#kaisoo non au
alexiososp · 2 years
Alexio’s take on Waxing & Waning: Two Moons by at1stsoo (Nov 2022)
I am putting my reviews on tumblr, and now am rereading my review and beside it I have the fic open … i started properly rereading from the chapter where it is after Kyungsoo broke up with Jongin, where he said his career is more important than their relationship. 
And I have several pointers to make after rereading up until the noreabang scene in the chapter of Warm But Choppy Winds , which was what I considered as one of the chapters I will really remember for a long time. Prior to when Jongin rushes to the noraebang to Kyungsoo, we explore:
The dramatic significance of Krystal as being the catalyst for Jongin needing a wake-up call and to think practically. This happens twice: 
Firstly, how Krystal is able to see exactly how Kyungsoo is when she firstly in the chapter Up in the Air where she makes Jongin think by saying what feels more real: those words or his actions? And because of what Krystal said, we see a huge difference in Jongin’s outlook on the whole situation. He is more hopeful, initiates more sincere and flirty interactions with Kyungsoo. 
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My hope in their love mirrors Jongin’s. And it brings relief to me that Jongin initiates more sincere and flirty interactions with Kyungsoo. It has been a long time since we had those moments. Jongin was angry at Kyungsoo, and to see that there is a slight change in behavior, it would mean that there is a change of heart. It is a relief, my heart feels at ease because it is Jongin the one initiating it and that kaisoo’s love is able to stand the test of heart wrenching moments. It makes me feel hopeful and happy. 
Another way we see dramatic significance of Krystal is in the chapter of Warm But Choppy Winds , she says in this chapter that Kyungsoo’s a smart guy… he definitely did it more brutally than necessary. He chose those specific hurtful words, carefully I bet, knowing your insecurities about his career. I think he went through great lengths to really push you away.”
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I am very grateful that Krystal is able to make Jongin see into Kyungsoo’s actions. I always felt awkward whenever Krystal is in a particular scene. Mainly because well, the thought of her made Kyungsoo doubt Jongin. That’s a no no from me because i NEED to see kaisoo as the endgame. I believe the doubt is made worse as at that time they had not confessed to each other.
Kyungsoo being realistic, doesn't mean that he is always right, in fact it makes him slightly more pessimistic in thoughts of actually finding happiness and a long term commitment… as we see from mama soo’s thoughts on the matter at hand in The Eye of the Storm chapter, Kyungsoo does not give Jongin enough credit, in terms of the possibility of Jongin having  enough courage and love to choose Kyungsoo as his dream.
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reddoll123 · 2 years
Summary: The classic story of how first impressions can actually be wrong sometimes.
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kaisooficdrunk · 3 months
In the Clouds With You by at1stsoo ft. ksoo's I Do
This episode is in commemoration of Kyungsoo’s second mini album, pre released track, titled ‘I Do’. we will be looking at a fic I believe is very appropriate. This story we will be looking at today, illustrates and has the essence of the song. 
The sequence in which we will be sharing this space:
Introduce the fic with its technical aspects of word count, tags, author’s summary, setting.
My experience reading the fic, and connecting parts of the narrative to the lovely song we have received from our dear Kyungsoo.
Short intro to the author and a qna with the author.
Without further ado, let us dive into the fic of the day.
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The fic i will be going through today… is laced with so much love, and even more love to be desired upon after reading this short thousand word fic. 
In the Clouds With You by at1stsoo is the fic we will be looking at today. Set in this universe where kaisoo is the way we see them now, but of course laced with fiction. This work is part of the Waxing & Waning series. I will not get into what Waxing & Waning is today, because that series needs a few episodes by itself. But going back to the fic of the day. General tags of In the Clouds With You by at1stsoo includes Fluff, Romance Wedding ish, and because it is a non au, it has also been tagged as canon compliant. 
The premise of the fic, reading from the authors summary: The location is heavenly, and Jongin envisions something other than a press conference taking place. (Kyungsoo does, too.)
The setting for this fic comes after the Waxing & Waning series, so kaisoo is already in an established relationship. It is a non au, so it is inspired by real life events. Here, the event that sparked this beautiful thousand word fic was The War press conference back in July 2017.
Everytime i read this fic, it is quite a fast read, well again it's about a thousand words, and wow does it give me the giddy feeling of love. The first few paragraphs of the fic, we have a scene where kaisoo are in their immaculate suits, written so painfully like them getting ready for a wedding ceremony in the venue. Sorry not A wedding, THEIR wedding.
The giddy feeling of love and hope and knowing their love is perfect. TO ME. Their love is perfect to me.
I am so in love with kyungsoo’s voice and his loving and lovely lyrics. So with that, connecting parts of the narrative to the song, we have Kyungsoo singing Whatever you like, I like it too Wherever you go, I go
And in the last part of In the Clouds With You by at1stsoo, and i quote: 
He releases his boyfriend and reaches into his white pants to pull out the silver ring and look at it properly. Jongin turns it over in his hand and notices an inscription inside the band:
Then, Now, Always
His eyes well up a little, and he meets Kyungsoo’s gaze with a *hitch* slight hitch in his breath.
“You like it?”
Jongin nods, his joy evident despite the tear that trickles down his cheek. “I do, I do.” Kyungsoo smiles back at him, a little glassy-eyed himself, and reaches into his navy pants’ pocket, pulling out a matching silver ring. Jongin marvels at it for a moment. “So we were only missing an officiant today?”
“Pretty much,” Kyungsoo says, giving him a light peck on the nose, cheek, and lastly lips. “You like it here? Or someplace like this?
“Name the time. Name the place. I’m yours.”
To fuel this kaisooism even more, Kyungsoo says in ‘I Do’: I know you and you know me like we are one, between us we share countless, identical memories.
I think enough has been said. The thing is, as a kaisooist who takes references from at1stsoo’s fics, it is as if the song was inspired by this moment. Their moment of innocent intimacy, their promises of lifelong commitment, and the confidence that they would be able to prevail all that limits their bond of love. 
Just an anecdote of what happened on the day of the pre released track, as i was listening to the song, i DMed at1stsoo. She mentioned upon listening to the latest release, that she had to edit the fic to have Jongin say I do, I do, to Kyungsoo’s sweet proposal.
Onto the next segment where we introduce a bit on the author: at1stsoo is, as we all know, a writer. A kaisoo historian and won the best kaisooist a few years ago. Works on ao3 amount to about 50 fics and counting. All on EXO.
at1stsoo has been in this fandom since 2013, that's about 10 years. The pull factor that got her into this fandom was when EXO released Growl. She heard the song and loved the start of the second verse. When she watched the music video for Growl and saw Kyungsoo sing the start of the 2nd verse, her bias was solidified. Back during The Moon promotions, at1stsoo obsession was on all of Kyungsoo’s stage greetings for The Moon and the confidence he is showing in interacting with fans. The meaning behind her user pseudo name is: when she fell in love with Kyungsoo at first listen and at first sight.
