aiwalls · 1 year
Download Maa Brahmacharini HD Photos, 1080p and 4k Images
Goddess Maa Brahmacharini’s Divine Presence in HD Goddess Maa Brahmacharini HD Wallpapers for Worship Maa Brahmacharini Images for Spiritual Inspiration Maa Brahmacharini Photos: Grace and Devotion   “Goddess Maa Brahmacharini HD Photos : A Vision of Inner Serenity” Continue reading Untitled
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milkywayrollercoaster · 7 months
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Kamandalu Hotel by night 2
Ubud/ Bali/ Indonesia
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talonabraxas · 5 months
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Origin of Lord Brahma | Brahma Mantra
Lord Brahma is one of the supreme God of Trinity other two are Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva. He is referred to as the creator of the universe. He created the Earth and everything that flourishes on it. His divine consort Goddess Saraswati presents Him with expertise to run the universe that's necessary for the manner of introduction.
Lord Brahma is called the father of Manu from whom all beings got here into existence. Lord Brahma is regularly perceived as Prajapati, a Vedic divine being. He is also considered as the Lord of Speech and Sound. Although He is not worshipped as usually and broadly as other Gods, He is a distinguished divine discern in Hinduism and mythology. Lord Brahma is depicted as the ruler of Brahmaloka, the greatest heaven where best the perfect resides. In the temples built for worship of Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu, the walls within the north have an area wherein He is worshipped. Goddess Saraswati is His consort consequently worshipping them may also bless one with expertise, understanding and mind.
Lord Brahma's vahana is the Swan, that's an image of grace. The Swan is blessed with Neera-Ksheera Viveka, a distinctive feature that enlightens us to detach the coolest from the evil and then apprehend that that is precious and abandon the whole thing that is evil or futile.
Origin of Lord Brahma Lord Bramha is said to be the son of God. It is stated that first Brahmand, the universe created the water wherein the seed of lifestyles become positioned. The seed in the end grew and converted right into a golden egg out of which "Hiranyagarbha" i.E., Lord Bramha took birth. There is any other tale which depicts the foundation of Lord Brahma as a self-born God from a lotus flower which grew out of Lord Vishnu's navel and changed into born to create the whole universe and devise the grand plan of its life.
Lord Bramha later created Manas Putras within the shape of Prajapatis to end up the father of the human race. Even Dharma and Adharma, Krodha, Lobha are stated to exist through Lord Brahma.
Symbolism & Appearance of Lord Brahma Lord Brahma is always clad in crimson garments and is depicted having 4 heads, 4 faces and 4 palms. As He is the Creator of all beings, He does now not carry weapons in any of his palms. He is regularly mentioned as having white beard that symbolizes the nature of His life. The top right hand has a rosary and the higher left contains an ebook, the lower left has a kamandalu or water-pot and the lower right hand bestows advantages towards absolutely everyone who seeks safe haven. Each hand has its very own representation wherein the beads are the substance via which creation came about, the e book indicates know-how and the water pot symbolizes nature and living essence of life. The 4 faces which continuously chant every veda “ Rig, Yajur, Sama and Atharva, represent all sacred understanding that exists. The fingers constitute the 4 instructions of the introduction and hold Brahma to be the one Omnipresent Lord of the universe.
Lord Brahma Worship Lord Brahma is stated to be less outstanding when it comes to worship amongst other deities but has symbolic temples that are hugely worshipped by means of His fans. In Hindu religion, Lord Brahma is taken into consideration to be the most vital deity as thru Him the complete human race comes into being. Here are some of the mantras which are used to praise and worship Lord Brahma.
Brahma Stuti Mantra: "Gurubrahma Guruvishnu Gurudevo Maheswarah, Guru saakshaat Param Brahma Tasmai shri guravey Namah."
Meaning : Lord Brahma, the writer is the instructor and is very best among all different Gods. He is verily Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva himself. I provide my salutations to such a guru.
