#katara you goober
aquatint-101 · 8 days
Forever Girl
The sky is painted in shades of bright pink over a brilliant cobalt blue. Saffron and lemon yellow explode near the horizon, lining the wispy clouds that hover over the water in halos of gold. The sun dips lower and lower across its arc in the sky, its light spilling into the ocean like blood from an open wound.
Aang is staring contemplatively at the waves, his grey eyes stealing some of that brightness until they glow like full moons at dusk. His dark circles don't seem as pronounced now, and he stands proud and tall despite his obvious exhaustion. His dark hair dances in the wind, gently tousled by the cool night air.
"Staying up all night has given me some time to think," Aang says sagely. "And I've realized some big things."
Katara holds back a gasp when she sees that his eyes are shining as though lit from within. "What big things?" she asks, tentative.
Aang stares solemnly at the choppy waves that are stealing the sun's gold, at the glittering spiderwebs of sunlight that are stretching out beneath the foamy water. "I see everything so clearly now," he says, "what really matters. Why I'm really doing this."
He turns to look at her, his chin tilting up so that their eyes meet, and she gets lost in a deep, deep sea of silver. She's never quite seen that color on anybody else, and it looks oddly beautiful against his warm ivory skin.
"I'm doing it to save the world," Aang whispers, voice low and heavy, "but it's more than that.  I'm doing it for the people I love." He steps closer to her and takes her hands in his. "I'm doing it for you, Katara."
Katara's heart catches in her throat, and she takes a moment to trace her thumbs over the arrows on his hands. They're precisely the same shade of blue as the sky, as if the atmosphere has breathed a trail across Aang's skin, a trail she can trace with her eyes, that winds over his smooth biceps and sloped shoulders before curving over his neck and head.
"Aang, what are you saying?" she blurts.
"I'm saying," Aang replies, calm and confident, "I love you."
And then, he leans in. It's sudden, like getting caught up in a hurricane, and Katara feels a little shocked at first but it's the good kind of shock. She winds her arms around his shoulders and pulls him close, and it idly occurs to her that she's never kissed anyone like this before in her entire life. When they finally part, it's too much and too little, all at the same time.
"What are we doing?" Katara can't help but ask, utterly breathless.
Aang lifts his hands to cup her face, tracing his thumbs over the apples of her cheeks. "What our hearts have been telling us to do for a long time."
Katara leans in to kiss him again, but Aang's hands settle around her waist instead, and all her words dry up in her mouth at the feel of his fingers against her midriff.
"Baby," he dips her into a bow, leaving her dizzy and breathless all over again, "you're my forever girl."
Her heart hammers in her chest as he leans in again, and she eagerly tilts her head up to meet his lips with hers, and-
Katara wakes up with a start, and her heart is still racing at breakneck speed. She can hear its steady thump loudly in her ears no matter which way she turns. Katara stares up at the night sky and remembers that she's been asleep for some time now.
What was that?
"I need more sleep," Katara groans.
Aang is cuddled into her side, and Katara is hyperaware of his arms winding around her waist and her cheek tucked firmly against his shoulder. He quietly mumbles something unintelligible in his sleep before nuzzling against her with a pleasant smile on his face. Her cheeks heat up so fast she almost feels dizzy, but she can't bring herself to move away.
Katara lets out a harsh sigh and closes her eyes and lets herself fall asleep to the sound of Aang's steady breathing. She can sort this mess out tomorrow.
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roygbivv · 6 months
I’ve been doing a Avatar study…
(Mostly just to learn how to draw the Gaang.)
(He’s a link to Part 2: Toph)
First off Aang!
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I love this lil goober
And Katara! (She’s not finished yet…)
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She’s so fun to draw
My girl is full of unchecked rage and I love that about her <3
More to come… >:D
Not to flex to hard but can we hyper focus on that hand???
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I ate that shit up and you can’t fucking lie!! 😤
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melina-mellow · 7 months
You know... From the way certain parts of the ATLA fandom talk about it.. Katara and Aang's age difference isn't that weird... It's literally a two year age difference.
You'd think the age difference was way bigger and much, much more problematic from the way — again— certain parts of the fandom talks about it.
Also Kataang are just cute as fuck. I have a real fondness for them. We could have had worse options when it came to canon ships in a kid's show.
That Gaang movie in 2025 can't come sooner cause now I want to know how these two goobers are as a couple when they're adults.
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wilcze-kudly · 6 months
I really want to see your post about how Katara is forcefully matured by the fandom, please!
