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The KAL 858 Bombing Was a CIA/NIS False Flag, Part 5: Kim Hyon-hui Airs Her Persecution Complex to Voice of America
In an interview with Voice of America (of course), the biggest celebrity in the KAL 858 false-flag op — Kim Hyon-hui — again portrays herself as a victim because people rightly refuse to believe that she was a DPRK assassin.
Critics have been pointing out for years that Kim is just an actor in a show. "Kim has no conscience. ... She is doing a media play. ... There is no sincerity there." (Park Chang-il, 2009)
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(Screenshot from Sungju Park-Kang’s book Fictional International Relations: Gender, Pain and Truth.)
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今でも美しい彼女が北朝鮮という国に生まれてしまったゆえに、テロリストの人生を歩まされてしまった。 身柄を韓国に移されても、政府の意向に沿った生き方しかできないのは、彼女の立場・生まれ育ちからすればむしろ当然な気がします。そして彼女ともう一人のテロリストの手によって105人の命が失われている事実を考えれば・・ 自分の意志で自由に生きることは生涯許されないだろう。 逮捕されて韓国へ送られた直後の彼女の映像には、まったく無垢な美しさが現れていると思う。 彼女自身の罪ではない、しかし彼女は死刑相当の罪人であるのだ。 悲しい・・ 特赦までの来歴は『北朝鮮女秘密工作員の告白』、『金賢姫全告白 いま、女として』による。 * 1962 年1月27日 - 外交官キューバ駐在の北朝鮮大使館三等書記官の父と教師の母との長女として平壌市トンデウォン区域トンシン洞で生まれ、生後間もなく父の赴任先であるキューバへ行きハバナで暮す。4歳の時に北朝鮮の首都平壌に帰国。 * 1968 年9月 - 平壌ソソン区域ハシン洞の下新(ハシン)人民学校(小学校)に入学する。なお人民学校は4年制で、満6歳で入学する。3年生のとき映画「社会主義の祖国を訪ねた英秀(ヨンス)と栄玉(ヨンオク)」に出演。 * 1972 年9月 - 平壌の中新(チュンシン)中学校に入学。中学校は5年制である。1年生のとき映画「娘の心(娘の心情)」に出演。 * 1972年11月2日 - 平壌近郊のヘリコプター発着場にて韓国代表団の張基栄に花束を贈る。このとき、日本共産党機関紙「赤旗」の特派員が写真を撮り新聞に掲載。 * 1977 年9月 - 金日成総合大学生物学部に入学。予科1年を修了。 * 1978 年9月 - 平壌外国語大学日本語科に入学。 * 1980 年3月 - 朝鮮労働党中央委員会調査部工作員として召還され、金淑姫と組になる。金賢姫は金玉花(金玉華)との偽名を与えられる。 * 1980年4月 - 1981年4月 朝鮮労働党作戦部に属する金星政治軍事大学工作員速成情報クラスに入学。 * 1981 年4月 - 7月 韓国化教育を受ける。 * 1981年7月 - 1983年3月 東北里2階3号の招待所で、李恩恵から日本人化教育を受ける。 * 1982 年4月 - 朝鮮労働党に入党。 * 1983 年3月中旬 - 1986年7月 ヨンソン地区ヨングン洞所在ヨンソン40号招待所にて、李指導員からスパイ実務教育を受ける。 * 1984 年8月15日 - 10月 金勝一、張指導員と初めての実際の任務につく。日本の蜂谷真一、蜂谷真由美の親子の偽名と偽造旅券を使用した。モスクワ・ブタペスト・ウィーン・コペンハーゲン・フランクフルト・チューリッヒ・ジュネーブ・パリを経て、9月20日に金賢姫はバンコク・香港・マカオに向かった。金勝一は、ソウルに向かい、9 月26日以降にマカオで再び合流、中華人民共和国・広州へ渡り、北京を経て平壌に帰国した。このときのミッションは不明だが、9 月25日に韓国の大邱(テグ)で殺人事件と北朝鮮工作員の自殺事件があったことが述べられている。 * 1985 年1月 - 6月 龍城(ヨンソン/リヨンソン)5号招待所にて���金淑姫、成仁愛と中国人化教育をうける。 * 1985年7月 - 1986年6月 広州にて、朴昌海(ボクチャンヘ)の指導のもと海外語学実習。 * 1986 年8月 - 1987年1月 マカオのミョンジュンデ・アパート1号棟3階A号室にて金淑姫と自炊生活。 * 1987 年2月 - 9月 平壌ヨンソン43号工作員招待所にて再武装教育。 * 1987年9月 - 10月 マカオの永住権を取得するために待機。 (以下の破壊工作については大韓航空機爆破事件に詳細あり) * 1987年10月4日 - マカオから平壌に緊急指令にて帰国。李対外情報調査部長から「88(パルパル)」(ソウルオリンピック)を妨害するために、金勝一と共に韓国の飛行機を落とす任務を与えられる。攻撃目標は「11月28日のバグダッド発アブダビ経由ソウル行き、南朝鮮の大韓航空858便だ」と告げられる。金勝一は、中東ではイラン・イラク戦争が進行中だから空港の検問・捜査が厳しい、と異議を唱えたが、金正日の自筆承認計画で変更できない、と告げられたとされる。 * 1987年11月29日 - 平壌の順安飛行場から、モスクワ・オーストリア・ベオグラードを経てバグダッドに到着し、ここからKAL858号機に乗り込んだ。アブダビでパナソニックのAM/FMラジオRF-082型(実際にラジオとして動作する)に偽装した時限爆弾と、酒瓶に詰めた液体爆弾を青のビニール製ショッピングバッグに詰め、座席 (7B、7C) の上の棚に置いたまま二人は飛行機を降り、バーレーンに向かう。 * 1987年11月29日 - KAL858号機ミャンマー上空で失踪。アブダビで大韓航空機から降りた搭乗者の名簿を韓国の国家安全企画部がチェックした結果、不審な日本人2名の名前が浮かぶ。日本の警察に照会した結果、女の旅券が偽造であることが発覚する。
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The KAL 858 Bombing Was a CIA/NIS False Flag, Part 4: Supposed Childhood Images of Kim Hyon-hui in DPRK Are Bogus
