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geniusimogene · 5 months ago
{ @kamipyre }
It's...good to be back. Sure, vacation was nice and all, but most of the time she just kept thinking about all the work that must have been piling up back at the precinct...
She's right back in her element though, and even seems a little bit more cheerful? Maybe she needed that break more than she thought.
But she's actually smiling more and greeting familiar faces as she passes them by!
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"Oh-! Good...good morning, Miss Suki..!"
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kataskopeia · 1 year ago
@kamipyre continued from here.
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"... i made mine when he was still alive." he steps toward the lifeless body, suffocates the pitiful remainder of his smoldering cigarette in a dull pocket ashtray, and slides gloves over his hands. "but generally speaking ... if you're the first to sign up for an engagement post-mortem, you should be the one to print the queue list and attach it to the morgue slab." long fingers flex underneath latex before diving into the dead man's mouth to forcefully remove a gleaming molar tooth ( muffled cracking noise included ). "paper has performative power. you should give it a try and see how many people are willing to stand in line."
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edgelord-dl6 · 2 years ago
@kamipyre asked: It's sudden and fast, but when there's only the two of them in the hallway, Suki tugs him by the frills to her height and gives him a kiss. A moment later, she takes a step back, both hands wrapped around the evidence file. "...I'll meet you at the crime scene, sir." ( 2day is international kissing day so edgeworth, please take a kiss from suki sjfklsjdfklj <3 )
it's a miracle this kind of thing isn't exploited more often - his big frilly ostentatious cravat hangs there just before one of the most vulnerable points on the human body, like a great target. to most people, perhaps, it's like the ornament of some poisonous animal - so colorful and obvious and ridiculous that it simply must mean 'stay away!'
but to Suki - wonderful, surprising, resourceful, Suki Nakamura - it's a tool to send him a message that short circuits his brain. their lips press together with quick insistence, and Miles' eyes pop open unromantically. his heart nearly pops, too, and all he can do is nod dumbly after her, clear his throat, absently pass his tongue over his bottom lip...
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was today a special occasion or something? he'll wrack his brain over it en route.
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mythvoiced · 2 years ago
@kamipyre | ♥
"I tried to dabble in forensics myself," for a creature so adamant on claiming he hates the mere notion of leaving a mark, Patrick sure can't keep from touching. Small grazes along surfaces, the innocent nudge of his forefinger against an object on a desk to have it turn and reveal a different side of itself, never picking something up, never disturbing the positioning, but grazing, dragging, gaining a feel for being alive in the same room as whatever he's surrounded by.
The only thing he picks up freely are pamphlets.
This one is boring.
Graphic design may be someone's passion here, but the LAPD certainly wasn't, or they would have come up with something more... engaging.
He lifts his head, smiles. Gentle and miles from the perpetrator, hunter of his past. Miss Nakamura is no threat, no prey, a woman with a glint in her eyes that reveals whatever reasons he might have had to step into her shoes will never burn as brightly as hers.
The kind of people who have gotten really good at living with their shadows, chains, weights, past.
Or who think they have.
Up to debate, she'll portray it soon enough.
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"Though I imagine for the wrong reasons, compared to yours...?" an open-ended question, a request to peek minutely into her mind. Just because.
Because he can't help it, because he'll always care, and fight against it.
He returns the pamphlet.
