izzym-art · 5 years
I'm having another surgery later today and going through your art makes me feel better because I'm actually nervous about this one. Sorry for the spam! 😘
OH MY GOD PLEASE BY ALL MEANS SPAM AWAY!! I’m so happy my art makes you feel better ; ; I don’t know if I’m late at replying this (I might be *sweats*) but I wish you luck!!! You’ll be okay and I hope you recover quickly! I’ll be thinking of you a lot
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empresstress13 · 6 years
A giveaway prize for the fantastic @katalyna-rose ! This is a codex entry based off her wonderful Dragon Age fanfic A Journey of the Soul!  The protagonist, Salshira, is a woman from our world who ends up in Thedas (MGiT), and has been trying to remember all the information and possible outcomes from the games by writing them down - in a writing system different than those used in Thedas much to everyone else’s confusion. 
Kat recently posted Chapter 21! So go check it out! 
Correspondences written to Sister Leliana of the Inquisition from various members of the organization: "Sister Leliana, I have a growing concern that must be raised: the Herald is a surprisingly adaptable and thoughtful woman, however the stress of the current situation could overwhelm even the most experienced of leaders. There has been one issue in particular creating stress for the Herald even though it is seemingly unrelated to the task at hand. I am sure it has not escaped your attention that the Herald has been compulsively - almost obsessively - taking notes. She will spend long hours, often forgoing sustenance or rest, writing fervently using a strange notation. It has come to the point of being a health concern, but I am at a loss as to the reason for her obsessive writing. The language and characters she uses are strange to me; I was unsure if this was a cipher known to you? Is there a particular reason why the Herald uses this code? Was it a suggestion of the advisers to hide these notes? Whatever the case may be I am concerned for her well being, and worried by the disregard for her own health. I would request to be kept informed as to this matter as well. The lack of sleep and nourishment will only have an adverse affect on the Herald and our mission. - Solas" "Messere Solas, I am well aware of the Herald's habit of writing in what appears to be an advanced cipher. Unfortunately, this has neither been at the request of the Inquisition nor is the cipher one that is known to me. Early on she inquired if I or any of my agents understood the script and seemed amused that we did not. At the time, considering how tentative our understanding was then, I had also sent samples to several experts but it was not familiar or recognizable to any of them - much to their chagrin. If you are able to uncover anything about the matter it would benefit the organization if you would relay that information to me as swiftly as possible. Sister Nightingale"   ~~~ "We've been keeping watch and doing clean-up for the Herald and her party as instructed. There have been minor skirmishes but all issues are being dealt with by the Herald's group or our scouts. I have noticed that Salshira has seemed. . . more worn than normal. Frankly, I'm worried about her. I've noticed that she's constantly writing notes and re-reading them at all hours of the night and day. . . any idea what that is about or if there is anything we can do for her? - Scout Harding" "Noted. We've been asked about the writing several times. We have tried to inquire ourselves on the matter. It is currently unknown, and unlikely to become known in the future given the response we have been given. Take care of her as best you are able. Sister N."
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talesfromthefade · 5 years
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Cadence Tabris & Zevran Arainai (Background Cadence x Anders), for @dadrunkwriting and @katalyna-rose
“You are quite fond of him, aren’t you,” Zevran asks, a smile tugging against the corners of his mouth from where he leans against one of the pillars in the great hall after it’s cleared out for the day, “your new mage compatriot? Relax, he cannot hear us, my friend,” the assassin adds as Cadence’s eyes are blown wide with panic, frantically making sure there is no one near enough to overhear their conversation.
“Not here,” Cadence hisses, grabbing their fellow elf by the arm and quickly ducking out a back hallway to the sanctuary and solitude of the fields that surround the Keep.
“So,” Zevran presses, eyes twinkling. “Am I right?”
It’s rhetorical. Zevran is nothing like the fool he sometimes plays at being, and they’ve already more than given him an answer without saying a word. Cadence sighs. “I’m not drunk enough for this conversation.”
“Ah, but fortunately for you I came prepared,” Zevran smirks, pulling a large flask from his bag and passing it over.
“Why couldn’t it have been you?” Cadence is drunk now, which takes some doing for a more seasoned Warden, if Alistair is to believed, though they suppose they’ve not really been at it so much longer than their newest Wardens, even if it feels like it’s been a lifetime. Still, they think, staring up at where Zevran sits beside in the tall grass them taking another long pull from the seemingly bottomless flask- perhaps this is another one? Still, how much easier life might have been if they had only been able to steer their body, their heart another direction. Passion of a sort without giving their heart away only to have it destroyed.
