#kato haru x you
epickiya722 · 8 months
do you have a favorite character (or characters, if you feel like listing multiple) of all time?
Ooooh, I have a lot of favorite characters!
Miruko - My Hero Academia
Izuku Midoriya - My Hero Academia
Rock Lock - My Hero Academia
Yuji Itadori - Jujutsu Kaisen
Sukuna - Jujutsu kaisen
Takako Uro - Jujutsu Kaisen
Kasumi Miwa - Jujutsu Kaisen
Toge Inumaki - Jujutsu Kaisen
Haru Kato - Millionaire Detective Balance Unlimited
Anya Forger - Spy x Family
Atsuko Jackson - Michiko & Hatchin
Noé Archiviste - The Case Study of Vanitas
Tanjiro Kamado - Demon Slayer
Reki Kyan - SK8 the Infinity
Kaldur'ahm - Young Justice
Delphis - Young Justice
Aisha (Layla in 4Kids version) - Winx Club
Sasha - Bratz
Clawdeen Wolf - Monster High
Cedar Wood - Ever After High
Cerise Hood - Ever After High
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He lives alone?! {Haru Kato}
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Pairings: Haru Kato x reader
A/n: I happened to rewatch Balance Unlimited and I found myself looking for Haru short drabbles and shit like that but there were not a lot so I took it upon myself to provide you with some new ones so this one is inspired by Kotaro lives alone. I know this sucks but it's 5:25 am rn and I should be asleep so yes but I am more than happy to write more balance unlimited based stuff so feel free to request
Warnings: well...it is kind sad tbh but not much
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Saturday, the first day of the weekend. Haru had been enthralled because last week in the Modern Crimes Department had been exhausting. So when the doorbell rang, waking both of you up, to say that he was angry would be an underestimation.
“Stay there, I'll get it.” He sighed and left the bed. He didn't even know what time it was but it didn't matter, when it's weekend every hour during the morning can be considered early for waking someone up.
“Hello, dear neighbour, I am Kotaro and I live in the apartment next door.”
Haru took his time observing the little kid in front of him, reaching his hands out to him while holding a tissue box, he couldn't be older than 5. Finally, a smile broke in Haru's face and he kneeled in front of the little kid before accepting the box.
“Thank you little man.” He peeked outside, looking left and right. “Are your parents here?”
“I occupy the apartment next door by myself. I must away.” The little boy said and ran away. (if you've seen the anime you know how Kotaro speaks so cut me some slack)
Puzzled, Haru closed the door behind him and returned to your bed, still holding the tissue box.
“You heard that too right?” He asked you, setting the box aside.
“A little boy renting the next door apartment alone? Is that even legal?”
“I am pretty sure it's not.” Haru said concerned.
“Come on, we'll deal with this later, let's go to bed.”
You were just as concerned as he was, Haru knew this. He also knew that you wanted to sleep it off purely because you would end up overthinking about it and so he agreed. He got comfortable with you almost on top of him and closed his eyes but he couldn't fall back asleep. The same went for you. So it is needless to say you both stayed like that not knowing that the other was awake.
“I'll look into it.” Haru mumbled to himself. You were both in the bathroom brushing your teeth.
“I'll help.” He nodded in response.
You both thought of calling Daisuke to help as well but the truth was that Haru was too tired to deal with him.
And so the investigation began.
After meeting up with the rest of the residents of the apartments in the flat you figured that the concern about Kotaro was mutual. Obviously you couldn't ask Kotaro anything because at the end of the day he was just a five year old kid so you all mutually agreed to take care of him.
But to Haru that wasn't enough. He wanted to know more about this child's past, what led him to live alone.
“Our neighbour said he is taking care of him, stop stressing so much.” You hugged him from behind. “Also the rice is ready.”
If you hadn't hugged him, Haru would have most probably forgotten about the fact that he was cooking at that time. His gaze followed your figure and he watched as you were putting the rice into two bowls.
“You're worried too.”
“I am but he is safe here with us. Everyone cares about him too. Our next door neighbour whose name I always forget...”
“Same.” Haru admitted.
“He accompanies Kotaro to and from kindergarten and the supermarket and practically everywhere. Plus the boy is always active and although he is shy, he asks for help when he needs it.” Both of you sat down and started eating with the TV on, working as a background music.
Whether Haru had found anything about the child's past, you didn't know but during the next few days he appeared to have calmed himself down. You didn't know if it was because of what you had said or because he had found something but no matter the case you were happy since him being calm meant that you could also finally relax.
About a week later, everything seemed to have become clearer. You and Haru would both go to work in the mornings and in the afternoons you would pick up Kotaro from kindergarten and occasionally dine with him. Everyone in the building was taking turns taking care of him.
“I can get used to this.” You heard Haru mumbling next to you. Your head was on his chest and his hands were lazily wrapped around you as you watched TV. “It's a bit...relaxing.”
“Yeah, I will agree.” You snuggled closer. You were more than sure Haru had found something but you didn't ask. Since everything was okay now and Kotaro was safe, you didn't want to know since at the end of the day all that mattered was the kid's safety and happiness.
“I do think however, that you would be a great mom.”
“And you would be a great dad but we're not having any children right now.”
“Couldn't agree more.”
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kuroopaisen · 4 years
07:42 pm || haru kato
➵ haru finds intimacy in the most mundane of actions.
wc: 916
warnings: gn!reader, nudity
a/n: fandoms-on-main, this one’s for you! i saw your little comments on the preview for this fic and they warmed my heart. thank you for your support (i see you in my notes all the time) – i really appreciate it :( i hope you enjoy!
Haru never expected to find a partner so young.
Sure, he’s twenty-nine, but he expected to give it at least five more years before the prospect of actually settling down became a reality. Or maybe it’d take ten. However long it would be for his job to become less risky. Of course, he’d planned to get married at some point in his life – lest his mother have a tantrum – but he never thought it’d be like this.
Or with you.
The two of you stand in the shower, huddled close to each other as the steam curls up around you. There’s not a lot of space, given that Haru’s apartment is nothing to brag about, but you’re determined to make the two of you fit.
You smile up at him, your chest pressed against his.
Haru can’t tell if his cheeks are hot from the heat or from his embarrassment.
Being naked together isn’t new or rare, but the intimacy of it still surprises him. He’s known you for well over ten years, but romance is still something he needs to acclimatise to. 