Ok, while I wasn't ready to make that post in earnest, and frankly never might be, here's some of my cursory thoughts on the topic. I'd gladly talk about it in detail more but also ✨️fear✨️
So, let's get the obvious out of the way. Katara is a 14 year old. A child, barely a teen. In fact, the entirety of the gaang is made up of children.
Now, I haven't been fully active in the atla fandom in quite some time, mostly lurking on the peripheries, because the fandom is a shitshow. One of the reasons being the fact that most fans cannot, for the life of them handle the Gaang's inherent childishness.
This isn't just a Katara problem. Other than her, Aang suffers the most for the egregious crime of being a 12 year old survivor of a genocide. Suki is, of course, mainly ignored. The interpretations of Toph can vary wildly, from her being horrifically matured to being dissmissed as a chaotic, rude child. Zuko and Sokka's immature moments are looked at more permissively, being an angsty boi™️ and a goofy goober respectively.
I do find it odd that Aang doesn't get the "boys will be boys" pass, but ok, we'll blame it on him being... bald? a nice boy? not concerned with his own masculinity?
As for Katara, her maturity is treated like... a given. She's the mom of the group, the proverbial love interest, the feminist icon, the badass fighter, the trailblazer filled with feminine rage. The trophy wife to Aang, the (Lore Olympus style) Persephone to Zuko's Hades.
And true, she is, or at least can be, a lot of these things.
However she is, first and foremost, a child. This fact is presented to us on a silver platter in the first episode, when her and Aang are penguin sledding.
Katara : I haven't done this since I was a kid!
Aang: You still are a kid!
Katara is a child forced to mature. Her circumstances forced her to try to fill her mother's place and to fight for those who couldn't do so themselves. The fandom brands her as a mom friend. Sees her purely as an icon of empowerment. Or worse, degrades her character to being a love interest.
(im talking about both sides of the kataang/zutara debate. I have my biases, but I'm sure there are kataangers who treat her like this as well. I simply have encountered very few of them.)
Her story, while yes, has many themes of female empowerment is in huge part, a tragedy. The tragedy of a young girl forced to grow up much too soon.
Sadly, this is rarely spoken about. It's not spoken about directly and therefore a lot of the fandom doesn't see this. (Or simply doesn't want to see it)
This is not to say that Katara's more mature aspects should be dismissed or buried. She displays a lot of maturity for her age, to the point of being able to go toe to toe both intellectually and physically with the (admittedly usually incompetent) adults of the show. Additionally, she evolves as a character through the durtation of the show.
But a huge chunk of her maturity being forced and therefore unhealthy is a key aspect of her character.
I think what upsets me the most is that while the critiquing the idea of Katara being treated as the mom of the group in fanon is becoming more and more common, the treatment of her as something akin to a YA protagonist is on the rise.
Both these interpretations are so insulting to the character of Katara, what is wrong with you people?
I'm currently rewatching atla with a focus on Katara as a character (while also trying to give zutara a chance I am doing my best guys) and her childishness is an integral part of her. It's sad to see her treated as an adult by the fandom. And honestly unsettling, especially with how much of like a child she acts.
I wanna finish my rewatch before I give my full ramble on the topic. I also wanna look more into the many different opinions people in the atla fandom have on Katara's treatment by the show. Though even trying to skim the surfce was like injecting lemon juice directly into my tear ducts. Also I really, really don't wanna get sent death threats again.
I want to give the topic of Katara my full attention. However I don't think I'll ever make this post, actually. The atla fandom is a rabid horrid pack of creatures and I'm not sure if I wanna engage with all that.The post would probably bash a lot of things considered key arguments for Zutara, since, looking at Zutara through a child's doesn't exactly scream 'romance' and do I really want that on my blog?
Katara's role as a child isn't valued as much as her role as a woman and I just don't want to deal with people calling me mean names for talking about a little girl being traumatised.
I'd be glad to have a discussion but I made this blog mainly to have fun and enjoy a piece of media I like. I met some truly amazing people whom I can have really great discussions with, even if we don't agree. I don't want to jeopardise that by being a pretentious dick on a soapbox.
Call this and the last few posts I made on Katara me testing the waters.
