#karli asbsta
zosa95 · 3 years
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Branson: Here we are, back again.
Neia: Yes, we were just here yesterday, saying goodbye to Gemma and Markus.
Branson: What time is dinner with your parents?
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Neia: The dinner is at six. Iker wants to meet us for drinks beforehand.
Karli: Iker is your younger brother, correct?
Neia: He’s my older brother by a couple of years. And he never lets me forget it. [laughs]
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Branson: [groan] I have so many in-laws to impress.
Neia: Calm down, Bran. Everything will be fine. Now let’s grab our bags and head to the hotel. We can nap and shower before we meet everyone.
Karli: That sounds good to me.
Branson: I am way too nervous to nap.
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Karli: Then you can do our ironing.
Neia: [laughs]
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zosa95 · 3 years
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Neia: Is everything okay?
Branson: Yeah, did you find what you needed?
Neia: Yes, I almost forgot the gift Gemma gave me.
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Branson: Something blue for our wedding.
Neia: Remember the earrings I fell in love with at the store outside the Oasis Springs airport?
Branson: No way.
Neia: I don’t know how she did it, but she purchased them without me seeing her do it.
Branson: That is so cool.
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Neia: [teasing] Karli, did Branson tell you he dreamed he was married to Gemma and had kids with her? And chickens! We need chickens, Bran.
Branson: [laughs] I’m thinking, “no.” The bees hate me. I don’t need chickens coming at me too.
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Neia: Are you okay, Karli?
Karli: [hesitates] I’ll be fine.
Branson: Hey, despite our rough start in Strangerville, everything has turned out wonderful.
Karli: [firmly] Yes, of course. We all make decisions, and we shouldn’t dwell on the past or other li-- things.
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zosa95 · 3 years
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Karli: [slowly] Please explain when you saw Gemma.
Branson: I was seven or eight, I guess. I snuck above ground during the daytime. I knew it was against the rules, but I wanted to see Strangerville during the day.
Karli: And she was outside the dome?
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Branson: Yeah, some kids had taken her ball and thrown it onto our property. She was retrieving the ball, and we saw each other. I lifted my finger to my lips and scrambled back down the ladder.
Karli: She kept our secret?
Branson: Yeah, I found out that she never told anyone about me. But she came back looking for me many times.
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Karli: [shaky sigh] I feel like I failed you.
Branson: What are you talking about?
Karli: Our mother was full of fear, but our father was not. He taught me to be brave and encouraged me to plan a future outside the dome. I went up during the day many times. He knew and never made me feel fearful.
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Branson: I had no idea.
Karli: He told me that I should teach you to be brave as well. But you didn’t tell me about seeing Gemma. You were too afraid. How could I make you feel that way?
Branson: Hey, you were a teen caring for our mentally unwell mother and raising me as your own. Stop being so harsh on yourself.
Karli: There are moments in our life when… we make decisions that change our future. These moments shouldn’t happen to a child.
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zosa95 · 3 years
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Karli: Thank you for the wonderful breakfast, Neia.
Neia: It’s my pleasure. Bran usually cooks breakfast, but I like to sneak into the kitchen and take over on occasions.
Karli: I’m thrilled that he learned to cook. I was worried he’d live off fast food after--
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Neia: Karli?
Karli: This woman in the picture… She looks... familiar.
Neia: That’s the actress Gemma Wilde. She’s Gemma Treiberg in her personal life. And that’s her husband. They are the couple we talked about last night.
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Karli: They were with you in the dome?
Neia: Yes. Gemma grew up in Strangerville too. It turns out she and Branson saw each other face to face as children.
Karli: What?
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Branson: You sound surprised about something, Karli.
Neia: Excuse me, but I forgot something I need to pack.
Karli: Bran, you saw Gemma as a child?
Branson: Yeah, one time as a kid. I never told you because I didn’t want to get in trouble.
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zosa95 · 3 years
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Branson: We should head upstairs and get some sleep. Tomorrow will be a busy day.
Karli: You head on up. I’m going to unwind for a minute or two.
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Karli: You did good, kid, but she wasn’t what I expected. And now I’m wondering… Who was the blond woman teaching me yoga on the beach? And was that your first alteravita dream of her? Or just the first one that included me?
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zosa95 · 3 years
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Neia: I’ve enjoyed our evening together, but I’m going upstairs now. The two of you can continue catching up.
Branson: I’ll be up soon.
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Karli: She’s wonderful. And you’re in love with her.
Branson: You sound surprised.
Karli: I guess I am. The majority of those bachelor-type shows don't result in marriage. I was worried you’d settled.
Branson: I guess I can’t blame you. I did have a dogged determination to find a partner. But I connected with Neia immediately. When I realized she was my soulmate, I went to the producers straight away.
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Karli: How many women were in the house with you?
Branson: Seven. Seven amazing, beautiful women. That was a trip. [laughs]
Karli: How’d they even find seven women to date your sorry ass?
Branson: [laughs]
Karli: But seriously, I’m very happy for you. And I’m very proud of the man you’ve turned out to be. Our parents would be as well.
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zosa95 · 3 years
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Karli: Your home is beautiful, and the neighborhood changes are nothing short of amazing.
Branson: Thanks. Neia and I make a solid team.
Neia: Thank you, Karli. I’ll make dinner while the two of you catch up.
Branson: No, mi reina, we’re all tired. We can just order delivery.
