#karachi development
mastereye-1 · 12 days
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karachinewsupdate2 · 1 month
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islajack23 · 1 year
Optimal Creations: Your Trusted Web Development Company in Pakistan
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Introduction: In the digital age, having a well-designed and functional website is essential for businesses to succeed. As businesses in Pakistan strive to establish a strong online presence, partnering with a reliable and skilled web development company becomes crucial. Optimal Creations emerges as the go-to web development company in Karachi, Pakistan, renowned for its expertise, innovation, and commitment to delivering outstanding results. With a proven track record of creating captivating and high-performing websites, Optimal Creations has solidified its position as a trusted partner for businesses looking to thrive in the online realm.
Unleashing the Power of Web Development: Web development is an intricate process that encompasses various disciplines, including web design, coding, content creation, and user experience optimization. Optimal Creations boasts a team of highly skilled and experienced web developers who possess a deep understanding of the latest web development technologies and trends. Their expertise empowers businesses to harness the full potential of web development, creating websites that captivate visitors, enhance user engagement, and drive conversions.
Customized Web Solutions: Optimal Creations recognizes that each business has unique goals, target audiences, and branding requirements. Therefore, they adopt a customized approach to web development, tailoring their solutions to match the specific needs of their clients. By collaborating closely with businesses, Optimal Creations ensures that every website they create accurately represents the brand, communicates the intended message, and achieves the desired objectives.
Comprehensive Web Development Services: As a leading web development company in Pakistan, Optimal Creations offers a comprehensive range of services to address all aspects of web development. These services include:
Responsive Web Design: Optimal Creations crafts visually appealing and mobile-responsive websites that adapt seamlessly to various screen sizes and devices. This ensures an optimal browsing experience for visitors across all platforms.
User Experience Optimization: They prioritize user experience, focusing on intuitive navigation, fast loading times, and engaging visual elements. By creating user-friendly interfaces, Optimal Creations enhances customer satisfaction and encourages repeat visits.
E-commerce Development: Optimal Creations specializes in building robust and secure ecommerce website development, equipped with user-friendly product catalogs, shopping carts, secure payment gateways, and inventory management systems. This allows businesses to establish a reliable online store and drive sales.
Content Management Systems (CMS): Optimal Creations integrates powerful CMS platforms, such as WordPress and Drupal, enabling businesses to easily update and manage their website content without requiring extensive technical expertise.
Custom Web Applications: For businesses requiring unique functionalities or complex web applications, Optimal Creations delivers tailored solutions, utilizing cutting-edge technologies to build scalable, secure, and efficient web applications.
Client Satisfaction and Success: Optimal Creations prides itself on its commitment to client satisfaction and success. Their team of experts works closely with clients, understanding their vision and goals, and providing regular progress updates throughout the web development process. Optimal Creations' dedication to delivering exceptional websites that exceed client expectations has resulted in long-term partnerships and a high level of client satisfaction.
Conclusion: When it comes to web development in Pakistan, Optimal Creations stands as the trusted and reliable choice for businesses seeking excellence. With their expertise, innovative approach, and customized solutions, Optimal Creations crafts visually stunning, user-friendly, and high-performing websites. By partnering with Optimal Creations, businesses can establish a strong online presence, engage their target audience, and achieve their digital objectives. Trust Optimal Creations as your web development partner and unlock the true potential of your online business.
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paandaan · 10 months
Donation For Demolition Victims In Karachi
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Karachi did not have then means to house all migrants coming in post partition. Eventually, they housed themselves. The government provided them with electricity, gas, water lines, etc. Much of Karachi has been built this way. Mujahid Colony is one of these neighborhoods. People who live here have lived here since the creation of Pakistan. They populated this vacant area and brought commerce, housing, life here. Multigenerational homes, multiethnic mohallas. Now this land is valuable for luxury developers and greedy builders. They distort and exploit the corrupt nexus of land and governance stakeholders and have used police to raid these homes in the middle of the night and fire bullets on children, drag women without purdah from their homes, use tear gas and bulldozers to clear the way. Hospitals were told not to record the injuries or take in the injured. Many died from heart attacks and extreme stress as well. Suddenly homeless with all property destroyed, they had nowhere to go. Daily wage earners asked to pay lakhs in security deposits. They lost everything.
