#kanri makiko
peculiarnation4u · 3 years
Dragon's Lair| Kanri Round 3
The ground was destroyed under the increased impact. Pieces of the floor went every which way as the cause eyed down its victim to attack. With a quick dive, kanri narrowly avoided the the bladed hands of the creature. Though it wasn’t discouraged so easily, lunging at her again, this time clawing at her arm. Kiko clutched onto her now bleeding arm and stared back at the attacker. This had gone too far, how did it even get like this?
Oh yeah, the “training exercise”. It was a simple concept, at least she first perceived it at such. Fight one of the four dragons belonging to one of the heroes helping in their education. Kanri had chosen the green one since it looked the most passive. At least it had to have been, green means nice and good right? A faulty decision on her behalf really. Underestimating an opponent had to be in the top five “don’t do” list of heroes. Nevertheless, she took her confident attitude and entered the arena with the flying lizard.
It started out simple enough, apprehend the opponent, you win. Kanri had already thought of multiple ways to get the dragon to the ground or just knock it out entirely if she felt like it. They had both entered on separate sides and were staring at each other. Once the bell hit, they threw a pause target at the beast, only to miss. They threw another but once again came up on no target. The dragon was simply too quick. Of course, it would have been, this was a pro’s companion, if she wanted to catch it, she’d have had to get closer. Which she did, running up on it with the intent to capture it. The dragon, Jade as it was called, flung its tail at kanri knocking her back to the ground. She got back up and took a moment to think.
Kiko was at a huge disadvantage since she, not only didn’t know the creature’s power, but also wasn’t good in vacant areas with nothing to grab onto or effect. Jade must’ve known this and kept their distance with attacks. In that case, Kanri would have to change their arsenal. She brought out a volume symbol and lightly tapped her throat. Then with a simple word, she let out a near ear piercing screech, throwing Jade off their balance as they attempted to cover their ears. With Jade covering their ears and avoiding being blown back, Makiko had attempted to run at them again. However, something far more surprising happened instead. Jade had started to increase in size exponentially. What was once a moderately sized “lizard” was now a raging beast. One that came at her with fury.
And that’s where we left off, diving demon, dodge, hurt arm, etc. What was once a semi difficult opponent was damn near impossible to defeat, at least with her quirk. Kanri gazed up at Jade who towered over her. She put a pause symbol on her arm to temporarily stop the pain, but that would now mean that she could only put two more out. she had to figure out a solution quick. Sound wouldn’t work again, she had pause on herself right now, and she couldn’t make an effect on a person that big. So how does one take down a bigger enemy, make them trip over their own feet. Kanri looked down at the broken floor and grabbed a sharp, moderate sized pieces of it. They were planning on doing something that may or may not have worked but she was willing to try.
Kanri took the pause off her arm, a grunt coming out of her at the now painful wound. First, she placed the fast forward on her feet. Next putting a record option on one of the pieces, she proceeded to run around jade in circles, stabbing the floor under them as they went. After circling three times, they put the object on play, fast forward and let it continue to spin long after she left the circle with the loss of her speed. The piece of floor spun around jade at incredible speeds, picking up dirt as it went. Jade covered their face as the dust and winds picked up. The fast winds eventually formed a tornado full of the broken pieces littered around the arena. The pieces scratched at jade and they shrunk slightly to avoid getting hit with as much debris. Kanri took their smaller frame as a chance to attack and rushed into the tornado and tackled the dragon. Jade, now somewhat smaller and caught off guard fell over and hit the head on the jagged ground, effectively knocking themselves out. Kanri negated all her effects and the wind shortly diffused. They then checked to make sure Jade wasn’t heavily injured. After deducing that Jade was ok, Kiko stood on top of the dragon, feeling proud in her victory. @taiyuu-oct
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marv3l-drag0ns · 3 years
Taiyuu OCT Bonus Round! @taiyuu-oct
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peculiarnation4u · 4 years
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Name: (LN/FN)  Kanri Makiko
Pronouns: She/They
Background: Kiko never knew her parents for as long as she was alive. She’s been tossed around from foster home to foster home with no luck. Tired of this cycle, Kiko eventually ran away to live a life as a homeless kid. They worked at random jobs and did chores for their money. While she was mostly on her own, different adults were always there to look out for her and support in any way they can. This kindness is what led her to wanting to be a hero of her own.