My question for at1stsoo was, what was your thought process when you saw kaisoo in the war press conference? What was the first thing that came to mind, and how did everything come to place in the end to birth this beautiful one shot?
At1stsoo response was that she immediately thought the boys looked like they were ready to be in a wedding, esp Kyungsoo and Jongin, and the venue for the presscon was soooo different from the usual? outdoors? greenery? it felt like such an outdoor wedding, so she thought - ok today's the day Kaisoo gets married in the Waxing & Waning series.
at1stsoo continued that of course, a proposal made a lot more sense than an actual wedding, so she ran with that. at1stsoo had always loved their secretive whispers right in front of fans on stage so she thought a secretive proposal in front of the press was kinda fitting.
So that about sums it all for this episode, link to the fic would be linked, do take some time to read! It is just a thousand words, and what better way to celebrate this proposal ish song other than at1stsoo’s subtle wedding ish nonau fic, In the Clouds With You?
Have a lovely week dear kaisooists, thank you so much for tuning in, and we’ll see you in the next one. Bye!
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I'm ready for the kaisoo non au fics. Yes.
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kaisoobeliever · 4 years
I'm feeling proud of myself as I've written my first fanfiction! I used to write before but for two years I've been busy. But now in this pandemic, I've found my love for writing back and just wrote a very short one shot nonau Kaisoo smut. 😁 Also, this is my first smut. So, if you read it and tell me what you think about it, I'd be very delighted.
Jacket Swap
Thank God for small mercies.
Kyungsoo thought to himself, quickly walking past the loud changing room. The rain would take at least fifteen minutes to stop and the stage had to be prepared again. Taking everything into account, Kyungsoo decided he had twenty minutes in hand. More than enough for what he has to do.
He chose the last changing room down the corridor and sneaked inside, making sure to turn the lock. He absolutely needed to go unnoticed. Anyone would take one look down his pants and know what's going on.
Shucking off his blue, shiny jacket, he threw it into a chair. He was feeling too hot. Then he looked at the mirror.  Arousal was etched in his dilated pupils and flushed cheeks. Fuck! After all these years that bastard still has so much hold on him! 
He knew he was fucked when he first saw Jongin in their practice room more than five years ago.  With a perfect devilish smirk, sinful role of tongue and languid hip thrusts, the man owns every dance they ever learned.
Tonight Kyungsoo was deliberately avoiding  looking at Jongin to keep his sanity intact but that fucker had to stare at him pointedly and wave that sexy ass on his face. And Bam! Little Soo stood up to salute Jongin.
It has taken Kyungsoo years to control his emotions from showing and master that poker face he's so much known for but God knows Jongin loves nothing more than crumbling his control. 
Silently cursing Jongin once again, he unzipped the fly and pulled out his throbbing cock. Holding the thick, large cock in hand, Kyungsoo started the mental slideshow of image after image of Jongin fucking him last night in their queen size bed, his hands bound over his head with one of his t-shirts. His cock throbbed painfully at the memory, the head starting to swell. 
Kyungsoo heard a knock on the door. He decided to stay quiet; whoever has come looking will eventually go away. He needs to finish. 
"Let me in, hyung."
His cock jerked at the voice. Oh God! How did he find him?
'It's ok. No one's here," Jongin assured Kyungsoo, "Let me in." He demanded again. 
Kyungsoo opened the door gingerly, a little embarrassed. Jongin got inside at the speed of light and locked the door. He hugged Kyungsoo from behind and took a look at Kyunsoo's hard cock, blinked once and chuckled softly. 
He knew what he was doing when he made sure the older one watched him doing those hard hip thrusts. Now, the result pleased him more than it should. Every time, seeing his lover go hard for him does wonders to his ego.
"I figured you might need me...hyung," Jongin whispered in Kyungsoo's ear and the man shivered in response. 
Kyungsoo insists Jongin call him hyung because the last time he called him jagi on stage, the aftermath was hell for him but not so much for Jongin. It almost seemed like he was proud of himself. That cocky bastard! 
After a lot of coaxing and bribing in bed, Jongin has agreed to stop calling him anything but hyung in public, but as payback, he now uses the word even in private and makes it sound so damn dirty. It drives Kyungsoo crazy and the younger man knows it. 
"How did you know?" Kyungsoo asked, placing his hands over Jongin's, his voice thickening with arousal. 
"I always know," Jongin answered, reaching for Kyungsoo's cock. He positioned them in front of the mirror, his front pressed flush against the shorter man's back.
He started to jerk Kyunsoo's hard digit and heard his soft moan. As far as Jongin is concerned, it was the sexiest sound in the world and it fucks with his mind every time. 
His already semi hard cock turned fully hard within a second and he pulled it out. Hands full of cocks, he started to suck on Kyunsoo's neck. Kyungsoo bent his neck sideways to give him better access. 
Jongin stopped long enough to stare at the man before him through the mirror. Kyungsoo with his expressive eyes, plump, heart shaped lips and a blush creeping up from his neck to his pale face, is the most beautiful creature in the world and Jongin wanted him so bad. 
"Baby, I want you," Jongin said in a breathy voice. 
Kyungsoo moaned again at the whispered words. He bent forward in invitation and rested his hands against the mirror. 
Jongin made quick work of their pants and lightly touched Kyungsoo's hole. Kyungsoo made an involuntary choking sound. Encouraged, Jongin inserted his middle finger inside Kyunsoo's mouth and he eagerly sucked on it. Jongin hissed,  snatching the finger away.
"Careful or I'll come right now," Jongin warned. 
He pushed the wet finger inside Kyunsoo's hole and Kyungsoo winced. After last night's experiments he was a bit sore. 
"Are you sore, baby?" Jongin asked softly. 
Some other time, Kyunsoo would've felt touched for his lover's concern but now he was too impatient. 
"Shut up and fuck me already, Jongin," Kyungsoo breathed. Now it was Jongin's turn to moan. Innocent face and dirty mouth, a deadly combination, Jongin thought.
He quickly spat on his right hand and slicked his dick with it. Grabbing Kyunsoo's plump chicks he parted them with his pulsing cock. They both hissed at the contact. Looking at the mirror, Kyungsoo made eye contact with Jongin.
"I need you inside me Jongin, right now," he roughly demanded. 