• Mujahid and Wahid Colony faced demolitions last year
• The rubble is still lying there
• The affectees have been living in the area since the Partition
• They built the neighborhood from scratch, and the government wants to displace them to Taiser Town, where no gas, electricity, and water lines exist
• They want to stay in their own neighborhood
• Affectees have legal documents of property ownership and paid bill records of decades
Please donate to StopEvictionKHI as follows:
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Here is the link to the GoFundMe:
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fatehbaz · 1 year
The use of English shorthand and typewriters expanded towards the end of the 19th century in clerical work in the major cities of the subcontinent. The use of shorthand in Indian languages, however, developed not in the context of office work but to meet the requirements of the new public sphere, particularly the quick notation of public speeches for reporting in newspapers. This led to the invention of new speed scripts, atitvarene lihiṇyāchī paddhatī (very speedy writing) or laghulekhan (shorthand) in Marathi, which relied heavily on Pitman and Munson’s English shorthand. Arguably the first use was in 1874 by RB Gunjikar [...]. Gajananbhau Vaijya, an English shorthand writer and reporter with the Indian Statesman, invented another speed script expressly for the quick notation of speeches [...]. Notably, Indian-language shorthand remained in the sphere of handwriting, as typewriters for non-Latin scripts did not become widespread in the subcontinent until the mid 20th century. [...]
[I]t is actually Bhujangrao Mankar, inventor of a third shorthand script with the book Laghulekhankalā (1897), who announced himself on the title page as the creator of Marathi and Gujarati shorthand. Mankar was a well-known English shorthand reporter for the press and the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) in Bombay for all manner of political meetings in the early 20th century. [...]
As Bernard Bate noted, Tamil shorthand came into its own when the colonial government attempted to acquire written transcripts of possibly seditious speeches during the Swadeshi movement.
In Bombay, too, shorthand found widespread application in CID surveillance with the growth in nationalist meetings and activity in the 1920s. Sub-inspectors could learn Marathi shorthand as an optional subject in the Central Police Training School; the usual practice was to pass a test in the office and regularly test for speed.
In the trial of the Ali brothers in Karachi following the Khilafat movement, speeches by Mohamed Ali and Shaukat Ali were entered as evidence of their seditious activity.
Similarly, charges against Communist leaders SA Dange, RS Nimbkar, and others in the Meerut conspiracy case (1929–33) were also based on their public speeches.
The cross-examination of witnesses turned on the accuracy of the transcripts and the methods used to obtain them and provides a rich window into the work of memory, notation, and translation involved in producing a speedy verbatim transcript of a public speech, and the issues of legibility, authenticity, and transparency that linked scribe, script, and language to state surveillance.
Police reporters usually translated the shorthand transcripts of speeches in various languages into English longhand as soon as possible. In Karachi the Ali brothers’ Urdu speeches were recorded in Urdu shorthand. In Belgaum in June 1921, however, sub-inspectors of the Pune CID took down their Urdu and English speeches in Marathi shorthand. During a meeting in Bagalkot, also in northern Karnataka, Shaukat Ali’s speech in Urdu was orally translated sentence by sentence into Kannada as he spoke [...]. There was thus much processing of sound, meaning, and sign across languages, scripts, memories, and individuals, all at high speed. [...] The inspector [...] Deshpande mentioned a critical aspect of Pitman-based shorthand writing: since the signs matched specific sounds, he did not pay much attention to the content of the speech; he just noted down the sounds as best he could, even if he didn’t know the meanings of words. Gaps between sounds and meaning, it would appear, were filled in either during transcription through memory recall or by the CID itself. [...] These practices of notation, translation, and judicial discourse grappled with a spectrum of textual reproduction of oral utterances, from gist to verbatim.
Text by: Prachi Deshpande. Scripts of Power: Writing, Language Practices, and Cultural History in Western India. 2023. [Bold emphasis and some paragraph breaks/contractions added by me.]
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mariacallous · 6 months
Nasir Mansoor has spent 40 years fighting for Pakistan’s workers. Whether demanding compensation on behalf of the hundreds of people who died in a devastating 2012 factory fire in Karachi or demonstrating against Pakistani suppliers to global fashion brands violating minimum wage rules, he’s battled many of the country’s widespread labor injustices.
Yet so far, little has improved, said Mansoor, who heads Pakistan’s National Trade Union Federation in Karachi. Despite spending most of his time dealing with issues in the country’s garment sector, labor laws are still routinely flouted inside factories. Not even European Union trade schemes such as the Generalized Scheme of Preferences—which benefits developing countries such as Pakistan but requires them to comply with international conventions on labor rights—have helped curb violations in an industry notorious for them. Regulations and trade protocols look good on paper, but they rarely trickle down to the factory level. “Nobody cares,” Mansoor said. “Not the government who makes commitments, not the brands, and not the suppliers. The workers are suffering.”
But change might finally be on the horizon after Germany’s new Supply Chain Act came into force last year. As Europe’s largest economy and importer of clothing, Germany now requires certain companies to put risk-management systems in place to prevent, minimize, and eliminate human rights violations for workers across their entire global value chains. Signed into law by German Chancellor Olaf Scholz in January 2023, the law covers issues such as forced labor, union-busting, and inadequate wages, for the first time giving legal power to protections that were previously based on voluntary commitments. Companies that violate the rules face fines of up to 8 million euros ($8.7 million).