Zevran merely laughs, shaking his head.
“You had your eyes set on someone else, remember,” Zevran reminds them, “and something more.”
“Yeeeaah, I know, but-”
“Is there something stopping us now?” Cadence frowns thoughtfully. “Mmm,” Zevran nods, “as I thought.”
“It’s not like that,” Cadence protests, shaking their head, before abruptly stopping as the gesture begins to make them feel dizzy. They should be able to. They and Anders, they’re… well, they’re not… And Zevran is certainly no less handsome than when they’d been traveling together fighting the Blight. But-
“No, I mean, well, we sleep together sometimes, but-” Cadence shrugs as the rest of their words seem to suddenly elude them. “It’s supposed to be casual.”
“Supposed to be?”
“He said he loves me,” Cadence admits on a heavy sigh. “Just once. He apologized, and he hasn’t said it since, but-”
“Do you want him to say it again?”
“Yes. No. I mean- ugh, I don’t know.”
“The first answer is usually the most honest one, my friend.”
“I do,” Cadence admits finally, “but it doesn’t seem fair to ask. I don’t think I can say it back.”
“We’re Wardens,” replies as if this should suddenly explain everything. The less than impressed look on Zevran’s face is enough to tell them it doesn’t. “We’re not really supposed to have attachments, and I’m his Commander. Besides, we don’t know how long either of us has to offer each other, or-”
“So this isn’t really about him at all.”
“I know he’s not Alistair,” Cadence protests.
“Definitely not,” Zevran laughs, shaking his head. “This one is almost you, all of the sass without any of the attempts at diplomacy first. Better at flirting, though.”
“Hey!” Zevran merely shrugs, passing the flask back to them again. They should perhaps consider cutting themselves off, maybe in a bit, Cadence thinks, taking another sip. “Wait, did he flirt with you? Nevermind. Of course, he did.”
“Only in good fun,” Zevran concedes, “Anyone who spends five minutes with you both could see where his eyes are drawn. You do not want to be with me any more seriously than he does, my friend. That is okay. Ours is a different kind of love. It’s still nice. We get to have companionship and sparkling conversation like this, no?” Cadence smiles slightly and nods, passing the flask back to Zevran. “Good. So, as someone who loves you,” Zevran continues, “feel free to remind him you have a friend in the Crows, well, a former-Crow, if this one gets any ideas about mistreating you.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” Cadence promises with a smile.
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For DWC! A kiss in a dream
Oooh, thank you for this! I know exactly where I wanna go with thiiiiis!
Shale Lavellan x Varric Tethras feels, referencing an earlier ficlet “First Day  Gifts,” for @dadrunkwriting.
“This is just... wish fulfillment. I’m a mage, I know this.” Shale sighed and rubbed her hands over her face. She eyed the “dwarf” who sat by her side. It wasn’t possible. He wasn’t a mage and couldn’t influence the Fade at all; and he was a dwarf, to boot, and couldn’t dream in the first place. “Please, just... don’t do this to me. Not now.”
The spirit who wore Varric’s face frowned. “But you’re hurting,” they said. “You miss him.” Their arm slung around her waist tentatively, just like he once did. “You love him, but then you left.”
“But then I left,” Shale agreed hollowly. She couldn’t help leaning into the phantom warmth of the spirit. For all of Deshanna’s teachings, for all the caution that had been drilled into her in her lessons, she couldn’t help but reach for him.
Even when he wasn’t there.
Shale fidgeted with the white-gold ring that lingered upon her finger, a twining set of curling bands that twisted like halla horns over her skin.
“You could have told him.” The spirit shifted, pressing closer against Shale’s side. “You love him. You could have kept him.”
“You can’t keep people, Love.” She slanted her eye down at the wavering image of Varric. “That’s what you are, aren’t you? Or Compassion, but I’ve met one of your brethren, and you don’t strike me like Cole.”
The spirit warmed, a veritable fire along her side. “Love,” they agreed. Their Varric-painted eyes curiously took in the ring on her finger and they cooed. “I know how to help.”
Shale tensed. “What--”
The dreamscape shifted around them. Instead of sitting at Varric’s table in Skyhold’s great hall, Shale found herself standing once more in the bedroom they had shared--Varric’s room, complete with a writing desk strewn with papers, quills, and a dangerously-low inkwell. The fire burned bright and warm and filled the room with a cheery glow.
