#kaiju murder drones au
kaiju-wolfdragon · 10 months
Kaiju!n: Now i caught you little snack~
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m0nom0th · 2 years
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@kaiju-wolfdragon kajiu Murder drones au!! I Love this au so much [I have one aswell XD] Please Check out Kajiu as They have good art ^^ Btw Neo has a RP acc!! At @neothemurderdrone Go ask neo questions around her
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kaiju-murder-drones · 2 years
(Welp. Got no choice-)
Hello everyone! This is the Kaiju murder drones au rp blog
Here's who we got
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She got turned into a kaiju because she's born with the kaiju disease along with the special eye just like her mother, she's about 6-12 worker drones tall but the murder drone are way bigger than her the worker drones is scared of her when she's in her half Kaiju form, her father, khan tries his best to tame her and made her listen to him to be a regular worker drone.
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The tallest murder drones Kaiju that doesn't want too attack all worker drones, he's about 50-60 worker drones tall, this gentle murder drone kaiju giant likes to take care of the worker drones, but have to do the job that he have to do. When he meets uzi doorman he started to attack her. But then the program scans her that she's a Kaiju but part of it as she slowly about to turn into one fully.
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Another murder drone Kaiju but she's a same size as J, she can threat uzi when she's in her half kaiju form, she can kill all worker drones with a snap. With her kaiju form she felt like she's very powerful than all the worker drones, she'll might kill uzi but she wouldn't test her luck.
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The leader of the murder drones and the most murderous murder drone kaiju she can also threat uzi and N even when they're Kaijus but she'll kill uzi along killing the worker drones but not to mention, she can also kill you if you mess with her
No nsfw, pedophiles, or any gross stuff
G/t, vore, fluff, fearplay, blood and gore (if you're comfortable with it) and other sfw stuff
Have a good rp and good luck
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nuzipilled · 5 months
I adore the Pacific Rim/Murder Drones Au! :o I wonder if its fine to ask questions.
Who was N's partner that he lost?
Are J and V possibly as well pilots for jaeger's?
OMG @limeinaltime we got fanz
i’m still parsing together the lore™️ but i imagine that in this au the worker drones were built originally to help assemble the jeagers, and then repurposed as pilots as the kaiju threat and human losses grew. the setback was the mechanics of the jeagers were too much for the worker drone’s little bodies, so they needed to be modified to accommodate that—hence disassembly drones. Tessa was the daughter of the ceo at JcJenson who were the original manufacturers of the workers and also a rookie pilot at the time, so it made sense that her drones would be the prototypes. Their AI originally proved to be ineffective when drifting with another drone and so they needed a human counterpart to drift with while the company worked out the kinks in their programming.
it just so happened that because she was so close with with them all and generally just an openhearted, good person she was sort of considered the MacGyver of the jaeger program and was virtually drift compatible with all of them. she would take turns drifting with them in their respective jeagers and training them until their AI was developed enough to be compatible with each other. then i think that N was paired off with V while Tessa stuck with J.
An incident happened shortly afterwards that ended up getting Tessa killed and N was so traumatized by the experience that him and V started to have issues with their drift and he eventually was retired as her partner, with J taking her place. J taunts N about this relentlessly. N was delegated the responsibility of training rookie drones, still in their worker bodies in preparation of their modification so that they can become pilots too and effectively make humans obsolete and therefore safer.
As time goes on, and the threat continues to grow, the company has no choice but to recommission N, but since the incident his terror of stepping back into a jeager hasn’t faded. It is virtually impossible to find somebody that’s compatible.
he ends up taking a liking to Uzi, a spunky, rebellious rookie, whose parents just so happened to also be pilots during the experimental days where jcjenson was still using worker drones as stand ins for humans. Khan also lost his partner, Nori and is very much opposed to the idea of Uzi following in their footsteps because of it. Uzi however is practically foaming at the mouth to get into a mech and eventually, despite her not being modified, N warily to take her to the launch bay for a joyride and finds out to Uzi’s joy and N’s horror that they are drift compatible.
I have more to say on this, but I’m actually driving right now and using voice to text I got so excited to answer this and was afraid that if I let it sit, I’d forget my autistic ponderings. Long story short, to answer your question via incredibly winded ramblings, yes, V and J are also pilots, Tessa was N’s original partner, Then got rotated to V, watched Tessa die And it all went downhill from there. Thank you for the ask, anon!
