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stripestheboar · 7 years ago
Why no, I didn’t name this “Treat” because of Halloween.
To my other patient patient bouncing baby boy, @kansxy, who requested some sweet sweet Alterswap Asdyne for his (belated) birthday. 
Now, this fanfic comes right after this scene in a comic by @friisans, the rightful owner of Altertale and all it’s little spawn AUs.
Genre: Romance
AU: Alterswap
Pairing: Undyne/Asgore
Summary: Hot on the heels of just finding out his best friend may be in love with him, Asgore takes her out for a small treat for alone time with her and his own thoughts.
“Anything you want. My treat.”
Undyne blinked in surprise and gave a hesitant nod, looking past the glass sheet and over the array of treats on display. Asgore set his eyes on the goods as well, though not actually looking for anything to snack on; he had too much on his mind right now. He teeth unconsciously chewed on the pocky in his mouth, the brittle top breaking off in his mouth.
Asgore wasn’t into relationships. It wasn’t that he didn’t like them or he didn’t need them, but he just didn’t have the motivation to really seek one out. His relationship with his sister was enough to drag him out of his room, and so that’s all he really needed. Or, so he thought.
Undyne brought a slow hand up to her hair, her fingers lathing onto a particular lock and tightening it around them. He took notice, glancing over to watch her twirl her hair. Did she always do that? He hadn’t ever noticed. Well, if we were being fair, there were tons of things he failed to notice. Sometimes it would be certain hints his sister would give off, or maybe the angry looks he got from the spiders when he hadn’t paid his tab in months, or such as he fact that Undyne, someone he had once worked with and had been best friends with for a few years, was totally into him.  
The fish in question seemed to catch his gaze, a nervous look appearing on her face as she quickly chose blueberry donut. “That one,” she murmured hurriedly. Asgore caught on pretty quickly, and gave her a pat on the back. “Hey, take your time. We’re not in a hurry,” he told her. She just shook her head and pointed to it again. “No, I’m sure of it.”
Now, when it came to his obliviousness, in his defense, Asgore had never really had an interest in her to begin with, but that was because he never really had an interest in anyone. He didn’t find her cute or attractive or particularly eye-catching, because he just wasn’t looking for something like that. He assumed she would have made a few gestures of affection or interest in the past, but anything she said probably went straight over his horns. It hadn’t been until his main plant Goldilocks had told him what’s up that he realized that, well, it was in his face the entire time. He needed a plant to tell him about an incoming relationship with someone he’d known for years.
“You’re not going to get anything?” Undyne asked, her brow furrowed in slight confusion and a bit of worry. Asgore just grinned with the pocky between his teeth, showing he was covered. That seemed to sate her, as she merely gave a nod and took the donut Muffet had pulled out for her, giving a quick thanks before heading over to a small, two-person table. However, her goat friend wasn’t having that. The small establishment seemed a bit crowded, so he made a gesture to the door. “Let’s go outside,” he suggested, already heading towards the door with a bit of a moonwalk. Undyne blinked in surprise and quickly followed him out, taking her treat with her as they exited the warm camaraderie of Muffet’s and into the colder environment of Snowdin. Still, despite the snow and the chilly atmosphere, the two felt oddly warm.
As Asgore led her away from the plaza where Muffet’s resided, his mind began to wander as always. He stole a glance back at her, the visible pink on her cheeks and her unwillingness to make eye contact with him only fueled his newly discovered drive to know more about her. Perhaps this was to make up for all the hints and gestures he had been so blinded to for so long. If he were to be completely honest, he had no attraction to her from the get go. He didn’t find her pretty or attractive or anything like that; she was just Undyne, his smart former coworker. Now, in his defense, he was like that with everyone, and he would mostly blame it on lack of motivation on his part and no interest from the other party.  
Undyne didn’t ask where they were going. Asgore stopped at the path to the ruin, taking a small exhale before continuing down the trail at a slower pace. A calm smile was placed over his face as he stuffed his hands into his hoodie pockets. Undyne was directly next to him, looking around awkwardly as the silence let itself be known.  
The pair set out on a slow, quiet walk with each other, saying nothing to the other person. Undyne looked down at her treat, finally finding the urge to eat it. Her partner seemed to notice, and finished off the pocky that once stuck out of his mouth like a toothpick. She glanced back at Asgore for a few fleeting moments before starting to nibble at the donut. He watched her from the corner of his eye, noticing how she took such minuscule crumbs off the top. From personal experience, he knew she could completely pig out on any overly processed that was placed in front of her. Why was she attempting to be so refined in front of him? He noticed her tinted cheeks darken more when she seemed to catch his staring eyes. She turned her head away, seemingly embarrassed to be watched. She opened her mouth to say something, or perhaps it was to try to eat more of her treat, but she ended up snapping it shut as her insecurities caused her to mumble gibberish to herself. Asgore blinked, continuing to watch her. She was so flustered and awkward, especially when it came to a still silence. He found it to be oddly adorable, if not a bit inconvenient. He wasn’t good at starting conversation, but he luckily knew her well enough to know how to get her out of this flustered state.
Undyne felt a small weight press down on her donut, and in a moment of confusion, she swiftly turned her head just in time to see Asgore pulling his head away his cheeks full. She looked down at her donut to see a large chunk of the top mysteriously missing. She blinked, her mind quickly connecting the dots to figure out the mystery of her now rainbow-shaped pastry.
“Asgore!” she bleated, breaking out of her shy demeanor to look at her friend helplessly. He glanced at her casually, his teeth working furiously to try and get the bite down. “Wuh?” he mumbled, his words muffled by the mushed treat in his mouth. “You took a bite of- how could you?” she complained, staring back down at her donut with a look of helpless loss and an expression that conveyed her deepest regrets for not watching it closer. The accused goat feigned ignorance as per usual, quickly swallowing the chunk. “I donut know what you’re talking about,” he defended in a mockingly haughty tone, looking away with a raised nose and closed eyes. “You’re such a jerk sometimes,” she complained, giving his arm a light shove of mild annoyance, going back to snacking on her food, taking much bigger bites in case he tried to steal another bite.  
“What are you doughing?” he chuckled, watching her try to gobble the thing down. Her mouth worked to force the chunk down before speaking. “I’m not keeping his around while there’s a pastry thief on the loose,” she huffed playfully. 
“A thief? Why, I never, and all because I wanted a taste of your goods.”
“A taste of my-?”
“Exactly,” Asgore smiled, relaxing his shoulders as he looked away. Undyne just gave him a funny look and finished off her treat, swallowing it down quickly so she would be able to talk to him again. “So, how are things at he lab?” he started off, genuine curiosity fueling the sudden inquiry. “Fine, fine,” she sighed, smiling. “No no, that isn’t going to suffice,” he told her, refusing to accept that statement. “Give me more.” She looked at him with a confused yet amused expression, a giggle escaping her. “What are you talking about? Nothing really happened at the lab,” she promised. “Everything was just fine.” Asgore just narrowed his eyes suspiciously. “I dunno… sounds pretty-“
“Fishy?” Undyne finished. The goat was forced to pause mid-pun, unsure how to respond now that he was foiled before he could even get the joke out. He was given a light nudge from Undyne, who grinned at him with pointed teeth that she didn’t show as often as she should. “We’ve how long have we worked together, Asgore?”
