urja-nm · 2 years
Here in this bhajan Kakaji mentions about Karma the deeds of the humans. He mentions that in spite of doing the bad karma, if we surrender to the Divine Mother she will surely take us in Her auspices- The deeds (Karma) done by you are evil, only the Divine Mother has the right over Karmas. To get rid of the Bad deeds (karmas), you will have to go to the doorstep of 'Ma' The Divine Mother. You have done it intentionally, do not be dejected now. Leave all the thoughts now, you now go to 'Ma' the Divine Mother. The deeds to be performed by you are good, you did not have a thought of 'Ma'. When you were miserable and drowned in sorrows, you understood as you were helpless. Whenever the mind wanders, it only goes and performs deeds (karma). We achieve good and evil only through the deeds (karma), it keeps on wandering ever The Divine Mother is a giver of Happiness, there is eternal happiness at Her feet If a person does not find happiness there, then he will not achieve happiness anywhere in the world. Here, Kakaji in this bhajan explains the theory of Karma and how one achieves happiness and sorrow only through his deeds. Yet, if one completely surrenders to The Divine Mother she will take everyone in Her auspices and bless them with eternal happiness.
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kakabhajans · 4 years
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sahilbisht · 3 years
Raah Joti Rahi Che Aakh Mari, Aaj Madi Tara Darshan Kaje
In this Gujarati bhajan Kakaji is into love, worship and dedication of the Divine Mother and is quite desperate to meet mother, eagerly watching out on mother's path. Mind and soul is in oneness to get the divine vision. Kakaji says My eyes are watching out at your path for your vision. My heart is becoming uneasy O'Mother for your vision. I have forgotten all the taste for your vision. Only tears are running from my eyes today O'Mother, for your vision. My mind has become calm for your vision today O'Mother. I have forgotten all discrimination today, O'Mother for your vision. The heart has also forgotten illusion today O'Mother for your vision. Today the mind has also become stable O'Mother for your vision. Ears are longing to hear about your glory O'Mother today, for your vision . The nose too has been accepting your fragrance O'Mother for your vision. I have forgotten hunger, thirst today O'Mother for your vision. The heart has totally melted today O'Mother for your vision.
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urja-nm · 2 years
Here Kakaji mentions that let him be the stone of the door of the Divine Mother, he urges the Divine Mother to allow him to stay there Let him smear the dust of the Mother earth on his forehead, Let him be the fragrant garland and hang around the heart of the Divine Mother. Let him be the water of the river Jamuna and wash Her Divine feet. Let him be the anklet of the Divine Mother and regularly chime on her feet. Let him be the fan and, fan the Divine Mother. Let him be the incense stick and lit up all the time near Her. Let him be the lamp of faith and to glow in front of Her. Let him be the fragrant sandalwood and let him apply it on Her forehead. The Divine Mother inhabits the whole universe, let him see Her in everyone . Here, Kakaji mentions how he wants to worship the Divine Mother and take shelter in Her auspices.
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urja-nm · 2 years
Here, Kakaji mentions about the comforts the man is seeking for and how it is ephemeral to chase them as though chasing a mirage. When the comforts will be snatched away, one does not know. When one depends on comfort, it cannot be trusted. The comfort which is stuck together is unstable, it will not be stable. If it is searched in perishable things, it will not be eternal. You will feel elated in momentary joy and happiness, it will not stay in even for a moment. When you seek comforts think carefully, don't seek it without thinking. Other than the feet of 'Ma" The Divine Mother, there is nothing eternal If you devote your mind towards Her worship, you will not seek happiness elsewhere. If you seek it in your soul, you don't need to search it elsewhere. The sages and priests, the devotees have sought happiness, they did not seek it anywhere. Today you unite your mind with 'Ma' The Divine Mother, see that it does not go anywhere. Your will obtain eternal happiness there, which you will not get anywhere. Here, Kakaji in this beautiful devotional song asks the devotee not to seek happiness in the worldly pleasures which are ephemeral but to dedicate the mind in the devotion of The Divine Mother.
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urja-nm · 2 years
Shri Satguru Devendraji Ghia known as Kakaji by his ardent followers mentions the grace and blessings of the Divine Mother on her devotees- The priests, sages and devotees mention that You are omnipresent I have tired wandering and seeking You, yet cannot see You appear You asked many devotees to work, and You appeared and blessed them Knowing all of this Mother, my heart has lost its patience You shower Your grace so much in abundance Mother that the dumb will also start speaking When You shower Your grace, the handicapped will also scale the mountain What else does Your grace not do Mother, even a beggar can become a king Knowing such amazing wonders Mother, my heart is satisfied Whenever the devotees have beckoned You Mother, ever from their heart Without wasting any moment, You sped to help them Knowing all of this Mother, I have come to You Please fulfill my only wish, to seek Your blessings and grace.
