katgreeves · 4 years
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tuadaily's countdown to s2 meme
day 2: favorite side character(s)
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evesbeve · 4 years
Netflix: We made you a GIF of Ben jumping.
TUA Fandom: You know, we really just wanted the season 2 trailer.
Netflix: We can take it down if you-
TUA Fandom: No, we're keeping him forever. Back off.
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its-all-ineffable · 4 years
If you get this, answer with 3 random facts about yourself and send it to the last 7 blogs in your notifications, anonymously or not! Let's get to know the person behind the blog 💕
Thanks anon! ❤️ Um, three random facts about me...I’m really not that interesting, ya know?
I am a MASSIVE Taylor Swift fan and have been since I was about 14, which is like, nearly 4 years ago, so not that long. But I really vibe with all her music and she is pretty and seems like a decent human being, so yeah...
I still have my build-a-bears (I’ve got like 13, sue me, I’m weird) and I used to pretend that they were my children (used to? I still do!) and my mum every year for mothers day makes me a card from them. Even now.
My mum and I have very similar temperaments, so we argue A LOT, but if anyone says a bad word about her I will go fucking feral on their ass. 
As I said on my other posts before this, I have a few asks to get through that require me to send them to people, so I’ll just tag everyone: @poetry-and-other-junk, @randomcharlie05, @skepticalcatfrog, @lunarmultishine, @yotedbean, @flickerghosts & @kathy0113!
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satanakiramonism · 7 years
More tag games
I was tagged by @rreghoul! Thanks! <3
Rules: 1. Always post the rules 2. Answer the questions given by the person who tagged you 3. Write 11 questions of your own 4. Tag 11 people
1. what languages do you speak/ are learning/ want to learn?
I speak Catalan, Spanish, English, a bit of French and now I’m learning Japanese!
2. what’s your favorite genre of movie?
3. coffee or tea? why?
Coffee (but decaf lol)! I don’t really like the flavor of tea...
4. worst cringe-worthy phase?
????? I don’t know any (?)
5. five favorite words: mine are sycophant, osculation, schadenfreude, sotto voce, and shambolic to name a few.
Wistfulness, ataraxia (spanish word meaning serenity), arrebol (spanish word that represents the color of the clouds during a sunset), serendipia (spanish word meaning finding something fortunate and without expecting it while searching for another thing), natsukashii (as the definition says, some small thing that  brings you suddenly, joyously back to fond memories, not with a wistful longing for what’s past, but with an appreciation of the good times), ment (catalan word meaning mind) (they’re 6 sorry haha).
6. a type of person you love?
I like people who aren’t afraid of showing who they are even if society doesn’t see them as ‘’right’’. I also like when they think a solution when there’s a problem, instead of blaming anything or anyone. I like people who fight for their dreams, not being afraid of leaving their comfort zone and that won’t stop until they make real what they want in life.
7. a type of person you hate?
Toxic people. The ones that contaminate you like a parasite, taking away all your will to live (in Spanish, they’re also called ‘’vampiros emocionales’’)
8. how tall are you?
9. three things you like about yourself?
- I have a peculiar world view
- I can take care of myself
- I’m good at talking to people that are older than me
10. if you could speak to anyone, living or dead, for an hour or two, who would it be?
Satoru Iwata, he was an incredible person who started from the bottom and became one of the people who ‘’reconstructed’’ a great video game company.
11.  if you had the chance to create your perfect significant other, what would they look/be like? ethnicity? personality? 100% perfect to you, what does that look like? (the most important one, im gathering data)
I’m aro ace so I can’t have a significant other hahhaha but, platonically, someone who understood me and maybe, had the same problems as me, so we could help each other.
@jii-chan Questions
1. What are your top 5 books?
OUT, by Natsuo Kirino
Kiri no Hata, by Seicho Matsumoto
Stories, by Edgar Allan Poe
All the Tokyo Ghoul Novels :)
(I’ll add ‘’No longer human’’ by Osamu Dazai, but even if I have the feeling that it’ll be my favourite book ever I still haven’t read it ^_^;)
(I used to have a lot of favourite book series like the Hunger Games, Divergent, Maze Runner etc. but now I that I definitely left teen literature I no longer have that many! I’m starting with Japanese literature so I think that soon all my faves will be from that group...)
2. What’s the last album you listened to?
3. What are two instruments you’d like to learn?
I’d love to learn to play the piano and the electric guitar! (well, I started learning the second since my father plays it, but due to time issues I had to stop :( )
4. What was your favorite vacation?
The two times I went to Ireland with my parents! Too bad that I was little so I don’t remember them that much... I also enjoyed a lot the two days I spent in London.
5. If you had to be any household appliance, what would you choose to be?
A fly swatter so I could kill ALL the annoying mosquitoes that don’t let me sleep at night >:))).
6. Do you like cooking?
Yes, but alone. I don’t like when there’s people around the kitchen.
7. What’s your favorite fast food joint?
8. What are your top 5 video games?
- Pokemon Pearl: it was my first Pokemon video game ever and it brings me a lot of good memories!
- The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
- osu! taiko
- Animal Crossing New Leaf
- Final Fantasy XIII: Lightning returns
9. What Pokémon gen is your fav?
The 4th! My first one! But I also love the 3rd so much.
10. If you could play any team sport, what would it be?
I hate team sports! (I really really really suck at them)
11. What’s your fav ice cream flavor?
I don’t like ice cream, but I can tolerate chocolate flavor.
@rreghoul ‘s questions
1) Do you have any pets?
Yes! Two cats!
2) Whats your favourite colour?
All the ones between blue and green. Also black and grey.
3) Have you ever played dungeons and dragons?
Yassss I even have a group of friends to play! I’m the dungeon master.
4) Summer or winter?
Summer, because I can contemplate the sunset (in winter I’m doing homework at that time aghh)
5) If you could visit any country for a 2 week holiday where would you go?
China! (I’d say Japan, but when I’ll go there, I won’t leave!)
6) Do you wear glasses?
Yes, since I was 9.
7) Are you in education?
Yes, I’m in high school, about to start 3rd grade of ESO in September.
8) Do you have any tattoos? or do you want any?
9) Who is your favourite fictional character?
Akira Mado and Amon Koutarou!!!! GAWD I LOVE THEM SO MUCH!!!!!!! But Eto Yoshimura follows them very closely.
10) If you had to pick one show to watch again for the first time ever, what show would you pick?
Corpse Party, it was so ‘’funny’’ and entertaining even if it was just 4 episodes long.
11) On a similar note if you could pick a show to completely erase from your memory to never be seen again, what show would you pick?
The last 3 seasons of Gilmore Girls, they were so bad written and deceived me.
My questions!
1. Which social media do you use the most?
2. How did you discover your favourite song?
3. Do you like reading the newspaper?
4. Favourite moment of the day?
5. Do you know any poem or book/manga/comic in general chapter by heart?
6. Board games or card games?
7. Favourite place to be?
8. New or old building cities?
9. Posters or wallscrolls?
10. Favourite childhood film?
11. Do you like buying second hand stuff?
I’m going to tag @i---am---lost  @aiyato @amon15  @just-a-simple-otaku @clymacs @saikosaikosaiko @carloskz @amonmahboi @justsumfangurlmind @kathy0113 @pinklizadon 
Also remember that this is just for fun! If you don’t want to answer it, no problem ~
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