Quirk:  Remote- Kiko can give herself and others all the effects of of a remote controller such as fast forward, mute, and pause. Different effects have different time lengths and last much longer on her than on others.
Stats: (Out of 5) Cooperation: 4/5 Power: 2/5 Intelligence 4/5 Speed: 3/5  Technique: 5/5
Personality: Makiko is a clever but socially awkward girl. She has a tendency to be apathetic towards others, not being able to relate to their situations. however she still has good intentions. her methods may come off as odd and she wont hesitate to be strict with others but they still have a joyful outlook on life. @taiyuu-oct
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peculiarnation4u · 3 years
Wood's wisdom| Round 1
Saying Kanri was excited would be an understatement. Afterall, she came here to be a hero, to learn to fight, and that’s what she was doing. Granted, her team was the villains, that didn’t change her attitude. It was a simple task, stop an escort mission. Keep the heroes from getting their “dog” to the end of the forest. To make it even easier, she got a partner! The heroes did as well. Kanri glanced over to said partner. He had long turquoise hair, similar in color to hers but heavier on the green. It was tied up in a low, thin ponytail. He had a serious look in his eyes and a steady posture but what really stood out to Kanri were the odd glasses he wore. They were rhombus shaped and small, barely covering his eyes. She decided not to judge since her own outfit wasn’t really stellar.
He noticed her staring and turned to her with a perplexed look. She smiled back.
“This is crazy! To think that we’ll be heroes in a couple of years, and it all starts with pretending to be villains.” she spoke. Her partner, Merce as she learned, only hummed in response. Studious type, she could vibe with that. Once their quaint introductions were out, Kanri surveyed the area where they’d all be fighting. It was a forest arena except it didn’t really look like one. In the trees she could make out a path, though slightly hidden. That was on one side while the other side looked to be like much denser and taller wood.
“I’m guessing that the path is the faster but more dangerous way.” Kiko spoke without warning.
“How are you sure?” Merce asked in response.
“because we can see it. That makes it easier to attack them. The safer path would be the one with dense trees since it is harder to see through.” Kiko answered.
Merce nodded at her insight. Within a moments notice, the alarm sounded, stating that the round had started. Merce and Kanri jumped at the signal, heading off into the forest.
“so which path do you think they took?” Merce asked running alongside kanri.
“Not sure, since we don’t know each other quirks, it’d be smarter to take the safe route and avoid detection.” She started “On the other hand, if they’re cocky enough to believe that they could win in a fight, they would take the fast route.”
Merce pondered her explanation.
“however, all they have to do is get the lumin to the end, they know their route, but we don’t. we’d have to split up to avoid the risk that they went the other way.” Kanri continued in her explanation of the situation.
“So, either way, we’re at a disadvantage” Merce said.
“Pretty much.” Kanri whined once she heard the rhombus man’s words.
Before they could decide on where to go, they heard a giant crash from the fast route. The two looked at each other with confusion before rushing in that direction. The fast route was not only dangerous because of the visibility to the opposing team, but also a number of traps and various dangers. The heroes must’ve set one off. This meant that she and Merce wouldn’t have to split up, they had their target’s locations. Merce must’ve came to the same conclusion since he had a grin on his face.
They both headed off into the narrow path, avoiding traps here and there. As Kanri was running, she noticed a beam coming towards her. Before she could process what it was, Merce quickly tackled her, pushing out of the way. The beam hit the ground, destroying the area around it. They both turned to look up at the source. There stood, or flew, one of their opponents.