“Not long enough,” he sighed to himself, though it was low enough for Undyne to not notice.
“I’ve heard that joke from you so many times it doesn’t even register as a pun to me anymore,” she laughed, looking over at him with a cheerful grin. His soul lifted at the sight, a strange feeling for him. Perhaps it was because he finally realized he was with someone who laughed at his jokes and stayed with him for the sake of wanting to be around him. It put a feeling in his soul that he hadn’t felt in a long while. He didn’t exactly know if it was love, but he did know that he wanted to see her like this much more often.
Undyne looked down, still smiling to herself, before looking up and spotting something purple in the distance. “What’s that?” she said casually to Asgore, who gave a small “hmm?” as he looked up at the door. “Oh, that’s the door to the Ruins. Never seen them before?” She shook her head. “No,” she lied, deciding not to tell him how much she loved every single corny joke he gave to that door. “Ah. Well I tell jokes through there from time to time,” he said. “Y’know, knock knock jokes. You know just how much I-
“Adoor them?” she finished, granting her another surprised look and a playful nudge from the other as they turned around and headed back to Snowdin. “Okay, yeah, maybe you know me too well, okay?” he chuckled, looking over at her. “Is that a bad thing?” she asked, her cheeks darkening a little, going quiet as she felt a tad embarrassed. “Nah, ‘course not,” Asgore dismissed with a shake of his head. “No, it’s actually kind of adoorable, if you get what I mean.” Undyne flushed, her head turning to look away as she was unable to keep the stupid grin off of her face. Speaking of adorable…
“Hey, no, look at me,” Asgore encouraged softly, his own grin not fading as he was rewarded with her attention. “You should smile like that more,” he told her. “It looks great on you.” Undyne’s first instinct was to cradle her cheek as she attempted to hide her furious blush that practically covered her entire face at this point. “Ha, maybe I will,” she mumbled, looking away once again, her soul fluttering at his words.  
They rest of their walk back was like this, with silence becoming the norm once again, but it was far from awkward. Undyne felt happier than she had in years, and once they came to the border between their two homelands, both were upset they had to separate. Still, they didn’t let it get to them. Undyne turned to her friend, her confidence having grown since their walk. “I should go home. Thanks for the…”
“…trip to Muffet’s,” she smiled. “I really enjoyed it, and our walk, even if you did eat a good portion of my donut.” Asgore merely waved it off. “It was my pleasure,” he shrugged. “I enjoyed it, too. We should do something like this again sometime.” Undyne gave a nod, prompting him to start suggesting something. “Alright, how about we go on a…”
“…boat ride? The Riverperon’s pretty cool with letting people cruise,” he suggested. “Besides, I know how much you fish love water.  
Both were thinking it, but neither said it, just hoping it would just somehow be.
“Yeah, that’s be great,” Undyne agreed, letting out another soft giggle that made Asgore’s soul skip a beat. “Sweet. You have Wednesdays off, right? How about then?” he suggested, causing the other to give a quick nod. “Alright then. I’ll text you later, okay?” she told him as she began to head in the opposite direction. He gave her a small wave. “I’ll be looking forward to it,” he smiled, giving her one last wave before taking a shortcut back home.
That was surely an ordeal. He flopped back onto his mattress with a tired but happy sigh. He felt more complete somehow, as if that simple walk had really helped his soul. Maybe it just did. A weight wasn’t exactly lifted off of his shoulders, but he could feel as though his body was given more support. Maybe this would work out for the best.  
Now it was just time to wait for his phone to ding. In the meantime, it was time to buy some new fertilizer.
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friisans · 7 years ago
Hey, quick question. Could I have some more information about AS!Asdyne? Like, how the relationship operates? I was thinking about writing a fic for it and wanted to try keeping them in character and not fail as hard as I think I'm going to.
sure, let’s see…Undyne: often watches Asgore from a distance or sneaks glances at him any and every chance she gets if she’s in very close proximity to him. The camera hidden in the bushes provides for one of her favorite pastimes, which is watching Asgore whenever he visits Papyrus to share jokes and conversation. From the other side, she’ll laugh along as he tells another one of his ridiculous stories or shitty jokes or simply relish in the fact that he’s right there in front of her (sorta). She also enjoys how much Asgore loves pocky, as she’s seen the snack appear in a few animes she’s watched.
more undercut:
Asgore: didn’t know anything about Undyne’s feelings for him until Goldilocks (his pet flower and wingman) straight up told him. It was only until then he started to grow more interested in her and occasionally attempt to be alone with her (ex. taking her to Muffet’s, inviting her over to his house to show her his flowerbed, taking her for a quiet walk through Snowdin, etc). He still kept his chill around her, but certain jokes and puns he’d tell her often expressed how into her he actually was than his overall demeanor let on. Asdyne: when they’re together, things aren’t too awkward. They’d talk and converse like normal, good friends do. But that was before Asgore took her to Muffet’s for the first time and treated her to anything she wanted. Undyne was internally shook at the sudden gesture, seeing as she’s loved him for the longest time and this was the kinda thing most people did for their dates or someone important to them. Neither of them dared ask whether it was or not, but that’s what they both thought it was, or at least wanted it to be. Their hangouts gradually turned into something different since then, like small sparks of romance mixed in with their usual friendly relations, but those platonic feelings eventually faded away completely.
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Heya, a friend of mine, @kansxy, is going through a really rough time in life. He's been really upset over the past week. He's a small Undertale writer who could really use some love right now.
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toijiko · 10 years ago
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              ☃ "La - la - la.."       The little dragon wasn't sure what he was going to get into today.       Part of him wanted to go freeze the park pond and watch everyone       freak out but then again, he wanted to find something a little more       relaxing. Toru glanced up and noticed an ice skating ring. Wooow.
     "Do I have any money on me?" He asked himself while pushing the      doors open. "--the front desk is empty." & cue obsessive ringing of the bell.
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stripestheboar · 8 years ago
Everything is Going to Be Okay
Well... my last request of the pile. This one comes from my boi @kansxy, who requested some sweet love for his favorite pairing, Altertale Soriel. As always, I deliver. I hope you enjoy.
Altertale belongs to @friisans.
Pairing: Soriel
Word count: 2,495
Toriel shifted slightly in bed, letting out a soft yawn as her curtainless window only barely allowed the light of the outside from come in. Another day had come and gone up on the surface, and yet, she still refused to get up. Now, many monsters would refuse to waste just a day up above on sleeping in, but a goat needed her rest, especially after a long day of…. okay, you got her there. Still, no one was bothering her. Sans wasn’t shaking her in order to wake her up or literally pulling her out of bed and carrying her downstairs, so as far as she knew, she was in the clear. The only thing that really bothered her was the uncomfortable feel of her mattress and how hot her pillow had gotten. Not wanting to open her eyes and thus break the illusion of sleep, she simply turned her pillow over to lay her head on the cool side. Speaking of cold, she brung her giant ball of unwashed blankets closer to her. She grimaced to herself slightly, telling herself she should really unravel the ball. It was starting to get co-
Sans was too tidy. He’d never let Toriel bunch up the blankets like that.
