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cosmica-galaxy · 9 months ago
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"Every life counts...even the small ones. I can always get another coat." -- @katarikitten IS MY VICTIM! MUAHAHAH! Have a sexy Chief~! ( > v O)+ On to choose my next victim~!! Hmm hmm!!
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skibidi-mimic-division · 10 months ago
[Transmission incoming.]
[Transmission accepted]
The large screen in from of the human shows nothing but black and white TV static for a few moments before the video on the other end starts to clear up.
"Dammit!" a raspy English voice calls out before a loud clang can be heard, likely the person on the other end wacking their own video broadcasting device. The video clears up almost immediately after the device is hit, the TV static lingering on the edges of the monitor before dissipating.
"Human. Nice to finally see ya properly, kid." the same raspy English voice says, the voice belonging to a man in the middle of the screen. It's none other than Chief! The leader of the Firehose Faction. Said man is wearing a simple long sleeved white t-shirt and some khaki cargo pants.
"Now I'm not one to beat around the bush but I got word of your mimic division and I thought I'd try to contribute to it. One of my boys mentioned meeting you briefly a while ago after we put out a shop fire." Chief rasps out quickly, turning his head to the side to look at the human with one eye, his metallic bronze head glinting in the soft light of the video feed.
"See, I'm a beach man, I like going to the beach and dipping my toes in the sand and what not, and with Summer approaching we've been going more frequently and only recently we've started seeing some... particularly odd things in the ocean, scares the shit outta of Hoseman." Chief continues, leaning on the table the monitor is on, which js attached to his recording device. He moves, what is presumably, a mouse around and clicks a few things before an image appears on the human's end of the transmission.
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"Sorry for the bad quality, kid. It was overcast and foggy that day, and frankly, we aren't camera units, so pictures and videos ain't our thing." Chief says before continuing, "I want to think those things are mimics. Something aquatic. But they aren't those speaker mimics like your friend Pal, or that one Clif guy either. They've got fins on their tails and backs, even one on their head, and as far as I'm aware, speaker mimics have frills and wings, not fins. Except for that Clif guy. But I wanted to inform you of this, I don't want to put my people at risk because of some anomalous aquatic entity that could possibly be a mimic out in the water. I think I'd actually be the one most at risk of this." Chief pauses, rubbing his hands together, a few scars showing in the dim light of the room he is in.
His, and the human's, attention is drawn to the door when Veteran steps into the room. Chief straightens up a bit, his posture stiffening before his shoulders go lax at the sight of Veteran. His one visible eye flicks between the human and Veteran before he speaks, "Veteran." is all that comes from Chief, he sounds firm, even a hint of nervousness barely detectable in his voice. "I hope this one doesn't end up like your last one. Not to insult your protection skills or anythinf." Chief says, crossing his arms and stepping back from the monitor a bit. "Old fart." he mutters quietly, "But that's not what I called for. Do you think you have any ideas or clues as to what may be in the water, kid?" Chief asks, tilting the front end of his head down slightly.
. . . Hello, Chief. It has been a while since we last spoken...and I thought I remembered telling you to keep that between you and me. My chi--...(ahem), my charge is currently in good hands and is thriving while under the care of me and the alliance. I can't change the past...but I can prevent it from ever happening again. I can promise you that.
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Uhh? You two know each other...? Oh! I...uh...well then! Hello! Nice to officially meet you, Chief! It's nice to hear from the Fire Squad for the first time! As for the photos you sent in, I will have to say that those mimics are NOT in our database! Judging from their appearance, I think those mimics may be strictly fully aquatic or oceanic in nature! I'm a little sad that you didn't manage to get their heads in the photo, but some evidence is better then no evidence! We will be sending out some scouting drones and I will be asking Clif if he knows these mimics! Keep an eye out and make sure to stay safe until we can gauge their hazard level! Thank you for your contribution to our archive, Chief!
