#kai never letting reece go i know what you are
enzofrnandez · 2 years
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my fav trio in their silly goofy mood
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mountingpulisic · 1 year
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mason was aware he didn’t own you, however you were his girlfriend. 
observing you from across the room, he watched as you harmlessly flirted with christian. 
you were trying to teach him a lesson.  
you had come to him about your concerns with his natural flirty charisma, explaining to him how sometimes women could perceive it in a different way.
you had asked if he could dial it back a few notches and he took it as the relationship lacked trust on your end. 
the fight that occurred shouldn’t have gotten to this point, but the two of you were equally headstrong and had a vigorous time swallowing pride so a reconciliation wasn’t in the near future. 
eyes never leaving your figure, mason watched as your delicate hand softly gripped christian’s shoulder, pulling him towards you while you whispered something into his ear. 
you glanced over christian to make sure mason was watching as you playfully ruffled the midfielder’s curls. 
you wanted him to feel like you had the dozen times he mindlessly flirted with others.
“y/n, i don’t think this is the best idea.” 
christian was in on your plan to make your boyfriend jealous, he owed you a favor from a while back and you were cashing in it now at kai’s birthday party.
“pulisic, it’s going to work. I know mason, he is breaking as we speak.” 
and that he was. 
mason couldn’t fathom the thought of another guy getting to experience you in the ways that he has. however, he knew christian wouldn’t ever dare to make an actual move on you, but how the american was currently looking at you made mason’s blood boil. 
trying to distract himself from the scene that played ahead, he zoned in on the conversation reece and ben were having next to him. 
noticing that your boyfriend turned his attention elsewhere, you knew that you needed to up your transmission. grabbing christian’s wrist you pulled him towards the center of the makeshift dance floor at the german’s house. 
“wha-what are you doing, y/n? I have two left feet, i’m just going to embarrass myself and you.” christian argued. 
“just follow my lead, pulisic.” 
you pulled christian respectfully close to you as you helped guide his hips to the beat of the current song that was playing. It was initially a lot harder than you thought since he wasn’t lying when he said that he had two left feets. 
“pulisic, oh my gosh, you're dancing as if i’m your grandma.” you laugh. with the way he was moving mason was just going to find the situation funny. 
“okay, one. I already told you i couldn’t dance and two, i’m trying to live to see my twenty-fifth birthday y/n.” even though he owed you a favor, christian wasn’t going to disrespect one of his best friend’s relationship and cross a line that was clearly drawn between the two of you. 
“okay, forget making mason jealous, just let loose and have some fun pulisic.” 
you knew that christian was having a tough time recently, not only with his knee injury but with the rumors of a transfer as well. your heart breaks at the thought of losing the american you’ve grown to love as a brother but you couldn’t help to think that the transfer was something that could be good for him, he didn’t seem happy here anymore. 
the two of you had entered your own world as you jokingly danced around each other to the music, christian had shown you his robot and it had sent you into a fit of giggles that everyone attending the party could hear. 
mason included.
“what’s so funny?” 
you didn’t even hear him approaching, spinning around you were met face to face with a stoic mason. his eyes traveling down to where yours and christian’s hands were friendly intertwined as you had been previously swinging each other around. 
“oh it’s nothing man, just having some fu-” christian answered, voice slightly dying off at the end when he caught wind of your boyfriend’s unamused look. 
“flirting is what you call fun, y/n?” 
“it’s a hobby of yours that i decided to take up.” you hit back.
mason’s nostrils flared as he looked down at you, a smirk nursing your face as you had an intense stare off with your boyfriend. 
“i’ll just excuse myself.” christian spoke, wanting to flee the scene before any casualties were made. turning around to migrate into the opposite direction his movements were stopped by you placing your hand on his shoulder for the second time that night. 
“no, mason can excuse himself. you and i were enjoying ourselves.” 
if mason wasn’t irritated before, he was now. 
gripping your forearm, he dragged you alongside him to the nearest vacant bedroom, pushing you into it while following close behind. 
“okay, i’m done playing your stupid game y/n. you wanted my attention? look you got it now.” mason was fuming, he didn’t appreciate you dismissing him in infront of his friend, as if he was some type of groupie. “you still wanna act like a brat?”
a brat? was he being serious right now? you were being a brat because you were giving him a taste of his own medicine?
sticking your tongue out to your cheek, you had to count to ten in your head to calm yourself down. 
racking your mind for the best possible comeback, and after a while you found one. 
you knew how much mason absolutely hated the silent treatment so you rarely did it. 
but you felt as if this was the perfect moment to start the treatment due to him being a grade a asshole when it came to not properly acknowledging your concerns about his behavior. 
now you were not going to properly acknowledge his existence. 
choosing not to give him the reaction he was desperately looking for, you brushed past him out of the bedroom, making sure to add a little force. 
“hey, i asked you a question? you done now? can we go back to normal? he called after you. 
however, he was only meant with silence again as you slammed the door behind you. 
fast forwarding to a week later, you still hadn’t uttered a word to mason. 
he asked what you wanted for dinner? silence.
he asked if you wanted to watch a movie? silence.
he said an i love you before bed? silence.
it was killing the portsmouth alumni that you weren’t speaking to him, walking around your shared home like a kicked puppy, hoping you’d break and comfort him in cuddles. 
that never happened though, you promised yourself you weren’t going to speak to him until he realized his inappropriate behavior. 
you had taken up baking as a pastime to help distract you from mason walking around in self-pity, purposefully letting out loud sighs of distress when you were near. 
zoned in on reading the recipe for the cake you were baking, you hadn’t heard mason make his way into the kitchen. leaning against the wall, mason took in the scene infront of him. 
you were bent over reading the recipe off your laptop. this caused for mason to suppress a groan as his eyes traveled up from your exposed thighs to your perky ass that the shorts you were wearing showcased nicely. 
mason was touch starved nonetheless, beside craving your voice, he also craved your body. 
deciding that enough time has passed and he was ready to get off punishment, mason pushed himself off the wall and settled behind you, your ass now grazing his pelvic area.
“princess, i wanna get off punishment.” mason whined, pressing his semi further into you. 
mason took the advantage to wrap his fingers around your throat, easing you out of your bending position to stand up right. pressing opened mouth kisses to your neck, mason thought you had folded when you didn’t move away from his displays of affection. smirking to himself, mason lips moved to ghost over your ear. 
“finally, you’re done being a brat.” 
instantly you stiffen, grabbing his arms and removing them from your waist, you slowly turned around. 
mason’s face appeared confused about your sudden change in demeanor. 
pulling your hand from behind your back, mason noticed that you had an egg nesting in between your fingers. before he had the chance to ask, he heard the crack and saw what followed behind, a oozing yellow mess
you were far from done.
a/n : this will be a three part series, super nervous because i'll be including smut in this as well ;) thank you for reading
part two
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tomsparkyr · 2 years
*✧・゚: *✧・゚:
summary: forbidden love from opposing teams was never one to stop mason, especially when it’s y/n he’s got his eyes on.
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mason mount x footballer!reader
mason mount x fem!reader
warnings: fluff, pinning, small sexual references i think, nothing major? football ig
note: men and woman play on the same team in this !
word count: 1K+
please don’t steal any of my work, thank you!
𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐃𝐍’𝐓. 𝐇𝐄 knows he shouldn’t. The underlying weight of that thought lingering at the back of his mind 24/7 urges him to resist. He can’t, borderline. Most likely get fined, slammed in the media, and at risk of his reputation at Chelsea. But that’s what happens when you fall in love with a girl at Arsenal.
But it’s you, for God’s sake. You. Arsenal’s sweetheart, the face of the team. The fan’s favourite, Mason could name about every Arsenal supporter who has your name on the back of the shirt; chanting your nothings as you step a foot on the pitch. They worshiped the ground you walked on. And so did he.
As he warmed up on the pitch and relished in the noise of Stamford Bridge, the fans clamouring in and always one for an interesting match; Mason felt a nudge on his upper arm, looking beside him to see Raheem nodding his head towards the tunnel, shooting him a wink doing so. Mason turned his head to see what the fuss was about, and then he saw you.
He stood up from his lunge and swallowed harshly at your presence. You strutted out onto the ground you’ve scored countless goals at, suffering loses and multiple wins. Your hair was pulled into a high ponytail with a hairband supporting the stray hairs; Mason had never seen a more beautiful sight.
Straightening his posture, he ran his fingers through his hair and raised his eyebrows to Ben asking a quick ‘Do I look okay?’ in which the young left back nodded with a smile on his face.
Everybody in the squad knew about Mason’s boyhood crush on you, even the new head coach Graham Potter had caught onto the why Mason had coincidentally clicked on the same match highlights in which you scored a hattrick in multiple times. They all teased him, of course; Why wouldn’t they? Mason Mount, Chelsea’s starboy has fallen smitten for Arsenal’s leading lass, Y/N Y/L/N.
Mason made his way over to you tying your laces for the warmup before the London head-to-head match, not before Reece wolf-whistled causing Mason to snap his head back to his squad with a look making them all topple over in fits of laughter, Kai holding onto Trevor as they broke into smirks.
You perked your head up at the forthcoming presence, assuming it was Bukayo or Aaron, but why would they be wearing blue?
“Hey, Y/N right?” The british accent stuck out, your head tilting upwards to make eye contact with Mason, his brown eyes sending a wave of nervous bubbling in your stomach the more you realised just how much more attractive he was in comparison to seeing him on screen.
You smiled up at him, “Yeah, you’re that Mount boy aren’t you?” You teased back, causing Mason to start blushing furiously under your gaze; feeling like he was a school boy all over again. He swallowed harshly before finishing what he started. “I just wanted to wish you luck on todays game.” He blurted out before realising what a complete idiot he must of sounded, cringing when he saw your brows furrowed and head tilted.
You laughed lightly, “Aren’t we literally playing against each other in a London Derby?”
Mason licked his lips and looked you up and down, breathing in heavily before raising his brows and shrugging his shoulders, brushing off the embarrassment. “Just being nice before you lose to the best club in London.”
