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mochimattie · 1 year ago
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Smol Kakashi for his birthday
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kazu86sworld · 5 months ago
Hello everyone!
This my new kakayama fic. I wrote this to celebrate kakashi's birthday 😊
Hope you like it!
Happy reading!
And Happy birthday kakashi! 🥰
My Sweetest Birtday
For many people, birthday is a sweet, happy and special day. But not for Kakashi.
For Kakashi, his birthday, September 15, is a sad, bitter, even disgusting day.
It's sad, because on his 10th birthday, the only person he really loved, his mother, left him forever, after two weeks of being hospitalized.
Bitter, because his father was never present on his birthday because he was always busy working and only sent gifts. Even on his 10th birthday when his mother died, his father was also absent, again and again because of business matters abroad.
And it's disgusting, because a few days ago, his father suddenly said he would hold a celebration for his birthday. Not an ordinary celebration at home, but a private party at a luxury restaurant. Business partners, government officials, celebrities, and other wealthy families will come to the party.
When Kakashi asked his father why he was holding a party like that, his father answered "This year you are 21 years old. It's time for you to prepare to be my successor, to lead our company. After all, you just graduated from college with perfect grades, let's just say the party is also to celebrate your graduation..."
So, here he is tonight, in a private ballroom inside a fancy fine dining restaurant at Konoha. Standing with a luxurious black tuxido beside his father. Invitations began to arrive. As his father said, they were the upper class of society in Konoha, business partners, officials, celebrities, and a number of rich families. Kakashi could see the faces of those who pretended to be sweet and friendly just to get connections and profits from the Hatake Corp (the largest construction company in Konoha).
"Go meet them!" Sakomo said.
"Not interested..." Kakashi answered lazily.
"Don't be childish, Kakashi. This is an important moment..." said Sakomo.
"Important for you, dad. Not for me..." answered Kakashi.
"This is important for our family!" Sakomo said in a firm tone. "There are some important people here. You have to start getting to know them and start building relationships. This is to maintain the stability of our family business in the future."
Kakashi began to feel emotions rumbling in his chest. The feelings of dislike for his father that he had been harboring for so long almost overflowed. If it weren't for his mother's last message before she died to look after his father, he would have vented all his emotions in front of his father.
"Beside..." apparently his father hadn't finished speaking. "Look...some important people came with their daughters. They look beautiful, right? And must be highly educated. Maybe you can choose one of them...dating one of them...or marrying one of them. That's also good for the future of our family business..."
Kakashi placed his glass hard on the table next to him, startling Sakumo. "Excuse me, dad..." He left the room leaving his father and everyone at the party.
Kakashi rushed into the toilet. Both hands tightly gripped the edge of the sink. His breathing was irregular. His chest was tight. Maybe this was because all the emotions he had been holding back towards his father were on the verge of exploding. But he couldn't possibly express it in the party room.
"Are you alright, sir?"
Kakashi was surprised. He thought there was no one else in the toilet besides him. He turned to the person. A guy, wearing a white hat and turquoise jacket and navy jeans.
"Do you need some help, sir? Should I call someone for you? Or an ambulance?" Asked the guy.
Kakashi didn't answer, his breathing was still uneven.
"Sir?" Asked the guy again.
"No...I'm fine..." Kakashi answered breathlessly.
"Are you sure, sir? But you look unwell, is there anything I can do for you?" Asked the guy, sounds worried. "How about you sit down and catch your breath?"
Kakashi nodded.
"Let me help you..." said the guy. He helped Kakashi sit on the floor, leaned him against the wall, then straightened Kakashi's legs.
"I am sorry sir...but you need to open your mask and loosen your collar so you can breathe better..."
Kakashi did what the guy said, he opened his mask and opened two buttons on his shirt...
"Now breathe slowly, sir...
Kakashi breathed slower and calmer...
"Here, sir. It's new. Drink it..." the guy took a bottle of mineral water from his backpack, opened the lid, and gave it to Kakashi. Kakashi accepted and took a few sips.