He’d always taken himself as the kind of guy who’d be ‘married to his job’ – at least, until he had enough of a career to speak for itself. And he’s well-aware that what he does has a strong element of danger. Strong enough to litter marks across his body, at least.
“What’s this from?” You murmur, running a gentle thumb over a bruise on his shoulder. It’s yellowing already, and it stopped aching a few days ago.
“Uh…” He glances at it, his brow furrowing. “I don’t remember.” He’s genuinely not sure where it’s from; probably a chase or something. Or maybe just a collision with a wall. To him, it’s just another part of his job.
You tsk, shaking your head. Water droplets flick from your hair, and Haru smiles.
“It looks nasty,” you pout, looking up at his face.
“It’s fine,” he smiles, bringing a hand up to cup your face.
You tilt and press a gentle kiss to his palm. His eyes widen in surprise – though maybe he shouldn’t be so taken aback.
You treat him with such tenderness that it almost overwhelms him, but you never treat him like he’s fragile. You just treat him with care, kissing all his cuts and bruises, running your hands over his aching muscles, reminding him to take care of himself.
You remind him constantly that you care about him. That you love him.
Really, it was easy to fall for you. Far too easy, given how reticent he’d been to date during his days in the field.
Falling in love means potentially leaving someone behind.
But you’ve been such a constant force in his life, long since the two of you graduated. And Haru doesn’t know what he’d do without you.
For the longest time, it was only catch-ups on a Saturday evening, soaked through with sake and laughter, until one night, he kissed you.
He still doesn’t know why he did it, but he’s sure it had something to do with just how pretty you are when you laugh.
One thing led to another, and one stuttered love confession later the two of you found yourselves in some semblance of a romantic relationship. Some part of him wanted to push you away, to reject this.
But he just couldn’t. Not when you brought him so much stability.
You tap his neck gently with one hand – a sign you want him to lower his head.
He complies, hanging his head forward into the spluttering stream of water.
You lean up and give him a peck on the nose. Haru smiles at the gesture, bringing a hand up to squeeze your hip.  
You giggle, taking a moment to bend down and grab some shampoo. 
You hop back up to full height, shampoo in your cupped hand and a smile on your face.
He leans forward again, this time out of the stream of water.
You lather up his hair and Haru’s eyes flutter shut on instinct. He loves the feeling of your fingers in his hair, no matter the context. Something about it is so soothing, so grounding. It’s such a little gesture, but it’s one that reminds him that he’s cherished. You always give him such a good head massage; no matter how tired you are, you never skimp on it.
He watches you with unrelenting fondness; each and every act of love you make is so purposeful, so full of intention.
Every long night when he can’t sleep, every time he feels too exhausted to take care of himself, every time his past haunts him… You’re there to bring him a little warmth, a little light.
Your fingers are so gentle as they work the shampoo through his hair, and Haru prays that this moment can last a little longer.
It’s not always easy. He knows he’s difficult sometimes. He knows that he must be difficult to care about, given his line of work. And you can’t chase away every nightmare, every regret.
But none of that matters to you. You offer what you can – a hand to hold, a safe place to land. And you understand your limits, what you can and can’t achieve. You encourage him, support him, cherish him.
You may have stumbled your way into a relationship with him, but every moment you stayed was your choice. Your wish.               
And that, perhaps, is the most precious thing. 
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akaashisupremacy · 3 years
Summary: What is Haru most thankful for? 
Masterlist || Haru Kato x reader  
genre: lil bit of angst, domestic fluff  (wc: 545)
“I got offered a transfer back into the First Division.” is the first thing Haru Kato says while he stumbles back into your shared apartment.
Despite being in the laid back Modern Crimes department, Haru somehow got shot in the last case he worked on and is barely recovered. He has just come back from a visit to the hospital.
You help him ease  into his bed after taking off his coat. Haru loves police work a little too much for his own good in some cases.
“Are you going to take it?” you ask. He puts his crutch at the side of his bed and moves in so you had a place to sit.
He takes a deep breath, “The money will come in handy....”
“We can move to some place bigger or go on vacation. Maybe start saving up for our future…” his voice trails. Although you don’t doubt that Haru does want to put money aside, his words lack their usual sincerity.
“Is that what you really want?” You raise an eyebrow.
“I’ll be fine. It’s not a bad gig.” He shrugs and reaches out to hold your hand.
You place one hand over his and quietly murmur, “I don’t believe you.”
He looks left and right, relenting to his true feelings. After that incident with the bank robbery, all Haru seemed to crave were the shadows of himself when he was in the First Division. But lately, his obsession of the past is gone. For the first time in your relationship, you’ve come to meet Haru—passionate, bright-eyed pre-incident Haru.
“I used to dream of the day that I could be worthy of being back in First Division, but now that it’s here, I’m…” he takes a long sigh.
“...not sure you want it anymore?” you finish for him.
“I was still kind of a wreck when you met me. It’d be nice to do something for you for once. It’s always been about me…my demotion, my injury, my work. Don’t you want something for yourself?” he asks, his eyes full of emotion. He’s extremely grateful for all that you’ve done, but the guilt of mostly focusing on himself weighs on his back.
“Haru, I’m ok with how we’re living now.” you smile, “I also want you to be happy and even if that means staying in Modern Crimes.  I didn’t come into this relationship so you can reward me for when you come out of your rut.”
You smirk and he chuckles a bit. For a moment, he pauses to let go of his former ambitions.
“I used to think I had to be in the First Division to be considered a real detective, but I...guess not.” he breathes out.
You put your hands around your waist, “Well in my opinion, ever since Kambe joined the force, you’ve been facing the same level of danger and excitement as you did in First Division, if not more.”
“Same or more assholery too.” he rolls his eyes.
You both laugh.
“Thank you, for being ok with this. I know my job isn’t something you can brag about.”
You smile and plant a kiss on his forehead.  
“I’m not doing you a favor by staying with you. I’m here because I love you.”
Taglist: @itstheee-ha-chan
I also write for jjk and hq. Let me know if you want to be added to any of the taglists!
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reyna0w0 · 4 years
➵ Kato Haru x fem!reader
➵ Kato Haru belongs to Taku Kishimoto
➵ Oneshot
➵ W.C: 2.1k
➵ For my bb @lkingofcatsl <3 »»—————————————♡ —————————————««
Turning the key, the door clicks open. Haru trudges in tiredly, sighing. The air slightly lighter than outside; he exhales through his mouth, pensively. He makes his way to the bathroom, stripping off his clothes. Taking a quick shower, he relaxes in the bathtub. 
