#kakupuri aoi
mobageheroine · 6 days
Aoi - あおい
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【Cocktail Prince】
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kakupuri · 1 year
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icon of an icon also!! aoi my best friend
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faellustrations · 1 year
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born to girlcringe forced to girlboss( of a bar with colourful men in it)
[ID: Digital design of a fan design of Aoi, the main character from Cocktail Prince. In the upper left, she faces forward. Aoi's eyes are brown, and she has eyebags. She has brown hair in a ponytail and a sidecut. She wears a green jersey that has her name written on it. Below this is an uncoloured sideview of her head. On the left is a fullbody doodle of Aoi wearing the suit her grandfather wears, except she holds the suit jacket over her shoulder, has the sleeves of her shirt rolled up, half of her collar sticking up, her bowtie is loose, and has one side of the shirt tucked in while the other is loose over her pants. Her hair is down, but her bangs are pushed to one side and clipped back with the pin her grandfather wears on his lapel. Above her is text that reads "Aoi". /End ID]
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faerociousbeast · 1 year
im rereading the main story through this different translation and they made martini swear ❤❤❤
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yanderemeganekko · 7 years
Cocktail Prince Event - Summer Festival Story Part 6
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A part in which Aoi recalls her previous visit to the festival, and Jack Rose talks about sewing yukata for his three dogs. 
I’ll be using MC’s default name ‘Aoi’ from this part on, to be consistent with the main story translations posted by bar-kakupuri. I changed it for past translations, too.
Jack Rose’s ‘Tororo and the rest’ is referring to his dogs, which are named ‘Tororo’, ‘Manjuu’ and ‘Senbei’.
りんご飴もわたあめも Cotton candy and candied apples ザワザワ (chatter,chatter)
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ピンク・レディ 昼間なのにもうこんな人がいるのね Pink Lady Even though it's still daytime, there's this many people, huh. スクリュードライバー やっぱ祭りはこうでなくちゃな! Screw Driver Now this is how a festival is supposed to feel! カイピロスカ 前来たときにはなかった屋台もたくさんありますね Caipiroska There's more carts and stands than the last time we came, too. カイピリーニャ 結構すごいね。 わたあめにりんご飴。。。 Caipirinha It's pretty amazing. Cotton candy and candied apples... アオイ ここのお祭りに来るの久しぶりだなあ。 何年ぶりだろう Aoi It's been a while since I last visited the festival here. I wonder how many years it's been. アドニス アオイ、来たことがあるのかい? Adonis You've been here before? アオイ ずーっと前だけどね。 おじいちゃんに射的の景品ねだってこまらせたなあ Aoi A long time ago. Grandpa tried his hand at the target practice for me. アドニス そのときの写真や思い出の品はあるの? Adonis Do you have any photos or keepsakes from that time? アオイ あのときも混んでたし、写真は撮ってないんじゃないかな。 思い出の品っていっても金魚すくいの金魚くらいだし。。。 Aoi It was crowded that time, so I don't think we took any photos then. And as for keepsakes, I only kept the goldfish we got from the goldfish scoop... アドニス それは残念だね。。。 Adonis That's a pity... 今日の思い出は僕に任せて。 一瞬たりとも逃さずにすべてを記録するから Leave the memories from today to me. I'll make sure to record every single moment. アオイ えっと、ありがとう。。。? Aoi Um, thanks...? ジャック・ロース 思ったより賑わってるな。 とろろたちも来たがってたけど、連れてこなくて正解だった Jack Rose It's more crowded than I remembered. Seems like not bringing Tororo and the rest was the right choice. ソルティ・ドッグ 夜の花火のときは連れてくるつもりなんだよね Salty Dog We're supposed to meet up for the fireworks later, right? ジャック・ロース そのつもり。日中よりは涼しくなってるだろうか。 着替えついでに一旦屋敷に戻るよ Jack Rose That was the plan, it'll be cooler by then. You can return home right after to change. それに、みんな用にお祭りの衣装も用意してるんだ And, I'll have time to prepare everyone's outfits by then. アオイ 動物用の衣装? そういうのもペットショップで売ってるの? Aoi The outfits for the animals? Speaking of which, don't they sell outfits for them at pet shops? ジャック・ロース 売ってるところもあるけど、今回は全部作ったんだ Jack Rose They do sell them, but I made the ones this time by myself. 3匹ともおめかしするの好きなのに 合うサイズが中々ないから The three of them like dressing up, but finding the right sizes is difficult. アオイ 作ったの!? 私、家庭科の授業で作った雑巾くらいしか作れないよ Aoi You made them!? I haven't sewn anything since making a dust cloth in home economics class... ジャック・ロース 興味があったら今度一緒に練習しようか。 やってみると案外簡単だから Jack Rose If you're interested, we can practice together the next time. It's unexpectedly easy once you try it. アドニス 軽率にアオイのことを誘うなんて。。。 でも、僕にそれを止める資格なんて。。。うう。。。 Adonis Inviting her with you so easily... but for me, being able to stop that is... uuh... ソルティ・ドッグ どうしたのアドニス、具合でも悪い? Salty Dog What's up, Adonis? Are you not feeling good? アドニス 僕のことは放っておいて。 。。。胸が、少し痛むだけだから。。。 Adonis Leave me alone. ...it's just that, my chest hurts a bit... ソルティ・ドッグ そうなの?でもせっかくのお祭りなんだから そんな暗い顔してないで楽しもうよ!かき氷あるよ Salty Dog Really? But since it's festival time, you shouldn't be making a gloomy face like that, cheer up! Let's get shaved ice. マティーニ かき氷ってあれか? ふ~ん、庶民の祭りってのはこんな感じなのか Martini That over there is shaved ice, right? Hm, so this is what the festival of common people is like. 屋台の種類も思ってたよりたくさんあるんだな。 案外風情があって悪くもねえ There's more types of stalls than I expected. It's surprisingly charming, I like it.    カミカゼ カイピリーニャとカイピロスカも言ってたけど 昔より種類も増えてる気があるな Kamikaze Just like Caipirinha and Caipiroska said, it feels like there's more variety than before. 
射的の景品も屋台によって違うみたいだし Game prizes seem to differ from stand to stand, too. カイピロスカ さっき見かけた射的屋さんでは ひよこのぬいぐるみがたくさん置いてありましたよ Caipiroska A target range I happened to see before had lots of plushies of chicks. カイピリーニャ ぬいぐるみしか置いてなかったね。 その隣の射的ではゲームしか置いてなかったし Caipirinha That range had only plushies as prizes. And the range next to it had nothing but games. カミカゼ 。。。ぬいぐるみのひよこの屋台、だと? Kamikaze ...a target range full of chick plushies, you say? マティーニ まさかこのままずっと団体行動するわけじゃねえよな? 俺は適当にその辺ぶらついてるぜ。じゃあな Martini We're not gonna stay grouped up like this the whole time, are we? I'll be heading off this way, then. See ya. カランコロン (clack,clack) カミカゼ 俺も用事ができた。 みんな適当に回っててくれ Kamikaze I've got something to do as well. Everyone, visit places as you will. カランコロン (clack,clack)
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