For decades, Western companies based in countries with highly paid workers and strong labor protections have sourced from low-income countries where such laws don’t exist or are weakly enforced. While this business model cuts costs, it’s made it incredibly difficult for workers to seek justice when problems arise. Given the garment sector’s long history of poor labor conditions—whose victims are a predominantly female workforce—rights groups say the industry will feel some of the highest impacts of new due diligence laws such as Germany’s.
Until now, promises made by fashion brands to safeguard workers stitching clothes in factories around the world have been largely voluntary and poorly monitored. If the promises failed or fell short and that information became public, the main fallout was reputational damage. As governments come to realize that a purely voluntary regimen produces limited results, there is now a growing global movement to ensure that companies are legally required to protect the people working at all stages of their supply chains.
The German law is just the latest example of these new due diligence rules—and it’s the one with the highest impact, given the size of the country’s market. A number of other Western countries have also adopted similar legislation in recent years, including France and Norway. A landmark European Union law that would mandate all member states to implement similar regulation is in the final stages of being greenlighted.
Although the United States has legislation to prevent forced labor in its global supply chains, such as the 2021 Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act, there are no federal laws that protect workers in other countries from abuses that fall short of forced labor. That said, a proposed New York state bill, the Fashion Act, would legally require most major U.S. and international brands to identify, prevent, and remediate human rights violations in their supply chain if passed, with noncompliance subject to fines. Since major fashion brands could hardly avoid selling their products in New York, the law would effectively put the United States on a similar legal level as Germany and France.
Abuses in textile manufacturing have been well documented. Horror stories about brutal violence or building collapses make the news when there’s a major incident, but every day, members of a predominantly female workforce live on low wages, work long hours, and endure irregular contracts. Trade unions, when they are allowed, are often unable to protect workers. A decade ago, the European Parliament described the conditions of garment workers in Asia as “slave labour.”
As of January, Germany’s new law applies to any company with at least 1,000 employees in the country, which covers many of the world’s best-known fast fashion retailers, such as Zara and Primark. Since last January, German authorities say they have received 71 complaints or notices of violations and conducted 650 of their own assessments, including evaluating companies’ risk management.
In Pakistan, the very existence of the German law was enough to spark action. Last year, Mansoor and other union representatives reached out to fashion brands that sourced some of their clothing in Pakistan to raise concerns about severe labor violations in garment factories. Just four months later, he and his colleagues found themselves in face-to-face meetings with several of those brands—a first in his 40-year career. “This is a big achievement,” he said. “Otherwise, [the brands] never sit with us. Even when the workers died in the factory fire, the brand never sat with us.”
Nearly 12 years on from the 2012 fire, which killed more than 250 people, violations are still rife for Pakistan’s 4.4 million garment sector workers, who produce for many of the major global brands. Several of these violations were highlighted in research conducted by FEMNET, a German women’s rights nonprofit, and the European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR), a Berlin-based nongovernmental organization, into how companies covered by the Supply Chain Act were implementing their due diligence obligations in Pakistan. With the help of Mansoor and Zehra Khan, the general secretary of the Home-Based Women Workers Federation, interviews with more than 350 garment workers revealed the severity of long-known issues.
Nearly all workers interviewed were paid less than a living wage, which was 67,200 Pakistan rupees (roughly $243) per month in 2022, according to the Asia Floor Wage Alliance. Nearly 30 percent were even paid below the legal minimum wage of 25,000 Pakistani rupees per month (roughly $90) for unskilled workers. Almost 100 percent had not been given a written employment contract, while more than three-quarters were either not registered with the social security system—a legal requirement—or didn’t know if they were.
When Mansoor, Khan, and some of the organizations raised the violations with seven global fashion brands implicated, they were pleasantly surprised. One German retailer reacted swiftly, asking its supplier where the violations had occurred to sign a 14-point memorandum of understanding to address the issues. (We’re unable to name the companies involved because negotiations are ongoing.) The factory complied, agreeing to respect minimum wages and provide contract letters, training on labor laws, and—for the first time—worker bonuses.
In February, the factory registered an additional 400 workers with the social security system (up from roughly 100) and will continue to enroll more, according to Khan. “That is a huge number for us,” she said.
It’s had a knock-on effect, too. Four of the German brand’s other Pakistani suppliers are also willing to sign the memorandum, Khan noted, which could impact another 2,000 workers or so. “The law is opening up space for [the unions] to negotiate, to be heard, and to be taken seriously,” said Miriam Saage-Maass, the legal director at ECCHR.