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kinzuti · 5 months
Shout out to all these authors & fanfics
Murder Drones ver.
I swear I feel like fanfics are part of my daily life now. I don’t know if that’s a good or bad thing. Hey, least I get my daily reading in I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ but you’re not here to ponder read about that. You’re here to see some shout outs.
P.S I’m not very descriptive so apologies for that. I just wanted to shout out some of these fanfics and authors because I visit their fanfics about almost every single day so I just thought “oh why the hell not. I’m just going to blog about it.”
Authors & Works
Lady Daybreaker
Oh my god I love their work series Ad Astra Per Aspera it’s just so good. And I’m going to be honest, this series is the reason why I love Nori now so much now it’s not funny. The series just adds more to the story for Murder Drones and again, I love it so much that I join their server. Never interact on their though because I am a bit of a coward I guess. If you want to see more to the story I’d suggest checking their MD fanfics.
At first, I wasn’t very interested in most of their fanfics (mostly because crossover stuff) till I just told myself to give them a shot because why not. Their description for their stories were so interesting and intriguing that I just had to. And now, they’re the reason why I am interested in Monster Hunters now and I may try to get one of the games or such. So far I’ve read Beauty And The Monster, In The Ring series, Muted Manor, Little Purple Riding Hood And The Big Bad Stygian Zinogre, Sugar Spun Straight From Hell, To Guard A Goddess, Kaiju Girl Uzi, & Distorted Deals.
I do want to try to read more of their past works which I am going to try to do soon. These works were all just so good, if you’re interested in crossovers like Pokémon or Monster Hunter, or just interesting concepts outside of the Murder Drones universe. Then check their stories out!
The first work I’ve ever read from them was I believe Sure!You Can Date Our Mama! Which augh/pos it’s really good so far and I adore the lil cuties in the fanfic already. I’m more of an Nuzi fan myself but I also adore InspiredDragonWriters ver. of Sam that I ship SmokeyBats (Sam/Uzi) now. I know what it’s like to love a random character so much in the background of the show/game/etc that I start to make up what their personality and interests are. I won’t say who that random character is but I will say their not from Murder Drones ha.
I’ve also read One Night, A Promise And A Whoopsie-Daisy which there is only one chapter as of now but I love it so much that I had to mention it. I’d suggest checking these works out when you can and want too ofc.
GameCube, oh my god. What have you gotten yourself into/pos. So far the only works they’ve posted are Broken Balance and Broken Balance Specials which go together. And my god, I did expect this work to go up to 111 chapters. 111. I started reading when it was only 11 chapters in. I am predicting at this point that this work will reach up to 1M words tbh, right now it’s word count is at 724,206. Anyways that’s not the point. What I want to say about this work is that I love it. I love the story, how long it is, the concepts, just wow. I mean, this can basically be its own story at this point. Loved it so much that I joined their server. If you’re interested in a Fantasy AU of Murder Drones I’d suggest reading it.
First thing I’ve read from them is The Royals Blood which is so good I love it. It’s a vampire/royalty AU which is mmm, so good. Then To Be Heard came out which I am obsessing over because I have this knack for mute AU’s which I don’t know why but I just do. I also love the fact that Uzi and N in this work love and make music. Music is just part of my daily life I cannot go through a day without listening to a song or 10. I’ve also read “I Am Always There For You.” Which is also good. If you’re interested in these, please go check them out!
I’ve only read one work from them and I LOVE it and it’s concept. It’s so unique and sooo good. It’s called The Angel My Mother Sent Me. And I’ve been listening to the playlist they’ve made based off the story and now I have a few new favourite songs and a new playlist saved in my Spotify. Their art of the fic too is just muah so good. If you’re interested in guardian angels or just that type of concept I guarantee you will love this fic.
Now remember when I said that I- *Searches through my tabs* okay why is it not here?! GOD DAMNI- *Spends 5 minutes looking for it again and saving it to my tab group* Ahem, now, remember when I said I had a knack for mute AU’s (Muted Minor and To Be Heard) well here’s another one. Blinding Steps Of Places Long Forgotten (FireBitten) I absolutely obsessed over this fic when I first found out about it. It’s interesting title, another mute AU, and Uzi having cute fluffy bat ears. Yep, she has bat ears and I love it. Read it if you please.
