#katarina x Swain
Lightcannon Week: Day Two ~ MURDER! ~ Detective Jinx in: the Case of the Royal Headache
...I'm SLIGHTLY late, but here we are!
The vivid pink eye of Jinx, the Loose Cannon, the most dreaded criminal in Piltover and Zaun, flicked hither and thither, reflected to gigantic size through the lens of the magnifying glass.
“Murder,” she declared, “Moist fowl!”
Thunder crackled outside, as if to punctuate her words.
Caitlyn Kiramman pinched the bridge of her nose between her fingertips.
“…most foul,” she muttered, “It’s most foul…”
“…dunno,” Jinx stage-whispered behind her hand, leaning in to Caitlyn's left, “His face does kinda look like wet chicken to me…”
Jarvan the Fourth, recently crowned King of Demacia, lay dead on the parlour floor, a fire poker pushed inconveniently through his brain.
Huddled around the body, eyes filled with trepidation, horror, grief, or morbid curiosity, eight figures held their fitful silence.
Eight luminaries of the nations of Runeterra, invited to Ferros Manor on the outskirts of Piltover for a secretive political summit; Jarvan the fourth, his bodyguard Shyvana, the ostensible host, Camille Ferros, Grand General Jericho Swain, his bodyguard Katarina DuCouteau, Luxanna Crownguard, Cecil B. Heimerdinger, and Caitlyn Kiramman herself.
One remote, stormed-in mansion; one cut-off road. Now seven trapped luminaries…
…one infamous criminal, caught red-handed trying to make off with the Ferros jewels…
And one dead King whose cooling royal blood was making a real mess of a fine Shuriman rug.
Caitlyn released her held breath as quietly as she could.
It was going to be a long, long night.
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tragedybunny · 1 year
Have you ever wanted something, so badly you cannot breathe? - A Swain x Katarina One-shot - SFW
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I read the comic and knew I had to write them again! I felt so inspired. I really do love these two and I hope you enjoy.
Based on the final issue of the Katarina comic on Webtoon. written from Swain's point of view. Swain comes to Kataria's aide as Marcus attempts to destroy his vision for Noxus. But the Empire isn't the only thing Swain is worried about, and he finds himself at a loss on how to manage the sudden longing he feels for another.
The ravens had been keeping watch over Katarina as she sat, guarding the way into his own personal chambers. She had sent word ahead that a plot was in motion, from Marcus himself nonetheless, and the rest of his flock patrolled the city, looking for the traitor. From their eyes to his mind, visions of every one of the streets they haunted and of the fiery redhead filled his senses. Nothing noteworthy at first, but then a presence before her, an argument, and Jericho Swain froze where he was standing. “Marcus,” the word left his lips as a whisper even as he was drawing on the power of the demon bound to his soul to begin traversing the Immortal Bastion at inhuman speeds. Something had been hiding him, even from Raum’s sight. The plot had thickened. 
Sound, light, and pain rocked his body causing him to falter midstride, an explosion, felt through the ravens. Marcus was desperate, and combined with whatever power he had borrowed, a power Jericho was willing to bet he knew the source of, made him incredibly dangerous. If anything were to happen to Katarina…He felt his heart shudder, something he hadn't even thought it was capable of until recent months. No, he couldn't think about that now. Unleashing the demon, he felt it spill out of his physical form, subsuming and altering it. Soldiers scattered from his path as he thundered through the dark stone halls, a vision of spectral wings and crackling energy. Through the eyes of his ravens, he watched the fight begin in earnest, violence between Father and Daughter tearing apart what was left of the bonds of family, Katarina choosing her Empire over her Blood. Later he would make time to be proud of that choice, and to tell her that, along with something else that had been on his mind. Maybe. 
Blow for blow, she matched Marcus, having grown to his equal while he wasn’t paying attention. Some might give Marcus the credit for that, or Jericho himself, but he knew that it was due to only Katarina. If Marcus had forged the blade, she had honed it, and he’d simply discovered its neglect and polished it before putting it to good use. He had never been worried about a physical battle between them, the outcome was sure to him. But this strange power Marcus had harnessed, might be a match for what Katarina herself had attained through hemomancy. He did hope she wouldn’t be mad about a little bird or two keeping an eye on Drann’s. 