Your eyes widened and your mouth fell agape, causing Mason to laugh loudly and lean into your body slightly. He swiftly wrapped his arms around your shoulders, making you a blushing mess, before giving your left shoulder a tight squeeze and whispering, “Good luck.” Before he let go of you and waddled back to his team, a bright smile adoring his face when he realised just how close he has gotten to his childhood crush.
The match ended 90 minutes later, you and Mason neither subbed off; unfortunately you getting the shorter end of the stick as Chelsea secured the win with a 2-1 to the home fans, the away Arsenal fans already leaving the second Mason scored the extra time winner.
You sighed into your hands and crouched onto the pitch, breathing heavily as the full time whistle sounded. Sweat trickled from your forehead, hands clammy now the equaliser goal from yourself seemed worthless now.
Feeling a figure crouch down in front of you allowed you to lift your head with a fake smile, before seeing the brunette with a sympathetic look in his eyes. He whispered a small “Hey,” causing you to sniffle in the cold weather, Mason held his hand out for you to get up, you obliged.
Once you stood up, you pulled the under layers down to your fingertips feeling the adrenaline wear off and the breeze start to hit you. Mason looked you directly in your eye and admired you. He thought you couldn’t look more perfect.
“Good game.” He nodded. You smiled at him, not fake this time, and squinted “Good goal, Mount. Screwed up my winning streak.” You laughed, seeing Mason chuckle make you jitter.
He shrugged his shoulders, “I tried to warn you!”.
You and Mason swapped jerseys afterwards, Mason’s younger self internally freaking out that he had a hold of the jersey’s owner who he occasionally plans out their wedding and how well her name would fit with Mount. And also the fact he saw you take off your shirt.
Mason jogged into the Chelsea changing rooms, swinging your jersey around his head and cheering. The other boys looked over and begin jumping up and down, throwing empty water bottles around and all over the love-sick boy, and how he had gained atleast some progress on Arsenal’s golden girl.
It wasn’t until later at night when Mason got a notification, that maybe, he had made a bit more progress than he had imagined.
hi mase, fun seeing you at todays match. had a great time talking to you!
wanna go out for coffee tomorrow morning?
Safe to say, Y/N did not stay a red for too long. Maybe it was her boyfriends influence to come to Chelsea. Only if Y/N could handle to constant messing from Mason’s teammates; but in fairness, Mason got the girl. Football’s Romeo and Juliet. Mason and Y/N.
this is ugly af but i miss mason so
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sara-helders · 2 years
All mine
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Summary: The one where you and Ben “hate” each other.
Warnings: Smut. Requested: Yes. Words: 3.2k
Author’s note: I’m so sorry, this one shot is so long... I got this request from an anon and I instantly came up with the story. This is also the first one I write... Let me know what do you think about it, and you can also request me anything you want. I hope you all like it.
“We can’t continue doing this…”
“Why not?” He asked. “We both have so much fun and I see you happy.”
“I know… It’s the best sex I’ve ever had.”
“Then why do we have to stop?” He asked again.
“No one can know about this. About us.”
“I’m fine about keeping this a secret, but babe, I won’t last much longer. My sister already asked me why I was so happy the other day.”
“And what did you tell her?!” I asked him.
“I let her know that I started seeing someone, but calm down, babe. I haven’t said anything else.”
“But why do you want to be so secretive about us? It’s been almost two months.”
“Yeah, but I don’t know… It’s just… It’s just sex… Our friends know that we don’t get along.”
“Babe, but we do now. So fucking much. And you know it's not just sex anymore.”
Mason was sanctioned and couldn’t play in this Premier League away match, so he stayed at home and invited me to his house to watch it with him. Being a huge football fan myself, he knew that I would never miss a Chelsea match. Me and Mason have been friends for a really long time because our parents knew each other from a very young age. Mase was almost two years younger than me, and I’ve always seen him as the little brother I’ve never had. I’ve always followed and supported Mason wherever he went. It was almost time for the game to start. The commentators went through the line-ups once again.
“You coming to Reece’s party on Friday, right?” Asked Mason.
“I don’t know, Mase. I have stuff to do.” I answered.
“Like what?”
“I don’t know…”
“Ben’s gonna be there.” When I heard his name… I literally felt butterflies in my stomach, but I needed to maintain my composure. “Hasn’t he told you about it?”
“Why would he tell me about it?”
“Because I know that now you two spent time together. Alone.”
“What the fuck, Mason?”
“The other day I checked the Find My Friends app and I saw that you were at Ben’s house with him, and it was midnight, y/n.” Shit, yeah… I was there. We were doing adult stuff.
“Are you stalking me now?!” I raised my voice.
“So it’s true!” Exclaimed Mason.
“What?! No! It’s not true, Mason!”
“Oh, my God… Fucking Chilly… I knew eventually this was going to happen.” He was laughing.
“Don’t stalk me, Mason.” And I was mad at him.
“I wasn’t stalking you. I was just making sure you were safe at home after the gig you went to.”
“Well, don’t do it.”
“Because then I unveil your secrets?” He winked at me and I rolled my eyes.
I arrived at the party with Alex, my best friend and flatmate, and greeted some of the people I knew. When I saw Ben smiling and standing next to Mason I felt that my legs stopped doing their function. Mason waved at me, making sure that I saw him. My eyes were locked on Ben, and Ben’s eyes were locked on me. Fuck. He looked so good. He was wearing a white t-shirt, light grey trousers and overshirt, and a pair of white Nike AirForces. This was the first time that I was around both Ben and Mason since my childhood best friend discovered what was happening between us. For the past few days I didn’t make any more comments about it, but my silence has been giving me away. I made some small talk with Mason and some of his teammates who were also there, Reece, Kepa, Ruben, Christian, Kai and Jorginho.
“Hello, y/n.” I froze at the sound of his voice.
“Hello, Ben.” I tried not to smile when I said his name. I also noticed he was getting closer to me and whispered something in my ear.
“You look so fucking hot in this dress. You’re gonna kill me, babe.” My heart started beating so fast. It was quite cold outside but to me it felt we were surpassing the 30ºC.
I was wearing a satin royal blue slip dress that went just above my knees. Of course I had Ben on my mind when I found and bought this dress just a few weeks ago. It was only for him. I knew he would love it. This shade of blue… This Chelsea blue reminded me of him for obvious reasons. We were at the back of the house, exactly at the top part of the garden so we had full vision of all the people. I distanced myself from the group and went to grab a drink.
“A fucking Red Bull?” Someone asked behind me, and I already knew who it was.
“Yes, Benjamin. No alcohol tonight. Plus, you also drink one before every match.”
“Because I need energy.”
“Well, same tonight.”
“Oh, yeah... And why would you need energy tonight?” He was teasing me and getting closer to me. I couldn't resist much longer... He winked at me.
“Ben, no. Ben...”
“Just do one shot with me.”
“Okay, but just one.” I smiled at him and Ben approached the table with all the drinks, grabbed two small glasses and poured the liquid.
“Here.” He said giving me one of the two glasses of alcohol.
“Thanks, Ben.”
“You know, y/n… I missed you these days.” Confessed Ben.
“Ben, it’s been four days since the last time.”
“Y/n! Y/n! Come have some fun!” I turned around and saw Alex grabbing my arm and pulling me to the bottom part of the garden where most of the people were dancing to the music.
I mimicked the people and also danced to the music, trying to keep my mind off from Ben. I didn’t want to think about him, but I just couldn’t stop. An hour passed and I was having fun with Alex and two other girls we just met. At some point this guy approached me and started talking to me. He was kind of average, but his outfit was cool so I kept on with our conversation. I’m pretty sure he told me his name, but I didn’t catch it due to the loud music. Minutes passed and I was still thinking about Ben. While talking to this guy I couldn’t help it, but I kept scanning the crowd, trying to find Ben. But Ben wasn’t nowhere to be found. Where the hell was he? Was he trying to find me? Was he having fun with someone else? Why wasn’t he by my side? Fuck, y/n! Stop! Focus on this random guy.
“So what do you think?” I came back to reality and I literally had no idea about what he was asking me.
“What?! Sorry, I can’t hear you with the loud music.” I tried to make up an excuse.
“Let’s go there.”
He pointed to a spot with just a few people around and I followed him there. I discovered that we had a very similar music taste, and this attracted me to him a little bit more. But he wasn’t Ben. We kept talking about music and concerts that we’ve both been to when I suddenly noticed an arm being wrapped around my shoulders.
“Hey man, what the fuck?! You talking to my girlfriend?” I knew that voice so well…
“Sorry, man. I didn’t know she was your girl. Relax.”
“Ben, what are you doing?” I said angrily looking into his ocean blue eyes, but then when I turned around to see the guy I was getting to know, he was already gone. I was kind of enjoying talking to him even though I didn’t even know his name. But Ben has been ignoring me the whole night and I wasn’t going to wait for him…
“That guy is bad news.”
“And you are good news?”
“Yes.” He came closer to me and whispered in my ear. “I know you enjoyed what happened on Monday night.” I felt my whole body shiver remembering all the stuff we did that night at his house. I still don’t know how I managed to get up from his bed and drive back to my house because my legs hurt like hell. I could still feel them a bit sore.
“That can’t happen again.”
“I know you want more. You always come back for more.” He said while putting his arms around my waist and slowly pushed me closer to him. I couldn’t do anything else rather than looking at his stunning blue eyes.
“Because I like it.” I said quietly but he picked up every word despite of all the noise and music at the party.
“Or ‘me’?”
“Very funny, Benjamin.” I looked past Ben and noticed some of our friends, including Mason, starring at us from a distance. Fucking Mason... He was grinning like a little kid on Christmas. I felt so embarrassed... He’s never seen me this close to his teammate and friend. My eyes focused again on Ben’s precious face. “Why don’t we go somewhere quiet and away from everyone?”
He didn’t have to think twice about my proposal. Ben slightly moved his body and still with one of his arms around my waist we started walking together to somewhere quiet – if that even existed because one of Drake’s songs was blasting on the speakers. It was a bit cold outside, but I was feeling the heat while being this close to Ben. I was dying to kiss him again, like we did on that Monday night and many more nights before that one. But no, I can’t kiss him because every time we kissed, we ended up having sex. And I wasn’t going to have sex with him in a garden, Reece’s garden.