After decades of issues being swept under the carpet, it’s a positive step, Mansoor said. But he’s cautious. Of the six remaining global fashion brands contacted, three are in discussions with the union, while three didn’t respond. Implementation is key, he said, particularly because there has already been pushback from some Pakistani factory owners.
Last month, EU member states finally approved a due diligence directive after long delays, during which the original draft was watered down. As it moves to the next stage—a vote in the European Parliament—before taking effect, critics argue that the rules are now too diluted and cover too few companies to be truly effective.
Still, the fact that the EU is acting at all has been described as an important moment, and unionists such as Mansoor and Khan wait thousands of miles away with bated breath for the final outcome. Solidarity from Europe is important, Khan said, and could change the lives of Pakistan’s workers. “The eyes and the ears of the people are looking to [the brands],” Mansoor said. “And they are being made accountable for their mistakes.”
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beardedmrbean · 1 month
KARACHI (Reuters) - Pakistan's economy could lose up to $300 million due to internet disruptions caused by imposition of a national firewall, the Pakistan Software Houses Association (P@SHA) said in a press release on Thursday.
Islamabad is implementing an internet firewall to monitor and regulate content and social media platforms, according local media reports. The government denies the use of the firewall for censorship.
Ali Ihsan, senior vice chairman of P@SHA, said the imposition of the firewall has already caused prolonged internet disconnections and erratic VPN performance, threatening a "complete meltdown of business operations".
"These disruptions are not mere inconveniences; but, a direct, tangible and aggressive assault on the industry's viability – inflicting an estimated and devastating financial losses estimated to reach $300 million, which can further increase exponentially," he said in the statement.
Pakistan's telecommunication authority and Pakistan's Minister of State for Information Technology Shaza Fatima Khawaja did not immediately respond.
Earlier this month, Khawaja told local media that the government did not plan to use firewalls as a form of censorship.
Pakistan has already blocked access to social media platform X since the February elections in which jailed former prime minister Imran Khan won the most seats despite a crackdown and ban on his party.
The government has said the blocking was to stop anti state activities and a failure by X to adhere to local Pakistani laws. Rights activists say the blocking of X is designed to stifle critical voices and democratic accountability in the country.
In its statement, P@SHA said that the government's lack of transparency around the firewall had "ignited a firestorm of distrust" among internet users and Pakistan's global IT clients who fear their proprietary data and privacy will be compromised.
P@SHA demanded an "immediate and unconditional halt to this digital siege" and called on the government to engage with the industry to develop a cybersecurity framework.
Pakistan recorded $298 million in IT exports in June, up 33% from the year before. During the fiscal year that ended in June, IT exports were worth $3.2 billion, up 24% from $2.5 billion in the fiscal year 2023.
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Pakistan's Top Digital Marketing Agencies: Who's Got the Magic?
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These days having a strong online presence is crucial for any business. This is where digital marketing agencies come in – they wield the magic wand that can transform your brand, boost your website traffic, and ultimately drive sales. But with so many agencies out there, choosing the right one can feel overwhelming. Fear not! This guide will introduce you to some of Pakistan's top digital marketing agencies, helping you find the perfect partner to unlock your business potential.
Pakistan's Top Digital Marketing Agencies:
Now, let's meet some of the top contenders:
Digital Marketing Pakistan: With a focus on delivering results-driven strategies, Digital Marketing Pakistan offers a comprehensive suite of services, including SEO, social media marketing, and pay-per-click (PPC) advertising. Their local expertise paired with international experience could be a great fit for businesses looking for a well-rounded approach.
Turn Up Technologies: Known for their creative and data-driven approach, Turn Up Technologies creates effective digital marketing campaigns that stand out from the crowd. Whether you need help with website design, social media engagement, or content creation, their team has the expertise to turn your vision into reality.
Boundless Technologies: If you're looking for an agency that emphasizes strategic thinking and measurable results, Boundless Technologies might be the right fit. They combine cutting-edge technology with a deep understanding of customer behavior to craft personalized digital marketing strategies that deliver long-term success.
Digital Minds Pakistan:  If you're targeting a global audience,Digital Minds Pakistan is your answer, this agency focuses on building strong online brands through effective digital marketing solutions. Their services include search engine optimization, social media management, and content marketing, all aimed at increasing brand awareness and driving traffic to your website.
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Media Feathers LLC: Media Feathers LLC's international reach could be a valuable asset. They offer a wide range of digital marketing services, from website development and search engine marketing to social media management and influencer marketing.
Icreativez: While their pricing might be slightly higher than some other Pakistani agencies, Icreativez boasts a team with extensive international experience, working with clients like Google and Facebook. If you crave a global perspective with a local touch, Icreativez could be worth considering.