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urja-nm · 2 years
Here Kakaji in this Gujarati Bhajan mentions the woes of the devotees, and his search for peace is accomplished after he seeks the Divine Mother- I have come again and again in this world Mother, in search of your support I have come out burnt into these heated worldly affairs, in search of your shelter and grace My hopes are broken into pieces Mother, I have come to seek your support I have developed many emotions in my heart Mother, I have come to seek Your love I have broken the ego of my heart Mother, to bow before You I have been lost in this infinite darkness Mother, I seek Your Divine light My heart has been completely unrest Mother, I have come to achieve peace from You I have been suffering from extreme greed and lust Mother, I have come to take medicine from You I have become too unhappy in this world, I seek happiness from You My mind has been wandering a lot Mother, I have come to keep it still in You I have committed plethora of sins Mother, I have come to empty them My heart is filled with a unique hope Mother, I have come to seek Your blessings and grace. Here, the devotees urge the Divine Mother to take them under her auspices.
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urja-nm · 2 years
Shri Satguru Devendraji Ghia known as Kakaji by his ardent followers tells the mortal being to completely surrender to the Divine Mother and be blessed with Her grace- If you will run to chase your past illusions Then they will run ahead of you Go towards it and try to face it Then it follow you from behind If you will swallow the bitter truth of life Then God will offer you the sweet nectar If you remove the vice of anger from the corner of your heart Then you will be offered the rare form of love If you fill your heart with the divine satisfaction Then the peace your heart was searching will be attained If you call the Divine with your pure heart Then hearing you call the God will come running.
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urja-nm · 2 years
Shri Satguru Devendraji Ghia known as Kakaji (Satguru Devendra Ghia)by his ardent followers urges the Divine Mother to fill our hearts with her love. You have filled my heart passionately with your love, I do not seek anything else. When I face adversities in my life, make my heart formidable with the word 'Mother' I have been kicked around by the world, you do not deprive me of your love, Let me strive happily against all odds, let my heart bear all adversities in a smiling manner, Let me not be deprived of anything in my life, make my life complete Let me perform all my duties willingly, fill my heart with great fervour I have eternal faith in you, fill my heart with sublime faith My heart has been filled with profound darkness, enlighten my heart with brightness I have nobody of mine in this world, Mother take me in your realm I urge you to shower your blessings Mother, let me capable of your love. Thus, Kakaji urges the Divine Mother to bless and enlighten the devotee.
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urja-nm · 2 years
Shri Satguru Devendraji Ghia called as Kakaji (Satguru Devendra Ghia)by his followers seeks the place and address of the Divine Mother- Where should I seek for you Mother? Where should I go and seek? I cannot find your place and address, If you inhabit in one place, it's easier to seek. When I start searching for you Mother? My mind is completely disturbed, Whom should I ask Mother? Nobody knows your address, The people who know your address, I cannot go till there. I roam around everytime disappointed Mother, My mind is always disturbed, I do not understand whom to narrate this sad tale other than you Mother? I have lost hope now, so please give me your address now, Let me have a quick rendezvous with you Mother as I cannot bear the separation. Thus, it is the longing to meet The Divine Mother at the earliest.
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urja-nm · 2 years
Shri Satguru Devendraji Ghia laments for the love and urges the Divine Mother for her blessings eternally- Although I have been requesting you a lot, your heart did not melt, Please do not be callous Mother, I will not expect anything else. Although I have been frantically searching for you with lots of hope, you have always been hidden from me. This behaviour does not suit you Mother, I will not expect anything else. Although I have been offering you a plate for your Divine love, Please do not keep it empty Mother, I will not expect anything else. My heart has been deeply wounded and you have the medicine for it, Please heal all my wounds Mother, I will not expect anything else, I have moved around the world with a clear conscience, Yet, have been deprived of success everytime, Pay heed to this matter Mother, I will not tell you anything else, Everyone abandoned me midway, Yet, you have always supported me throughout the journey, Please accept my heartfelt request, I will not expect anything else. Here, it is a plea for the Divine Mother's relentless support and blessings.