Although the RoK government has released images purporting to show alleged KAL 858 bomber Kim Hyon-hui in DPRK as a child, independent researcher Hyeon Jun-hui says the pictures can't possibly show the young Kim.
Hyeon focuses on discrepancies between the shapes of the young and old Kims' ears. The supposed young Kim's ears are round, while Kim's ears now are much sharper and narrower in shape.
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“When you’re born your ear is fully formed. The lobe descends a little, but overall it stays the same. It's a great way to identify people."
Would Kim Hyon-hui have had plastic surgery to alter her ears only, without altering her face? It seems unlikely. And if she'd had plastic surgery to alter her face, that would make the childhood photos presented by RoK completely unreliable.
In the same linked-above interview with Hyeon, he contrasts the total lack of physical evidence from KAL 858 with the copious amounts of wreckage from South African Airways Flight 295, which crashed into the Indian Ocean the day before KAL 858 disappeared.
SAA 295's wreckage was spotted within 24 hours of the crash, and the cockpit voice recorder was eventually brought up from a depth of 4,900 meters.
However, despite KAL 858 supposedly crashing in an area of the Andaman Sea where the maximum depth is approximately 60 meters, no physical evidence of the "crash" has ever been found.
Hyeon points to a possible CIA role in the KAL 858 disappearance, claiming that RoK's NIS alone wouldn't be able to pull off an operation on such a scale.
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The KAL 858 Bombing Was a CIA/NIS False Flag, Part 3: "RoK’s National Intelligence Service is at the center of the KAL 858 incident"
"The [RoK] National Intelligence Service is at the center of the [KAL 858] incident," says Shin Sung-guk, a Catholic priest who's been unraveling the KAL 858 false flag with victims' families for 15+ years.
Shin: "NIS doesn't serve the people, they just serve power, always concocting schemes behind the scenes."
Before the KAL 858 flight, an RoK diplomat received a phone call warning him to save his own life and not take the flight. Shin says he knows the diplomat's name and he's prepared to risk a libel suit to get the diplomat to testify on record.
The above-linked interview with Shin also shows alleged bomber Kim Hyon-hui's counterfeit Japanese passport. The passport is fake, but the stamps it contains are real and include a Tokyo Narita departure from Nov 14, 1987 — at which time Kim claims she was in Budapest preparing for the KAL 858 bombing.
Shin says that counterfeit Japanese passports were widely circulated in the 1980s, not only by spies, but also by people outside the spook business as well. It was likely that Kim Hyon-hui was based in Japan.
Shin says he's 99% sure that Kim Hyon-hui was born in DPRK but left the country before she turned 17. Kim has no proof of DPRK identity, which DPRK citizens receive at age 17, nor can she prove her Workers' Party affiliation.
On Nov 19, Kim Hyon-hui generally acknowledged Shin's claims w/out refuting them, saying that any attempt to portray her as a fraud constituted a "shameful crime."