Navicosoft: This full-service digital marketing agency provides solutions for businesses of all sizes. Their services include search engine optimization, social media marketing, email marketing, and website development. They offer a good all-around package for businesses seeking a comprehensive approach.
PAGETRAFFIC: This Lahore-based agency specializes in search engine optimization (SEO) and pay-per-click (PPC) advertising. They have a strong track record of helping businesses improve their website ranking and generate qualified leads.
THE MEDIAGALE: If you're looking for an agency with a strong social media presence, THE MEDIAGALE could be a good option. They specialize in creating engaging social media content and managing social media campaigns across different platforms.
SEOHUB.PK PVT LTD: This Karachi-based agency offers a variety of digital marketing services, including SEO, social media marketing, and content marketing. Their focus on providing measurable results could be particularly appealing to businesses with clear performance goals.
Finding the Perfect Digital Marketing Partner:
Choosing the right digital marketing agency is an investment in your business's future. Take your time, research each agency thoroughly, and consider your specific needs and budget. Many agencies offer free consultations, so don't hesitate to reach out and discuss your requirements before making a decision.
Remember: There's no one-size-fits-all approach. The magic lies in finding the agency that understands your unique business goals and has the expertise to turn them into reality.
Beyond the Top Ones:
This list isn't exhaustive. Pakistan has a thriving digital marketing landscape with many talented agencies. Utilize online directories, client reviews, and industry awards to discover hidden gems.
Need a digital marketing partner in Pakistan? Choose from our list of top agencies or contact us for personalized recommendations.
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jack-corbin123 · 2 months
Which Degree to Pursue After Intermediate in 2024? A Guide for Students in Karachi
Choosing a degree after completing your intermediate education is a critical decision that can shape your career and future. With numerous options available, it’s essential to consider your interests, career goals, and the evolving job market. If you're in Karachi, you have access to several prestigious universities that offer a wide range of programs. This guide will help you navigate through your options and highlight some of the best universities in Karachi, including DHA Suffa University.
1. Engineering
Engineering remains a popular choice for many students due to its diverse specializations and promising career prospects. Common fields include Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, and Software Engineering.
Top Universities in Karachi for Engineering:
DHA Suffa University: Its top university in Karachi and Known for its modern campus and industry-focused programs.
NED University of Engineering and Technology: One of the oldest and most reputable engineering universities in Pakistan.
Sir Syed University of Engineering and Technology: Offers a wide range of engineering disciplines.
2. Business Administration
A degree in Business Administration (BBA) opens doors to various industries, from finance to marketing to human resources.
Top Universities in Karachi for Business Administration:
Institute of Business Administration (IBA): Renowned for its rigorous curriculum and strong alumni network.
LUMS: Though not in Karachi, it’s worth considering for its exceptional business programs.
DHA Suffa University: Offers a comprehensive BBA program with strong industry linkages.
3. Computer Science and IT
With the digital revolution, degrees in Computer Science and Information Technology are in high demand. These fields offer careers in software development, data science, cybersecurity, and more.
Top Universities in Karachi for Computer Science:
FAST-NUCES: Known for its strong emphasis on computer science and technology.
Karachi Institute of Economics and Technology (KIET): Offers specialized programs in IT and software engineering.
DHA Suffa University: Provides a state-of-the-art computer science program with hands-on learning opportunities.
4. Medicine and Health Sciences
For those inclined towards the medical field, degrees in Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, and Allied Health Sciences are excellent choices.
Top Universities in Karachi for Medicine and Health Sciences:
Aga Khan University: Offers world-class medical education and research facilities.
Dow University of Health Sciences: A leading institution for medical and health sciences education.
DHA Suffa University: While primarily known for engineering and business, it is expanding its health sciences programs.
5. Social Sciences and Humanities
Degrees in Social Sciences and Humanities, including Psychology, Sociology, and International Relations, are ideal for students interested in understanding human behavior and societal issues.
Top Universities in Karachi for Social Sciences and Humanities:
University of Karachi: Offers a broad range of programs in social sciences and humanities.
Habib University: Known for its liberal arts education and interdisciplinary approach.
DHA Suffa University: Offers programs in social sciences that are integrated with modern teaching methodologies.
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mastereye-1 · 15 days
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karachinewsupdate2 · 1 month
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itsnazib · 5 months
A Journey Through The Aromas Of Pakistani Nihari - Easy Delicious Nihari Recipe
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The word Nihari is derived from the Arabic word Nihar, which means morning. Hence the name Nihari means that it was used for breakfast.
Nihari-making originated either in the back streets of Delhi's Jama mosque, or many Lucknow enthusiasts believe it began with the fall of the Mughal Empire in the late 18th century. After, the Nawab happened from the kitchens of Oudh.