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lensman-arms-race · 10 months ago
I come bearing a singular gift that shall bring you great joy!! (hopefully)
So I noticed how you really like Titan TVman/Upgraded Titan TVman and I follow this one person on twitter (NumbSkelly, go appreciate them for making this) and they made a Shimeji of Upgraded Titan TVman! A Shimeji is one of those desktop pet things that you can interact with and throw around. And knowing you like the TV faction I thought I'd let you gain the knowledge of this thing's existence! Have fun letting your computer get infested with smol silly Upgraded Titan TVmans :)
(there's a video attached to the post on how to install Shimeji and get UTTVM)
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(Real images of the silly goober beginning the process of infesting one's computer, images are not mine)
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Thank you for thinking of me! 💜 I would love to give this a try but I haven't found a version of Shimejii that works on Linux. I guess I could try running it inside a VM? (On the off chance that anyone reading this is a Linux user who uses Shimejii, feel free to let me know how you did it.) It's tempting to install it on my work PC but then I'd never get any work done. :D
I do love Numbskelly's Skibidi Toilet stuff; I wish they posted more on Tumblr.
Also, here's a direct link to the tweet with the download link, because if you don't have a Twitter account you literally cannot view replies. (Thanks to @luciledrakkhen for getting me the link; I don't have Twitter.)
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krystalkitdemi · 3 months ago
Happy Halloween!
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Geez this is fkn late. Elisa, Alice and morphi poses with Friends! @striderl owns Polaroid @katarikitten owns Chief @skibidi-mimic-division has the Human
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redtheburgereater · 10 months ago
I've finally, FINISHED!
DJ TOILET: @gamie99
JACOB: @katarikitten
DARK SPEAKERMAN: @upgraded-titan-tvman
MINT CAMERA TWINS: @lens-guy-art
SIMP CAMERAMAN: @l4rge-spe4kerm4n
Sorry if I mistagged y'all
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cosmica-galaxy · 1 year ago
Comic time! Woop woop! (I finally finished after much procrastinating, WARNING FOR SHITINESS IN ADVANCE, I don't have god hands so you get flat colors and wonky hands :sob:)
(but I did enjoy making it :D)
Let's begin, shall we? ---------------
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The human and their mimic friends are currently returning to the Alliance base from a day mission, a simple recon mission around the edge of Alliance territory. But where is the Alliance Trio? They are sadly caught up with work in their own faction which, unfortunately for them, left the Mimic Trio with the human. So as the day hours bled into the early night hours, the skies darkened and cast shadows over the group.
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From a dark alley nearby, a faint thumping of footsteps sound out, but they are so far away that none of the mimics or the lone human can detect them. Well, all except Pal.
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He doesn't seem to catch it at first but after a moment he flares out his frills, pausing mid-step to listen. While they are just footsteps, these are footsteps of a larger entity, even bigger than Pal himself, at least from what he can detect from the weight behind the footsteps. So with a chilling rattle, he alerts the other mimics and the human to the entity.
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Sadly, this warning comes too late, and as Fiend turns to look in the direction Pal had been rattling in, a large, slightly translucent hand slams into Fiend's head, knocking him off his feet.
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The hand continues to carry Fiend away before dragging him along the asphalt and coming to a stop on the road about forty feet from the group. Pal reaches a hand in Fiend's direction, as if he had been reaching to catch Fiend.
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Another hand, this one larger than the one that slammed into Fiend, slams into Buddy's back. The force almost knocks the wind out of him but it does knock him over in the end, slamming him down to the ground before holding him down, claws digging into the asphalt.
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Pal turns again, detecting more objects nearby that could be a threat, but he is once again too late as he is surrounded by over two dozen small sharp, from what Pal can feel by the one pressed against the back of his neck, pieces that seemed to be the same material as the hands that slammed into Buddy and Fiend. In response to the effective surrounding, Pal's frills flop down since he is too close to the precious human to use a sound blast.
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The human, ever so compassionate and caring, reaches out towards their friends, shouting their names. As they do so, a shadow looms over the human and a chill runs down their spine, leaving them feeling cold. So with shudder, the human turns, and a green ring immediately catches their attention.
