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mvrtogg · 1 year ago
"Back Off" ( From Karl Grove )
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@karlgrove from here!
The friendly dinner date Richard had been on with his friend Karl was going fairly well, the historian thought. A nice conversation here and there and he was enjoying the man's company. He was not expecting to see his current ex-girlfriend at the restaurant either. Karen, a ( flighty blonde woman ) was known to make a scene when things didn't go her way and was not above taking it out on him either. That's why the pair were on/off for the most part.
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"Oh no." Murtogg muttered, before the woman had caught glimpse of him and another man. That's when she had decided to get in his business. "Come on Richard, you're coming back home with me. Where you belong.." the woman hissed out a beg, trying to grab at his arm - which he jerked away. "Karen, please. We're in public. I'm on ... a business date." he warned. It was not known to hardly anyone that Richard was ... bisexual. He made a note to keep that to himself, but apparently the woman managed to find out.
Karen was confused at first before realizing what was actually going on. "Are you really choosing a man over me?!" she gaffed ( still grabbing at Murtogg's arm. He stood up as a few patrons of the restaurant were now looking at the trio. "I .... perhaps I am. We're not even together anymore, Karen. Why are you even bothered?" he began, furrowing his brows. That's when he saw Karl shove her and told her to back off in his own way. Karen had reacted by slapping Karl, which caused Richard to gasp. That's when things got ... interesting.
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pileofscoundrels · 6 months ago
“Actually the plant is alive…” Julian noticed, now thinking about it. He hadn’t watered it but it was fairly drought resistant and his… friend… who had gotten him in this situation in the first place had watered it during her stay. She probably watered all of them but he couldn’t remember if he were completely honest. “My plant baby, that is, the others I don’t know…” 
Something about the little palm looking thing, sitting there in the messy loft still green and thriving, almost had something hopeful about it. 
And then, finally, when Julian was almost going insane from sitting in the car for so long, they made it. He got out of the car right away, taking in the salty, fresh air. Yeah. This was it. If he was going to feel like absolute shit, at least he could be doing it here.
“Will do.” Julian agreed with a playful salute. Thankfully it didn’t seem to be a busy day and Karl had chosen a place that wasn’t as popular. People were the last thing Julian wanted to see right now. He looked around for a bit but it didn’t take long for him to find the perfect spot. A relatively small rock right next to the sea with a bigger one providing some shade and shelter from the wind. There was essentially no climbing involved, perfect for Karl and his ever so present exhaustion. 
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 “What about here?” Julian asked and pointed towards the spot he had picked out. And for a very brief moment the crashing waves did distract him from the ever increasing ache in his joints and all the other fun parts that came with the absence of his new little obsession. Yet the problems that felt like they could crush him any moment in the city, felt a little more bearable here. “I like looking at the sea. Makes all my personal shit feel small and unimportant in comparison.”
See what’s become of me
@karlgrove <3
He couldn’t tell if Muriel was really his friend or if she used him for a roof over her head while escaping her family but through the blur of substances and loud music and mindnumbing TV it sure as hell felt like it. She shared too, which he could very much appreciate and she only got angry when they ran out. Which was something he understood as well but he’d rather die than go to Rip about… this. He didn’t plan for this go on anyway, a week at most… how long had it been… Regardless, they managed just fine for the most part and whenever the phone rang, he just turned the music up louder.
Somewhere in an ridiculously overpriced apartment in New Hampshire, Blair was trying to concentrate on a book but no matter how hard she tried, one thing just would not leave her mind alone. Julian. He hadn’t called to be a sappy idiot or to rant about minor inconveniences or to beg her to come back in a while and not once did he pick up the phone or call her back either.
And it wasn’t like she didn’t trust him, even after all that happened she did but she had also known him far too long to ignore it completely. Blair was getting worried and even though Clay insisted he’d be just fine, her gut feeling told a different story.
It wouldn’t have been difficult to get a hold of the Grove family either way but Julian, not being an idiot for once, had told her the phone number in case something happened. And when the time seemed rather reasonable to her and the nervous feeling became too much, she made her call.
