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Me and Bobby McGee - Angela Kalule (2006)
Here's an example of how a great song can travel the world: an unorthodox cover of this Kristofferson masterwork, recorded by Ugandan singer Angela Kalule for the OST of The Last King of Scotland.
RIP Kris.
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This is land for sale in Bombo Kalule measuring 10 acres. It is a prime property just near the main tarmac road and ideal for many purposes. FEATURES - Location: Kalule, Bombo - Acreage: 10 Acres - Tenure: Private mailo - PRICE: 35m Uganda Shillings per acre Agent: Kings Read the full article
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This is land for sale in Bombo Kalule measuring 10 acres. It is a prime property just near the main tarmac road and ideal for many purposes. FEATURES - Location: Kalule, Bombo - Acreage: 10 Acres - Tenure: Private mailo - PRICE: 35m Uganda Shillings per acre Agent: Kings Read the full article
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UNEB Directs Schools to Clear Arrears to Access 2024 PLE Results.
The Uganda National Examinations Board (UNEB) has instructed all schools with outstanding balances to clear their arrears before they can access the 2024 Primary Leaving Examination (PLE) results. UNEB Spokesperson Jennifer Kalule confirmed that the board has identified numerous schools with unpaid invoices, some dating back to as far as 2017. Kalule explained that schools with arrears will…
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Akakek Akekiìk Akukon Alasis Alesus Aliloìs Aloloìn Alolur Aloses Alukik Alulen Amamoìl Amomer Amomiùk Amomuùt Amonen Amusos Ananes Ananis Ananoùk Ananuìm Anasis Anenak Aninaùl Anonaìn Anonoùr Anorer Anotut Anusis Areriìm Arikak Arural Aselel Asosir Asumim Atateùt Atirer Atirir Atirur Atiteìt Atituùs Atulel Atunun Aturer Atutot
Ekekuk Ekukir Ekukoìs Elales Elarir Elelel Eleler Elemom Elimom Elitut Elolel Ememeìt Ememiùs Emilal Emimun Emimuìr Emusus Enakek Enanar Enasas Enasos Enelol Eneniìm Enikik Eninis Enonaìk Enuniìl Erareùn Ereriùs Erinon Eririùn Eruren Esakuk Esasaìn Esasiìn Eseses Esitet Esulal Esusuùt Esutet Etelul Etorar Etoses Etuton Ikakik Ikakul Ikerur Ilaleìk Ilaleùm Ilamim Ilesos Ilunen Imamaìn Imelel Imokak Imomam Imomon Imumaùn Inanin Inanoìr Ineniùk Inulil Irarar Iretat Irilal Iriruùm Irokek Iroses Isamum Isesiìm Isiseìn Isisit Isokuk Isoseùn Isotat Itarir Itetir Itetoìk Itisos Ititaùk Itutaìm Itutit Kakun Kalul Karor Kekaìr Kekaìt Kekik Kekun Kekuìn Kekuùs Kelul Kenan Kenun Kerar Kikak Kilil Kises Kokak Kokek Kokik Kokil Kolal Konun Koror Kukok Kukom Kunun Kurer Kuses Kutat Kutet Lalel Laleùl Lalil Lalor Lalum Lekak Lekok Lelal Lelam Lelol Lemum Leror Lileùt Liliùk Lilon Litet Lokak Lolol Lonen Losus Luleùt Luluìn Lunon Lutit Mamis Mamit Matot Mekik Memaìr Memem Memen Memer Metit Mikek Milol Mimem Mimir Mimuk Momeùl Momot Momoùm Morar Moror Motat Mulil Mulol Mulul Mumaìl Mumiùm Mumiùs Mumum Muror Mutit Nanaìl Nanet Naneùk Naniùl Nanos Nekek Nelal Nelol Nenaùk Nenen Neneùt Nenos Nenuk Nilel Nimom Ninaìt Nineùl Ninis Ninon Nirir Nirur Nisos Nokek Nomom Nonan Nonas Nonin Norar Numam Nunem Nuneìk Nunuìl Nurur Nuses Nutot Okakak Okamim Okelel Okenan Okikel Okinen Okokuk Okumim Okusas Olelot Ololam Omamiùs Omarer Omemil Omemiùr Omimoìn Omirur Omomor Omonun Omumin Omunun Onaner Onanuìn Onarar Onarir Onesis Onetet Ononol Ononuùr Oratet Ororeìl Osenon Osetut Osilel Osisim Ososal Osumam Otakok Otalel Otasis Oteror Otesus Otikek Otitot Otutet Rakek Ranan Raram Rareùs Raruk Rarur Rases Ratut Rekik Relel