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punkeropercyjackson · 6 months
atla gaang hot takes
Aang is objectively the best male character in the franchise and the reason he gets so much hate is because of the violent racism against asians who aren't japanese,korean or chinese and therefore not 'aesthetic' or 'dream s/os'
Katara is neither a mom friend nor a snooty perfect prep nor a homohobic cishet girl.She's a victim of adultification and parentification,an autistic trans bisexy queen who likes her girls masc and her guys fem(Toph and Aang)and the definition of 'teenage anarchist' who only gets called a conformist because people erase her activism and direct action because she's a punk femme instead of a male edgelord and they think girls can only be rebels if it's to cater to men
Sokka is not stupid but a goofy goober and is the smartest character in the whole show and the only reason he gets called a himbo is tropeified racism.Also he owes Katara money for his treatment of her be so fr,he was a misogynist until he was 15 and she had to deal with him
Toph is a transmasc girl as seen by her getting overjoyed at her Ember Island Players sounding like a guy and it is SO unserious to pit her and Katara against eachother over Aang like they wouldn't all be a happy sapphic polycule(Aang is genderfluid tyvm)
While not her fault,Suki is easily the blandest Atla girl by a longshot and her popularity coming from Katara haters screams colorism from the Ba Sing Se rooftops.Also Zukki is not very good polyam rep unless it's tgirl Zuko,i could not care less about an mlm couple that stands on it's own with a girl slapped on but not really being part of the dynamic,MAKE HER A GIRLKISSER ABOUT IT!!!!
'Zuko was never evil' is factually incorrect and a very liberal take because it absolves him of responsibility that HE was the first person to hold himself accountable for by growing the fuck up and unlearning propaganda and giving the people he had privilege over reperations and it's not the writers fault y'all are fence sitters because of some dumbass crush over a guy who'd never even look in your general direction since you infantalize the shit out of him
And not technically Gaang members but they are in my heart so they get bonuses:Jet was more right than any yt boy you thirst after,Azula being so sexualized in canon is a result of the fetishization of underaged east asian girls,Mai is a lil angel compared to Zuko and you only demonize her because you can't accept unconventional women and Ty Lee is highly underrated and the best non-mc on the show-Autistic tgirl swag methinks
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highfantasy-soul · 6 months
I've thought about the scene with kataras necklace and while its nice to see dummy pakku realize he drove away his fiancé to move on the other side of the world having a idonefuckedup . it also makes little sense to why Kanna would give that betrothal necklace to Kya who passed it down to Katara. why give away a necklace to your daughter/grandkid from a man you didnt even like . i much prefer the idea the necklace was Hakodas that he gave to kya and katara now wears it butohwellthatsnotcanon.
people really be blinded by nostalgia. atla orginal has a few holes in it.
I can see that being a good history for Katara's necklace!! It did seem like a very handy goober plot device to include in the OG, so I don't think nixing it coming from Pakku messes up the emotional importance of the necklace at all. There are many ways to get to the same 'this necklace is the only thing I have left of my mother' conclusion.
And I agree that when we're blinded by nostalgia, we forgive wonky storytelling in the past, but lambast it when it occurs present-day - or worse, criticize present day for cleaning up wonky storytelling of the past.
Most of the changes NATLA made, I like the way it enhanced the story they were telling (a stand-out at the moment as I'm rewatching episode 8 is Zhao discovering all the spirit world info from Roku's temple rather than Won Shi Tong's library).
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gaybananabread · 11 months
For #24 (pinned) could you write a fic where Katara sits on top of Aang and tickles him because he’s teasing her?
TickleTober Day 24 - Pinned
I'm sorry this was a day late, this week has been a lot for me. Still, I'm doing my best to get these out! It's been a hot minute since I've done anything for ATLA. Hopefully these goobers aren't too OOC! Again, sorry for the delay, and I hope you Enjoy!
Lee: Aang
Ler: Katara
Summary: Aang is feeling extra cheeky and decides that teasing Katara is a good idea. Little does he know that she's got a few tickly tricks up her sleeve. 
Warnings: none! This is a tickle fic, so if you don't like that, scroll away!!
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The cool, restraining ice held Aang's arms above his head; he had gone a bit too far. "Better get ready, you little jerk." Oh boy… she sounded so fed up with him. 
What got him in this position, you might ask? It all started that morning…
Aang knew from the moment he woke up that he was in a bratty mood. He didn't exactly know why, but he felt an intense urge to annoy the hell out of his friends. One waterbender in particular seemed especially teasable… he couldn't resist. The mood needed to be satiated, and Katra was always fun to toy with.