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bloodxhound · 15 days ago
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     𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐄𝐋𝐃𝐄𝐃 𝐁𝐘 𝐀 𝐏𝐎𝐋𝐈𝐂𝐄 𝐂𝐀𝐑 in the aftermath of the robbery, something taps her gently on the shoulder from behind. When she turns around, a Moozilla plush toy meets her gaze, one stubby arm raised, its body covered in strands of soft, synthetic fur, the muzzle shaped in the form of a heart. An atrocity if you ask him, but acceptable all the same should it prove to soothe her weariness even just a little. He saw it sitting on a shelf in the department store and quickly surmised this must’ve been what had drawn her here to begin with. It was a no brainer to fetch it on his way out. He holds it out to her with a steady hand, betraying nothing of his earlier fury. Only now is he able to impart her with what he didn’t have time to before:   ❛❛ Don’t be so hard on yourself, okay? ❜❜   The tenseness in his face melts away, his voice dropping to a heartfelt murmur.   ❛❛ You did well. If it wasn’t for you, things might’ve turned real ugly. ❜❜ / @kamipyre, cont. from here
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recitedemise · 7 months ago
33﹕sender  hovers  over  receiver’s  shoulder  as  they  complete  a  task . ( HI DEAN IT'S BEEN A WHILE :DD - for either of his modern verses if you're still accepting? )
𝟏𝟎𝟎 𝑵𝑶𝑵𝑽𝑬𝑹𝑩𝑨𝑳 𝑷𝑹𝑶𝑴𝑷𝑻𝑺: still accepting. | 33﹕ sender  hovers  over  receiver’s  shoulder  as  they  complete  a  task.
It isn't like she needs his help. With a keen eye in forensics, she's as razored as a blade. That said, no detail can escape her and no lumbering secret can languish in the dark. Under Suki, every sordid reality can froth to the surface...unless, gods bless her, the truth comes soaked in petrol. Dribbling. The air so suddenly smells of smoke.
But Gale, peering over his glasses, shares in no such trouble sat at his desk. It's dreary out, his office clock thunking a late-night ten. He's ought to be in bed or perhaps savoring some whiskey in his empty home, but it seems the pair of them tonight are insomniacs both -- or if anything, she like him is plagued by nightmares. Still, Gale won't deny her this visit, fond as he is of her curious mind. At any rate, looking over her clues, this is an exciting hour. He flips the bag about, the ripples of spell tickling at his skin, and aiding in a case is rivetingly new. He makes a sound. On his desk, his little candle lights away.
"The starter is lightning. Clean, sparkling, and a twinge autumnal... I've reason to believe your arsonist is a mage -- and by the look of things, that you're a mite overworked." Pot calling the kettle black, is that it? Looking up past his shoulder, he meets her eyes. "Last I checked, It's ten at night on a Friday. Fire may burn itself out, but you've the thought you're inexhaustible."
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mythvoiced · 8 months ago
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They don't tell you often enough, but the company you do something with makes or breaks the activity itself. A world in which you could enjoy anything you set out to do independently from all the other faces present on lieu is a world of the kind of utopia not even films and books manage to portray convincingly.
There is no such world, where who's there or who isn't doesn't change the taste of the pill you swallow, willingly or less so.
So, it's the company, most likely.
Hyun doesn't know if it's in large part thanks to the lack of recognition in Suki's eyes, devoid of spark of assessment but overflowing with the spark of life, or a disinterest in mention if she had actually recognize Hyun for the smiling profile under headlines such as 'Supermodel Causes Controversy' or 'Is Ji Hyun A Devil In Disguise?', or if the larger part of Suki's demeanor that relaxes Hyun into forgetting she has Dispatch to worry about in the first place is simply and truly and organically... Suki's demeanor.
Refreshing. The easy responses, the lack of pressure, just a girl keeping her hands busy while a semi-girl wishes she could do the same. Hyun can't figure out if she misses a life in which people don't recognize her. But she certainly misses this, the notion of a normal conversation.
"Why voice-acting?" Hyun looks playfully affronted, the enforced habit of throwing in a smile when she's actually genuinely perturbed by whatever she's engaging with. Oh how well they teach you to pretend you're just suggesting when you'd rather stomp your foot, how well they teach you to laugh while you ask someone to stop.
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"They can use make-up, screw them. Do you know how many of these new goons going into acting these days have tattoos? Ugly-ass tattoos that need a ridiculous amount of make-up to cover up?"
Hyun scoffs, reaching for the freshly finished fox with nimble finger-tips. She turns the paper miracle in her hands and puckers her lips to not smile any wider than she already is.
"Nah, not nepotism. Unless you consider me getting you the connections nepotism. Shouldn't nepotism be a blood thing only?"
