#katla khan
yekokataa · 1 year
Pale lore in Sacred and Terrible Air
I pulled together some of my favorite descriptions of the Pale from Kurvitz's novel. All excerpts are from the excellent fan translation by Group Ibex, which I think really nailed the style of the game in these quotes.
Warning: Full of SPOILERS and extremely LONG!
The Pale, up close:
The main characters take a road trip to the Lemminkäise zone of entroponetic catastrophe in Katla. They hire a racecar driver and drive to the very edge of the disaster zone, where matter is actively dissolving into the Pale.
The border point disappeared behind them, along with the invisible boundary of winter’s orbit, beyond which is eternal winter. The asphalt also disappeared over time; they encountered rural families on sleds along snowy gravel roads. It is their great privilege to have seen the pale with their own eyes, where it has towered behind the silo since childhood. 
Kenni sees the black mass of the forest slowly drifting into the sky. The earth crunches and cracks as the spruce trees tear themselves out of it, roots and all. The wood screams, and the frozen earth too, like they’re in a dentist’s chair. A cloud of limestone gravel flies into the air, and far above in the dark, the first trees are subsumed in the pale. 
Tereesz, Khan, and the mad Suruese driver look outside, their heads tilted back, as the pale approaches from behind the house. Inside, the bass drum thumps robustly, and outside, behind the silhouette of the building, the dark mass of the forest rolls up into the sky across the entire visible horizon. The pale rises vertically from the spruce forests like a wave, from the mountain ranges above the expanse of the world. Its horror moves slowly, humming over the world, but the world is made of matter, and matter is evergreen, ancient; it sustains itself with surprising dignity even at the moment of disappearance.
The pale can lift up entire houses! Holy shit! Our boys make a narrow escape from the edge of the encroaching pale as a house is torn away from its foundation.
In the yard, where the wheels of the motor carriage have drawn a loop in the snow, Inayat Khan looks up at a farm building that hovers above him like a ghost. Electrical wire entrails hang out of the rotating object, black against the expanse of the starry sky. It drifts on into the pale with a self-evident calm. Up above, a trail of its furniture and crumbling foundation remains. In the yard in front of him, Khan watches how a startled Tereesz and Kenni follow the object’s path, their heads tilting back until they hit the wooden fence behind them.  In a strange, panic-free concern, they all look in the direction of Ulv’s crumbling house. It seems as if every little crack comes from its limestone foundation. Soon it will rise up. But nothing happens. The pale freezes in place far away, behind the house; the creaking of the forest stops, and the music in the house also stops. Somewhere in the perceptible distance, on the edge of the frozen pale above, the farmhouse falls apart and disappears.  […] The engine revs up and the carriage’s wheels spin in the snow. The mass of the pale can no longer support its phantom weight. It breaks down. The vast clearings crumple under it in an instant, exploding with powder snow; a collapse like a shock wave whirls over the world. Spruce trees bow under the blow, and the pale blasts open the windows of the old decaying manor house. It arches around the edges of the house, as if hesitating for a moment, and then explodes together, encompassing it. The pale grabs the manor in its lap, and somewhere inside, in a room with a low ceiling, the young man puts on his headphones. He reads the sweeping pale like a magnetic reader reads a Stereo 8 tape. […] The pale blows across the fields, on both sides of the village road. Its avalanche crashes onto the gravel; the rumbling wall approaches, glowing crimson from the motor carriage’s tail lights. 
Travel through the Pale:
Floating magnet trains seem common, and they even go through the Pale. There's a brief mention that Tereesz once spent a week on a magnet train and was then told he wasn't allowed to travel for a year afterwards due to the dangers of pale exposure.
Outside on the platform, giant buffers are being pulled off the train. The umbilical cord is cut and thus, freed from the connecting bridges, the entire weight of the train with its five-fold carriage slats sinks onto the magnets. They howl at full power below the train cars. And then the flight begins.  The magnetic support splits the North Sea under it in two. It’s quiet inside, the generators humming as the train whizzes by fifty metres above the water. The three of them stand together, laughing. Tereesz extinguishes his smoke in a bronze ashtray, and they turn their back on the observation windows. Ahead, the pale awaits, and past it begins a big world. […] Through the windows, all that’s left of the city behind them is the light pollution, a golden glow in the distant darkness of the snowstorm. 
This floating train station has an illustration Rostov by the way.
For a historical travel example: the famous disappearance of the airship Harnankur. This airship was referenced in the game in the form of the 50-real vodka in the special edition commemorative bottle! Rostov's illustration from the novel is here, showing a model of the ship in Khan's basement.
One hundred and fifty years ago, on another isola—the Graad isola—it snows in the city of Mirova. It’s a midwinter evening, but thousands of people have gathered in the harbour. The quay bustles with them. In the background lies imperial Graad—church steeples and chimneys. The crowd is waving, bidding farewell to the airship rising into the sky. A swan made of wood and nickel rises into the blizzard, and the passengers of the world’s first interisolary flight wave to the crowd from its balcony baskets: well-dressed boujee people, with a never-before-seen adventure ahead of them. It’s the pale—terrifying, but at the same time such an upbeat and unforgettable experience. Modern technology, in the form of a luxuriously upholstered airship, now makes such an experience possible for an ordinary, if perhaps slightly better off, citizen. And on the other side of the pale—oh mystical pale!—the land of Katla awaits, with its royal capital of Vaasa.  […] Two days later, the interisolary flight enters the pale, and then, barely six hours later, a deviation occurs in the airship’s course. “Harnankur” has gone missing with fifteen hundred passengers on board. The flight is believed to have drifted into an uncharted entroponetic mass, the pale superdeep. 