Brahma Bija Mantra "Aum Satchit Ekam Brahma" "Om Eim Hrim Shrim Klim Sauh Satchid Ekam Brahma"
Meaning : I offer my prayers to Lord Bramha who is one with the universe
Brahma Gayatri Mantra "Om Chathur mukhaya Vidmahe Hamasaroodaya Dheemahe Thanno Brahma Prachodayath" "Om Vedathmanaya vidmahe, Hiranya Garbhaya Dheemahi, Thanno Brahma prachodayath"
Meaning: Lord Brahma, the writer is the instructor and is very pleasant amongst all distinctive Gods. He is verily Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva himself. I provide my salutations to this type of guru.
Mantra 1 ॥ ॐ ऐं ह्रीं श्रीं क्लीं सौह सतचिद एकं ब्रह्माे ॥ “Om Aim Hrim Shrim Klim Sauh Satchid Ekam Brahma”
Meaning: " Brahma is the one supreme and absolute consciousness "
Mantra 2 ॥ ऊँ चतुर-मुखाया विद्महे हंसा-रूड़ाये धीमही तन्नो ब्रह्मा प्रचोदयात् ॥ “Om Chathur Mukhaya Vidhmahe Hamasaroodaya Dheemahe Thanno Brahma Prachodayat”
Meaning: " Om, Let me meditate on the God with four faces, The One who rides on the Swan, give me higher intellect, And let Lord Brahma illuminate my mind "
Mantra 3 ॥ ओम ब्रह्मा जज्ञानाम् प्रथम् पुरश्च देवि माता माता पुरुषो अवहा ॥ “Om Brahma Jajnyanam Prarthamam Purastat Dvihi Mata Purushoven Avaha”
Meaning: " ...... "
Mantra 4 ॥ गुरुर ब्रह्मा गुरुर विष्णु गुरु देवो महेश्वरःगुरु साक्षात परब्रह्म तस्मै श्री गुरवे नमः ॥ “Gurubrahma Guruvishnu Gurudevo Maheswarah,Guru saakshaat Param Brahma Tasmai shri guravey Namaha”
Meaning: " Guru is verily the representative of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. (He creates, sustains knowledge and destroys the weeds of ignorance). He is the living Supreme reality. I salute such a Guru. "
Lord brahma by Talon Abraxas
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clearlyivy · 11 months
Day two of Navratri
9 days , 9 Godesses
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Day Two: Brahmacharini | ब्रह्मचारिणी
Epitome of Tapas
Brahmacharini represents Parvati in her phase of tapas. She walks barefoot carrying the japa mala in her right hand and kamandalu in her left.
On the second day, we should stop all the fripperies of life and take to deep penance and spend this night in meditation alone.
“Aum Devi Brahmacharinnyai Namaha!”
ॐ देवी ब्रह्मचारिण्यै नमः॥
Jai Maa Durga 🔱
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senatorex · 1 year
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Shiva e seus atributos.
1. Seus lábios sombrios indicam serenidade interna.
2. A garganta de Shiva é azul por causa do veneno que ele consumiu para salvar o mundo.
3. O fio sagrado sobre o ombro esquerdo indica que Shiva é sábio.
4. O touro de Shiva ou Nandi, representa o potencial da virilidade. Que está trancado dentro do ascético que distancia ele do resto da sociedade.
5. O Cachimbo de argila é para fumar Cânhamo, para se retirar ainda mais da realidade Material.
6. O gelo derrete e se torna rio, depois que a Deusa fez com que Shiva abrir-se seus olhos e libertasse seu calor retido.
7. As montanhas são cobertas com Gelo porque todo o Calor está trancado dentro de Shiva.
8. Shiva segura um chocalho que representa a separação de dois triângulos, um representando a realidade material e o outro representando a realidade espiritual.