Not that she'd have any sort of understanding of 'gaining privilege through your familial ties'. What ever are those, right?
"A cook."
Hyun falters.
A cook?
She blinks.
She didn't even know she had an answer to that question, what would she want to be if not an actor, if she's working so fucking hard to be one?
A cook?
"... I think?"
ji hyun. ➜ THE NAME ‘JI HYUN’ OUGHT TO RING A BELL IN HER MIND. But in this particular moment ( and time that came before that and the one before that one– ) it does not. Unless blacklisted supermodel Ji Hyun decides to tell Suki otherwise, then Suki will simply assume that they’re just another citizen trying to make their way through life in Seoul, South Korea. Not a notorious supermodel well known to dispatch.
They’re all got secrets in this city. Foreigners and natives alike. Suki’s just happens to border the line of legality. She nods, very seriously though. “It’s okay, they suggested that back in the States too even when I wasn’t working the front desk. Maybe I’d go with voice-acting instead.”
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She tilts her head, the paper fox now sitting fully realized in her hands. “Are you sure? That isn’t like, nepotism or anything like that right?” Not that Suki has any plans of changing her job at this point in time. Her current one doesn't even ask for much these days anyways. Her hands start on another fox, the fully realized one hopping on the table between them. “It’s a big career change to make. If you didn’t want to be an actor, what would you want to be?”
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uroborosymphony · 2 years ago
Bold all the things your muse has done ( will  /  would do is in italics, bolded italics means they’ve done it before and will probably do it again ).
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 ara :    morality challenge.
murder  /  manslaughter  /  assault  /  robbery  /  breaking & entering  /  theft  /  embezzlement  /  money-laundering  /  kidnapping  /  torture  /  blackmail  /  arson  /  trespassing  /  treason  /  libel or slander  /  obstruction of justice  /  lying to law enforcement  /  creation of a weapon  /  espionage  /  riot  /  escape from lawful custody  /  contempt of court  /  public intoxication  /  conspiracy  /  accessory to a crime  /  harboring a fugitive  /  bribery  /  perjury under oath  /  resisting arrest  /  identity theft  /  corporate fraud  /  tax fraud  /  document forgery  /  destruction of evidence  /  assassination  /  counterfeiting  /  sale of a controlled substance  /  purchase of a controlled substance  /  failure to pay child support  /  hacking crimes  /  threat  /  pick-pocketing  /  shoplifting
tagged : @clemencetaught. tagging : @velvetineblue @ofgentleresolve (Felicity my girl HI, can I tag Annie mm Annie as a Black Fang member when she does crime) @tvsteoftrvgedy @kamipyre
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geaesaekki · 1 year ago
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bold what applies to your muse, italicize if there's potential / it depends.
holding hands · buying flowers · cooking · cuddles · writing a poem / song · holding door open · tying shoe laces · sharing a milkshake with two straws · offering their jacket when it's cold · kissing in the rain · publicly confessing love · long walks at the beach · doing the titanic pose on a boat · taking cute pictures in a photo booth · sharing a taxi / uber · kissing the back of their hand · slow dancing · getting tickets of their favorite artist / sports team / other · introducing them to their parents ( Mmmm. ) · lighting candles · flower petals on bed · love letters · star gazing · brushing / doing their hair · picnics · teaching them to play an instrument / sport (fighting to death in a dungeon yes) · compliments · late night drives · taking selfies together · drawing them · self-made gifts · massages · proposing with a family heirloom ring · lending them their favorite book to read · paying for dinner / coffee · mixtapes / playlists · surprise birthday parties (she does hate surprises and parties but will go through it for her honeyboo) · feeding them · handing them keys to their apartment · making space in drawer for their clothes when they stay over · sharing a blanket · couple costumes (she pretends she's not into them) · tucking a hair strand behind their ear · running after them at the airport / keeping them from leaving · moving cities to be together · blowing a kiss · breakfast in bed · defending them in a fight (verbally / physically) · joint bubble baths · dropping the L-bomb ("i love you") · dedicating a song at the karaoke bar to them · wearing their clothes · yawning before putting an arm around them while watching a movie · granting them the last bite (from meal)
Tagged by @kamipyre Tagging : @ofgentleresolve (Aeri), @clemencetaught (THG verse) @velvetineblue @mythvoiced (Maria)
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aptlyattorney · 2 years ago
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RULES:  bold which thing your muse prefers (or, in some cases, maybe just hates the least!) out of each of the following pairs
peace or war?  /  sun or stars?  /  flowers or trees?  /  crescent moon or full moon?  /  streets or skyscrapers?  /  rooftops or balconies?  /  ink or glitter?  /  life or death?  /  order or chaos?  /   candle or bonfire?  /  ocean or sky?  /  leather or silk?  /  sweet or sour?  /  overstimulation or understimulation?  /  book or letter?  /  soft or coarse?  /  fight or flight?  /  spoken or written?  /  silver or gold?  /  playing cards or tarot cards?  /  circles or angles?  /  cramped or vast?  /  checkers or chess?