"Better?" Asked the guy. Kakashi nodded. The guy smiled in relief.
"No problem, sir..."
"Just kakashi, please...I am not that old..."
"Oh...alright, kakashi..." the guy chuckled. "I am Tenzo..."
"Ten-zo..." kakashi repeats it. "Nice name..."
"Thanks. Kakashi isn't bad too..."
Kakashi laughed small.
"If you're already better, I think I can go now..."
"Wait! Tenzo...Could you...do me favor?"
"Sure. What is it?"
"I need to get out of here..."
"You want me to help you walk to the front door?"
"No. I mean I need to go out from here through the other door...not the front..."
Tenzo looks confused.
"I don't want anyone to see me go out of this place..." added Kakashi.
"Have you done something bad?" Tenzo looked hesitant.
"No...no...honestly I should go back to the party up the stairs. But I really don't want to go back there. If anyone sees me, I'm sure they will drug me back to the party... "
"Oh...umm...honestly I still don't understand, but yeah I think I can help you..."
Tenzo nodded. He then took off his hat. Immediately, her long brunet hair fell down to her shoulders. He smoothed his bangs. Kakashi didn't expect Tenzo to have long hair, bangs, and when combined with his dark and wide eyes, Tenzo looked...pretty.
"Wear this..." said Tenzo while giving him his hat.
"You need to get out of here without anyone noticing you, right?"
Kakashi nodded.
"Then wear this hat. Take off your tux and wear my jacket. Also wear your back mask. We will go out from here through the back door at the kitchen. Come on!"
Kakashi did as Tenzo asked. Then Tenzo leads their way to the kitchen. There are several chefs and cooks who look busy with their jobs. Kakashi worried that one of them would notice him, but luckily they just focused on their jobs. Sure they have to focus, because there is a luxury party upstair.
Now both of them are outside the restaurant.
"Finally we are outside..." said Tenzo relieved.
Kakashi thinks that sooner or later his father will realize that his son isn't around and will order his guards to look for him.
"What will you do now?"
"What will I do now? Um...I will meet some friends.. Why?"
"Can I go with you?"
Tenzo looks shocked and confused.
"You want to go with me????"
"I'm sorry...I didn't mean to be rude or bother you...I just don't know where to go now..."
Tenzo sighed "Alright....you can go with me..." Then they walked side by side.
"So, Kakashi...."
"May I ask some questions?"
"You said that you can't go back to the party in the restaurant? What party is it?"
"My birthday party."
"What??? Are you serious???
"I am..."
"But, how come you don't join your OWN birthday party????"
Kakashi sighed "I don't like being there...."
"But the people there will be confused because you are not there, right?"
"Yeah....my father would be the one who most confused there..."
"Unbelivable..." Tenzo shook his head.
"Don't worry, Tenzo. How about you? Why did you come to the restaurant?"
"Oh...I delivered some ingredients there. I work at Ichiraku Bakery. We sell breads and the ingredients too. I deliver some ingredients to the restaurant every Sunday. Today is not Sunday of course, but the restaurant said that they need more ingredients because there will be a special event there. Now I guest the special event is your birthday party..." Tenzo smiled.
"I see..." Kakashi smiled back.
A few moment later, they arrived at a bridge. Tenzo went down the small stairs that led under the bridge.
"Are your friends..here?" Kakashi followed Tenzo down the stairs.
"They are. They live here..." answered Tenzo
"But...this is under the bridge. I don't know there are people who live under the bridge..."
"Yeah...they actually don't want to live here too, but they have no choice. They don't have money to rent or buy a house. They don't even have enough money to eat or go to school..."
"Really?" Kakashi was truly shocked. All this time he did not know that there were people so poor in his city.
"But...they are good people...you will like them..." said Tenzo smiling.
They finally reached the bottom of the bridge. Kakashi was surprised. Apparently it was true, there were a number of people under the bridge. There were several children and adults. They were surrounding a fireplace made from used barrels to warm themselves. Suddenly a child turned and shouted "It's Tenzo. Tenzo is coming!"