9. Na imagem, a serpente representa a expansão de consciência e símbolo de conhecimento.
10. As três linhas horizontais de poeira, representam a destruição dos três mundos criados para Ilusão. (Pode ser visto presente no Shiva lingam)
11. O terceiro olho representa o desdenho pelo desejo; da indiferença das coisas desejadas e das não desejadas.
12. Shiva não usa Tecido; ele ou está Pelado ou coberto com pele animal.
13. Ganga, o rio, que cai dos céus e se emaranha nos cabelos de Shiva.
14. As lâminas do tridente Trisula, representa realidade separadas que foi fundido pelo Cajado.
15. A Mão direita está abençoando e protegendo sob auspícios do som do universo que é o ॐ (Om)
16. Shiva lingam é o potencial Masculino de Shiva e a Yoni é a Base dele, o Feminino.
17. A Concha indica a vontade de Shiva de se comunicar com os homens e a emissão do ॐ (Om).
18. Kamandalu ou pote d’água é usado como Limpeza.
Om Namah Shivaya!
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mimrbsd · 11 months
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Devi Katyayani is named after the sage Katyayana, who performed intense penance to be granted the boon of the Divine Mother taking birth as his daughter. She is often depicted as having four arms and riding a lion. She is associated with valor and courage and is known for her warrior-like form. Her image carries a sword, a lotus, a chakra (discus), and a kamandalu (a water pot).
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chaitanyavijnanam · 11 months
Worship Maa Brahmacharini - Gayatri Mata on the second day of Navaratri
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🌹 Worship Maa Brahmacharini - Gayatri Mata on the second day of Navaratri 🌹
On the second day of Navaratri, Maa Brahmacharini - a manifestation of Maa Durga - is worshipped. The form of Goddess Brahmacharini is extremely radiant and majestic. Maa signifies love and loyalty, wisdom and knowledge. She holds a rosary in her hight hand and a Kamandal in her left hand. She wears Rudraksha. The word "Brahm" refers to Tapa (penance) - Her name means "one who performs Tapa (penance)".
She was born to Himalaya. Devrishi Narada influenced her thoughts and as a result, she practised tough penances as she was determined to obtain Lord Shiva as her divine consort. She spent hundred of years eating very little or nothing at all, but her penance was so pure and had so much strength, power that it caused great disturbance in all the three worlds. Her desire to obtain Lord Shiva as her divine consort was eventually fulfilled.
Goddess Brahmcharini blesses you with great emotional strength and you may be able to keep your mental balance and confidence even in the darkest hour. She inspires you to hold on to your ethics and march on the path of duty. By the grace of Maa Brahmacharini, you strive to move forward in life without getting disheartened by the numerous challenges coming your way. Her blessings help you get rid of selfishness, ego, greed and laziness.
The Mantra And Other Facts About Maa Brahmacharini:
Maa Brahmacharini Dhyan: Dadhaana Kar Padmabhyam Akshmala Kamandalu, Devi Prasidatu Mayi Brahmacharinyanuttama.
Maa Brahmacharini Mantra for the second day of Navratri:
Om Brahm Brahmacharinyai Namah. (Chant it 108 times).
Colour of the second day: Orange.
Prasad of the second day: Sugar and unsalted butter. - coconut rice, Sweet Rice
Governing Planet: It is believed that Lord Mangal, the provider of all fortunes, is governed by Goddess Brahmacharini.
🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹
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kingmabry · 1 year
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Q: On several occasions, I have listened to Swami tell stories about the time he spent with Bhagavan. Whenever I hear them I am always impressed with the amount of faith that Swami had in Bhagavan. It seems to me, as I listen to these stories, that it was this faith that enabled Swami to surrender so completely.
AS: The grace of the Guru and the proximity to the Guru gave me the confidence and the faith to surrender.
Q: Your faith was so strong that I found myself crying when I heard some of the stories. I was so touched by them.
AS: Now that you are talking about surrender, I am suddenly reminded of one incident in the ashram which gave me an opportunity to surrender to Bhagavan.
Once, early in the morning, Bhagavan was cutting banana flowers in the kitchen. These banana flowers, when cut, release a black gum-like substance which sticks to the fingers.
To remove this gum Bhagavan had rubbed some tamarind into his hands. Then, for some reason, he decided to go for a walk near the foot of the hill. I met him, at about 7 a.m., just outside the back gate. Bhagavan noticed that I had a kamandalu [water pot] in my hand and asked me to pour some water into his hands so that he could wash the remains of the tamarind off them.
