leiandroid · 5 months
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this was not what the hokage had in mind when he tasked ino with showing the suna delegates around...
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kankuroplease · 2 months
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KankuIno warm up~
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overnaruto · 1 year
Not many KankuIno things. A rare ship. Well, it's a thing to me. Been one for years.
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Sorry. I didn’t quite catch that.
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hellcifrogs · 11 months
Fusion OCs ages ->
GaaLees / LeeTen - under 10
LeeSaku / YahiKonan - 10
KarinSaku/ NaruSaku / ChoHina - 12
SasuNaru /HinaIno / (ObiRin) - 13
ShikaTema / KibaIno - 15
SakuHina / KakaAsu - 16
ChoTema / KankuTen/ SaiKarin- 17
SasuKarin - 18
SasuGaa / InoTema / NejiNaru - 19
KibaHina / KankuIno / KankuHina - 20
ChoSaku / KankuKiba / ShikaNaru - 22
KankuShino / SasuIno- 23
SasuHina/KibaNaru /SakuTema - 24
ShinoSasu/ InoSaku / SasuSai / - 25
NejiLee/NejiTen /GaaSaku - 26
GaaHina/ SasuNeji/ LeeSaku / YahiKonans - 27-29
SakuTen / AnkoRin - 30
TemaTen / KureShizu / KakaAsu - 30+
DanTsuna / JiraOro - early 40s
HashiMito/MadaMito - 60+ and probably dead
I might still move some of them around a bit, but overall these are the numbers I imagine for them, also, they need names asap.
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thiscatastrophe · 6 years
Blood Botany (Kankuro week #6)
Happy day 6, everyone! Today’s theme was AU, so I wrote you a good hanahaki AU.
This one’s a KankuIno fic, which isn’t normally my pairing of choice, but if you’re dying of flowers it should at least be because of someone who’ll appreciate the flowers. 
CWs: Death, gore, body horror, hard angst.
It’s not often Kankuro gets to see her, the flower-shop owner in Konoha, but sometimes she’s in the Hokage’s office, turning in mission details and visiting friends in the spaces between his boring hours watching Gaara negotiate deals. There will be a little flicker of white-blonde hair, a flash of purple (a richer, more vibrant shade than what he can make from desert plants), a high and clear laugh echoing down the halls, and that’s all it takes to make his knees weak.
He coughs and feels cactus spines in his chest. When he breathes, the thorns touch his lungs; when he exhales fully, there’s the painful outline of a cactus leaf, just behind his heart.
Back when he was a child, he heard rumors of a disease--maybe a curse--that plagued the people of Suna for generations on end. Those with love unreturned grew flowers in their chests, cultivating rare and precious plant life in exchange for their own. They laughed, those boys with no worries, over their little snake puppets and made up names; fynbos-hearts, cactus breath, living-stone-lungs, until the village elders scattered their play and brought in the lectures.
To love and grow flowers is honorable, they said. The bodies of the loveless become gardens, become sustenance for the village. From their love we live another day.
It’s not honorable at all, Kankuro thinks, holed up in his ambassadorial quarters and coughing great splatters of blood, picking needles out of his molars. Nothing’s honorable about tasting prickly pear on your tongue all day. The beautiful yellow flowers aren’t a consolation.
“Again?” Ino says. “So who’s the special lady?”
She wraps up the bundle of pansies, tying their delicate paper wrapping off with a length of ribbon. It’s the same she uses every time, but Kankuro can’t remember if he’s ever seen it on any other bouquet that leaves the shop--is it just for him?
That’s too much to hope, he decides. She’s married, after all.
And in any event, thinking about it makes the cactus leaves press against his chest.
“A gentleman never tells his secrets,” he remarks. A hand folds itself into his shirtfront--it looks casual, masculine, relaxed, but the fingertips check for the telltale signs of fruits pressing his skin away from the bottoms of his lungs. “Sorry to disappoint.”
She giggles. It’s a million bells, doves, everything romantic Kankuro can think of. He hopes there’s no blood in his mouth; she’ll notice that, even if the people of Konoha don’t grow plants in their lungs when they can’t have the person they want most. “Not a problem. I shouldn’t be poking around in your personal life, anyway.”