Rerer Retot Rirar Ririk Ririùt Riruìm Riruùm Roral Rorat Roreìr Roriìm Rosos Rukok Rumim Ruraìk Rurel Rurot Ruruùl Rutit Rutut Sakuk Sanan Sanun Sasas Sasis Sasul Sasun Sasut Sekik Sekuk Senen Senin Seror Sesas Sesom Sesoìt Sesus Sesuìn Sikuk Simam Sirar Sisaùl Sises Sisos Sisun Solol Sonun Sosos Sumam Sunun Surar Surur Suses Susoùm Sutat Takok Tamom Tanan Tanun Tatal Tataùr Tekuk Tenin Tetat Tetaìm Tetaùk Tetet Tetir Tetit Tikek Tikik Timim Timum Tinon Tisis Titar Titas Tituìk Totaìr Totek Totur Tulul Tumum Turor Tusas Tutat Tutiùr Tutun Tutur Ukakin Ukekim Ukesis Ukokal Ukolel Ukomem Ukotut Ukukaùm Ukukuùl Ulalal Ulalol Ulelor Ulelus Ulilil Ulimum Ulolon Umamaùk Umelil Umemet Umemeùt Umonun Umumam Umuses Unakak Unanon Unasos Unekuk Unenaùm Unirir Ununes Unusis Urareùk Urasos Urikok Urirak Urireìs Urokak Urolul Urotat Urotet Urunun Ururuìr Userer Usiseìm Usosaìn Usuror Utatiìt Utekek Utiror Utitoùn Utotin Utotos Utulol Utusus Ututoìs
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NUP Women’s League Rallies Support for Sultana Salim in Kisoro
(Kisoro) – The National Unity Platform’s (NUP) Women’s League concluded its campaign trail in Kisoro District with a series of engagements across key areas. Led by Hon. Flavia Kalule, the league visited several villages within Nyakabande Subcounty, including Gisorora village, Kagano trading center, Kanaba Parish, and Kifumba village. The group was met with a warm reception as they rallied the…
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Stop believing in young people - give them space to work!
You have spoken with very many young people. You have heard from so many youths, all your adult life. They carry very good ideas with them and fresh energy. Photo credit: Ssekitto Kalule Emmanuel Please don’t waste it; you won’t ever get something like it again! Stop believing in young people – give them space to work! You and I look forward to witnessing the results of their works and…
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Watch "Is God a Mortal or Spirit?" on YouTube
Sabaeic Word Of The Day
“The Origin”
1 We Arrived Upon This Planet Earth 450,000 Years Ago Once Again After Many Visits For Millions Of Years From Orion And Sirius.
2 We Transported Our Own Seeds Here Inside The Sea By Way Of The Dolphin 24,000,000 Years Ago And We Examine Them From Time To Time.
3 Just Who Was This Original People? The Original People Was The African Śans People, The Bush Men, The Black Race,The First People. We Return By Way of Cycles By The Time.
1 The Jubilee = Every (Kalul) 50,000 (Khamanu Afu) Years
2 The Equinox (Nadud) = Every 24,000 (Athanu Rabu Afu) Years
3 A Era (Zaman-un) = Every 12,000 (Athu Ashu Afu) Years
4 A World (Tapal-un) = Every 6,000 (Satu Afu) Years
5 A Day (Zamut-un) = Every 1,000 (Wahu Afu) Years
4 The Original People The San, Migrated outside From Africa Entering Arabia Some Of Them Stayed There Some Migrated Outside Entering India Some Of Them Stayed There Some Migrated Outside Entering Australia Settling There.
5 Mixing Seeds With Pleaidians Their Hair Became Fur Like Beast. Many Tried To Return Towards Africa, Some Did
6 But Was Ordered To Only Dwell Around The Outside Of Africa With Their Six Ether Fur.
7 Asiatic Blacks Of Them Only 60,000 Was Allowed To Enter, That Was 50,000 Years Ago. They Entered Around Places As Ethiopia (Kush), Sudan (Havilah), Somalia (Phut), Egypt (Mazram) And Around. Only Outside This Command Of The Nine (Tasu) Was Violated By Way Of The Arabs Entering Zanzibar (Zanibiya). They Are The Reds And Later The Whites Violated The Command Of The Nine.