The method of preparing nihari is still more or less the same as it was in the early days. 
In those days, after the lid of the pot was covered, a dough stick was placed on its sides to maintain maximum temperature and slow cooking with steam. After lightly frying the meat, aromatic spices were added to it and left to slowly decompose and absorb the aroma of these spices.
The flavor of these spices would settle into the meat very gently, as if someone were casting a spell to entice someone.
Making Pakistani Nihar: The Easy Way
Prepare to embark on a culinary voyage, we will try to uncover the secrets of nihari, a dish steeped in tradition and bursting with flavor. 
Join us as we delve into the depths of this iconic dish, and unveil a traditional Pakistani nihari recipe that will transport your taste buds to the bustling streets of Lahore or Karachi.
Making The Best Nihari - Ingredients
Before we begin our culinary adventure, let's gather the following ingredients for our nihari:
1 kg beef shank or mutton, cut into chunks
2 large onions, thinly sliced
1/2 cup ghee or cooking oil
3 tablespoons ginger paste
3 tablespoons garlic paste
1 tablespoon turmeric powder
2 tablespoons red chili powder
2 tablespoons coriander powder
1 tablespoon cumin powder
1 teaspoon fennel seeds
1 teaspoon black peppercorns
4-5 green cardamom pods
2-3 cloves
3-4 bay leaves
Salt to taste
Warm water
Fresh ginger slices
Fresh green chilies
Chopped coriander for garnish
Naan bread or steamed rice for serving
Step-by-Step Instructions For Making Nihari
Now, let's dive into the art of preparing Pakistani nihari with our step-by-step guide:
Step 1: Fry the Onions
Heat ghee or cooking oil in a large pot over medium heat.
Add the thinly sliced onions and cook until they turn golden brown and caramelized, stirring occasionally to ensure even cooking.
Step 2: Searing The Meat
Once the onions are caramelized, add the beef or mutton chunks to the pot.
Increase the heat to medium-high and sear the meat on all sides until it develops a rich, brown crust, locking in the flavors.
Step 3: Crafting The Spice Blend
While the meat is searing, prepare the spice blend by combining ginger paste, garlic paste, turmeric powder, red chili powder, coriander powder, cumin powder, fennel seeds, black peppercorns, green cardamom pods, cloves, and bay leaves in a small bowl.
Step 4: Infusing The Flavors
Once the meat is seared to perfection, add the prepared spice blend to the pot.
Stir well to coat the meat evenly with the aromatic spices, allowing them to release their flavors and aromas.
Step 5: Slow Cooking
Pour enough warm water into the pot to cover the meat completely.
Reduce the heat to low, cover the pot with a lid, and let the nihari simmer gently for 4-5 hours, or until the meat is tender and falls apart easily.
Step 6: Thickening The Gravy
After the nihari has simmered for several hours, remove a ladleful of the gravy from the pot and transfer it to a separate bowl.
Using a fork or whisk, mash the onions and spices in the gravy until they form a smooth paste.
Pour the mashed gravy back into the pot and stir well to thicken the nihari to your desired consistency.
Step 7: Serving
Serve the hot nihari in bowls, garnished with fresh ginger slices, green chilies, and chopped coriander.
Accompany the nihari with warm naan bread or steamed rice for a complete and satisfying meal.
The Bottom Line 
With its tantalizing aroma and robust flavors, Pakistani nihari is a dish that embodies the essence of Pakistani cuisine. By following this above traditional recipe and savoring each step of the cooking process, you can experience the true magic of nihari and transport yourself to the vibrant streets and bustling bazaars of Pakistan. 
So gather your ingredients, unleash your culinary prowess, and treat yourself to a taste of authentic Pakistani nihari that will leave you craving more.
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continuing-studies · 2 years
Go to Asia with your family: Toddlers hiding things
One thing about being away with small kids for an extended period is that there is a lot of development happening while you're gone. By the time we get back to Germany in the springtime, our son will have lived more of his life to that point traveling around Asia (3 months) than in his so-called home (2).
But their development doesn't just go on pause. Just as I would like to think that somewhere deep inside their little minds these kids are being influenced positively by the experiences they're having right now, all of the different phases that would come anyway for them are coming here and now, while we're on the go.
As one might expect, we see this in particular with our older daughter. Toddlers are already such complex little creatures, like a tadpole that is almost big enough to be a frog but hasn't quite grown its full frog legs. There's something new happening inside their brains literally all the time. At the same time, being in a totally different environment inevitably shapes the context in which every new phase takes place.
When we were in Pakistan last month Maya began hiding things for the first time (that we're aware of). To any parents reading this: maybe you know this one? It's cute, and funny, but sometimes there are also things that maybe you left out which you didn't want to be hidden, and this might lead to some stressful situations or, in our case, an unfortunate misunderstanding.