The pale makes a hissing sound. Here Khan receives a phone call from one of the missing presumed dead girls, who may be a ghost or part of the pale, it's all left very ambiguous. It reminds me of the part in the game where you can call Slipstream SCA and hear a ghost trapped in the phone.
He picks up the receiver, and the hallway fills with the hiss of the pale. It grates in his ear.  “Hello?” asks Khan. But no one answers. “Hello, who is it? Please tell me who you are!” he repeats, more and more pleading each time. The hissing becomes louder and louder, until finally it deafens him, the pressure in his inner ear goes awry, and only that vibration from who-knows-where remains, its centre. The silence goes through his flesh and bones like waves. It’s cold. 
Later, we learn that the pale can actually come through the phone lines?? Creepy!
The speaker switches to a long-distance call; the pale seeps into the hall air from the fabric-covered ziggurat. The signal runs as an entroponetic sequence through the Great Unknown, from Katla to Graad. Relay stations clear the call from the noise of history along the way, but something always creeps into the wires—a ghost radio station. Its quiet voice in its unintelligible language reminds us what it’s here for. To end life. 
It's also similar to the sounds of the pale latitude compressor! During a long distance call through the pale, a voice is heard spelling things out using an “international alphabet” like the real-world NATO phonetic alphabet.
This is how matter degrades, drop by drop, like an analog rhythm running from red through the colourless world. The international alphabet is hidden in the low-frequency waves, “... Nadir-Ellips-Gamut-Azimuth...” and so on, to the border of the settlement. 
Culture, ideology
Zigi as a teen is a total edgelord when it comes to talking about the pale:
But above all, Zigi is still a nihilist. He reads dia-mat [dialectical materialism], says that animals are automatons, is a fan of behaviourism, and adores the pale and the nihilistic innocence of Mesque, Ambrosius Saint-Miro. […] The geography teacher sent him to the principal’s office, and Zigi stopped at the door, the zippers of his leather jacket jingling. “See you in the pale,” he said, and ran his index finger across his throat. Back when entroponetics was not discussed at school, many people gathered around Zigi during recess, and the corridor echoed with his half-truths: “The pale is made of the past,” he said. “All the lost things are jumbled up there, sad and abandoned. The pale is the world’s memory of the world. It accumulates matter and sweeps away everything in its path. This is what’s called entroponetic collapse.”  “But when will it happen, Zigi?" “Yes, Zigi, when?” “It will happen in your lifetime, little Olle. At least, I hope so. History swallows the present; the world of matter disappears, desaparecido... That’s why there’s no point in our generation going to school. There will be no future. When you grow up, don’t have children like your underdeveloped bourgeois parents did. You’ll get to see them die, and that’s it. Compared to the pale, there’s only a small amount of the world left! In the end, the isolas will sink, dozens and hundreds of square kilometres of land mass, can you even imagine? Like a ship keeling over into the pale. Fwooom...” Zigi makes a sinking ship gesture with his hands, the zippers of his leather jacket jingling; the children gasp. “Don’t worry, Olle, this will be the peak of humanity.” 
In the game, Zigi's brand of entroponetic nihilism gets two very brief (and kind of hidden) mentions, where it's named as entropolism. I've got those quotes saved in my post here.
The pale seems very wave-like in that scene where it lifts a house, and apparently it's also like a wave according to science:
“It’s an oceanographic myth. The Killer Wave.” Little Khan points in the direction of the body of water. The four of them watch from the safe warmth of a beach towel. Insects buzz in the dark, around the gas lanterns. “For a long time it was just that—a myth, a sailor’s tale. Arda even has a mythological name for it: ‘halderdingr’. But now they’re a scientifically documented phenomenon, they really exist, you understand? This explains the dozens, hundreds of missing ships. […] “And you know what’s the most fucked up thing about it?” Khan asks slyly. He wipes his diamaterialist glasses and then puts them back on. His almond eyes squint behind the magnifying lenses, filled to the brim with popular science mystique. “The same effect—don’t ask me how, I don’t know—but the same non-linear effect also explains the pale. They use it in entroponetics. This is how the pale behaves when it sweeps over the world.” 
I've heard that in Estonian the word used for Pale is Hall, meaning both frost and mold, like a pale gray film that covers the surface of things. As the Pale takes Vaasa, fruits begin to grow mold. Some people choose to stay rather than leave the disaster zone.
The panic has cooled. In the strange indifference of the evacuation, whole families stay behind in Vaasa. There they play board games, in their houses, in their spacious apartments. They love vitamin-rich food, and when the pale is only a few days away, it’s always signalled by the same beautiful event. Fruits go mouldy. It grows vigorously on them. Children listen to oranges crackling on the table. Spores sprout from the pulp, apples are hairy with it. If you try to touch them, they crack open. No one knows why it’s like that. But few can muster the energy to be afraid of that time, and that’s why I say it’s beautiful. 
And later, when Zigi is living in a forest that's been taken by the Pale, even the animals have been consumed by it although they're still alive:
And to the dark forest, to the museum of natural history, where mould grows on the horns of the males and puffs of steam no longer rise from the kids’ nostrils. They still breathe—not oxygen, but pure pale. 
Turning into a protein mass
The mother of the missing girls sits in her home, waiting for the pale to take her:
Ann-Margret Lund also sits there somewhere in her kitchen, in the middle of the pale; her rooms are quiet and clean. The former teacher wears a beige jacket and an above-the-knee skirt, and watches the moulding apricots. […] Like everyone else, she can’t do anything in this extended stay, where one’s sense of the present slowly drifts away. But whereas the others dissolve into their memories, she simply disappears. It’s as if her life had never happened. The past is not awaiting her return. She just wanders around the rooms, adjusts her grandmother’s lace doily and bedspreads, arranges the curtains on the rails. And thus, tastefully, she refuses to indulge in those ecstasies which visit the human spirit when the world is disintegrating. Nothing leaves her hands, and nothing returns.  When Katla finally sinks into the pale, Ann-Margret Lund turns, without the slightest pleasure, into a protein mass. 
