itsjayvalley · 5 years
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robinarielholgate · 4 years
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Robin Ariel at the helm of the new RobinAriel , at #Tobiano #kamloopslake . She ran out really well this trip. Really enjoyed ☺ the day on the lake. (at Bruker Marina) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCR9425B3ie/?igshid=1e8uzgq56gnxt
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Fantastic Friday! @kamloopsbuskers Catch ZAP CIRCUS all weekend with a once only CIRCUS FIRE Spectacular! night show 9:00 stage 1 Sat. . . . . . @tourismkamloops @cityofkamloops @kamartscouncil @rivercitynissan @gk_sound @bcinteriorcommunityfoundation #kamloopsbuskers #kamloopsbuskersfestival #kamloopsinternationalbuskersfestival #kamloopsbc #kamloopsphotographer #explorekamloops #kamloopslake #kamloopsfoodtruck #kamloopsfitfam #kamloopsphotography #photography #bctourism #bctourismmatters #zapcircusfirespectacular #purplepeopleshow #zapcircus #kamloopsparents #comeseeourshow #hulahoop #hulahooping #hulahoopers #hulahoopersofinstagram #juggling (at Riverside Park (Kamloops)) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0aSPByg6kv/?igshid=1ojsppvr5zdpx
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antoniojustin1-blog · 7 years
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Kamloops lake right before the massive fires of BC, if your heading to Vancouver from Edmonton or Kamloops go the cache creek way its worth it. -check out the driving video here https://youtu.be/FCJksGxM-7c - - - - - #kamloopslake #kamloops #cachecreek #highwayone #mountains #canada150 #exploreBC #travelBC @tourismbc @tourismkamloops #travelling #travelbug #travelphotography #travels #gottatravelhere #gohere #drivehere #explorehere #canadianwanderer #travelblogger #travelphoto #travelersnotebook #travelpic #travelgram #explorer #gonebeast #drivetohere #checkthisplaceout #britishcolumbia @travelbccanada @bontinkoh23 (at Kamloops Lake)
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robinarielholgate · 4 years
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Barley ,Robin and Brian on the boat at #Tobiano, #kamloopslake (at Savona, British Columbia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCR8lUJBmQg/?igshid=19xh4zxbh919s
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robinarielholgate · 5 years
What an amazing place to go boating and explore . #kamloopslake #britishcolumbia Hope ya all enjoy this as much as you enjoy my #countrymusic. Thanks everyone. Robin Ariel Ross St Claire Holgate #RobinArielHolgate #RobinHolgate #RobinArielMedia RobinArielHolgate.com #RobinAriel #Google #verified #musician #singer #songwriter #entertainer #producer #promoter #label #brand #countrymusicweekly #music #news #USA #Canada #trending (at Kamloops, British Columbia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0XzIkvhCdT/?igshid=16g3czs07jzzl
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