Sighing, he sinks into the water. His tense muscles relax at the touch of water. Work had been hectic and stressful. It wasn’t easy to deal with Hoshino’s remarks; most times, they were bearable but today, in particular, hit somewhat hard.  He doesn’t understand how they end up having to face each other every time.
Another sigh escapes his lips, but the warm water makes him feel more at ease. He pushes away the intrusive thoughts leading him to think about his precious (Name). She is the bright ball of sunshine in his dull, normal life. Even now, he can’t believe or comprehend how she came to like him back in the second year of high school. Back then, he wasn’t particularly the life of the class. He was a regular student, mostly blending in the background. Whereas, she was the light of the class. Everyone liked her and gravitated towards her. After all, she was kind to everyone and very genuine. That’s what Haru loves about her. Even now, so many years later, he’s still in awe at her. Her entire personality is so beautiful and precious to him.
A clear day, bright blue sky and the sun shining. Haru makes his way back to class after P.E.  He turns the corner and collides with someone. “Ouch.” 
He looks at who it is after hearing something drop. It’s (Name), his class president—the nice girl, the girl everyone likes. That’s the general opinion he had of her. He knew about her but they never talked besides studies related things.  
“Sorry, are you okay?” 
“I’m sorry!” (Name) says, picking up her books that were scattered on the floor. 
Her eyes meet his golden ones, and she immediately averts her gaze, looking at the books as she collects them, a slight red hue on her face. 
“Let me help,” Haru says.
“N-no! It’s fine,” (Name) insists.
“Let me do it,” Haru replies, picking up the books.
They are of the homework that is due today. Class president duties.  “I’ll help bring them to the staffroom.”
Haru is just helping out a fellow peer. “Ah, thank you,” (Name) replies softly, giving up on denying his offer. 
Besides, it is her first time interacting with him, aside from class-related things.  Her heart beating fast as they head over to the staffroom and drop off the books.
“Thank you!” (Name) says with a bow.
Haru touches his neck, “It’s no problem (Last Name)-san.”
That was the first encounter that triggered many other meetings.  (Name) found the courage to come up to him, and they slowly had long conversations until it led to this moment.
“I like you! Go out with me?” Haru asks his entire face beet red.
(Name)’s face flushed crimson, matching Haru’s as she feels her words are being swallowed. She tries to speak but no words come out, so she resorts to nodding. Haru’s face lights up, smile engulfing his face. He takes her hands and says, “I’m so happy!” 
“...Me too,” (Name) replies. 
A beautiful day on the rooftop. The time when they first became a couple. But two separate occasions made them realize they loved each other. For (Name), it was before their corridor collision. 
Haru minds his own business during recess, looking for a quiet spot to sleep. Instead, he comes upon a shitty scene—a bunch of immature students teasing a little kitten with a stick. Anger surges through him. They are bothering and hurting the small cat. He runs there and yells, “Hey!” 
The students, who are first years from the looks of their ties, look back at Haru. “Leave the kitten alone!” He yells, glaring at them.
“Shit, it’s a senpai,” One of the guys says, nudging the other two.
They drop the stick and run off, terrified by Haru’s glare.  He slowly walks up to the kitten. The poor thing so terrified and whimpering. Haru lightly pats the kitten’s back, super slowly. “It’s okay now,” He says softly.
He pets the kitten couple more times. “I’ll name you Misu, like tiramisu,” He says, chuckling.
Misu eventually stops whimpering and rubs against Haru’s legs, mewing loudly. Haru smiles softly.  He stays there with the kitten for the rest of the break, playing with Misu.
What Haru didn’t know was that (Name) saw the entire thing go down. She was about to go stop the students, but Haru beat her to it. Before this, she noticed the little things he did for people.  He was kind, but she didn’t know he was able to make such soft expressions. Most people overlooked his little acts of kindness but she did. So this situation was the trigger to her realizing her feelings for him.
Haru, on the other hand, didn’t have feelings for her prior to them colliding in the corridor. It started after they began to talk more. But, one particular event made it all clear to him. 
The school festival is approaching. Preparations are on-going. (Name) is in charge of supervising everything and she is getting overwhelmed by the responsibility. Taking a quick breather, (Name) heads up to the roof.  She collapses in a corner, tears falling. The work is taking a toll on her. Things are going wrong and their class can’t seem to agree on anything. She can’t even figure out what to do and she feels all alone. All she can do is let her tears out and go back to try to fix the mess.  Alone. 
Except she isn’t alone. Haru sneaked out before and is chilling with Misu up on the upper level of the roof. (Name) doesn’t notice her but he notices soft sniffling sounds. He gets up to see who it is. Horrified to see her crying. He has never seen her cry as she is always smiling. For a moment, he doesn’t know if he should comfort her or not.
But Misu has other plans. She jumps off and runs to her. “Misu!” Haru hisses. (Name) looks, eyes locking with Haru’s. She quickly wipes away her tears.  Haru comes down and walks to her, picking up Misu. He sits next to her, placing Misu in his lap, stroking Misu’s head.
“Are you okay?” 
“Yeah,” (Name) replies, smiling at him.
“No, you’re not. You don’t need to hide it from me,” Haru says. 
(Name) doesn’t reply to what he says. “The cat’s name is Misu?” 
“What a weird name. Can I hold Misu?” (Name) chuckles.
Haru nods and lets her take the kitten. Misu purrs as (Name) tickles under the neck. 
“Do you want to talk?” Haru asks, looking at the sky.
(Name) nods. She slowly tells him about her troubles and Haru attentively listens and gives his opinions. 
“You’re taking on too much by yourself. You can ask for help. Rely on other people. Rely on me,” Haru says.
(Name) stops stroking Misu, staring at Haru. “I-uh-That’s a first someone said to me.”
“Thank you…,” She mutters. 
She lets Misu run off and gets up, dusting her skirt. She smiles at Haru, “Thank you for listening to me. I feel much better. Please help me.” 
“Of course,” Haru says, standing as well. 
This little encounter where Haru saw a different side to (Name) made him realize his feelings. He saw her vulnerable and human whereas before they weren’t on the terms to talk about deeper topics, only casual conversations. This time he wanted to protect her, support her and bring a smile to her face. His heart started beating fast for her, in a way it never did before.