Hanging out in the Pale with the ghost of Ignus Nielsen
Years later, as an adult, Zigi has become immune to the effects of the Pale, and even stays in the middle of it in a tent, hanging out with the cytoplasmic spirit of a dead communist.
Human speech sounds out of place in the silence of the pale. It echoes in the gloom of the trees as Zygismunt trudges through the snow. There’s an old trick coined by the great entroponaut K. Voronikin, that you have to shout in the pale. Otherwise, you start to feel gloomy, and the past comes up. But Zygismunt needn’t be afraid of that. When he first entered the pale, he discovered to his great dismay that he couldn’t return like everyone else. Or rather—he could, but not where he really wants. This makes him indispensable to Mazov’s idea. The disappearance of the Lund children has literally given Zigi special entroponetic powers. 
He goes hunting for pale-poisoned ibexes. The phrase ‘protein mass’ comes up again. It seems that any human or animal in the pale for long enough eventually turns into a protein mass.
The entroponaut shakes himself. Snow falls from the shoulders of the anorak coat. He goes on alone. An hour of frozen machine tracks and hoofprints in the snow run along in the flashlight beam. And when a herd of ibex finally emerges from the darkness, they are frozen in place in the middle of the road, like an exhibit in a natural history museum. Some of the females sometimes jerk in place, sneezing; this is a nervous impulse, a muscle tremor. The backs of the stuffed animals are already covered with snow, but their snouts are still steaming, they’re still breathing—some for a few days, some for a week. An anorak-clad figure moves through the herd with the indifference of a professional until the beam of his flashlight casts the alpha male’s crown of horns as a shadow on the wall of spruce trees. Zygismunt looks into the animal’s glazed eyes. Its sense of time has broken down. An automaton’s primitive fragment of a brain strays in the pale faster than that of a human. This is how hunters from the outskirts go hunting in the entrokataa. Of course, they’ll eventually go mad from it as well, and one day they won’t return. But not Zigi, he has special abilities. He takes a pocket knife from his belt and slits the protein mass’s throat. 
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The orange flicker of the sun, the sound of water, and the rustling of percussion instruments cool quietly, and in Khan’s popular-science dream, a cosmic autumn orbits above him. And the vibration, as always. It's getting cold. A faceless, bottomless epiphery sprawls behind the backs of the giants. Forgotten high in the sky, these ancient communications satellites calibrate their rusty bellies toward the curvature of the earth. Catapult-like joints swing into position, boulders screech like a flock of storks at the edge of the stratosphere, communications units rattle into the ether. A cluster of compound-eyed measuring devices looks down, to where the southern coast of the Katla isola blooms in a brief burst of summer. This piece of land, like a beautiful dream, snoozes amongst the chilled cradle of vortical motorways and the pale's thousand-kilometre arcs. The past, approaching, all-consuming. The pale is all around. But the dark green forests and the white strip of beach, the iridescent North Sea mirroring the sun, the Vaasa Archipelago and little Charlottesjäl still endure. And the less matter remains, the smaller a space you squeeze it into, the more strangely it sparkles.
For the Hot Entropolic Summer fanfest (Sacred and Terrible Air 10th anniversary)
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Püha ja õudne lõhn (Sacred and Terrible Air) chapters 15+16 summary
Chapters index - ask away for any clarification or further details!
The chapter of the end times. We follow the last days of various secondary characters throughout the six years that go from the beginning of the end – the initial pale onslaught, the nuke – to global entroponetic collapse in 78. It’s a suspended atmosphere. Oblivion and annihilation are almost met with relief. Some, like Anita, come into their own in the end days, finding unexpected wellsprings of inner strength. Gessle’s subversive documentary on Hirst finds a public of fascists missing the nuance. Khan calls his mother for the last time one month after reaching Graad, saying goodbye. He will not return. Katla joins Graad in the war against Mesque; the struggle is futile, but as satire would have it, not even losing a war can take the social democracy out of Vaasa. They even become the first and last city in history to eliminate light pollution. As the world ends, they look at the stars.
The war entwines with the advance of the pale. Its arrival is heralded by fruit going mouldy.
As Ann-Margret Lund dissolves at last, she leaves no memories in the pale, there is no past for her to return to. Katla sinks into the pale.
(Monty Python voice) and now for something completely different. Present (72), Samara, collapsed Nad-Umai region. Zigi, now a washed-out husk of a man, traverses the desolate grey expanses of the near pale. But he is not alone…
21 years ago, Vaasa. In a fit of rebellion, as one does to change the world, a drunk Zigi wrecks a bus stop, fisticuffs a trash bin and throws a brick at the window of the fanciest picket fence house in the suburb: the Lund house. The girls’ father rushes out to punish the vandal and engages him in a long pursuit which, after some slapstick detours, ends with Zigi climbing to the safety of a garage roof. Then, too, he was not alone, a shadowy figure was already egging him on from the roof, inciting violence...
Present. Zigi’s past and present companion turns out to be none other than the blurred cytoplasm of Ignus Nilsen. The two have a contentious relationship, with the apocalyptic shrike now supporting, now inspiring, now suicide-baiting his ward. Zigi is trying to flee from the world. This pains Nilsen, who, despite everything, loves the world deeply. Their bickering takes on the ideological tones of a confrontation between communism and nihilism, a central tension of the book. At one point, Nilsen’s impassionate defense of communism, in its most fundamental aspect of belief in your fellow human, appears to make the pale retreat from their spot. This makes Zigi panic. The pale rolls back. Nilsen accuses the Lund girls of having been bourgeois, all girls are bourgeois, but Zigi shuts him up: they weren’t. He does not know what they were thinking, but it was something else.