Suddenly everyone turned around. Then the children ran over to Tenzo. Tenzo knelt down to greet them with a hug.
"We've been waiting for you for a long time, why did you come late?" Said a boy with yellow hair.
"I'm sorry Naruto....." said Tenzo while laughing and stroking the boy's yellow hair.
"Hey Tenzo...is that your boyfriend?" Asked a girl with pink hair shyly.
"What?" Tenzo turned to Kakashi. "No, Sakura..." Tenzo smiled. "He is my friend. His name is kakashi. Say hello to him, guys!"
"Good afternoon, sir!" Said the kids.
"Oh...good afternoon. Don't call me sir, just kakashi please..." said Kakashi.
"You are so handsome, kakashi..." said a girl with blonde long hair.
"Am I?" Kakashi blushed and rubbed his neck ackwardly. Tenzo chuckled.
"Stop teasing him, ino..." said a boy with black hair tied up.
"I'm not teasing him, Shikamaru!" Ino hit Shikamaru's head.
Tenzo laughed then said to Kakashi "Lets meet the others!"
"Tenzo...." said an old woman.
"Grandma Chio..." Said Tenzo.
"Finally, you come here with your boyfriend?"
"No grandma chio. He is my friend. His name is kakashi. We just met an hour ago..."
"Oh...nice to meet you, kakashi."
"Nice to meet you too, grandma chio" nodded.
"But you two look really good together. You know that there is love at first sight, right?" Said Jirayya pretending thinking.
"Stop teasing them, Jirayya. Their faces are already blushing like tomatoes..." said Grandma Chio. Jirayya and the others laughed.
Suddenly Tenzo felt someone squish his hand. "Umm...do you bring some food, Tenzo? We are hungry...." Asked a fat boy.
"Oh, of course Choji..." Tenzo smiled as he stroked the fat boy's brown hair, then took something from his backpack. A box. Tenzo opened the box and immediately the fragrant smell of cake spread. Kakashi was surprised, that smell, that sweet smell recalled a memory in his mind.
"Smells so goooood!" Said the kids.
Tenzo chukled then distributed the dorayaki to everyone. "Eat while it's still warm..."
Each of them took the dorayaki happily and ate it with gusto. Tenzo smiled happily.
After everyone got dorayaki, Tenzo invited Kakashi to sit in a corner not far from the fireplace.
"I'm sorry kakashi, they always tease me about boyfriend things every time I come here..."
"You don't have boyfriend?"
"Then I'm honoured..."
"What?" Tenzo blushed.
"Just kidding..." Kakashi chukled.
"There are still two dorayaki. The owner of Ichiraku let me practice making cakes or bread after my work is finished. Take one!" Tenzo handed his dorayaki box to Kakashi.
"Um...I don't like sweets..."
"It's not too sweet. Eat it, while it's still warm..." said Tenzo smiling.
Kakashi took one dorayaki, looked at it for a moment, then bit into it slowly. Suddenly his chest felt tight. The memories came back to his mind. The taste of the dorayaki was exactly the same as what his mother had made. It was Kakashi's fifth birthday. He fell from the bicycle. His knees and elbows were injured. Kakashi cried. His mother immediately came and hugged him, then treated his wound. After that, his mother made dorayaki for him so that he wouldn't be sad anymore.
"Do you know, Kakashi? The sweet taste can cure the sadness we are feeling..." said Tenzo while looking at the Dorayaki he was holding and then eating it.
Exactly. That sentence was also what his mother said at that time. So Kakashi was no longer able to contain his feelings. A tear started to fall.
"Kakashi...you cry? Is the dorayaki not delicious? Did I say something wrong?"
Kakashi shook his head. Another tear dripped again
"Kakashi...you cry? Is the dorayaki not delicious? Did I say something wrong?"
"It's alright tenzo. You did no wrong. I...don't hate sweet, I just feel that sweet taste always remains me about my mom. She also made me a dorayaki like this at my fifth birthday. At that time I cried because I fell from bicycle. She passed away when I was ten. I missed her so much..."