Reminiscing about all the moments that led them to where they are now, Haru gets out of the tub. The soak did him good, he feels much better but still slightly apprehensive. And thinking about (Name) helps. His beautiful girlfriend. 
He throws on some sweats and decides to make his favorite curry. He turns on the rice cooker. Chopping up the vegetables and meat, tossing them into a large pot along with curry roux. Soon, the aroma of curry spread in his entire apartment. As soon as he closes the stove, the bell rings. 
He opens the door, revealing (Name) smiling. "Hope I'm in time for dinner! I brought tiramisu! Your favorite!" 
"(Name), right on time. Come in!" Haru says, smiling.
His expression softens as (Name) makes her way inside. At the age of 29, he can truly say that she is the love of his life. After all, they have been through thick and thin. Through the good times and the bad times, fought a lot, and made up a lot. 
(Name) leaves the tiramisu in the fridge and serves the curry Haru made. Haru just looks at her, smiling lovingly. Just looking at her makes him so happy, all his troubles gone. (Name) tucks her hair back and notices Haru staring, “What are you looking at?”
“My beautiful girlfriend. Can’t I?” He grins.
“You’re so cheesy,” (Name) laughs. 
She puts the food on the table and Haru joins. The two share a light-hearted dinner and dessert, chatting about their days. Haru doesn’t mention how he is affected by Hoshino’s remarks. Once the dishes are in the sink, (Name) flops onto Haru’s bed.  
Haru joins her there and she says, “So, tell me what’s wrong.”
“What?” Haru asks.
“Don’t play dumb. I’ve known you long enough that you’re troubled by something. Did something happen at work?” (Name) asks, worried. 
Haru sighs, “I can’t hide anything from you, huh?”
“You can’t so talk to me. I’m always here for you,” (Name) replies, touching his hand. 
“...Hoshino,” Haru mutters.
Groaning, “Him again?! Will he cut it out? What did he say, Haru?”
“It was another bank robbery and Kambe and I were chasing a different criminal but he headed to the bank so we followed him. Hoshino and the rest were there because of the bank robbery. As if it wasn’t bad enough that the set up was exactly like back then. Hoshino had to tell me not to get in their way,” He explains.
(Name) squeezes Haru’s hand, his expression turning grim. She stays quiet and lets him speak.
“He also told me not accidentally shoot someone again...and he added that I couldn’t because I’m longer in Division One and not authorized to use a gun...I-It’s not just his words...It reminds me of what I have done...I’m a failure as a cop and now, I’m too terrified to use a gun…I-I can’t forgive myself for letting that happen,” Haru says, hands trembling.
(Name) feels them shaking so she moves and hugs him. “Shh, what happened back then wasn’t your fault, okay? You were startled, you had no idea the employee was involved with the criminals. It was an accident, okay? You’re not at fault. Hoshino has no right to say that to you. You’re the justest cop I know. You have helped countless people and even now, you do the same. I know you better than anyone, I know that you mean the best and you’re so hardworking and sympathetic. You’re more caring than anyone I know so don’t doubt the man I’ve come to love, okay?” (Name) says quietly but loud enough for him to hear.
Haru’s face is buried in her shoulder. He stirs slightly as she speaks. He holds her tightly, scared to let go. His past mistakes always came back to haunt him, but (Name) is there to support him. He feels he might cry, he lets her go. 
Haru faces (Name) and she’s smiling at him, “I love you, Haru. Every part of you.” 
Haru’s face scrunches up, he might actually cry. He controls himself, though. “Oh my! Don’t cry, Haru!” 
“I’m not!” Haru exclaims.
She grins, “I know, love.”
Haru smiles and whispers, “I love you so much. I can’t imagine life without you.”
(Name)’s grin widens as she jumps on him, crashing her lips into his. How bold she is. She wasn’t that forward back in high school.
Haru falls back on his bed but kisses her back, holding her hair. (Name) breaks the kiss and rolls over so that she’s lying beside Haru and staring at the ceiling. “I’m going to protect you!”
Haru chuckles, facing her, “Aren’t I supposed to protect you?”
She locks her eyes with his, “We’ll protect each other!”
“Okay,” Haru replies, feeling better than ever.
She really is his bright ball of sunshine. She was so radiating beautiful; inside out. He smiles at her and she shoots back the most adorable toothy grin. 
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vera-deville · 2 years
Fugou Keiji Fans
So, ever since the first season ended, the fandom has kind of died out a bit. Eventually, it reached a point where there was no new fanfics for Daisuke Kambe that I knew of.
This could mean one of two things:
1.) There are fanfics and stuff that I haven't come across.
2.) People have moved on from the fandom (whom @sillyroyalty pointed out to me)
Which, if it's the first one, I'm glad because at least there are still people in the fandom doing stuff, you know?
If it's the second one, I am very sad as the series is indeed great, but people can only write so many fics without making everything (such as personality traits) seem excessively repetitive). @sillyroyalty also pointed this out for me, so thank you for that!
Don't take this post too seriously. I'm just drowning in the sorrow that there's no new season and that there aren't many (if at all any) new fanfics-
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linkemon · 3 years
Kanbe Daisuke x Reader (selfship)
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Selfship made for wikaaa____ on Wattpad with a special wish for the beginning of relationship.
Friendly reminder that English is not my first languge. You can check my Masterlists both in English and Polish here.
✦ You two met when Daisuke joined the Metropolitan Police Department. From the very beginning, he tried to buy you. Literally. He wanted to know how much will cost an additional cooperation with you, and later also a date...
✦ Haru must have dragged him away from you. Only when they started getting along he gave him a good advice about you. If a man was really interested in you, he had to start doing a lot of things differently. For starters: stop throwing a check proposition at every occasion.
✦ Kambe really took that advice to heart. He was not as insistent as before. For a moment you were afraid that you had offended him with something, because he distanced a lot. However, everything has changed for the better. He started asking you about your favorite topics. Coversations with him were ten times better than before. He still has some problems with knowledge about less rich people (not to say poor in his eyes) but he tries his best.
In addition, he has also become more open about his feelings. He no longer kept them to himself and was using words instead of money to let you know he was interested in you.
✦ You give advice to your teammates all the time. They ask for them non-stop. You are the psychologist of your department. They are joking that you should change your profession.
Daisuke did not consult you under any circumstances. Instead, he was eager to cooperate with you on cases. Especially after the bad first impression was gone.