Her eyes shot open, her soul beginning to race as fear overtook her. She sat up quickly, looking around.
God no.
Mattress with no blankets. Blanket grease ball. Treadmill she never used. Self sustaining trash tornado.
Oh god please no.
The familiarity hit her like a baseball bat. She was immediately hunched over, trying to calm her own breathing as she felt she was going to have a panic attack.
This couldn’t be happening.
She burst out of her room, tears beginning to well up in her eyes as she quickly scanned for her brother. He was nowhere in sight.
Frisk had promised. Frisk had promised to her that there would be no more resets, and for the slightest fraction of a moment, she had actually believed them. She smacked her forehead repeatedly at her own stupidity. As she struggled not to break down right then and there. And they had been going for so long, too.
However, something wasn’t right this time. She usually didn’t remember most of the resets. Sure, the overwhelming familiarity whenever she met her friends each and every time was always a tip off, and the reports only confirmed it, but this was the first time she remembered a full reset. Memories of everything she had done came rushing to the forefront of her mind; breathing in fresh air, meeting new friends, going on dates, actually feeling hopeful and happy for once in years; it was all gone. It was all gone with a single reset. Was this the universe’ way of torturing her? Had she done something to deserve this?
Toriel called out her brother’s name repeatedly. She didn’t care if he didn’t remember, for she just wanted someone to hold onto. She couldn’t take this by herself anymore. However, when Asgore didn’t answer back, fear sparked within her. She tried telling herself it was only because she had slept in, but her breathing began to hyperventilate before she knew it.
“Asgore!” she tried again, going up to her brother’s room and opening the door. “Bro! You here?” There wasn’t a single response, and the room was left empty of life. He was probably outside or something. A quick shortcut later and she was walking on the streets of Snowdin, calling for Asgore relentlessly as her tears threatened to spill. But there wasn’t a response from Asgore. In fact, there wasn’t a response from anybody. The monsters that usually crowded the streets and hung around outside of their homes were nowhere to be seen. Her voice gave out while trying to just call for anyone, but nobody came. Not a single soul in sight.
It was the anomaly. That goddamned human. Her mind was only mocking her, telling her she shouldn’t have gotten her hopes up. She shouldn’t have even tried. The surface, her life, her friends; what were they all worth now?
Wait. Her friends.
Toriel felt another fear come to mind when her panicked thoughts switched to her other friends. Undyne, Alphys, King Papyrus; it didn’t matter if they didn’t remember anything. She had to make sure they were okay and that the human hadn’t gotten to them, too. Now knowing what was going on, she wouldn’t be able to forgive herself if she didn’t at least warn Undyne or Alphys of the oncoming danger.
However, a quick search of Undyne’s home turned up nothing. A quick trip to Alphys’ lab later, and she was sickened to find just a pile of dust where the doors opened. No luck with the king, either. Dust littered the flowers, small bits of soul just barely visible within the scattered ashes. Everyone was gone.
But there was still one more monster. Her hope was almost depleted at this point. Her only question now was why had she been spared? Was this just the human’s version of a cruel joke? Were they just experimenting, laughing in the shadows as she scrambled around to find anyone at all, knowing she wouldn’t remember a thing the next reset?
She rushed to the Ruins, appearing before the doors, stopping to calm herself. Tears had already fallen, and she barely paused to wipe her eyes as she began to shove the doors open. And sure enough, unlike every single time before, they actually opened this time. The double doors split, letting a bit of dim light into the dark corridor. She saw no one and looked down on the ground, and sure enough, there was a pile of dust, robes spilled on the ground carelessly, as if they hadn’t once contained someone she’d loved.
Toriel collapsed onto her knees, her sobs ringing through the dark hallway, echoing softly. No one was there to help her. No one was there to assure her it would be alright. No one was there to give her a reason as to why.
No one was there.
She was alone.
“Toriel, wake up.”
“Wake up. You’re having a bad dream.”
Toriel’s eyes creaked open slightly, her eyes bleary from tears that spilled onto her pillow. She could now feel someone gently shaking her, trying to rouse her from her sleep. With a quick intake of breath, she sat up, taking in her somewhat unfamiliar surroundings as her breathing only started to speed up in pace. Upon feeling a thin hand wrap around hers, her immediate instinct was to pull away. A fearful sound left her mouth for hand a second as she felt an arm wrap around her waist and pull her back into a hard mass. Her hands placed flat on the uneven chest of the unknown person, she immediately began trying to push herself away, but whoever it was held her there. That’s when she realized someone was talking.
“Tori, calm down, it’s me,” the voice whispered, sounding deep and soothing and oh so familiar. This caused her to halt for a moment and look up at the man who had her held back. It took a second to recognize such a distinct face: a wide permagrin stretching a white skull as two dark, yet soft sockets looked down on her, the eyelights looking almost lovingly down back into her eyes, all of which was lit by the lamp on the nightstand beside their bed. It was Sans, her boyfriend, alive and well again, much to her disbelief. Her mind wanted to believe it, but her subconscious was only telling her it was all fake and she was still in the underground. She brought a shaky hand up, her fingers brushing against the smooth bone of his cheekbone, her thumb feeling every rounded edge. This was real.
“Sans?” she whispered, her voice cracked and almost unusable. She couldn’t believe what she was seeing. Sans’ grin was soft as he lifted a boney hand to gently cup her cheek, the familiarity of the touch bringing back memories of dates and late night snuggles and kisses during comedy movies together. “Hey there cottontail. It’s me,” he breathed, closing his sockets. Toriel’s walls broke down as more tears began to spill. “Oh my god,” she sobbed, immediately wrapping her arms around him as her body jerked and shook with uncontrolled wails into his chest. Sans wasted no time in comforting her, rubbing her back gently and whispering soft words to her to assure her she was alright, like he had done so many times before. “Shh… it was all just a bad dream,” he mumbled. “Everything is alright. We’re here now. Everything is real.”
This small sobbing session lasted longer than usual, with it going on for a good twenty minutes. Sans didn’t mind though, and made sure Toriel calmed down completely using several comforting gestures and words that had worked over the months. Eventually, Toriel calmed down completely, drying her eyes on the sleeve of her pajama top. She had crawled into Sans’ crossed lap at this points, laying her head against his sternum. “Feeling better?” her boyfriend asked softly, rubbing her back with a gentle hand. “Yeah,” she croaked, her voice sounding weak. She could recall more times like this now. She would wake up in tears from dreams of coming back to the Underground being left alone with no way out. Sans would always be there to anchor her down to reality and lull her back to sleep. While these dreams had become less frequent and her panic attack had grown less of a worry as time went on, this one was particularly bad. It wasn’t the worst, but it was still pretty worrying.