"Oh, you'll get it, hyung," Jongin growled. With a single thrust he was fully buried inside Kyungsoo. 
"Unghh!" Kyungsoo's groan echoed in the room. 
It made Jongin even harder than before, if that was even possible. He pulled the shorter man close to him and bit down on his neck. Kyungsoo whimpered. Jongin, turned on out of his mind, started to drill his cock hard into Kyungsoo's tight hole. 
Kyungsoo squeezed his own cock, turning the head purple and jerked off matching the pace to Jongin's almost punishing drilling. He could go on like this forever but in the back of his mind a clock was ticking. They didn't have much time left. 
Jongin roughly pushed Kyungsoo onto the countertop below the mirror. Clutching his wide hips, Jongin slammed his cock inside. In-out, in-out. He set a violent pace. The changing room was filled with wet slapping sound. 
Holding onto the counter tightly, Kyungsoo took the torturous fucking and clenched around Jongin's cock. 
"Fuck!" Jongin cursed. 
Kyungsoo looked at the mirror and smirked. He clenched his asshole again to drive Jongin crazy and was rewarded with a hard slap on his ass. Kyungsoo came instantly. Thick rope of cum sprouted out of his cock as he continued stroking it. 
If Kyungsoo's moan was the sexiest sound in the world, his coming was the sexiest image. Jongin's cock jerked inside Kyungsoo's ass and his rhythm became erratic. Jongin could sense his nearing release and started to pull out. No need for messy in the middle of a concert. But Kyungsoo stopped him. 
"Come inside me, baby," he urged. 
Guiding Jongin's cock inside him again, he confessed, "While I dance on stage tonight, I want to be reminded where your cock was."
Jongin slammed his cock once, twice and came long and hard. He buried his face in Kyungsoo's shoulder to muffle his growl. 
Jongin was still inside Kyungsoo, both of them panting from the exhaustion, when they heard a sharp knock on the door. 
"Going on stage in two minutes." It was unmistakably Baekhyun's hushed voice. 
"Shit!" Both of them said at the same time. 
Kyungsoo frantically searched for some tissues while Jongin grabbed his jacket lying beside Kyunsoo's. Kyungsoo cleaned themselves up hastily and they both checked their appearance in the mirror. Their makeup looked fine as they've consciously avoided touching each other's face tonight. 
They rushed to the door and Jongin pulled it open and came face to face with Baekhyun. 
"Oh, thank God!" Baekhyun huffed, "Now let's run!"
The three of them ran down the corridor to catch up with the other members. 
They performed Overdose next and from the reaction of the audience in Manila, they did well and if Kai looked a bit tired, no one really noticed. But, one thing everyone did notice was D.O and Kai were wearing each other's jackets- D.O wearing 88 and Kai 12. 
At the end of the concert Chanyeol wondered, "Why did they exchange their jackets?" 
Baekhyun looked at him pointedly and raised his eyebrows.
"They were in a rush," he informed. 
"Whoa! These fuckers!" Chanyeol sounded truly impressed. 
"Can't we do that too?" Baekhyun asked, wishful. 
"What! Have you gone crazy babe?" Chanyeol with his big eyes even bigger with shock, looked hilarious and Baekhyun giggled. 
"I was just talking about exchanging jackets," he assured his boyfriend. Chanyeol, visibly relaxing, patted Baekhyun on the back. 
"Yours would never fit me babe and you know that," he reasoned with Baekhyun. 
Baekhyun pouted and said in a small voice, "Isn't Kyungsoo's jacket a size too small for Jongin?" 
Back in the changing room where all the members were removing their makeup and stuff, Jongin seemed tired and strangely charged at the same time. He slung his right hand over Kyungsoo's shoulder and whispered in his ear, "Were you reminded of my cock while dancing, hyung?" 
Kyungsoo couldn't help the blush. His ears turned red and he looked down biting his lower lip. 
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akiirameta · 8 years
massive KaiSoo fanfic rec
Some of my personal favorites. A lot of nonAU and college AU. Not a lot of angst. Please remember to leave the writer an upvote, a comment or kudos if you enjoyed their work. Let me know if any of the information below is incorrect, especially concerning the warnings.
Actual fic rec after the cut, in no particular order.
like a disney movie 
setting: amusement park AU warnings: side pairings: about: Kyungsoo temporarily loses his voice and is pranked by his coworkers. Wonderful Tonight  
setting: university AU warnings: - side pairings: - about: They are a bit awkward on their (technically) first date. freefall (into my arms) 
setting: nonAU / predebut AU warnings: - side pairings: - about: Falling in love takes time, but Kyungsoo gets there. The Lines and Spaces between Us 
setting: university AU warnings: homophobia, character death side pairings: Jongin/Jinri about: Jongin is confused about his sexuality, and it’s Kyungsoo’s fault. Interrobang 
setting: university AU, genius!Jongin and student!Kyungsoo warnings: major angst, language, mentions of sexual assault side pairings: - about: Jongin is a little strange, but awfully smart. They meet by chance. Real. 
setting: coffees hop worker!Kyungsoo and idol!Jongin warnings: partially rated M side pairings: - about: Online dating and meeting in real life for the first time. Waxing & Waning: Two Moons 
setting: nonAU warnings: angst, partially rated M side pairings: Kaistal about: Their journey through their career, starting predebut. It’s complicated.