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So the human looks up, and up, and up, so much so that they are almost looking straight up at the sky. The entity that had pulled their protection away from them, separated the human from their friends and left them vulnerable, was now before them, staring them down. Veteran and a few other agents had only rumored about this entity, it apparently goes by Jacob but the Alliance calls it something else, not exactly a friend or foe, but one to just avoid in general, and now this entity stands before the human. This entity... this... IS JAAKOBAH... Their intentions? Unknown...
(to you at least 'wink wonk')
AAAAAHHHHH!! <3 <3 <3 I LOVE IT SO MUCH, KATARI! You put so much effort into this little comic, I ADORE IT! The poor human, now only armed with their survival instincts and wits, stands alone while their mimic allies struggle to free themselves. For the first time in a long while...the human felt...
I will definitely draw a response to this as soon as possible! I wonder what "jaakobah"'s intentions are?
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cosmica-galaxy · 6 months ago
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Alert: The Primal Titan can no longer be contained. All personnel are advised to evacuate the area, lest you wish to face the wrath of the Primal One.
Or alternately: You're a G-clone who decided to fuck around and find out with an angry Primal Titan
Primal boy needs more attention
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cosmica-galaxy · 1 year ago
My brain won't shut up! So many questions poured into my head while I was sleeping.
What are the favorite scratching spots of a speaker and TV mimic? Do mimics have mating periods, such as a heat of sorts? Can different mimic variants pack together? Do the effects of a TV mimic affect the Alliance units? Can a TV mimic be tamed by an agent (or human) if they had the guts to approach one (like if its severely injured)? If so, what's the best way to tame one?
I think that's all I got right now. Why won't my brain stop raving over these cute goobers? AJHUFWUDAHU
Hehehe! Glad that they have infected your brain! >:) 1. Favorite scratching spots on a speaker mimic is the sides of their head, their "chin", and even the spots right underneath their "sound frill". They will even trill if they like being scratch in a certain spot. TV units like to be scratched where their antennas connect, their "chin", and the sides and back part of their TV sets. 2. Depending on time and relationships mostly. They won't fly into primal heats or things like that. At most, they will smell pheromones and if their target of interest isn't...uh...aware or in the mood, they get grumpy and frustrated. But nothing more. 3. Yes! Mimic types can collect together and make a blended group. It's uncommon in the wild, but it's very much possible! 4. TV units can affect anything they deem as a threat, prey, or something bothersome. They can turn even the most passive individual into a violent force via physiological manipulation. Thankfully, TV mimics are very rare. 5. TV mimics can be tamed...but it's the hardest mimic to befriend. Most TV mimics develop a sadistic streak when they mature into adults and many actively participate in "torment now, eat later" mentalities. If you happen to find one young enough, your success will be higher. Not saying that full grown TV mimics can't be tamed...it's just hard to befriend something that likes torment. What TV mimics likes are signals. It enjoys being around points of interest and where waves are emitted. So maybe you can find something that does just that...
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cosmica-galaxy · 1 year ago
We now have a page at the bottom of our doc for questions. You did this to us! (not that its a bad thing we love the mimic goobers)
How do the mimic variants walk/run, like humans (on two legs) or like a gorilla of sorts (on knuckles)? Can mimics cry in a sense? Or is it just sad body language? How big/tall are the variants? Both hunting and idle. Do the speaker mimics like to grip to flat surfaces when resting? Or do they prefer to grip to large pipes or rafters? How quickly do they mature? Do some mimics like to collect shiny things or small objects as trinkets? Would an alpha camera mimic like the feeling of having their fangs and ears rubbed or touched (the little fangs! AHFUEAHD -dies from cuteness-)? Would a peon camera mimic mind having company in the process of becoming an alpha? Especially for the expanding of the chassis, gentle head pats if possible. Are there alpha tv and speaker mimics? Or only camera mimic alphas? How does a human know they’ve been integrated into a pack or pack bonded? Is it an instinctual feeling?
