kitties.
@embidoesrp-bnhaarchives - embi is adorable and so sweet. all of her blogs are wonderful - although i feel like i should give a special shout out to her todoroki - and she’s one of the sweetest people that i’ve met. she also puts up with - and often encourages - my randoms spams, and i love talking head canons with her.
@ghostlyheropoltergeist / @vacationfromhell - denise has been on hiatus from september for a little while, so i am tagging her other blog too although it isn’t bnha. denise is quite possibly insane, but i love her and she’s a lot of fun. september is such a good oc, too, and if/when she comes back you should definitely be following her because if you’re not then you are missing out!
@glamie / @reciprobvrst - nova is the newest addition to our crazy little discord family, and she is so much fun. her camie is amazing and hilarious, and her iida is so on point. she’s super sweet and even though she hasn’t been in our cursed server for very long, it’s already hard to imagine it without her.
@spiky-crystal-girl - emi is the only person not in the aforementioned cursed server, but that doesn’t mean that i talk to her any less! she’s a sweetheart and i love talking her, and kokona is a lot of fun too! she’s a great oc, and emi’s art of her is all amazing.
the outer circle
these are people that i have spoken to/rp’d with a little bit but would like to do more! i am an awkward and anxious potato however and don’t know how to reach out to people.
@dollquirk - hana is adorable, and from the little i have spoke to reptile she is super sweet too. we have rp’d a little but i’d love to do more and get to know hana better!
@hematcphagia - fleurie seems really nice - thanks again for pointing out that my ask link was broken - and her toga is so good. we rp’d a little, mostly during the drunk event, but i’d love to do more.
other awesome people
these are mutuals that i admire and/or would love to speak to/rp with but i am an awkward, anxious potato and i have no idea how there are so many people on this list in the first place. just know that i admire you all from afar.
@mindlesspurplegaze / @nitrochako / @nurse-salamander / @plagued-yakuza / @charredeyes / @the-eraserhead-man / @silver-strings-of-fate / @prcsentingmic / @xforall
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weightless-grasp · 6 years
@nitrosweet answered your ask
At first, Yuu was rather confused. She wasn’t sure if this was going to be for some silly favor, or if maybe she needed to act as the messenger bird again between Bakugou and Yamikumo, so on and so forth... When Katsuki needed to borrow her for something, it’d usually end up over something pointless.
The gesture seemed a lot different this time, though, what with the way he modestly tugged at her sleeve to speak to her more privately. Was it..... something personal? They were now just standing there around the corner, with Katsuki staring down at her. This was different. Totally different.
“... What is i---” Before the words could finish themselves, he suddenly leaned in and her eyes widened in shock. A kiss. A kiss right on the lips. A kiss out of nowhere, a kiss from Katsuki; he kissed her, he suddenly kissed her, Katsuki kissed her.
Yuu had instantly reared back her hand, ready to make yet another crush of hers float off to the sun, but her hand didn’t swing. Her face, she was in completely shock. Thoughts were beginning to swarm in her head, and it all revolved around whether Katsuki heard her mumble earlier or figured it all out or was teasing her or was actually, legitimately, t r u l y.....
Liked her?
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Instead of Katuski, she smacked both her hands against her cheeks in absolute bewilderment, a loud squeak of a shocked exclamation before poorly hiding glowing red face behind her hands, stuttering and tripping over incoherent words. Her brain was stumbling, faltering, struggling, eyes becoming the definition of the ‘@_@’ emoticon,
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and then floating, floating herself up, her stuttering continuing nonstop.
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wildxplosion · 5 years
Continued from this post - @nitrosweet
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Well, that was fucking rude.
Katsuki glowered at his brother and reached out to punch him in the arm. He was trying to have a nice moment for once and Katsuhiro just had to ruin it.
"I thought kissing your own ass was your speciality," he snapped.
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wildxplosion · 5 years
Continued from this post - @nitrosweet
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At least getting him to agree to talk had been easier than Katsuki had expected.
He plopped down on the couch next to his counterpart, avoiding looking at him as he thought over what exactly he was going to say.
Katsuki didn't do shit like this.
He didn't talk about his feelings or try to talk out problems. He certainly didn't try to help others with their own problems, not unless he was saying something blunt and vaguely insulting.
But fuck, it needed to happen considering it seemed to be fucking Bakugou up too.
Katsuki huffed.
"Ya know, no one who actually matters compares us even if it feels like it..."
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wildxplosion · 5 years
Continued from this post - @nitrosweet
Katsuki stood in front of the training wall, trying to decide whether he had time to climb up again before the servants finally tracked him down.
Turns out his brother had found him instead.
He looked over his shoulder to see his twin, an exhausted look on his face as the other boy debated the wall in much the same way he had.
"Fine but don't be surprised if I wind up pissing someone off," he agreed, even if the thought of dealing with politicians made him tense up all over again.
He'd just gotten fucking relaxed but he supposed he could fight to let off some steam.
"I wouldn't recommend punching the wall if you don't mind getting your ass beat I'm here."
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wildxplosion · 5 years
@nitrosweet liked for a pro-hero verse starter.