tagged by: @kamipyre !! thank youu!  tagging:  go for it.
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muu-kun · 2 years ago
Muu on his app store looking at this and going this has to be on suki's @kamipyre phone:
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kataskopeia · 11 months ago
bold what your muse can do. italicize for something they can do to some extent.
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  bake a cake from scratch. ride a horse. drive a submarine. speak a second language. dance. catch a fish. play an instrument. throw a punch. build a deck. ice skate. unclog a drain. program a computer. change a flat tire. fire a gun. sew. juggle. play poker. paint. fly a kite. sculpt. write poetry. change a diaper. sing. shoot a bow and arrow. ride a bike. swim. sail a boat. do a backflip. play chess. give cpr. pitch a tent. flirt. stitch a wound. read palms. use chopsticks. write in cursive. calligraphy. use an electric drill. braid hair. make a campfire.
  make a mixed drink. do sudoku puzzles. wrap a gift. give a good massage. jump start a car. roll their tongue. do magic tricks. do yoga. tie a tie. skip a rock. shuffle a deck of cards. read morse code. pick a lock. fly a plane. train animals. fix a car. apologize. write a business letter. write in a second language. say the alphabet backwards. read music. cook complex meals. change oil. paint nails. draw. socialize. march. take apart a gun. drive a rig. operate a tank. climb a tree. rock climb. tie a cherry stem. basic first aid. draw blood. put out a fire.
tagging: @bloodxhound, @sinsolucion / @eternasci, @trattcria, @theirwatchdog, @astherea, @cuttingcanine, @kamipyre.
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lcstkey · 2 years ago
muse aesthetics .
  instructions:   bold what applies to your muse.  repost, do not reblog !
tagged by:  @kamipyre [Thank you! <3]
tagging: Feel free to nab this. ;)
[ SOFT ]  baby pink | iridescent | glitter is always a good option | minimalist tattoos | cherry patterns | sweet scented perfumes | wearing generous amounts of blush | doodling hearts | getting excited to pet an animal | fun nails | rewatching old Barbie movies | hair sticking to glossed lips | heart shaped sunglasses | taking pictures of the sunset or sunrise | stuffed animals | protecting nature | cute stickers everywhere | teen movies | the light rain that falls from a clear sky at the beginning of the night
[ DARK ACADEMIA ]  neutral tones | masculine outfits | studying languages | worn down copy of books | grey skies | turtleneck sweaters | loose fitting pants | hair tied with a silk ribbon | trying to remember a cool difficult word you read somewhere to use in a conversation | thick belts | minimal makeup | windows fogged by rain | vintage jewelry | blouses with cuffed sleeves | reading a murder mystery and trying to solve it | oxford style shoes | sweater vests | subtitled old movies in a language you don’t speak | leaves crackling as you walk | annotating books to express your emotions about the story
[ EDGY ]  closet full of dark clothes | fishnet tights | makeup sweating off | neon signs | searching for unknown songs | chokers | band tees | doodling on old converses | finding smoking aesthetically pleasing but not doing it | weird humor | accidentally very dramatic | dim lights | layered outfits | chain belts | chipped nail polish | messy hair | low-quality pics | piercings | combat boots | scribbling on desks
[ 70′s ]  colorful wardrobe | doodling flowers | wearing short shorts | listening to ABBA | flowers in your hair | DIYing everything | jamming to songs alone in your room | drunkenly telling your friends you love them | patterned bandanas | mid-heeled shoes | messy braids | flared sleeves | walking barefoot on grass or sand | bold sunglasses | the good kind of tired you get after doing something you enjoy for hours | feeding stray animals | fun patterned socks | room decorated with succulents and other plants | likes to go roller skating or skateboarding