Take your heart (and add it to mine) 
setting: ballet!Jongin and artist!Kyungsoo warnings: rated R, but only a tiny part side pairings: - about: definitely more on the humour side, contains a major plot twist let's get physical 
setting: personal trainer!Jongin warnings: - side pairings: - about: Kyungsoo is best friends with Chanyeol and goes to the gym because Jongin works there. Spaghetti Kiss 
setting: nonAU warnings: rated M side pairings: - about: Jongin is jealous of Kyungsoo's spaghetti kiss with Kwangsoo. hold this moment 
setting: nonAU warnings: rated NC-17 side pairings: - about: set after Jongin and Kyungsoo touch foreheads during a performance. Sweet Surprise 
setting: nonAU warnings: - side pairings: - about: Kyungsoo bakes Jongin cookies because Jongin is injured. shatter, shatter (like once before) 
setting: nonAU warnings: angst, rated R side pairings: - about: Kyungsoo falls for Jongin. Starcasts 
setting: nonAU warnings: - side pairings: - about: Kyungsoo comforts Jongin Reversal 
setting: nonAU warnings: - side pairings: slight XiuHan about: Jongin warming up to Kyungsoo during their trainee days Only Want You 
setting: nonAU warnings: - side pairings: - about: Jongin needs Kyungsoo to comfort him after he had a nightmare heliotrope (heal me) 
setting: nonAU warnings: - side pairings: - about: Trainee days, slice of life Sprain 
setting: nonAU warnings: hospital setting side pairings: - about: Kyungsoo gets injured, Jongin worries
Drunken Bravery 
setting: nonAU warnings: underage drinking (based on American laws) side pairings: slight Taoris and Xiuhan about: Jongin wonders what he's like when he's drunk Hyung, Grab My Hand 
setting: nonAU warnings: - side pairings: - about: both of them are unsure about the other’s feelings Stage Kiss 
setting: nonAU warnings: crossdressing side pairings: about: Kyungsoo has to dress as a girl and kiss one of his members on stage Worth the Trouble 
setting: nonAU warnings: - side pairings: - about: warming up during trainee days + debut era Sincerely, Kai: A Case Study 
setting: nonAU / idol life warnings: angst side pairings: BFFJongin/Moonkyu about: Jongin has to write a journal while being a trainee My Favorite 
setting: nonAU warnings: - side pairings: implied Hunhan about: Jongin sticking to Kyungsoo while preparing for their comeback Love Game 
setting: nonAU / idol life, Prince of Tennis musical warnings: - side pairings: - about: This is more Prince of Tennis than Kaisoo, but still really cute Spider Webs 
setting: nonAU warnings: rated NC-17 for inexplicit smut side pairings: mentioned Krisyeol about: Jongin is mean, Kyungsoo is sweet. But are they really like that? his kyungsoo and red scooter (or so he thinks) 
setting: nonAU warnings: - side pairings: mentioned Xiuhan about: based on Kaisoo riding the red scooter during the AIMA Mix Bicycle Fanmeet on 8/8/14 (for woohyunized) Butterflies 
setting: predebut AU / idol life warnings: - side pairings: - about: Jongin struggles with being a trainee, Kyungsoo helps Butterflies 
setting: nonAU warnings: - side pairings: - about: Jongin is helplessly in love excuse you 
setting: nonAU warnings: forced dieting side pairings: - about: more on the humour/crack side, Kyungsoo is forced to drop a few pounds
When Jealousy Hits Jongin 
setting: nonAU warnings: jealous relationship side pairings: - about: Jongin gets jealous of the other EXO members Food Shortage 
setting: nonAU warnings: - side pairings: - about: Kyungsoo stops cooking food for everybody, EXO being overdramatic Of Late Night Kisses 
setting: nonAU / band!verse warnings: - side pairings: about: inspired by their Valentine’s Day date 2014 imperfections 
setting: nonAU warnings: - side pairings: - about: about grumpy Jongin and the attraction to someone’s lips, part of a series of drabbles Until I Met You 
setting: slice of life, writer!Kyungsoo and CEO!Jongin warnings: narcolepsy, insomnia, anxiety, depression, mentioned death side pairings: - about: Jongin and Kyungsoo both have sleep problems, but of a very different kind and due to very different reasons
Long Distance Nerdship 
setting: YouTuber!Jongin and Fanboy!kyungsoo warnings: language side pairings: Baekyeol about: Kyungsoo accidentally likes the oldest of Jongin’s Instagram pictures Go away (but move closer) 
setting: university AU warnings: includes smut side pairings: - about: Jongin finds new friends at university, but Kyungsoo scares him Urinal 
setting: 1960s American high school AU warnings: partially rated M, abduction, abuse, sexual assault side pairings: - about: Kyungsoo lives a very sheltered life, Jongin helps him get to know more of the world What a Beautiful Mess This Is 
setting: office worker!Kyungsoo and cleaning service!Jongin warnings: contains smut side pairings: Baekyeol about: Kyungsoo’s life is hectic, so he hires someone to clean his apartment. That someone is Jongin Wrong Number 
setting: ordinary life AU (?) warnings: - side pairings: Hunhan, Baekyeol about: Kyungsoo accidentally calls the wrong number, but things still work out Date Me (Just Say You Do)  
setting: store worker!Jongin warnings: - side pairings: Krisho, Baekyeol about: Kyungsoo uses cheesy pick-up lines (they work)
Something Cheesy and Clichéd 
setting: unspecified warnings: - side pairings: - about: Suho ships Kaisoo a lot. Definitely funny. Senpai Noticed Me 
setting: writer AU warnings: - side pairings: KrisLay about: Kyungsoo writes fanfiction, Jongin is his fanboy. Funny! baby, there's no other 
setting: fanboy!Jongin and idol!Kyungsoo warnings: - side pairings: one-sided Xiuhan about: Kyungsoo is an idol, Jongin is his fan Yellow Chrysanthemum 
setting: wedding planner!Kyungsoo warnings: (slight) infidelity side pairings: Jinri/Jongin about: Jongin is about to marry Jinri. Kyungsoo is mute and hired as their wedding planner. keyboard smash my love 
setting: online dating AU /collegeAU warnings: - side pairings: Chanbaek about: Chanyeol signs Kyungsoo up for an online dating site. Listen To Me 
setting: coffeeshop AU, writer!Kyungsoo warnings: rated NC-17, graphic description of domestic abuse, unprotected sex, smut side pairings: - about: Kyungsoo is a writer and doesn’t talk due to trauma. Paper Mâché 
setting: high school AU warnings: - side pairings: - about: Kyungsoo moves a lot. He finds his comfort in cardboard boxes. playing nurse (and its repercussions) 
setting: nonAU warnings: - side pairings: Krisho about: Kyungsoo is sick, Jongin takes care of him. (even if i'm soft-spoken) please understand me 
setting: amusement park AU warnings: mentions of mental illness side pairings: - about: Kyungsoo works in an amusement. Even though his tattoos and piercings do not suggest it, Jongin has social anxiety.
All the Way to the Stairway 
setting: neighbours AU warnings: mentions of smut side pairings: - about: Jongin discovers that the guy he has a crush on works for a phone sex line.
Hook, Line, and Sinker 
setting: college AU warnings: - side pairings: - about: Jongin is a nerd, and Kyungsoo is a badboy.
rumors / gossip / public display of affection 
setting: high school AU warnings: crime mentions side pairings: - about: There are a lot of rumours about Jongin. He isn’t as scary as he looks.