“You were so jealous when I was talking to that guy.” I said to Ben once we were finally away from everyone. We split and I crossed my arms on my chest.
“No.” He responded.
“Yes, Benji. It was cute though seeing you jealous.”
“I wasn’t jealous. I just don’t like that guy.”
“Why? You don’t even know him.”
“You also don’t know him.”
“But I was trying to and then you came and scared the guy away.”
“I’m not even sorry.”
“Benjamin James Chilwell, being intimidated by a random guy and getting jealous…”
“Maybe a little…” He finally confessed and I let out a small smile.
“A little?” I needed to tease him.
“He doesn’t deserve you.”
“And do you know what I deserve and what I don’t, Chilwell?”
“Fuck, y/n.” He sighed and run a hand through his hair. “You don’t understand how fucking stunning you look tonight with this blue dress on. You’re driving me fucking crazy, babe. And I’m the only one who can take this dress off of you tonight.”
I was starting to feel some wetness between my legs… He was in front of me and I just couldn’t stop starring at him… at his face, at his body. He was fully dressed, but my mind went back to last Monday, the last time I had him naked on top of me, and inside of me.
“What are you staring at?” Ben asked and I came back to reality.
“You, of course. But I wish we weren’t here, right now.” I responded while he was taking some steps closer to me. Fuck. I was trying to play it hard, but I was too weak…
“Me too, babe.”
“But we can’t go, Benji… Our friends will notice.”
“And? You don’t work tomorrow and I have the day off, so let’s go to my place now.”
“Fuck, okay… Let me go find Alex and tell her that I won’t be returning home with her.” I got so close to him and gave him a kiss on his cheek.
“I’ll go tell Mason that I have to leave. Let’s meet at the front door. I can’t fucking wait to have you all by myself.”
“Benjamin, you already have me all by yourself.”
We separated but I had the need to be close to him again. I walked through all the people who were at this party trying to find my best friend Alex. The only person who knew about my real feelings towards Ben was Alex, so she understood when I told her that I was leaving. When I gave her a hug and told her to have fun she responded with “You too, but use protection.” I tried to hide and make sure Mason didn’t see me go to the front door to wait for Ben. When I made it to the front of the house Ben was already there.
“Come on, let’s go.” He said and grabbed my left hand with his right one. We left the house and walked to his bright yellow Lamborghini that was parked two streets away from Reece’s.
“You know, I can open the door myself.”
“Let me be a gentleman now because I won’t be one later, y/n.”
I didn’t know what to say because I could only feel my whole body shiver. We both got inside of the car and I put on my seat belt, ready for Ben to start the Lambo. I was checking the time on my iPhone when I noticed that Ben unbuckled my seat belt. I didn’t understand why he just did that, so my eyes instantly travelled to his. I didn’t have any time to react because his lips found mine so quickly. This kiss… I fucking needed it so much. We needed to release the tension between us, but I thought we were gonna wait until we got to his house. It was a desperate but very passionate kiss, with both of us moaning consistently. He was grabbing my face, not letting me go, and I had my arms around his neck, not letting him go either. I needed more. I fucking needed more. So I started moving from my seat to on top of him. I could feel the steering wheel on my back, but the kiss hadn’t stopped for any second. Ben’s hands travelled through all my body. When they arrived to my legs, my dress was already a little bit higher up due to my current position, and he intentionally moved it a little bit higher. Fuck. I could feel it. I was so wet right now. I needed him to stick at least one of his fingers inside of me.
“Ben, please. I fucking need you right now.” I moaned and broke the kiss. But he never stopped kissing me because his lips travelled from my lips to my neck.
“You’re so fucking hot, baby.”
“Ben, Ben, Ben.” I noticed that his hands were under my dress and I shivered again. His hands grabbed my undies and pushed them down. And then I felt how one of his fingers was on my pussy touching me.
“Holy shit, y/n. You’re so fucking wet.”
“I know, Benji. It’s all your fault.”
“I’m so hard right now, y/n.” His finger was moving, and when he found my clit he didn’t stop rubbing it. I was already so fucking close, I could feel it. I put my arms around his neck and also tried to hold myself with the headrest of his car seat.
“I’m so fucking close, Ben.” My legs started to shake even more and suddenly I had a bad time breathing. “Oh, Ben… Ben! Ben!” And that’s when I orgasmed.
“Fucking hell, babe. I wasn’t expecting this now.”
“Holy shit, Ben. That felt so fucking good.”
“I need to fucking be inside of you. Let’s go to my house now.”
“Benji…” I looked at the back seats.
“No, babe.” He understood what I meant. “As much as I would like to do it right here, right now. I need to fuck you like you deserve and on my bed, again.”
“Okay, but drive safely.”
I put my undies back up and kissed Ben on the lips before sitting back on the passenger seat and fixing my dress. I could still feel my pussy burn. And holy shit, he only used one finger. Ben turned on the engine and started to drive. Reece’s house was only 15 minutes away from Ben’s but it felt like 50 minutes. I was dying to get off this car and arrive at Ben’s place. While driving, Ben put his left hand on my right thigh. He was caressing my thigh like he didn’t want to miss a second without touching me, like he didn’t want me to open the car door, jump and disappear. But he didn’t have to worry. I didn’t want to go. I wanted to spend as much time as possible with him. We both wanted the same.
We arrived at Ben’s around 1.30am and we both stepped outside the car so fast. We got inside the house and as soon as he closed the door, he grabbed me and started to kiss me again, but not before whispering in my ear “Fucking finally.” We went to the first floor of his house and straight to his bedroom. I knew exactly where it was. We couldn’t keep our hands off each other and he didn’t stop giving me small kisses. I could feel his bulge and it turned me on. We got to his bedroom and didn’t turn on the lights because the light that was coming from outside was enough for us.
He layered me carefully on his bed and started to kiss me more passionately. I wanted to finally rip off his clothes so badly. He took off his overshirt, I grabbed his t-shirt and pulled it over his head, with Ben helping me to do it faster. He then unbuttoned his jeans and took them off while I stared at him. My dress was not covering my underwear anymore, not that it mattered to me but I wanted it gone. I unzipped it from the side and Ben helped me to take it off.
“How many rounds do you think you can handle tonight?” Ben whispered in my ear.
“I don’t know, Benji. I hope a lot.” I kissed his lips and he smiled instantly.
That’s been the best sex of my life. I lost count of how many rounds we went through and all the things we did to each other. I could still feel my pussy beating to the fast pace of my heart, and my legs felt so sore after being open for so long. We were both on his bed, fully naked and tangled with each other. I could feel and hear his heart beating, it was slowly getting to a normal pace. He had one arm around me and was caressing me with his hand. He also placed some kisses on my head. I wished I could stay like this forever.
“You know, it really turned me on when you called me your girlfriend tonight at the party.” I confessed.
“If you want I can call you my girlfriend permanently.” I smiled at his comment and gave him a small kiss on his cheek. “And you can call me your boyfriend permanently.”
“I think we have a deal here, Chilwell.”
“But after some time I’ll have to call you my fiancé and later my wife, Mrs. Chilwell.”
“Benjamin! Not so fast!”
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chilly-me-softly · 2 years
yess dad mason series!!! you can write sth similar to the first one but without the bad dream. Maybe mason’s daughter meets the team in his house and have an evening all together 🥺
It hadn't taken them long to arrange something, one message and then another and another, and the evening at Mason's house was planned. The boy had ordered takeaway considering the number of people who would soon be populating his house. He enjoys cooking but he certainly wasn't going to waste time and energy on a bunch of men who were going to make a mess of his space.
The doorbell rings not long afterwards signalling the arrival of the first guest and as always Alice runs to the door and waits for him there, almost rushing him. Mason is still trying to make her understand that she cannot open the door if he or someone else he trusts is not around. For hours one day they've been forcing her poor grandpa to go outside and ring the doorbell for some sort of behavior practice, Mason's apprehensive side not letting a single hypothetical escape him.
"Okay go" he murmured to the little girl, who walked up to the door almost touching it with her nose.
"Who is it?"
"Uncle Ben!" and then she jumps on the spot excitedly to reach for the doorknob and Mason smiles behind her helping her to open the door and allow the boy to finally come in.
"Hey you! How's my beautiful girl?" he asks taking her in his arms and complying with the girl's implied request.
"Fine" the two set off familiar with the place, leaving Mason to close the door and to wonder if he hadn't suddenly become invisible.
Soon Reece, Ruben and Kai also make their entrance, having the little girl's attention for a few minutes. Too busy with whatever she is doing with Ben to pay attention to other people.
"You've just been on holiday together, it's only normal she wants to be with you" Reece is fighting at yet another failed attempt to engage the little girl in something other than his teammate.
"Guys, don't fight - Mason takes over to calm the other children, picking up his daughter and bringing her onto his lap - I'm sure this little one here can entertain everyone, can't you Alice?"
"No" she replies dryly, making Ben laugh, Mason not hiding a smile. And everyone is saved by the doorbell.
Alice wriggles out of her father's grasp and runs to the door, opening it and forgetting everything he had recommended or done a short time before. He can never drop his attention since she started walking.
Kepa is at the door, they were waiting for him, knowing he would be a little later. Alice searches for Mason with her gaze by stepping back a bit, clinging to his leg, suddenly feeling intimidated.
"Hola mariposa. This is for you" he hands her a packet by leaning towards her and all the awkwardness she had up to that moment suddenly is like gone.
"What do we tell Kepa?" Mason nudges her as the little girl has already taken a corner off that paper, curious to see what's inside.
"Thank you" she murmurs focused, not even looking up from the package.
"You didn't have to" Mason addresses his friend now, who smiles, shaking his head. "Just a little something"
"Colours!" Alice gasps drawing their attention to her and the smile on the boy's face widens knowing he has made her happy. She then runs into the large living room where her drawing station is located so she can try them on right away.