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It had been a long fucking week.
Katsuki ran his hand through his hair as he trudged towards his apartment. He had carrier bag of beers in one hand and a pizza box shoved under the same arm.
He'd nearly forgotten that he was supposed to be meeting up with his counterpart tonight - he'd picked up on Deku's habit of Kicchan - and he'd wound up stopping another fucking villain outside of the pizza place.
A hero's work was never done.
But the night should be a good one. He was actually pretty good friends with Kicchan by now. They had so much in common that it would be fucking ridiculous for them to not enjoy each other's company. They were brothers from another mother and it was pretty fucking awesome.
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wildxplosion · 6 years
Random Liner/Starter for @nitrosweet
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"There's a spicy noodle eating contest in town. You. Me. Let's go!"
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wildxplosion · 5 years
Subject: sorry i got hacked - OPEN THIS FIRST
So Akimoto got onto my laptop and may have sent out some shit so for your sake and mine DO NOT OPEN ANY FUCKING EMAIL I SENT YOU EARLIER.
I don’t know what was in it and I don’t want to but I’m betting it’ll be scarring so just please, please, please, DON’T.
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wildxplosion · 5 years
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"What the fuck was that for?!"
Katsuki's hand jerked to prod at his sore cheek gently. He knew he often pissed his counterpart off but what the fuck had he even done this time?! It wasn't fucking fair!
He dropped his hand only to clench it into a fist and punch Bakugou in the stomach. What the fuck?!
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wildxplosion · 6 years
“Fuck, that’s way to much flour!”
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Oh, fuck, it was.
Katsuki had grown distracted, arguing with the other blond. Some of the teachers had insisted they try to do more creative activities together to work out their frustrations but apparently it wasn't working.
"We'll just have to add a little more of the other ingredients and make a bigger cake."
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wildxplosion · 5 years
‘Switch!’ // owo fantasy twin stuff! let's pretend...you cant tell katsuke doesnt have katsuki's tattoos lol
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There was no way this was going to work.
Katsuki scowled as he crossed his arm and took his twin's appearance in. Obviously he looked good in the jacket - it was the only way to hide the fact he didn't have the upper body tattoos - and they were identical so from a distance it wouldn't be obvious.
But his behavior was so fucking different.
"I don't see why I can't just lure them out myself. I don't need any help to beat a bunch of thugs."
Send me "Switch" for our muses to have to switch outfits
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wildxplosion · 5 years
“Please don’t judge me." // i couldnt tell which muse this is for? for katsuki? jfnsdb a n g s t
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It had been a hard week again.
Katsuki squeezed his eyes shut as he sunk into the couch, trying to ignore his classmates around him. He felt empty apart from a sunken feeling in his stomach that just wouldn't go away. He hadn't been sleeping properly either.
As the couch dipped next to him, he opened up his eyes to see his counterpart. A familiar grin on his face. Funnily enough, it didn't help.
Didn't change the fact he'd heard people whispering about him in the cafeteria, the angry boy from 1.A. The one who'd been attacked by a sludge monster in middle school, who'd been kidnapped by villains recently and could possibly turn out to be a villain.
Last thing he needed was his friendly counterpart right now. They'd never say that shit about him. He didn't even know if half that stuff had happened to him in his own verse. Maybe he should have asked.
"What do you want? I know you overheard some of that shit earlier too."
Send me "Please don't judge me" for my muse to open up about their past.
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wildxplosion · 6 years
A sleek matte black water bottle that Katsuki had ordered to come customized with the orange X of Bakugou's hero costume over the center of it sat neatly in a holiday bag. He figured his counterpart could always use another water bottle and a custom one felt like the right kind of thing to get him. Katsuki found the other and handed him the bag, "For you."
Huh, he knew that he'd gotten his counterpart a gift but he honestly hadn't expected one back.
Katsuki accepted the bag and peeked inside, seeing the water bottle. Thoughtful, something he could actually use.
"Thanks," he replied with a small grin.
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wildxplosion · 6 years
Continued from this post @nitrosweet
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"Yeah," he agreed.
Katsuki sat in silence next to his counterpart. It was kind of weird. He'd thought they'd gotten past these issues before but they'd come back just as strong.
"It sucks because I know you're a cool guy and we could cause some fucking chaos together. But then everyone acts as if I should be more like you and..." he breaks off with a scoff. "I know it's gotta be shitty for you being stuck in a different world with another you though."
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wildxplosion · 6 years
"And you would listen to a horse instead of your brother?"
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"Obviously not. I don't speak horse," Katsuki responded dryly as he patted the horse on the rump and left him to graze. Katsuke stood nearby, clearly unimpressed with his brother who had let the horse choose where to camp.
"If he could he'd probably talk more sense than you though."
It wasn't a that stupid idea. Katsuke might have travelled around more but animals were far more aware of their surroundings. Katsuki might not have a connection with the horse like he did Hono but the animal seemed pretty relaxed. The clearing looked pretty safe and there was a river nearby for them to collect water from. Seemed like a good base for their mission to him.
"Just trust me, Katsuke."
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