Zigi threatens to make Ignus disappear if he won’t reveal something from his erstwhile, bloody retreat to Samara: why on earth did he take the Harnankur model with him? But Nilsen admits that all he says – all the tales of Mazov and his gentle soul, of the amphetamines-fueled birth of Samara SRV – can’t reach any further than what Zigi already knows...
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dreamsleever · 7 years
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Art I made for the amazing @wackart-and-whatnot of their drell OC, Katla Khan. <3
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Bands List (Part 11: K)
Disclaimer: My passion and like for the respective bands does not mean that I support them outside of the music-world. I just like the songs, for whatever reason. Also, this took hours of research and mental exercises and checks through older lists I had made in the past, however I might be forgetting some bands, or might have accidentally put the same band twice (blame the human natural error). With this being said, let’s go! K: K'hara, K.A.S.K., Ka Gaia An, Kaak, Kaamos Warriors, Kaapora, Kaarkema, Kaarnekorpi, Kaatarakt, Kaatayra, Kabexnuv, Kablo, Kadath, Kadath, Kadaverdisciplin, Kadaverficker, Kadaverica, Kade Storm, Kadotettu, Kadotuksen Portti, Kaer Morhen, Kaerulean, Kaffaljidhma, Kafka Rex, Kafkuh, Kagrenak, Kâhld, Kahtmayan, Kaihoro, Kailess, Kaipirau, Kairi, Kaiser, Kaiserfaust, Kaiserreich, Kalahari, Kalanthes, Kalashnikov, Kalashnikov Khaos, Kald, Kaldt Helvete, Kaldvard, Kaleikr, Kalevan Soturit, Kalibas, Kaligoh, Kaligulaa, Kall, Kallaikoi, Kallomäki, Kalloused, Kalma, Kalmah, Kalmankantaja, Kalmen, Kalmhain, Kalos Kagathos, Kalpa, Kalseroth, Kalt Vindur, Kalte Sonne, Kalyot, Kamaedzitca, Kamara, Kambrium, Kamikabe, Kamikaze Pilots, Kamlath, Kampfar, Kampfeswut, Kampøks, Kanashimi, Kandaon, Kaneq, Kangaz Korva, Kannabinõid, Kannustaa, Kanok, Kanto Arboretum, Kaos 218, Kaos Reign, Kaos Vortex, Kaosophia, Kaosquad, Kaoteon, Kaouenn, Kapakmens, Kapala, Kaptan Kadavra, Karbonsoul, Karcharoth, Kardashev, Karg, Karkaos, Karkav, Karlahan, Kârma, Karma Rassa, Karmadialis, Karmic Ashes, Karnak, Karnivore, Kaross, Karpackonaut, Karpathian Relict, Karseron, Kartikeya, Kartoum, Karv Du, Kasdeyae, Kaskaveil, Kassogtha, Kasu Weri, Katabasis, Katacombes, Kataklysm, Katakombi, Katalepsy, Kataplexia, Kataplexis, Kataplexy, Katar, Katarakt, Katastah, Katastropha, Katatonia, Katechon, Katedra Patologii, Kathaarsys, Kathartik, Katla., Katorga, Katumus, Kauan, Kaula, Kaunis Kuolematon, Kausalgia, Kauze, Kavyk, Kayo Dot, Kayser, Kazgaroth, Kecske, Keef Mountain, Keelhaul, Keep of Kalessin, Keep Them Blind, Keeper of the Gloom, Keeper ov Seal, Keepers of Death, Keepleer 18, Keine Hoffnung, Keiser, Këkht Aräkh, Keladak, Kelda, Kelevra, Kemwer, Kenaz, Kenn Nardi, Kenoma, Kera Munin, Kerbenok, Kerbmaldarr, Kernel Zero, Kess'khtak, Ketch, Ketha, Kevätuhri, Kevel, Key of the Moment, Keys of Orthanc, Keziah, Kha.wis, Khadlub, Khanate, Khanus, Khanъ, Khaos Labyrinth, Khaos-Dei, Khar Sulde, Khatryna, Khazad-dûm, Khemmis, Khepra, Khiazma, Khila, The Khind, Khlamyydia, Khold, Kholm, Khonsu, Khragkh, Khthon, Khünnt, Khyæghürr, Kief Demon, Kielkropf, Kilgrin, Kill Everything, Kill Robot Kill, Kill the Con Man, Kill the Easter Rabbit, Kill the Freak, Kill the Lizard, Kill the Stigmatic, Kill the Thrill, Kill the Whore, Kill with Hate, Kill Yourself in Others, Killborn, Killchain, Killer Be Killed, Killermia, Killimanjaro, Killing Addiction, Killing Capacity, Killing for Company, Killing Gandhi, Killing in Apathy, Killing Roots, Killing the Catalyst, Killmosphere, KillScream, Killsorrow, Killswitch Engage, Kilometer 94, Kilsorrow Klan, Kilta, King, King, King Apathy, King Beef, King Bolete, King Bong, King Corpse, King Furia, King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard, King Goat, King Goblin, King Hiss, King Humungus, (The) King Is Blind, King Juss, King of Asgard, King ov Wyrms, King Woman, King Zog, Kingdom, Kingdom Faust, Kingdom Gone, Kingdom of Decay, (The) Kingdom of Peace, Kingdom of Shad, Kingdom of the Leech, Kinglord, Kingsblood, Kinstrife & Blood, Kintsukuroi, Kintsukuroi, Kivimetsän Druidi, Klamm, Klandestyn, Klär, Kleaver, Klepsydra, Kleptocracy, Kloct, Klonque, Kludde, Knabulu, Knarkaren, Kneel Before None, Knieja, KNO3, Knochen, Knocked Loose, Knoest, Knokkelklang, Knots, Knowhere, Knuckle Dragger, Knut, Koaggulation, Kobold, Kodiac, Kodiac, Koheigen, Kohllapse, Kohmahts, Kokophrolic, Kolahri, Koldbrann, Kolkko, Kolodrianatrum, Koloss, Koloss, Kolossor, Kolossus, Kolotun, Koltum, Komarov, Komatsu, Kombenk, Kombur, Kommandant, Kommando, Kommando