#kate argent for ts
sterek · 6 years
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sebastianevans · 7 years
Sterek, 20: things you said that I wasn't meant to hear
So this didn’t go they way I expected but, I hope you like it! 
Stiles was tired and cold when he awoke. He trembled slightly as he sat upright, blinking slowly as he came to his senses. He looked around slowly, pressing a hand to his head in attempt to stop the dull throbbing.
“Hello?” Stiles called out shakily, “Dad?”
He could feel the anxiety bubbling up, ready to take hold of him at any moment. He tried to even his ragged breaths. He was in the woods, he knew that much but, how he got there, he hadn’t the foggiest. He eased himself up, using the nearby stump for support. He stood on shaky legs, and looked around frantically. His heartbeat was echoing in his ears, drowning out any sounds.
He stumbled back, tripping over a branch. He blinked harshly pressing his hands to his temples, “Derek?” He cried out.“They won’t be able to help you,” A voice sounded through the fog in his mind, whispering hauntingly.
Stiles slammed his eyes shut, willing the voice away. When he forced himself to open his eyes, he was a dimly lit room with no windows and no doors. He was standing in front of a mirror with a jagged crack running across the middle. His lip trembled as he looked at his reflection, watching it morph into a sinister version of himself.
“Get out,” Stiles whimpered, “Get out of my head,” He begged, clenching his fists tightly.
His reflection smiled, a cruel and twisted imitation of his own, before vanishing. 
Stiles opened his eyes slowly, a strange feeling of relief washing over him when he realized  that he was still in the woods. Stiles stood once more, and started stumbling through the trees. The last thing he remembered was seeing the bobbing beam of a flashlight through the branches, and Derek’s voice calling out for him.
“What the hell was my son doing out there alone?” The sheriff demanded. “I don’t know, John,” Derek snapped, “Look we’ll figure it out,” Derek added softly, squeezing the sheriffs shoulder.
Stiles opened his eyes, and stared blankly at the ceiling. The pack surrounded the cold steel table in Deaton’s office, as they watched Stiles’ unmoving form.
“Something’s not right,” Derek noted seriously, stepping in front of the sheriff, “He smells wrong,”
Stiles sat up eerily slow. His once warm eyes were cold, and flat, accented by the bruises under his eyes. His eyes scanned the room, before finally landing on Derek.
“He talks a lot about you, you know?” His voice echoed strangely, as a cold smile grew on his face, “I have to say, I’m quite underwhelmed,” He said slowly.
Derek frowned, watching the boy closely, his pack surrounding him, alert, “Stiles,” He said warily.
“Stiles,” The boy mocked, “It’s a shame Kate didn’t kill you when she had the chance.” Derek flinched at the words, not noticing how Stiles smile grew as he landed the blow.
“Son,” The sheriff scolded, stepping around Derek.
Stiles laughed darkly, rotating his body to sit on the edge of the table, “Now you want to be a parent? You’re pathetic, you left us when we needed you most. We had to raise ourself, while you got black out drunk every night,” Stiles said bitingly, “Mom would be disgusted,” he spat.
“Stiles, this isn’t you,” John whispered, fingers twitching for his gun.
“Are you going to shoot us, Dad?” Stiles taunted, tracking his fathers movements, “Come on, do it. I killed mom, after all.” Stiles slid off the table, landing softly on his feet. He stood in front of the sheriff, locking eyes with him. “I know you want to,” he urged.
“I would never kill my own son,” the sheriff said, clenching his jaw.
“What if I told you, I wasn’t your son?” Stiles asked, tilting his head.
“John, don’t,” Lydia whispered, as the sheriff unholstered his gun.
“Come on,” Stiles smirked, as John raised the gun, leveling it at Stiles head. Stiles laughed gleefully, “Do it,”
John’s eyes watered, as he looked into his son’s lifeless eyes, watching them morph in fear and confusion. 
“Dad?” Stiles asked confused, “What are you doing?” He looked around frantically, his eyes were glassy, and his heart thundered in his chest. “Derek, help me,” he pleaded, his fingers twitching in Derek’s direction.
“John, stop,” Derek shouted, “Put it down!” He demanded, putting himself between Stiles and the gun.
“That’s not my son,” John ground out, “Move, Derek,”
“Derek, why is he saying that?” Stiles asked wrapping his cold hand, around Derek’s bicep, “It’s me, Derek, it’s me,” Stiles whimpered from behind Derek’s back.
“I know my son!” John shouted, “Now, move. I won’t tell you again,” he said fiercely, cocking the hammer.
“Stop!” Allison shouted from behind Scott, “It’s what he wants,” She said, her eyes wide.
Stiles chuckle echoed the room, as his grip tightened around Derek’s arm. Derek turned his head to look at Stiles, hurt and betrayal shining in his eyes.“Stiles,” he whispered, “Get out of him,” Derek demanded, his fangs dropping.