“Come on,” Love-Varric said, patting the low bed beside them. “You’ll get cold.”
She looked up into the perfect facsimile of his face, no longer wavering or unsure. Every mark, every bend of his thrice-broken nose, every errant strand of hair that escaped its tie was in perfect place, just as she remembered. His eyes were molten gold in the firelight, and his smile--Creators, his smile could easily be enough to undo her.
“Varric,” she breathed, tears welling in her eyes. Her hands balled impotently at her side. “You’re not real.”
“I am,” the spirit insisted, sitting up, the blankets shifting down to their hips to reveal skin that was almost too much to bear. “I am real. He is real. Your love is real.” They settled back among the pillows. “Come on, my precious Willow tree,” Love-Varric soothed, voice low and gentle, and they tapped the pillow again. “It’s First Day. No one’s awake. We can rest. You can let yourself love him and be well again.”
Tears streamed down her face and she all but threw herself into the bedding, burrowing into the thick quilts and the furred cover. Love-Varric even smelled the same.
A distant part of her wailed. This is exactly what gets mages eaten, a small voice murmured in her mind, but Shale ignored it. Love-Varric opened their arms and she nestled into their chest, just as she had done thousands of times before. She could feel their lips against the crown of her head, breath warm on her hair.
She closed her eyes and focused on the feel of hands wandering over her back, rubbing affectionate circles into her skin. “I miss him so much.” Shale couldn’t keep the sob from her words, her breath catching in her throat. “I wanted to do the right thing but I hate this. I was wrong, I was cruel, and I just want so badly to--”
Love-Varric chuckled when she cut off and squeezed her tight. “Do you love me?” they asked, brushing their cheek over Shale’s own.
She blindly mouthed her way along their jaw, lips rasping over faint stubble. "Ar lath ma, vhenan,” she breathed, just before capturing their lips.
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Prompt for DWC! I found you #47, where I should have been looking in the first place.
Thank you!
for @dadrunkwriting!
Lavellan x Dorian
The sunset was warm--much warmer than it had been in the south--and the sensation of it crawling across Darva’s freckled skin made him smile and wiggle his toes in the sand Ocean water pooled around his feet, the tide bringing it in to soak his legs and pull back again, raising gooseflesh across his body. He giggled at the sensation, his only arm wrapping around his waist to hold himself. Green eyes opening, he looked out across the water of Rialto Bay, the water dancing in oranges and yellows.
It was beautiful how it colored the sky to match and the only horizon was the one he imagined to be there in the bright white light of the dying sun.
Darva knew Dorian was there before his hands slid slowly up his hips to rest on his waist, lips pressing against the back of his neck. Darva’s fingers slid into his, a warm hum escaping his lips, sinking into his hold. Dorian littered more kisses across his shoulder before his chin rested upon his shoulder.
“Amatus...” He breathed the term like a prayer. Darva grinned, turning his head to kiss Dorian’s temple; his skin warm and flushed beneath his lips--beneath his touch.
“Vhenan....” Darva breathed in return and Dorian placed yet another kiss against his shoulder like a man starved. Darva giggled, turning just enough in Dorian’s hold to kiss his lips. He tasted like sunshine, like the crackle of flames, like a man who had never had a home, having looked in all the wrong places for it. Places to belong fit Darva like shoes too small for feet, always constricting and holding too tightly to the past. Children always grew out of their shoes.
But with the sunset still warm to the touch, a place to belong felt like a pair of arms, cradling him close to his chest--close to his heart. They had found their way into each other’s hearts, both having spent far too much time making comfort in people who didn't deserve it. They had both spent far too long trying and crying to make places of those people when they should have been looking in the first place: each other. Broken pieces to fix other broken pieces--a whole made of two halves.
In the deep light, they were both exactly where they belonged.
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fandom-age · 6 years
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text overlaid atop the dragon age logo that reads “I want to send a bunch of love to @katalyna-rose. What a fantastic writer, what a beautiful soul. She has gone through so many challenges and still she stands strong. She deserves the best of the best.”