"Heeeeey, beautiful. What'cha doing?" Katana whipped her head around, blushing slightly from the unexpected nickname. "Oh- Just, uhm, sorting out our maps. We've still got quite a while before we reach the next village."
He smirked, looking over the maps. They did have a few hours before Appa got them to the small village; it was a morale-based trip. Ever since taking down the Fire Nation's empire and restoring balance, more and more work needed to be done. Especially in the smaller villages that were ravaged during the battles.
Aang was far from done, though. Her blush was adorable, of course, but the single tease had done little to help his mood. Katara wouldn’t mind a few more, right? “Thanks, you’re the best! I don’t know what I’d do without you!” He slung an arm around her shoulder, pulling the girl in for a tight side-hug. 
What had gotten into him? Katara tried to laugh off her fluster, squirming out of the hug after a second. She didn’t mind his silliness, but that was a bit excessive and cheesy, even for him. “You doing okay, Aang? You’re…very touchy today.”
The sort-of-teen snickered, shrugging. “I dunno. Can’t I shower my partner in praise? I mean, you make it easy; you’re adorable.” He poked her side, knowing he was playing a dangerous game. Katara flinched away from the touch with a repressed giggle, wide-eyed. Adorable? He was asking for trouble…
“Aang, I don’t know what you’re trying to do, but don’t. I can and will shove you out of this saddle.” That should have been his cue to stop and just enjoy the ride with her. Unfortunately for Katara, the Avatar wasn’t known for picking up on those, much less paying attention to them. Aang scooted closer to her, slowly sneaking his hand towards her ribs. He didn’t think it through before he did it.
He sneakily scribbled down her ribcage, not thinking of the repercussions. Katara squeaked, a giggle slipping out before she reacted. Water flew from her canteen, quickly snaking itself around Aang’s arms and pinning him to the floor of the saddle before freezing. Tugging at his icy binds, he realized he was stuck. Katara had full access to his spots, thanks to his loose traveling clothes, and he was too giddy to stop her.
Now that you’re all caught up, let’s get back to Katara’s revenge...
Katara flexed her fingers, slowly wiggling them over the boy’s belly. With him pinned like that, she had all the time in the world to tease him. “I’ll give you one chance to redeem yourself. Why are you being such a snot?” 
He giggled, squirming under her teasing nails. She knew exactly what she was doing; he couldn’t tell if he loved or hated it. “Uhum- I juhust wanted to shohohow you hohow awesome you ahahare?” Okay, that was kinda cute. Still, she couldn’t let his goofy teases go unpunished. 
“Hmm…not good enough.” Chuckling, Katara climbed on top of him, straddling his waist. In seconds, her nails were scribbling under his arms. His reaction was instant; loud laughter flew from his mouth as he tried to squirm. “GaaAAH! KAHATARAHAHA! NOHOT THEHERE!”
She snickered, drilling her fingers into his hollows. If there’s one thing she loved about Aang, it was his laugh. Usually he was so carefree, letting the sound flow freely, bringing life and joy to the air. The only difference then was that he was pinned under her, laughing uncontrollably. Still, breathtaking. 
“You should be bratty more often. Gives me plenty of chances to do this~” Her nails moved slowly across his exposed skin, taking full advantage of the robe’s slanted cut. “PLEHEHEASE! TH-THIHIS IHISN’T FAHAHAIR!” Aang was starting to regret teasing her. He couldn’t just sit and wait out the flying bison ride… well, at least it wasn't that terrible.
Katara scoffed, shaking her head at the boy. “Really? How is it not fair? You teased me first; I’m just returning the favor.” She leaned her head down, whispering in his ear. “Besides, we both know you don’t hate this~” The teen wouldn’t be that cruel, though. She moved her fingers down to his sides, taking the focus off his worst spot.
Uuuuugh, why did she have to know him so well? It was criminal how right she always was. “B-buhuhut I dihidn’t tihickle youhuhuhu!” Aang whined through his giggling, tugging at the icy restraints. They weren’t hurting him, but it wasn’t exactly comfortable. Appa’s flying was smooth, giving him zero opportunities to try and flip them.
“That’s true, yeah. But isn’t this so much more fun than me just annoying you back?” Just as she finished her tease, Appa grumbled, taking a quick descent. The pair yelped, Katara’s restraints quickly melting as she lost focus. Aang rocketed upright, zipping over to check on his flying bison. 
There was nothing wrong up front; the skies were clear, and the waters calm. Apparently Appa had just grown tired of their silliness. Aang rubbed his red cheeks, giggling off the rest of his giddiness. “Ahappa…did you gehet annoyed with uhus?” The bison grunted again, as if agreeing with the boy.