“Speaking of. How’s Sai doing?” Kankuro accepts the bouquet with his free hand, shifts it so that the peak of the paper covers his mouth.
And damnit, Sai is still his friend, unfortunately. He’s got to ask after the man every now and again, even if the way Ino talks about him makes him sick to his stomach, makes his face feel cold and his feet feel heavy.
The shopkeeper looks gracefully at her ledger and enters the figures, tapping her fingers along an old-fashioned abacus to convert his Sunan cash into Konoha’s. “He’s wonderful, as always,” she sighs. Sharp points dig into Kankuro’s jaw. “Just last week he finished a new painting for me; you should have seen the colors, Kankuro. It’s a masterpiece. Really, painters are such geniuses.”
He thinks about a paint set that he tried his hand at months ago, the scrolls of brush control exercises and rolled-up canvases where he attempted to paint the outlines of his hands and the setting sun. It pales in comparison to Sai’s work--maybe Sunan hands are only meant to build, to mimic life rather than add to it. “I’m sure it’s beautiful,” he responds. “If you’ll excuse me, I’m… running late.”
Ino looks after him as he leaves the shop, but not for long. There are, and have always been, more important things for her.
The cactus flowers come to him late at night and early in the morning, when he has time to think about things other than work. He wakes up with yellow flowers, bile-soaked, and thorns on his pillow. Sometimes there’s even entire pads. He learns how to sleep shorter, how to keep from dreaming about Ino.
But in the curve of the dying sun he sees the arch of her eyes, and the delicate feathers of sacred ibises flutter to the ground like her hair dances in the wind. There’s beautiful moments, midday and stolen, when he thinks of her because there’s nothing else comparable that he can think of. His workbench in the city puppetry studio hides a basin where he stores cactus clippings until he can work up the courage to throw them out.
One night he looks down at a rich green pad, dappled red with blood and topped with a somehow-perfect yellow flower. It’s survived, though his throat hasn’t. He knows he won’t be able to eat today, tomorrow, the next day.
But it’s beautiful in its own way, and he hates it for that.
He whistles for a messenger hawk and sends the cactus clipping off in a small clay pot with a note tucked alongside. “Saw it at the market,” he lies. “Thought you might appreciate it.”
“You look more and more gaunt every time I see you,” she says. The cactus sits on her counter right next to the abacus; he almost vomits, and the back of his mouth tastes like acidic pulp. “Is something wrong?”
It takes all his training to not scream. Yes, something’s wrong. I’m growing a plant inside my chest and every time I see you it grows a little bit more, but I can’t stop visiting this shop.
But he’s an actor, and the show must go on, so he smiles that winning smile he inherited from Mom and gently places a hand over his mouth so she won’t see the spines that peek from his throat. “I keep forgetting to eat, that’s all. Busy, busy.”
He passes Sai on the way out the door but can’t bring himself to do more than wave.
There are ribcages buried in the loose sand of the city’s Memorial Greenhouse. Prickly pears, dragon blood trees, proteas and aloes all grow out of human bones. Their leaves lean heavy to the ground with medals and banners and ceremonial drapes, bestowed twice a year by crowds of religious folk. Stems, flowers, stalks are snapped off for poisons and antidotes and food.
What garbage, Kankuro thinks. There’s nothing glamorous about a cactus that breaks through a ribcage.
He points out an empty spot to the curator. She nods her veiled head and makes a mark on her chart. It’s his, free of charge, and thanks for the contribution.
The doctor said there would come a day when the damage is irreversible. He supposes she’s right, because as he sits up, eyes blurry from sleep, he feels his lung collapse onto the leaves of the cactus. The membrane clings to the spiny outline and he gasps as if more air will reinflate it.
He knows better. The puncture wounds won’t heal with the aggressor still in his body. It’s a reminder far worse than the flowers.
Can a shinobi still be a shinobi when he can’t breathe?
Kankuro invests in looser shirts when he looks in the mirror to see the outline of a cactus in his ribs. Spines press through his skin, dive between the ribs and disrupt the muscles of his chest, threatening to bring infection.
He stops recognizing his hands. Whose are they? Whose is this body? Does it belong to a man, or is it a piece of dying hide stretched over a thriving plant?
