#kamakiri mun CANCELLED bc they....COMPLAIN AND WHINE like HAH! good luck making the headlines sUCKER!
tsume-awase · 4 years
mmm, i’m never sure how to respectfully voice feelings of insecurity (specifically wrt writing and character stuff) without making others uncomfortable or coming off as wildly passive aggressive? like i’m aware its good to be candid to a degree! but honestly there’s such a vicious cycle in my head of insecurity leading to inactivity leading to no interactions, repeat ad nauseum. and i’m fully aware that’s pretty much a me problem!! but then its like. well. congrats the problem is you. have fun...still being sad about it! 
idk i think my propensity to gravitate towards really small scale characters with very little initial interest can be a bit of a shot in the foot sometimes because like...it’s completely reasonable that people need REASONS to care and relate to that character. and if i’m not the one actively being like HEY HEY HI HI HELLO HELLO SO HERES THIS AND THAT AND THESE FOR IDEAS AND PLOTS AND RELATIONSHIPS then i’m essentially damming myself to WhoCaresville, and while i like...understand that completely i can’t help but be a big sad baby about it because i’m the only person who lives in WhoCaresville. Me. Mecaresville.
which Hurts, and sends me into some dramatic tizzy, packing my things into a 1950′s briefcase, donning my coat and hat and fleeing into the night like WELL FINE.....
wait drunk vent posts--...i don’t need them bc it can all literally be boiled down into this image holy shit 
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and i KNOW that’s not true!!! i just!! well it’s just a tricky situation out there! 
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