(Lmao, sorry for giving you bad brainworms! XD) 1. Mimics walk like normal units. When their arms get longer, so do their legs. So it balances them out. 2. Like the units, the mimics are unable to cry. Even with their organic parts. But they will emit sad sounds or will demonstrate sad body language. 3. Idle forms will be equal height to units, so maaaybe around 6 ft? For the hunting forms: Cameras (peons): 6'8 | (Alphas): 7"7 Speakers : 10"5 TV mimics: 6"6 4. Speaker mimics like sleeping upside down like bats or in higher places. Some will even wrap around an object and dangle from it like a sloth! It depends on preference. Groups tend to go the bat-method, so they can cluster together. 5. All mimics like shiny things. It's interesting to them and shiny things is how they show affection for their mates.
6. When Buddy becomes an Alpha, ear scratches are preferred! They're a little sensitive, but he enjoys the sensation. The fangs are unfeeling however, as they are used to bite or intimidate, so scratching them wouldn't warrant a reaction. Similar to if you scratched your own tooth, it doesn't translate the touch. 7. Certainly! The process is painful, so any help is appreciated, even comfort is nice. Just hope you can stand that sound. It's pretty gruesome to hear it so close and personal...bone cracking, flesh ripping, and creaking metal all in one...yeesh! 8. Cameras are the only ones with a pack mentality and "alpha positions". As the other two don't undergo major changes. However, it is possible for a TV mimic or a Speaker mimic to undergo a change once they get strong enough. So if anything, it's more of a "power indicator" in the other two. If they get TOO strong...well...that's how larger and more cannibalistic versions of the mimics are made. 9. Usually, the human will discover that they have been made a pack member when they are licked, picked up, carried, or given food. It's the universal signs of "you are baby and we like you". Also, if you're in danger and the mimic in question becomes aggressive to the threat, like how Buddy is protective of the human when other less-friendly mimics are around. Hope these answer your questions!
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cosmica-galaxy · 1 year ago
MORE!! We shall always have more questions regarding these goobers. Can mimics detect if someone is lying through scent? Can they smell emotions like Tanjiro? Can a speaker mimic sense if someone is lying through listening for an elevated heart rate or breathing? Can a camera mimic’s lens feel touch, like a human eye? Can a TV mimic’s screen feel touch? How do mimics bathe? Do they wash themselves in the rain or lick themselves? Do they take their ‘clothes’ off to bathe? Do camera mimics have toes/toe beans under their shoes or do their shoes not come off (does this apply to TV mimics too)? Do all speaker mimics have interchangeable arms and wings? Can TV mimics make other things/humans invisible if they go invisible while in contact with them? Can a mimics claws retract so they can grab stuff better without puncturing it or damaging it by accident?
Questions 1-3: Speaker mimics can tell the most about whether or not someone is lying. They can also tell if they love someone through the same means. Elevated core rotations (for alliance members) can help a speaker mimic tell if the individual is stressed, lying, or in love. While detecting lies through scent is much more difficult, some scents come through stronger than others. Like pheromones. If you want to interrogate someone for one reason or another, your best bet is to use a speaker mimic. Can a Camera mimic's lens feel touch?: Yes. But it's similar to a human eye, even when under a pane of glass. It's sensitive and the metal lenses surrounding it may snap shut on your fingers if you touch it. Best to treat them like eyes and keep your digits away from them. Can a TV mimic's screen feel touch?: Yes! They can feel touch on their screen, but it's not actually a screen. It's a luminescent square that takes on the appearance of a TV unit. It's "screen" is actually a layer of skin that has shifting colored cells on the inside, similar to a cuttlefish. Which expand and contract to show expressions and to send messages. How do mimics clean themselves?: Mimic clean usually through tongues, but they also bathe similarly to humans. There's designated areas in nests that involve water and mimics will clean off themselves with chemicals similar to how humans do it. They usually only engage in licking when they are covered in blood from their victims or their offspring need a quick clean up from blood or food that has smeared their face. While they are animalistic, they still carry over traits from their "human era" of mimicry. Can mimics take off their clothes?: Primarily, no. Their clothes are actually their version of skin and it protects them from the elements and attacks. However, they can reduce their "skin" to a more "bare" version, also called their "underskin". Which is what constitutes them as being "nude". Think of it as a temporary absorption of their outer layer to reveal the inner layer hidden underneath. Some mimics will even "shed" their skin to reveal a new healthy layer that is much softer and loser for a time before it thickens up and accommodates the growth of the mimic. This only occurs with young mimics and infants. As for having toe-beans? Sure. Why not? However, it's merged with their "shoes". As the shoes themselves can't come off. Do all speaker mimics have interchangeable wings?: Yes! All speaker mimics have their own wings. They aren't all the same either! For example, if you have a speaker mimic that has a pinstripe suit on, the wings will also have those stripes! Same with colors! If there's a gradient, pattern, or accessories on the sleeves of the speaker mimic, they carry over into the wings design! So you can have wings with stripes, jewels, patterns, and styles all catered to unique mimics! Can a TV mimic render other things invisible?: Both yes and no. The object itself can't be turned invisible, but if it's hidden under their cloak, the object won't be seen. So it would have to be hidden under the mimic's actual body to render it invisible. Can a mimic retract their claws?: In their "idle" forms, yes they can! It help to fool their prey and to prevent harming their allies or friends when they grab them or touch them.