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“Hello! It’s me, Blair, there’s something I want to talk about…” the young woman would begin once she reached somebody, twirling her locks with a finger to calm herself down as she voiced her concerns about Julian. How she couldn’t reach him, how she had a really bad feeling and how she was most likely overreacting and there was nothing to worry about and how she found herself worrying regardless.
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manyimaginativemuses · 4 years ago
To say that Lucifer was heartbroken after God returned Karl’s ailments would be an understatement. He stayed in Hell as long as he could to protect the man, but he was dumb enough to keep almost killing himself to come see Lucifer to the point where he was so close to death that Lucifer had to break his deal with god to save him. And now it was his fault that Karl was slowly dying of AIDS once more.
He didn’t know how to handle his emotions. He COULDNT handle his emotions at this point in time. He refused to sit around and let the man he loved slowly die before his eyes, so he did the only thing he could to: he left him. He stopped coming around, stopped calling, stopped seeing him in public whenever he could. Lucifer still loved Karl dearly but he refused to suffer by watching Karl die all while knowing there was nothing he could do.
So it only made things worse when Lucifer found Karl back at Lux almost a year and a half after he’d returned to earth. He thought he banned Karl from the club, but he must’ve forgotten to tell the new bouncer. He watched as his former lover got himself a booth and started drinking away his sorrows.
And he felt his heart drop when he saw him pull out a needle and start doing drugs right in front of him.
Lucifer said nothing until he realized Karl had completely passed out in the booth and closing time was rapidly approaching. So he did the only thing he could think of and took the unconscious man back up to his penthouse and tucked him into his bed. He also injected him with the spare Naloxone he kept in his apartment just in case any of his companions ever overdosed. He stood against the wall, sipping on a Bloody Mary as he waited for his former lover to awaken.
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dxsappearhere · 5 years ago
Hang on to your Hopes
{for my dear @karlgrove <3}
After his talk with Simone, Julian left quickly, told her goodbye too. He was really glad that she had not been mad, at least not shown it if she was but her words were lingering in his mind all the way back home.
Try not to fall in love… to many of us already have.
It took him a good while to get back to Blair’s loft and when he finally did, he quite literally fell into the bed and sleep came quickly for once. Despite it having been a pretty exhausting day and night, Julian woke up at 9 am again, unable to go back to sleep.
He was supposed to pay Karl another visit that day or at least use the number Simone gave him to call but there were still so many doubts plaguing him along with thoughts about the kiss and Rip and his cocaine in Karl’s drawer and what Simone had told him. 
Try not to fall in love… to many of us already have.
And it wasn’t like he didn’t have the phone in his hands on multiple occasions, he really wanted to call but every time he tried he didn’t even get past the first numbers. Only now did he really grasp the extent of his actions, the night before he’d been too shaken up.
So Julian wasted his time, stared at the ceiling and told himself he’d call later. But he didn’t. Instead he went out, bought a new pack of cigarettes and just walked around a bit, enjoying the nice weather. He met a few people he knew, told them he was doing just fine and when a girl informed him that Rip had been looking for him he thanked her and told her he’d get back to him. In reality he didn’t know, especially not now as he hadn’t made contact with Karl just yet.
Time passed quickly as he hung around the town a bit longer, watching the people as they came and went. He even took yet another walk around his old school for some damn reason, making himself miss his friends even more and pushed any thoughts about the Groves far in the back of his mind.
When he returned, it was already pretty late. He had almost stayed longer, joined some people he had barely known to go out but decided forced himself to decide against it. Ever since coming back, he’d been holding the phone again, debating whether or not to call them and it was already 8 pm by the time he finally took a breath and forced himself to push the last button. He just hoped anyone would still pick up.
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“Hey uh, it’s me.” Julian quickly realized his mistake and facepalmed with his free hand. ‘Me’ could be about anybody. “Me as in Julian that is. I know it’s kind of late and I’m really fucking sorry for not calling earlier or showing up today… I hope that’s not too much of a problem?”
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canes-n-whiteboardpens · 4 years ago
The Hiding Spot
- starter for @karlgrove​
House cursed under his breath, he had been trying to beat this goddamn level all day and once more had his little character died in the last fight. ‘Dead’ flashed across the tiny screen. Other than what was happening on his Gameboy though, there was not a lot of dying going on at the hospital that day. Which most people would consider a good thing but for him it meant there was nothing to solve, nothing to do and he was completely and utterly bored.
