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artistaforever · 9 months ago
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new-haryanvi-ragni · 3 days ago
कौण कड़े तै ब्याह कै ल्याया | Rakesh Kaloi & Renu Sheoran | Haryanvi Ragn...
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ergundel · 2 years ago
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Art from my collection: Vampirella
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justinspoliticalcorner · 3 months ago
Stephanie Kaloi at The Wrap:
Kamala Harris isn’t planning to compromise when it comes to women’s reproductive freedom — even if she were to become president with a GOP-controlled congress. “I don’t think we should be making concessions when we are talking about a fundamental freedom to make decisions about your own body,” she told NBC News’ Hallie Jackson. [...]
This reality means that health care providers face legal consequences, she added, including “prison for life for doctors and nurses if they provide reproductive care.” Jackson also asked if Harris would extend “an olive branch” to Republicans like Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski, who have demonstrated they are receptive to some left-leaning reproductive legislation. “I’m not gonna engage in hypotheticals because we could go on a variety of scenarios. Let’s just start with a fundamental fact, a basic freedom has been taken from the women of America: the freedom to make decisions about their own body. And that cannot be negotiable, which is that we need to put back in the protections of Roe v Wade. And that is it,” Harris answered.
Speaking to NBC News’s Hallie Jackson Tuesday, Kamala Harris forthrightly said there will be no concessions to the GOP on abortion access.
From the 10.22.2024 edition of NBC News Now's Hallie Jackson Now:
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frollosversion · 5 months ago
my OCs steps in the meadowlark!
Jehan (Bear mask)
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Kaloy (Tree mask [similar to Kingsley's])
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Close ups! 🐻🌳✨
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jaspers-a-writer · 2 years ago
The Enonya live alongside other Cats in South Africa. They are Black-Footed Cats: the most efficient hunters in the Cat species. The name "Enonya" is from the Zulu word for "savage" or "relentless". In the early age of the Empire, Enonya were mainly ignored by the more powerful lions ruling the Delta. But when the wars with Rome, Spain, and France began, the Enonya were conscripted as metalsmiths. This is because the lions believed the Enonya could work magical properties into their weapons, which led to the forced conscription of Enonya across North Africa and Midian.
Those who remember the ancient trade routes between the British Isles and Israel (pre-Egiptian expansion) once believed Lyra the Prophet was descended from Enonya. She shared the yellow eyes Enonya also possessed. But this is not true. The Black-Footed Cats come from South Africa and are distributed throughout the Middle East and parts of northern Africa. Lyra is descended from Purring Cats indigenous to Israel, and although she shares the Enonya yellow eyes, her "mane" was longer and entirely black, and it was of the texture that she could keep it tied in African cornrows. Her yellow eyes are from her mixed-breed Irish genes, not her Israeli genes.
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An Egiptian lioness warrior. The outer tunic is inspired by the Dahomey Agojie, to show the spread of Egipt, the protective headscarf is inspired by contemporary Egyptian Muslim hijab. All else is from new kingdom Egyptian armor.
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Egiptian head covering, unlike the o Rom Aviva head covering of Eyrland, is not a religious obligation. O Rom Aviva Cats of all sexes cover their heads to symbolize self-value. Only the lionesses in Egipt cover their heads, and it's because unlike males, they don't have a mane to protect their neck from the African sun. A lioness without a scarf is like being without an umbrella during a downpour.
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fraoula-me-psyxologika · 2 months ago
Είσαι από τα λίγα gender non conforming άτομα που έχω βρει από Ελλάδα στο Tumblr προς στιγμήν. Θελω να γνωρίσω γενικώς κόσμο αυτή την περίοδο οπότε:
Χειι, πώς είσαι ?
ligoi kai kaloi xaxaxa
heyy😌 ligaki dyskola teleutaia alla thn paleuw esy?