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cosmica-galaxy · 1 year ago
If Fiend said or did something (flipping them the bird or something else) that hurt the human in some way, shape or form, would he be all tough and huffy towards them to still keep his mean reputation up? If the human started crying because Fiend was too mean by accident or accidentally crossed a line, would he comfort the human? (I love seeing the tough guys be nice to the human)
Oh, he would DEFINITELY cave. He goes from an "attractive trouble-making bad boy" to "I'M SORRY PLEASE DON'T TELL MY MOM" so fast it would give you whiplash. If the human actually wound up crying from something he did, he'll become so submissive and comforting that it's almost hilarious. He'll gently headbutt them, give them soft licks, wiggle his antenna, and purr very loudly while saying he's sorry and he won't do it again. He'll even undo what he did to the best of his abilities. Keep in mind, he would have to do this quickly before either Pal or (ESPECIALLY) Buddy jumps him and rips into his ass. After the situation is controlled again and all is said and done, he'll pretend that nothing happened. What? He didn't become a little bitch, you're crazy. The human is fiiiine. Look, they're happy. Nothing is wrong. He didn't do anything. (aka gaslighting) He has a soft spot for certain things...and one of those things is his precious human's well being. Both mental, emotional, and physical. He can become really sweet when he wants to be.
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cosmica-galaxy · 1 year ago
Can mimics get sick? Or do they have the holy grail of immune systems? If they can get sick then what could they get sick with? A mild cold or something worse? Can mimics smell if someone is sick? I imagine said entity smelling sickly sweet, not sweet but not horrible but enough to show that something is wrong, like a mild rot. (if that even makes sense)
So many questions now!
(2 as well) Mimics can get sick, yes. They have a couple of diseases that they can pick up and it varies from species to species. Typical diseases are like the flu and head colds, as they can get them as well. More severe illnesses usually come from the fleshy parts of their biology. Mostly from old age or fights. These can range from cancer, to arthritis, or even various injuries from fights. Like necrosis from a bad bite, for example. I won't get too detailed, but illnesses tend to come from their more organic half than their robotic half.
If one is sick, the others can tell usually from smell or taste. By licking their sick comrade, they can tell what it is and what it's affecting. But most mimic usually use smell for more severe injuries or diseases, like necrosis or cancer. Similar to how dogs can detect cancer in humans.
If, for example, the human is sick--the mimics would be the quickest to pick up on their change. They are familiar with sicknesses, and if their favorite human happens to get inflicted with an illness, be prepared to be pinned down somewhere and surrounded by purring mimics that are trying to make you feel better.
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cosmica-galaxy · 1 year ago
I legit woke up at 4 am this morning and asked myself these questions. The mimic goobers are so precious!