He always recognizes the colors of Ino. The blue of her eyes in the shallow pool of water in the courtyard. The pale of her hair in the finest sands. The purple of her skirts in the potted plant she sent him: get well soon, signed the Yamanaka family.
Gaara won’t sign off on his missions anymore. There’s a certain pain in his eyes, not quite equal to the one in Kankuro’s, but a rival, that appears when some visitor to his office waxes poetic about the holy duty of the unrequited lovers.
Plants can be grown without dead bodies, he wants to say, but time and tradition are too much to push back against. He’s fought enough social norms.
Besides, Kankuro tells him, it’s too late anyway.
A letter appears every day, delivered by a dutiful hawk.
“How are you?” asks the first one. Signed, Ino and Sai. On the back, a picture of little Inojin playing with a baby shower present, a little mannequin holding a bouquet of wire flowers.
“We’re all worried for you here in Konoha. Get well soon,” proclaims the second. In a corner there’s signs and little pleasantries from flower shop visitors. Sakura, Tenten, Choji. Temari sends her own letters.
He writes his responses, slower and slower, more and more evasive, and leaves them on the window sill for the hawk to return.
The last letter, the one that makes up for years of sleepless nights and open weeping under desert skies, lies abandoned on the desk. Kankuro can’t bring himself to move it to the window.
In the winter, letters from Konoha pile up on a window sill. A hawk flies into town early every morning and flies back out in the evening, claws empty.
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something-like-air · 3 years
Mini Ino Ship Fic Rec Post!
this is 100% based off of my own personal preferences, but since Ino ships are the topic today and i dont want to study, i’m making a fic rec post for Ino ship fics that I like! i don’t make these often or ever, so there isn’t any particular order to them, though i’ll group ships together! 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/25977838 - Puppet Show by Strangebeautiful. InoKarin, blank period with some fun blackmail! it’s a fun way to bring their characters character--Ino with her connections to T&I, and Karin as--well, Karin. I don’t really see a lot of this pairing, but this fic 100% made them work for me. I mean:  
Ino doesn’t answer immediately, and Karin can sense the blonde’s chakra simmering under the surface. She can almost taste it on her tongue, sweet like ice wine and dangerous as a poison-tipped senbon. They are both sensors of the highest of caliber, which leaves Karin wondering why she is so aware of the roiling storm brewing in the other woman.    
i love it so much. I think about that ice wine description literally all the time. 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/2887313/ - round and round by queenino. It’s a modern au kibaino based loosely off of Taylor Swift’s “Style.” There’s a lot of push and pull between Ino and Kiba, in a way that feels very authentic to both of their characters--Kiba is reckless and likes to talk, Ino is cruel and a little self-absorbed but in a way that makes their relationship more 🔥 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/26668429 - The Kindest Man by saichadelic. Choji/Ino, canon-verse, very domestic and fluffy! There’s also a little shikatema in the background, too! 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/17322797 Daisy Chain by SpicedGold. Just... in general? just please read anything SpicedGold writes, regardless of pairings. this fic specifically is a multichapter fic that focuses on Ino raising Inojin with a learning disability, but of course Sai plays a huge role in it, and there are a lot of great moments between them in this fic, and Sai really stands out as a parent and partner. It also has a sequel fic titled Paper Flowers! 
https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13287417/1/ Perfect by milklvr! Mostly Ino-centric, but it gradually becomes InoSai in a very gradual and seamless way. It’s canon compliant, and when InoSai happens, it just feels right. 
https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13046582/1/bloom bloom by xiaoyings! it’s post-war saiino told in short snippets. there’s also very cute background platonic inoshikacho moments!
https://archiveofourown.org/works/14675085 Blood Botany by ThisCatastrophe. kankuino hanahaki fic with some saiino. OKAY. THIS FIC IS BEAUTIFUL BUT IT HURTS LIKE HELL. IT WILL MESS YOU UP. you will finish this fic and sit by the window for an hour afterwards staring out longingly at nothing. 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/30257559/ Thin Walls by al_holland. Ino/saku AND THEY WERE ROOMMATES modern au oneshot with some wonderful jealousy and pining. it’s hilarious, filthy, and ino is SO in character i wanna choke her. but like, lovingly. 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/12272925/chapters/27893850  I only have twelve bullets, and you’re all gonna have to share by Frostberry. Hidan/Ino, which is a rarepair that works hilariously well here--lots of great banter, and Ino is just harsh enough to match up with Hidan’s brutality and foul mouth. The AU itself is a little hard to define? It’s Naruto-verse in the sense that there’s still chakra and the village is mostly the same, but there are guns and some other modern things. It’s inspired by Deadpool, but I’m not familiar enough with the comics or movie to elaborate on that further! it’s still in progress, but according to the desc, it only has one chapter left to go!
