#kala gond
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Ayurveda Kala Gond
Ayurvedic Kala Gond is also recognized for its role in supporting joint and bone health. Its anti-inflammatory properties make it a valuable remedy for managing arthritis and joint pain. By reducing inflammation and promoting joint lubrication, Ayurvedic Kala Gond helps in easing discomfort and improving mobility. It is frequently combined with other Ayurvedic ingredients, such as ghee (clarified butter), to enhance its effectiveness in treating joint-related ailments
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Kala Gond | Kala Gond Capsule | Original Kala Gond
Kala Gond is a style of tribal art that originates from the Gond tribes of central India, primarily from the states of Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh. The Gond people are known for their vibrant and intricate artwork that often depicts nature, animals, and mythological themes. Kala Gond's art is characterized by its use of bold lines, dots, and intricate patterns. It is often created using natural materials like charcoal, plant sap, and colored pigments.
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Kala Gond
Experience the wholesome benefits of Kala Gond, a premium blend crafted by Vardhan Ayurvedic & Herbals Medicines Pvt Ltd. Packed with natural ingredients like Ashwagandha and Satawari, Kala Gond supports vitality, digestion, and joint health. This Ayurvedic formula helps enhance energy, promotes relaxation, and strengthens immunity, making it an excellent addition to your daily routine. Enjoy the delicious taste and health benefits of this traditional remedy. Perfect for all body types, it’s your natural solution for wellness. Visit Vardhan's website for more information and to purchase this enriching product.
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Kala Gond | Siyah Gond | काला गोंड | गोंग सियाह #jayherbs
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Indian Folk Art: A Kaleidoscope of Regional Artistic Traditions
India has diverse cultures and traditions, and its art reflects the same. Indian folk art, also known as 'Lok Kala,' is an umbrella term encompassing many regional art forms. These artwork from India are deeply rooted in the region's culture and traditions and are passed down through generations.
Indian folk art is unique in its style and technique, and each region has its distinct style. Some popular forms of Indian folk art include Madhubani from Bihar, Warli from Maharashtra, Pattachitra from Odisha, and traditional Gond art from Madhya Pradesh.
Madhubani art, also known as Mithila art, originated in the Mithila region of Bihar. This art from India is characterized by intricate patterns and designs, usually depicting scenes from Hindu mythology, nature, and everyday life. Women traditionally create Madhubani art, and the colors are derived from natural sources.
Warli art is an Indian tribal art form that originated in the Warli region of Maharashtra. This Indian painting is known for its simple yet elegant designs, usually depicting scenes from everyday life. Using geometric shapes and lines is a hallmark of Warli art, usually created using white paint on a brown or red background.
Pattachitra art is a traditional art from India. Its name comes from the Sanskrit words 'Patta', meaning canvas, and 'Chitra', meaning painting. This Indian painting is characterized by its intricate details and bright colors. Pattachitra art usually depicts scenes from Hindu mythology and is created using natural colors and brushes made from animal hair.
Gond art is a tribal art form that originated in the Gond region of Madhya Pradesh. This art from India is characterized by its intricate patterns and designs, depicting scenes from nature and everyday life. Gond art uses bright colors and intricate detailing, usually depicting animals and birds.
Indian folk art is a form of expression and a way of life for many people. These art forms are usually created using natural materials. They are deeply connected to the cultural and religious practices of the region. Moreover, many of these art forms have been passed down through generations. They are an integral part of the local traditions.
In recent years, Indian folk art has gained popularity in India and on the global stage. Many artists and collectors now recognize these art forms' unique style and beauty. Indian folk art has also found its way into contemporary art. Many Indian artists incorporate traditional techniques into their modern works.
In conclusion, Indian folk art is a rich tapestry of regional artistic traditions that have evolved over centuries. The uniqueness of these art forms lies in their ability to tell stories and depict scenes from everyday life using intricate patterns and designs. If you love art and culture, exploring Indian folk art can be a fascinating and enriching experience.