"I'm really sorry, Kakashi...."
"It's alright..." Kakashi smiled.
They were silent for a moment.
"She must be a wonderful mom..." said Tenzo
"She is..." answered kakashi.
"You're so lucky, kakashi...."
Remembering how stressed he had been living with his father, Kakashi answered "I don't think so..."
"Yes you are. I never knew my mom...and my dad. Someone just put me in front of an orphanage shortly after I was born. I grew up there along with other orphans. Until last year I decided to got out of the orphanage and started living independently. Likewise with the children here, Some of them don't have mothers, some of them don't have fathers, and some others don't have both. Sometimes they don't eat because they have no money. They have never been to school too. I wish I had a lot of money, so I could help them more..."
Tenzo's gaze wandered, while Kakashi looked at Tenzo.
Then the kids approached Tenzo and Kakashi. "Tenzo, we've finished eating. Now is bedtime story!" said the yellow-haired child.
"Hmmm...how about we ask our guess to tell a bed time story for us tonight?" Tenzo said while smiling at Kakashi.
"What??? Me???"
"Yeah...that's a good idea!" Said the kids.
"Wait wait...I can't....I don't have any story...."
"Said the magic word..." Tenzo whispered to the kids.
"Pleaaaaaseeeee..." said the kids while clasping their hands together.
Tenzo chuckled.
Kakasho sighed...."Alright....alright...let me think a story first..."
The children cheered happily. They immediately sat close together, some also sat on Tenzo and Kakashi's laps.
Kakashi tried hard to remember any bed time stories his mother had told him before, then started telling the children. They liked it so much, they even clapped happily when the hero in Kakashi's story succeeded in defeating the dragon monster, and saved a beautiful princess and the entire village.
Kakashi breathed a sigh of relief after finishing his story. Tenzo smiled.
"What a wonderful bedtime story! Now, how about we sing a birthday song to Kakashi as a thank you? because today is his birthday.." Tenzo said to the kids.
The children nodded in agreement. Tenzo and the kids started singing "Happy birthday to you..." while clapping their hands. Grandma Chio, Jirayya, and the others also sang.
Kakashi was so surprised. He didn't expect that today his birthday would be celebrated in that way. He felt...so happy.
After finishing the song, Tenzo hugged and kissed each child while saying good night and have a sweet dream. Then Tenzo and Kakashi returned to the bridge.
"I will go home now. I live in an apartment over there..." said Tenzo.
Kakashi nodded. "I'll go home to, I live there near the restaurant.."
"I see. Oh...I almost forgot...here's your tux..." said Tenzo while taking Kakashi's tuxido from his backpack.
"Oh...you're right...here your hat and jacket..." Kakashi took off his hat and jacket then returned them to Tenzo. "Thanks a lot for tonight, Tenzo...I'm really sorry for bothering you..."
"No, it's fine. I feel so happy tonight..."
"Me too...this is the sweetest birthday party I've ever had..."
"Really? Glad to hear that. Happy birthday kakashi..." Tenzo smiled softly.
Kakashi felt his chicks get warmed and blushed. He cleared his throat "Thanks..."
"Okay...See you later, Kakashi!" Tenzo turned and walked home.
"See you...soon, Tenzo." Kakashi also turned around and walked towards his house. He didn't know for sure whether the party at the restaurant was over or not, but he was sure that his father would be furious. But, it doesn't matter. Surely his father's anger would subside if Kakashi said that he was ready to become his father's successor in running their big company. Because now, he already has a goal. Just like what Tenzo said earlier, he is lucky because he has a lot of money, and with that lot of money generated by his company he will help many poor people and orphans, together....with Tenzo.
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pink--girl · 4 years ago
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tumblingcatt00 · 9 years ago
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Happy Birthday Kakashi Sensei! ❤️❤️❤️ <credit in photo> #kakashi #naruto #kakashihatake #kakashisensei #kakashibirthday #september15
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