There is one work of Murder Drones they made and it is called By Chance and I only started reading it like 2 weeks ago. Oh my god. I love it so much, it’s great, it’s adorable, and I just want them (N and Uzi) to be happy pls. I’m a bit mad at myself for not taking the chance sooner to read it. It’s so good, go check it out if you love Streamer AU’s.
They’ve only posted one work of Murder Drones called Bus Stop but it’s so good. It’s been so adorable so far and it’s a songfic which I believe means it’s inspired by a song. I’m going to try to listen to it eventually. Go check it out if you can.
I love this persons Ghost Drone AU please go check that AU out but they also have some other great AU’s in other fandoms which I have seen briefly. Love their art too. They also have this fic related to the Ghost Drone AU which is called Ghost Drone so if you’ve seen their artwork on their ghost AU and love it please go check out the fanfic they’ve made! If you want to ofc.
Okay so if you know and follow kklog then you may remember this post based off thecosmiccrows headcanon. And if you loved that post and loved the concept of DD’s acting like birds then you may love Courtship Rituals of a Disassembly Drone written by the author mentioned above. It’s so adorable and as soon as I saw a fic inspired by that post I had a huge rush of serotonin and immediately read the fic. Go read it if you loved the post kklog made.
That’s basically it as for now. I swear there are more fics I want to mention so I may just edit more in later. It’s like midnight for me right now when I finish this so tbh. I may just wake, realise I posted this, and ponder wether or not to delete it haha. I may not though because I don’t want all this work to go to waste plus I do want to mention these works and share them because I just absolutely love them, I know I said that multiple times but I really do.
I look back to see if they update and it makes my day just to reread them or just read the new chapters when they come out. I really do feel like fan fiction has taken over my life lol. But eh, I don’t think that’s to much of a bad thing :)
If I made some mistakes just let me know and I’ll edit it.
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a-wildkinventure · 3 months
Hey there!!
@a-wildkinventure here! you can call me Venture!
[I know this post is long, but please read till the end!]
I use he/they pronouns.
In addition, I also use it/its [I use neos but don't list here]
I am part of a questioning [not currently diagnosed] sys, in addition to being polykin and therian so... chaos will ensue.
Although this blog is dedicated specifically to kin chaos.
[in specific I am a c-linker/c-kin in addition to non-linking kin with fictionflicker and exotrauma experiences as well as having a very strong connection to kinmems]
please try to understand that this is my only safe place to talk about kin stuff... so I really, REALLY just want to exist... and even here I'm not sure how 'safe' I feel...
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What I'm cool with doing:
[On a scale from 1 to 10]
Chatting with other fictionkin [or kin in general, other, fiction, etc.] - 10/10, definitely! talk with me peeps!
[especially if you are from my sources!!! Fallout 4, Kong Skull Island or Kaiju in general, Murder Drones, Sally Face, Metal Family, Coraline, Chikn Nuggit, Tangled the Series, Carrion, UTMV, Dumbo, etc!!!]
[Trying] to make moodboards - 7/10, I am kind of shit at these but will still try!
[Trying] to make stimboards - 2/10, I am total shit at these and probably won't try, but I'd love to learn!
Talking with doubles - 9/10, might weird me out a bit at first, but hell yeah, dude!
Offering kin help - 5/10, I can try! I'm actually pretty new to understanding that I am kin, so I might not be good.
Anything NSFW in asks - 2/10, depends on context... I'm usually VERY sex and sexual/sexuality repulsed, but within REASON I can handle NSFW stuff. Just don't go out of your way to be a horny freak ig? [Not meant to be negative, but I've dealt with too much sexual shit in my life...]
All The Kin-formation!