Can a disease transfer from a mimic to a human and vice versa? Are the clothes on mimics really clothes? Or is it skin? Can the articles come off? How would the mimics react to eating a whole lemon or just a slice(the human tricked them)? How would the mimics react if the human had regeneration powers or they just couldn’t die? Ex. They get beheaded and their body just casually walks over to their head and picks it up before putting it back on and the wound heals. How would the mimics react if the human got hurt? Possibly a lost limb or they’re just losing blood in general at an alarming rate.
Yes! Flus and colds can bounce around both mimics and humans. Which is why sick mimics usually go into isolation. So if you were comforted by a mimic while you're sicks, but then you don't see them around as often--they probably picked up your virus!
It's a adapted form of skin! Mimic 'clothes' aren't just for looks. They can sense temperature, atmospheric pressure, electricity charges, and touches through their clothes! So, their outfits are actually part of their bodies. However, if they peel it back, it will reveal what is called their "underskin". Which is the more softer-fleshy parts of the mimic that is protected by the outer layers. It's very smooth, squishy, and can come in a variety of colors or shades!
Those with tongues will probably recoil, but those without tongues would eat the fruit and not react at all, due to a lack of tastebuds.
They would be surprised and in awe. If a mimic did try to eat you, it would probably have an eternal food source...but thankfully, these mimics are more interested in courting you. So they would view it as a massive perk of being your lover.
First, they would deal with whatever hurt you that bad. If it's alive, it won't be for long. If it's inanimate, they'll rip it to pieces. But most importantly, they would rush to your aid and would make short work of picking you up and hauling you to safety and medical professionals. They will bowl over anyone or anything that gets in their way!
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cosmica-galaxy · 1 year ago
How would the mimics and the main trio help/react to the human having a depressive wave? Maybe the reality of being the possible last human settles in again and they're just crying in their room when said agent or mimic wanders in.
(PART 1 BECAUSE TUMBLR DOESN'T LIKE LONG POSTS) Camron is surprised the moment he walks in and takes notice of the human sobbing. They then try to straighten up as he walks over and tries to pretend that nothing is wrong. He sits on the bed and tries to sign what's wrong before the human suddenly leans on him, making him heat up a bit, before they hiccup and bury themselves into his shoulder. He simply embraces them and pats them on the back. He tries to understand that you are rightfully upset about...something? He'll find out what in time...just take a moment and use his shoulder to find yourself again. He'll ask you about it when you're more coherent. You can cry on his shoulder anytime...he won't mind. DJ walks in and the moment he sees you being sad, he walks over and gives you a few reassuring pats on the back. Something is wrong...why is his friend so sad?? He takes a few song clips to try and communicate while the human sobs. Then, they let it all spill out. How they are sad they are the only one left in the whole city. They don't know what happened to their family...their friends...their loved ones...or even to people they knew in passing. They are alone and it's tough dealing with the crushing reality. DJ can only nod and rub the human's back as they admit their grief to him. He says nothing, but decides to lay there with them as they cry. Playing some music to help them calm down as he holds them tightly and firmly. Get only stops when he heard the human let out a quiet snore or two after they fall asleep from their own exhaustion. Poor thing...he'll try to make you feel better when you wake up. Vee is frozen outside of the human's door the moment he hears sad sobs coming from within. With a few rough knocks, he waits for your sad sounding "come in" to pipe up before he officially walks inside. Damn, you look like an emotional wreck. Your eyes are all puffy, your nose is running, and your lower lip trembled every now and then. But your eyes...are filled with sadness. He walks in and sits on the bed, beginning to talk to you about what was happening. Then, he gets the full story. The human was developing a series of "sad emotion" related episodes and it was centered around their grief about what happened in their past or their current lone-human situation. Vee can feel a sense of sympathy reach out to the human from inside of himself...he can't imagine being the only one of his kind left. It must be devastating. He decides to offer you a brief hypno-therapy to try and ease your mind a bit...but it's not a cure. He'll have to talk to the doctor about this developing issue. Best to help you now before it gets out of hand.
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cosmica-galaxy · 1 year ago
More questions!
When a peon goes from peon to alpha, what are the physical changes? Is it painful? Any unique features that defines a peon from an alpha? Or features that giveaway what rank any mimic is. How good are all mimic variants senses (primarily sound and sight)? What happens to the runt of a litter of mimics (if that's what it's called)? If a newborn mimic has a disease or deformity that prevents it from being an efficient hunter, what will happen to it? Is it left behind?