✦ He had no problem with the fact that you wanted to take revenge. He himself went through a difficult path. He helped you and would gladly spend millions of yen to make vengeance interesting. Unfortunately you refused, so he had to cancel the helicopter coming your way...
✦ He invited you to an exquisite French restaurant on your first date. On the one hand, you were very happy, but on the other hand, you didn't want to be materialistic. You promised that the time would come, but first you'd like to bring your idea to life.
You were hoping to take him to Mac so he could try burgers and fries. He had never eaten them before. When you went inside, it turned out that nobody was there. You looked around uncertainly. It was weird, but you didn't have to put up with strangers. Daisuke proud of himself announced that he had bought the whole place. You just sighed and went to order. You can eat fast food for free for the rest of your life...
✦ Kambe is a real gentleman in every situation. He always pays attention to manners. It wasn't until you took him for a beer (as Kato advised) that he turned out to be a funny guy too. You laughed at him for the whole night and next weeks too.
✦ You introduced him to games. Of course, in style. On a huge screen, with surround sound and the butler bringing you snacks. Your boyfriend is not doing very well but he's happy anyway. Your hands embrace his and show what buttons he should be pressing.
✦ Suzue thinks you're lovely. It's nice to finally meet new people in a big empty house. Another woman in particular. You go shopping together.
✦ When you are moody, the man will point this out to you. He'll do it in such a way that it'll piss you off even more. It's best if you don't see each other at times like this, because nothing good ever comes out of it.
Kambe will suggest you let your anger out at his private gym, which only adds fuel to the fire. You keep telling him to solve problems like a normal human being (which means not with money).
✦ He is very stoic in showing his feelings. You can't always read them on his face. But he has no problem with telling you to your face that he missed you or that he'd like to hug you.
✦ Daisuke calls you Treasure or Darling.
✦ He buys gifts for you often. Jewelry, clothes, flowers (a dozen bouquets at once)... You had no place to keep it all. You had to set a limit because he didn't want to give up on them entirely.
✦ You tried to talk him out of smoking cigars, but with little success. If you feel like it, he'll give you a try. Otherwise, he will start to leave the room so that you do not have to inhale the smoke.
✦ Sometimes money gets in the way of your relationship. There is a clear material difference between you, but you are trying to explain to your loved one not to waste money. He tries to listen to you, although old habits are hard to eradicate. He knows that you are not only with him for material goods. He promised himself to take care of you as best he can.
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whom-the-hell · 3 years
Hi can i have a relationship headcanon for haru katou please ?
Hey there! I don’t really write for balance unlimited, but I have written Daisuke Kambe scenarios, so why not Katou?
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Daisuke Kambe as a boyfriend: here
-Katou likes acting tough, but he just melt’s whenever he sees you.
-Probably a tsundere.
-He loves you DEARLY.
-He would probably risk his life just to protect you if you were in danger.
-He’s not really PDA, but he will not hesitate to kiss you if he’s jealous.
-He would beat the living shit out of any person if they flirt with you.
-He’s also very jealous, but doesn’t show it...much...
-He might be clingy at times whenever you both are alone.  
-He takes you out on simple dates like: café, cuddles in bed, amusement park dates.  
-He will gladly win any plushie you want.
-Whenever he’s stressed, he will come to you and talk for hours.
-He doesn’t like it when Daisuke is around y’all because he becomes really jealous.
-Katou is a completely different person when he’s around you.
-He also smiles a lot more when you are around because off the happiness that overflows him.
-He likes it when you play with his hair.
-He will cook for you whenever you stay over or any time in general.
-He is protective of you, but he isn’t like those boyfriends that are SUPER overprotective of their s/o.
-He becomes very goofy and funny whenever he’s drunk when y’all hang out.
-I feel like he gives really good hugs-
-He literally can’t stop talking about you, whenever he’s away from you, or hanging out with Daisuke, he will literally talk about you for HOURS.
-He says that he loves you rarely, so he tries to show it through actions.
-It’s really easy to make him flustered.
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onabikaa · 4 years
Reasons Why Haru Kato Is A Top
He has some KICKASS moves (like sir please flip me)
He prevented a woman and her child from getting run over by jumping in front of a car towing everything in its way
He catapulted himself into a moving van housing a bomb, WHICH WAS ALSO ABOUT TO BE PUSHED OVER THE BRIDGE BY DICKSUKE EXCUSE ME???
He came back to work the next day after being dropped into a river (like, bby i get it you’re hardworking but PLEASE rest)
He came back to work the next day after getting gasbombed (again, REST BITCH)
tells daisuke to just “lick the fucking wound”
And that smirk when he flipped open the panic chamber door to rescue Daisuke’s ass? Need i say more?
“I’m here to rescue you”
also if none of my friends defended me i wouldve started crying, props to Haru for just letting it go with an exasperated remark
Oop this turned into reasons why haru is best boi oops
Reasons why Haru Kato is NOT a top, actually
Daisuke Kambe
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kakooshi · 4 years
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Haru Kato & Ryo Hoshino | First Division Days
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aluna-hime · 4 years
I literally laugh at the fangirls who say that just because they like Haru Kato more than Daisuke Kambe (no offense I like him more than Daisuke too) that they're lucky because then they have less competition.
B*tch what are you talking about? DAISUKE KAMBE IS YOUR COMPETITION.
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epickiya722 · 8 months
Hi....If you don't mind, can I ask, what are your top 10 (or top 7) favorite media (can be books/ manga/ anime/movies/tv series)? Why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before......Thanks....
Lately, all I've been watching is anime, whether it's a rewatch (some I also have to catch up on) or anime I just gotten into and watching for the first time. In no particular order, what I have enjoyed are...
My Hero Academia
Jujutsu Kaisen
SK8 the Infinity
Buddy Daddies
Spy x Family
The Millionaire Detective Balance: Unlimited
Demon Slayer
Trigun Stampede
My New Boss is Goofy
Pop Team Epic
Collectively, the reason why I enjoy these are because they all have entertained me in a way. Each have something that sparked my interest and kept my attention or at least pulled me back in.
Example, Pop Team Epic is an animanga has a kind of humor that is chaotic and unexpected that I just always get a laugh at. Balance Unlimited has a banger opening song and likeable characters, such as Haru Kato who is my favorite, with a plot that had me intrigued. I grew up watching superhero shows so My Hero Academia definitely got me (also Yu-Gi-Oh is another reason why I had to watch MHA). Jujutsu Kaisen got some horror and tragedy elements in it that had me like "Okay, I'm here for this".