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sup4cid-g-1rl · 11 months ago
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timelines shift all the time based on the choices that we make and it happens every single 10th of second. we're literally creating as we speak right now. le te bejme zgjedhje te vetëdijshme dhe formulojme ose riformulojme mendime te vetedijshme, sepse ne momentin qe nje pordh mendimi leshohet ajo mberrin tek personi/eventi/takimi i rradhes e reflektohet pas tek ty ne menyre subkoshiente dhe koshiente ne menyre shkak-pasoje. pra nese mendojme negativisht per dike ato vale energjitike ngelen ne auren e personit dhe ndikojne ne cilesine e jetes se vet. e pikerisht kjo gje reflektohet pas tek ne sepse edhe nese personi nuk e kupton kete gje, ne menyre subkoshiente e kupton, deri sa stimulohet mjaftushem sa per tu kthyer pas tek ty ne menyre koshiente. ama dhe nese ajo nuk kthehet ne menyre koshiente nga personi, mendimi qe ti ke leshuar ka terhequr nje pasoje negative tek dikush tjeter qe nuk supozohej te ndodhte, e shkaku je ti! ndaj ne "terheqim negativitet", sepse leshojme negativitet padashur shpeshhere dhe ato falen, mjafton te kemi deshiren ti riformulojme ne menyre koshiente. WE HAVE FREE WILL, AS WE DANCE IN THE UNIVERSAL HARMONY. Rick and Morty speaking of reality with the timelines.
𖡹 storytime 𖣠
kete gje e vura re dhe para disa kohesh me nje person me te cilin jam shume rehat por ndodhi nje situate ne te cilen une kam patur nje eksperience te perseritur me disa persona te tjere dhe kete gje e mendova dhe mendova dhe mendova shume here sesi kishte ndodhur perpara dhe sesi "mund" te ndodhte dhe tani. e pas disa kohesh teksa afrohesha te takoja personin, rruges duke ecur ndjeva sesi ndjesine e mia filluan te ndryshonin... ishte e cuditshme dhe e frikshme sepse ishte AJO ndjesia. e ne nje moment mendova, prit...po une isha shume lart sot ne gjendje si ndodhi kjo krejt papritur. e teksa i afrohesha me shume personit tjeter luftoja kete ndjenje dhe mendoja sesi kjo ishte e mundur qe kisha interferuar ne timeline-in tim. e vazhdon biles hahahah, pasi kaloi pjesa qe une vete kisha orkestruar prej kohesh ne koken time (e cila ishte shume shpejt, diku tek 3 minuta) takimi jone u kthye ne normalitet. pse? sepse vete une kisha kaluar mund te them me ore te tera ne lufte me mendjen time, pa mundur te riformuloj nje fjali mendimi per te ndryshuar kete histori. me sakt disa fjali... disa fjali bindese te bazuara ne informacione. dhe e gjithe ajo fuqi dhe kohe mendore e harxhuar per 3 minuta realitet, ah po.. + 7 minutshin e rruges aty hahhaha. mire qe nuk e kisha cuar imagjinaten me tutje se do e kisha menderosur fare pastaj hahahaha.
jam e lumtur ta ndaj kete histori per here te pare me ju!
this is basically what cause and effect is on my prespective. use discernment for this information and only take what you feel is true for you!
uroj ta keni shijuar dhe t'ju kete infiltruar ndonje mendim te ri ne dritat tuaja te bukura🤍.
Shadow's Lady
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Poison Ivy by Kaloy Costa
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artistaforever · 1 year ago
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Shaira and Kaloy at a Haunted House
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pollonegro666 · 2 years ago
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2023/03/18 Fuimos recorriendo tanto las estancias más profesionales del artista como las más personales, donde descansaba y disfrutaba del tiempo con su mujer en un ambiente lleno de arte.
We went through both the most professional rooms of the artist and the most personal, where he rested and enjoyed time with his wife in an atmosphere full of art.