High Kin(s):
Evan Myers
Alex Kralie (Vampire AU)
Alex Kralie (different AU, unsure as to which)
Tim Wright
The Observer
Jack Nyras
Medium Kin(s):
Lordy / Lordi
Gustav Shvagenbagen
Harold Biddle
Sal Fisher
Jane Doe
Low Kin(s):
Alice Liddel
Catnap & Catfeine
Dormant Kin(s):
[Label used for kintypes that I have not had shifts for in a long time, to the point where I am unsure what happened to them. Something I attribute to fictionflickering]
Toby Rogers
Casey Junior
Wyborne Lovat
Zombie Drone
Disassembly Drone
Glowing Deathclaw
My Kintypes [all]:
Glowing Deathclaw, Skullcrawler, Zombie Drone, Disassembly Drone, Sal Fisher, Chesnok, Lordy / Lordi, Wyborne Lovat, Bezel, Carrion, Varian, Template, Casey Junior, Heavy Shvagenbagen, Catnap & Catfeine, Gustav Shvagenbagen, Tobias "Ticci Toby" Rogers, Jack "Eyeless Jack" Nyras, BEN DROWNED, Hansel, Alice Liddel, Slenderman, Tim Wright, Hvitur, Harold Biddle, Jane Doe, Josh, Swampy, HABIT, Evan Myers, Alex Kralie (Vamp AU), Alex Kralie, The Observer
(Copingkin types: Heavy Shvagenbagen, HABIT/Evan)
(Copinglink types: BEN DROWNED)
Kinsidering Kintypes:
Lif (Metal Family)
You can see me on the fictionkinfessions blog, I use 2 emoji combos for my confession signings. Here are some of them!
(aka ones I've used for submissions)
🎀💔 (Lordy confessions), 🍻🌟 (now for Chesnok confessions), 📼🎸(Sal Fisher confessions), 🐈‍⬛🌫 (Wybie confessions), ⏱️🌌 (Bezel confessions), 🥩🪱 (Carrion confessions), 🧪⚡️(Varian confessions), ✒️🔄 (Template confessions), 🚂🎪 (Casey Junior confessions), 🐾🗺 (Pokémon??? confessions), 🤘🐱 (Heavy confessions), 📏🎼 (Gustav confessions), ☀️🌘 (Catnap/Catfeine confessions), 🩹🌲(Toby Rogers confessions), 👁🔪 (Jack Nyras confessions), 💾🎮 (BEN DROWNED confessions), 👗🎠 (Alice confessions), 🍜🤳 (Ennui confessions), ⚫️🫀 (Venom confessions), 🌲👔 (Slenderman confessions), 🚬🍂 (Masky / Tim Wright confessions), ❄️💎 (Hvitur confessions), 🚺🎢(Jane Doe confessions), 📹🛤 (Josh confessions), 🐊🛀 (Swampy confessions)
( ps. I use I/me on this blog instead of we/ours because kin related things are ONLY associated with me [the core], I seem to be the only kinner *I think I'm wording that right?* as well as the only therian. hence the I/me. also, fakeclaiming syscource people... fuck all the way off, please. I just want to EXIST and BE MYSELF. Like, I'll stay off your posts, respect your DNIs but if you come to ME, I WILL block you... I just want a space to feel free to have my identity, because apparently I can't just "Be Myself" as people always told me anymore. Like... I'm not claiming to be endo, I'm not claiming to be tulpa or willo, or traumatically formed.. I don't I'm know WHY this happened.. just saying I have experiences, even though they won't really be talked about here, my shitty anxiety wants me to try to safeguard myself against fakeclaiming and hatred because I just want to go through a day feeling a bit okay about who I am for once... like... feeling okay about ALL of me, not just some cherry-picked "socially acceptable" aspects... )
more ps. PFP does not belong to me that is someone else's art... I belive I found it on Pinterest, but I do not remember the poster.
In addition, my banner is an edited / compiled version of two moodboards that soldier-requests made for me. So again... not mine, technically.
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anonymous-69-666-2 · 5 months
DM (message) me for bread
My other accounts
-they/them (doesn't wanna say what gender I am, so I'm okay with any pronoun :3)
-I hate zo0s (not the animal zoos, the disgusting zoo)
-gr competition
-I respect everyone! (Zo0s, fvck off)
-1-100 y/o 😀 (joke, I'm 12-16)
- 🇵🇭
Fandoms I'm in
-Hazbin hotel
-helluva boss
-wings of fire
-Kaiju paradise
-poppy playtime
-dragon ball
-murder drones
(Currently in trolls, fpe, hazbin & helluva, and yes, I watch HB and HH as a 12-16 y/o)
-Has about 8 trolls jd au that I might never talk about here :3
~Im AroAce
Idk what else to say.