“Sorry,” Toriel apologized, looking up at Sans as she did. He only shook his skull, pressing his teeth to her head as he closed his sockets. “You don’t have to apologize,” he told her, his small back rubs slowing. “It’s completely fine. Now, how long have we been here?”
“Sans, I-”
“Come on, cottontail.”
She gave a sigh, clearing her throat. “Two years and two hundred sixty days.” She glances at the clock. “Two hundred sixty-one.” Her nerves began to calm down more. “And how many times did Frisk promise not to reset?” Sans coaxed, cracking open a socket to peer down at her. Toriel swallowed and gave another sigh. “Thirty-two. This is the longest run they’ve done.” “Exactly,” he breathed, giving her head another soft kiss. “They’re not going to reset this time, I promise you. Every day you wake up, you’ll be here in bed with me. Asgore will always be just a call away, and our friends will remember you each time you meet again.” Toriel gave a little nod. “Yeah… I know… I know,” she mumbled. She looked back up at Sans. “Thanks for… putting up with me,” she continued. “I swear, even Asgore got sick of being woken up at midnight for this.” She heard her skeleton give a small chuckle as his arms repositioned to wrap around her lovingly. “I’m always here for you,” he assured her. “Even if you do sometimes leave me bone tired in the morning. Understood?” That coaxed a small giggle out of Toriel. “Yeah, I goat you.” The two shared a small laugh, before letting silence take the room again.
“Ready to go back to sleep?” Sans asked after a few moments. She gave a more confident nod, moving off of his lap and resting beside him. Her boyfriend reached and turned the lamp off before resting beside her, wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her close. Toriel watched him for a few moments as he closed his sockets and fell back asleep. She felt a warm feeling well up inside her, something she could only equate to love and happiness. Everything would be okay, she reminded herself as she closed her eyes and snuggled up next to Sans. She would wake up the next morning, and everything would be just as it should be.
She felt herself beginning to drift off. “I love you,” she mumbled, her voice barely above a whisper.
There was a pause.
“I love you, too.”
Sans was up early as usual, talking to Asgore over the phone about Toriel’s most recent panic attack. The goat sibling seemed worried, but was sure Sans could handle any problem that came his way when it came to Toriel. They talked for a bit as Sans finished up breakfast for himself and his girlfriend. Once he heard movement from upstairs, he said his goodbyes with Asgore before hanging up.
Toriel came down the stairs a few minutes after the call, though it wasn’t the usual trudging he’d normally see when her tired body somehow managed to wake itself. She seemed a bit more awake. And was that a smile he saw? If it was one thing he knew, Toriel wasn’t a morning person. “Hey, cottontail,” he greeted, already serving breakfast. “You’re up earlier than usual. Have something planned today?” Tori shook her head as she plopped down in her seat, sliding a few bits of bacon on her plate. “Nah,” she chirped, looking up at him with a slightly wider smile. “Just woke up early for some reason.” Sans looked back at her as he poured a cup of coffee. “Well I’m glad to have you down here,” he grinned, sitting down beside her.
Toriel donned a thoughtful look as she munched on her bacon. “I… have something to tell you,” she sighed suddenly, setting the piece down. Sans blinked and set down his coffee, a slightly worried look crossing his own face. “What is it, Tori?” he asked, crossing his arms on the table and giving her his full attention.
“I… checked my stats this morning,” she began, earning a more confused look from her boyfriend. Her smile only grew. “My HP bumped up to five.”
Sans sat back, surprised, before breaking out with a joyful grin. “Wait, really?” he laughed, reaching a hand to grab Toriel’s. “That’s amazing!” She couldn’t help but grin, happiness welling up within her. “Yeah, it surprised me, too,” she breathed, feeling herself get a bit bleary in the eyes again. “I… I just never thought it would happen, I-” She stopped, just stuck in the awe of the phenomenon herself.
“Well I’m happy for you,” Sans grinned. “I told you everything would be alright.” He leaned down and gave her a loving kiss, which she happily returned. “Yeah… I know,” she smiled. “I guess I just only now started to believe it.” Sans grabbed up his phone. “Let’s call Asgore. He’s going to flip over this.”
Toriel grinned giddily and nodded in agreement, feeling a happiness she hadn’t experienced in years. Feeling Sans deliver another loving kiss to her head, she knew that everything was going to be alright.
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friisans · 8 years ago
Heya. I'd like to say, Altertale is my favorite AU, it's the best. So, I'd like to know more about it. I know Soriel is canon in it and seemingly Asdyne, but can I have a run down of all the canon ships in the AU? If there are any besides that? Like, does Asdyne actually happen and Alphys gets with Mettaton or something? Does Alphyne still happen? Or is it undetermined?
I’ve mentioned this a few times already, but the canon ships are:SorielAsdynePapyredAsrielxRiverpersonFrister (FriskxGaster)These are just between the altered 6. Any other ships besides incest/pedophilia are up to you and whatever your headcanons are.
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stripestheboar · 8 years ago
In My Thoughts
And we have another request on our hands. This one is from @kansxy (the other blog wouldn’t show when I tried to link it), who said:
I would like to request some Chasriel. As for a storyline, they could possibly be in school, but humans are still being harsh to monsters. So, Chara is extremely defensive and protective of Asriel and everyone begins to question why she is to that degree. Then Chara realizes that she likes Asriel and then a confession and then he returns the feelings and then boom. Either some fluff or the fanfic ends. If I need to edit something, let me know.
Please, enjoy.
Asriel was hunched over his desk, mumbling to himself as he looked from the sheet to the textbook, solving the various algebraic equations. His eyes flicked up to the teacher’s desk every now and then to glance at the substitute that was there temporarily. After a few quick gazed the last question of his paper soon finished, he shifted his eyes over to a particular group of kids over in the corner. As expected, they were slacking off, gathered around in a circle and laughing with each other. Any minute now, something would happen. Something had to happen; he knew well enough in his time as Flowey what happened when there was a change in routine. The teacher was absent, so the kids would slack off. They would eventually get bored, come over, and start to pick on him or one of the other few monster kids. That’s what always happened when a teacher was out. Cause and effect. It was like clockwork.
Asriel attempted to calm his nerves with a quick breath in and out. He needed something else to concentrate on. With his work done and nothing else to do besides play ok his phone, he looked over to see how Chara and Frisk were doing. While Frisk seemed done with her work and was currently playing on her phone, his best friend was slouched over the desk, playing with a pencil to try and procrastinate as long as possible. Her work only seemed half done, from what he could tell. He thought about going over and offering her a hand, but she didn’t seem too interested in work at all at the moment. Maybe he could-
The young boss monster’s train of thought was interrupted when he felt something light, hard, and sharp hit the side of his head. He rubbed the stinging ache as he looked down at what had hit him. Said object was a crushed can of soda. Oh, boy. Not this again.
