#karamel reunion
occidentaltourist · 10 months
Why the “thanks I hate it”? Do you think it’s cringe that someone asked, that her answer was cringe or were you joking?
A combination of the first two. I saw a longer version of that video and first Melissa has to answer a question about something a Batwoman comic writer said or tweeted or whatever, that I guess somehow “proves” something about Supercorp. Then she hems and haws about this date question for even longer, emphasizing that she’s not a writer … clearly this isn’t something she’s spent any time thinking about.
I mean she’s getting paid so it’s no skin off her nose, and I’m sure she can decline these Cameo requests if they’re too out of pocket. I thought it was cringe when people were paying Brenda to talk about SC while the show was on the air too.
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diazevan · 7 years
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You put your arms around me and I'm home
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saraaudrey11 · 7 years
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Do you see how possessive he is of that necklace? That was hers in the first place? That she gave to him because “this will keep you safe”? That he wore for SEVEN YEARS even though he was married for part of if not most of that time? Yes karamel is endgame. Nothing at this point could convince me otherwise.
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sassqueenblake · 7 years
I waited months for this reunion and this is what I'm served? Well send that plate back to the chef because I ain't eating it
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The whole thing about Mon-El return
Guys, clarify something for me, if Mon-El will be dating someone else when he returns, why did he return anyway? I mean, the only thing that grabbed him in this world, in this time, is Kara, there is no sense in him coming back of wans't for her, to her. This is all confuse. Please lets chat about it
Haters will be blocked 😉😊
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agathastic · 4 years
i'm ready for the Karamel reunion in Supergirl season 6 ✊🏼
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chriswoodfandom · 5 years
New Karamel fan video of Kara reminiscing. It has been forever!
Credit to the creator YouTube/Multi Feels
I miss them so much! I really hope there is a Karamel reunion for the 100th episode and/or the crossover.
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themoonfortress · 6 years
Bring Me to Life - Chapter 9: Reunion
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Chapter nine : Reunion
But if I touch you like this,
And if you kiss me like that,
It was so long ago but it's all coming back to me...
It's All Coming Back to Me Now - Celine Dion
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m1dn1ght-rain · 6 years
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Karamel is my life 😍 
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karamelthirst · 7 years
Just finished the last two hours of the crossover and after watching Barry and Oliver escape Earth X and reuniting with their loves the only thing I wanted to see was Kara reunite with her love.
Not discrediting Alex and how much she means to her, but seeing Iris and Felicity’s faces when their SO’s returned was just so fulfilling… made my heart break for Kara seeing her surrounded by so much romantic love when her only wish would’ve been to have had the love of her life by her side.
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I survived my “one week New Year drinking celebration without Internet”, so the question is: what fandom dramas I missed? ;D
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saraaudrey11 · 7 years
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Literally he looks so deadly in the first gif but then he realizes it’s her, it’s his Kara. He says her name as a question because he’s not even sure if it’s really her. Obviously something has happened to him. He has changed drastically from the fun-loving Mon that we know. That’s why he looks so scary at first. He obviously doesn’t trust people anymore and it’s gonna break our hearts to find out why. It’s gonna kill us that he’s not our space puppy anymore.
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Comets [Karamel fanfiction]
Like I said, having an AO3 account has made me want to write more, so I finally wrote this fic that I had been wanting to write for two weeks. Tagging @tinnefoil  @ms-jane-darcy @facepalming-since-chernobyl  @busysciencegeek because you all seemed excited for this fic lol. SUMMARY: "This was impossible. She shouldn't have found him. She wasn't supposed to be here, but here she was, and she was coming towards him. Kara." [The 3x07 Karamel reunion from Mon El's POV]
WORD COUNT: 1,574 words
NOTE: Parts of this fic are based off of theories going around, like what the Legion's mission is. There is no mention of Mon El's "marriage", since I'm still not sure if it's real or not and therefore chose not to include it. Imra is briefly mentioned a couple of times, as well as Jo Nah (Ultra Boy, member of the Legion). Enjoy!
Now available on AO3!
[Feedback is welcome. Hate will be blocked. Thank you!]
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As soon as Mon El opened his eyes, he knew something was wrong.
He looked around slowly, trying to regain his bearings from being in cryosleep for so long. He was still on his ship, which was a good thing, but it didn't take him long to realize why he had a bad feeling. He was the only one awake.
Something went wrong, he thought. We were all supposed to wake up together. What the hell happened?
He didn't even have time to think about that before he heard a sound. It was times like these when he really wished he had Jo Nah's penetra-vision. That way, he would have been able to see through the walls of the ship and locate exactly what had caused the noise. Without it, however, he could only assume the worst.
We're under attack.