“Yikes, that was a little stronger than I intended.” Said the floating “hero”. The boy had brown hair with a black and orange attire on. All rounding down to some red sneakers which didn’t fit the outfit. What was even more strange was that he seemed somewhat translucent. Right next to her Merce seemed to grab a rock and held it in his hand behind his back. Like magic, the rock created two more copies of itself. Merce grabbed on of the copies and chucked it at the brunet. In a split second, he swapped places with it, effectively transporting himself to the boy. The brunet was caught off guard and Merce got a hold of him, dragging him down to the ground. They hit the floor with a loud thud. The boy pulled his hand to shoot another beam, but Merce quickly returned to the location of the other duplicated rock next to Kanri. When they both looked back to the location of the boy, they noticed he was gone?
“Beam boy is gone!” Merce exclaimed.
“Actually, it’s Yurei” said a voice from no particular direction. Both Merce and Kanri tensed up at the voice.
“Great, a ghost.” Kanri sighed. Just then, another beam came at her, which she narrowly dodged. Another at Merce. This went on for a bit until Kanri noticed the slowed down pace of the beams. She then remembered what Yurei said earlier after he first shot at them. She rushed along to Merce’s side and bent over to his ear.
“look Merce, earlier Yurei said that the beam came out stronger than he intended. And just now, their firing rate has heavily decreased. What I’m guessing is that he can’t control it. We can use that.” She whispered.
Merce looked at her and nodded, an idea forming in his head. Kanri ran off onto the side of the path, hiding in the trees.
“where’s your little friend?” Yurei asked, his invisibility fading.
“I’d ask you the same.” Merce said, splitting himself in three. Yurei eyes went wide at the now, three Merces. They each ran around in circles, drawing in Yurei’s attention. So focused on the “three merce-eteers”, Yurei didn’t notice Kanri sneaking up on him. With a quick leap, she pounced on him, placing a rewind symbol on his back. She then let go, falling back to the ground. Merce combined with his duplicates and witnessed the rewinding yurei. He redid all of his actions ranging from the constant shooting to even before he turned invisible.
“I can only send someone back two minutes. I hope this works.” Kiko explained to Merce.
True to her theory, Yurei started returning to a point before they started fighting him, except it was odd. He was just standing there, it looked as though he was talking to someone. But no one was there, he was just mouthing words to no one? Kanri’s eyes went wide as a thought hit her.
The lumin was also nowhere to be found.
“Merce! You handle this guy! I gotta go somewhere!” she directed her partner as she bent down to put a fast forward symbol on her legs.
“Ok!” he yelled back, getting in a fighting stance to prepare for the “about to be unrewound” Yurei. Kanri took a running sprint towards the safe route. She cut through the trees in the blink of an eye. Running and running until she spotted the culprits, nearing the end of the dense forest. She cut in front of them, bringing her feet to a sharp stop. What she saw was a purple haired kid calmly leading the lumin through the safe route without a care in the world.
“I figured out your plan.” Kanri said with a smirk.
“It was more of Yurei’s plan, but I appreciate the credit.” The purple teen spoke. He looked back at the dog and told it to stay. They then took a look at Kanri, tilting their head.
“You look tired, why not go to sleep?” the teen asked before lunging at her with some weird dust forming in their hand. Kiko dodged it, only to have the teen lunge at her again. Kiko wasn’t really good at fighting on her own, more of a support. And she wasn’t sure what that sand did but she knew she had to avoid it and she was getting tired by the minute. Kiko noticed the lumin in the back and started creating a symbol to throw at it. With a flick of her wrist, another rewind symbol shot out and hit the dog, effectively making it walk backwards. The purple haired teen noticed and shot a wave of sand at Kanri. At the same time, she shot a pause icon at the teen. The purple haired teen was frozen in place while Kanri’s eye lids became too heavy to bare. The lumin out of sight, hero stuck, and Makiko hoping that Merce could finish the job without her as the world went dark. @taiyuu-oct@
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