That line of musing became irrelevant in moments though, as Marcus revealed his final, desperate play. Almost there, just a few more moments. “Don’t do anything irresponsibly noble, Katarina,” he muttered, seeing daylight ahead. Neither turned to acknowledge as he emerged onto the balcony that overlooked the city of Noxus Prime below. The Wolf’s Maw was in Katarina’s hands and just as he feared, she was about to take the only course of action she saw open to her. He surged forward, a storm of his ravens surrounding him, one word on his lips. “No.” The hand that had been gifted to him from Raum’s power grasped the bomb. “Your Empire needs you.” And I as well, he added silently, I need you. 
Marcus called to him, but there was no regret, no one last plea for understanding. Instead, it was a curse, full of rage and venom. Marcus truly hated him. Where had their friendship gone so wrong? They had toppled Darkwill together; fought side by side to better the Empire. Something had seduced Marcus into wanting more, no doubt Soreana with her claws dug deep into him had played a part. No matter how much he thought he’d hidden it, Jericho’s vision had revealed the betrayal to him. That’s what had driven him to finally order Marcus’s death. He’d clearly waited too long though, sentimentality for his old friend stalling his response. Later, he’d have to pick apart the conspiracy that had led to this and cost him one of the closest people in his life. A task he’d make sure was as painful as possible for those who’d crossed him. For now though, he’d settle this. 
Landing between the two of them, he sheltered Katarina behind him, the wings of Raum a barrier between her and what was to come. Despite his usually rather ruthless inclinations, Jericho wished he’d had one more moment to make Marcus see sense, but they were out of time. A flash of light, a deafening roar, and a wall of force which the demonic aura absorbed, wiped away all traces of his one-time friend. 
As the blast cleared, he let the demon retreat back inside, turning to Katarina, breath caught in his throat. Though she was unharmed as he planned, he could see the emotional toll the events had taken written across her features. There was so much he wanted to say to her, to offer her comfort, to speak of how worried he’d been, and more. Even if she would accept those words though, now was not the time or place. Instead, he offered her something more simple. “My apologies I wasn’t here sooner. He was using immense magic to obscure himself from my power. But I could see you.” 
“Grand General Swain,” she remained distant and respectful, and it oddly pained him. “He told me you had become a monster. I can see why.” He felt monstrous, his longing and desires for her nearly overflowing moments after her clash with her own father. 
Marcus had been right, he had been preparing Katarina for something. So he’d kept his power hidden from her, waiting until he was sure. Tonight had forced his hand though, but it didn’t matter, all of this had proved him correct about her capabilities. But the time he’d spent observing her through his birds, and their brief interactions, had caused him to feel things for her that he hadn’t for another in so long. “It’s true I am not the man I once was, but I took this magic to topple the tyrant Darkwill and rebuild the Trifarix. Because no one person should have total power.” Even as spoke, he watched her beginning to come to terms with what had transpired. That spark, that fight, it was what he’d come to secretly adore. “Which is why Noxus needs an assassin who can get to anyone, be it a tyrant, a king, or even me. Whatever I may become. Your intervention in Demacia has saved many lives. You have served your Empire proudly. And you have earned my trust even with my own life and death.” It was done, his fate had been left in her hands. If only he could place his heart there as well. 
“You don’t have to worry. I’ve seen your power.” There she was, the incomparable Sinister Blade, unbroken by her trials. Though he would still watch over her to make sure all was truly well. “I know exactly how I’ll kill you.” She really was breathtaking. “So what now?”
“Now you go home, recover, I’ll start the search for the rest of this conspiracy.” His birds were already on their way throughout the city with new targets. “When they're found, I’ll let you know” 
“Right.” It seemed as though she waited just a little too long before turning to leave him, as though she were waiting for more to be said. Or maybe he was being foolish. Still. 
“Katarina…” The word left his lips before he could stop it, causing her to turn back. “I am… glad you’re unharmed.” His tongue felt thick and clumsy, the words coming haltingly. Imperceptibly, she’d inched closer to him, looking up, eyes full of open expectation. Gently he grasped her hand in his remaining human one, thoughts racing as she didn’t pull away. Could it be that somehow she echoed his feelings however impossible he believed it? 