Katara snorted, shaking her head at the goofy interaction. That amusement faded to nerves, though, when she saw the look on Aang’s face. “You know Katara, you were right. We *do* have a decent way to go before we reach the village…” 
It wasn’t long before laughter filled the air once again, joy radiating from the saddle and smiles from both parties. Rides like those were the best, even if Appa had to put up with their shenanigans.
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weirdest-al · 3 years
Toph stretched out her legs and let her hands fall into her lap. They had done alright for themselves Sparky and Sugar Queen. They had done alright.
“She really used to go at him,” she sighed and shook her head, “he couldn’t breathe in her presence without her thinking it was the worst offense in the world. Look at them now, huh? Especially with you goobers in the mix.”
“Sorry, royal goobers.”
Rohan smiled. That seemed like a title he could get used to.
It's nice that his parents have been married for 20 years, like, aw, really nice, if only his sister hadn't ditched him to hang out with the Avatar at this endless anniversary dinner party. Luckily Toph comes to the rescue to save a little prince from a little boredom.
Or, Rohan and Toph both realize that Zuko and Katara have done pretty well for themselves all things considered.
Excited to share this sweet little fic with you all! Seen so much lovely content this week already, thank you for inspiring me y’all! Enjoy!
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etraytin · 4 years
Quarantine, Day 159
August 17
Tonight the big kittens are playing in the three level tower while I keep an eye on them to ensure that they do not learn any excessively painful lessons about gravity. Zuko and Aang have climbed to the very tallest level and are biting each other, so that's very on brand, while Sokka bounces around and exults in finally figuring out how to go up-- whoops, quick typing break there because he chose that moment to nearly fall overboard. He caught himself though, good job buddy! Katara has found a plush pouncing toy on the ground floor and is playing with it. It looks funny because she is all black against the black bottom tray, and unless I concentrate it kind of looks like the toy just appears and disappears magically whenever she jumps off it. They are all having a good time and have been eating and drinking very well today, which is great except it means their days here are numbered. I'm going to miss the little goobers. 
The little bitties had a rough day, pooping out the effects of yesterday's dewormer. Super gross, but better out than in, I guess! It's a good thing I just got seven new bags of old towels from another shelter volunteer. I'm not worried about them yet because they are still active and not dehydrated, but I'm keeping a very close eye on them. Little kittens are so fragile! 
Today was a noteworthy day for the ol' quarantine journal because I went to the dentist for the first time since February! (I have no memory of going to the dentist in February, I must've been a madwoman doing any dental stuff so close to the bar exam. What was I even thinking?) There have been a lot of changes. They did the now-typical thing where you wait in the car and they come give you your paperwork, but with the added twist of letting us into the waiting room when the paperwork and temp-taking was done. My dentist is in a strip mall but actively tried to cultivate the feel of one of those offices built into an old house, with period furniture and little curio cabinets and stuff. Everything has been removed from the waiting room, and it is now a completely empty space except for five numbered dots glued to the floor around the periphery of the room. Each person waiting would stand on their own dot until they were called. I missed the couch. The actual exam was very similar to usual, except that I wore a mask for the first update-and-questions part and they made me swish hydrogen peroxide for thirty seconds before the exam. Foamy grossness! My teeth and jaw are super sensitive so even a cleaning is no fun, but I got through it and got scheduled to get my actual dental work done in two weeks. My dental insurance is bad enough that I can only afford to get a couple things done a year, but I wouldn't want to miss my chance for this year just because of some lousy pandemic! My teeth are awful! 
I also stopped at a store that vends bathing and bedding equipment as well as other needs beyond that, for reasons that I legally cannot disclose but that did earn me good money on account of the first person supposed to do it flaking out. That store is a liminal space in the best of times, but at least in such a big store there's a lot of room to spread out. I wish I had known before the pandemic that there is basically a coffee bar in there where you can taste test all the coffee machines, but now of course you cannot. Definitely a missed opportunity! I did check out their clearance section and got some very cute saucer-size melamine plates with pictures of cats at the beach on them. I got nine of them for a dollar-fifty! Well, a dollar forty three, but I wanted to pay with cash and I told them to forget the seven cents. Surely someone else needs those scarce pennies more than I do! 