Really, it just a matter of me having multiple interests and these happen to have those interests.
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pluto-writes · 4 years
Drunken Confessions| Haru Kato
A/n: I needed a drunk, blushing Haru in my life, say thank you to episode four everyone. Also, I just realized my birthday lands on the same day ep 5 comes out (〃^∇^)ノ very happy about that. (I know I said requests are closed but;;; if any Haru fans wanna... you can.) Not proof read, I’m tired and just wanted this done.
Words: 3k
It has officially been two years since you’ve joined the Modern Crime division, and to celebrate your accomplishment, your colleagues decided to have a small gathering for you.
Everyone was congratulating you, and praising you for your service and dedication for the past couple years. It warmed your heart knowing how much everybody cared about you. Mahoro even brought you some of your favorites candies as well, and it definitely made your night so much better.
It all ended too soon for your liking, but it was getting late and everyone still had to go to work early the next morning. The only person who hasn’t left yet was Kato Haru, a fellow co-worker of yours who started working in the same division not that long before you. You guys had that in common, and naturally drifted towards each other.
Now that you think about it, you hadn’t seen much of him tonight. You didn’t realize that earlier since you were too busy being surrounded by people.
“You’re not leaving, (L/n)-san?” 
“No,” you answered, walking around the room collecting the leftover trash left laying about, “I’m gonna hang back and clean up. It’s the least I can do since everyone was kind enough to host a party for me.” 
“Then I’ll help you too,” you heard the sound of wood clattering. You looked over to where you heard it and saw Kato grabbing a broom and dust pan.
Dumping the empty cans and used napkins into the garbage, you went over to him and attempted to take the supplies from him, “It’s fine, Kato-san. Really. I can do this myself.”
“It’s no problem,” he shook his head at you. “Plus, I can’t ignore someone in need of help!” He flashed you a pure smile as he continued to sweep the floor. You can’t believe how generous he was sometimes. 
He always made a point of helping others, even when it wasn’t necessary, or didn’t benefit him in any way. Maybe that’s why you fell for him so hard.
Taking a deep breath to calm your beating heart, you responded with a simple, “Thank you.” And continued with your cleaning. You tried your best to not invade his personal space, being alone with him and doing something so domestic as cleaning reminded you of things old married couples would do together. 
After a couple minutes, the room was back in its original state. You had to admit, if Kato didn’t help you, it would've taken you longer to finish.
“You did a good job cleaning,” you commented. He was both fast and efficient, it wasn’t a half assed job.
His face grew red from the compliment, “It’s nothing. Just something I learned since I live alone,” he rubbed the nape of his neck nervously. 
“I see…” The atmosphere grew slightly awkward since you couldn’t think of anything else to say. “Well, I’ll be going now, Kato-san. Thank you for all your hard work.”
“Actually…” He called out right before you left, “I was wondering if you’d want to come to my place.” You stared back at him, confused as to why he would suddenly invite you to his apartment. Unless he meant- “N-not in tha-that way, o-of course! It’s just that…” He cleared his throat before speaking again. “I have a bottle of soju for you and I left it home.”
“Is that all? Then you can just give it to me tomorrow, there’s no need to trouble yourself.”
“It won’t be any trouble at all. Besides, it’s for you to celebrate this occasion. Wouldn’t be much of a gift if I don’t give it to you the day of.”
Knowing how stubborn he was, and how he won’t let this go, you agreed with him and followed him back home. The walk there was peaceful, and conversation seemed to flow more easily now that you were out of work.
There were a few times where you caught yourself walking too close to him that you felt his hands graze past yours, you had the urge to hold his hand and keep walking like nothing happened. But you refrained yourself from doing so, he was a co-worker, and it would be unprofessional to do so. 
The two of you finally made it to his apartment, you trailed behind him as you walked up the stairs. It was a normal apartment complex, rightfully sized for someone who lived alone. 
Once you reached the door, Kato unlocked it and stepped inside. “You can wait here, it’s too cold to wait outside.” He started to take off his shoes, and placed them on the floor, then ventured further into his apartment. 
You listened and waited for him at the entrance hall. This was your first time at his place despite knowing him for two years, it had just never come up. You took everything in, it was a tad messy but you knew that just meant it was well lived in. 
Looking around more you saw some magazines laying on the table, and all his pots and pans hanging on the kitchen wall. ‘That’s right… he can cook too. I wonder if I’ll be able to try it one day.’
“Sorry to keep you waiting,” his voice broke you out from your thoughts. “Here you go.” He handed the bottle of soju in a bag over to you with a smile. You smiled back at him.
“Thank you, Kato-san.” You peered into the bag, and saw how much he had actually given you. The bottle was huge! You thought it would be those 12-ounce bottles.
Your shock must have been visible since he asked you, “Do you not like the flavor I picked out?”
“No, no. That’s not it all. It’s just a lot of alcohol. Especially considering that I don’t think I’ll be able to drink all of this by myself.”
“Let’s open the bottle now then! It’ll be a lot less lonely if we drink it together. And I can see your reaction when you try it too!” He got himself excited thinking about it. “You can leave your shoes here, and wait for me at the table. I’ll bring some shot glasses and something to snack on as well.” He walked off towards his kitchen.
You checked the time on your phone, ‘Just one drink won’t hurt, would it?’ You thought as you bent down to take off your shoes, and left them neatly against the wall.
You walked to the table and sat down on the floor. Curious, you opened the bottle and took a whiff. It didn’t smell strongly of alcohol, it smelled more like something fruity. But you knew that was deceiving and wouldn’t want to drink too much of it.
Turning the bottle around, it revealed the sticker on the front that showed a picture of a strawberry. “So it’s strawberry flavored… hm…”
“Yeah,” Kato came back, placing a plate filled with snacks on the table, then put a shot glass in front of you and one in front of him. “Have you tried it before?”
“No. I don’t drink that much, so this will be my first time drinking soju too.” You gave the bottle to Kato, and allowed him to pour some into your cup. Once it was filled, you took the cup and waited for him to fill his own. 
“Then I’m honored to share your first drink of soju. This stuff is really good.” After his cup was filled, he lifted the glass towards you, “For two years!” 
“For two years!” You cheered after him and clicked your glasses together. You drank the liquid, and felt it run down your throat. It didn’t give you a burning sensation as other drinks do, and tasted pleasant. You could totally see yourself drinking more, but you knew that if you did you’d regret it the next day. “This tastes really good!”