Well he could have actually done clinic duties for once, in fact Cuddy had put him on them just hours earlier. Well, she would have, had he not successfully managed to hide from the furious woman all day. He’d walked into a random patient’s room - the one with the room he deemed to be the best hiding spot – and started playing his game.
The patient was neither almost dead nor comatose (They had figured out that little hiding strategy of his rather quickly, much to his dismay.) but instead he was fast asleep when house entered the room which he considered close enough for the time being.
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As long as he had his peace, he wouldn’t complain and so he rearranged his chair, then put his legs up on the little table beside him, helping to lift the right one with his hands a little, before pressing play once more. House was invested in this game and way too stubborn to give up at the last fight but he was too invested to realize that the original resident of his hiding spot was slowly beginning to stir.
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vyrulent · 2 years ago
There had been no hint that Karl was anything but a loyal and straight man. Simone would never believe any whispers simply with how Karl's eyes sparkled at her with that adoration. Could a gay man look at a woman with that much adoration and love?
She didn't think so, but again, Simone hadn't known many gay men. Or at least, those that hadn't worked for her to make her look as glamorous as she wanted to appear. The man that did her hair was gay, but he never looked at her in the fashion that Karl did. She's completely oblivious to how it all works, how there is not a set path for things like sexuality and love.
Stepping out, Simone offered him a smile as she walked down the aisle of the plane. Excitement settled into the pit of her belly at the thought of their wedding night, of their honeymoon that had been planned to be fun and beautiful.
She was happy and she hoped that Karl knew how happy he made her. Of all of her husbands, Karl's the best.
"I'm ready to get off this plane and get the party started."
There had been no hint that Karl was anything but a loyal and straight man. Simone would never believe any whispers simply with how Karl's eyes sparkled at her with that adoration. Could a gay man look at a woman with that much adoration and love?
She didn't think so, but again, Simone hadn't known many gay men. Or at least, those that hadn't worked for her to make her look as glamorous as she wanted to appear. The man that did her hair was gay, but he never looked at her in the fashion that Karl did. She's completely oblivious to how it all works, how there is not a set path for things like sexuality and love.
Stepping out, Simone offered him a smile as she walked down the aisle of the plane. Excitement settled into the pit of her belly at the thought of their wedding night, of their honeymoon that had been planned to be fun and beautiful.
She was happy and she hoped that Karl knew how happy he made her. Of all of her husbands, Karl's the best.
"I'm ready to get off this plane and get the party started."
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vyrulent · 2 years ago
what form of gentle affection are you?   
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holding hands
the gentle physical affection... getting to subtly show your love to the world... feeling that new puppy love no matter how long you've been together... you want a love that is sweet and gentle, where every date you go on feels like your first. you want to be showered in romantic gestures, to be praised and adored, for every moment to be worthy of saving in your internal scrapbook. you want every kiss to be a memory. although an admirable goal, it is important to keep in mind that love is not always easy, and occasionally requires some effort. although you should never endure abuse or neglect, it is normal for relationships to have bumps in the road; do not treat these bumps like mountains.
tagged by: @edgedglory tagging: @wraith-of-christmas-future, @heirloom-of-the-insane, @notwhileimcaptain, @spirit-x-ing​, @karlgrove​
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ashortdropandasuddenstop · 3 years ago
name   or   alias  :     Angel
nickname:    Angie, Ang, AJ , James, Jimmy
age     :     37
currently  reading     :     uh.. these words?
favorite   color     :    red
favorite     flower     :      Lavender or Lilacs
number   of   muses     :   currently active? 3
their   urls     :    @ashortdropandasuddenstop @gvhelsing @karlgrove
favorite  show    :     Why Women Kill
number   of   followers     :   873
number   of   drafts   atm     :     31
number   of   starters     :   1
last   movie   you   saw   :    Interview with a Vampire.
tagged by: @ofmagik and possibly @britneyofvos
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jackdavenportaddict · 1 year ago
Lol the comparison with a dish washer 🤣
Jack Davenport’s Queer Roles:
🎥: The Talented Mr Ripley (1999)
Peter is the translator for a guy named Tom, who is suspected of a murder. Peter later ends up falling for Tom, and vice-versa.