Google Translation into French: Nous avons traversé à la fois les chambres les plus professionnelles de l'artiste et les plus personnelles, où il s'est reposé et a passé du temps avec sa femme dans une atmosphère pleine d'art.
Google translation into Italian: Abbiamo attraversato le stanze più professionali e personali dell'artista, dove si è riposato e ha trascorso del tempo con sua moglie in un'atmosfera piena di arte.
Google Translation into Portuguese: Passamos pelos aposentos mais profissionais e pessoais do artista, onde ele descansou e conviveu com a esposa em um ambiente repleto de arte.
Google Translation into German: Wir gingen durch die professionellsten und persönlichsten Räume des Künstlers, wo er sich ausruhte und Zeit mit seiner Frau in einer Atmosphäre voller Kunst verbrachte.
Google Translation into Albanisch: Kemi shëtitur nëpër hapësirat më profesionale dhe personale të artistit, ku ai pushoi dhe kaloi kohë me bashkëshorten e tij në një atmosferë plot art.
Google Translation into Armenian: Մենք քայլեցինք ��կարչի ամենապրոֆեսիոնալ և անձնական տարածքներով, որտեղ նա հանգստացավ և ժամանակ անցկացրեց կնոջ հետ արվեստով լի մթնոլորտում։
Google Translation into Bulgarian: Разходихме се из най-професионалните и лични пространства на художника, където той почиваше и прекарваше време със съпругата си в атмосфера, изпълнена с изкуство.
Google Translation into Czech: Procházeli jsme umělcovými nejprofesionálnějšími i nejosobnějšími prostory, kde odpočíval a trávil čas se svou ženou v atmosféře plné umění.
Google Translation into Croatian: Prošetali smo kroz umjetnikove najprofesionalnije i najosobnije prostore u kojima se odmarao i provodio sa suprugom u atmosferi punoj umjetnosti.
Google Translation into Danish Vi gik gennem kunstnerens mest professionelle og personlige rum, hvor han hvilede sig og tilbragte tid med sin kone i en atmosfære fuld af kunst.
Google Translation into Slovak: Prechádzali sme sa po umelcových najprofesionálnejších a najosobnejších priestoroch, kde oddychoval a trávil čas s manželkou v atmosfére plnej umenia.
Google Translation into Slovenian: Sprehodili smo se skozi umetnikove najbolj profesionalne in osebne prostore, kjer je počival in preživljal čas z ženo v atmosferi, polni umetnosti.
Google Translation into Estonian: Jalutasime läbi kunstniku kõige professionaalsematest ja isiklikumatest ruumidest, kus ta kunstist tulvil õhkkonnas puhkas ja abikaasaga aega veetis.
Google Translation into Suomi: Kävelimme taiteilijan ammattimaisimpien ja persoonallisimpien tilojen läpi, joissa hän lepäsi ja vietti aikaa vaimonsa kanssa taiteen täynnä olevassa ilmapiirissä.
Google Translation into Greek: Περπατήσαμε στους πιο επαγγελματικούς και προσωπικούς χώρους του καλλιτέχνη, όπου ξεκουράστηκε και πέρασε χρόνο με τη γυναίκα του σε μια ατμόσφαιρα γεμάτη τέχνη.
Google Translation into Dutch: We liepen door de meest professionele en persoonlijke ruimtes van de kunstenaar, waar hij uitrustte en tijd doorbracht met zijn vrouw in een sfeer vol kunst.
Google Translation into Norwegian: Vi gikk gjennom kunstnerens mest profesjonelle og personlige rom, hvor han hvilte og tilbrakte tid med sin kone i en atmosfære full av kunst.
Google Translation into Polish: Przeszliśmy przez najbardziej zawodowe i osobiste przestrzenie artysty, gdzie odpoczywał i spędzał czas z żoną w przepełnionej sztuką atmosferze.