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ranaewawa · 9 months
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Introduction Post
┏═━ ˚̩̥̩.·:·.•❆•.·:·.˚̩̥̩ ━═┓
Name: Ranae
Age: 12-14
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual Demisexual
Nationality: Filipino
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┏═━ ˚̩̥̩.·:·.•❆•.·:·.˚̩̥̩ ━═┓
CoTLamb Fans!!
Evillious Chronicles fans!!
Stray fans!!
Cat fans!!
The Amazing Digital Circus fans
Murder Drones Fans
Kaiju Paradise Fans
Flood escape 2 players
Thin ice
MHA fans
Slightly rude people
People I know IRL (except for Shizu ☺️)
Nuzi Shippers
Ignis Peaks fans!! (Joking)
Overly rude people
Racist ppl
Homophobic ppl
Supporting problematic creators
Brutal Criticism 😢
Basic DNI
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┏═━ ˚̩̥̩.·:·.•❆•.·:·.˚̩̥̩ ━═┓
My art: Allowed to repost!! Just make sure there's at least a mention of my tumblr acc.
Fanart: YES PLEASE. I super super super appreciate fan art!!!
Reblogs: Super appreciated!
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Tiktok: timekeeps3625
Roblox acc: itz_cookie31 / Omukade
Youtube (hardly post): Ranamimie
Ask blog (BESEECH): TBA.
Site for my aus: alternate universes
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kaiju-wolfdragon · 11 months
Uzi found you~
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kaiju-wolfdragon · 10 months
Face to face with Kaiju!N
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Kaiju!N: ?
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kaiju-wolfdragon · 1 year
Kaiju!cyn's little drone treat
A long time ago, before N, J, And V are disassembly drones and kaijus, Every single worker drones are working as their servants and you're also a worker drone like the rest, you like to hang out with the other worker drones while doing something for the Elliot family, then you wanted to check on your friend, cyn, you felt bad about how the Elliot family except for tessa treated her after what happened.
You went to a room and it's dark inside, you was worried and curious what happened to the lights, you were about to turn on the light, but then you saw two big glowing eyes starring at you, you quickly turned on the lights and saw that your friend cyn... Was very different than you saw her before
She's huge compare to your height, you was about to run away but then something grabbed you, it was the solver that cyn had, you was incredibly scared and felt hopeless to your friend who's now a kaiju going to do whatever she wants to do with you. Then cyn uses the solver to let you get close to her face, you felt terrified while facing towards her.
But then she started to nuzzle you for confront and you was confused, then you started to pet her face and she purred, you started to smile a bit, at least you're friend is still herself.
You was wondering how did she turned herself into a kaiju, she said while nuzzling you, "I found an update and then reprogram myself with my new form". You was surprised that she did that and might end up like this.
Then she can heard some conversation from the Elliot family, she thinks that maybe she can protect you from them, she got an idea but it might be risky and might gonna change your trust.
You wanted to know what's wrong with her but then she licked you for the taste, you're still scared a bit what she's gonna do to you, then she ask if you trust her, you don't know if you can trust her enough but since she's your friend, you started to trust her.
Cyn smiled and then opened her maw showing off her grey and black maw with her sharpest teeth to you and then you starting to climb into her maw and let her taste you for a while. She giggled when you squirm into her kaiju maw, after she's done tasting you, she started to swallow you gently letting you slide down into the throat of kaiju cyn.
After a few seconds, you made it into the belly of your friend, and she pat her stomach gently, you rubbed her stomach walls thanking her for a warm welcome from her stomach, she purred again happy that you're now safe with her.
Then Cyn uses her tail to turn off the light leaving her eyes glow in the dark, while holding you inside of her belly, you lay down on her stomach walls and took a nap, it was a long day that you were working with them for a long time. And as for cyn, she'll make sure no human will try to take you away from her...
The end
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kaiju-wolfdragon · 2 years
Kaiju!N is now hungry and starting to lost control:
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Kaiju!N: this is gonna be very sweet!
What do you do?
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kaiju-wolfdragon · 1 year
Gtjuly day 5: caught
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Kaiju!N: *mind: i caught so many worker drones, but i'm also felt bad for them, if i don't do it they'll think i'm useless...*
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kaiju-wolfdragon · 1 year
Kaiju!N: ooh, i wonder who's in there?
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kaiju-wolfdragon · 1 year
Kaiju!cyn: *blep*
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kaiju-wolfdragon · 1 year
Height difference of kaiju uzi
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