Stiles grip tightened, “Pathetic,” He spat as he twisted Derek’s arm. Derek roared in pain as his arm snapped, and Stiles threw him aside.
“I know what you are,” Allison said, stepping forward, “I’m not afraid of you,” She said confidently.
“And what am I?” Stiles prompted darkly.
“Nogitsune,” she spat. 
While Stiles looked surprised, she threw one of her daggers, “Now!” She shouted as the blade imbedded itself Stiles shoulder. The sound of Lydia’s chants and Stiles’ screams echoed the small room.
Erica rushed forward, shoving the table out of the way as Stiles eyes rolled back, she caught him gently, easing him to the ground he twitched violently. Derek crawled forward, placing his bunched up jacket under the boys head. Erica gently turned Stiles on his side, listening to his heartbeat until he stopped seizing.
“It’s okay,” She soothed, “You’re at Deaton’s, you’re safe,” She whispered, tenderly brushing the hair out of his face as he came to.
“Derek?” Stiles asked frantically, trying to sit up. Erica shushed him gently, and guided him back down, “I didn’t mean it,” He whispered, “It wasn’t me, it wasn’t me,” He repeated.
“We know,” John comforted as he knelt down, squeezing Stiles’ hand.
“I didn’t mean it,” Stiles whispered, burying his head in his fathers shoulder, “Does he hate me?” Stiles asked, brokenly.
“No, son, he doesn’t hate you,” He said reassuringly, glancing at Derek who was now standing by the door, eyes wide. John nodded at Erica in thanks, before focusing on his son once more.
Stiles sniffled and looked up at John with terrified eyes. He sat back and began to count his fingers, “Dad?” He said trembling, “Do you hate me?” he asked sadly.
“No, I could never hate you,” John said sternly, pulling Stiles into a hug.
Stiles itched at the bandage around his shoulder. A few days had passed and Stiles had gotten visits from the whole pack, aside from Derek. His heart ached when he got on a knock on the door and Derek wasn’t standing on the other side.
“Dad,” Stiles called out, as John passed by his bedroom.
“Yeah?” John said, concern washing over his face as he entered Stiles’ room. 
“I remember what I said,” Stiles said sitting on the end of his bed, “And what I did,” 
“I know son, you apologized, already,” John interrupted gently, “We know it wasn’t you,” John said kneeling in front of Stiles.
“I know but, Derek left,” Stiles said quietly, “I don’t blame him,” Stiles smiled shakily, “I tried calling him, Dad. He’s ignoring me, and I don’t know if it’s because he’s scared of me. I didn’t mean what I said, and I didn’t want to hurt him. I was there the whole time, and I couldn’t stop it, I couldn’t stop any of it. I could see what was happening, and I was screaming,” Stiles sniffed, angrily wiping his tears, “I was begging it to stop, but it wouldn’t. It kept taunting me, and I don’t want to lose anyone else. I don’t want him to get hurt,”
“You really care about him, huh?” John asked, already knowing the answer.
“Yeah, I do,” Stiles confirmed shakily, “Are you disappointed in me?” Stiles asked, looking at John as he worried his lip.
“For what?” John asked, his brows furrowing in confusion, “Why would I be disappointed?” John asked moving to sit beside Stiles.  
“Because, I think I like Derek,” Stiles murmured.
“Stiles, you’re my son. I’ll always love you, no matter what,” John responded, hugging Stiles tightly. “I have to go to work,” John stated with a disappointed frown, “I can call in,” He said to himself.
“No,” Stiles said, shaking his head, “I’ll be okay,” He said standing up wiping his eyes.
“Stiles,” John said concerned.
“I’ll call you if I need anything, I promise,” Stiles interrupted, smiling bravely, “I’ll be okay, Dad,”
John nodded, his face set in a frown, “Call me if you need anything, Stiles. I mean it,”
Stiles nodded watching his dad leave, “Be safe, dad!” Stiles called as the front door slammed shut.
Stiles jumped as a soft knock resounded from his window, he whirled around breathing a sigh of relief when he saw Derek perched on the roof outside his window. Stiles blinked tears away quickly, heart sinking at Derek’s impassive face. Stiles walked sullenly over to the window, unlocking it, and pushing it open.
Derek climbed into Stiles room, closing the window behind him. They stood, watching each other for a moment before Derek finally spoke, “I just came to see how you were doing,”
“I’m fine,” Stiles said, scratching the back of his awkwardly, “How much did you hear?” Stiles asked, impassively.
“All of it,” Derek answered guiltily. “I’m sorry,” Stiles blurted, “If you just give me time, I’ll get over it. I wont annoy you with my feelings. I’m sorry, Derek. I don’t know how it happened, but I won’t tell anyone, I promise! I can keep my mouth shut, I know you don’t think so but, I can. I don’t want to embarrass you, okay? I just… I just want to be friends at least, if it’s not weird for you? If it is I understand. I know if I were you I wouldn’t want a spastic loser like me around, let alone having a crush on me,” He rambled, heart breaking with each word.