Come to think of it, the coin shortage is just another example of the backwards emergency that is the pandemic. In a normal emergency, the sort we are used to and plan for, you join up with other people as soon as feasible. You form community, you help your neighbors, you celebrate and mourn together as you try and patch everything back up. In a pandemic, you stay apart, you avoid your neighbors, you postpone your gatherings and try to remain alone. In a normal emergency you want to have cash on hand in case power goes out or internet and phone lines go down. In a pandemic, there is a coin shortage so exact change or debit/credit is the order of the day. Though I guess in the derecho disaster they just had in Iowa, they did lose their card processing abilities, so they are screwed in both directions. That is an awful sucky situation and I am just glad that it missed my aunt out there. Scary that winds like that could kick up without even a tornado to blame.
Okay, the kittens have played themselves out and are falling asleep, so it's time to get them back in the playpen. After that, maybe I will get a little sleep too! Or maybe not. 
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citrusrealm · 7 years
001 | Send me a ship and I will tell you …
When I started shipping it if I did: Kataang and I go way back. I was five years old when ATLA first aired. I watched Avatar from its very first episode, and the moment I saw those two goobers on screen, I knew in my heart, “Yes, them, they are My Favorites. Thirteen years later, at seventeen, I’m confident in saying that they are, and will always be, my Forever OTP. 
My thoughts: Katara and Aang have such a beautiful relationship. Even in just the first two episodes, they formed such a strong bond. Katara was ready to leave the South Pole, her village and family, everything she had ever known just because she couldn’t let Aang go. And, oh my god, when Aang gives himself up to Zuko to protect the village, the look of complete heartbreak that Katara gives Aang kills me.
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          Finally, for once, Katara had someone she could relate to, someone that           could bring back the joy in her life, and in the matter of a day, he was                 gone, because he couldn’t let her get hurt. 
          And Aang just loves everything about Katara. He holds so much respect           for that girl. When Paku doesn’t want to teach Katara waterbending, he             is pissed. How dare you not teach Katara, the bravest, most passionate,           most hardworking, most caring person, because she’s a woman? He                 never treats her with contempt and only becomes excited when he sees           her excel. He’s not proud of his own skills, he’s proud of hers. Ugh, he               just loves that girl so much. ///sob
What makes me happy about them: Canon, baby. 
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What makes me sad about them: I wholeheartedly believe that when Korra lost connection to the previous Avatars, the spirits of those Avatars were also destroyed. So, when Katara dies … well, you can put it together.
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: When Katara or Aang get all prosey and poetic with the other. I’m not talking about being mushy, just overtly ... John Green-ish. 
Things I look for in fanfic: I’m such a sucker for domestic Kataang. Or modern day AU Kataang. Or Kataangst, lots and lots of Kataangst. Or, Kataang in general. Kataang, man, Kataang. 
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: I would be completely comfortable with Aang ending up with Zuko in the future if things didn’t work out with Katara. Aang has always been ready to give Zuko a second chance and accept him as a friend, and they honestly have a lot of cute moments together. 
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          On the other hand, I can’t really see Katara with anyone else but Aang.             I wouldn’t mind it if she got together with Toph, but it’s more of a “meh”             feeling. 
My happily ever after for them: The world is mostly at peace. Aang still fulfills his duty as The Avatar, and Katara maintains her title of Master Waterbender and remains as an important figure to the Northern and Southern Water Tribe and Republic City. But, politics no longer consumes their lives, and they’re able to travel the world freely and make a family of their own. 
Who is the big spoon/little spoon: Aang’s the big spoon in bed, but Katara loves doing this thing where she comes up behind Aang and hugs him.
What is their favorite non-sexual activity: I was originally going to put waterbending practice here, but, let’s face it, it’s not as inncoent when they’re adults as it was when they were adolescents.
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           Mmm … sure, Katara. You just really needed to correct his stance                      there. It’s not like after years of practice he’s doing completely fine. 
           Otherwise, I’d say they really appreciate sleeping in together. Aang’s                  definitely the early bird, but he can’t help but be a bit lazy and stay in                bed when Katara asks him to. Katara also likes reading to Aang, and in              return Aang likes telling Katara stories, whether made up, tales passed              down by his people, or memories from his childhood.