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🎥 Why Women Kill (2019-2021)
Karl is the owner of a Art Gallery, and though he is happily married to his wife, Simone. He has had many affairs with other men.
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jumpstrcct · 5 years ago
What form of gentle affection are you?
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'I miss you' texts
long nights full of yearning and fantasies... intimate secrets you'd be embarrassed to say out loud... passionately reuniting once again... you want a love that is desperate and passionate, you want someone that will make you feel like you’re living a romance novel. you want to feel the fire burning in your chest when you see them. you want every touch to feel like fireworks, and to discover something new about them every day. while this addicting fire can be fun to chase, try not to drop every lover once the flame seems to have died down. sometimes the most intense burn comes from the fire you continue to kindle, and it is worth it to settle in front of a hearth.
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brushing loose hair behind your lover's ear
the gentle tenderness and care... deep yearning from the barest brush of skin... wanting to ask for more but being unsure... you spend a lot of time worrying about whether or not you will find love, and sometimes aren’t even sure if romance is something worth pursuing. you have spent so long being on your own, you simply struggle to picture yourself beside another person. perhaps you even secretly worry that you are too much for another person. it it important to not think of yourself as someone unlovable, as you are just as deserving of romance as any. however, it is also important to not place your value on relationships; you are a complete person on your own.
tagged by : @karlgrove​ (thanks luv) tagging : anyone who wants to do this ♥
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mvrtogg · 1 year ago
@karlgrove cont. from here!
Richard had just stood there, looking like a deer in the headlights more than anything. The nerve of Karen to follow him to a date was beyond infuriating. Why did she even care that he was seeing someone else? He had thought that she had sense moved past their relationship months ago. Apparently not, and Richard was under the impression that he was free to see whomever he wanted. She wasn't the boss of him and he wanted his freedom.
Eyes watched as Karl had accidently knocked the wine all over Karen, whom was seething with anger. She looked to Richard and scoffed. "You idiot. You just ruined your life." the blonde warned, which caught the historian off-guard. He couldn't help but to smirk as the woman stormed off in a fit of rage. After a few moments of making sure Karen would not return, he turned his attention to his date. "I'm sorry about that. I had no idea she was going to show up. I haven't spoken to the demon bitch from hell in months." he admitted.
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There was another long pause as Richard gathered up his thoughts, looking his date over. A very small smile appeared on his lips, he had had anyone stand up for him that way. It was usually the other way around, which made his heart flutter. "I'm not going to lie Karl ... but I'm a bit turned on. I mean, the way you handled her -- nobody's ever done that over me before." he paused, getting sheepish all of a sudden. Don't get sheepish, be a man. Taking a deep breath he wanted to kiss him right there in the middle of the restaurant but decided not to. Can't out himself .. yet. "Let me make it up to you, yeah? Anything I can do to? I'll take you to another restaurant? Hell, I honestly think going somewhere private would better suit us." he half joked.
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rumpotdeckhand · 5 years ago
What form of gentle affection are you?
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feeling your loved one's form pressed against your own... the soft melody of a song that will always remind you of this moment... the tender forehead kisses... you are a hopeless romantic who yearns to meet that someone you will be able to spend the rest of your life with. you want a deep and settled love, something that makes you feel stable and comfortable. you want someone who will hold you at night, and kiss you every morning. you want someone who will always stand by you until the end. please try to remember that any failed romance was not a waste of time; it was an opportunity to grow and understand yourself. your perfect person will find you, and you are a complete person until then.
tagged by: @inadxquacy
tagging: @firstlove-thesea @ofstrangevariety @karlgrove​ (I know you did it for James but I would just die to see the result for him <3) & whoever feels like it <3
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pileofscoundrels · 6 months ago
The wine Julian grabbed for the both of them was entirely less fancy than the one they had tasted at the restaurant. He did like the flavor of it though and it wasn’t like he felt the need to impress the gallery owner too hard. Julian poured two glasses, then handed one to Grove but it didn't escape him how the other man seemed to be staring at his painting. Most of them, actually and much to his surprise, it wasn’t with distaste. 