Keep reading for the details!
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Saturday 21 January 2023
Lately Maya has developed a habit of mysteriously hiding things in strange places.  We first noticed last week when all of a sudden half of the pieces to her baby and grown-up animal puzzles went missing.  Zara kept asking me where they all were, to the point that I got a bit defensive thinking that she thought I was simply being careless and lost them.  In reality I was as confused as she was.  When Maya and I were playing with the puzzles in the drawing room last Saturday morning, just one piece was missing - the baby rhino, the same one that has been missing since we left Berlin.  A few hours later at least 4 baby and grown-up animal sets were completely missing, along with a few more random individual pieces.
We puzzled over the missing puzzle pieces for the rest of the weekend.  I looked in sofa crevices, under carpets, and every other tight space I could think of where Maya wouldn’t possibly cram one or several puzzle pieces.  Zara at one point announced that she had figured it out - Maya probably put the pieces in the trash bin.  This sounded plausible, but I convinced myself it wasn’t true because the trash had been taken out the same day we were playing and that would mean the pieces had entered the Karachi waste stream already, never to be seen again.  They’ll turn up, I insisted.
The next day Zara finally shared some good news - she knew where the pieces were.  She’d asked Maya, who the whole time had been saying they were upstairs but declined to give any further specifics.  Eventually Zara asked again when they were in the bedroom together and Maya pointed to the bottom of the bed, where there is the slightest of gaps between the solid wood bedframe and the floor.  I’d already dismissed this as a possibility myself, thinking the gap was too small.  But sure enough, upon checking further I could see the edge of one of the baby animals poking out close to the opening.  One-by-one apparently because I can’t imagine it working out any other way, Maya had taken the time to slide at least 8 individual puzzle pieces underneath a massive wood bedframe in the only place where they would fit, because why not.
I got the missing pieces later in the week after I had my strength back.  It was a physical task.  Before sliding the heavy bedframe across the floor to reveal the pieces, the large double mattress also had to be lifted off the frame and propped against a wall.  And in order to move the bedframe, multiple other pieces of furniture also had to be temporarily adjusted.  The sight of the pieces after straining to push the heavy, unwieldy frame across a marble floor was a bit like finding buried treasure.  Moving the physical manifestations of heaven and earth to recover toys that my child has hidden in the most impossible places - these are clearly the things that bring me joy as a toddler papa.
Later in the week things got a bit more real when Zara’s pink fanny pack all of a sudden also disappeared.  She realized that she couldn’t find it as she was getting ready to leave to bring Camino to get his vaccines on Thursday afternoon.  I asked if there was anything important in it - no passports or important documents, fortunately, but there was a fair amount of cash.  Zara looked everywhere, as we did with the puzzle pieces, driving herself mad in the process as each new obscure location failed to yield the pink bag.  We ran through all the scenarios.  Hadn’t Maya been wearing it that morning?  Did she bring it to Nani’s school?  Zara didn’t think so.  Where was she playing with it last?  I had seen her with it in her bedroom that morning.  Was it there?  No.  Zara asked Maya where she put it, her frustration with the situation (and with Maya) becoming increasingly clear.  Maya kept repeating that “Maya put it somewhere”, but wasn’t able to elaborate.
Finally Zara left with Camino and Maya went down for a nap, which gave me some time to look around again.  I honestly didn’t even know where to start.  It felt like Zara had already frantically searched everywhere, but maybe with a clear head and not being in a rush I would be able to figure out where somewhere could be.  I scanned the main upstairs common area as well as our bedroom, and then wondered if Zara had checked the two leather side tables next to our bed.  I opened the top drawer on my side - sure enough, there was the pink bag, sitting there in the drawer next to our two journals.
Later on when Zara came back I walked downstairs with the pink bag, eager to show her that the mystery was again solved.  While she was out Zara had already called Rita, the house cleaner who has been coming over every day to the house where we're staying, to ask if she’d seen the bag while she was over that morning.  Rita made a special trip back and was looking around for the bag, just as I walked into the living room with it.  Although Zara and Rita were both obviously happy that we had found the bag, things disappearing in homes can be a touchy subject in Pakistan, and we saw that in Rita’s reaction.  The vast inequalities in class and material ownership here make petty theft from domestic helpers a not-infrequent occurrence, and Rita was obviously sensitive to any suspicion that we may have had that she may have taken the pink bag.  In reality that was the furthest thing from our minds — we knew all along that the culprit was our mischievous 2 1/2 year-old.  But Zara had to clear this up and reassure Rita, who was fighting back tears.  She has been wonderful to us this whole time and particularly cute with Maya, who she even looked after on one of our last days for a few hours.  So Zara, naturally, felt terrible that this pink bag mystery had made Rita feel in any way insecure about what we might have thought of her.