“Say it,” she whispered, a prayer and a plea. 
“I think…that is to say…I….” It seemed his favorite assassin had run out of patience though as he found himself suddenly wrapped in her arms, her lips pressed to his. The world stopped, and they were lost in each other, despite the horrors of the day. 
When they parted, she smiled softly up at him. “You really thought I hadn’t noticed? I would think your best assassin would be able to observe that much.” 
"Was I so obvious," he asked, still holding her close, wanting to keep her there forever. 
"Terribly." He would've debated that; Grand General Jericho Swain was not some naive fool with his heart on his sleeve, but she started kissing him again. Then nothing else seemed all that important. 
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I mentioned a long time ago that I was "working" on a League x Castlevania AU. I didn't exactly drop it, but I also haven't written it yet, lol. it's too complicated to explain properly and there are too many characters that fit the concept for my own good, but I'll share some bios I wrote to situate myself better.
Nilah | Now a famous monster-hunter heroine, Nilah of the Seventh Layer was once an orphan girl from Kathkan who made a deal with the dying vampire Lord Ashlesh: she would train and grow to slay Swain in exchange for the power to do so. She did not know that, in agreeing to his plan, Nilah would be selling Ashlesh her soul—and her name. From that day forward, Nilah could feel no fear as "no mortal in a sensible state of mind would have the courage or the audacity to look death in its hungry eyes and still challenge it. Insanity is required to fight Jericho. Madness is required for you to succeed". 
Katarina Du Couteau | Katarina is the eldest daughter of the Du Couteau House, famous for hunting monsters—especially vampires—for generations. Excommunicated by the Church when Katarina was only fifteen, her family's manor was burned down by the local priests due to rumors of black magic practitioners among them. Orphaned and thought to be the only one left, she now spends her time getting drunk and fighting beasts and people alike. Little does she know that she is not the last Du Couteau standing and that her brother still breathes.
Talon Du Couteau | Talon is the youngest child of the Du Couteau family, who survived the fire by being the only one awake at the time. Instead of tending to his relatives, the panicked eight-year-old ran away and hid, only hoping that his parents and siblings would do the same. As far as he knows, none of them survived. He now roams the streets as a mercenary, staying in the shadows and abandoning the Du Couteau surname and family crest, as he doesn't believe he is fit to use them.
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kindredjoy · 5 months
Biografi Champion
Daftar di bawah ini disusun berdasarkan abjad. Konten bisa bertambah seiring waktu.
Aatrox | Ahri | Akali | Akshan | Alistar | Amumu | Anivia | Annie | Aphelios | Ashe | Aurelion Sol | Azir
Bard | Bel'Veth | Blitzcrank | Brand | Braum | Briar
Caitlyn | Camille | Cassiopeia | Cho'Gath | Corki
Darius | Diana | Dr. Mundo | Draven
Ekko | Elise | Evelynn | Ezreal
Fiddlesticks | Fiora | Fizz
Galio | Gangplank | Garen | Gnar | Gragas | Graves | Gwen
Hecarim | Heimerdinger | Hwei
Illaoi | Irelia | Ivern
Janna | Jarvan IV | Jax | Jayce | Jhin | Jinx
K'Sante | Kai'sa | Kalista | Karma | Karthus | Kassadin | Katarina | Kayle | Kayn | Kennen | Kha'Zix | Kindred | Kled | Kog'Maw
Leblanc | Lee Sin | Leona | Lillia | Lissandra | Lucian | Lulu | Lux
Malphite | Malzahar | Maokai | Master Yi | Milio | Miss Fortune | Mordekaiser | Morgana
Naafiri | Nami | Nasus | Nautilus | Neeko | Nidalee | Nilah | Nocturne | Nunu & Willump
Olaf | Orianna | Ornn
Pantheon | Poppy | Pyke
Qiyana | Quinn
Rakan | Rammus | Rek'Sai | Rell | Renata Glasc | Renekton | Rengar | Riven | Rumble | Ryze
Samira | Sejuani | Senna | Seraphine | Sett | Shaco | Shen | Shyvana | Singed | Sion | Sivir | Skarner | Smolder | Sona | Soraka | Swain | Sylas | Syndra
Tahm Kench | Taliyah | Talon | Taric | Teemo | Thresh | Tristana | Trundle | Tryndamere | Twisted Fate | Twitch
Udyr | Urgot
Varus | Vayne | Veigar | Vel'Koz | Vex | Vi | Viego | Viktor | Vladimir | Volibear
Warwick | Wukong
Xayah | Xerath | Xin Zhao
Yasuo | Yone | Yorick | Yuumi
Zac | Zed | Zeri | Ziggs | Zilean | Zoe | Zyra
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edgyspooks · 3 years