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musingmycelium · 6 years
For DWC! For ZevWarden, once more, twice more, forever
for @dadrunkwriting a longer/cleaner version of the answer from last week here
Ellanis says it first. The release of a buildup in his chest, words he couldn’t afford to think about now sitting heavy on his tongue. A fear which Ellanis had no way of combating, a longing for something he never thought he could have. But, after coming away from the broken Kinloch circle there is nothing but a dreadful fear in his bones for what could have been. Wanting longing for what can be. A chillness settling under his skin to gnaw on his heart and Ellanis' breath freezes in his lungs. Zevran holds him close, a softness to the way his arms encircle Ellanis nearly causing him to weep. Truth locked away inside tears. Whispers of nothings and sweet words and Ellanis finds peace when cradled against Zevran’s chest. Melting him, defenses crumbling away as Ellanis breaks them down in the safety of Zevran’s touch. A confession pressed to the skin of Zevran’s collar. A warmth infusing his veins when the words “I love you.” fall from his lips and Zevran’s fingers on his back dig into his skin.
When the Archdemon fell it roared -an ear-splitting scream reverberating inside all the hollows within Ellanis. A blinding column of light exploding from the point where Ellanis’ staff connected with its skull, magic so bright and so clear for a single instant Ellanis can see himself reflected. But only for a moment as heat and wind blast him backward and he lands on the hard stone of the castle’s battlements. Spots in his vision, inky patches of darkness as his head swims and he can barely think. A thick warmth oozing from under his hair and Ellanis’ eyelids are heavy. It would be nice to close them, his duty finished here. Shouting of his name catches his attention slowly, again it calls to him, reaches for him with a stark terror in the cadence of a voice so familiar and just out of reach. And he tries to respond, surely he’s trying but he fails to find his voice. Dark skin haloed in gold, those familiar eyes wide with terror. Ellanis recognizes him now as Zevran’s pleading for him to stay awake gives him enough to focus on. “Amor stay with me. Please caro, Ellanis keep your eyes open. I love you. Ellanis do not dare caro no cierres los ojos Ella-” Ellanis’ eyes flutter shut.
There is more silver than gold in Zevran’s hair now. More wrinkles to Ellanis’ skin. Both of them able to tell a storm by the aches in their knees and when the fog will leave by their shortness of breath. Their daughters raise children of their own, bright young things and they cannot be prouder. Ellanis and Zevran sit outside on a beach to watch the sunset without care for anyone else. Alone together, needing none besides the other. Hand over hand, fingers overlapping on the sand. Warmth in wrinkled skin and a tide which nearly reaches their toes. The sky is orange and pink and purple and Ellanis leans his head on Zevran’s shoulder to watch the sun fall beneath the sea. A kiss to the silver crown of his head, an old love settled into old bones. “I love you amor.” Ellanis smiles as he answers with a truth which will hold forever. “I love you too.”
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shannaraisles · 6 years
Happy birthday!
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Thank you, darling! xxx
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roguelioness · 6 years
WIP Wednesday! Soft
Yay, thanks for the ask! ♥
Soft - I don’t have soft but I have softened (from Wallflower)
Solas’ face softened. “I- I would have thought it an illusion myself da’len, but your appearance lends the theory a great deal of credibility-”
WIP Wednesday, ask me stuff
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shift-shaping · 6 years
✿ Send this to 10 other bloggers that you think are wonderful. If you are able, keep the game going, make someone smile! ✿ ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
aaaahhh thank you so much!!!
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thema-sal-shiral · 7 years
His Blade
It had only been a few weeks since she left. To others in this new world, it would have been as minutes, for him it felt like years. He claimed a spot on the drawbridge of Teresyl’an Tel’as, out of the way of travelers and staff but with a clear view of the Eluvian before the gate.
He had been told that the mountain path was the only way in and out of Skyhold once, a path that no longer existed. Mom had backed up the claim, the memories of the time before magic still fresh in her mind. The tales he had been told were at odds with what he saw now. Islands of rock floating in the air above the Keep, gardens, stables for the Gryphon’s, training grounds all above them, the ripple of a rainbow in the sky like waves on the ocean.
It was not a peaceful world, not yet, and that is why he waited. She had been sent on some mission by his father and he didn’t know how long it would take. So he sat and waited, eyes never straying far from the Eluvian. Every flash of red hair made him twitch but it was never her. Freckles and gleaming eyes, a mischievous smile that made his heart soar. So much of their time was spent together, so deeply entwined, it felt like he had lost half of himself with her gone.
Sleep was taken when needed, food tasted like dust. Still, he waited.
He must have been sent by his mother. In the corner of Vesryn’s vision he could see people part, their heads turn, the soft buzz of chatter took an excited turn. The hand that settled on his shoulder was gentle but insistent, a hand he knew from birth. “Hello, Pops.” The otherworld term no longer got a small sigh when he used it.