“You’re not a loser,” Derek scolded, “Stiles, I like you, too,” Derek added hastily before Stiles could doubt himself more.
Stiles gaped for a moment, his mouth opening and closing, “That’s not funny,” He said, hurt and humiliation souring his scent.
“It wasn’t a joke,” Derek said seriously, closing the gap between them, “Do I seem like the type of person who would do something that cruel?” Derek asked, honestly.
Stiles shook his head, averting his eyes. Derek reached out slowly, cupping Stiles cheeks in his hands, “I like you a lot,” Derek whispered earnestly.
Stiles red rimmed, warm eyes scanned Derek’s face, before settling on his lips. Derek leaned in slowly, giving Stiles a chance to back away, before kissing him softly. Stiles fisted his hands in Derek’s shirt pulling him closer as he deepened the kiss.
When they pulled apart, Stiles lifted Derek’s hand anxiously, and began counting his fingers. Derek watched him count with his forehead resting against Stiles’.
“You’re real,” Stiles sighed, relieved. His eyes flicked up to look at Derek through his lashes. Derek smiled softly, pulling Stiles into his chest. Stiles breathed in Derek’s scent, letting Derek surround him completely.
Being with Stiles felt right, in a way that nothing else could, and Derek let his eyes slip closed as they stood, embracing each other tightly. He would let himself have this, as long as Stiles would have him. 
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1x20 · 7 years
trinikwan replied to your post “do you ever just like… realize how fucking much you love derek hale”
me rewatching season 1 rn
ep 11 always makes me cry fucking kate argent
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homemadesterekpie · 9 years
Sheriff Stilinski, Peter Hale, Chris Argent, Mellisa McCall, and Kate Argent
Ooh dang, alright!!
1. Melissa McCall
2. Sheriff Stilinski
3. Peter Hale (fanon not really in canon)
4. Chris Argent
5. Kate Argent (i hate her with every fibre of my being)
Thanks for asking, lovely ❤️
{give me five ships, characters, or shows and I will rank them from my favorite to my least favorite.}
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poseysprostate · 10 years
imagine how many times jeff would resurrect/bring back his white male villains and then season 11 he is like you asked for me to bring back some ladies and i delivered so we are bringing kate back!!!!!!!
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cryodreams · 10 years
canon multilingual Derek
canon chinese food lover Derek
canon #1 Scott fan Derek
canon Kate molested Derek when he was a teenager
canon derek pushed Stiles up against a wall, AGAIN
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keriarentikai · 10 years
So from the previous/teaser thing, can we talk about how weird it is that Derek and Kate make out in the same spot that he made out with Jennifer?
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vickykun · 10 years
Hm after that warning, a lot of people are coming to my askbox and asking me what are my thoughts on the Kate x Derek scene.
Well, I knew about this scene before, so I really wasn't surprised. Though I felt really uncomfortable while watching it, I think it was something very necessary for the plot. Fans have been asking for a view on Derek's past with Kate; how did they meet and how she used to manipulate him. Well that's your answer.
I think Kate is an interesting villain after all. We are supposed to despise the villains and hope for them to get screwed, that's basically their premise. In matters of writing, especially in the TeWi one, a hero's triumph comes from the villain's /antagonist's fall.
We needed to see her in action, we needed to see the coercion and all the manipulation Kate did so we could understand how bad she is and analyse what is her motivation. What leaded her to de-age Derek? ( we already know, easier to manipulate him).Why she keeps coming back for her victim?
Those things needed to be adressed in the show, otherwise we would still be clueless about how huge her influence is for Derek. 
As for the trigger warnings, I also think it's important to RESPECT other fans that are survivors and might feel triggered. A few friends of mine from fandom were victims of abuse, for example, and both Kate and her relationship with Derek are triggering for them, so yeah, it's awful to see some people making fun of this or taking the scene so lightly. 
I mean,  okay, the scene was not triggering for me, not at all, but what about the other fans? They need to be respected. I'm sure neither of you would feel okay if the scene was related to something that is triggering for you and instead of tagging, people simply mocked you or tried to justify why the scene should not be triggering for you.