("Anyone who says I didn't murder those 115 people is committing a shameful crime!" = protesting a bit too much)
Shin replied by requesting that Kim sue him for defamation. (If Kim thinks Shin's crime is so shameful, then why not?)
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The KAL 858 Bombing Was a CIA/NIS False Flag, Part 2: NIS Put Kim Hyon-hui into an Arranged Marriage Following Kim Dae-jung’s Election
Following the 1997 election of Kim Dae-jung, supposed KAL 858 bomber Kim Hyon-hui was put into an arranged marriage with an NIS agent by NIS itself, which wanted to protect its asset Kim Hyon-hui from possible re-investigation.
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(Screenshots from Sungju Park-Kang’s book Fictional International Relations: Gender, Pain and Truth.)
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The KAL 858 Bombing Was a CIA/NIS False Flag, Part 6: “There's a lot of evidence that Kim Hyon-hui isn't from DPRK”
"'There's a lot of evidence that Kim Hyon-hui isn't from DPRK': Defector Hong Gang-cheol's ill-fated connection to Kim Hyon-hui" (Translated excerpts from an interview with Hong from November 2017)
Hong Gang-cheol defected from DPRK in 2013. He first learned about Kim Hyon-hui during his initial months in RoK, when he was in the custody of RoK's National Intelligence Service (NIS), which soon began to pressure him to confess to being a DPRK spy like Kim.
NIS told Hong: "Kim Hyon-hui blew up a plane and killed 115 people, but she married a NIS agent and had some kids, and she's living a great life now. Why won't you cop to being a DPRK spy too?"
Hong says that NIS used Kim Hyon-hui as a "role model" to try to force other DPRK defectors to make false confessions. "Many DPRK defectors have suffered because of Kim Hyon-hui.”
Here are five of the pieces of evidence that, according to Hong, prove that Kim Hyon-hui was not a true citizen of DPRK.
1. Kim Hyon-hui can't remember her DPRK Workers' Party membership number. Hong: "Entering the WPK is a great honor. Getting a party number is getting a new, political life. It's like being renamed. You can forget your birthday, but you can't forget your WPK membership number."
2. Kim's description/diagram of her DPRK training facilities doesn't include a room for weapons. Hong finds this implausible, as he underwent weapons training similar to what Kim describes in her autobiography.
3. In her autobiography, Kim doesn't identify the types of machine guns held by the guards who watched her after her supposed arrest in Bahrain. Hong also finds this implausible, given the amount of weapons training Kim claims to have received.
4. Kim claims that, before she became a DPRK spy, she underwent a month-and-a-half of background checks. Hong says this is far too short; 6 months of background checks would be the minimum.
5. Kim says that she completed mandatory military training for DPRK university students before matriculating at Kim Il-sung University, but the type of military training she describes is always done during the second year of university, never before university.
Furthermore, Hong doesn't believe that DPRK would have blown up an RoK civilian aircraft. "DPRK's educational system teaches that DPRKians will join hands w/ RoKians as revolutionary partners in reuniting the homeland, so it would be crazy to kill one's revolutionary partners."
Hong continues: "And, if someone did kill RoKians, DPRK would have nothing to gain from it. DPRK has learned through its own history that terror can't save a country."
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The KAL 858 Bombing Was a CIA/NIS False Flag, Part 1: Complete Lack of Physical Evidence against DPRK and Discrepancies in the Self-Confessed Bomber’s Testimony
(All screenshots in this post come from Sungju Park-Kang's book Fictional International Relations: Gender, Pain and Truth.)
There is no physical evidence backing the imperial narrative that Korean Air flight 858 was bombed by alleged DPRK assassins Kim Hyon-hui & Kim Seung-il. Kim Hyon-hui's supposed confession is the only basis for allegations of DPRK's culpability.
The lack of physical evidence is the main reason for the rejection the imperial narrative by the families of the disappeared passengers.
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RoK government investigators: "There is no clear explanation of the case." "There is no physical evidence. This case remains based only on words." "When [NIS] went out to search for some evidence they came back with nothing."
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"[RoK] government did not make sufficient efforts in its search operations. ... [T]he search team did not find any 'proper' wreckage. ... [N]o physical evidence."
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"[F]or some reason, the [RoK] government tried to close the case hurriedly. ... [T]he government had planned to pardon [Kim Hyon-hui] from the very beginning."
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"Inexplicable discrepancies" exist between the English & Korean versions of supposed assassin Kim Hyon-hui's KAL 858 bombing confession-centered books concerning bomb placement, air ticket purchase, and flight details.
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Those who were chosen by the US/RoK governments to corroborate Kim Hyon-hui’s story now refuse to speak on the record regarding their roles in this anti-DPRK propaganda operation.
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