“You cannot sit here until she returns, da’len.”
It was him who sighed, deep and aching. “It’s the only thing I can focus on. If I try to do anything I will not be able to concentrate.” Finally, he looked away from the mirror, the chaotic and color-shattered surface. He had his father’s eyes, Mom always said, but the tawny skin and black hair were once hers. “Ir abelas.”
The hand on his shoulder wrapped about his arm and tugged him to his feet. “Come. I will teach you how to walk in dreams. You may be able to find her when she sleeps.” Solas’ smile was understanding and fond. He would know what his son felt, though it had come at such a young age to him. His life was bound to his mate’s and he ached when they were apart. “When you are not sleeping I still have need of your assistance.”
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silent-of-spirit · 7 years
@katalyna-rose replied to your post “Hmmm… to be brave and post the smut I wrote? Or to continue being...”
Please post the sin!
@solemis replied to your post “Hmmm… to be brave and post the smut I wrote? Or to continue being...”
POST ITTTTT ❤ I'd love to read it!
@buttsonthebeach replied to your post “Hmmm… to be brave and post the smut I wrote? Or to continue being...”
Dooo iiittt
Damn y’all xD Okay, okay I will stop being a shy bug and post it when I get back from therapy. You are the best xD (Encourage the sin yesssssss)
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izzym-art · 7 years
Athelas would hug a dragon if it would sit still long enough to let her.
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....... she would.
Send me preconceptions of my girl Athelas Lavellan!
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fandom-age · 6 years
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text overlaid atop the dragon age logo that reads “@katalyna-rose is a beautiful ray of sunshine and has the most fascinating characters! She goes so in depth with them and has a lovely, flowy style of writing that seems so effortless - though we know how much hard work she puts into it! We are lucky to have her.”
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fatale-distraction · 7 years
I know the feeling of being bored at work. That's my every day! My job is literally Just In Case. Because I'm a security guard. So here's a prompt for you! Solavellan please? I am so deep in hell that there is no other ship... Someone is sick and there are forehead kisses. There, that's your prompt! ^.^
The heat in the room was suffocating, but in spite of the sweat dewing on his forehead, Solas remained. Ellana lay resting, eyelashes dark as soot against her pale, blotchy cheeks, her every shallow breath raising and lowering the impossibly tiny bundle tucked against her chest.
He could hardly believe his own foolishness. He’d never thought to ask if she took anything for it, hadn’t thought to insist upon it. And when the swell of her stomach began to become impossible to ignore any longer…But she had looked so lovely, her skin rosy and glowing with her hands folded so daintily over the growing evidence of their indiscretion.
This would complicate things. Immeasurably so. And yet his duty to his people became even more urgent because of it. It was no longer just for the thousands of faceless elves orphaned by his own actions; he had a far more personal stake in it now. A better world for this tiny, potato-like creature. A better world for his child. His daughter. Their daughter.
She was pure perfection; Wide, curious grey eyes that were far too large for such a small face, pouting little rosebud lips, and the slightest indentation in her chin, such impossibly tiny hands and feet and fingers and toes, and a wispy cloud of auburn curls. She was every bit their child, a perfect amalgam of their best features.
The girl fussed quietly, disturbed by some infinitesimal change in her state, and Ellana stirred, violet eyes blinking through the bleary haze of exhausted sleep. Solas was at her side in a heartbeat. She gave him a wan smile as she tugged the loose collar of her nightdress down and the child latched to her breast with a greedy gurgle. A smile worked its unbidden way across his lips, and he leaned closer to press a long, sweet kiss against Ellana’s forehead.
“She is beautiful,” he whispered. His lover only hummed in contented agreement and let her eyes drift shut again.
A little short something filled for @dadrunkwriting tonight
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shannaraisles · 6 years
@katalyna-rose replied to your post “Ugh … trying to write a teeny bit of conflict into Fabs’ story, and...”
This is literally the entire reason why I mostly write drabbles. It's so I can write things out of order as inspiration comes and arrange them later. <3 I believe in you! You can do this!
I did manage it! After a week of struggling. ~chuckles~ I gave up on trying to go for a long chapter, and just got what I needed to get out of the scene before rounding it off. Cheating, I know, but the next chapter will be fun to write - politics, Anora vs Eamon, and finally finding out who Maria is going to be gifted to by the king of Rivain!
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