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Aloe vera has many medicinal properties, which along with enhancing our beauty, takes great care of our health as well. This is a plant that has been used since ancient times. Health experts say that due to the medicinal properties of aloe vera, if one uses it regularly on a regular basis, then it can remain healthy. It contains some vitamins, acids and minerals which help to keep us away from many diseases.
Aloe vera gum is also known as Kala Gond, Gond Siyah, Elwa Asli which provides many benefits to our body and it is available on many jadibuti stores.
The use of aloe vera is known to be very beneficial for patients with diabetes. Research related to the disease revealed that consuming it works as a medicine for diabetes patients. Consuming its juice can reduce the level of blood sugar and it also helps in reducing the problem of diabetes.
With the help of aloe vera, relief can be found in many skin problems. There are many benefits of using aloe vera. Problems like wrinkles, pimples, spots and scars can be corrected with the use of aloe vera. If you use aloe vera gel on your face, then you can get rid of all these diseases soon. You will also feel a bright face and freshness.
You can use aloe vera for beautiful and shiny hair. With this help, hair loss can be got rid of other problems related to hair besides pimples, dry and lifeless hair.
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Babool Phali - Acacia Nolotica
Babool is also known as the “Healing tree” as all of its parts (bark, root, gum, leaves, pods, seeds) are used for various medicinal purposes.
According to Ayurveda, chewing small pieces of fresh Babool bark is good for managing oral health problems as it strengthens gums and teeth due to its astringent property.. Babool also helps in the management of diarrhea by decreasing intestinal motility due to its Keshya property. It also provides relief from cold and cough symptoms as well as sore throat by promoting the removal of sputum from the air passages and eases breathing. Consuming Babool gum powder along with water once a day helps in relieving joint pain due to its analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties.
Applying a paste of Babool leaf powder and coconut oil helps manage oral problems such as plaque formation and gingivitis due to its antibacterial property.
1. Oral problems
Chewing small pieces of fresh bark of babool tree can be good for oral health. It not only help strengthen the teeth but heals the gum due to its Kashaya (astringent) property.
2. Diarrhea and Lose motion
Babool bark helps to treat diarrhea and lose motion because Babool has Kashaya(astringent) and reduce Ama(Ama (toxic remains in the body due to improper digestion) properties which help to improve metabolism, give strenght to intestine and control diarrhea or lose motion
3. Leucorrhea
Chew 5-8 Babool leaves and drink a glass of water in the morning daily to cure vaginal white discharge in female and Dhat rog in male due to its coolant and astringent effects.
4. Cough and Cold
Babool Bark is helpful in the treatment of cold symptoms as well as relieving sore throat that is associated with cold and cough due to its Kapha balancing property which helps to melt excessive sputum and give relief from a cough and cold.
5. Arthritis and Fractured bone
Babool gum works on arthritis pain as well as also helps in the fracture to fasten the union of fractured ends for proper healing of internal injuries when its taken orally due to its Vata balancing and Ropan(healing) nature.
Other Names: Samaghe ‘Arabee, Aqaaqiyaa, Akakia, Indian Gum-arabic, Gum Acacia, Babul, Wattle Bark, Babool, Gummiarabicabaum, Arabischer Gummibaum, Kaloabaval, Baval, Keekar, Kikar, Babul, Babool, Babla, Babur, Sak, Acacia arabica Willd, Khare-Mughilan, Vabboola, Vabbula, Barbura, Babula, Babul, Gond Babul, Gond Kikar, Khadir, Kala Babool, Kala Kikar
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Tulisan Pertama Setelah Sekian Lama
Tulisan ini sebut aja boyfriend appreciation post. Setelah sekian lama tidak berurusan dengan percintaan, karena memilih lebih ‘semeleh’ dengan hal itu.