Karli: Neia, please don’t go to any trouble on my account. I'm okay with eating a take-out meal, pizza, or a box of cereal.
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Branson: Pizza sounds great. Veg okay, Karli? Or we can get two pizzas?
Karli: Veg is fine.
Branson: We arrived home a day later than planned. Our plane took an unexpected detour to Strangerville.
Karli: What happened?
Branson: Some really weird shit. After we order the pizza, we’ll give you the four-one-one.
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zosa95 · 3 years
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zosa95 · 4 years
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Branson: This sucks. It’s harder saying good-bye than the last time.
Karli: I know. But you won’t have too much time to miss me. You’ll be searching for the woman of your dreams.
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Branson: Yeah, I need to start working out so I can keep up with the ladies.
Karli: And remember, until I return to Symboo, I’m just a wormhole away.
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zosa95 · 4 years
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zosa95 · 2 years
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Karli Asbsta: 1) Karli has never had an intimate relationship. She became close to two people over the years, and they each expressed an interest in becoming her spouse or partner. She gently and reluctantly turned them down. 2) She spent most of her young adult and adult years on Batuu. She reached the highest rank with the Resistance and is a brilliant pilot. 3) She is days away from her elder birthday and looking forward to her tropical island retirement.
Hanna Madrus: 1) Hanna is a gifted singer. She often sings solos with her high school choir, and occasionally with her father’s (amateur) band. 2) She is very assertive, like her mother. Therefore, she and her mother are prone to clashing. 3) When teen moods drag her down, the adult she confides in is her (step) grandfather, Trevor.
Trevor Lett: 1) Trevor was a child prodigy. He skipped grade levels and remained at the top of his class. He was the second youngest person to pass the Solicitor Qualifying Examination (bar exam.) 2) He is a red robe judge (criminal cases.) He is diligent, fair, and follows the letter of the law. However, he does not believe all court rulings make room for justice. 3) He relaxes in the evening by watching television with his husband and working on embroidery or cross-stitch. He’s won numerous prizes at the village fêtes (fairs) for his thread work.
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zosa95 · 4 years
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Karli: Do you know about the Symboo naming tradition?
Branson: No.
Karli: Couples do not take on their partner’s second name. They keep the name given to them in their naming ceremony. The naming ceremony occurs on the first full moon after a child’s birth. When the couple have children, the first born takes the mother’s second name. The second born takes the father’s and so forth. Kirkland was not mother’s family name. It is a name from Earth. I spoke to V'alazar and Treaela. I want to take mother’s rightful second name in a naming ceremony.
Branson: So your name will be?
Karli: Karli Asbsta
Branson: I want to do the same. I will simply become Branson Flex.
Karli: You remind me so much of dad.
Branson: I wish I remembered him.
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zosa95 · 4 years
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Quarantine Challenge, Part Two
Karli stared somberly at her grandparents’ gravestones. One marker for Betty Kirkland, born Nylkim Asbsta. The other marker etched with the name Barney Kirkland represented Markalan Ketcdob’s final resting place.
Both of Karli’s grandparents were born on the planet Symboo found in the Araganda galaxy. Symboo was inhabited by Caecilians and Humans.
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zosa95 · 6 months
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Bran: Okay. Explain these alteravita dreams.
Karli: It’s a very complex topic. I can give you the basics, but you’ll want to talk to Rygel Kyp for a more in-depth explanation.
Branson: Alright, hit me with the basics.
Karli: First, it’s not common. We can have them because we are descendants of Symboo. It’s a gift from the Caecilians. And not everyone who has the capability will have them. It boils down to significant choices that would have changed our lives in an entirely different direction.
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Karli: We make decisions every day, all day long. But most decisions don’t change the trajectory of our lives. However, some choices do. And it’s possible to get glimpses of that alternate life in an alteravita dream.
Branson: Have you ever had these dreams? Besides mine, I mean.
Karli: Yes.
Branson: But I wasn’t in them?
Karli: You never dreamed of a Christmas with me, Jeb, and our children?
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Branson: Shit! Yes, I did.
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zosa95 · 7 months
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Karli: Are you okay?
Branson: Yeah. Just thinking.
Karli: I’m sorry if I upset you earlier. I wish there was a way to live here and see you often. I feel like I’m abandoning you. Again.
Branson: Nah. It’s all good. There’s a lot of work left for me on Earth. And Neia’s family is there. This does look like the perfect place to retire. But…
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Karli: (softly) I might be dead by then. Who knows. I think everyone lives longer lives here.
Branson: If something happens…
Karli: I will send word so that we will be together.
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zosa95 · 2 years
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Branson: Hey, this food is good! You gonna teach us these recipes.
Karli: I’ll buy you a cookbook for Christmas.
Branson: [snorts] I guess that’s a “no” then.
Neia: [teasing] Don’t pester your sister, Bran.
Karli: Did I ever tell you how much I love your wife?
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Karli: Rae, you know Bran, but you haven’t met his wife Neia yet.
Rae: I’m pleased to meet you, Neia.
Neia: The pleasure is all mine.
Rae: I hope you will all enjoy your stay. Karli, you owe some Galatic Credits. You lost the bet.
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Karli: [laughs] True. Bran is not only married but to a beautiful and very bright partner.
Branson: Wait a second! You bet against me?
Rae: I bet for you.
Branson: Karli! Seriously?
Karli: [laughs] Don’t blame me! Who finds true love in a haunted house? The odds were stacked against you, bro.
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