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urja-nm · 3 years
Here, Kakaji, in this beautiful hymn mentions about the Divine Mother, Siddhma, who will reside in a heart full of worship and one who dispels evils and fixes his devotion in the Divine Mother, Siddhma- The one who remembers ’Ma’ from his heart, Siddhma comes and resides in the heart If your call is mixed with love, Siddhma comes and resides in the heart If you clean your heart regularly, Siddhma comes and resides in the heart If from the heart the ego is erased, Siddhma comes and resides in the heart While chanting the heart longs, Siddhma comes and resides in the heart If greed and lust is dispelled from the heart, Siddhma comes and resides in the heart When your heart breathes the breath of faith, Siddhma comes and resides in the heart If you fix your mind in meditation, Siddhma comes and resides in the heart If you leave all the worldly pleasures and you surrender to Her, Siddhma comes and resides in the heart If you are steady in sympathy and religion, Siddhma comes and resides in the heart
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urja-nm · 3 years
Kakaji, in this beautiful hymn, mentions the Divine Mother being omnipresent and the one who dispels the fear from the mind of the devotee- When one goes to an obscure place, one fears a lot Remove that fear from your heart, that place is very lovely The one who has reached that place, have dispelled fear from their heart The heart is filled with happiness, are the ones who have reached there You have come from there, yet you have fear of him You have forgotten that place, now you love that place There is a lot of peace there, the heart seems peaceful The one who removes worries from the heart, he will only receive peace When the mind becomes clearer like the mirror, the reflection is seen When the mind is at peace, it runs often there. Kakaji, in this beautiful hymn, explains about a worrisome and fearful mind. One whose mind is at peace will reach the place of the Divine Mother.
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urja-nm · 3 years
In this beautiful hymn, the devotee mentions the flow of evil thoughts and there is no end to them- The flow of evil thoughts Mother, it’s flowing in the heart endlessly What has he drunk Mother, Your flow of sweet nectar There is a battle ensuing Mother and the flow has unstoppable There are various forms created, they look very lovely They have steadfastly placed themselves there, the flow is not budging What has he drunk Mother, Your flow of sweet nectar I am endeavoring a lot, the flow has stopped I am too confused, when will the flow stop I cannot think of genuine and clear thoughts, the flow has been suppressed What has he drunk Mother, Your flow of sweet nectar It is troubling a lot Mother, the flow is diverting me away from You It has too tied me up, my movements have been restricted Take him under Your auspices, finally, it is Your flow of thoughts What has he drunk Mother, Your flow of sweet nectar?
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urja-nm · 3 years
Kakaji in this bhajan mentions about how the mind was wandering and now it seeks the company of ‘Ma’ the Divine Mother- Do not tell my mind anything, Now it is no more in my hand, The mind has been injured with the love of the ‘Ma’ Mother It is now residing in the company of ‘Ma’ It has jumped up and down, ran helter skelter Now it resides in one place, it stays in the company of ‘Ma’ It has never listened to me, it has done its will Now it has forgotten it’s footsteps, it stays in the company of ‘Ma’ Greed has been overlapped, it ran helter skelter Now it has abandoned all worldly pleasures, it stays in the company of ‘Ma’ It has forgotten it’s old habits, it is drowned in love Now it has become peaceful in the love of ‘Ma,’ it stays in the company of ‘Ma’ It is fed of fake honey, now it has tasted the authentic honey It is drowned in the happiness of ‘Ma,’ it stays in the company of ‘Ma’ Earlier it used to run away from pain, now it Longs for ‘Ma’ Yet It does not run away from there, it stays in the company of ‘Ma’
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urja-nm · 3 years
Kakaji in this beautiful hymn mentions how the devotee seeks the support of the Divine Mother- When I call You from my heart, You keep silent Mother, this is not acceptable to me My heart desires and yearns for Your worship and You avoid blessing me Mother, this is not acceptable to me I spread my hands and ask you and You do not give Mother, this is not acceptable to me I am drowned in Your thoughts, and I think of something else Mother, this is not acceptable to me Seeing my condition, Your eyes swell with tears Mother, this is not acceptable to me To abridge my difficulties, You take immense efforts Mother, this is not acceptable to me If always in everything and every time Your face is not seen Mother, this is not acceptable to me In the journey of being together if I do not see Your support Mother, this is not acceptable to me If against Your wishes, even if I take one step, Mother, this is not acceptable to me If between You and me there is curtain of illusion created Mother, this is not acceptable to me.
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