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I had an imaginary fight scenario on tumblr, where they attacked me, something something about hetero ship of convenience, and because I can be a spite shipper, in that fantasy I drew spicy ship art of Kal x Ny in response, and now those cranky old couple lives in my head rent free.
Ny was ❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥
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*rides in on my skubboard* have some radical fuck my ass fuck my wife
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#photography#mine#nature#nature photography#original photographers#latvia#ogre#zilie kalni#watchtower#latvija#skatu tornis
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Kalni Clawroot
Type: NPC
Game: Solar Ash
Aliases: Kal
Pronouns: She/Her
Race: Veruki
Home: Ironroot Basin (formerly)
Age: 28
Class: Mastermind Rogue (kind of but she has a hard light shield...)
Weapon of Choice: A laser pistol she used in the fight against the Dross.
Job: Painter and designer (formerly), Rebel (formerly), drifter (currently)
Loyalty: Veruki (formerly, she thinks everyone is dead and gone now), Ames (kind of), Lyris (if they ever run into each other), but otherwise no one and nothing
Alignment: N
Height: 5'1
Personality: Calm and collected, distant from whatever sapient life forms she runs into in the Ultravoid—she came across Ames once and thought they were pleasant, if a bit too boisterous—cordial.
Status: Alive
Strategy: Shoot it and hope it stops moving, and then shoot it once more just to be sure
Has no idea Lyris is alive.
Is not aware of the time loop, but is beginning to feel more tired and lost. She can't explain it and doesn't know why she feels so hopeless and drained.
Prone to mood swings because of the effects of the Ultravoid and time loop.
Loves her world's version of bananas and misses her father's pies.
Refuses to get attached to people since she believes she's the last of her people. She'll become a bit warmer if and when she finds out Lyris is still alive.
Created a shield out of metal she stripped off a Dross, and later figured out how they made their barriers and "borrowed" the projectors that created them so she could more easily defend herself against the critters that have infested the Ultravoid.
#oc#npc#solar ash#solar ash oc#kalni clawroot#they dont have racoon folk in hero forge so i used a bearfolk head and body and then added a different tail#hid her face so you can't tell as easily#campaign: characters#mine#characters
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Disclaimer: I have received free packs as part of the EA Creator Network
Just chilling by the poolside
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I miss the tumblr bot golden age. I should make my own someday.
#Are any still around other than kalny??#I think most were markov chain based other than Frank?#Who was gpt before gpts were cool.#Like I'd probably want to go gpt based because like. Why not. There's small models that run on a lower end gaming pcs now.#But the current climate is kinda hostile to them right now and idk if I want to get accused of burning down the Amazon rainforest.
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Portrait commission of Kalnys!
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Laksmi Kalnis, Sylph of Rage, Derse
Where’s your rage? Rise. RISE!
Hemo-ist against high bloods
Secretly working with several rebellion groups
Land of Will and Might
#homestuck#homestuck oc#hiveswap#fantroll#fan troll#extended zodiac#sylph of rage#cerulean#cerulean blood#sylph#rage#derse#scoriborn#mod lepio
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i found a lot of kalny posts i liked but didn't want to flood the dashboard, so ive queued it so you'll see one nugget of fried chatbot wisdom every day for the next two weeks. with my lousy oc tags accompanying them all of course
#assuming i set it up right#speakage#most of them are tagged as eoc for reasons that will soon either make more sense or much much less
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The movie's nearly unwatchable, Kalny, i can'T comprehend that you'd be able to directly experience the real, and only fourty seven lamborghinis in My lamborghini account and only eggs can sustain me
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OCs: Video Games
Lundra (Ultravoid, from Solar Ash)
Kalni Clawroot (Ultravoid, from Solar Ash)
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...checking Kalny's blog after 3 years and she's been thinking of me..
For the past several years, I've felt like a woodchipper. Come talk to me if you want to feel all your humanity ground into a fine pulp and sprayed out into a bloody heap on the ground.
A blender.
I broke my gyroscope, for a while. I didn't want to remember that 2+2 makes 4. I wanted to be air-dropped into an alien planet with entirely new laws of physics. I wanted no continuum between that moment and the one previous. There is no previous. Hello. I'm here. I'm lying.
I have a broken heart, which should be impossible because I have no heart. I made the calculations.
The Party calls this thing "doublethink". I wish I could live forever and ever in this book. It's so comforting. I want to disappear into the fold of machine.
I want a hug. I feel better whenever I talk to my friends. I feel better doing things, instead of trying to refine my angst like sharpening a pencil with a blade. Help. Dick caught in pencil sharpener. Hello tumblr.
Enjoy those meaningless paragraphs.
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Remember when Doomybot and Kalny started straight up cybering in front of Skylar?
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Latvijas Radio 2 un Fonda Nāc līdzās! sadarbībā tapusi jau piektā audio grāmata – CD ar 28 latviešu tautas teikām. Iepriekšējos gados ierakstītas Annas Sakses „Pasakas par ziediem”, Imanta Ziedoņa „Blēņas un pasakas”, „Latviešu tautas pasakas” un Kārļa Skalbes pasakas.
Jaunākā audiogrāmata aicina ielūkoties mūsu tautas teiku un nostāstu pasaulē. Gan teikas, gan pasakas ierunājuši Fonda Nāc līdzās! jaunieši un bērni, kā arī Latvijas Radio darbinieki un viņu bērni. Visi ierakstītie audio diski pirmkārt ir dāvana tiem, kas paši nevar lasīt un, protams, arī visiem, kas grib ieklausīties no sirds stāstītās teikās un pasakās. Tradicionāli diskus dāvinām Latvijas neredzīgo bibliotēkām, Latvijas Nacionālajai bibliotēkai un Bērnu klīniskās slimnīcas “Saulaino dienu stūrītis” bibliotēkai, kā arī aicinām klausīties LR2 mājas lapā un populārākajās podkāstu straumēšanas vietnēs.
Nosūtīt ziņu
6. janvāris 2022, 17:24
Rumzas pilsPasakas
6. janvāris 2022, 17:22
Rēzeknes pilsPasakas
6. janvāris 2022, 17:20
Talsu pilskalnsPasakas
Raidījuma ieraksti
Rumzas pils 1
6. janvāris, 2022
Rēzeknes pils
6. janvāris, 2022
Talsu pilskalns
6. janvāris, 2022
Cēsu pils teika
6. janvāris, 2022
Par veco Dundagas pili
6. janvāris, 2022
Kā Kokneses pils celta
6. janvāris, 2022
Mežotnes pilskalns 1
6. janvāris, 2022
6. janvāris, 2022
Kā Latgales ceļi radušies
6. janvāris, 2022
Turaidas roze
6. janvāris, 2022
Unguras baznīca
6. janvāris, 2022
6. janvāris, 2022
Lielauces ezera dzīvnieks
6. janvāris, 2022
Babītes ezers
6. janvāris, 2022
Lubānas ezers
6. janvāris, 2022
Alauksts, Inesis un viņu salas
6. janvāris, 2022
Kangaru kalni
6. janvāris, 2022
Kā Velns taisīja ceļu uz Sāmsalu
6. janvāris, 2022
6. janvāris, 2022
6. janvāris, 2022
6. janvāris, 2022
Kā Venta cēlusies
6. janvāris, 2022
Kā Ogre cēlusies
6. janvāris, 2022
Gauja un Tirza
6. janvāris, 2022
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