[my muse]
setting: painter!Jongin and college student! Kyungsoo warnings: - side pairings: - about: Jongin has to finish his work for the art exhibition next month. Kyungsoo is a fan.
love and other ailments
setting: high school AU warnings: - side pairings: Baekyeol about: Sehun and Jongin are roommates. Kyungsoo is the newest addition to their circle of friends. sprinkles of summer 
setting: ice cream shop AU warnings: - side pairings: - about: Kyungsoo likes vanilla ice cream. Jongin likes chocolate ice cream. the perfect way to cure an upset heart 
setting: nonAU warnings: - side pairings: - about: Kyungsoo gets jealous of their fangirls. how about a cup of coffee and a side of you 
setting: coffee shop AU warnings: - side pairings: Hunhan about: Jongin has a summer job at his cousin’s coffee job. His summer gets a lot better once Kyungsoo shows up. save the date 
setting: ordinary life AU warnings: - side pairings: Chanbaek about: Jongin counts their dates. Incredibly sweet. [untitled] 
setting: high school AU warnings: mentions of violence side pairings: - about: Jongin keeps getting himself into trouble, Kyungsoo isn’t happy. [untitled] 
setting: unspecified / suggested nonAU warnings: - side pairings: - about: Jongin leaves marks wherever he goes. The 12th Floor of Apartment E 
setting: neighbours AU / college AU warnings: - side pairings: Xiuhan, Taoris, Baekyeol, (Seho) about: OT12 all live on the same floor of an apartment building. Redamancy 
setting: college AU warnings: - side pairings: - about: Kyungsoo and Jongin are roommates. Take A Bite (Of My Heart) 
setting: gay neighbourhood AU warnings: - side pairings: Hoonsik (Hyunsik/Ilhoon), Krisho, Hunhan about: Kyungsoo discovers he is gay after he discovers his roommate is.
setting: Instagram celebrity AU warnings: - side pairings: - about: Jongin and Kyungsoo run a food blog together.
Theory of Relativity 
setting: college AU warnings: - side pairings: Hunhan, mentioned Sesoo about: Jongin is a physics major and works in a record store. Kyungsoo is roommates with Sehun, Jongin’s co-worker. Heartstrings 
setting: soulmates AU warnings: - side pairings: - about: Kyungsoo had always been curious about the string tied to his wrist. The Millionaire Matchmaker 
setting: CEO AU warnings: very mild sexual references side pairings: - about: Do Kyungsoo is a successful matchmaker in Seoul. Jongin is training to be the CEO of his father’s company.
Clubrooms & Weirdos 
setting: college AU warnings: lots of swearing side pairings: Hunhan, Baekyeol about: OT12 form a club in college, not really doing much. Very funny!
setting: high school AU warnings: - side pairings: Baekyeol about: Kyungsoo dumps iced coffee over Jongin’s shirt. He is not amused.
Stained Glass 
setting: art academy AU warnings: - side pairings: - about: Jongin looks a little unconventional. He falls in love with Kyungsoo’s singing.
Sweetheart, It's Our Secret! 
setting: idol!Jongin and CEO!Kyungsoo warnings: partly rated M side pairings: Hunhan, Baekyeol about: Jongin and Kyungsoo get caught in a dating scandal and decide to go for it.
Take a look outside 
setting: dancer!Jongin and office worker!Kyungsoo warnings: - side pairings: - about: Kyungsoo is scared of flights. Jongin is his seat neighbour on their flight to New York.
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nuts-cracker-pn · 5 years
my fic is on aff now
for the ones that didn’t see my previous post about this: 
still working on ch 2, will try to update today.
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kaisooficrec · 3 years
Hi beautiful admins can you please recommend more hurt/comfort fics 🥺🥺 Thank you and have a nice day ❤
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@piciwai hi and thank you cuties!! yesss empathy is still on repeat she's indeed aoty like - look at those nominations 🥰 btw we've got a bunch of great hurt/comfort and some insecure fics fit in this well~
hurt comfort:
Christmas Day - kyungsoo's having not so happy christmas family visit and jongin cheers him up
Revenge served sweet - they broke up and and deal with it much difficulty
Wild Rose - kyungsoo who's raised in a very religious family falls for his best friend jongin. jongin is such a soft caring bebe here and i feel for kyungsoo's inner conflict omg
Vinyl Hearts (For the Record). - time travel au! jongin is a music producer in cali but time travels to korea and a hundred years back to meet kyungsoo
Sharing is Caring - kindergarten teacher jongin (swoons!) adores his pupils very much and 5-year old sehun's dad as well :))) so cute!! amorkaisoo-nim come through!
Hello Stranger - hurt/comfort more like fluffy comfort!! wedding singer jongin befriends hotel housekeeper kyungsoo. hit's so soft and wholesome honestly, i like how it blooms into a friendship in a natural and easy pace. and we demand more singer jongin au pls
Promise You Still Love Me - non au, their relationship is threatened to be exposed so kai has to date jennie
Memories of You - is this the obsession au we deserve? absolutely!! ft. x-exo and exo members but dw still kaisoo-centric :) amorkaisoo ily
Dancing With Your Ghost - break up make up, they broke up but patch things up before kyungsoo enlists
The Last Time - graduation, break up make up, high school sweethearts with painful twist but a happy end :)
Loved and Found - kyungsoo stutters when he's anxious but jongin finds him cute. and ksoo has soo many pets :)
falling is never easy - neighbours au. kyungsoo notices his neighbours has some minor cuts and bruises and helps to tend to them and questions how jongin gets these injuries
Days In the Sun - jongin wants to have a meaningful life and not deal with the town and his family while kyungsoo lost his parents at a young age and had to grow up with people calling him a monster and now i want to cry :’(
I See You - soo loses his parents in an accident but survives; in another realm he meets a soul who accompanies him and guides him which is jongin (happy ending!)