Google Translation into Romanian: Ne-am plimbat prin cele mai profesionale și personale spații ale artistului, unde s-a odihnit și a petrecut cu soția sa într-o atmosferă plină de artă.
Google Translation into Russian: Мы прошлись по самым профессиональным и личным помещениям художника, где он отдыхал и проводил время с женой в атмосфере, полной искусства.
Google Translation into Serbian: Прошетали смо уметниковим најпрофесионалнијим и најличнијим просторима, где се одмарао и проводио време са супругом у атмосфери пуној уметности.
Google Translation into Swedish: Vi gick genom konstnärens mest professionella och personliga utrymmen, där han vilade och tillbringade tid med sin fru i en atmosfär full av konst.
Google Translation into Turkish: Sanat dolu bir atmosferde dinlenip eşiyle vakit geçirdiği sanatçının en profesyonel ve kişisel alanlarından geçtik.
Google Translation into Ukrainian: Ми пройшлися найбільш професійними та особистими просторами художника, де він відпочивав і проводив час зі своєю дружиною в атмосфері, сповненій мистецтва.
Google Translation into Arabic: تجولنا في أكثر مساحات الفنان احترافية وشخصية ، حيث استراح وقضى الوقت مع زوجته في جو مليء بالفن.
Google Translation into Bengali: আমরা শিল্পীর সবচেয়ে পেশাদার এবং ব্যক্তিগত স্থানগুলির মধ্য দিয়ে হেঁটেছি, যেখানে তিনি বিশ্রাম নিয়েছেন এবং শিল্পে পূর্ণ পরিবেশে তার স্ত্রীর সাথে সময় কাটিয়েছেন।
Google Translation into Simplified Chinese: 我们走过这位艺术家最专业、最私人的空间,在充满艺术气息的氛围中,他在那里休息,与妻子共度时光。
Google Translation into Korean: 우리는 작가의 가장 프로페셔널하고 사적인 공간을 걸으며 예술적인 분위기 속에서 아내와 휴식을 취하고 시간을 보냈습니다.
Google Translation into Hebrew: טיילנו במרחבים המקצועיים ו��אישיים ביותר של האמן, שם נח ובילה עם אשתו באווירה מלאת אמנות.
Google Translation into Hindi: हम कलाकार के सबसे अधिक पेशेवर और व्यक्तिगत स्थानों से गुज़रे, जहाँ उन्होंने आराम किया और कला से भरे माहौल में अपनी पत्नी के साथ समय बिताया।
Google Translation into Indonesian: Kami berjalan melalui ruang paling profesional dan pribadi sang seniman, tempat ia beristirahat dan menghabiskan waktu bersama istrinya dalam suasana yang penuh seni.
Google Translation into Japanese: 私たちはアーティストの最もプロフェッショナルで個人的な空間を歩き回りました。そこで彼は休息し、芸術に満ちた雰囲気の中で妻と時間を過ごしました。
Google Translation into Kyrgyz: Биз сүрөтчүнүн эң профессионалдык жана жеке мейкиндиктерин кыдырып, ал жерде эс алып, жубайы менен чыгармачылыкка толгон атмосферада убакыт өткөрдүк.
Google Translation into Malay: Kami berjalan melalui ruang paling profesional dan peribadi artis, di mana dia berehat dan menghabiskan masa bersama isterinya dalam suasana penuh seni.
Google Translation into Mongolian: Бид уран бүтээлчийн хамгийн мэргэжлийн болон хувийн орон зайгаар нь алхаж, эхнэртэйгээ уран бүтээлээр дүүрэн уур амьсгалд амарч, цагийг өнгөрөөлөө.