Mon El wasted no time, rushing to get to the armory, and hoping that he wouldn't run into the intruders on his way there.
He couldn't help the quick rush of fear that he felt. He had never had to do this alone. Before, Kara always had his back on missions, and once he went to the 31st century, he had his friends in the Legion as backup. It was a scary thought to be the only one awake to protect the ship, but his friends needed him, in more ways than one.
Once he took care of the intruders, he had to wake his friends up. He wasn't supposed to do this alone. He couldn't do this alone. The plan required all of them, and there was no way he would be able to execute it all by himself. He had to wake them up.
He grabbed one of the big blaster guns off of the armory wall. He didn't know what type of intruders were on the ship, but he thought it was best to be prepared. As he grabbed wrapped his hands around the metal, he heard the sound again. This time, he was pretty sure he was able to pinpoint where it was coming from.
They're by the pods.
His hand went instinctively to the chain around his neck, grabbing the necklace and praying a silent prayer for strength. It was a habit he had picked up seven years ago, when he had been thrust into the 31st century. Holding the necklace helped to give him courage.
He forced himself to push his fear down and pick up the pace. He had to make sure they didn't sabotage the pods. He had to protect his friends.
As he got closer, he was able to make out voices. Granted, he couldn't hear what was being said, or who was saying it, but it was enough to let him know that more than one person was aboard the ship. He sighed. This would have been a good time to have Imra's powers. She would have been able to take over their minds and get them to leave the ship without any confrontation. He shook those thoughts away. Jo Nah wasn't here. Imra wasn't here. He had to do this by himself.
He pointed his blaster in front of him as he slowly approached the door to the pod room. He placed his hand on the scanner on the wall to open the door. The light on the scanner turned green with his touch and the door opened slowly, making a loud noise as it did. He gripped the blaster tighter. There was no way the intruders didn't hear that. They were going to be ready for him.
He entered the room slowly, opting to stay in the shadows. He saw a flash of golden hair as one of the visitors turned towards him. Immediately, the eyes started glowing, reminding him of all the times that he had seen heat vision in action.
He didn't even think about who it could be before he fired. A single blast shot out of the gun. One of the intruders ducked, while the woman with the heat vision and golden hair simply put her arms up, blocking the shot. He saw the third person pointing a small gun his way as well. He had to tread carefully. It was three to one, and it didn't seem like his gun had done anything to stop them.
He didn't put any thought as to who these people could be. All he was focused on was thinking of a game plan to get out of this alive. He could now see that he was facing two men and one woman. The person in the back seemed to be unarmed, so if he could disarm the man in the front, the one in the back would be an easy target. Then he would have to trust his training and hope that he could take down the woman.
She put her arms down quickly, keeping her eyes on his shadow. "Don't shoot," she stated, her voice low and commanding.
The voice registered immediately in his brain, but he held his ground. For seven years, he had heard her voice in every person he talked to, had seen her face in every crowd, had felt her presence in his heart, and every time he had thought it was true, he found himself disappointed. He had lost hope for finding her years ago. Besides, nothing would be worse than seeing her at this point. He was here on a mission, and he hoped to do that without seeing her. Seeing her would make everything infinitely harder.
"Stay back," he warned, hating the way that his voice shook with the words. He had gotten so used to using Saturian around Imra that the language came naturally to him at this point.
"We're not here to hurt you," she continued, not seeming to have understood his words.
There it was again. Her voice.
Against his better judgment, he stepped forward into light. He knew that he would be revealing himself, but he couldn't make out the faces of the intruders from where he was standing, and he needed to see them. He needed to know.
As he stepped forward, he felt all the air leave his lungs as his eyes met the woman's.
He could have convinced himself that he was imagining her voice. He could have convinced himself that he was just missing her again, the same way that he had every day for seven years. He could convince himself that his ears were playing tricks on him again, that he was hearing things and just making a mistake.
But there was no way he could mistake her eyes.
He came face-to-face with the brightest blue eyes he had ever seen. They were filled with love... Love for him. And he could instantly tell how sad the owner was by the fact that they were insanely blue. They were bright like... like comets.
It was really her. Of that, he had no doubt. It didn't matter what century, what universe, what world he was living in. He could never forget her.
It briefly registered that the other people were Winn and J'onn, but he could bring himself to tear his gaze from hers.
He saw her eyes widen as all the fight dissipated from her body. He could see the steely resolve she always had when coming face-to-face with an opponent leave her, and it was replaced with something else. Hope.
"Kara..." Her name left his lips without his intention. He felt his arms drop, lowering the blaster. He tried to maintain his grip on the gun, but his hands were shaking too badly. It clattered to the floor, but he didn't even care.