Pertama, aku punya Kakak sepupu cowok, dari Surabaya baru saja menjadi ST. Tipikal penyayang sama adek-adeknya, termasuk Salwa. Pacarnya cantik, dan Mas Gigih (iya itu namanya) kelihatan sayang banget sama mbak pacar. Aku pernah bilang sama salah satu sahabat, “aku berdoa semoga dapet pacar kayak Mas Gigih woi:( manis,pinter, baik banget pula, dan yang terpenting sayang banget sama keluarga.”
Beberapa bulan kemudian, setelah seorang Salwa menahan yang seharusnya tidak pantas dipertahankan, akhirnya memutuskan untuk lepas dari semua itu. Tepatnya tahun baru, dan keinginan untuk memulai hidup baru. Tapi ya itu, lebih ‘semeleh’ dan pasrah aja, sambil doanya tetep sama. “Pengen punya pacar kayak Mas Gigih.” dan lebih sadar untuk lebih mencintai diri sendiri dulu, menikmati hidup dan explore semua yang ada dalam diri. Bohong. Bukan hanya itu, sebenernya ada ketakutan, trauma dan hal-hal pait lainnya pada waktu itu.
Aku menerima semua tawaran pekerjaan, aku menjadi gila kerja. sampai pada suatu masa, aku memberanikan diri untuk daftar suatu lomba yang “keluar dari zona nyaman” banget.
Disitu setidaknya aku berusaha buat lebih sayang sama diriku, aku tau kerja jadi penegak hukum itu susah makanya aku pada saat itu juga kepikiran buat kerja rodi terhadap diri sendiri untuk hidup sendiri. Berangkat pagi pulang pagi lagi. Yabegitulah dunia perMCC an hehehe.
Sebenernya, hobi seorang Salwa selama itu juga mengabaikan orng lain yang mencoba datang. Tapi ada satu orang yang mencoba datang, tapi lolos dari step ‘pengabaian seorang Salwa’ :)) Enggak tau kenapa, dia bisa lolos.
Aku menjalani dunia peremsisian dengan penuh sambatan, jujur biasanya aku sambat sama diri sendiri, tapi enggak tau kenapa jadi sambat ke orang yang baru datang itu. Kalau diinget aku pasti geli dan jijik sama diri sendiri, yang biasanya acuh sama orang, eh ini malah sambatan :)) ew
Sampai aku pemberangkatan delegasi, dia dateng. Woiiii gak ngerti lagi asdfghjkl (sorry sekali-kali aku sok romance yha) aku padahal cuman iseng ngajakin dia buat datang. Tap yang mau gimanasi namanya juga orang baik, dia dateng lah wkwk.
Pas itu aku jadi sadar ternyata seorang Salwa sudah ‘jatuh’ dan banyak hal baik lainnya yang dia berikan selama proses peremsisian. Sampai aku pulang dan aku sadar bahwa aku benar-benar ‘jatuh’.
Takut adalah perasaan yang menjadi temanku pada saat itu. Seperti yang sudah aku katakan sebelumnya, pengalaman yang lalu emang pait banget dan aku berusaha jaga hati buat enggak terulang lagi dan lagi. Rasa tidak pantas sama dia juga yang menghantuiku kala itu. Aku merasa tak sepadan, dengan dia yang menurutku hebat. Hal terakhir itu yang selalu aku jadikan bahan diskusi dengan Kakakku setelah sekian lama aku tidak pernah cerita tentang laki-laki.
Rasa takut dan tidak sepadan serta omongan orang sekitar akhirnya membawaku sampai detik ini. Apresiasi untuk dia yang selalu sabar mengahaddapi ke insecurean ini dan kelabilan ini. Kalau ada skala 1-10, mungkin kesabaran dia ada di angka 100. Terutama untuk mengahadapi bocah cilik yang naruh karcis motor aja ilang.
Ternyata hidup tidak jauh-jauh dari menerima dan diterima ya. Setelah itu niscaya hdup kita pasti ada yang berbeda. Termasuk kehadirannya. Setelah berhasil melewati peremsisian ternyata dia berhasil aku ‘gondeli’ melewati masa politik kampus. Huuuuh. Bukan mau jumawa, tapi memang sepertinya baru kali ini aku menemukan sosok yang bisa di pegang tangganya (dalam virtual mean, aku jadiin pegangan) disaat aku butuh tempat cerita, dan menangis tentunya.