“Hey, prince!” one of the girls from the little group called, trotting over to Asriel’s desk. As regal as the title was, it held quite the mocking tone to it. The girl, Jenny, stood in front of him, arms crossed and hip jutted out to the side. Like all the children that liked to poke fun at him, she was a human. “Geeze, you just dropped the can onto the floor like that,” she sighed. “C’mon! It was a snack just for you, goat boy.”
“Cans are actually unhealthy for me to eat,” Asriel said under his breath, watching Jenny pick up the can off the floor and toss it onto his desk. “Meal fit for a prince, right?” Asriel could hear snickers from the group. He just grimaced as she looked at him expectantly. He turned away from her, digging through his bag to get started on some more homework. Apparently this was a bad move, as he suddenly felt him yanked back by a hand grasping one of the very small horns sprouting from his head. Those horns were very sensitive, and he made that fact known through a cry of pain as he reached up to remove her hand.
“Wow, what a fucking loser!” Jenny laughed. “You’re supposed to be king when you grow up? I think you’d be more useful if they turned you into a stuffed animal.”
“Hey Jenny!” came the familiar voice of a certain best friend. “Leave him alone, will you?” Asriel peeked around the best he could with his horn in someone else’s grasp. Chara had approached the two, a sour expression currently being displayed across her normally indifferent face. He felt his horn quickly be released and he wasted no time in rubbing the base in order to soothe the stinging pain. Had Chara not had the reputation she held, that wouldn’t have happened and he would still be trapped. “Got your bodyguard to defend you again, huh?” the bully sneered, looking between the two of them with a scathing look. “Makes sense for such a royal brat.”
“Hey!” Chara snapped, grabbing Jenny’s arm with an iron grip.  “Don’t you call him that again, you hear me?” Jenny just scoffed and tried to tug her arm away, but to no avail. “Oh yeah? Or what? His daddy’s gonna come and kill me, to-” Jenny was cut off with a quick blow to the cheek, knocking the girl to the ground and causing her to clutch her cheek in pain as she recovered from the daze of having the sense knocked out of her.
Everyone in the room fell silent, looking at the crime scene in shock, save for the substitute teacher, who was trying to figure out just what to do in case of this sort of situation happening. A minute or two of Jenny’s groans of pain could be heard before everyone just continued on with their conversations. This sort of thing was somewhat normal to the classrooms Chara stayed in. Frisk, of course, immediately got up and rushed over to her fallen classmate. After being shoved away, she stood up and looked at the two, shrugging some. “You didn’t knock her out this time,” she mentioned to Chara. “It looks like mom’s lessons are actually paying off this time around. Won’t she be happy, huh?” Chara gave Jenny a swift kick to the head. “Oh. Okay. Nevermind. Forget I said any of that.”
“You okay?” Chara soon asked the victimized boss monster, pointing to the horn that had been handled so roughly. Asriel gave a kind and thankful smile and nodded. “Yeah, the pain already went away. Thanks, Chara, but you didn’t have to hit her so hard. Or at all,” he told his best friend, who just smiled proudly. “Hey, as long as you’re alright, okay?” Chara giggled, giving Asriel a quick pat on the back. “Don’t let just anyone insult you. If they do, tell me and I’ll sock it to ‘em goo-”
“Chara, to the principal's office,” the substitute called, just getting off of the phone. Chara’s eyes closed with a small wince and she grimaced slightly. “Ah. Here we go again,” she sighed. “See you at lunch, Azzie.” And with that, she left the room. He watched her leave, a smile on his face. Despite the small bit of disapproval he had shown, he was glad she had come to his rescue. She had been there for him as always. Of all the humans that could have fallen into the Underground, he was glad it was Chara.
  Chara sauntered into the room and plopped herself onto the familiar chair in front of the desk she had seen many times before. The principle sighed, watching her sit as he pinched the bridge of his nose. “We meet again, huh?” Chara chuckled, slumping into the wooden chair like it was her own private seat. Well, technically it was, since she had systematically carved her name into the wood over the many sessions she’d had here.
“Chara, you can’t keep doing this,” the elder human groaned, head propped up on his elbow. After so many sessions of this, he wasn’t too restrained when it came to expressing how he felt at the moment. “This literally the hundredth time you’ve been sent to my office this year on account of violence. Your behavior is unacceptable.” Chara just gave a sort of scoff. “Oh come on, stop being so dramatic. I think I would know if I’ve been here that many times, okay? I am the one always in trouble after al-”
The principle pulled out a sign-in sheet that had to be made specifically for her. Each entry detailed her time in and out, as well as what she was in for. Hold on- ninety-six, ninety-seven, ninety-eight, ninety-nine, and this session would be- yep. One hundred. Well damn. She felt like she deserved some type of reward for this. Maybe she could convince Toriel to buy her some chocolate later on.
“Okay, so I’m a bad kid. So what? Just give me detention already,” she sighed, growing impatient. She didn’t want to be late for lunch with Asriel. The principle merely shook his head in a disapproving fashion. “Chara, I understand that you have a rather… violent past,” he stated, mumbling past the last two words. “And I will commend you on only using violence to defend another child, but therein lies the problem.” He reached into a little drawer of his desk and pulled out a sheet, his eyes quickly scanning over it.
“Chara, of all hundred times you’ve been here, 90% of it has been for defending your little monster friend, Mister Dreemuur,” he informed, glancing up at the student slumped in the chair. “Yeah, and? It’s not my fault humans are such fucking assholes to us,” Chara sneered. The principle closed his eyes and set the paper down. “Chara, you ARE human. And please watch you language,” he pointed out. “Yeah, say that again. I dare you,” she provoked in return. He just folded his hands on the desk. “You attack them for fairly trivial reasons.”
“Fuck you! They were hurting Azzie, so I have the right to kick their asses! What, you’re just gonna let them bully him?”
“Chara, last month you threatened to cut open a boy who didn’t return a borrowed a pencil to Mister Dreemuur.”
“‘Borrowed’? More like stolen.”
“It was just a pencil.”
“And it was just a threat.”
Okay. Fair enough. With Chara’s track record, the child was lucky to get such a small punishment. The principle huffed and stood, going over to the window and gazing out of it to look over the school lawn. “Chara, we can’t keep having you be a constant disruption to this school,” he spoke, keeping his voice at a stern level as he turned around to gaze down at her. “If you keep this up for much longer, I’ll have no choice but to expel you.”
While this wasn’t the first time he’d used that threat, he did sound more serious about it than ever, and Chara knew she was nearing the end of her rope. There was only so many times her mom’s position in school could grant her a free pass. While being expelled from school wasn’t too much of a deal to her, she’d promised her family she would at least try. She had promised Toriel, Frisk, and Asriel that she could at least try to live a normal life on the surface, but it was a bit hard when even after a year of living out of the underground (a few months for her and Asriel), humans were still pretty bitter towards them. There were attacks, refusal of service, and even killings. Chara was fairly certain that monster were better off in the Underground, Asriel always told her he wouldn’t have it any other way. He was happy up on the surface, despite all the mistreatment against their people. He always said that all this would smooth out eventually and the two races would live together peacefully. While Chara doubted this very much, she trusted her best friend. If he was happy, she was happy. Besides, she was born human and he was born a monster, and yet they still got along together just fine. Who knows? Maybe he was right this time.