8 Bringing The Blacks From Africa The 13th Tribe,The Children Of Horus (Harar) Called The Falcon (Bazaz) Son Of Osiris (Asar) And Isis (Ash-tat) Hebrew Strong’s #962 בִּזז BAZZ “To Take Away” and BAAZZ “Falcon” Arabic (Falco Peregrines) Falcon (Bakak) By Way Of Egipt (Khamat).
9 Now Sabaeans (Mus’bat-u) Read The Holy (Qadush) Tablet (Lawuh-aat) The Scientist (Mustawathee’ya) Tablet Four (Rabu) Again The Asiatic Black Man Is Mixed Seeds,The Indians The Brown Race And The Austrians The Brown Race And The Arabs The Brown And Red Races, Not The Original Black Man Who Has Nappy Hair, Not Fur Many Of Us Now Mixed By Way Of Rape And Mixing. This Has Affected Our Own Race, Our Minds And Bodies And Health. All Races Has Their Origin From Our Seed. The First World People.
#WhatIsFactology #wusabat #backtobasics #bahbahyaanun #yaanun #DrYork #FreeDrYork
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@kalimbas_ombu nos deleita con el sonido del dulcimer, instrumento celta de tres cuerdas y un sonido muy especial, ¡sobre todo si lo conectas a un delay! . . . . . . #iguannaenlaruta #dulcimer #kalimba #kalimbasombu #kalule #instrumentocelta #musicachilena #worldmusic #conce #concepcion #concepción #biobio #biobío #chile #rockchileno #folkchileno #folklore #folklorechileno #friends #visitingfriends #nocoronapanic #cuarentena #quarantine #quarantinelife #vidaencuarentena #pandemia #pandemia2020 #lávatelasmanos #washyourhands #lavatelasmanos @kalule_rock_concepcion (en Concepción, Región Bíobio, Chile) https://www.instagram.com/p/CB4U85fJ-HK/?igshid=16f8a823ab2hv
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Cyborg Photoshop manipulation
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Sandra Suubi is an eco-artist who turns plastic trash into creative art. The artist’s inspiration is based on the element of possibility, she explains: “When I look at a piece that might seem to have little or no value, I reuse it.” Suubi believes that if these materials stay with us, they must work for us.
In the Kampala Art Festival 2014, Suubi along with her brother Kalule Kagga Enock, built a giant structure which was placed on one of the boda bodas. The piece, “King of the Road,” was made out of reused plastic bottles and old boxes, and paid tribute to the Boda boss men for their contributions to the Ugandan economy. The project also served as a safety campaign encouraging the public to wear helmets on boda bodas.
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This is land for sale in Bombo Kalule measuring 10 acres. It is a prime property just near the main tarmac road and ideal for many purposes. FEATURES - Location: Kalule, Bombo - Acreage: 10 Acres - Tenure: Private mailo - PRICE: 35m Uganda Shillings per acre Agent: Kings Read the full article
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This is land for sale in Bombo Kalule measuring 10 acres. It is a prime property just near the main tarmac road and ideal for many purposes. FEATURES - Location: Kalule, Bombo - Acreage: 10 Acres - Tenure: Private mailo - PRICE: 35m Uganda Shillings per acre Agent: Kings Read the full article
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Secrets Emerge how and why Obote Chose Miria a Muganda - Senior Citizens Special Series.
Secrets Emerge how and why Obote Chose Miria a Muganda – Senior Citizens Special Series.
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Heeeere’s some lineart I did for my DnD group! Starring @trefoilalpenglow as Pine the Tabaxi Ranger, @happy-little-ghost as Kalul the Dragonborn Warlock, and me as both DM and crowd favorite, Merla Dappledown the Halfling Bard
I’m gonna color this later :3c
#dnd#dungeons and dragons#kaitlin#dani#me#merla dappledown#i fuckin love our little group#kalul#pine
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2024 PLE Exams Kick Off Smoothly
(Kampala) – The Uganda National Examinations Board (UNEB) has reported a smooth start to the Primary Leaving Examinations (PLE), with the first day of exams largely successful. Jeniffer Kalule, the principal communications officer for UNEB, highlighted that candidates across the country arrived on time, and examination materials were distributed as expected. Of the 798,771 candidates sitting for…
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