J for Draven (in regards with the apparently canon crush dude has on a serious and orderly warmason who also has a crush on him I mean wtf aren't they way past the awkward teens phase??), Darius, Swain and Garen (Garen in regards with Katerina I mean it is canon after all despite the disturbing implications)
SFW Alphabet: Jealousy (Draven, Darius, Swain and Garen)
Draven (towards Tamara I presume? dang let them get together already, those awkward simps) Draven and Tamara’s relationship isn’t anything official, but it doesn’t mean he doesn’t get jealous. He will dismiss the possibility of her falling for someone else - after all HE is the greatest man she knows! But if he does actually witness anyone else actually hitting on her, he will instantly lose his cool and make sure the person never dares as much as look at Tamara again. He will hardly be stealthy about this, either, but when confronted, he will deny that he’s been jealous at all.
Darius It’s not easy to make Darius jealous. He trusts you enough to not worry when you hang out with people without him around. His trust in you has to be big, as otherwise he wouldn’t consider seriously dating you. However, if you break his trust, you can count on seven hells breaking loose, as he will certainly make sure you DO regret your decision. If it turns out to be a misunderstanding caused by his jealousy, deep down he will regret it for years to come, even if you do make up.
Swain Jericho Swain is never jealous. If you do intend to cheat, he will know it way ahead and simply not let it happen. He will then make sure that you know that he knows, and if you don’t improve your behavior he may not be so lenient with your antics in the future. Play pretend games with him all you want, but you won’t get a tiniest bit of jealousy from him, in fact he may humor you for a while - but better don’t try anything for real.
Garen (towards Katarina) It tortures him - the idea that the woman he loves is worlds apart from him, doing gods-know-what with gods-know-who. Garen is the type of person who loves having his close ones, well, close. He knew what he was signing up for when he decided to start his secret relationship with Katarina. The idea that she may one day find someone who would be more convenient to date scares him, but deep down he knows that it’s unlikely to happen. If she wasn’t serious about him, she wouldn’t risk everything to be with him.
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proxysart-retired · 4 years
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Swain and Katarina League of Legends...
I like their vibe 😊
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divanoctur · 5 years
Day 9: Pool Party by Divasaorin
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blehblarghblah · 2 years
I play LoR too!!! What's your deck? I like to run Swain + Darius Decks. Though my fave follower card is the Ruthless Raider. Tough + Overwhelm on a 1 Hp is not too powerful but just enough to make cool plays! but I don't get Zaunite Urchin, discards don't usually do too well unless you have Deep cards, right?
Oh boy!
When I announced TMUT I expected a couple asks about the fic and its premise as well as the "OCs" (much like with Loyalty & Light) but getting a chance geek about Legends of Runeterra? Sorry y'all, time to be a gamer nerd. ( ¬‿¬)
I only recently got LoR about a month or so ago? Maybe less? Who knows, I'm so sucked in but I'm currently powering through the Path of Champions. I already finished Jinx's story and am currently finishing Vi's, though I keep switching back to Teemo because I like his play style.
Swain + Darius seems like a nice combo! Stuns and Overwhelm are good synergies when your opponent has lots of cards in play. And I think Ruthless Raider is a good card too, I feel like they're a must bring in any Freljord decks I make. But I'm also still learning Freljord cards and their synergies. I play PvP occasionally, but I'm not up to date on all things "meta" or anything.
I have a Jinx deck called "Get Jinxed" and I like her for the same reason I like Zaunite Urchin--the discard play style really shakes up how you play the match. She's low cost and balances well with things like Chompers or Jury-Rig cards. Plus, discarding a fodder card helps sometimes! My Jinx deck has all the Zaun discard cards so the synergy is great. I've won a good few matches with just constantly overwhelming with Mega Rocket and my opponent would just surrender early because of it 😅.