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aquatint-101 · 24 days
Random kataang headcanons
Awkward early relationship Kataang dating headcanons: Okay so the first big thing Aang does after the war is delivering ceasefire messages from the Fire Nation while Katara goes home to rebuild, and they exchange SO MANY LETTERS Their letters are so long with so many crossed out parts because they're trying to be romantic but all they end up doing is rambling about their daily lives Aang always signs his letters "yours" and Katara signs hers "with love" (Aang actually squealed when he got his first letter from her) Aang will get her ingredients for medicines she wants to try making that the SWT doesn't have and this one time he sends her a watercolor paint set from the Fire Nation and Katara is In Love Katara sends back lots of handmade stuff, and once she gets the hang of using her paint set she starts making cute little pictures of stuff she sees When they do reunite they spend most of their time in the SWT, so their PDA isn't ridiculous but expect lots of tight hugs they're suddenly too shy to give The first time Aang wears a parka he looks so cute Katara feels her heart is going to explode They do that thing where they're holding hands and looking away from each other while blushing furiously Katara kind of acts like she always has (compliments, hugs, cheek kisses) but when Aang starts mimicking that behavior Katara.exe stops working They are so shy that Sokka dies from secondhand cringe Speaking of Sokka, he will try to assert his dominance as Katara's older brother, like sitting between them when they're making heart eyes at each other Katara actually starts calling Aang "sweetie" out of spite just to make Sokka feel awkward, and Aang catches on because he also wants to make Sokka suffer, and it takes years for it to develop into an actual nickname they use When Katara gets into charcoal she tries drawing Aang but she gets so fed up with his intricate tattoos that she literally starts crying oh god Aang is in love with her and knows it but he's too scared of saying it so he'll keep whistling I love you in an Air Nomad whistle code, and he starts screaming internally when Katara repeats it without knowing what it means You would not look at these two goobers on a date and think that they'd kill and die for each other The first time they try making out it doesn't work because they're smiling so much A lot of the things they used to do casually, like training together or sparring or even just cuddling, become a little awkward but they grow out of it and become more comfortable with each other Aang tries to flirt, it Does Not Work, Katara tries to flirt, which somehow goes even worse because she takes advice from Suki and Mai This phase passes, like all trying times But yeah Aang and Katara from ages 13/14 to 15/16 are just two babies who love each other so much and are trying to show it but have no clue how
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gaybananabread · 11 months
Hii! For the fruit shop, could you do lemon for ATLA? Maybe Sokka is being a brat and Aang, Toph, and Katara pin him and tickle him? Maybe have them use raspberries and focus on his belly button? Finally, since I hc that Katara sits on top of Sokka when tickling him because he HATES it, could u integrate that as well? Thanks!
Fruit(s): Lemon
Sure! I’m loving that I left room for hcs; the ones I’ve gotten so far are so fun and cute! These goobers need some more attention from me, especially Sokka. Thank you for requesting, I hope you Enjoy!
Lee: Sokka
Lers: Katara, Aang, Toph
Summary: Sokka is being more of a brat than usual. Katara decides to teach him a lesson, the others joining in to help.
Warnings: none! This is a tickle fic, so if you don’t like that, scroll away!!
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“What? It’s not my fault I’m smarter than you.” 
Toph launched a rock at his head, making the boy yelp and duck. It was game night for the Gaang, trivia being their first segment. She could swear he was cheating; she just hadn’t figured out how he was doing it. Yet.
“I’ll show you smarter, you little-” Katara cut in before Aang’s innocence could be spoiled any further. “Oh-kay! Sokka, quit being you. Toph, watch what you say, even if he does deserve it.”
Aang just sighed, pulling the next trivia card. Sokka had been stirring trouble the whole night. “Uh, who was the oldest confirmed Avatar to have lived?” He had made most of the cards, that one included. Sokka looked down for a moment, twisting his sleeve before answering. “Avatar Kyoshi at 230, easy!”
At that moment, Toph growled and sent a pillar of stone for Sokka’s head. It narrowly missed him, his coat slipping off as he struggled to dodge it. There, written on his arm, were the answers to all the trivia questions. Oh, that little- “I KNEW IT! No way you could get all those questions right!”
Sokka just chuckled as his friends surrounded him, backing closer and closer towards the wall of the tent.. “Ehehe…uh, we can talk about this, right?” His back hit the cloth, the exit flap over behind his friends. “R-right…?”
The teen had been a brat the entire day. Not in his usual “I’m so funny” way, but in a “I’m arrogant and need to be taken down a peg” way. Cheating was the final straw, and his friends were more than happy to be the ones to bring him back to Earth.
Katara was the first to attack, lunging at him like she had so many times before. She tackled her brother to the floor of the tent, making sure his head hit his bed roll before pinning him. Sokka kicked and squirmed underneath her, hating how she got the upper hand. “Get off! C’mon, it was just a little advantage!”