with insecure soo and protective jongin / taking care of him
Visiting Jongdae - we've got some non au here :))) kaisoo go visit jongdae and his family .-----
Croquembouche - domestic fluff with kid!chanbaek. this fic shows kaisoo’s journey from childhood friends to husbands and parents to chanyeol, whose little friend baekhyun starts to worry a protective jongin
when a tree falls - army veteran kyungsoo suffers from ptsd and decides to get help
Hold me in your arms - married kaisoo! a tiring day at work has kyungsoo counting down the minutes until he gets to see jongin, his husband and safe haven, again
remember the beautiful us - non au! just a typical day in the life of jongin and kyungsoo, which somethings can get hard
I Think It's Love - non-au with pre-debut kaisoo. tho it’s tagged with light angst, worry not!! this will give you a warm feeling
Melting - pregnant kyungsoo is just craving some ice cream when a tired jongin says something really hurtful to him. tw: rape mention
Safe - sad, also sweet. kyungsoo is afraid of losing jongin, who reassures him that nothing bad will happen to him
Kintsugi - after an accident, kyungsoo was left with multiple physical and emotional scars
I'll Follow You Till You Love Me: A Guide By Kim Jongin - jongin befriends his new roommate, cat hybrid soo who is a bit reserved and guarded
give you all of the stars - because of low self-esteem, it’s hard for kyungsoo to understand why jongin loves him
Warm Me Better - family au. adoption, also mentioned mpreg. kyungsoo has a great family and he's happy but also insecure he can't give jongin their own children
A Storm is Brewing - barista jongin helps kyungsoo, who is afraid of thunder, get through a stormy night
Stitch My Heart (And Kiss It Better) - zombie!soo has insecurities and thinks he's not worthy of beautiful vampire!jongin
Blossom Out - Kyungsoo is a maintenance man, and he has a crush on a cute uni student!jongin but instead first talks to him via notes due to his anxiety
Snapshots - soo likes dressing in feminine clothes but get insecure and misunderstood but his very suppportive jongin proves him wrong
while we're at it, here's also insecure jongin / protective caring ksoo :
Itsy Bitsy Vampy - supernatural/halloween au this one is so cute omg. kid au also, smol jonginnie dresses up as a vampire (he is a vampire too!) and is a bit upset he's made fun of. it's also so fluffy!!!
No tomorrow - titanic au/historical, ballerino/model jongin, commoner kyungsoo. jongin wants to start off modelling in nyc and escaping from his manipulative manager and ends up in the arms (literally) of cabin boy kyungsoo
By Your Side - non au, jongin can't help but be upset he made a tiny mistake on stage but kyungsoo comforts him well :')
you're doing great (i mean it) - jongin is busy with his solo, photoshoots and super m activities and is tired and stressed out but kyungsoo got his back (even if he's in the military!) lovee ittt
Here, With Me - jongin suffers from ptsd but kyungsoo is with him to shelter jongin from his nightmares. also mpreg
more great hurt comfort fics we've listed! (or just click on 'r:hurt comfort') we hope you'll enjoy these :)
- Admin J & Admin Mimi
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do-itall · 7 years
Can you rec non-au fics where kyungsoo is tired or sick! Also au fics where kyungsoo is sick please thank you angel :-)
Here you go (ノ^∇^)ノ゚*:・゚✧ ❀ *:・゚✧❀
Jongin Poppins (Kyungsoo/Kai)
Playing Nurse (And It’s Repercussions) (Kyungsoo/Kai)
Sprain (Kyungsoo/Kai)
A sick Kyungsoo is cute too! (Kyungsoo/Kai)
When Kyungsoo is Sick (Kyungsoo/Kai)
Other aus:
Like a Disney Movie (Kyungsoo/Kai)
bathtub (Kyungsoo/Baekhyun)
warmth (Kyungsoo/Chanyeol)
- Admin N
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faakeid · 3 years
fab nygmobblepot moments that remind you of kd uwu
I want to use this moment to be sorry to everyone that follows me but keeps seeing my blog full of Nygmobs/Smaylor instead of kaisoo. I usually don’t get attached to otps like this and it happened in an unexpected way for me. But it’s here and I need to compensate for all the years I didn’t watch Gotham and had no idea about Nygmobs spamming everyone and making my heart warm.
But in general, nygmobblepot isn’t a vision of ideal relationship. Both Edward and Oswald (their surnames Cobblepot and Nygma were the ones who originated this name) are stupid and do stupid shit to each other during most of the series. So, a lot of moments related with the actors counterpart (Robin is the actor who plays Oswald and Cory who plays Ed) reminds me of kaisoo more. But a warning here! Although they have a HUGE chemistry on and off screen, they’re mostly friends. Robin is married for almost ten years so it doesn’t mean their closeness is romantic or sexual. But still, some details remind me of kd.
Similarities with nygmobs:
Height difference: it applies to Smaylor as well because it’s their height but it’s really visible in the series. Cory is a bit taller than JI I think and Robin is like 1.65 but KS is not that taller (I can’t believe he’s 1.73 at all, sorry). But, again, this factor is evident during the series and in some moments and it’s cute.
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(the way he moves his feet to reach Ed’s head ;_;)
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(when they hug, Oswald barely reaches his shoulders [their hugs are the equivalent to kisses in Gotham])
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the closest gif I could find where we can see kd’s height difference without me stealing other people’s gifs.
Penguin reference? That’s pretty obvious. Of course I didn’t start shipping nygmobs because one of them is small and has the Penguin nickname but it made so much easier for me to read some of their fics with kd as characters because they fit the profile so much! And also, I believe KD would totally fit the “murder husbands” couple if someone did a fanfic where they just kill everyone. The closest I remember of a fanfic with this criteria is Juice Pouche where Kyungsoo is a vampire and he protects Jongin and Jongin is kind of badass as well. But the kd fandom needs more fics like this. There’s also “(Before the night is over) come see me” where KS is also a vampire and JI a young werewolf but it focuses more on their relationship than a murder husbands idea Gotham shows so well. 
How they met: Gotham’s history has a lot of differences if you compare with other universes, so keep that in mind. In Gotham, Ed works with GCPD but doesn’t feel like himself with the good side. Oswald is the character that spices things up and is a rage of death and destruction and manipulation. But Oswald is infatuated with Jim Gordon (so isn’t the first time it’s implied Penguin is gay) but he goes to the police department to see him. Ed sees him and wants to talk to him no matter the cost. And he does that... And things don’t end that friendly for him because Oswald thinks he’s a weirdo and asks him to fuck off, basically. It reminded me of kd’s first meeting where KS was the one admiring JI all along but JI get frightned. But, during their second meeting, they bond and become friends. For Nygmobs it takes more time for their second meeting but they end up developing and being in good terms :’)
Their personas, sort of: Ed is the tall one, younger and logic. Oswald is the oldest, smaller and that thinks with his heart. I love how JI could show the more logic side of himself during the last few years and, again, while reading Nygmobs fics using kd names, it was easy to fit the profile for me (that was during the time I wasn’t too deep into nygmobs and I didn’t knok them that well. KS looks cold and deatached and that’s why many people got impressed when he said, during Knowing Bros that he would choose love over friendship. He doesn’t play the part but, considering all the context, it fits him pretty well and reading this description of Oswald made me so familiar because it fits KD well. Ofc I don’t know their private lives and whatever but it’s just the impression I had as a viewer and random person;
Drama issue: when I say drama here, it’s related with how people percieve the two OTPs and how different people visualize LGBT relationship in media. Nygmobblepot had a lot of drama involved because they’re the fucking Riddler and Penguin, two of the most famous Batman villains. People saw them in different sorts of media before and others idolize those characters because of videogames and comics. So, when Oswald mentioned expressedly that he was in love with Edward, it caused an uproar in the fandom. People accused the producers and Robin of messing with the comic canon because the fucking Penguin became gay??? Robin was outspoken about the homophobia behind those statements since he’s a gay man himself but yeah, the drama existed. Part of the people invovled with the series rooted for Nygmobblepot, including some writers and the actors (Cory was the one with ambiguous messages about the nature of their relationship but it’s not even close what happened with other series like Supergirl, Supernatural and Sherlock). But it was aired by FOX, a right wing channel and, as you may imagine, they didn’t become canon per se. Actually, after Oswald said he was in love with Ed and planned on confessing to him, the writers presented a clone of Ed’s ex girlfriend with no explanation and purpose, only to separate them for most part of the series future. After that, some people seemed to have FORGOTTEN Oswald was once in love with Edward, rationalizing many things that are hard to explain with a “bro explanation”, they had a scene where the characters would have evolved even more but it was CUTTED and CHANGED and execs added the sentence “we’re brothers” to make EXPLICIT that Nygmobblepot’s relationship wouldn’t be interpreted as a romance at the end of the series (but, honestly, the actors went for the romance path anyway, the deleted scenes and the final episode can’t convince me otherwise).