"They are special colours. They don't write on table, skin or walls"
"Oh it's perfect" Mason is left picking up the paper from the floor as the newcomer greets the rest of the boys.
The evening continues in full blast, the boys in full sync wasting no time in finding who to mock or topics to talk about. Alice is the one who gets the most attention, taking advantage of having not only her father to play with for once, trying a few games with a few people.
"I want to colour" she and Kepa are playing with a ball, he sits with his back against the couch and tosses it to her not far away, who promptly tosses it back. And he's talking to Mason about something else when the little one comes up to him and tells him about the change of scenery by letting herself go against him.
He wraps his hands around her hips protectively, "Go and get your colours then" he doesn't even have time to put her feet back on the ground that she has already run to her table taking the small box given to him earlier and a book with some drawings.
"What do you want to colour?" Kepa asks her after she sits cross-legged on the floor and starts flipping through that pages full of scribbled pictures.
"This one"
"Oh a ballena, good choice"
"What's a lena?" Alice looked at him curiously, tilting her head slightly to the side.
"Oh it's a... whale, yeah I think that's what it's called"
"Lena - she smiles again mispronouncing the spanish word, causing a big grin to appear on the keeper's face - blue cause it's in the water" and she certainly wastes no time in scribbling that too with the colour she just chose.
No one wants to admit it, but by the time Alice finally falls asleep in Mason's arms, everyone is exhausted. Perhaps more than a day's training. But they are surely rewarded, happy to have spent time with her and with no desire to stop being part of the little one's growth.
Little Mounty
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masn-mount · 2 years
For the dad one I was thinking maybe mason came home with his new haircut ( both y/n and Leo didn’t know about it ) maybe Leo is 2 and he starts crying when mason hold him because he didn’t recognize him
enjoy ittttt! like always please let me know what you guys think! xx
words: 2,2k
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You knew Mason was feeling a little insecure about his hair and even if he wouldn’t admit it you knew it wasn’t because he didn’t like it but because of what people online were saying. Ever since you met him years ago you would always tell him to never look at what people online were saying and especially not when he was going through a rough patch. In his own words he wasn’t scoring enough goals or playing well enough and you could see from a mile away that is was dragging his confidence down and even if you would always tell him he was doing a great job it didn’t help. The night before he was travelling for an away game he had briefly mentioned getting a haircut but you had just shook your head a little before kissing him goodnight and when he hadn’t sent you a selfie before the game like he normally would you immediately knew he had cut it. Your confirmation came later when he appeared on your screen, hair a lot shorter but looking just as handsome as ever.
“Oh my God.” You mumbled to yourself. You loved his longer hair, you loved running your hands through it at any chance you got so the shorter hair would take getting used to.
“Wha’ mummy?” Your thoughts were interrupted by Leon who was sitting in your lap, in his Chelsea shirt looking up at you with big brown eyes just like he would during every game. Excited to catch any glimps of Mason on the screen.
“Nothing baby, let’s watch daddy play.” You softly said as you ran your hands through his brown locks that you knew you were going to have to cut in the coming days because you knew he would want to look just like his dad. A couple of days ago you had to have a very long discussion with your two year old about why he couldn’t have a beard like his daddy yet. When he started crying, not understanding you, Mason was ready to run up to the bathroom and shave it all off but your protests stopped him from doing so. You knew Mason loved to spoil Leon, you did too but you didn’t want him to grow up always having his own way but you had also stopped him because you loved the beard.
You watched the game, Leon resting against your chest as he played with your rings and necklace, occasionally asking you to point out Mason on the screen and when you did he didn’t show any reaction. When Mason assisted and scored his two goals you were beaming and clapping as if you were at the stadium watching the game but when your eyes settled on Leon you couldn’t help but frown. When Mason would score a goal your son would be up from your lap and on his legs in just a few seconds, jumping up and down while clapping for his dad, he had done it since his legs could carry him so the fact that he was still sitting in your lap not budging was confusing you. “Daddy scored, baby.”
“Not daddy.” He shook his head and you weren’t sure how to react to the words coming from his mouth.
“It is baby, look how happy he is and he’s doing your celebration.” You said pointing to the screen where Mason was doing a little dance that Leon had started doing randomly and it had just stuck with Mason. Your heart always melted at the sight and when Kai and Reece joined in on the celebration it was like Leon finally recognized some familiar faces as he clapped his little hands. You decided to not make a fuss over it so you rested back and watched the remaining of the game. During the last ten minutes of the game Leon had fallen asleep against you, you knew it was coming since his normal nap time was approaching so you put him down with a kiss to his forehead and a blanket over him. You then picked up his toys that were thrown around all over the room and then sat down on the sofa as you waited for Mason to come home, you knew it would be a few hours.
The minutes until he would be home always felt like ages but when Mason sent you a text to let you know he was outside you would feel like you could finally relax. You would never not worry about him until you saw him walk into the door. “Leon, daddy is home.” You said when you could hear the lock click. The two year old was sitting on the floor in front of you playing with the same toys you had put away earlier. Leon had spent the first hours of his morning crying over where Mason was and until you had told him you would take him to the park he hadn’t settled. It wasn’t unusual, Leon hated waking up without morning kisses from his dad and you hated seeing him so upset over it even if you would assure him that Mason kissed him so many times before he left but he had to go and win games. When your words registered to him he immediately got up from his position, forgetting all about his toys before he ran down the hall to the door with you just a few steps behind him.
“Daddy, daddy, daddy!” His love for Mason was notable to everyone and even if you knew he adored you, his bond with Mason was special. You stood back for a few seconds, leaning against the stairs as you watched Mason get in and when he smiled at his son and asked for a cuddle, Leon turned around and ran towards you causing a frown to take over Mason’s face. He was not used to that kind of reaction at all. When your eyes meet Mason’s he’s looking at you with raised eyebrows and you just shrug a little before you crouch down so you’re eyelevel with Leon.
“Leon, you’ve asked about daddy all day baby, go cuddle daddy.” But he just shook his head as he let out a whine when you gave him a gentle push towards the door where Mason was still standing. “Okay baby, mummy’s going to go and say hi. Do you want to come with me?” When he shook his head you decided to let him be for a little bit but when you stood up you didn’t have time to take a step before Leon wrapped his arms around your thigh as the word ‘no’ was repeated by him. You were confused by his behaviour and you weren’t exactly sure on how to handle it. “Leon, please let go of mummy or come with me, okay?” You said gently as you reached down to grab his hand, not wanting him to think you were upset with him over how he was feeling.
“Up, mummy.” Leon demanded as his hand that wasn’t in yours reached up for you and it took you just a second to grab him, his arms going around your neck and face hiding in your shoulder. When you felt him settle your eyes turned towards Mason who was still standing in the same position, confusion still drawn all over his face.
“Wow.” The closer to him you got the more you loved how he was looking.
“Hi, beautiful.” He whispered, sounding a little shy before he pressed a gentle kiss to your lips before he pulled back and focused on Leon. “Hi mate, you wanna give daddy a cuddle now?” When he shook his head again, Mason laughed a little. “No? Okay, maybe later.” When Leon says no, his voice muffled against your shoulder you force a smile.
“He’s just a little tired, Mase. He didn’t nap long enough.” It was a little white lie.
“Yeah, I suppose.” You could tell Mason was upset so you told him to go upstairs and put his things away and wait for you in the bedroom.
You put Leon down on the floor before you crouched down before him again, “Leon, you’re making daddy sad right now, okay? You’ve missed him all day and daddy missed you a lot. I want you to go and give him a hug and kiss.” But he just continued to shake his head against your thigh before you took his hand and carefully made it up the stairs. You walked past Leon’s room and into your own, instantly smiling at Mason who was resting against the headboard.
“You know, I cannot believe you’re my husband.” You smiled at him because you truly couldn’t. “You look so handsome.”
“I was worried you would hate it.” He mumbled when you sat down next to him with Leon in your lap. He was looking between the both of you and you were hoping that watching you interact like normal with Mason would help him relax and understand that it was his dad.
“I would never, you look really sexy. I can see my favorite eyes now.” You teased before cupping his face with your hand that wasn’t holding Leon’s before you closed the small distance between you both. You pulled back for just a second, “you played incredible, you are incredible and make us so proud.” You whispered before kissing him again, it was gentle and you felt yourself smile against him when he thanked you before a tug at your fingers made you pull away. “You want to join us for a cuddle, baby?” You said to Leon, “come here.” You whispered and he did as you asked, climbing over your legs and sitting himself down between your bodies as he looked up at Mason.
“Hey mate. You wanna cuddle daddy now?” Leon looked at you first and when you nodded your head with a smile on your face he stood up before finally wrapping his arms around Mason’s neck. “There we go, hi mate. Daddy missed you so much today. To the moon and back.” You think you could have started crying when Leon tried to grab at Mason’s hair before he went to gently pull at his own, confusion written all over his little face. “Daddy just cut his hair. Just like you do sometimes, yeah? When our friend comes here with those little scissors, yeah?” Leon just nods his head like he understand every word. “It’s still daddy.” He leans down to kiss his cheek, “see? same kisses.” Leon giggles as Mason presses his lips all over his face and it makes you both smile. “Same nose and eyes as Leon’s, right bud?” Mason says as he points to his nose and eyes before doing the same to his son’s.
“Same as daddy.” Leon whispers and Mason can’t help but smile at the shy confirmation from his son.
“Also these,” Mason presses his fingers to the dimples that have formed in his cheeks, “are the same as yours when daddy and mummy make you laugh.” For good messure he tickles Leon to get him to laugh before Leon’s own little fingers find the dimples in his cheeks with the help of his dad. You just sit back and admire how well Mason has handled the situation and just a second later Leon is back in his arms and you know he won’t let go for the rest of the night.
“I can’t believe he didn’t recognize me.” He halfheartedly laughed.
“It’s just a big change. All he’s known for ages now is the long hair but he will get used to it, just like I will.” You smiled, your hand running through the short strands before you rub the back of his neck. “You didn’t have to do this Mase, not because of what people were saying.” You knew deep down that he didn’t want to cut it, he really liked how it looked and it had taken him awhile to grow it to the lenght he liked it so it hurt you that he had done it because of what people online said.