Thinking that this was a good opportunity to offer myself to Bhagavan, I said to myself as I poured a little water into his hands, “I am surrendering my body, soul, and mind to the Guru”.
Bhagavan smiled and indicated with a gesture that he needed more water.
I poured a little more, repeating the same thought:
“I am surrendering my body, mind, and soul to the Guru.”
Bhagavan was still not satisfied with my offer. 'More!' he said. For the third time, I poured the water and repeated the same phrase.
After this third pouring, and the third offer of surrender.
Bhagavan looked at me and said, ’Enough'. I felt that my offer of surrender had been accepted.
- LWB p. 355
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Adi Shankaracharya
Aryamba didn't knew what to feel. She could not believe that she had just allowed her beloved son Shankara to become a hermit. Shankara had decided to become a hermit in the age when other children are oblivious to the meaning of hermitage. He had learned the teachings of the Vedas and Upanishads even before the age of eight years and had them entirely memorised. Shankara made his mother proud. But of course that didn't mean that she was not reluctant about making her son leave all attachments behind. After she had lost her husband, Shankara was the only one who gave her the purpose to live and now with him too leaving her, how will she be able to survive?
Yes, she had known this day would come. She had known this even before Shankara's birth. Lord Shiva himself had told her this in her dream. She was well informed that her child is an incarnation of Mahadeva too, but a mother's heart still can't bear part from her son no matter if he is the God of Gods. He was still her little Shankara. Her dear son. But he won't be that anymore. Now, he will dedicate his life for the well being of the world. Now, he won't have these worldly relations, he will be a monk, a sanyasi.
Shankara approached his mother to give a last good-bye. He had took off all the jewelleries that Aryamba used to adorn him in, the only things that he had graced himself with was a rudraksh maala and his janeyu. A Saffron dhoti was the only piece of garment he wore. "Mother, it is time for me to leave now." Shankara said. Aryamba knew she couldn't do anything to stop this to happen now. She agreed, fighting back tears. But a few tears slipped from her eyes nonetheless.Shankara reached towards her to wipe them gently and then embraced her in a hug. She pulled apart after a long time and whispered "Will you promise me something, Shankara?". He nodded even before Aryamba could explain further. He wanted to do everything he could to make his mother feel better. She continued "I want you to do my last rites.". A hermit is not allowed to take participation in any event that is related to the worldly relations he has left, it is considered impure and is condemned in society but even if he knew this, Shankara didn't reneged on the promise. He hugged her one last time and then left, leaving the illusions behind to embrace the real world.
Shankara needed a mentor, a guru to guide him through the scriptures and teach him the actual means to connect with the divine. After walking a long distance of 2000 kilometres he arrived in Omkareshwar near the banks of the holy Narmada. There, he was informed that there was an enlightened sage, Govinda Bhagvadpada who was deep in meditation in a cave by the Narmada. Shankara wanted to meet the Rishi and pray to him to become his guru. As he was making his way towards the cave believed to be the place where the sage is in, the waves of the Narmada started rising up. In only a matter of seconds, the waves turned so violent that the nearby places got flooded. The peasants present there started screaming and crying for help as the waves grew so much that they reached the adjacent village. All except Shankara. He didn't felt terrified even if the waves came close to him, as they came close to the Rishi 's cave. The soul is eternal at the end, what would a river do to harm it? One's spirit belongs to the supreme reality, the pram bhrama himself that makes one's soul more powerful than anything in this materialistic world, so why would did river terrify him? He took his kamandalu and put it in front of the Narmada. The river calmed down immediately. Govinda Bhagvadpada had witnessed it all with his eyes. He could not believe that a child can have this much power to calm the mighty Narmada. He felt divine, like a call from God himself. Govinda Bhagvadpada was astonished. He approached Shankara, stunned. Shankara bowed down to him and after blessing him, he asked "Who are you?"
Govinda Bhagvadpada did not knew that the answer to his question will become the beginning of a new philosophy, a verse that will start the Advaita, a verse that will enlighten the whole world about what atman is.