While lost in her thoughts, she completely forgot she was supposed to be pretending to be listening to the principal, who had already figured out that she wasn’t listening, but just kept going so he could get his rant out and be able to say that he warned her come the inevitable day he had to expel her. Toriel would hate him for the rest of his life, but half the school’s parents already hated her for even existing, so it was kind of a fair deal.
“So now you know the costs of continuing with your behavior,” he droned on. “I suggest you clean up you act and bla bla; you’ve heard this all before. I already know you’re not listening, so let’s just get all this written down so you can go back to class, okay?” Chara didn’t answer, her chin resting on her propped-up hand as she seemed to be thinking of something else. He pinched the bridge of his nose again, frustration welling up inside of him. “Why do you protect him so much, anyways? You act like his personal guardian sent down from heaven above. 
That might be true. After all, she did take quite a fall in order to meet him.
“So why do you defend him so much? Is this because of some romantic feelings you have for Mr. Dreemuur?”
Chara blinked, now paying full attention. “Wah?” was all she could ask, quickly cleaning out her ears to see if she heard right. “Run that by me one more time.” The principal gave a quick huff. “I was asking if your attacks were provoked by some possible romantic feeling for Mr-”
“What? No! You’re reeeaal funny, Jim-” “Please don’t call me tha-” “Romantic? Seriously?” the student laughed. “Yeah, no. Have you seen Azzie? He’s such a big crybaby! That’s why I have to defend him all the time!” Jim watched Chara on her small rant, smiling to himself some. “Uh huh. I see,” he said simply. “Are you trying to convince me or yourself?”
Oh this guy was really pushing her buttons; but, now that she thought about it, why was she getting upset over it in the first place? It wasn't because of her serious anger issues or anything like that. No, it was something else. Was she really doing all this for Azzie’s sake? If she were to be completely honest, Asriel had always been her number one priority ever since they both reenter the world of the living. With Frisk, the girl she had been attached to ever since the Underground, she was a bit more lenient and didn’t jump on someone’s ass the moment they said a word that could even be considered rude. However, Frisk could kick major ass if she so wanted to (which she never did, sadly), as well as dodge the bullets of a firing squad. Asriel was much more fragile, and thus needed more protection. Well, it could very well be argued that Asriel didn’t really need it, having been the all powerful, high ultra, merciless god of hyperdeath at one point in his life as a flower. Despite this, Chara had always been adamant about protecting her Azzie. He was her best friend after al-
Wait. Did… did she just refer to Asriel as “her” Azzie? She sat there, thinking blankly for a moment as the principal’s voice droned on. No. There was no way. Sure they were best friends and almost never spent a day apart, but that didn’t mean anything. And yeah, the whole beating up anyone who wronged Asriel in the slightest was a bit suggestive of that sort of relationship, but that was just based on interpretation; it was just that she liked beating things. And all those glares she shot at the other girls who smiled at Asriel on Valentine’s Day? Totally normal. She wasn’t infatuated with him at all. Asriel was just a big dumb crybaby who needed her help with pretty much everything.
Well, he wasn’t just that. Asriel was always so kind, loving, determined in everything he did. He was always there for Chara. He also seemed to know when something was wrong in her life when almost no one else did. He could also kick some ass if he wanted to. She loved a guy who could kick ass. He bought her that special type of chocolate she loved so much every Saturday, too.That bleating laugh he made whenever he found something to be amusing was pretty nice to listen to as well. He also hade the cutest fluff on his tail that he would wag slightly whenever he got excited. Speaking of fluff, his fur was so soft and gently beneath her hands, much unlike the hard and wiry feel of actual goat fur (yes, she brought him to a petting zoo just to compare). The small horns poking out from under that fur also gave Azzie a hint at maturity; she adored the way he got so excited whenever they grew another centimeter. Did she mention just how amazing his blue eyes looked whenever they were out in the sunlight? Photo album worthy right there.
Nope. No romantic feeling in sight…
Oh god.
Oh shit, it’s true. She really did feel something for her best friend, didn’t she? Damn, it wasn’t obvious, was it? God, Frisk probably knew about this far before she even began to realize it, huh? But what about Asriel? No. Who was she kidding? The chances were more than likely that they would both receive the awkward moment of their lives if her newfound secret was ever revealed.
Chara could already picture it now. She would be standing there, looking at Asriel expectantly, the heat rising up to her face as he just continued to stare at the ground for a worryingly amount of time. The seconds would tick by, turning into minutes as the two stood there in silence, waiting for the other to say something. And then, he would just turn around and run off, eyes bleary in humiliations. Fuck the Genocide Route; this was the ultimate nightmare scenario.
So the question now was: what was Chara going to do with her newly discovered feelings? Did she just ignore them and suffer in silence? Or would she actually take the risk and tell Asriel about her stupid emotions just to get them out of the way? Does she a friendship or completely throw it out the window?
The principal watched Chara for a few minutes, waiting for her to snap out of it. She had been sitting there, pondering for a good ten minutes so far, and it was starting to bug him. It was clear his poking, prodding, and attempt at verbal discipline had been a failure. Well, he might as well go back to the more simple punishments. He wrote down her detention slip and stuck it on her head before ushering her out. “See you next Tuesday,” he sighed, closing the door behind her.
  “Honestly, Chara,” Toriel sighed, pinching the bridge of her muzzle, still keeping an eye on the road. “Three detentions in the span of a month? You are just asking to be grounded young lady.”
As her mother was was ranting, Chara was already lost in thought. By this point in the day, she had already come up with a decision to her little love complication: she wasn’t going to confess to Asriel. As much as she didn’t like the idea of hiding her true feelings, it was for the best. She and Azzie were best friends, and she wouldn’t give that up for anything in the world. They had been together since she had first fallen down and they had been inseparable since. She would be damned if she let a few weak emotions get in the way of their happiness together.
Chara sighed and nodded occasionally to have her mother believe she was listening. Just a few block and she would be home free. Was she kicking herself for her decision? Hell yes. All she wanted to do now grab Asriel by the shoulders and bring him into a kiss, a fantasy she hadn’t realized was in her subconscious until her little self-realization. She couldn’t help but feel her face heat a bit when thinking about it. Was that shameful or what? God, she just wanted to smother herself with a pillow when she found herself thinking these sorts of things about her goat partner in crime. This was why she wanted to just lay all her emotions before Asriel; she wanted to just get it all off her chest, even if he didn’t return the same feelings she had. Just the mere thought of him rejecting her and pushing away all her affections made her scared. She didn’t want to lose of the most important people in her life. Years of bonding and endless hours of working to bring the two back would just feel wasted when- 
Wait. Scared? She was scared? Had she just admitted to herself to being scared over confessing her emotions to her own best friend? What the hell? God, what had her mind come to? Was Frisk really was having an effect on her, huh?Yeah, no. Hiding her feelings? Fuck that. That wasn’t what was going down. She wasn’t scared of anything, and especially not some dumb teenage feelings.  She was going to go up, she was going to confess her feelings, Asriel was going to love her for all of eternity, and everything would be right in the world.