“I know, I know.” He said, “I look a bit silly don’t I?” You didn’t like how insecure he seemed.
“You look incredibly handsome, you always do. I’ve seen you through the years in every hairstyle you’ve had, the only one I didn’t witness was the shoulder length..” You smiled when he laughed. “You’ve looked good in all of them, I don’t care how your hair looks but this is making you look very sexy. A little rough and a little older.” You say and it makes him laugh a little. “I will love it when it’s grey too.” You tease.
“I love you. You’re too good to me.”
“I love you.” You smile before leaning into him for a sweet kiss, humming as Mason’s lips press harder to your own and you can’t help but reach your hands up, pulling him closer as your hands move through the short hair. “Not much to pull at now, baby.” He teases.
“Shame, I guess you’ll have to do the pulling now.” He just shakes his head before deepening the kiss. You smile softly against each other when Leon starts to stirr a little and Mason gives you a couple more small pecks before he fully pulls away. “Should we put him in his own room?” You ask even if know the answer already.
“Let’s let him sleep in here tonight.” Mason says and when you both lay down and you think you might be close to sleep, Mason breaks the silence. “Are you sure you like it?” He whispers and if it didn’t hurt you that he was feeling so insecure you would have probably laughed.
“I do Mase, I promise. It looks really good, you look really good.” Even if there isn’t much for you to grab on to you run your hand through it all night and it does help Mason worry less because even if he had listened to what people were saying online the only opinion that would always truly matter to him was yours. 
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kepamount · 2 years
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You Right
kepa arrizabalaga, based on You Right by Doja Cat and The Weeknd - smut, fluff, angst (kinda)
Rating: M (minors, pls do not read this!!)
Word Count: 10.2k+ (i’m sorry 😭)
Warnings: alcohol consumption, strong language, toxic relationship, infidelity, flirting and sexual tension, explicit sex, pet names (in Spanish 😩), body worship (I think??? he kisses her all over lmaoo), fingering, dirty talk, praise and degradation, unprotected penetrative sex, exhibitionism, he gags y/n with his tie lol, choking, i think that’s it but lmk if i missed anything pls!!
a/n: it’s finally here! first of all, my spanish is rusty so pls don’t judge if there’s anything mistakes 💀 second, this is a cheating fic so don’t read if you’re uncomfortable with infidelity! finally, please enjoy and lmk what you think!! <33
simi’s navigation
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‘Everything alright, y/n?’ Ben says, sliding into the seat beside mine, and I put my phone down on the table in front of me, leaning back as I take a deep breath. ‘Everything’s… great,’ I sigh, and he raises an eyebrow. ‘That was the least convincing answer I’ve ever heard.’ ‘Yeah, ‘cause it was a lie,’ I say drily, and he bursts out laughing. ‘Want me to beat him up?’ ‘Like you could do him any damage,’ I reply, Ben gasping in mock offence.
We’re at a Chelsea Football Club charity dinner and, as the girlfriend of the son of a board member, I get dragged to all of these events. My boyfriend, Wesley, is over at the bar after telling me to get a table and that he’d come and join me, but he’s been too busy flirting with the pretty bartender to remember my existence. So I’ve been sat here in the corner of the room, scrolling through tiktok and trying to hide so I don’t have to greet all the men that put money into the club.
‘What’s he doing?’ Ben asks, motioning over to Wesley, and I let out a little humourless laugh. ‘Getting me a drink, apparently. He has been since we arrived. Which was… fifty minutes ago,’ I say, looking at the time on my phone, and Ben sighs. ‘I don’t know why you keep going back to him,’ Ben says, and I just shrug, unsure of the reason myself
I’m saved from responding by Mason, Reece, Kai and Sophia joining us, Mason instantly launching into an entertaining story about how he almost just knocked one of the directors down the stairs, and I let him briefly distract me from the disappointment I feel about my boyfriend. But, predictably, the conversation turns to me pretty quickly.
‘So, y/n… you’re looking lovely this evening,’ Mason smirks, the others laughing at him as I roll my eyes. ‘Nice try, Mount, but it’s never gonna happen.’ ‘How’s Wes then?’ he asks, eyes wandering over to where Wesley’s chatting up the bartender, his hand on her arm. ‘Don’t be a dick, Mase,’ Reece chides him, and he looks at Reece with a raised eyebrow.
‘y/n literally couldn’t care less about him if she tried,’ he says drily, and he’s not wrong. I don’t really even like Wes anymore, let alone love him, and I fear that the feeling is starting to become mutual. It’s only a matter of time until he stops trying to win me back after I dump him.
‘We know the real reason she’s here,’ Sophia grins, and I try my best to hold back the smile that comes to my face whenever I think of him. ‘Excuse me, Soph. Are you accusing me of having an ulterior motive for attending this event?’ I ask amusedly, the four of them raising their eyebrows at me, Mason looking lost. ‘Stop playing, y/n. We all know who you’re really in love with,’ Callum says as he sits down, Trevoh and Christian with him too.
‘Wait, hang on. Who’s she in love with? This is news to me,’ Mason says, all of the boys and Soph looking at him with disbelief on their faces. ‘Are you being serious, bro?’ Christian asks, Mason nodding, and I shake my head amusedly at how confused he is.
And then I see him, heading our way, walking with Azpi. He’s in a suit with a Chelsea-blue tie on, like all the rest of them, but he easily stands out. His suit is black, accentuating his broad shoulders and strong chest, his trousers perfectly fitted to show off his thick thighs, and I actually have to shut my mouth so I don’t drool at the sight of the gold rings that adorn his long fingers and the gold chain around his neck.
‘Boys, y/n, Sophia,’ Azpi says by way of greeting, and I can just about muster up a little ‘hi, Azpi’, too focused on not professing my love for the man stood beside him. ‘None of you are drinking, I hope,’ Azpi says with a terrible attempt at a stern face, and the boys all hold up their glasses of water.
‘What are you drinking, y/n?’ Kepa asks with a little smile on his face, my heart stopping at the sound of my name on his lips in that sexy accent of his, and I collect all my braincells to formulate a coherent response. ‘Nothing, unfortunately. Wesley was getting me a drink, but…’ I trail off as everyone looks over to where my boyfriend is stood, looking like he’s about to jump over the bar and undress the bartender right now.
‘How… gentlemanly of him,’ Azpi says drily, a quiet laugh running around the table. ‘I would offer to get you a drink, but the bar staff are not allowed to serve us alcohol,’ Kepa says softly, all of the boys muttering about how unfair it is as butterflies explode in my stomach, my eyes locked with Kepa’s deep brown ones. He has to know the effect he has on me because it’s like he does this on purpose, a little smirk on his lips as he gazes at me.
‘Glad to hear it. You’re playing in a couple days, and I want to see a win,’ I say sternly, all of them laughing. ‘Stricter than Tommy, this one,’ Ben grins, patting my shoulder, and hope fills my chest when Kepa’s eyes focus in on Ben’s hand, the smile on his face dropping a little. Is he jealous? No, I must have imagined it, because he looks fine now, his smile still as brilliant as ever.
‘Okay, we’ll leave you kids to it,’ Azpi says, heading off to chat to some sponsors, and Kepa follows behind with a little wink in my direction, my heart jumping as I give him a small smile in return. As soon as they’re out of earshot, I grab onto Ben’s arm to keep myself together, my entire body going weak.
‘Ah. So that’s who she comes to these events for,’ Mason says amusedly as I lean back in my seat, heart fluttering uncontrollably. ‘Good god,’ I whisper, clutching at my chest, all of them laughing at me. ‘y/n, how long have you liked him?’ Trev asks, and I don’t even have to stop to think. ‘Since the 11th August 2018, when he played his first match as a Chelsea goalkeeper,’ I say amusedly, all of their mouths dropping open.
‘Seriously? That long? And you’ve never done anything about it?’ ‘Mason, I have a boyfriend.’ ‘Yeah, a shit one. Just dump him.’ ‘There’s no point. Kepa’s not interested in me. I’m just the girlfriend of some twat that hangs around you lot all the time,’ I mutter, all of them laughing.
‘He specifically asked you what you’re drinking, and then said he would get you a drink if he could.’ ‘He was just being polite, Kai. It’s fine, guys, you don’t have to try and matchmake. I am happy to have a schoolgirl crush on him from afar,’ I say simply, all of them exchanging glances, but they respect my subtle request for them to leave it alone, the conversation changing to the upcoming match.
After a good half an hour of gossiping with Soph, listening to the boys talk football and trying not to get caught watching Kepa across the room, I decide I will need a drink (or nine) to get through the rest of the night. Ben offers to accompany me to the bar, the two of us trying our best to avoid getting caught in a conversation with one of the many boring old white men here.
‘Can I have two pornstar martinis? And please be generous with the vodka,’ I ask the male bartender, the female one too busy flirting with my boyfriend (who hasn’t yet noticed my presence). ‘Sorry, love, but I can’t serve alcohol to any of the lads.’ ‘They’re both for me,’ I say drily, and he raises an eyebrow, not buying it.
Before he can respond, Wesley notices me, and quickly ends his conversation to join me and Ben, pressing a kiss to my lips. ‘Sorry, babe. Forgot about your drink,’ he says, and the bartender can’t hide the shock on his face at realising that I’m the girlfriend of the guy that’s kept his co-worker occupied for the last hour and a half.
‘Two vodka-heavy pornstar martinis, coming right up,’ he says drily, exchanging a glance with me, and Ben tells him to also do me a few shots as Wesley lies to my face about how he got caught in a chat with some of the board members. ‘It’s alright, Wes, you can go back to your conversation,’ I say softly, actually preferring to spend my time without him, and he doesn’t even hesitate to press another kiss to my lips before going back to the other side of the bar.
‘If you don’t dump him in the morning, I’ll do it for you,’ Ben says drily as the bartender puts the cocktails and several shots down in front of me with a sympathetic look on his face. ‘Knock them back, go on,’ Ben prompts, and I knock the shots back in quick succession, wincing at the vodka burning my throat. ‘There we go. You’ll be able to get through the night without murdering your boyfriend now,’ Ben grins, picking up one of the cocktail glasses for me as we head back to the table, mouthing to Azpi that it’s my drink when he gets a stern look from him across the room.