Toph sent a pebble at his head, making him whine. “A little advantage?! You had all the trivia answers right in front of you! That’s blatant cheating!” 
She had a very fair point. Sokka, looking for any way out of his predicament. He tried calling out to Aang. “Aang! Y-you’re all about second chances, right? Help me out here!”
The Avatar just sighed, trying to keep his growing smile at bay. “Well, that’s normally true. But cheating at my trivia game? I think that deserves some punishment.” He squawked, trying twice as hard to get out of his sister’s hold. Toph chuckled, cracking her knuckles. “Katara, show him what happens to cheaters.”
Then something none of the kids, besides Sokka, were expecting. The boy squealed before bursting into loud, bubbly laughter. She was…tickling him? Toph groaned. “Awe, c’mon! Where’s the waterlogging? The ear-pulling? Literally anything besides this?!” 
Aang just chuckled, smiling as Katara tormented her brother. “I think it’s a much better alternative to violence. We don’t need to hurt each other every time something annoying happens.” 
The jerk in question was squirming, twisting, bucking and kicking to try and get Katara off him. She was barely even doing anything, but his pride was being stomped on and pulverized. “K-Kahataraha! I- Ihi’m gohonaha kihihill youhuuhu!”
She skittered her fingers across his navel, smiling down at him. “Maybe someone shouldn’t have been such a skunk-bat the whole day. You guys mind helping instead of bickering? It’s a lot more fun than it looks.”
The bubbly boy needed no further convincing. He knelt down by Sokka’s flailing arms, bending some stone to hold them in place above his head. “I gotta try this.” Smiling wide, Aang dug his fingers into Sokka’s hollows. The boy screeched, thrashing in the rocky restraints. “NAHAHAHO! YOUHUHU AHALL SUHUHUHUCK!”
That was enough out of him. Toph chuckled darkly, taking a seat on his shins. “It’s a sissy way of doing things, but fine; boomer-boy seems to hate it, so it’s good enough.” She dug into the undersides of his knees, letting her calloused fingers do most of the work. That did the trick. “GYAAAH! TOHOHPH NOHOHO!”
Aang felt a bit bad, easing up his touch to one finger per hollow. He didn’t wanna overwhelm his friend, though the two girls had no problems with it. Katara was feeling extra evil, slowly lifting the hem of Sokka’s shit up to his ribs. “Hmph. You gonna apologize?” 
He could’ve just said sorry right there and survived. Sokka, doing the obvious, smart thing? Nah, not his style. “G-GOHO CLEHEHEAN APPA’S TOHOHOES!” 
That was all Katara needed to be cruel. Taking a deep breath, she aimed for his navel and blew a raspberry straight on it. Sokka was gone.
“GHK- GAHAHAHAHA! KAHAHATAHRAHAHA!” Aang’s eyes widened as he saw Sokka’s crazed reaction. “Wow Sokka, I never knew you were so ticklish…”
The water tribe warrior would have yelled at him, but Katara blew another raspberry before he could get another word out. Sokka squealed and kicked, reminded of all the times Katara had done the same thing in their youth. Be it in retaliation to something, or just to cheer him up, his sister could always get him laughing. 
“Ohokay. As much as I’m enjoying the show, we can’t kill the dork. I think he’s learned his lesson.” Backing up the earthbender, Sokka forced out an apology. “IHIHI’M SAHAHAHORRY!” 
She sighed, pulling his shirt back down. “Fiiiine. You guys are no fun.” She climbed off of her brother, patting his chest. He groaned and kicked at her, curling into himself as he giggled the phantom sensations away. “See? Perfectly fine.”
His friends chuckled, Toph releasing his arms from the stone cuffs. “Welp, I’m entertained. I think we should add “Tickle the Life Outta Sokka” to game night. Makes things way more fun.” 
“G-glahad you’re all hahaving fun with my misery.” Sokka apparently still had the energy to sass them, though it was clear his extra brattiness was gone. Aang nudged his side, making the warrior slip into his sleeping bag. “I’m going to bed, ya buncha jerks.” 
“Love you too, Sokka. Night.” Katara chuckled, bending a bit of water into his cup before turning back to the others. Game night continued, though they did keep things down for the grumpy fighter’s sake. Sokka turned away from them, his sleeping bag closed up to his mouth. Toph just smirked, knowing that underneath it was a small, happy smile.
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