But to be a complete shipping nerd, I also have ship decks. I have a Lightcannon deck, a TimeBomb deck, a Piltover's Finest deck, a Garen x Katarina deck (I call that one "Romeo & Juliet"), a Tristana x Lulu deck (I call it "Support GF"), I'm currently working on a Lucian x Senna but I don't have enough cards for them. But I also have region based stuff like "Nation of Zaun" which only features Zaunite cards/characters and a "City of Progress" deck which consists of Piltovan cards/characters. As well as sibling decks like Jinx & Vi and Lux & Garen.
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Do most of these work well? Nope. But are they still fun to use and I enjoy using them? Yuuuup. ( ^‿^)
if you can't tell, I am a complete amateur still...
Until next ask,
- Bleh
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ilovelollipopx · 5 years
MasterList Updated 5/20/2021
Akali x Blind  s/o {Rekindle}
Xayah x female fairy s/o
Nsfw True Damage Yasuo x Female reader
Thresh x Reader {Ghosted Memories}
Akali x Blind Reader
Sett Smut {Late}
Sona{Slow Dance}
Genderbent Soraka x Reader 
Project Yi x Male Reader {Pain and Memories}
Diana x Reader {MistleToe}
Twisted Fate x Female Reader {Long time No See}
Xayah x Female Human Reader
Sett x badly injured s/o
Aphelios x Oc {Bathing in the Lake}
Rhaast: Disgusting
Thresh x Soul Reader {Comfort}
Zyra x Gardner Reader
Zed finding a Demacian mage reader who was sold to Noxus
Odysessy Rhaast x Angel Reader
Miss fortune x female reader
Sylas x Bubbly reader
Zed who is rescued my emotionless female s/o  
Yasuo/Kayn Confession Headcanons
Pantheon x Male Aspect reader Headcanons
How true damage members spend a rainy day with their s/o
Darius x Male Mage bottom 
What true damage members do to comfort their s/o
FiddleSticks Headcanons
Zed x Pregnant Reader
NSFW Kayn x toxic reader Headcanons
Jhin Nsfw
Pentakill Kayle With Supportive Bf
Sett Period Headcanons
True Damage Yasuo x Male Dom s/o
Blood moon twisted fate and his s/o finding he is part of the cult
Talon x Oc Dating Headcanons
Sett Sfw Headcanons
Aphelios Headcanons
Sett and smol shapeshifter s/o
Kayle x reader Headcanons
General Dating Headcanons Aatrox
Katarina NSFW Headcanons
SFW and NSFW Headcanons of Jhin being kind for his S/o while cruel to everyone else
HC with Sett, Yasuo and Kayn reacting to the female reader showing that she got a sexy bunny girl skin Sfw and Nsfw
Galio x smol reader Headcanons
How they react to your kda outfit
Talon x Oc Dating Headcanons
Rakan Dating a human Headcanons
Samira x Female merc headcanons
Ahri,Sona,Soraka,Kindred,Jinx,and Zyra with abused adopted child headcanons
Pyke,Graves,Twisted Fate,Leesin and Yone sharing one bed with their s/o
Nsfw Spirit Blossom Thresh Hcs
How a Lunari would propose hcs
Katarina x Pyromancer reader who is skilled with swords
Project Jhin x Mute female reader
Kda Evelynn x female reader 
Sadistic Spirit Blossom Thresh Dating Hc
Varus,Kayn,Akali,Sett and Aphelious with a body conscious s/o
Aphelios x Summoner S/o
Spirit Blossom x Reader Headcanons
Spirit Blossom Yone and Yasuo with a mute s/o
Spirit Blossom Riven with cool badass s/o
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kiraweskersblog · 4 years
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Work Copyed from firolian, I don't draw for money or recognition, just do it because I like to draw Swain x Katarina
I don't know how to make the shadows, I'm terrible.
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tragedybunny · 9 months
꧁༺League of Legends Fanfiction Masterlist ༻꧂
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༺ The Blade's Edge - League of Legends Long fic - Swain x Katarina - NSFW ༻
Blade of Noxus - Prequel to The Blade's Edge
A failed assassination attempt, a proposition she couldn't refuse, a temptation he couldn't resist. How Katarina came to be employed by the Grand General of Noxus.