Baphomet, Komodo Island, Kon Hex, Konad, Končiny, Konfront, Kong Lives, Kongh, Konkhra, (The) Konsortium, (The) Konstellation, Kontagion, Kontinuum, Konungar, Konvent, Koprotopsy, Koreisch, Koreltsak, Korijenje Vječnosti, Kormak, Kormorana, Koronatizor, Körös, Korothul, Korpiklaani, Korpse, Korpsesoturi, Korpsik, Korpus, Kortirion, Korum, Korvid, Kosatka, Koschcoroth, Kosmhall, Kosmodemonic, Kosmogonia, Kosmos Brenner, Kossuth, Kostnitsa, Kozeljnik, Kozilek, Kraaker, Kraanium, Krabathor, Kraegeloth, Kraftvøid, Krahnholm, Krajiny Hmly, Kraken Duumvirate, Kråkslott, Krallice, Krampus, Kraniosacral Therapy, Krautnaut, Krepuskul, Kreator, Kres, Kreuzweg Ost, Kriadiaz, Krief de Soli, Krieg, Kriegsgraben, Kriegsschwein, Krig, Krigblåst, Krigere Wolf, Krigsgrav, Krimh, Krodha, Krokmitën, Krokodil, Krolok, Kromlek, Krosis, Krovelëd, Krud, Krudus, Krüel Kömmando, Krumkač, Krummholz, Kruna, Krüppel, Krux, Kruzifix, Krv, Krvshr, Krylithsic, Krypta Nicestwa, Kryptograf, Kryptotype, Krypts, Kryzgx, KSK, Kuar Nhial, Kublai Khan TX, Kugelblitz, Kūka'ilimoku, Kulde, Kull, Kullervo, Kult des Pan, Kultą, Kultika, Kunvuk, Kuolemajärvi, Kuolemanlaakso, Kurgan, Kuundlaan, Kvaen, Kvalt, Kvasir, Kvasir's Blood, Kveldsmoerke, Kvlt of Odium, Kvøid, Kylesa, KYOTY, KYPCK, Kyterion, Kyuss, KZOHH.
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nntheblog · 2 years
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Le Final de Peaky Blinders 6 voit Jack Nelson organiser la libération de Michael Gray (Finn Cole), à condition qu’il tue Tommy Shelby (Cillian Murphy). Le patriarche Shelby, que l’on croyait en phase terminale, commença à organiser la dernière étape de ses arrangements commerciaux. Cela comprenait un voyage à l’île Miquelon au Canada pour recueillir 5 millions de dollars pour une cargaison d’héroïne Nelson. Pendant que tout cela se passe, Duke Shelby (Conrad Khan), Isiah Jesu (Daryl McCormack), Finn Shelby, Billy Grade (Emmett J. Scanlan) et d’autres Peakys descendent sur Tommy’s Arrow House pour enlever les corps qui ont été enterrés avant que les entrepreneurs n’emménagent et pour collecter divers objets. https://www.youtube.com/embed/mVwktFm4UK4?feature=oembedPar répartition des médias Arthur Shelby (Paul Anderson), prend place au pub The Garrison. Il affirme qu’il boira du champagne aux côtés de sa femme Linda Shelby (Kate Phillips). Cela le laisse ouvert à l’attaque de l’IRA dirigée par le capitaine Swing / Laura McKee. Enfin, Sir Oswald Mosley et Lady Diana Mitford (Amber Anderson), quittent Londres pour Berlin. Ils prévoient de se marier en présence d’Adolf Hitler, dirigeant nazi et chancelier allemand. Cependant, cela ne s’est pas passé comme prévu pour les ennemis de Tommy Shelby. Voir aussi Quand sortira la saison 3 de The Bureau of Magical Things ? RECEVEZ LES DERNIÈRES NOUVELLES DRAMATIQUES DIRECTEMENT DANS VOTRE BOÎTE DE RÉCEPTION ‎Restez à jour avec tous les drames, du crime à la comédie en passant par l’époque. Adresse e-mail INSCRIVEZ-VOUS‎ ‎La saisie de vos informations signifie que vous acceptez nos termes et conditions ainsi que nos politiques de confidentialité. Vous pouvez vous désabonner à tout moment.‎ ‎QUI EST TUÉ DANS L’ÉPISODE 6 DE PEAKY BLINDERS ?‎ ‎Dans le final de Peaky Blinders, il y a eu trois morts de personnages principaux.‎ - Billy Grade - ‎Laura McKee/Capitaine Swing‎ - ‎Michaël Gray‎ ‎Tout d’abord, Black Cat' Billy Grade est tué par Duke Shelby. Tommy Shelby peut croiser le père Tommy Shelby à ses risques et périls. Son fils a banni l’oncle Finn Shelby de sa famille pour ses échecs. Cela conduit à une nouvelle querelle, alors que Finn promet d’amener le débutant.‎ ‎Deuxièmement, la figure de l’IRA, la collaboratrice fasciste ‎‎Laura McKee alias Captain Swing‎‎ arrive à la garnison avec un groupe de soldats pour tuer Arthur. Mais il s’est préparé pour eux avec Charlie Strong et Jeremiah Jesus avec lui.‎ ‎Après une fusillade dans des brumes sombres, Arthur utilise du gaz moutarde pour affaiblir Laura jusqu’à la mort avant de donner le coup fatal à son cœur pour le meurtre de Polly Gray.‎ ‎Voir aussi‎ ‎Quelle sera la date de sortie de la saison 2 de The Nevers ?‎ ‎Il dit : « Repose en paix Pol. » Polly Gray (Helen McCrory) a été vengée dans le final de la saison 6 de Peaky Blinders BBC‎ ‎La finale se termine avec Tommy et Michael qui se retrouvent face à face une fois de plus et se terminent par la mort ‎‎de Michael Gray.‎ ‎Après avoir bu un verre rapide, ils sortent du bar. Michael se glisse alors à nouveau, affirmant que Michael a oublié ses cigarettes. Nous savons que tout cela fait partie de son grand projet et qu’il y a une explosion derrière lui, avec les fenêtres clignotantes en orange.