We take our seats again, re-joining the conversation, and I already feel the alcohol getting to my head by the time I’ve finished my first cocktail. The bartender keeps sending drinks over to me, steadily getting me more and more tipsy, my head light and my vision a little bit blurry every now and then.
When I nearly knock Soph’s glass over, they all look at me with concern on their faces. ‘Are you already drunk?’ Ben demands, and I bite my lip. ‘A bit. I haven’t eaten all day.’ ‘Why not, you idiot?’ ‘I wanted to look nice in my dress,’ I pout, Ben rolling his eyes. ‘For God’s sake,’ he mutters, and my stomach suddenly turns, feeling like the drinks are making their way back up my throat.
‘I think I might be sick,’ I declare, words slightly slurred, and all of them look alarmed at the suddenness of my announcement. ‘Fuck’s sake, y/n,’ Ben mutters, helping me up from my seat, and he leads me towards the exit, Sophia following behind us.
We step out from the function room into the lobby of the posh hotel they booked for this event. One of the rooms here is booked for me and Wesley but I somehow doubt we’ll be putting it to any use tonight, the thought making me well up.
Sophia leads us over to a cluster of sofas in the corner of the lobby, Ben sitting me down, and I take deep breaths, trying to hold back my vomit and my tears. ‘Sorry, ‘scuse me, can we have a glass of water please?’ I hear Ben asking one of the hotel employees, his voice faint and distant, and Soph crouches down in front of me, putting a hand on my shoulder comfortingly.
‘Just breathe, y/n. They’re getting you some water,’ she says softly, and I keep taking deep breaths. Ben hands me a glass of water after a few moments, making me sip it all down bit by bit, and my vision gradually clears, my fog in my mind slowly dissipating.
‘You okay now?’ Sophia asks gently, and I’m about to respond when I spot Wes sneaking out of the function room, the bartender’s hand in his, and he looks around briefly before they rush over to the lifts together, giggling like little kids. He doesn’t spot us because we’re tucked away in the corner, but we can see him clearly, my heart sinking. I’ve always had an inkling that he cheats on me, but I’ve never had it confirmed, and this might be the worst possible way for it to happen.
‘God, that was enough to bring the vomit back up,’ I say drily, trying not to show how much it’s affected me, but when they both give me sad looks, my eyes well up again. ‘Oh, y/n,’ Soph says softly, and the tears spill over onto my face.
‘Fuck’s sake,’ I curse, tilting my head back to try and stop myself from crying any more, and they laugh, Ben handing me a tissue which I use to dab away the tears, not wanting to wreck my makeup. ‘y/n, please just dump him. And don’t get back together with him this time. You deserve better,’ Ben says, just as the doors to the function room open again, Kepa stepping out this time.
My heart skips a beat when our eyes meet, and his lips quirk up into a small smile as he heads over towards us. When he gets closer and realises I’m crying, his smile disappears, replaced by concern on his face. ‘Are you okay, cariño?’ he asks, the pet name rolling off his tongue so easily, and I almost faint, butterflies filling my stomach.
‘She just saw her boyfriend cheating on her with a bartender,’ Ben says, realising that I can’t find any words at this current moment, and Kepa’s eyes widen in shock. ‘Ay, y/n, I am so sorry,’ he says softly, taking a seat on the sofa perpendicular to the one I’m sat on, and I wave his concerns away, trying to ignore how every inch of my being is having a meltdown right now.
‘Me and Ben are gonna go and grab you something to eat, alright? We’ll be back in a minute,’ Soph says with a sly wink, grabbing Ben’s wrist and dragging him away, leaving Kepa and I alone. My heart is beating so hard that he must be able to hear it, and I can barely look him in the eyes. He’s so handsome, it’s intimidating.
‘I am really sorry, y/n,’ he says again, my heart melting. ‘It’s alright. It’s nothing new. I should’ve broken up with him a long time ago,’ I say lightly, and he looks surprised. ‘You sound… unbothered,’ he observes, and I let out a little laugh.
‘I mean, it’s not ideal. I would rather not have a boyfriend that would choose to spend his time with any woman other than me, but I’m used to it at this point,’ I say mildly, and Kepa just shakes his head. ‘You deserve a lot better than someone who treats you like this. I mean, look at you. He has chosen to sleep with a bartender when the most beautiful girl in the room is his girlfriend?’ Kepa says offhandedly, my heart stopping briefly. The most beautiful girl in the room? This man is trying to kill me.
‘Stop, not even,’ I say shyly, and he raises an eyebrow. ‘It is the truth, mi amor. I know you might think I am just trying to make you feel better, but that is not the reason. You look very beautiful tonight, in this lovely dress,’ he murmurs softly, and I can’t help but smooth out the cobalt blue satin of my dress, the nerves of being sat here alone with him really getting to me.
‘Thank you. And you look very handsome in your suit,’ I say coyly, managing to pull myself together enough to attempt flirting back at him, and he grins. ‘Gracias, cariño,’ he replies, leaning back against the sofa and manspreading. I feel my underwear dampening at the sight, just about managing to tear my eyes away from his thighs.
‘Here, y/n. They’re serving the mains in a bit so have this to tide you over ‘til then,’ Ben says, me and Kepa jumping at his and Sophia’s sudden re-appearance as he hands me a bar of chocolate. ‘Thank you,’ I say, both of them already retreating. ‘We’re gonna go back inside, alright? Kep, you don’t mind looking after her for a bit, do you?’ Ben says, him and Soph turning around and speed-walking away before Kepa can even respond.
‘You don’t have to stay. I’ll be fine,’ I say, feeling bad, but he shakes his head. ‘I am happy to stay. You are good company,’ he grins, and I can’t hold back my own smile as I try to open the chocolate bar, hands shaky. ‘Aquí, let me do it. How you can do anything with those nails, I do not know,’ he says amusedly, taking the chocolate bar from my hand, tingles running up my arm when his fingers brush against mine.
He opens the packaging and instead of handing me back the bar, he breaks off a block with a small smirk on his face. He holds it out to me, and I know he’s giving me an option. I could take the block from him with my fingers, and that’d put a stop to anything that could happen between us.
So instead, I lean forward with my lips parted, taking the block and letting my lips brush across his skin, our eyes locked together as I take the chocolate into my mouth, letting it melt on my tongue. He suddenly doesn’t look so confident, Adam’s apple bobbing in his throat as he fidgets a little in his seat, and I know I have the upper hand.
‘So, Kepa. Whilst we’re on the topic of relationships,’ I say softly, crossing one leg over the other, ‘is there a special woman in your life?’ ‘I wish, pero no. I am very much single,’ he responds, knowing exactly what I’m getting at, and I nod slowly, a small smile on my face. He breaks another block off the bar, feeding it to me again, his eyes focused on my lips, and I want nothing more than to have his fingers in my mouth instead of chocolate.
‘I envy you. The single life is much better. No responsibilities or obligations. You can sleep with whoever you want,’ I say, and he raises an amused eyebrow. ‘Is that the most important thing?’ ‘It’s one of the main things that appeals to me, considering Wes is the only boy I’ve ever slept with, and he’d rather fuck any girl he can get his hands on instead of his girlfriend. Kinda hurts a girl’s confidence,’ I say quietly, and he shakes his head in disbelief.
‘You have only slept with Wes, in your whole life?’ he asks, and I nod, looking at him through my lashes. ‘Is he good?’ ‘Not particularly. He’s never made me finish,’ I admit, Kepa’s mouth falling open. ‘¿De verdad?’ ‘Yeah. He focuses more on his own pleasure than mine,’ I say, Kepa looking absolutely scandalised. ‘y/n, you need a man who can make you feel good,’ he murmurs, and I hold back an amused smile.
‘Wherever will I find one of those?’ I ask softly, and he raises an eyebrow at me, his tongue poking at the inside of his cheek, the sight making me take a deep breath to compose myself. ‘Do not tempt me,’ he murmurs, my heart skipping a beat. He really does want to have sex with me. ‘Maybe I want to tempt you. Maybe… I want you to make me feel good,’ I whisper, and his eyes darken as he processes my words, our gazes locked together for a few long moments as I wait with bated breath for his answer.
‘Joder,’ he curses softly, clearly conflicted, and I let out a little sigh, deciding to play the long game. ‘It’s okay if you don’t want to, Kepa. Actually, forget I ever said anything. Come on, let’s go back inside,’ I say lightly, getting up from my seat, and he looks startled at my sudden switch in demeanour.
‘Espera. Hold on,’ he says after a moment’s hesitation, pushing himself up from the sofa before offering an arm to me. I take it with a small grin, our arms looped together, and he begins to lead me towards the function room.
‘Pon atención, mamí,’ he murmurs softly as we walk, the pet name making my knees weak, ‘you will go in there and sit down with your friends. Whenever you are ready, you will tell them that you do not feel well, and you are going to go to bed. Aqui, take this, and go up to my room on the top floor. I will meet you there, mi amor. ¿Lo entiendes?’
I just about manage to nod, my pants sticking to my skin because of how wet they are, and I take his room key, tucking it into my dress slyly as we reach the door of the function room. He drops me a wink before pushing the door open for me, and I walk past him into the room, heading straight over to the table in the corner and taking my seat between Ben and Sophia.
‘Where is he? What happened? You were supposed to shoot your shot,’ Sophia hisses, only her and Ben paying attention to me, and I just motion over to the door, the two of them watching as Kepa walks in a moment later, heading over to his table to sit with some of the other players. ‘The classic ‘walk-in-separately-so-no-one-suspects-us’ trick. What the hell did you two do?’ Ben demands, and I just smile coyly, pulling Kepa’s keycard out from my dress and putting it down on the table.
They both gasp softly, looking at me with wide eyes, and I grin. ‘He told me to go up to his whenever I want and that he’d meet me there.’ ‘And you’re gonna go?’ ‘Mmhmm. Might wait until the end of the night, just to piss him off a bit,’ I grin, both of them laughing as I sip on some water.