What’s related with KD, may you ask? I think you’re familiar with all the drama KD faced since 2016 and how many stuff exploded during that time. How many parts are involved into creating a certain image and shifting it to be appealing and “friendly” is similar with what happens with idols. It’s no secret now about many scandals of bullying and other issues that are considered problematic and how they need to be pushed under the rug for companies so idols can make money and be profitable. Especially for male idols, it’s important that they are viewed as desirable and an object of the fans affections. That’s why he needs to be handsome and kind and look like a person that doesn’t exist. If an idol is openly gay, this person isn’t viewed by the major public with the same interest because they can’t fit the fantasy. That’s why scandals involving idols being gay need to be forgotten and deleted from people’s minds, otherwise that celebrity is ostracized. Although we tend to see the Ocident as “progressive”, there’s similar things happening in that industry. If a celebrity is openly LGBT, they don’t receive certain roles or opportunities because of it. There’s still a huge stigma that needs to be broken and we, as a society, are so far way from it. But recognizing those differences exist it’s a step forward.
Similarities with Smaylor
For me, one of the reasons Nygmobblepot works so well is because of the actors. They portrait a good chemistry because of their friendship off screen and some non verbal signs they display around each other are amazing. Those are things that remind me more of KD as we see them in a lot of moments. So, I wanted space to show those comparisons below:
Mutual admiration: it’s something both Smaylor and KD display a LOT and is extrememly outspoken. I really love watching their old interviews because the affection and admiration is so genuine it makes me drawn to them despite not being romantically involved.
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(full gifset)
(there are more moments than these but I don’t want to steal gifs and there’s not much on the gif research and that sucks. Same with KD’s).
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Stares and touches: Robin was the responsible for the deep stares and Cory for the random touches. There’s so many gifs of it that is hilarious. It’s like JI divided himself in two cells because we know he’s more known for both >.<
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(Cory was touching Robin all the way during this interview rip)
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(the gifset!!!)
You’re pretty moment: Robin, like KS, is the one that mentions about Cory/JI’s physical attributes. They have a moment pretty similar and, for KD its famous among shippers:
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(gif link)
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(actually, Robin called Cory dashingly handsome but its okay)
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Cory lost it
There’s another series of gifsets with Robin calling Cory handsome LMAOO
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Synchronization: for specialists in body language, it’s a factor that shows two people are close. That’s because of the mirror neurons we have that makes us copy movements, actions or words that someone we have empathy/we are close with do or say. Both kd and smaylor do this and it’s really soft.
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(one of the classics)
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(classic 2)
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whole gifset (i love this interview so much)
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The fact the actors came up with their OTP names: people tend to forget that KD’s real otp name (according with Jongin) is dika. Cory also came up with Nygmobblepot name and Smaylor too <3
So, meanwhile Nygmobs has thropies that work a lot with KD AUs, Smaylor has healthy dynamics seen in public appearances KD made. Like I said above, there’s a huge polemic about shipping Smaylor romantically because Robin is married. On social media, is visible he loves his husband and it’s pretty cute to see. Cory himself mentioned that their relationship was sort of a platonic friendship (whatever that means) but it’s really genuine in terms of affections and display of admiration, something KD has as well.
Probably someone will question that it may changed the way I see KD or if now I ship them as bros. Nothing about that changed. With KD, although there are some similar details, there are internal AND external factors that made me support them in a romantic perspective in the first place. And it didn’t change. 
But both of them (Nygmobs too) make me feel that I’m testimoning something genuine, which is really hard in both kpop and media universes. In one side, we have a LOT of fanservice. And, in the other, it’s mostly a work interaction with lots of queerbating. Yes, Gotham has queerbating aspects in it but it’s not full of queerbating, if it makes sense. The message the actors and some writers wanted to convey are there and really display a romantic direction with character evolution and growth. And, considering the way media is nowadays, it’s nice to see.
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alexiososp · 2 years
Alexio’s take on Waxing & Waning: Two Moons by at1stsoo (April 2021)
Happiest 5 year anniversary to at1stsoo’s writing! It has been a ride as a reader reading and I love it! I hope you are proud of all these gems the author has written for us. The way of writing… the ability to capture the essence of life, I find it deeply moving. The relationships the characters have with one another still plays very vividly in my mind. Between the power couple, the group, their friends, their superiors… wow thinking about it makes me feel the need to reread your words again.
Talking about reading, the most recent one, They Say You Can't Go Home Again, oh boy! Flashbacks to W&W’s Seriously, The Longest Night where we saw Jongin take a big brave step in confessing his love for Kyungsoo in front of the VP. The reason why this oneshot brought me back to W&W is because of the certainty Jongin has in their relationship, or in this oneshot, hopes to continue. Basically, it is because it shows the switch in roles they are now in.
From what I remember in W&W, Kyungsoo is the one to challenge their relationship with his frequent inner turmoil. On the receiving end of this, unfortunately is Jongin who sometimes is kept in the dark of Kyungsoo’s protective actions. I say protective because as Jongin later realizes in the above said chapter, that he knows about how the VP used Kyungsoo’s love for Jongin into staying away from him.
And now looking in They Say You Can't Go Home Again, we see that it is now the opposite. Jongin is protective about their love for each other, and makes the effort to not indulge Kyungsoo by replying to his drunk texts. Jongin has come a long way in thinking thoroughly with what he wants, and giving Kyungsoo space to come to the same conclusion himself.