‎ ‎À l’insu de Michael, le fiable Johnny Dogs avait éteint la bombe, laissant Tommy indemne et libre de continuer son voyage vers la rédemption. Tommy prend une balle dans la tête et Michael n’a d’autre choix que de payer. Finn Cole pour le rôle de Michael Gray dans Peaky Blinders YouTube/BBC‎ ‎Peu de temps après, Alfie Solomons, le fanfaron, était loquace et babillant sur un mariage et des éléphants et Dieu seul sait quoi d’autre pour confirmer son pieu.‎ ‎Tommy rentre ensuite chez lui pour dire au revoir à sa famille avant de partir seul.‎ ‎Als Read:‎‎Surviving Summer Season 2 Date de sortie : Tout ce que vous devez savoir‎ ‎Voir aussi‎ ‎Quelle sera la date de sortie de la saison 2 de Katla ?‎ ‎LA SANTÉ DE TOMMY SHELBY ET OÙ EST-IL MAINTENANT?‎ ‎Nous avançons d’un mois et trouvons Tommy dans une caravane dans un endroit non divulgué, rempli de photos de ses proches, ainsi que de divers bibelots. Lorsque Ruby apparaît, il charge son arme et la met sur sa tête.‎ ‎Elle dit : « Tu dois vivre. » Ruby informe Tommy qu’il n’est pas malade. Une coupure de journal tirée des restes carbonisés dans l’incendie confirme qu’il ne mourra pas de sitôt. Cependant, beaucoup ont affirmé qu’il était déjà mort.‎ ‎Le tuberculome a été complètement inventé. Aneurin Barnard pour le rôle du Dr Holford dans la finale de Peaky Blinders BBC‎ ‎Le Dr Holford (Aneurin Barard), qui l’a informé de son faux destin, était, en fait, un nazi qui tourne en rond avec Sir Oswald Mosley et Diana Mitford.‎ ‎Tommy a appris cette information dans une coupure de journal. Il montre Mosley et Mitford se marier en Allemagne, et Holford est parmi les invités du mariage.‎ ‎Tommy confronte Holford, le couple échange des mots et nous nous préparons à la mort de Holford. Cela n’arrive pas.‎ ‎Il semble que le chef du clan Shelby soit un homme différent.‎ ‎L’épisode se termine avec Tommy mettant le feu à sa caravane, comme Holford l’a ordonné à un serviteur. Cela marque un nouveau chapitre de la vie de Tommy et nous passons au long métrage.‎ ‎Voir aussi‎ ‎Quelle sera la date de sortie de la saison 3 de Doom Patrol ?‎ ‎Tommy continuera sa vie sur ordre des Peaky F**king Blinders‎ ‎ACTEUR SAISON 6‎ ‎THOMAS « TOMMY » SHELBY‎ ‎Cillian Murphy pour le rôle de Tommy Shelby dans Peaky Blinders BBC‎ ‎Son avenir est maintenant sous contrôle après qu’on lui a dit que son diagnostic terminal de tuberculome avait été un mensonge. Il a été vu pour la dernière fois sur un cheval blanc. Il va recommencer. Il cherchera à se venger. Cherchera-t-il à se venger de sa famille ?‎ ARTHUR SHELBY ‎Arthur a été vu pour la dernière fois en deuil de la mort de Tommy. Il a manqué le dîner de famille où Tommy a fait ses adieux, avant de s’exiler lui-même.‎ ‎Arthur sera aidé à guérir par une visite avec Linda Shelby, sa femme.‎ ‎ELIZABETH « LIZZIE » SHELBY‎ ‎Natasha O’Keeffe dans le rôle d’une Lizzie Shelby en deuil dans la finale de Peaky Blinders BBC‎ ‎Après avoir appris que Tommy avait couché avec Lady Diana Mitford, Lizzie a quitté Arrow House et son mariage. Charles Shelby a rejoint Lizzie en tant que beau-fils et elle est maintenant à la recherche d’un nouveau départ.‎ ESME SHELBY-LEE ‎La belle-sœur veuve de Tommy, Esme, a été vue pour la dernière fois dans l’épisode 4. Esme a reçu un paiement d’or pour avoir aidé Tommy à retrouver Evadne Barwell et unit également Tommy à son fils Duke.‎ ‎Voir aussi‎ ‎Quelle sera la date de sortie de la saison 2 de Cursed ?‎ ADA THORNE ‎L’avenir s’annonce plus prometteur pour Ada Thorne dans Peaky Blinders BBC/Caryn Mandabach Productions Ltd./Robert Viglasky‎ ‎Ada a été vue pour la dernière fois avec Karl, son fils, lors du dîner de famille où Tommy a dit au revoir. Ada a été encouragée à devenir politicienne par son frère et semble avoir été reconnue pour son excellente gestion de l’entreprise.‎ ‎Tommy hésitait à lui parler de sa santé, mais il ne voulait pas.‎ ‎MICHAËL GRAY‎ ‎Tommy Shelby, son cousin, a abattu Tommy sur l’île de Miquelon. DÉCHIRER.‎ LINDA SHELBY ‎L’ex-conjoint d’Arthur est revenu dans la dernière saison. Elle a pris de l’argent de Tommy pour financer sa fondation caritative, en échange de la prière et de la direction d’Arthur.‎ ‎Linda était assise dans la finale avec les familles Shelby et Tommy lui a demandé de s’occuper d’Arthur. Cela fait allusion à la réconciliation.‎ FINN SHELBY ‎Harry Kirton pour le rôle de Finn Shelby dans Peaky Blinders BBC/Caryn Mandabach Productions Ltd/Robert Viglasky‎ ‎Duke Shelby a exilé le plus jeune frère Shelby de leur famille après avoir refusé d’exécuter Billy Grade, son ami et traître. Finn a même tiré à blanc alors qu’il tournait son arme sur Isiah, Duke.