I keep an eye on the time. It’s nearly 9 now, and I decide I’ll wait until 10:30 – if I disappear too soon, people will start wondering where I am, and I’d rather not have it get out that a board member’s son’s girlfriend is fucking a Chelsea goalkeeper upstairs.
I make Ben put his arm on the table so I can sneak sly glances at his watch, and the time ticks by painfully slowly. I try to keep myself distracted, listening to Mason with his funny stories and picking at the food that they bring out, but I’m just itching to go up to the top floor and get railed by the sexiest man on earth. I can’t stop myself from looking over at him every few minutes, and he’s already looking at me a few of the times, a small smirk appearing on his lips. God, this man will be the death of me.
After the staff clear away all the mains dishes, we have to sit through some speeches, and then Wesley’s dad gets up to do a raffle. Wesley bought me a few strips at the start of the night (he thought he was a right big man spending £500 of his dad’s money on raffle tickets) and I wasn’t too bothered, but looking at the prizes now, I find myself hoping I win one.
Kai wins a city break to Monaco for him and Soph (she’s very happy), and Reece wins a piece of contemporary artwork, the other prizes being handed out one-by-one until there’s only a necklace left. ‘And finally, folks, we have a… gold Van Cleef & Arpels necklace, with a lovely diamond butterfly pendant. All the ladies in the room have just perked up a bit,’ Wesley’s dad jokes, light laughter running around the room.
‘I know my son got a few raffle tickets for his girlfriend so let’s hope this goes to the daughter-in-law,’ he says lightly, eyes turning to me, and I put on a shy smile, Ben rolling his eyes and muttering under his breath about my ‘blushing bride’ act. ‘Pray for me that I get that necklace,’ I murmur to the table as Wesley’s dad puts his hand into the raffle box, pulling out a number.
I hold my breath as he squints his eyes at the piece of paper in his hands, already picturing how sexy I’d look with that around my neck. It’d look perfect with this dress too – the gold and blue combo is unbeaten. And the gold on my skin would be amazing. I’ll wear it literally every day. I don’t think I’ll ever take it off. It’ll be my prized posse-
‘Ticket number 310,’ he reads out, my heart sinking. Our tickets were in the 80s and 90s. Nowhere near 310. There’s a moment of silence as we wait for the winner to go and claim their prize, and of course it’s him. Of course it’s the most beautiful man in the room that stands up amongst applause, a small smirk on his face as he heads up to the front of the room, stealing a cocky glance at me on his way.
‘Ah, our Number 1! I’m sure this’ll look lovely on you, Kepa,’ Wesley’s dad grins, more laughter around the room, Kepa grinning as Wesley’s dad hands him the blue velvet necklace box. It looks tiny in his hands. His hands are so big and pretty, veiny and bony with long fingers and- y/n! Focus, woman!
He heads back to his table with a sly wink at me, and the boys’ heads instantly turn in my direction. ‘Our prayers definitely worked, y/n. Looks like the necklace is yours,’ Soph says under her breath, and I grin at her, clinking my glass against hers before lifting it to my lips and taking a small sip of the water.
The string quartet resume their playing after Wesley’s dad gives another little speech, gentle conversation continuing, and I let out a little sigh. ‘I might go up now,’ I say softly, only Ben and Soph able to hear me. ‘About time,’ Sophia says drily, and I stifle a laugh before clearing my throat to get the boys’ attention.
‘I’m so sorry, guys, but I’m not feeling great. I’m just gonna head to bed,’ I say, all of them letting out protests, Ben muttering ‘whose bed?’ and yelping when I kick him under the table. ‘I would stay but I still have a lot of alcohol in my system and I might vomit any second so I’m gonna go before I embarrass myself. I’ll see you all in a couple days though, at the match,’ I say, all of them reluctantly agreeing before bidding me goodbye.
I get up from my seat, making sure my phone and the keycard are in my bag before heading towards the door, feeling Kepa’s eyes on me as I go. My entire body is alight with anticipation as I step into the lift, waiting impatiently for it to reach the top floor, and I almost sprint down the corridor to his room, fumbling around with the keycard as I let myself in, leaving the door unlocked behind me.
One entire wall is windows overlooking the city, and the view out over the skyline is breath-taking. The room carries a faint scent of expensive aftershave, and I find myself inhaling the scent as I walk over to the window. I leave the lights off, the city lights streaming in through the windows doing more than enough to illuminate the room, and I impatiently anticipate his arrival, topping up my lipgloss while I wait.
I suspect he’s punishing me for waiting so long, because I feel like I’ve been sat here for an eternity by the time he knocks lightly on the door. ‘It’s unlocked,’ I call out, and I hear the door handle turning slowly before he pushes the door open, light streaming in from the hallway. I don’t turn to look at him, instead watching his reflection in the windows as he shuts the door behind him.
‘¿Quieres una copa de vino?’ he asks in a voice like velvet, and I smile to myself. ‘Just a little one,’ I reply without turning to face him, his lips curling up as he gets a bottle of wine out of the mini fridge, pouring me out half a glass and bringing it over to me.
‘Gracias,’ I say as I take it from him, giving him a little smile, and he raises an impressed eyebrow at my accent. ‘¿Puedes hablar español?’ ‘A little bit. Enough to understand everything you’ve said to me.’ ‘Did you learn it at school?’ he asks, sitting down on the bed, and I shake my head, leaning back against the window. ‘I did French at school. I started learning Spanish a few years ago, in my own time,’ I say before taking a sip of the wine, and he raises an eyebrow at me.
‘What made you want to learn it?’ he asks, and I hesitate, too embarrassed to tell him he’s the reason. I heard him speaking Spanish at one of the first events we both attended after he joined, and I signed up to Duolingo the next day. He realises the reason from my momentary silence, lips curving up into a smirk.
‘¿De verdad? You started learning because of me?’ he asks, and I roll my eyes. ‘Big-headed much? You’re not the reason,’ I tell him, and he just raises an eyebrow, not buying my lie for a second. ‘Mi amor, you do not have to lie to me. I know you have… how you say? A crush for me,’ he grins, and I blink at him in shock for a moment. I’m gonna kill Ben.
‘You think I have a crush on you?’ ‘I do not think, mamí. I know,’ he replies cockily, head angled down as he looks up at me, his smoulder making my heart race. ‘I have a boyfriend.’ ‘Sí, un novio que odies,’ he replies drily, and I roll my eyes.
‘I don’t hate him. Well, I do now that I saw him cheating on me. But I didn’t before. So you can get this idea of me having a crush on you out of your head,’ I say firmly, and he just shakes his head amusedly. ‘Mamí. Do you think I am… ¿cómo se dice ciego en inglés?’ he asks, making me let out a soft laugh. ‘Blind,’ I remind him, and he nods with a little grin.
‘Sí, blind. Because I am not. I see how you look at me. How you have been looking at me since we met. You become nervous and giggly, like a little schoolgirl. You have never looked at Wesley how you look at me,’ he says neutrally, as though he knows that it’s fact, and I just gaze at him, mentally debating whether I should carry on lying or not. Fuck it.
‘That’d be because you’re sexier than Wesley,’ I murmur before taking a sip of the wine, and he raises an amused eyebrow, leaning back on his elbows, body stretched across the bed in a way that makes my heart flutter. ‘Am I?’ he grins, and I nod. ‘Mmhmm. Some might even say by a landslide,’ I respond offhandedly, and he nods slowly with an impressed smile.
‘Some? Are you part of the ‘some’ that would say that?’ he asks, and I consider his question for a moment. ‘No. I think you’ll have to… persuade me to make me think that,’ I say softly, looking at me him through hooded eyes over the rim of my glass, and he tries to remain cool, the bobbing of his Adam’s apple in his throat betraying him.
‘Persuade you? ¿Cómo, cariño?’ he asks, and I think it over for a few seconds before responding in a purr, ‘However you think is best, Kepa. You take control.’ He’s frozen in place after hearing my words of permission, eyes darkening and lips slightly parted in shock. ‘¿De verdad? Are you sure, mamí?’ he asks, voice sounding slightly strained with the effort of keeping it even, and I nod, lips curved up at the corners.
He takes a deep breath, clearly composing himself, before he pushes himself up from the bed. I forget how… big he is, his frame formidable in front of me with his massive shoulders, big hands and thick thighs. ‘Turn around, mi cielito,’ he murmurs, my stomach turning with anticipation as I do as he says, looking out over the city again, his reflection faint in the window. He reaches into an inside pocket of his jacket, pulling out a jewellery box.
My heart stops as he puts the box down to one side before he takes a step closer to me, moving my hair to one side with a soft hand, fingers brushing across my bare shoulders. He unclasps the necklace I’m already wearing, slipping it into his pocket, and reaches for the box, carefully lifting the necklace out of it. My body tingles as he lifts it over my head, my back almost touching his chest as he clasps it around my neck, fingers on my skin making my body tingle.
I look down at the pendant, lifting it off my chest and gasping softly at the way the diamonds catch the city lights, and I’m too focused on the way the butterfly sparkles in my fingers to notice how he leans down to the crook of my neck. My mind goes haywire when I feel his lips softly brush across my skin, hands snaking around my waist to wrap around my body and pull me closer to him.
‘Te miras, querido. Look at yourself with your necklace on,’ he prompts, speaking against my neck in a way that makes my knees weaken, and I do as he says, looking at my reflection in the window. It’s not very clear, but the pendant sparkles almost as much as my eyes do. I see myself as he sees me, in a way that Wesley never made me see myself. I look beautiful.
‘Ay, que bonita. The mariposa on that chain is almost as pretty as the one in my arms,’ he grins, lips moving up my neck to my jaw, leaving soft kisses between each word, and I melt at him calling me mariposa. If Wesley ever tried to call me his butterfly, I’d probably throw up.