Google Translation into Nepali: हामी कलाकारको सबैभन्दा व्यावसायिक र व्यक्तिगत ठाउँहरू मार्फत हिंड्यौं, जहाँ उनले आराम गरे र कलाले भरिएको वातावरणमा आफ्नी पत्नीसँग समय बिताए।
Google Translation into Panjabi: ਅਸੀਂ ਕਲਾਕਾਰ ਦੇ ਸਭ ਤੋਂ ਪੇਸ਼ੇਵਰ ਅਤੇ ਨਿੱਜੀ ਸਥਾਨਾਂ ਵਿੱਚੋਂ ਲੰਘੇ, ਜਿੱਥੇ ਉਸਨੇ ਆਰਾਮ ਕੀਤਾ ਅਤੇ ਕਲਾ ਨਾਲ ਭਰਪੂਰ ਮਾਹੌਲ ਵਿੱਚ ਆਪਣੀ ਪਤਨੀ ਨਾਲ ਸਮਾਂ ਬਿਤਾਇਆ।
Google Translation into Pashtun: موږ د هنرمند ترټولو مسلکي او شخصي ځایونو ته لاړو ، چیرې چې هغه استراحت وکړ او د هنر څخه ډکه فضا کې یې له خپلې میرمنې سره وخت تیر کړ.
Google Translation into Persian: در حرفه ای ترین و شخصی ترین فضاهای این هنرمند قدم زدیم و او در فضایی پر از هنر در کنار همسرش استراحت کرد و زمانی را سپری کرد.
Google Translation into Sundanese: Kami ngalangkungan rohangan anu paling profésional sareng pribadi artis, dimana anjeunna istirahat sareng nyéépkeun waktos sareng pamajikanana dina suasana anu pinuh ku seni.
Google Translation into Tagalog: Naglakad kami sa pinakapropesyonal at personal na mga puwang ng artist, kung saan siya nagpahinga at gumugol ng oras kasama ang kanyang asawa sa isang kapaligirang puno ng sining.
Google Translation into Thai: เราเดินผ่านพื้นที่ส่วนตัวและเป็นมืออาชีพที่สุดของศิลปิน ที่ซึ่งเขาพักผ่อนและใช้เวลากับภรรยาในบรรยากาศที่เต็มไปด้วยศิลปะ
Google Translation into Urdu: ہم فنکار کی انتہائی پیشہ ورانہ اور ذاتی جگہوں سے گزرے، جہاں اس نے آرام کیا اور فن سے بھرپور ماحول میں اپنی بیوی کے ساتھ وقت گزارا۔
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new-haryanvi-ragni · 2 months ago
इसा रंगकाट मुकाबला कदे देखा नहीं होगा | rakesh kaloi vs ranbir badwasani...
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balshumetsbaragouin · 2 years ago
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Title: Journey to the West
Finished this one in March of last year...some personal things happened then which threw me off my art making game for a good chunk of the year, but I'm doing better now.
It was fun working on a piece this large, and I do love Dragonball. Thanks to Kaloy-costa of deviantart for the amazing lines!
Original Lines: https://www.deviantart.com/kaloy-costa/art/Goku01-784485991
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orgismenh · 11 months ago
nai nai nai nai nai
Pantws epeidh xalasan ta akoustika mou skefthka oti tha mporousate oloi eseis oi kaloi mou mutuals ws dwro gia ta genethlia mou na mou dwsete apo ena € gia na parw kainouria akoustika 💁🏻‍♀️
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xhemilbeharaj · 1 day ago
Gjoksi i një 19 veçareje në Kanada u rrit katër herë më shumë pasi ajo mori vaksinën Pfizer kundër Covid 19
Gjoksi i një gruaje u zmadhua në mënyrë dramatike pas marrjes së vaksinës Covid, që shënon rastin e parë të këtij lloji në botë 19-vjeçarja nga Kanadaja kaloi nga masa B në masën G, e trefishtë brenda gjashtë muajve pasi mori dy doza të vaksinës. Ajo mori dozën e parë të vaksinës Pfizer Covid në shtator të vitit 2022, dhe menjëherë pas kësaj ndjeu një ndjesi shpimi dhe një zmadhim të lehtë të…
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