This was impossible. She shouldn't have found him. She wasn't supposed to be here, but here she was, and she was coming towards him. Kara was walking towards him slowly, her eyes never leaving his. When she was close enough, she reached her hands out slowly. He didn't dare move; he was frozen in place as she lightly touched her hands to his cheeks. Her touch was soft and gentle and... almost too light, as if she was afraid he would disappear with her touch. He couldn't help himself from leaning into her touch, wanting to feel her.
Her eyes searched his face, her disbelief evident, before she pulled him close. Her hands traveled along his back, and her breath came out in short gasps. He could tell that she was trying her hardest to hold back sobs.
Despite wrapping his arms loosely around her and leaning into her warmth, he couldn't stop the feeling of dread from sinking into the pit of his stomach. This was all he had wanted for so long. For months and months, all he wanted was to find his way back to her embrace. For months, his sole focus had been finding a way home. But that was before he learned the truth. And now, seeing her again was the last thing he wanted, because it was only going to make his mission ten times harder.
Mon El had been wrong. He had thought nothing could hurt worse than losing her, and having to live without her. But in that moment, as he held Kara in his arms for the first time in seven years, he realized that living without her would hurt much worse now that they had found each other again.
[NOTE: I do believe that the Legion's mission is to either save Kara from Reign, or help her defeat Reign, but they can't interfere until they need to. I don't think Mon El was supposed to wake up by himself, which is why he was so focused on waking them up and told Winn that "Kara would get hurt" if he didn't get back to the ship.]
[Feedback is welcome. Hate will be blocked. Thank you!]
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destiny-moonforge · 3 years
i think that it would have been so fun if certain companions from previous worlds followed us into arc 3. like i think it would have been fun to see ivan the great just punt medulla into the sun. plus! ship crews IRL generally are bigger than 3-4 people! like i love, pork, beans, and sparck, and i know we don’t want to overcrowd things with Too Many Characters Going On At Once because then individuals wouldn’t really get to shine, but it could have been so fun you guys. plus maybe we would have gotten some more insight/development on our old friends from other worlds. 
this post is gonna get long so buckle up
maybe they wouldn’t have such a major role because they already had one in their original worlds/storylines, and maybe i’m way too attached to our old companions, but we didn’t throw katara away when aang started learning earthbending in ATLA, you know? she stayed with the group and grew with everyone else. of course, wizard101 is a game, not a tv show, things are obviously different and of course there are shows where the protagonist Does move on with other people and new friends, but in pirate101 your companions stay with you as you go from world to world. though maybe it’s a different case there because the companions are also like, an incredibly important part of p101′s mechanics whereas the wizard101 ones just buff you in fights. in the pokemon anime, ash (the protagonist) Does move onto new regions like how the young wizard (protagonist) moves on to new worlds, but even then on occasion sometimes his old friends will roll back around.
some companions do have actual reason to stay back in their worlds of origin, dyvim has his deal with the king or whatever (iirc?) but this all rolls back to the point that plenty of other people in the fandom have made about all of the wizard’s friends either eventually leaving them or having to be left behind.
on top of this, you would think mellori and bat, who, yknow, channeled their ~*vibes*~ or whatever to help the wizard become the divine paradox at the end of arc 3, would have a part in arc 4 as well, at least a little, what with the whole Evil Paradox(tm) that we see. like. you don’t just bring characters with that important of a role into the game and never mention them again, right? i know arc 4 isn’t over yet but considering how KI is terrified of another malistaire situation im really not expecting to see too too much of them? though i’m hoping i’ll be proven wrong.
i’m not up to date on karamelle and lemuria bc my membership has died so i dont know what goes on with any companions from there. but like. pork is a skyship captain! he could help us Go To Other Worlds In The Spiral because of the whole world key situation (see dragonspyre and khrysalis, where theres like only one or two world keys to dragonspyre and a new one has to be forged for khrysalis). alternatively he could happen to Show Up in the places we visit on occasion and we could have a neat little reunion. like if zeke and eloise can be everywhere im sure we could have a reunion with the empyrea folks or other polaris or mirage characters at least once. like the visits with dyvim and zoot in the arc 4 prequest(?) were a step in the right direction but also were fairly brief. 