https://www.archiveofourown.org/works/24717271 Surrogate by Clementive! I LOVE this au! It’s a modern au with SasuIno, where Ino is Sasuke’s surrogate mother. Honestly, I think I would love this premise for any pairing, but it fits them especially well--one thing that I really appreciate is how well Ino’s story holds its own against Sasuke’s. He’s a hard character to match in terms of angst and backstory, but Ino’s own story here is a really good compliment to his without really moving outside of the scope of what the au equivalent of her canon backstory would be. 
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@ticklin-ninjas asked: 3, 5, 20, 21
3. do you have a pet peeve when it comes to shipping? -  [ Yes. It bothers me considerably when shippers can’t be respectful of others’ opinions. You can have your canon and enjoy what you will, but if another person’s blog has a ship that you don’t like, just keep your opinion to yourself. Don’t go off on another person for shipping a crack/unpopular pairing more than it’s respective canon/popular ship. Also don’t just destroy a character’s personality and go too OOC to the point where you're just going to bash on a character in favor of another ship. That’s also extremely annoying to think about. ] 5. do you prefer fast plots, pre-enstablished relationships or slowburns? - [ I’m fine with either, or. I will normally just go with whatever my RP partner’s comfortable with. I would never force anything on them, even if it’s a ship I absolutely adore. ] 20. is there a ship you wanted to play, but couldn’t yet? - [ ItaIno, GaaIno, InoTen... Maybe KankuIno could be interesting as well?  OT3-wise, I kinda always wanted to try an InoSakuKarin at one point, while discussing it with a friend. Not exactly too hopeful for that one, but yeah... I thought it could be interesting to try it out. ]  21. what’s something that immediately turns you off from shipping with someone? - [ If all you want to do is smut, I will NOT partake in roleplaying with you. I’m fine with a smut RP, but in moderation, and only if there’s some sort of natural build-up to it. Force shipping is also a huge NO-GO for me. So don’t try that. ]
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clem-chan · 4 years
WIP list tag game
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you and interests you and I’ll post a little snippet of it or tell you something about it!
Tagged by: @elleurs
This is how you all find out just how much I’m all over the place.
Gen stuff/No romance
-My Dear Sister, Hyuuga family-centric
-Whispers over cadavers, Hidan & Hinata
All them ships
-Little Pink Ghost, KankuSaku
-Invisible Army, NejiTen
-Red Handed, NejiTen
-The Peacock on the other Line, NaruIno
-Lie in my grave, NejiTen
-Snow Fort, ItaTema 
-Beads of Sin, HidaTema
-Outlaws, SasuTema
-Friendly Neighbours, GaaSaku
-Late Blossoms, GaaSaku
-Red Planet Trajectory, GaaSaku
-The Fox, NaruIno
-Slow up, race down, NejiTen
-Faceless, NejiTen
-How to be Human, SaiHina
Spicy stuff (S-M-U-T)
-Give me my body, SuiKarin
-Creaseless Life, KankuIno
-Pathology, HidaTema
-Therapeutic, SasuIno
-Sails of Bones, NejiTen
-Up the Rumour Mill, KibaHina
Parts of existing series
-Water War, prequel to Water Prison, NejiTen
-Worn Bones, prequel to The Corpse in the Skin, NejiTen
-The Nurse, Battlefield Series, KibaHina
-The Prisoner, Battlefield series, GaaSaku
-The Mutants, Battlefield Series, SuiKarin
-Latte Artist, Coffee Cups Series, SaiSaku
tagging @nibbler747, @zombie-honeymoon, @bloodandfinelace, @tired-siopao, @tiredveena, @yahboobeh, @zealousheart and whoever wants to do this!