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reddoll123 · 1 year
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fuckyeahexofics · 4 years
Fic Search #216
200705. m trying to find a fic i read several years ago. I think it was either kaisoo or chanbaek, and from what i remember one of the characters passed away (i think due to a disease) and somehow the other character ends up dying/on the verge of death as well and they see their partner again (in like a limbo) and want to stay together, but their partner says it's not their time yet and sends them "back". and when the character wakes up (in the ambulance) they are holding onto a pebble/stone?
2. 200706. Hey!! I’m trying to look for a fic that was written years ago! It was a bandau fic- Tao centric. Where Tao started writing fanfics about the members and he wrote in this “secret book” and all of the members tried to find a way to get the book and one time they even made lay go shower with him just to distract him while the others tried to get the book. Oh! And his fanfic writer name was something like “guccigirl~” and he was a popular fanfic writer. Sorry and thank you!!
3.  200710. hope you all are having a good day and staying healthy!! i was wondering if you know a fic that might’ve been master/slave au and had various pairings but focused on suho and chen owned him? i cant remember a lot and i’m trying to find it but the only thing i remember was this scene where chen fucks suhos throat and i’m pretty sure suho didn’t really like him? sorry if that’s not a lot of info but i appreciate everything you do!!
4. 200710. mochg26. OMG are you still in existance!? Like I just found you and I really hope you're still going here in 2020 because I have an ask! And this seems like the best place... should I do my ask here just in case? Okay well I'm looking for a Krisho fic that is like hybrid au where Jun is a barista bunny and Yifan is an alpha wolf and they're at the cafe and some wolves are bothering Jun and Kris comes to his rescue. It's not that long but I'm running out of words.. shit. I hope you can help TT
5.  200714. Okay so I found this doc on ao3 a while back but I can’t find it anywhere. I’m pretty sure it was sebaek, and it’s basically just a kink piece where baekhyun is a demon or an incubus or something that ‘feeds’ on sexual energy, and the story opens with him draining this older guy(joonmyun) by accident so he’s like well what about some younger guys and he ends up at a college party and flirts w Sehun but they are interrupted by approximately two guys (non exo) and it’s basically a gangbang
6. moonrise romance; sadly deleted 200717. Hi! I hope you guys are doing fine in this difficult times ♡ I am looking for a old fics I remember it was pcy/ksoo I remember yeol was a space soldier and Ksoo worked for the gov and he had a baby son with red hair. Yeol come back home for a mission. I remember they had to hide their powers and ksoo has a greenhouse in his home and i think they live in this kind of dome city cus air was really bad. I think there was chen too. I search in every tag and nothing :( thank for ur help ♡
7. 200719. Hi, I’m looking for a fic I’ve tried googling and searching but I must not have the right word combo! I believe it’s Kaisoo and abo but they had broken up but had a child together, Kyungsoo was seeing Baekhyun instead and he had bitten over Jongin’s bite. Kyungsoo didn’t want more children because he wanted them to have the same Dad. Anyway at the end (possibly because of Kyungsoo heat) Kaisoo get back together and have another baby. If you can find this thank you so much!
8. 200801. I'm trying to locate a fic that I'm sure was on AO3. I could've sworn the title was "when the lights go out and all the sinners crawl" or something like that. It was a kaisoo demon/angel fic where they get trapped in a circle kai made.
9. heartbeat highway by xiseoks 200726. hi! i'm looking for a baekchen fic i read a while back on ao3, and all i can remember about it is that it was best friends to lovers and took place in the 80s? i think? or otherwise had an 80s sort of vibe. thanks!
10. The Beauty of Death 200727. Hi! Can you please help me find this fic? BH and Lu were notorious thieves? While CY was just a normal dude. There was this scene, where Lu kidnapped CY. They were in a bar? when he took pic of CY and send it to BH. BH goes there immediately. I also remember, Lu & BH trained CY to seduce a woman. This woman has the jewel that Lu and BH wanted, they couldn’t do it by themselves because their identity has already been compromised that’s why they trained Yeol. Lu and BH we’re watching thru the cctv
11. ashore 200801. Hi! Asking about a chanbaek fic where chanyeol is a pirate and baekhyun is either a mermaid/siren and he gets in hugeee trouble for loving a human. His "mother" is this huuuuge sea creature. [SPOILER AHEAD] at the end, chanyeol has a daughter who mentions she's seen a mermaid by the beach who gave her a little trinket chanyeol had given baekhyun. I'm not entirely sure where I read it! Thank youuuu
12. 200806. momwoni. Hey, I'm wondering if you guys know this fic that I've been looking for a while. I'm pretty sure it was ChanSoo, where Chanyeol is an intern and Kyungsoo is his mentor? I think Chanyeol is Kyungsoo fan or admire him and in the end he choose to not work for that company. It's vague I'm sorry, but it'll be wonderful if I can read it again. Thanks for your hardwork all these years, stay safe guys! Lots of love for you guys
Thanks @pipatsu and anon!
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Let's dream of a house in a green field
“I just- I wish I could hold your hand whenever I wanted to..” Jongin sighed. A sigh that was a little too sad. A little too broken.
“I know.”
The two boys were both lying down facing each other on Kyungsoo’s bed in their shared dorm room. Their noses bumped and the older boy opened his eyes. Kyungsoo watched as tears slowly rose in the younger boy’s eyes. But jongin didn’t blink, and the tears didn’t fall.
“I wish we didn’t have to hide this. I just want to be normal. I want to love you normal, hold you normal, kiss you normal.. I-” Jongin chuckled. It was bitter and broken. Just like them.
“Me too, jagi.” He whispered ever so softly, making Jongin blink and causing his tears to trickle down. A track of tears over the bridge of the bump on his nose. Another track from his other eye to his temple. Wetting the light blue pillow.
Kyungsoo kissed his eyelids. Softly. 
 "One day,“ Jongin started, his voice barely over a whisper, “we will build our own house. In a green field. And we will finally be free.” He buried his nose in Kyungsoo’s shoulder. 
 Kyungsoo exhaled loud and hard. And he felt as though he was exhaling his soul. “Of course. I love you.”
“I’m tired, but god, I love you too. I love you so much.” The younger replied against Kyungsoo’s shoulder.
“Go to sleep.”
“I will.”
“Dream of our house.”
“I already am.”
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I rarely post Angst and Non-Au but I think this one should really be exception cause it deserves more recognition !! The author did really write beautifully 🥺 All the imagery and the descriptions were really good. All the feels in this. Talk to me about this, let’s share thoughts. 🥺 https://archiveofourown.org/works/3725983/chapters/8255731
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