Once the car had stopped, Chara zipped out the door like a Snowdrake out of hell before her mother had even finished her stern talking to. The young human rushed through the entrance of the house, nearly giving Alphys a soul attack. “Where’s Azzie?” she demanded, eyes gleaming with determination. She was immediately pointed to the backyard. While she wanted to throw the door open and go in guns blazing, she decided to keep it calm for the sake of the moment soon to come and steadily made her way to the backyard.
The first thing the Dreemuur girl saw upon locating Asriel was the patch of golden flowers he was sitting near. Her lips curled on reflex. While Asriel had taken a liking to the golden blossoms despite his past, Chara couldn’t help but remember a certain taste whenever she laid eyes upon them. Some thought of their colors as sharing the beauty of the sun, only putrid mustard-colored vomit came to Chara’s mind. Hiding the grimace, she went over to Asriel’s spot of the garden, quickly noticing that he was plucking them from the ground one by one, making sure he got plenty of stem.
“Pretending to be with your family again?” Chara joked, sitting down on one of the wooden borders. Asriel gave a little chuckle at the jest, seemingly concentrated on the flowers, as well as his own thoughts. Whenever Asriel was lost in his own mind without a bit of schoolwork in front of him, he was most likely thinking of his life before being brought back with Chara. Well, this is what she had figured out so far. Her own plans of confessing to Azzie were lost, not wanting to interrupt his self-reflection. Instead, she watched his fingers move to delicately intertwine the stems of two flowers. Once they were secured to one another, he went about adding another flower to wind-up. It was strange to see something she only saw as unworthy of even a second glance be handled by someone so delicately, lovingly even. She found it ironic how she had asked for those types of flowers so dearly, even to the point where it cost the both of them their lives for the betterment of monsterkind, and yet now it was Asriel who was the one to infatuated with them.
“What if it worked?” he asked suddenly, almost without prompt. She blinked and looked up from his hands, brow furrowed in momentary confusion. “Huh?” “The plan,” Asriel responded, eyes flicking up to glance at her for a mere second. “What if it actually worked? What would’ve happened?” Chara felt her mouth twist once again at his inquiry. It was rare that they ever gave that subject much thought, much less discuss it. Well, for Chara at least. Who knows? These thoughts could be haunting Asriel in his sleep without her knowledge. Unfortunately for her, she couldn’t beat up dreams. Yet. 
“I dunno,” she answered with a shrug. “I try not to think about it, you know?” Asriel gave a nod of understanding, adding another flower to the bunch. While she never went into depth with the idea, she had come up with three definitives: Asriel would still be alive after the event, their parents would be together, and monsters would be on the surface a whole lot sooner. Whether or not they would live very long was up for debate. Still, she couldn’t help but miss being that close to Asriel. Sure, she was dead, but hey, who else got to say they’ve been connected by the soul to someone they loved. She wondered for a brief moment if that exact reason was why she felt such a connection to him. Another flower was added.
“Do you wish it had worked?” he then asked, picking up another detached flower. This was one she couldn’t answer. As much as she loved Asriel, she couldn’t deny the self-discovery she had gone through after the events in the Underground. Pulling off the plan successfully would mean never meeting Frisk, never knowing the friends she had now, and, well, being dead. Her determination couldn’t save her from something like that at the time. Not to mention, would the meetings with the humans have gone as smoothly as they gone with Frisk? She would like to think so, but she couldn’t be sure. With this world, she could never be sure.
“I don’t,” Asriel answered for her, causing Chara to snap out of her thoughts. Well, that wasn’t exactly the answer she had been looking for. She noticed that two more flowers had been added in the span of time she had been out. “You don’t?” she asked, deciding to go along with where this was going.
Asriel had stopped winding the flowers up and presented the finished product to her: a flower crown. There were exactly seven flowers total. Not hearing a protest, the young boss monster gingerly placed the crown upon his best friend’s head, fitting almost perfectly. “I don’t suppose you want me to eat them, do you?” she jested with a halfhearted laugh. Asriel’s lips twitched some at her remark. “Only if I get to have your soul afterwards,” he replied, causing a sort of restrained laugh to emit from his companion. She wasn’t going to apologize for not being enthusiastic about all this.
“I don’t wish it worked because then I would lose you,” Asriel elaborated, resting his hands in his lap. “Then who would be there to give me noogies or beat up all my bullies? Who’s gonna be there to give me a punch in the arm whenever I don’t let them cheat off of me? Who am I going to give all my chocolate to? Sure, you would always be with my soul, but I would still lose the body of my best friend. I wouldn’t want to lose you, Chara.”
The young teen in question gazed at Asriel with softening eyes, her resolve breaking. She just couldn’t help herself. Her mouth opened without her command to do so.
“I love you, Azzie,” she said, as if it was a common phrase she used in everyday conversation. It had just come out of her mouth with no prior thought behind it. Asriel himself became silence, the gears clearly turning in his head as he was processing what was just said. His mouth was hung open ever so slightly, preparing to respond, but Chara wouldn’t give him the chance. “I love you,” she repeated, the words coming out more stuttered and jumbled than before with her mouth being so unused to the foreign phrase spilling past her lips. And yet, she kept going. “I love you more than anything, Asriel.” She paused, her mind going blank. She guessed it didn’t actually think she would get to this part. Despite this, she continued on. “Ever since I’d met you, I loved you. You… you helped me, Asriel. Ever since you found me, you… you’ve changed my life for the better. You made me feel loved. You made me regain hope in this world again. You were there for me, Azzie. You were always there for me. And you cared for me. And you talked to me. And you played with me. And yo-you’re amazing, Asriel. It’s gotten to the point where I can’t imagine my life without you in it, being there whenever I’m unable to get back up. I don’t understand how I could ever end up with you as my best friend. More than a friend, even. I love you, Asriel. I love you. I love you, I love you, I love you, I lo-”
Chara’s rambles were cut off when she was brusquely tugged into a tight embrace. It took her only a few moments to register Asriel’s shaking. Her eyes widened and she slowly lifted her arms to return the embrace. She could hear Asriel’s light sniffles, but noticed that there weren’t accompanied to the wetness that came with heavy tears. Oh god. She had fucked this up, didn’t she? She fucked this all up.
“Asriel, I-”
“I love you, too.”
Chara’s apology was caught in her throat.