‎ ‎Voir aussi‎ ‎Quelle sera la date de sortie de la saison 2 de Shadow and Bone ?‎ ‎Il fut alors excommunié et promit de revenir pour son neveu Duke.‎ BILLY GRADE ‎Duke Shelby a abattu Tommy pour avoir été un traître et avoir fourni des informations sur les plans de Tommy pour rejoindre l’IRA.‎ HAYDEN STAGG Après une conversation avec Tommy, l’ouvrier des docks de Liverpudlien a convenu qu’il serait un point de transport et d’échange pour Shelby dans l’avant-dernier épisode. Cependant, il n’a pas été vu par la suite. On le verra peut-être dans le film Peaky Blinders. CHARLES SHELBY La première femme de Tommy, Grace Shelby (Annabelle Wallis), était le fils de Tommy. Charles (Billy Jenkins), son beau-père, a choisi de vivre avec Lizzie dans le dernier épisode. Tommy a dit que Charles était présent au dîner d’adieu de Tommy et a demandé à Tommy de prendre soin de Lizzie. Charles jeta un regard inquiet quand Tommy murmura à l’oreille de Duke. Read the full article
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dpr-lahore-division · 2 years
With the compliments of, The Directorate General Public Relations, Government of the Punjab, Lahore Ph: 99201390. No.1006/QU/RANA HANDOUT (A) LAHORE, APRIL 26:  In compliance with the directions of Ombudsman Punjab Maj (R) Azam Suleman Khan, the district administration has retrieved two kanal state land from squatters in the graveyard of the Sattu Katla area of the provincial metropolis. The…
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Püha ja õudne lõhn (Sacred and Terrible Air) chapters 7+8 summary
Chapters index - ask away for any clarification or further details!
Present. Khan goes through a cute, dorky wake-up routine at sunset. He lives in his mother’s basement, where he keeps an impressive collection of disappearance memorabilia. There are items related to Nadja Harnankur, a dodecahedron autographed by dodecaphonic composed Comte de Perouse Mittrecie, mementos of Ramout Karzai who braved the Erg desert to ask for an audience with God, of Gon Tzu who sailed east from Samara to look for the peaches of immortality for the emperor of Safre and never came back, and of course all the documents related to the Lund girls. Among them, letters allegedly sent by the girls, claiming that they were well and with “the Man”.
2 years ago, the falling out between Jesper and Khan, It happens at a fancy place where Jesper helped Khan get a reservation for a date with a girl. The date goes poorly, Khan waves at Jesper as a lifeline, to show he’s friends with a famous guy, but for his part Jesper pretends to his rich acquaintances that he doesn’t know his old friend.
18 years before that. The next meetup on the beach is at the boys’ secret hideout. It goes very well – they drink cider and exchange tales, including that of Gon Tzu. Peaches of immortality don’t exist, says Khan. What if they did and Gon Tzu just kept them for himself and his friends, say the girls.
Present. Tereesz is discharged. In his ZA/UM hangover, he dreamt of a Man made of violence who lurked at the corner of the girls’ presence, he was him and Hird and a grown-up Khan and Tereesz’s father and more figures still.
Jesper has come to visit Khan in his basement. He is, despite himself, charmed by the collection and by its crown jewel, a rare copy of the model of the disappeared Harnankur ship. They are worried about Tereesz – it’s been two days since the Hird interview. Right then, Tereesz calls from a payphone and urges them to reach him in town.
20 years ago. The girls invite them for the following Saturday at their secret spot. They ask the boys to bring a drug called cherry speed and give them the seller’s contact: Zigi.
The traveling Linoleum Salesman turns out to be a pedophile. In Kexholm, he finds a group of people like him, who all identify themselves by their day jobs. One day, he sees the girls and desires them as his final target before killing himself.
Present. The trio’s objective – Tereesz’s lead from Hird – is Deerek Trentmöller, who now lives in a retirement home. Tereesz tries to hide having obtained his info via ZA/UM, but Khan susses it out and is worried – for Tereesz but also for Tereesz’s job, which is crucial to their endeavours. Hird and Trentmöller bonded in prison, and Trentmöller got the drawing from the leader of the infamous, alleged Kexholm ring. Now Trentmöller is senile, but they will try to get info on the leader from him, one way or another. Under Tereesz’s rough questioning, the confused old man tells them that the Linoleum Salesman lived in Kexholm, and that he watched the girls from the Havsänglar hotel overlooking the beach.
