earthstory · 7 years
natgeo@natgeo @stevewinterphoto A pride of lions takes a stroll on one of Tswalu Kalahari Reserve’s dirt roads. Do you know that lions can live in a variety of habitats ranging from deserts, moist savannas and grasslands? But they need prey and big prey! Lions usually snack on species such as zebra, wildebeest, Cape buffalo, kudu and even giraffe. That’s the price you have to pay for being a big cat – you need a lot of food! On Tswalu lions love to tuck into Gemsbuck and blue wildebeest! We need to protect African lions and other big cats because they are the apex predators in ecosystems. Did you know that if we lose apex predators then populations of prey animals can increase, plants can be over utilized and this can even de-stabilize river banks! Remember everything in nature is interconnected. National Geographic’s Big Cats Initiative is working towards the conservation of African lions, leopards and cheetahs across Africa. Increasing anti-poaching efforts, installing protective bomas to stop lion-cattle conflict and monitoring big cats numbers with camera traps. Visit https://www.nationalgeographic.org/projects/big-cats-initiative/ to find out how you can help save big cats today, and remember by saving apex predators like lions and tigers we keep ecosystems balanced and healthy!
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