༺ The Blade's Edge ༻
They had a simple arrangement. She was the weapon to be used on his enemies. Things get more complicated when emotions bleed into what should simple. Now the two of them find themselves on the precipice of something that was entirely unexpected.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
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༺ Swain x Katarina - NSFW ༻
Touch of the Demon - Katarina wants to see exactly what the demon can do and Swain obliges.
The Bargain - An AU - ish fic where Katarina initiates a scheme to get away from her family just before the invasion of Ionia.
A Soldier's Discipline - Katarina has failed the Grand General and she must be punished
A Soldiers Discipline II - Katarina finds herself once again in need of absolution
༺ Swain x Katarina - SFW ༻
Moments - A fluffy little drabble of a soft Swain/Kat interaction
Loneliness - Swain missing his wife
Puppy! - Just a little crack fic featuring a puppy
Naming Day - Swain wants to do something special for his wife Katarina, but finds out it is easier thought than done.
Have You Ever Wanted Something, So Badly You Cannot Breathe? - Based on the final issue of the Katarina comic on Webtoon. written from Swain's point of view.
Swain comes to Kataria's aide as Marcus attempts to destroy his vision for Noxus. But the Empire isn't the only thing Swain is worried about, and he finds himself at a loss on how to manage the sudden longing he feels for another.
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༺ League of Legends NSFW ༻
What She Needs - Ahri and Vlad are both Seniors at the Academy. Vlad has something she needs, Ahri has something he wants.
༺ League of Legends SFW ༻
Home - Katarina x Lux - They discover something more in each other than t hey ever thought possible.
Inner Demons - A Swain - Sylas Lore Fusion. Prompt from Curious Cat.
Darkin Reunion - Aatrox and Varus and reunited as they both have a homecoming.
Storm - A Katarina x OC Drabble I wrote for the 150 follower giveaway.
You've Always Felt Like Home to Me - Swain x Marcus Du Couteau - Swain has a lot of feelings about his oldest friend Marcus Du Couteau that he’s not really sure how to sort out. But tonight it looks like he’ll have to figure them out at last.
Her Light - Katarina x Lux - A poem about a very happy ending for Lux and Katarina
Performance - Jhin x GN! Reader - A reader with a crush gets to experience one of Jhin’s special performances. 
After the Mist - Katarina x Samira - Samira and Katarina are reunited after the black mist appears in Noxus. Set after the Ruination trailer.
Sacrificial - Aatrox x F!Reader - Reader is left in Aatrox’s path. The result will surprise them both.
It Can't Be Without You - Darius x Swain - Darius has a bittersweet musing on his feelings for Jericho at a dark moment.
It Won't Be Without You - Darius x Swain - A sequel to “It Can’t be Without You”. Darius recovers from a battle wound with Swain at his side
Alliance - Swain X Vladimir - Swain and Vlad have a tense conversation
No Turning Back - Draven X Riven - They are reunited after so long apart
Checkmate - LeBlanc x Swain - LeBlanc Has Won Their Grand Game
The Festival - Crystal Rose Swain x GN!Reader - A short little fluff piece.
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tell me a league ship and i’ll give you five songs that remind me of them
some ideas that i like (IT DOESN’T NEED TO BE THE ONES BELLOW)
— jayce x viktor
— swain x leblanc x vladimir
— twisted fate x graves
— caitlyn x vi
— garen x katarina
— seraphine x akali ( kda )
— miss fortune x illaoi
— kai’sa x taliyah
— seraphine x zaun diva
— ezreal x ekko
— jinx x lux ( star guardian )
— senna x lucian
— xayah x rakan
— ekko x jinx
— leona x diana
— neeko x nidalee
— irelia x karma
— irelia x riven
— darius x swain
— miss fortune x katarina
— cassiopeia x sivir
— ryze x jax
— ryze x soraka
— kalista x hecarim (i hate him, but the literary potential….)
— karma x kalista ( faerie court )
— kalista x ledros
— sona x quinn
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So apparently the flavor text of legion veteran says noxian gay rights
oh I know!!! ... doesn’t change the fact it’s literally just flavor text on a character. :\ i know Neeko is lesbian and Taric is coded gay but like... can i have some actual gay couples in game. please. like tristeemo, garen x katarina, fuckin leblanc and swain... we have so many str8s just gimme gay couple. add his husband as a card. make them have cute line towards each other. riot.