Elsewhere, past winter’s orbit, a metereological ship is caught in a sudden onslaught of pale. Satellites witness the worldwide range of the phenomenon: Katla’s Northern Passage, Samarskilt, half of Supramundi, Lemminkäise, Nad-Umai, Yekokataa, Severnaya Zemlya, the Semenine islands, all gone. It’s the beginning of the end of the world.
The trio calls Havsänglar to jot down all the names of the full guests list of June-July 52. Midway through the hundreds of names: Deerek Trentmöller, purpose of the stay: vacation, profession: linoleum salesman. They rush back to the retirement home and Tereesz subjects the man to ZA/UM.
But the mind-melding drug shows that neither Deerek Trentmöller nor his Linoleum Salesman persona did it. The last memory Tereesz sees: on the day of the girls’ disappearance, Trentmöller feels a deep wrongness. He checks his photographs taken with the binocular-plus-camera, he is sure that the girls were there, but they are not. Tereesz is feverish and they are out of leads. But Khan has an idea.
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...and on that (TLHOD parallels) note, this is how shuffling Harry and Kim off to Katla can still win...
(...not really, but I would genuinely like to see them live long enough to witness the end of the world proper, which requires being Not In Revachol for obvious reasons, and I'd pick Vaasa specifically because all my other friends are there. Khan my best friend Khan 🥺)
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dpr-lahore-division · 3 years
With the compliments of, The Directorate General Public Relations,
Government of the Punjab, Lahore Ph: 99201390.
LAHORE, October 27:
Members of national and provincial assemblies from Faisalabad called on Chief Minister Punjab Sardar Usman Buzdar. Minister of State for Information Farrukh Habib, provincial ministers, parliamentarians and SACM Hasaan Khawar were also present.
Talking on this occasion, the CM said a technical university would be established in Faisalabad and the parliamentarians will be consulted in this regard. Similarly, the Faisalabad ring road project will be started soon, he added. Meanwhile, the Faisalabad bypass project has been approved by the government, he said. The CM pointed out that record development has been made in Faisalabad in the tenure of the PTI-led government as the government was striving to resolve public problems. Every area of the province would be properly developed and the recommendations of parliamentarians will be honoured. My doors are open to the parliamentarians and their genuine issues will be resolved, he continued.
LAHORE, October 27:
During his Faisalabad visit, Chief Minister Punjab Sardar Usman Buzdar has removed CEO (Health) Dr Mushtaq Sipra, XEN Local Government Khalid Hussaini and Sub-Registrar (Saddar) Munawar Bhatti over dereliction of duties and public complaints. These officials have also been suspended. The CM has made it clear that those failing to resolve public complaints have no right to stay on their posts adding that immediate action was taken on public complaints during the visit. Those serving the masses will be encouraged while action will be taken against poor performers, he announced.
LAHORE, October 27:
Chief Minister Punjab Sardar Usman Buzdar has sought a report from CCPO Lahore about the alleged rape-cum-murder of a child in Satto Katla and assured the bereaved heirs that they will be provided justice. Meanwhile, the police have arrested an accused Ali Shan involved in the crime.
LAHORE, October 27:
Chief Minister Punjab Sardar Usman Buzdar has expressed a deep sense of sorrow over the martyrdom of four police officials due to firing at their vehicle in Lakki Marwat and extended sympathies to the bereaved heirs. The police officials have sacrificed their lives in the line of duty and I pay tributes to their sacrifice, he added.
LAHORE, October 27:
Chief Minister Punjab Sardar Usman Buzdar and Governor Punjab Chaudhary Muhammad Sarwar led a Kashmir Black Day rally at Governor House which was also attended by ministers, advisors, special assistants, SACM Hasaan Khawar, administrative secretaries, lawyers, members of the Sikh community and people from different walks of life. The participants chanted different slogans including 'Kashmir will become Pakistan.'
In his address, the CM regretted that India has illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir while Pakistan continues to stand with the oppressed Kashmiris to support their just cause. We express complete solidarity with the Kashmiri brethren today, he added and regretted that India has resorted to the worst sort of brutalities in occupied Kashmir. It has refused to obey the UN resolutions about holding a plebiscite, he lamented. Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah rightly termed Kashmir as the jugular vein and Pakistan will not deviate from its principled stance over Kashmir, he asserted. Pakistan will continue its diplomatic, moral support to Kashmiris while PM Imran Khan has emerged as an ambassador of the Kashmir cause, the CM continued. The day is not far when occupied Kashmir will win freedom and Pakistan will continue to side with the Kashmiris, he further said.
While responding to the media, the CM maintained that price-hike was a global issue adding that a relief package would be announced soon to provide relief to the general public. The government was taking every step to overcome the price-hike, he added. Governor Punjab Ch. Muhammad Sarwar also addressed the participants.
LAHORE, October 27:
Chief Minister Punjab Sardar Usman Buzdar has announced that the provincial government will bear the expanses of treatment of famous Saraiki poet Shakir Shuja Abadi. Similarly, his family would be properly taken care of, the CM said and added that the health department, as well as the district administration, have been issued instructions in this regard.
LAHORE, October 27:
A business delegation led by president Faisalabad Chamber of Commerce and Industry Atif Munir called on Chief Minister Punjab Sardar Usman Buzdar and thanked him for the best economic policies during the corona pandemic. The government has taken the best measures during corona to ensure continuity of business activities and we also welcome the Faisalabad development package, added Atif Munir.
The CM said that the expo centre project would be started soon in Faisalabad and the government would transform Faisalabad as the 'Manchester of Pakistan' as a new era of development has started in the district. Meanwhile, the government would continue to resolve the problems of the business community, the CM added.
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