“I love you, too,” Asriel repeated, words now firmer as he pulled away to look at Chara with bleary eyes. He always was a crybaby, though she would be lying if she were to say she didn’t have a few tears stinging her eyes. “I love you so much, Chara. You complete me. You’ve always been nothing but my best friend. Even more than that at times. I… I just never thought you felt….” The embrace returned. “I love you, too, Chara. You’ve helped me become who I am. You’ve helped through the thick and thin. Even when I was… not myself, I always thought of you. You were all that was on my mind, Chara. I don’t know what I would do if I lost you again. I-I-I…�� I love you. I love you.”
Chara felt tears well up, but she didn’t dare let them fall. Instead, she steadily pulled away and grasped Asriel’s hands in hers. She felt a smile crawl up her face, a similar happy expression already gracing her Azzie’s face. They looked each other in the eyes, holding nothing but love for one another. She gently squeezed his hands, unable to help a giggle that escaped her, exhilarated by this feeling she hadn’t experienced in so long.
She leaned in and planted a kiss on her companion. Her new partner until the end. Her true best friend. Her Asriel.
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stripestheboar · 7 years ago
Day 24 - Royal Guards (Undertale)
Eyyyy, how about that double upload, ey?
Thanks to @kansxy for help with RG 02′s name.
Pairing: Royal Guards (01/02)
Words: 1,055
“What? What do you mean there’s no more nice cream?”  
“Sorry, little buddy. Don’t know what else to tell ya,” the Nice Cream Vendor replied to the complaining Origami monster. She just groaned and walked back into the resort. RG 01 chuckled as he watched, licking a bit more nice cream from the opening in his helmet. “Ha, I think we, like, took the last of the cream, bro,” he laughed, looking over at his partner. RG 02 gave a similar chuckle, taking a quick lick of his treat as well.
01 waited for a response, but none was given; it was just that chuckle. He gulped and looked away for a moment, that familiar nervous feeling crawling back up into his soul. He knew from three years of experience that 02 wasn’t much of a talker. He liked to listen most of the time and would respond occasionally when asked a question. Even when he did speak, it was always in long, drawn out responses, as if he was deciding what was carefully deciding what to say next each time he spoke. 01 didn’t mind doing most of the talking, since he had loads of topics on his mind. However, at this moment, he was blanking on what to say next to his new boyfriend. He tried to think of something to talk about or say.
“So, like, what’s your name?” he decided on, giving a small tilt of his head. 02 paused and looked over at him, his expression hidden by the darkness within the helmet. “You……. don’t know my name?” 01 froze for a moment, his eyes wide under his helmet. Well, they had been a couple for twenty-five minutes. That was long enough, he supposed. “We’ve…….. been partners for three years…….. You don’t know my name?” 01’s breathing hitched as he struggled to muster out an answer. “W-well, y’know, we’ve- uh… we’ve only called each other by, like, numbers for so long… heh, uh…” He froze up, before turning to his classic defense mechanism. “Ha! Fooled ya again, bro! Of course I know your name! It’s….. it’s… it’s like….”  
02 was silent for a moment. “You don’t know my name, do you?”
01 said nothing, for he had nothing to say.  
02 stared back, before giving a shrug and licking his nice cream. “Fair enough…... I never learned your name either…… You never told me it after all.” 01 wanted to just melt into a puddle right then and there. He sighed in relief, slumping his shoulders a bit from such a moment.
“My name’s Scales, by the way,” 02 said, taking the other by surprise a bit. “Scales?” 01 repeated, testing out it sounded from his own mouth. He liked it. “Huh. Scales. That’s cool, bro.”
The two were silent again for a moment as 01 awkwardly looked away, sticking the nice cream in his mouth to keep himself busy and to excuse himself from talking. Scales looked over at him again, seemingly staring at him from under his helmet. Oh god, what was it now. Still, 01 tried to play it cool as always.
“Getting tired of the cream, bro?” he chuckled. “We did, like, buy out an entire cart, after all. I’ll take it if you don’t want it.” Scaled looked down at the treat and shook his head. “No……... I still want to finish it.” He looked back up at 01. “Are you……. going to tell me your name?”
01 was getting ready to knock himself right out right then and there. He gave a nervous laugh. “Oh yeah, like, sorry about that, bro. Hah.” He rubbed the back of his head. “Radbit. My name’s Radbit.” Scales gave a slow nod. “Nice name,” he said simply, going back to eating his nice cream. “Yeah, yeah. Totally nice name,” Radbit chuckled, looking away for a moment.  
They were silent once again. Radbit finished his nice cream first, while Scales lagged behind by a few minutes, but eventually finished it. They sat in silence for a few moments, before one if them finally decided to speak up.
“You know… you don’t have to hold back around me, right?” Scales suddenly said, surprising his parter. “Huh? Like, what do you mean, bro?” he asked, feeling himself begin to sweat again. “You’ve never been this nervous….. before,” the dragon shrugged, clasping his hands together. “And I know you like me… and you know I feel the same way.” Radbit opened his mouth to speak, but his partner still had something to say. “I know you lie about your feelings… and you try to play it cool all the time…. But it doesn’t change how I feel about you. I want you to be honest with me.” He suddenly grabbed the other’s hand. “You don’t have to feel embarrassed anymore.”  
Radbit was definitely taken aback by his friend’s unusual amount of words. For someone so quiet, he must have been really passionate about this to speak so much about it. He found himself blushing under the mask, and on instinct, he brought a hand up to try and hide his embarrassing feelings, but stopped himself. For three years he had been crushing on his bro, and they were finally together. No more hiding.
Without another word, he took off the helmet that covered his face. Scales seemed taken aback, taking a moment to look over the orange bunny that presented himself to him. Then, without another word, he did he same, tugging off his own helmet, revealing his blue scales and large navy horns. This wasn’t the first time they had seen each other face to face, but damn it if it wasn’t the most special. Radbit once again found himself without words, but this time it was so he didn’t ruin this moment. Another thought came to his mind, and for a moment, he felt nothing but embarrassment at the idea, attempting to push it away. However, after a few moments, he decided to embrace his feelings. He wouldn’t hide how he felt anymore.
He quickly leaned forward, giving his partner a swift kiss before pulling away. Scales was obviously taken aback, and for a second, Radbit thought he had screwed up. However, after a few seconds, they found that all they could really do was look at each other lovingly.
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dsyfunxtionalwriter · 5 years ago
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I'm a villain lover, so I accept this.
@diagnosed-crazy @kansxy
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I’m so mad.
Here’s the quiz if y’all are interested 🤦🏼‍♀️
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dsyfunxtionalwriter · 5 years ago
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@diagnosed-crazy @kansxy
I was tagged by @wes-bluemarine-hoe and @jjbakaloskaiagathos !!! 💞💞💞 all my love to y’all 😭 ty for the tags! 💖
Rules: describe yourself only with 10 pictures you have. You cannot download or search new pictures.
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I tag: @dongiovannaswife @mistaswife @abbacchios-sunflower @smol-sunnie @alittlewhitetulip @caffeinecroosh @star-birthmark and anyone else who’d like to participate!! 💕💕💕
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