[ PREPPY CASUAL ]  collared clothes | drinking juice out of a champagne glass | getting excited to see the met gala looks | thick headbands | small pastel cardigans | tweed two pieces | watching reality tv to pass time | frilly tops | watching old Hollywood movies | academically driven | long manicured nails | new year’s eve fireworks | colorful tights | layered golden jewelry | yearns for luxury brand items | decorating your room with fairy lights | cursive and neat handwriting | lace details
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mythvoiced · 1 year ago
“oh, good, you’re here! hold this.” ( for patrick :3 )
@kamipyre | more random dialogue prompts
One of Patrick's greatest sins is how small people still are to him - and how stupidly large they can get when he enlarges them in his own mind.
Even in spite of his own physical humanity, the way he bruises just as easy as regular humans would, if not more due to those over-sensitive patches of skin that don't even look like chains anymore, he always looks at them as fragile critters.
Or terrible monsters, but it's easier to stomach his own fragility if he pretends everyone around him is just a little softer than him.
Maybe that's why his hand floats mid-air without second thought, ice-ashen eyes staring at the equally pale object in his hands as if he couldn't quite figure out what its purpose could ever possibly be.
Or why he looks like he's somehow stuck and interrupted in whatever it is he was going to say. Skipping over greetings and over all the ways Patrick could have justified his presence as both appreciative of her company but certainly not overtly interested to make sure she doesn't get used to him, well...
The best way to catch both a predator and a prey is to surprise them.
Or maybe it's none of that. Maybe he's just very very disturbed that he'd held his hand out in reflex, responding in knee-jerk rather than meticulously crafted caution and adequacy.
Maybe humans aren't fragile. Maybe he just needs an excuse to justify his indulging her before he realizes he is.
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He stifles the panic in his throat and twists his hand around the object in his palm, holding it up with thumb and forefinger. "Are you sure you should be handing a key to a civilian?" both a warranted and a genuine question. "What if I run away and figure out what lock it belongs to?"
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bloodxhound · 2 months ago
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        the sacrifice. you die saving the thing you love. maybe it is family, friends, perhaps even a cause. they will carry your face with them for the rest of their lives, and every milestone they pass will make them think of you. it does not matter because you won't be there to experience it with them. years down the line, they will meet people who do not even know the weight of your name upon their skin. this is what your selflessness gets you in the end.
tagged by: @generalzelgius thank u mi love / tagging: @bloodthirstyflower, @kamipyre, @eternasci, @unionized-shopkeep, @kilamantras, @kodapi
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jeoseungsaja · 2 years ago
what does your soul smell like?
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Freshly Baked Bread
key words: warm, inviting, kindness. you are the definition of cooking as a loved language and are at your strongest when creating something. others find you soothing to be around and feel at ease due to your genuine warmth and nurturing nature. you can be a mix of gentle and passionate, but it's that intensity that lives at the centre of your spirit that draws people to you most. compatible with: candle smoke, coffee, rosewater.
TAGGED BY: @kamipyre ❤️ TAGGING: @astremourante | @mythvoiced (Sarang? 👀) | @tenderpulsive | @uroborosymphony (Calista pls uwu) | @interxstitial | @lostsovl & YOU!
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