“Right!?” He began to pour himself a second cup, “I usually don’t get this one for myself, but I figured you’d like it.” You were still on your first cup, you wanted to take it slow and savor it. You could always drink more another day. You could feel yourself start to loosen up with the alcohol in your system. 
You continued talking with Kato, and saw him slowly start to lose his filter. You were right to not drink too much, he seemed like the type to handle his alcohol, but his face got flushed with each couple sips and his words began to slur together. 
It was cute seeing his composer dissolve, since he’s always professional at work and took his job seriously. Getting to see this side of him was worth
“Ugh.. And don’t get me started on Kambe… He’s insufferable.” He mumbled into his glass as he drank more, “Thinks money is the answer to everything.” You guys somehow got onto the topic of your colleagues, giving your opinions on them and retelling stories about them that made both of you laugh. 
Before he could rant more about Kambe, you interrupted him. “Can I ask you something, Kato-san?”
“Go ahead.”
“I’ve been thinking, we’ve worked together for a while. And we’re somewhat close, right?” He nodded along to what you were saying. “Can I call you by your first name?” He froze as you said that, and covered his face with his hand. 
“Ah! Uhm…” His face grew hotter. 
“I understand if that’s too much! It’s just that, the Chief calls you by your given name. You can call me by my first name too!”
He averted his eyes, “D-don’t… Don’t tease me like that…”
“What do you mean?”
“When you say stuff like that... It gives me hope.” He laid his head on the table, his cheek resting against the cool wood. “It makes me think that I’m not reading anything wrong… That you might like me back…”
“You like me!?” You asked, shocked. “I’m sure there are other people who are much better than me.”
“Tha-that’s not true! Not one… one bit! You are an amazing person!” He sat up in his seat, and used his hands to prop himself on the table. “You make me want to improve myself.. And do right by you…”
He leaned over the table, his face closing in on yours, close enough that you can smell the faint scent of alcohol from his breath. “There are too many reasons to list…”  With him directly in front of you, you could see how clouded he eyes looked from the liquor. 
He brought his face in front of yours, and closed the remaining distance between your lips. His lips locked onto yours, and he pressed deeper into the kiss. Stunned by the abrupt kiss, your mind didn’t register what was happening until a couple seconds later. 
“Wa-wait!” You shoved him off of you. He whined at the loss of contact, and breathed heavily as he regained his breath. “We shouldn’t be doing this! You’re drunk right now! I don’t want to take advantage of that.”
“Ah…” He touched his lips, “Your lips felt so soft…” The blush on his face intensified. Deciding that enough was enough, and that you wanted to stop anything further from happening, you stood up and went to his side.
“Haru.” You said sternly, your eyes strict, clearly showing you meant business.
“I think it’s time you went to bed.”
“Bed!?” His eyes widened. “(L/n)-san! Don’t you think this is going too fast!?”
“Not us. Just you. You’ll thank me later when you’re more sober.” You picked him up from under his arm and guided him to his bed, and gently laid him there. “Go to sleep.”
“Huh? But I’m … I’m not tired…” Knowing that was bullshit with the amount he drank, you humored him until he eventually fell into a drunken stupor. 
You pulled out your phone and looked at the time, “It’s way too late to leave now…” You said to yourself. “I guess I can fix things up around here.” You checked on Kato again to make sure he was sleeping before you cleaned up the table and carefully stashed the strawberry soju, just in case he woke up in the middle of the night and wanted to drink more.
Once you finished clearing the table, you headed towards the kitchen. “Pardon the intrusion.” You looked in the cabinets to find a cup and to hopefully find a cloth of some sorts. After you found a cup, you filled it up with water and placed it on the table next to his bed. 
“I still need to find something to put on his head…” You whispered to yourself, “The bathroom maybe? And I could probably find some painkillers as well.”
You opened the door to his bathroom, then opened the mirror cabinet that was above the sink. You ended up finding a bottle of Advils. ‘Jackpot.’ Twisting the cap open with a satisfying pop, you took out two gel pills. As you were putting everything back in its place, you caught sight of a hand towel laying on top of the rim of the bathtub.
You grabbed the towel too, so that you can use it to cool him down. Now back at his side again, you placed the two pills next to the glass of water, so when he woke up he’ll see it and take them. 
With a sigh, you walked back into the kitchen and ran the hand towel under cold water. You yawned as you made it back to Kato, and gently sat the cool towel on his forehead. He was still knocked out, and lightly snored with every exhale. 
Tired from everything that had happened today, you became drowsy, and watched as his chest rises and falls as he breathes. You eventually fell asleep, your head resting on his mattress. 
Sunlight shined past the curtains and hit Kato directly in the face, “Ugh..” He groaned as he sat up. “My head is killing me…” He rubbed his face, trying to collect his thoughts from last night. His eyes then landed on you, your body was splayed across the floor next to his bed. “(L/n)-san...?” 
He got out of his bed too fast, causing his blood to rush to his head and face plant onto the floor next to you. The thud of his body woke you up from your slumber. “Mmh…? You up yet, Kato-san?”
“You can say that…” He sat up straight on the floor, “My head hurts even more now…”
“Oh,” you peeled yourself off the floor and picked up the water and pills, “here.”
“Thank you,” he quickly popped the pills into his mouth and drank the water. 
“You probably won’t feel better for another hour or so... “
“It’s fine…” 
You shuffled in your spot, feeling awkward by what had taken place the night before. “Uhm… Kato-san, can I borrow your kitchen? I can make you something to help with your hangover.” 
“Hangover…? That’s right, we drank together didn’t we?” 
“Mhm,” you agreed. “You more so than me though.” You stood up and walked over to the kitchen, opening the fridge to see what you could make.
“What do you mean?”
Choosing to at least spare him of the embarrassment, you left some of the truth out. “You got really drunk, and started ranting about our co-workers.” 
“I- I didn’t say anything weird, did I?” He asked you worriedly. 
You pretended to think about it, “Hm...No. I don’t think so.” You took out a few ingredients before you spoke again. “You can go take a bath while I cook. You wouldn’t want to show up to work smelling like alcohol.”
“Right… I’ll go wash up.”
He left his spot and headed towards the bathroom. After he left, you let out a deep breath. “Ahhh!” You covered your face with your hands, “How am I supposed to face Kato-san now!?” You graced your bottom lip with your finger, “His lips… were soft too… But I can’t tell him about that! I’d die due to humiliation!”