मनोबुद्ध्यहङ्कार चित्तानि नाहं
न च श्रोत्रजिह्वे न च घ्राणनेत्रे ।
न च व्योम भूमिर्न तेजो न वायुः
चिदानन्दरूपः शिवोऽहम् शिवोऽहम् ॥
Neither am I the mind nor intelligence or ego,
Neither am I the organs of hearing (ears), nor that of tasting (tongue), smelling (nose) or seeing (eyes),
Neither am I the sky, nor the earth, neither the fire nor the air,
I am Shiva, the supreme auspiciousness of the nature of consciousness-bliss.
I am Shiva, the auspiciousness.
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00:00 Aku Suka (Junaidi Salat) - Lies Minawati 03:53 Harap Maklum (Arie Wibowo) - Bill & Brod 08:39 Kring Kring (Didiek AGP/Dian AGP) - Vina Panduwinata 12:41 Hello Mr Mahmud - Irma Ervinna 17:56 Hatiku Tertutup Sudah (Nusye M./Edmon Pandey) - Tommy J. Pisa 22:28 Rela (Harry Ch.) - Ayu Soraya 27:14 Gadisku (Kendi Kamandalu) - Trio Libels 31:49 Ingin Begini Jadinya Begitu (Obbie Messakh) - Ratih Purwasih
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aiwalls · 1 year
Maa Brahmacharini HD Photos 2023
Graceful Images of Goddess Maa Brahmacharini Maa Brahmacharini Photos: A Symbol of Divine Feminine Divine Maa Brahmacharini Photos for Devotees HD Images of Goddess Maa Brahmacharini’s Blessings Goddess Maa Brahmacharini: HD Images for Meditation and Reflection Dive into the realm of deep meditation and introspection with our collection of high-definition images featuring Goddess Maa…
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milkywayrollercoaster · 7 months
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Kamandalu Hotel
Bali/ Indonesia
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mayookhpallikandi · 3 months
Major Study W2- Reflection
For this week I have created the second model for my AR narrative. I have done research on the characteristics of Vamanan and created a model.
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For the final version I need to give some accessories like Kamandalu and the umbrella.
I need to add some more details on Mahabali. But I am little bit confused about which type of details I need to add. For next week I will finalize the model of Mahabali by adding the ornaments and details for the model.
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Goddess Brahmacharini, the second form of Goddess Durga, symbolizes penance and austerity. Adorned in white, she epitomizes purity and serenity. 'Brahmacharini' means one who practices devout austerity. She is depicted holding a rudraksha mala and a sacred Kamandalu (water pot). Her unwavering dedication inspires seekers to tread the path of righteousness and discipline. Worshiping her grants strength and determination to overcome obstacles. With her grace, devotees attain spiritual growth and inner peace. In her tranquil demeanor lies the power to conquer the inner demons of ego and desires, guiding souls towards enlightenment and self-realization.
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Goddess Brahmacharini, the second form of Navadurga, symbolizes penance and virtue. Depicted as serene and adorned in white, she signifies the pursuit of knowledge and austerity. "Brahma" refers to the penance she undertook, while "charini" means one who practices. She holds a rosary and a kamandalu (water pot), denoting her ascetic lifestyle. Devotees invoke her to seek guidance in their spiritual journey and to develop self-discipline. Through her grace, one learns the importance of restraint and commitment in attaining higher consciousness. Brahmacharini embodies the embodiment of dedication, inspiring seekers to tread the path of righteousness with determination.
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astrologerumesh · 6 months
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Goddess Brahmacharini, the second form of Goddess Durga, symbolizes the pursuit of knowledge, austerity, and self-discipline. Depicted as radiating peace and grace, she holds a rosary and kamandalu (water pot). Brahmacharini signifies the journey towards spiritual awakening through dedicated practice and restraint. Her name 'Brahmacharini' denotes the one who walks the path of 'Brahma' or the ultimate reality. Devotees worship her to seek guidance in their quest for truth and wisdom. By embodying virtues of determination and resilience, Goddess Brahmacharini inspires individuals to tread the path of righteousness, leading to inner fulfillment and enlightenment.
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