That afternoon we all sat on the terrace as the sun went down, Camino on his back in his usual spot taking in the Karachi street sounds, Maya playing with playdough, and Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan serenading us all through our BlueTooth speaker.  Zara attempted to explain to Maya that the situation with the bag had made Rita feel really bad before trailing off.  How do you articulate the human complexities of post-colonialism, inequality, feudalistic social hierarchies, and material wealth itself to a toddler who just likes hiding things?  
We left it there, for now, as a chilly evening breeze eventually blew us back inside the house - a conversation for another day. 
On Friday as I was getting something in Maya’s room, I noticed just in time out of the corner of my eye as she attempted to slide one of her Spanish dinosaur books into that same opening as the puzzle pieces, the one between the bedframe and the floor. 
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Bartonella henselae
Case Report:
23M veterinary student from home with a cat, presents with a one year history of neck swelling, 1 month of fevers and lethargy. Also he lives in Karachi.
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The fevers are a/w chills and rigours that response to paracetamol and have no particular pattern to them.
He doesnt have any arthralgias or arthritis or rash.
They find pretty sizable lymph nodes on exam in the cervical chain and inguinal regions.
He starts developing hypotension and they start him on some vasopressors and meropenem.
The fevers don't respond, and someone decides to start azithromycin, which it does respond to.
He's also worked up for IE given the chronicity of events.
Eventually on biopsy of the lymph node, the lab finds bartonella hensalae.
Microbiology + transmission:
aka cat scratch fever, so this is why history is so important to infectious diseases physicians.
it's actually disease of cats that can spread to their humans via bites and scratches. Or the cat licks a wound etc.
and unfortunately also via arthropod vectors and mossies
after entry into a host, it's main target cells are CD34s, immune cells, and then alters the host immune system
it's interesting special power is that it can predispose hosts to other pathogens in this manner
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it's a gram negative rod (pink rods)
Historical trivia
the fun bits
genus of Bartonella is named for a Peruvian scientist (Alberto Barton, also had interest in brucellosis and leishmaniasis --> other tropical diseases taht cause fevers of unclear origin), he isolated the bacteria from patients during an outbreak among railway works in South america. This was 1905.
reminds me of love in the time of cholera, when people still wrote physical letters.
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species of bartonella henselae is actually named for Diane Henselae, a researcher from Oklahoma, who collected samples during an outbreak there in the mid 1980s.
rare for someone who discovered a species named for them to be both alive and a woman, and I can't find much about her online.
there are other bartonella species that cause historically significant diseases like trench foot (bartonella quintana, transmitted by lice) and carrion's disease (bartonella bacilliformis, with a high mortality rate). another post for another day.
Clinical features
incubation period: up to 10 days
initial: rash at site of injection or intro of pathogen, from there it travels to local lymph nodes causing lymphadenopathy about 1-3 weeks later
From CDC guidelines who took image from NEJM
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Bsymptoms - low grade fevers/malaise/fatigue
epidemio: occurs most often (for a rare disease) in kids < 15
infection affecting the eye (neuro-retinitis = visual changes, irritation and photophobia), liver, spleen, brain/spine (transverse myelitis, encephalitis etc), bones and heart valves (IE)
Increased risk groups for complications
HIV/AIDs, immunocompromised hosts (i.e. transplants), mortality is an issue in this group, as disseminated disease a possibility
small risk of IE in groups with RFs for develop this (prosthetic valves, damaged valves, unrepaired congential heart disease etc)
challenging, no gold standard test as the sens and spec is variable for each individual one, so it's a combination really, of history exam and a variety of confirmatory tests
PCR (variable spec/sens), serology (indirect and often negative in early stages, can also be positive for years post treatment and doesn't differentiate from other bartonella species), cultures are definitive but it can take 21 days for anything to grow (it's fastidious)
histopath of lymph nodes helpful - stains: silver stain or Warthin Starry stain (silver nitrate) which is kind of a reverse starry starry night used for spirochetes like helicobacter.
in IE, it can be culture negative, which can confuse diagnosis
From Wiki
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mild disease is self resolving
first line: few days azithromycin or doxycycline can reduce symptoms and is indicated for enlarged lymph nodes to reduce size or unresolving LAD >1 month
in case of eye infection or IE expect longer duration of hterapy, like doxy and rif for 4-6 weeks
will also respond to bactrim, cipro, rif and gent
Prevention from the CDC:
avoid strays, wash hands after petting cats, keep strays from your cat, avoid owning new kittens who are < 1 yr if you are immunocompromised
avoid getting scratched..which is kinda hilarious but can see why
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stat pearls
case report above
Rare diseases
CDC guidelines
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