also tell us what happened to rat and scorpion. are they just sitting there in the shadow realm waiting for spider to come back with the milk. like. they went there and then spider decided the universe wasn’t gonna game end after all and is hopefully going to couples therapy with raven in the primordial forest. like rat and scorpion arent even companions but you’d think spider’s other children would get some form of closure to their stories-
-actually no, you wouldn’t think because we don’t even really say goodbye to bat at the end of arc 3. (iirc) like where the fuck is that guy. i do hope we didn’t just leave him in the husk? like he wouldn’t just stay there after being told he’s spider’s most favoritest boy right. because he has a life and has built relationships with people Outside Of The Shadow Realm and doing things for spider! does he go back to building machines and start to help fix the messes made in empyrea, does he start traveling, or chilling at the arcanum, or what? to my knowledge, we have no clue! we take down the storm titan, spider tells bat he loves him, that’s it. mellori comes back with us to the arcanum, but we don’t even really know if she continues studying at ravenwood or not.
there’s honestly so many loose ends with certain characters in this game that aren’t really tied up. i guess it leaves room for fans to create their own interpretations to fill in the holes themselves and who knows, maybe they Are better about this in arc 4 (again i wouldn’t know because i haven’t played, never finished karamelle) but frankly kingsisle is such a mess in SO many aspects that it wouldn’t surprise me if they werent. 
i still have no idea how old morganthe and by extension her teachers are supposed to be and how time works in the spiral. at this point you could say she did time travel to fuck things up in celestia and zafaria and it would probably still make more sense in the story than the messiness of arc 2. i look at arc 2 and then i am Looking Away. 
of course there’s definitely a balance to be found between characters being brought up so much it might get boring instead of letting the character rest with a natural end to their story (malistaire) and delving deeper into the rippling effects their character’s story might’ve had on the protagonist and other characters and then on the flip side Never Having Characters Who Were Important To The Story Brought Up Again Ever (bat) but it’s absolutely possible. of course it’s not the case that there’s No Recurring Characters Ever in wizard101, we’d see ambrose all the time because he was a big deal and obviously we’d have to go back to our teachers for spells and quests every so often, but some of the professors are also a little flat (though that’s a discussion for a other post) and they also don’t Actively Travel With Us. 
i wouldn’t want a favorite character of mine to be brought back and then absolutely be done dirty in terms of writing and story and having all of their development from their original world set back to square one. you wouldn’t take sokka from ATLA and suddenly make him sexist and annoying again at the end of the series like he was earlier on, because he’s grown and developed past that! that’s why he’s a fan favorite! (to my knowledge. i don’t partake in the ATLA fandom and it’s been several years since i watched the show in full so i'm running off of memory here) i also wouldn’t want them to be flat and boring if they don’t grow and develop past how they were before in the story. i know all of this would likely be difficult to show at times because we play as the wizard and only really see their perspective exclusively, but certainly not impossible. 
though i suppose there’s a lot of angles to consider here, like how some of the people who spend the most money on the game likely don’t care for the story much at all and where the characters go and what they do, i’m sure we’re all familiar with the stereotypical mean storm wizard that bullies you in waterworks or darkmoor for not having Top Of The Line pack and bundle gear or gear from insanely hard dungeons or spells that can only be obtained through pack or mob drops (all of which require insane amounts of luck and either money or grinding). and then there’s the fact that some older voice actors might not even be Available anymore due to layoffs or whatever.
i’m only really writing this because i really miss the arc 3 characters a lot and even ones from late arc 2 and it makes me sad that KI is doing a full 180 and has decided No. They Shall Never Come Back Ever after the ordeal with malistaire. also for further context i’m not complaining about all this because i hate the game and think it’s the worst thing ive ever played, because i don’t, it’s been one of my biggest interests for a really long time. like it matters a Lot to me otherwise i wouldn’t have this blog, yknow? and for what it’s worth i did like pieces of arc 2 and the ending of darkmoor was pretty sweet. there’s definitely more eloquent ways i could have worded a lot of this. but my point is and has been that it’s possible to bring back an old friend every once in a while and have them play a part without it just being like Ah, This Fucker Again for money purposes. of course then we have to think of more natural ways to have a character return too, but that’s the case for even bringing a new character into the story. 
of course all of these negatives can be turned into positives when it comes to fan content because we can take all of it and be like “mine now. here’s what happened to XYZ” because there Is room left open with the vague spots and loose ends to tie things up ourselves. but some things are So Big and messy that sometimes they have to be Entirely Rewritten. there’s a lot of reasons why things would or wouldn’t work in terms of his game but i suppose it’s all just food for our own thought because we know kingsisle themselves is just gonna do what they’re gonna do. 
idk i have a lot of complicated feelings on this matter and i’m sick of writing this it’s been a few hours since i started, maybe all of this is just based off the fact that i Very Much So Have Favorite Characters And Miss Them A Lot. but yeah.
i miss bat.
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andromedasmith · 3 years
So it’s Karamel gift fic exchange day and I am looking forward to lots of great stuff. So far we already have @peggystormborn’s “Reunion”, @akane171’s “A Definite Maybe” and my “Three-body scattering”:
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