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edgyspooks · 3 years
League of Legends masterlist
😳 better sooner than when i have 500 posts that i need to index somehow
It’s below cuz it made for a super long post
Aatrox NSFW alphabet - A, T, R, O, X
Ahri Adoptive mother headcanons
Akali S/O kicks a guy in a bar
Aphelios General headcanons Aphelios x Childhood Friend Reader S/O who hides in a barrel S/O captured by the Solari Aphelios x Solari NSFW Alphabet - A, P, H, E, L, I, O, S
Aurelion Sol
Darius SFW Alphabet - J Falling for a recruit NSFW Alphabet - B, K, X, Y
Dr. Mundo
Draven SFW Alphabet - J (x Tamara) NSFW Alphabet - I (x Tamara)
Ezreal S/O who hides in a barrel
Garen SFW Alphabet - J (x Katarina) NSFW Alphabet - I (x Katarina)
Jarvan IV
Jayce S/O who hides in a barrel
Katarina SFW Alphabet - J (x Garen) NSFW Alphabet - I (x Garen)
Kayn Dating Kayn headcanons
Lee Sin
Lillia Shooting stars (Lillia x Quinn meme fic) Adoptive mother headcanons
Lissandra Meeting a magical being who knows how to banish the void
Lux SFW Alphabet - A Ethereal being tells her about elemental planes
Master Yi
Miss Fortune
Nunu and Willump
Pyke “You’re not on the list” (Pyke x reader)
Quinn Shooting stars (Lillia x Quinn meme fic)
Rakan SFW Alphabet - A (x Xayah) NSFW Alphabet - I (x Xayah)
Sett S/O who hides in a barrel S/O kicks a guy in a bar SFW Alphabet - A NSFW Alphabet - K, S
Shen Shen as a father General headcanons 3 headcanons meme - 😳
Sona Adoptive mother headcanons
Soraka Adoptive mother headcanons
Swain SFW Alphabet - J NSFW Alphabet - J, M, W
Tahm Kench
Talon S/O who hides in a barrel Blackwood!S/O kicks a guy in a bar
Thresh SpiritBlossom!S/O who hides in a barrel
Twisted Fate S/O who hides in a barrel NSFW Alphabet - K, S
Vayne Vayne turned into a monster A slave to monsterkind
Viego The Endless Chase(Part 1) The Endless Chase(Part 2) Soulmate AU - Viego x Reader
Vladimir Academy!S/O who hides in a barrel Academy!S/O kicks a guy in a bar
Warwick Where the monsters belong
Xayah SFW Alphabet - A (x Rakan) NSFW Alphabet - I (x Rakan)
Xin Zhao
Yasuo S/O who hides in a barrel
Yone S/O who hides in a barrel Academy!S/O kicks a guy in a bar
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incorrectlolquotes · 5 years
Your blog is sooo great!!! If it’s not too much to ask what are some of your ships? Right now all I have is lulu x veigar(your quotes for them are the best!) and I need some more haha
hello there!
since I started playing back in 2016 plenty of shippy stuff have passed through my radar. pretty much every popular ship at the time yknow garen x katarina janna x yasuo or lux x ezreal (then the star guardians event happened, ezreal got wiped and lightcannon is now one of my faves)
nowadays I mostly have crackships, like, poppy/tristana, tf/graves even swain/leblanc warwick/soraka, lee/sona, ashe/tryndamere, vi/cait and BIRB SUPREME xayah and rakan
but I would certainly say that lulu and veigar were my first ship. their dynamic is. too. damn. cute.
also remember when LaLaLaDemacia made me ship irelia and riven? yeah I remember that
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My League Of Legends ships, hate or love it, xoxoxo
Wukong x Ahri
Vi x Caitlyn
Miss Fortune x Graves
Nami x Pyke
Leona x Phanteon or Diana
Jinx x Ekko
Katarina x Lux
Riven x Yasuo
LeBlanc x Swain
Sona x Thresh
Lee Sin x Nidalee
Ezreal x Taric
Warwick x Soraka
Elise x Shaco
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