Aku tau, nggak gampang deal with me, tapi kamu selalu berusaha akan hal itu. Juga bukan hal mudah buat aku percaya lagi tetapi aku berusaha keras untuk hal itu.
Paragraf terakhir, Terimakasih sudah sabar. Terimakasih sudah menjadi jawaban atas doa-doaku, wahai orang yang mirip sekali dengan Mas Gigih, setidaknya di sudut pandangku. Tetap jadi orang yang selalu aku ceritakan semua mimpi-mimpi aku ya Mas. Dan semoga langkah kita yang tak selalu sama ini, bisa bersama.
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Jadi foto ini diambil pas di stasiun gond***** (agak sensor dulu wkwk), kisah hari kemarin. Begini kisahnya, pada jaman dahulu kala hiduplah dua orang eeehhh kelamaan klu gitu mah. Langsung aja ya kita ulangi lagi. Jadi, kisahnya aku dan temen ku pengen pergi ke daerah cikini raya jadi mau turun di stasiun tadi, maklum ya jiwa gk bisa kena sinar matahari pagi jadi aku tidur di kereta. Aku udh wanti-wanti ke temenku buat bangunin hati2 ketiduran, eehh tau2 nya pas aku bangun liat keluar udh nyampe ke stasiun tujuan. Panik mode on lah aku saat itu langsung bangunin temenku buat keluar, aku sih berhasil keluar tapi pas liat ke belakang eh temenku blm keluar. Udah kayak drama2 korea gitu kepisah karna kereta langsung lagu pamit tulus keputer, sambil pasang wajah sedih kepisah terus sambil nunjuk kita akan ketemu lagi (ini sok tegar pengen kayak tulus 1000 tahun nunggu eh pamit juga). Udah turun kan aku nunggu abang go jek eh pas aku sadar temenku bakal turun stasiun jua*** buset jauh beud dari tempat tujuan, ya udah kita jadi nya ketemuan di stasiun gonda***** jadi ku batalin tuh pesen gojek nunggu cantik di toko roti stasiun. Sambil pose cantik duduk nunggu kedatengan temenku ini. Pas ketemu udah kayak FTV indonesia lepas rindu dengan ketawa ngakak. Akhirnya happy ending kembali bersatu. Kisahnya END sampai sini.
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What are the benefits of the original Kala Gond?
Kala Gond, also known as gum tragacanth, is a natural gum obtained from the sap of various species of the Astragalus plant. It has been used for various purposes, including culinary, medicinal, and industrial applications. Here are some potential benefits of Kala Gond.
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Vaidban Kala Gond Oil – Ayurvedic Joint Pain Massage Oil
Vaidban Kala Gond Oil. These nutrients are vital for maintaining healthy bones, regulating blood pressure, and supporting the digestive system. Kala Gond is also believed to have anti-inflammatory properties, which can help alleviate joint pain and inflammation.
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Kala Gond Capsule
Kala gond Capsule is an Ayurvedic product that is used for joint pain relief. It is derived from the resin of the Gond tree, which is commonly found in India. The oil is believed to have anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, which can help to reduce pain and swelling in the joints. It is typically applied topically to the affected area and massaged gently until it is absorbed into the skin.
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Kala Gond Capsule - Vaidban Ayurved Bhawan
Find a kala Gond capsule for joint pain. To the best and pure ayurvedic medicine Relief from your pain and other problem in your body its really helpful if you want to buy 100% pure products. we have all health-related products available with genuine quality at the best price.
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Vaidban Ayurved Bhawan Provides Kala Gond Capsule for your health. Vaidban provides 100% pure natural products and the best results. Kala Gond Capsule helps to release your stress and joint pain.
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Kala Gond | Siyah Gond | काला गोंड | गोंग सियाह #jayherbs
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