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clarenceting · 7 years ago
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“T” is for tower. Happy T day everyone! #kaplablocks #SpecialK
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serendipity1974 · 8 years ago
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Let's be #Real, mmmkay? I just took these pics of my apartment: the living room/dining area above, and 2 views of my bedroom below. Believe it or not, I spent 75% of the day yesterday decluttering my room. After days of rising anxiety I realized my mental health required that I shift my sights away from the laundry, cooking, and anything writing-related, to containing the chaos around me. All the Christmas boxes were finally sent down to the basement storage, I moved around furniture, actually unpacked from the ski trip (which I returned from over a week ago), tossed out tons of paper, and put things in their place. You can't see the closet, but it has been overhauled as well. I went to bed feeling a huge weight had been lifted, and woke up pleased with myself. Then, I walked into the living room, where the Rebels had already reconstructed the forts of blanket-covered toppled furniture my husband and I dismantled last night. Toys, books, #veryimportant scraps of scribbled paper, and lord knows what else liter every surface. It's normal, I reckon, given that the Rebels are a 6yo Boy and a Girl who is spitting distance from her 5th birthday. So I'm not angry, or even frustrated, I'm just tired. I simply do not want to clean up the mess in the living room. The corner of the dining room you can't see is filled with #LEGOS, #KaplaBlocks, art supplies, and who knows what else. I try to organize it all, purge what I can, shove it all back into their bedroom... It never lasts. For apartment dwellers the conundrum of what to do with all your crud is the real Neverending Story. The other day @darlademorrow broke the bad news that the Organizing Fairy isn't going to swoop in and save me :( On the bright side, I'm going to chat with her tomorrow. Why? Because she is literally writing the book on organizing, and wants to pick my brain about some of my challenges. Which, now that I think of it, is reason enough for me to ignore this mess. At least for today. #MorningMusings #OneWord #Focus #SerendipityIsRandom and an #Overwhelmed #Clutterbug #RealityMoms (at New York, New York)
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