The mimics have thoroughly infected my mind and now I can't stop thinking about them.
Also random goofy scenario I had. What if Buddy had bad breath and y/n starts chasing them with a (brand new) toilet brush while screaming for them to brush their teeth? What would everyone's reaction to that be?
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For the first question, I decided to draw out a quick little doodle showing a "Peon" when next to an "Alpha". Alphas have ear-like appendages and saw-like teeth that are made for both metal and flesh. Their tongue, which is underdeveloped and rigid in the Peon and limits their "speech" to garbled growls and clicks, eventually finds it's flexibility and finishes developing. Allowing speech. Colors and patterns also appear and vary from each unique alpha. On top of all the appearance chances, they also grow to the size of a large cameraman. Making them the largest unit in the pack. As for how one changes into an alpha--it starts out rather gradually. With little nubs of ears coming out of the head, colors fading in, more teeth grow in, and their speech ability improves. However, once they get most of the development done, they go into agonizing pain for a few hours as their body forcibly expands their chassis and makes them grow into their larger body. The rest of the features emerge and once the transformation is done, a new alpha is ready to lead their pack. 2. Camera mimics have very good eyesight, but poor hearing. They make up for the setback with a good "air taste", to detect any mimics or prey items nearby. Speakermen mimics are good at hearing, but lack good eyesight. Instead, they use echolocation or sonar to see. It's not perfect, but it's better than being blind. The TV's have great senses all around. They can taste, see, and hear better than both the camera and speaker mimics. That's why they are so deadly. 3. Mimics that are unable to survive on their own, typically from no fault of their own, are usually abandoned. They let nature take its course and the weakling is left to die. It's cruel, but in a clan where hunting feeds many mouths, another mouth to feed that gives no benefit to the clan is nothing but a waste of resources and energy. 4. Such a situation would be hilarious, but all the human would have to say is that they have bad breath and they should take care of it. They are intelligent, after all. Buuuuut a camera mimic wouldn't hesitate to mess with their future mate human friend by snatching something and running away with it. ; )
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cosmica-galaxy · 1 year ago
Whoop dee doo! We have more stuff to ask! If a mimic's teeth fall out do they grow back (like a shark)? What are all the mimic ranks in a pack? What do they do? If a ‘bad’ tv mimic and a ‘good’ mimic both use their psychological powers on the same organism what will it do? Will the good effects cancel out the bad or will they mess with the organisms mind? Ex. y/n is out exploring with Fiend when a bad tv mimic uses its powers on y/n but Fiend counteracts with his own to try and cancel out the bad effects.
Mimic teeth do grow back! They don't have just a limited supply either, they grow teeth for the rest of their lives...so kinda like sharks, yeah!
There are around 5 titles in a pack. The Alpha, which leads, guards, and protects pack members. There are usually two and they mate to grow their pack even more, like wolves. Then there's the Betas, the "guards" of the pack. They are big and brute-like and are usually there to protect the other members and Alphas from assaults. Then there's Deltas, which are the higher ranking hunters in a pack. Usually experienced in bribing down prey and keeping members in check while out on a hunt. Then there's the Omegas. The lower members of a pack that are submissive to the higher ranks. Usually makes up the bulk of a hunting pack that follow a delta. Then, there's the Peons (who Buddy used to be). They're the laborers and workers. They make the nests, move things around, and take orders from everyone, including omegas. The lowest of the low, borderline outside of the pack. Not treated very well and are usually made to eat whatever remains. Peons aren't overly natural in a group, as it's more of a punishing position for deserters, cowards, or diverting thinkers.
The results of a good TV mimic and a bad TV mimic targeting a single target, like Fiend trying to defend the human from an assault, will cancel out the attacks. The human will still suffer somewhat, but it will wane towards which side starts to buckle first. Like if Fiend was to slowly win, your thoughts would become more pleasant and peaceful and vice versa.
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