While you were contemplating on what to do, you failed to notice the footsteps closing in on you. “(L/n)-san?” 
Startled by his voice, you jumped. “K-kato-san! What are you doing?”
“Oh, I forgot to take my clothes with me,” he gestured by shaking them in his hand, “and I wanted to make sure you were able to find what you needed.”
“Yeah, I found what I needed. Thank you for checking in on me.” He went back into the bathroom, and you heard the sound of the water running follow after. “I can’t make it obvious, or he’ll catch on. He’s really good at reading people. All I can do now is finish cooking breakfast, head to work, and throw myself into the void, to never be seen again.”
A few minutes later, Kato came out of the bath with a towel around his neck, his hair was still dripping. “You were right, (L/n)-san. I did thank you later.” 
You glanced over to him, “See, I told you so.” You arranged the food neatly on the plate and placed it on the table. 
He put his hands together, “Thanks for the food!”
You repeated after him, “Thanks for the food.”
Kato took a few bites of the food and smiled at the taste, “This is really good! You really are an amazing person.” You dropped your food as he said that. ‘Shit, he knew. He had to have known.’
“Umm… Kato-san… I-”
“I hope you know I really meant it, even if I was drunk. And what happened about calling me Haru,” he smirked at you, “(Y/n).”
“H-haru…” You tested his name out, still nervous about everything that’s happening. “I think you’re an amazing person too…”
“Glad we’re on the same page now. Let’s finish the food before it gets too cold, I wouldn’t want to put your cooking to waste.”
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akaashisupremacy · 4 years
Nikki’s Multifandom M.List
Watch out for the release of these fics soon!
Requests for fics || HQ Masterlist
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𝗝𝘂𝗷𝘂𝘁𝘀𝘂 𝗞𝗮𝗶𝘀𝗲𝗻
Goodbye For Now - Gojo Satoru x Reader
First date with Gojo
What’s it like to fall for someone who isn’t afraid of death?
Existentialism x fluff x Gojo tries to make you swoon 🍯🦋
An Unexpected Chance x Gojo Satoru
Gojo tries to make moves on you
fluff + 1 tbps crack 
Gojo asks for kisses??
Playing with Fire
I feel like this is self-explanatory 🤡
Yours - Fushiguro Megumi x Reader
fluff, pining
long-term relationship x fushiguro 
soft fushiguro 🥺
Sweet Nothings - Fushiguro Megumi x Reader
What sweet nothings do you and Megumi like to exchange? 
cutie pillow talk
soft hours
The Man Who Has Everything - Gojo Satoru x Reader (ONGOING ✨)
Gojo Satoru is good-looking, all powerful and beyond good at his job. Everyone thinks Gojo Satoru has it all, except you. Having broken off your engagement for an arranged marriage with him after graduating Jujutsu Tech, your relationship is in shreds. Can you eventually find peace in each other? 
Genre: ANGST AND PINING, exes to friends to ??, commitment issues lol
New Beginnings || A Little In Love || Yours Truly || Sunset Drives || Knee Deep in Longing || Yes, Always || Brimming with Hope || Fated || Home || 
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Millionaire Detective
Thankful - Kato Haru x Reader
domestic fluff
Kato feels insecure 😤
You reassure Kato about your feelings for him 
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Bunguo Stray Dogs 
Tonight - Chuuya Nakahara x Reader 
Chuuya is always angsty
Chuuya is bad at feelings 
Chuuya likes to cuddle 👀
The Human Cost - Chuuya Nakahara x Reader
What do you trade for a life you want to live? 
Angst, angst more angst
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Shokugeki no Souma
Sweets - Isshiki x Nene
Arranged marriage trope let’s goooo
How can Isshiki and Nene fix their relationship and make peace with their past?
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renwatchesanime · 4 years
So I just watched episode 11 of Balance Unlimited and I have some thoughts (tm)
It’s the final episode guys *sobs*
Daisuke narration? Get into it.
Oh God look more tiny Daisuke look at him he doesn’t know how to smile he’s so short does that look like the face of a bastard to you oh Christ I’m crying
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“And everything changed when the fire nation attacked” ajhsjsjdhdhdb
(This is the last time I’m going to hear the opening before a new episode excuse me while I cry).
Haru my boy why would you just touch blood like that with no hesitation that’s low-key gross.
“We’ll split up and look for clues”, Daisuke actually communicating his plans with Haru? Is that trust I see? A sense of partnership? We love to see it.
... so Daisuke just randomly holds a miniature bomb in his watch? In case he needs to break a lock? At this point I’m not even surprised.
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Have you ever seen something more precious in your life? The answer is no you haven’t sorry I don’t make the rules.
This cooperation between both of them feels good I like it.
(the butler just sneaking away in the middle of the conversation was funny you have to admit)
See guys this is why we say eat the rich.
DAMN the butler has moves even while he’s injured. Mayhaps we have to stan (even tho he. Yknow. Killed a bunch of people. )
“All that glitters is not gold” well damn right you are.
Plutonium? As per Professor Plutonium? As per Powerpuff Girls???
Is he... crying? Oh lord.
“Give me a break!” You got that right #StopBrutalisingHaruKato2020
Did Haru just.... oh wow. Okay. I see how it is.
(I assure you that I do not simp for this man. I am merely an admirer of the aesthetics)
Kikuko Kambe as well as having an impeccable skin care routine also has the ability to change her eye colour at will. Fascinating.
“Did I mess up on something?” Oh Haru how I do love you.
Haru realising that his worth is not determined by his potion but rather by his actions YES we love to see it.
A sunset scene. Of course it’s a sunset scene. There is literally nothing gayer than a sunset scene ffs (yes I am talking Klance look away).
“Inspector Kambe,” have I mentioned that I love them?
HEUSC works for the police department now? Love that for them.
Idk who this Araki dude is but I already love him and that’s on that.
Oh God Daisuke is known as the Millionaire Detective his parachute literally has wealth on it oh God this man will actually be the death of me.
The way that Haru automatically knew Daisuke’s plans without them having to communicate - excuse me while I scream.
oh wait nvm LMAO. it’s even funnier this way.
And with that Balance Unlimited has come to an end. I did enjoy this anime and tuning in every week was hella fun and entertaining. Will there be a second season? Who knows~
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melsyells · 4 years
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