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“It didn’t take a lot to change your mind, huh?” Julian chuckled, “Some wine, a pretty face… but who am I to judge, maybe you have some taste after all.” 
The artist made his way to stand right next to the gallery owner (a little closer than necessary to be completely honest), who was still looking at his self portrait. He put his arm around Karl’s shoulders, feeling bolder by the second. There was something about this moment, having the man who had hated his work here, now seemingly starting to show at least a hint of appreciation. 
“And to critics, making the artist keep going out of spite with their blatantly wrong and idiotic opinions.” There was no real venom in his words however, he was simply teasing. “Come, follow me, I have a lot to show you.” Julian told him, slowly sliding his hand down Karl’s back and letting it linger just on his lower back for a few seconds before he took off to the other end of the room where his abandoned works were stored. At least those he had given up on for now, those the public might never see but were still important to him and his progress. 
The Artist
for @karlgrove <3
They had made a movie. A shitty movie adaptation of the book written about their lives and while the book already had its own problems (He’d read it multiple times, even made an art piece out of it. It had been oddly satisfying to rip out the pages for it), the movie was even worse and if he saw Trent that night, he might as well punch him in the face for letting their story be warped into a dramatic feature film length anti drug commercial by a bunch of greedy directors. Of course Trent had used a different name but everybody knew he had written it. And much to his dismay, Julian had contributed quite a bit, too doped up to realize how much information he was giving away back in the day.
Had it not been the good pay and his desire to make people look at his artwork, no matter how uncomfortable it made them, he wouldn’t have agreed to showcase it at the premiere at all. Perhaps if he had known how bad the movie was, he wouldn’t have agreed regardless but now it was already too late. He was here, and so were his paintings.
Julian was standing in front of a relatively big one, something felt off about it. He’d been staring at it for a while now, trying to figure out what exactly it was when he was approached for what felt like the thousandth time that evening. “Yes, I’m the sad faced guy from the movie but better looking. No, as you can see I’m not dead and I sure as hell hope I’m not that whiny either.” He said in a bored manner without even listening to what the other had to say first, still not looking away from the painting in front of him. He’d been asked the same few questions one too many times already and overall the evening had been more than bothersome.
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manyimaginativemuses · 4 years ago
@ashortdropandasuddenstop @karlgrove
Lucifer hadn’t even been aware that Karl had managed to sneak out of heaven and back to earth until he was told of his former lover’s status in hell. Apparently, according to one of the demons who served as an informant, Karl Grove had escaped heaven and returned to earth for almost three months before he was killed again. He died from a drug overdose in a back alley gay bar in West Hollywood and his body was cremated as no one claimed him long after he died.
If only Lucifer had known he was alive, he would’ve flown to his side to see him again.
But now his ex lover was in hell and he couldn’t stand for that.
Waking up while his precious Chloe Decker was asleep in the bed next to him, Lucifer walked to a nearby mirror and used it as a temporary portal to hell. He’d made a deal with God that he’d take care of hell based emergencies when necessary but he’d leave the demon Crowley as king of hell and the leader while he was on earth. And in his mind, this was an emergency that needed ratifying
Lucifer made quick work of finding Karl’s current hell loop and he immediately opened the door, walking inside. He found himself in a hospital setting, much like the one Lucifer had been at when Karl was dying of AIDS back in the 80’s. He soon spotted his beloved on his hands and knees gripping at the cold linoleum floor, crying his eyes out and Lucifer couldn’t stand it.
“Karl...” He breathed, his voice cracking as he stared at his broken lover.
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jackdavenportaddict · 5 years ago
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vyrulent · 3 years ago
jurassic park
as good as it gets
little mermaid
dracula ( ‘79 ) 
10th kingdom
what we do in the shadows
the greatest showman
tagged by @norringtxn tagging: @sylaar, @count-v-dracula, @tretramonti, @aspecialprovidence, @daedaluscried, @karlgrove, @helsingblooded
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