few-favorite-things · 4 years
বন্ধ থাকবে গর্ভগৃহ দর্শন, ১০০ দিনের ব্যবধানে খুলছে কালীঘাট মন্দির | kalight temple will open after 100 days due to corona pandemic | coronavirus-latest-news
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পয়লা জুলাই সকাল ছ’টায় ভক্তদের জন্য খুলে দেওয়া হবে মন্দিরের দরজা ।
#কলকাতা: ভক্ত সাধারণের জন্য সুখবর । অবশেষে খুলছে কালীঘাট মন্দির । আগামী ১ জুলাই থেকে ভক্তকুলের জন্য কালীঘাট মন্দিরের দরজা খুলে দেওয়া হবে । শনিবার কালীঘাট থানার আধিকারিকদের সঙ্গে মন্দির কমিটির বৈঠকের পর মন্দির খোলার দিনক্ষণ চূড়ান্ত হয় ।
প্রাথমিকভাবে চলতি সপ্তাহে মন্দির খোলার…
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dissolving-mansion · 2 years
Searching "toxic jonmartin" returned nothing but disk horse so I will now be raiding the jonelias tag for my angst and drama 😔
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kekisu · 4 years
average m*kalight fan
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t4tlawlight · 5 years
canon m*kalight is so creepy like it's so one sided. just by virtue of light being Mikami's God Figure like. are U gonna say no if your god asks to hook up? no! never! and that's gross.
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sftd-official · 6 years
With so many new additions and personalities added to the group is everyone really so open-armed about the Chosen (and friends, lol) coming onboard the Avenger? Has there been any conflict as of yet? Maybe even hilarious "incidents"? (Just discovered SFTD, amazing work btw)
Obviously not. I haven’t panned over into a few of the faction soldier’s directions yet, but Arsozu ain’t exactly the happiest to know the Hunter, his sworn enemy, is batting for XCOM. Kalight’s got worries about what the Warlock might want to do with Eliza’s unique psionics--and though Mox is open-minded, he’s still wary of the Assassin. Elena’s wary of the Hunter, too. Remember those two psions Jax described in Ch29? Benald and Pattie, the ship’s resident troublemakers and rumor-spreaders. They’re cautious of the Chosen, but see dealing with them as a challenge to be taken on.
As for conflict, well, Wiki changed her colors for a reason, and now knows not to appear suddenly around Roland. Even amongst the “friends,” there’s tension. On here, Wiki’s disdain of Specters is known, though Schro just wants to make good by everyone. Things might heat up here, in a chapter or so.
And thank you! It’s nice to know I’m still reaching out to new people this deep into SFTD... though, really, we’re still only at the end of the beginning of the story! There’s still a lot to do with everyone.
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redlikelove · 6 years
northeasternwind replied to your post: northeasternwind replied to your photo: ...
…do mox and Elena report back with The Gossip
OH ABSOLUTELY. Elena and Mox are the Reaper’s and Skirmisher’s view into the Resistance. Since the Templars don’t have a canon member to pass out, I’m assigning that role to Kalight “Vanguard” Van Steel, who will show up like, two chapters from now. So Van Steel definitely also passes along the gossip.
Volk’s sore as hell. First the Hunter beats him up and now they’re working together to make sure probably their biggest competition doesn’t spend too much time with her? This is some bullshit. Commander I’m requesting one of the Chosen on the next mission for reasons. Send the Hunter if you want. I want a round two.
Betos is amused. So the Commander has indeed found a way for the Chosen to work together as a group--to fight over her and guard her from any other suitors. Well, we would have to see about that. Commander, I have some information I do not trust to pass over connections that could be tampered with. Would you mind coming here in person?
Geist is angery. Like you said, he never learned how to be nice to girls if you like them, so during Resistance meetings, he’s a lot more ornery. Commander you’re just unprofessional in general, how can I be expected to work with this? Clearly we need to have more talks to straighten this out. More Covert Ops with us or I’m PULLING SUPPORT. My name may or may not have been Argentina in a previous life.
Commander’s stressed with Geist in particular and the Chosen pick up on this. Geist gets a very intimidating message over the Resistance comms when he next picks up the line, thinking it’s the Commander. Suddenly Geist gets a whole lot more cooperative. Huh. That’s neat.
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hemusartblog · 6 years
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#100DaysofTeaBagArt | Day-47 | Traditional Indian Folk Art Forms | Kalighat Paintings Pen and ink, watercolors, silver pen, and gouache on used @bigelowtea teabag Kalighat painting or Kalight Pat originated in 19th century Bengal, in the vicinity of Kalighat Kali temple, in Calcutta, India. They were initially souvenir items for visitors of the Kali temple but over time, it developed to be a distinct school of Indian painting. Its main depictions initially were mythological characters, Hindu gods and later went on to be acommentary of everyday Indian social life (e.g. the hypocritical lives of the quasi-bourgeois, or the evolving roles of men and women in the society since the emphasis on women’s education etc). In the 19th century, Bengal’s primary flourishing art school was that traditional art of scroll paintings done on cloth or ‘patas’, showing religious deities. The artists who did them travelled from one place to next and sang the scenes told the stories during social gatherings. They were called ‘patuas’ or ‘painters on cloth’, usually said to be half Hindu and half Muslim, and practiced Islam. The British set up European style of academic art training under their rule, which attracted the patuas which brought about the Kalighat School— a unique blend of the ‘Oriental’ (religious/mythological depictions) and the ‘Occidental’ (everyday social life) styles of painting. Kalighat was particularly powerful as it was art that the common man could relate to and appreciate, and was thus ahead of its time. Other than motifs, these paintings use basic colors made as homemade dyes (indigo, blue, black, yellow, red, and green). Only for ornamentation would artisans use silver and gold. #teabagart #KalighatPainting #100daysofteabagartbyhemu (at Kalighat)
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kekisu · 4 years
*sees m/kalight* *winces*
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sftd-official · 6 years
With Edgar running around, are we going to see other soldiers trying newer unique fighting styles?
Kalight’s already trying to innovate with his sword-and-shield approach to the typical dual blades on offer for Templars. He finds it deflects gunfire a lot better, and having a shield already prepped  helps for  cross-countering Mutons. Benald and Pattie’s powers largely work in conjunction with each other, and they’ve even got slightly different styles to usual PsiOp tactics than normal. There’s innovation in there, yeah, but it’s hard to knock what works.
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