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saranghaeshinee · 10 years
I wonder what angle on Kate this season is going for, but from what we've seen of her before she is a villain without a motive beyond rejoicing in pain, torture and death of those whom she considered to be evil/monsters by their nature. I don't think that her or Peter/Deucalion/Twins need to be understood and that anyone has to justify hatred for either of those characters. The difference between her and the others you mentioned is that they got questionably understandable motives... [tbc]
show and explained, which you could either accept or not. I find those motives to be utter bullshit and thus do not think of Peter and Deucalion as anything but villains of the same caliber as Kate, but considering that a lot of characterization and character development is terrible, and that one has to shut off their brain and accept what the writers tell them as it is presented to continue watching, some people probably accepted those “motives” given for Peter and Deucalion. [tbc]
I am pretty sure if Kate is given some angsty past to excuse why she burned down a house full of innocent people, more viewers will sympathize with her actions and try to excuse them the way they do with Peter and Deucalion. The only difference in amount of excuses would be that she betrayed and killed the family of a fan favorite and was one of the triggers for his uncle going crazy, but nobody is completely objective when it comes to the characters they like.
When I said people didn’t understand the characters, I was talking about how people don’t think about the Kate’s motivations and what she would or wouldn’t do. Think about how Gerard got to got to her as he did Allison… he told Kate to take care of the problem or leave and she chose to take care of it. People are a product of their environment. (also, I don’t think people get her when it comes to her relationship with Derek… calling her a "pedophile" when in all honesty, she’s not the type to do that, she’s the person that will manipulate, charm and pull you in super close make you feel loved and wanted until you’re so thrown with her that you’ll do what she needs - without fucking you. She’s charming just like Peter.)
…accept what the writers tell them as it is presented to continue watching, some people probably accepted those “motives” given for Peter and Deucalion.
There’s a difference between accepting said motives and completely disregarding or excusing them when it’s convenient to you. Don’t demonize one character for doing something you’ll praise another character for. (I think that’s the biggest problem I have when it comes to talking about villains in this fandom.)
Most of the meta fueled around Kate comes from people thinking of Derek (Not what’s going on in her mind - what makes Peter/Deucalion/Gerard's motivations more acceptable than her's?) and how she hurt their fave; so they turn anything and everything she does on it’s head to make Derek the victim - ALWAYS. (Derek threatens and stalks Scott - oh but Kate killed his family and he feels betrayed… Derek hits Stiles - oh no, but Kate manipulated him so he’s scarred from that and he doesn’t know how to act around people… etc)
Maybe that’s the problem… Maybe this isn’t about Kate and more so about his this fandom shits on women (good or bad) for messing with their faves…
People will go through great lengths to make characters out to be good, just to be able to tear others down… I’ve seen people say that Gerard was just a sick cancer patient, Peter is so sassy uncle (he’s misunderstood even going as far as to say that Lydia shouldn’t even be mad at him or Allison was a bitch for threatening him with the taser thing), the Twins are misunderstood and are good people; but when you see people talk about the female villains, they’re always called bitches and cunts and psychopathic by the fandom.
I am pretty sure if Kate is given some angsty past to excuse why she burned down a house full of innocent people, more viewers will sympathize with her actions and try to excuse them the way they do with Peter and Deucalion.
Look what they did to Jennifer… I doubt an angsty past would do anything to change people’s minds on the matter because Jennifer was still considered a Psycho bitch who used Derek and hurt him; she was never given a chance to begin with. 
The only difference in amount of excuses would be that she betrayed and killed the family of a fan favorite.
^^^^ and that’s majority if not all of the reason I see around why people hate her… not about how she manipulated Allison, how she manipulated other people into doing her bidding (setting the fire) how she went behind Chris' back… just poor old Derek…
But like I said, people don’t have to like her.
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hellsbellschime · 10 years
By getting her throat slit and comming back to life, going on a killing spree to "avenge" her family, Hayley is essentially emulating Kate Argent. The only difference is Kate doesn't whine about being a monster, she embraces it. Hayley is just trying to garner sympathy and take her anger out on other people because the one responsable; Genevieve, was going to die anyway, so Hayley didn't get the pleasure she desired.
I think it's a fair comparison, but I think Kate Argent is a far superior and fully realized character whereas Hayley is not. I agree that embracing her true nature made Kate more appealing, and I think the writers are going to run into more trouble with Hayley because they're trying to portray her as heroic when she's clearly a shitty asshole.
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dinahlance · 11 years
saint-chan replied to your post: keep kate away from derek god just&nbs...
of all the fucking female characters they bring back the grossest most despicable one of all, im soooooo not watching s4 after all this bullshit man.
it wouldnt have been as bad if they had treated her as a terrible person
but instead they made allison hero worship her and god no gross
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queerkira · 11 years
one thing that struck me about the whole paige/derek thing is that derek was fifteen, right? and he was sixteen when the whole kate thing went down?
that means that less than a year after he had to kill the girl he was in love with, kate manipulated him into falling for her and then killed most of his family and burnt down his house. derek would have taken a lot longer than a year to get over killing paige; who's betting that kate saw that he was vulnerable and took advantage of that fact in order to get close to him?
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saranghaeshinee · 10 years
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poseysprostate · 10 years
She wanted her old fantasies to come true
goddammit i thought that too and it's so badwrong o m g
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