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notquitejiraiya · 4 years
CHESS got me shipping KankuIno wtaf
...you know what, anon? I didn’t think about this, but same (I think?)
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inoyamanakamonth · 6 years
Ino month shipping list
NOTE: No day in the month has a specific ship, you can post about any ship any day. This month is about appreciating Ino, shipping is just a plus.
You can, of course, do stuff for any other Ino ship, this list is just supposed to give you some ideas.
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leiandroid · 5 months
I am going feral over your Ino works! KankuIno and KibaIno my beloveds! You are so talented, and to see you doing things for my fave girlie--and having those be for some of my favorite pairings for her?! I am overwhelmed. 💗🥹💗
AAAAA thank youuuu that makes me so glad !! theyve always been so underrated so im glad theres still love out there for these pairings, ino deserves all the love 😭🥰🥰
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kankuroplease · 5 months
He's such an underrated character and SO fun to do alt designs of!! What are your fave ships for Kankuro? I've always been partial to KankuSaku, had this headcanon for forever that he developed a crush on her after she saved him from Sasori's poison. Like, he was in and out of consciousness when she was extracting the poison from his blood and organs and he kept seeing her face above him....... like some sort of determined pink angel lolllll
I’m a hardcore KankuKiba shipper because the chaos of those two together is just so appealing to me. However, Kanks is also one of those characters I ship around a lot as he just works with so many characters, I’m open to most ships with him. However some of my faves are;
KankuSaku - it’s cute and easy to build off of~
KankuNaru - dating your brother’s first friend risky business and the pranks would be epic
KankuIno - he’s a bit of a prankster and honestly him draping himself over a counter with a rose in his mouth would be something that would happen
KankuOmoi - Omoi’s worries would make a whole lot of sense with Kanks as a boyfriend
KankuTen - someone said this and I was like “why the heck didn’t I think of that”. Not only are they vibing on similar (but not too similar) wavelengths, but between his puppets and her weapons; they could make some sick mods to the preexisting ones or a whole new army
KankuHina - it’s cute, also gets Hinata to stretch her wings and chose a different path while bonding over strict dad’s/not living up to their younger siblings. Also feels like it could go super angsty
KankuShika - hear me out, there’s a lot of tropes here and Shikamaru would be able to pull one of my favorite lines “only I can call him an idiot” 👩‍🍳💋
KankuHanabi - if they made it canon, I’d believe it wholeheartedly. Like I can see them drinking together when him and gaara are visiting Konoha and it just hitting him like a sack of bricks that this wild Hyuga might be the one
KankuSui - honestly, they would try to kill each other with any slight disagreement, but really what’s water bf gonna do to him in Suna? March along the hot desert with Kankuro tracking him with a spair water bottle. That’s what
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senbons · 4 years
favorite naruto ships?
ship all, ship all!!
but personal favs:
shikatema, sasunaru, kakasaku, nejiten,kankuino, etc. idk. into itasaku and kakayama and inosai inosaku narugaa etc etc etc
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stamotkilt · 8 years
Ino. She is such a beautiful character, it's hard not to multiship her. Here's a list of my Ino ships:
KibaIno: otp! For me They make the hottest couple in Naruto SaiIno: I ship it! They DO make sense and it's a beautiful couple GaaIno: Hot as hell! Just imagine their babies ShikaIno: I'm a diehard ShikaTema shipper, but I admit ShikaIno is cute and they have cute interactions, but They are more like brotp to me ChoIno: I ship it. Cute and interesting interactions between them that made me ship it as a brotp and more SasuIno: Quite a sexy couple, I shipped it since the beginning NejiIno: they are both so beautiful! How can one not ship this couple?! KankuIno: cute fanarts of them that made me ship it HidaIno and ItaIno: *nods many times* But there are some Ino couples I don't really like too, such as DeiIno(they look too much alike!!!), Ino&her father or her son (just no), OroIno and KakaIno (these guys are mine!). Before, I would've put Shikaino here as a big notp, but now it doesn't seem so bad to me. They have beautiful fanarts & fanfics and quite a big fanbase due to their interactions. So, yeah. I still don't ship it as a couple, but I'm ok with it.
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