‘You’re giving it to me?’ I ask in a whisper, and he chuckles, looking up to meet my eyes in the window. ‘A necklace this beautiful deserves to be worn by a pretty girl, and you, mi mariposa, are the prettiest girl in the world,’ he murmurs with true sincerity, and I can’t help myself from turning my head to look at him, tilting my head back and letting my eyes flutter shut.
He gets the message, letting out a soft laugh as he leans down, his plump lips brushing against mine experimentally. He leans back after just a second, as though he’s checking I’m okay with this, my heart melting. Without opening my eyes, I turn in his arms, snaking an arm around his neck and pulling him back down towards me.
His smirking lips land on mine, firmer this time, and he pulls me closer to him, practically lifting me off the floor, my weight resting on my toes. He parts my lips with his, tongue sliding across mine, and I let out a soft whimper into his mouth. My body fills with gentle pleasure as he wraps my hair around his hand to angle my head back further, my scalp tingling at the slight pull.
Our lips move together as I toy with the short, silky hairs at the back of his head, the other hand trying to keep the glass of wine upright, thinking that he wouldn’t be too impressed if I spilled it down his back. Though with the way I can feel a poking in my hip, I don’t think he’d let anything stop him from fucking me, the thought making my pulse quicken.
My phone rings suddenly, the shrill iPhone ringtone making us both jump, wine sloshing as I break apart from him, putting my glass down and picking up my phone. ‘¿Quién es?’ ‘Sophia. It might be urgent,’ I say apologetically, Kepa nodding as he sits down on the bed, TV remote in hand.
‘Can I help you, Sophia Weber?’ I say exasperatedly. ‘I know you’re getting dicked down, I’m sorry. It’s just that Wes is back, and he’s looking for you,’ she says in a hushed voice, and I let out an irritated sigh at his timing, closing my eyes for a moment as Kepa flicks through the channels to amuse himself.
‘Shall I tell him we saw him cheating on you? So you don’t wanna see him right now? Please let me break up with him for you,’ she begs, and I laugh, considering it for a moment. ‘No, don’t tell him. I’ll deal with it tomorrow.’ ‘So what shall I say if he asks me? I’m literally hiding in the toilets because he’s asked all the boys and I’m probably next,’ she says, the image of her locked in a cubicle and whispering down the phone making me laugh.
‘Just tell him what I told the others.’ ‘No, because he took the bartender up to your guys’ room, so you’re obviously not there, which is why he’s asking everyone. The boys have all worked it out because Kepa’s missing as well, but Ben’s making sure that none of them blab. Everyone’s just saying they don’t know but I can’t say that as well because then he’s gonna get stressed and raise the alarm that you’re missing or something,’ Sophia says, and I roll my eyes amusedly at her dramatics.
‘It’ll be fine, Soph. Just buy me some time. Twenty minutes, that’s it,’ I plead, and she lets out a sigh. ‘I’ll text Kai to tell him to stall Wes, and I’ll hide in here for fifteen minutes max. Then I’ll go back inside, tell Wesley I don’t know where you are, and you can deal with him.’ ‘Ugh, thank you, Soph. I could kiss you right now, you’re the best.’ ‘Yes, yes, I know. Now go, get your shit wrecked,’ she says drily before hanging up.
I put my phone down, sighing lightly as I turn to look at Kepa, and he holds a hand out to me, smirking. ‘We have veinte minutos?’ he asks, and I nod, putting my hand in his, and he pulls me closer so I’m stood between his legs. He’s so tall that even sat down, he’s face-to-face with me.
He slides a hand around to the back of my neck, pulling me forward so he can kiss me again, shivers running through my body when our lips connect. ‘I would have only needed ten,’ he grins against my lips, my underwear flooded as he pulls me down on top of him.
Our kiss is brief, both of us knowing we don’t have long, and he flips us over after a few seconds, pushing himself off me and standing up between my legs. He slides his hands up my legs, pulling the dress up with them, exposing my drenched pants. ‘Ay, mira esto,’ he grins, his eyes instantly spotting the wet patch before flitting up to meet mine, ‘tus bragas. They are soaked, mi amor.’
He hooks a thick finger around them, pulling them down my legs and tucking them into his pocket where my necklace is with a grin on his face, making me even wetter. ‘Are you like this por tu novio, y/n? Is Wesley the one who made you this wet, mi amor?’ he asks, and I let out a whimper at the mention of my boyfriend’s name when another man is about to fuck me.
‘I asked you a question, querido,’ he murmurs, tone slightly darker, and I shake my head. ‘No? It was not Wesley?’ he asks again amusedly, and I breathe out a soft, ‘no.’ ‘I think…’ he begins, lifting my legs up to rest on his shoulders before kissing my anklet, ‘that maybe it was me who made you this wet. Am I right, mamí?’
He continues kissing along the inside of my leg, getting down to his knees and pulling me to the edge of the bed so he can reach my inner thighs, backs of my legs pressing down on his sturdy shoulders. ‘Answer me, y/n. Or you might as well just go back down to your boyfriend now. I am not going to give you what you want if you are not good for me,’ he murmurs, and I push down my pride. ‘Yes, Kep, you’re right. It was you,’ I breathe out, and his lips curl up into a smirk against my thigh.
‘Bueno. Mi chica buena,’ he murmurs, pushing a finger between my folds without warning, and I let out a soft moan. He adds another finger, using them to try and stretch me out, and I bite down on my lip, letting out gentle whines and whimpers every few seconds. He plants featherlight kisses along my thighs, whispering sweet-nothings in Spanish against my skin, making me wetter and wetter by the second.
An unfamiliar knot begins to tighten in my stomach, and I realise that I’m approaching an orgasm for the first time in my life. But Kepa’s fingers disappear after only a few minutes and the knot loosens almost instantly, making me whine. ‘Yo sé, mariposa, I know. But we do not have long. Next time, I will spend hours making you feel good,’ he says soothingly, standing up and shrugging off his jacket, throwing it off to the side somewhere.
I sit up and reach for his trousers, nails flicking open the buttons and pulling down the zip as he watches me, breath catching in his throat whenever my hands brush across his bulge. He pulls his trousers and Calvin Klein underwear down just enough to free his cock, and I feel my stomach turn at the size of him. He is not gonna fit inside of me.
‘Lie back, querido,’ he murmurs and I do so, letting him lift one of my legs over his shoulder, allowing him full access to my core. ‘¿Quieres que uso un condón?’ he asks, and I shake my head, needing him now. ‘I’m on birth control,’ I murmur, and he doesn’t wait another second before pushing into me. I let out a long moan, head falling back against the bed and back arching up as he slides in slowly, filling me up more than I can handle.
He remains still once he’s bottomed out, a small smirk on his face as he watches me, waiting for me to adjust, and I take deep breaths, gradually getting used to the burning stretch. ‘You can move,’ I breathe out after a long few seconds, and he doesn’t need to be told twice, his hips finding a slow rhythm as they move back and forth.
He starts off gentle, his thrusts deep but leisurely, and it feels like the head of his cock is prodding against my cervix each time he slides back in, making me whimper pathetically. ‘Does it feel good, princesa? Getting fucked while tu novio looks for you downstairs?’ he asks with a smirk, his words making me gush around him as I moan, his grin growing when he realises that the thought of cheating only turns me on even more.
‘Mi putita sucia,’ he murmurs, thrusting into me particularly hard, and my mouth drops open in a silent moan at being called his dirty little slut. His big hands hold my waist in a bruisingly tight grip, dress bunched up around my hips, and my ankle rests on his strong shoulder, anklet digging into my skin so hard it’ll leave marks.
He gradually picks up the pace, knowing we don’t have long, and I moan helplessly as his cock drags against my walls. I can’t help but clench around him, not used to feeling such strong pleasure when being fucked, and I can tell he’s holding himself back from going harder, his skin flushed and wet with perspiration. ‘Joder. So tight, mamí,’ he groans, body tensed with the effort of keeping himself together, and my back arches up off the bed, tits almost spilling out of my dress.
‘Mi chica bonita. I just want to rip this dress off you,’ he growls, and I almost tell him to do as he pleases, past the point of caring about Wes. ‘Maybe I should. You can wear my jacket. I am sure your boyfriend would be very impressed,’ he grins amusedly, making me let out a loud moan of his name. He leans forward, slipping two fingers into my mouth to shut me up, and I can taste myself on his skin.
‘You have to be quiet for me, cariño. If he is looking for you, he might search the whole hotel, and I am sure anyone on this floor will be able to hear you. Or maybe you want him to hear you. You probably would not even mind if he walked in on us, ¿no?’ he asks with a small smirk, my brain barely processing his words, too focused on the tip of his cock scraping against the spot inside me that makes my eyes roll back, intense waves of pleasure rolling over my body.
‘Mi cielito likes the sound of that, ¿sí? Do you want your boyfriend to see you getting fucked by the man you have liked for years? Want him to see how it is done? I’m sure he has never seen this look on your face, or heard you making these pretty noises. Am I right, mi amor? I bet he has no idea how pretty you look when you are getting fucked by a real man,’ he murmurs cockily, the knot in my stomach tightening with every word he says, and I can’t even form words, babbling unintelligibly around his fingers.
The iPhone ringtone breaks through our lust-filled bubble, and he lets out an irritated sigh, his movements stilling as he looks over his shoulder to where my phone sits on the table. ‘It is your boyfriend, y/n,’ he grins, reaching for the phone and holding it up for me to see, a picture of Wes’ face filling the screen.
He puts the phone down on my stomach and answers it, my heart pounding when he puts it on speaker. ‘Hola, Wesley,’ he smirks, hands loosening the Chelsea blue tie around his neck. ‘Kepa?’ Wesley’s voice comes from the phone, his tone one of confusion. ‘Sí, hermanito,’ Kepa replies, the irony of him calling my boyfriend ‘little brother’ while his cock is inside me not lost on me at all.
‘How comes you’ve got y/n’s phone? Is she alright?’ ‘Sí, Wes, your girlfriend is fine. She is just… having a lie-down. A little nap,’ Kepa grins, removing his tie from around his neck and stuffing it into my mouth, making my stomach turn. He’s about to fuck me whilst speaking to my boyfriend on the phone. The thought makes a fresh wave of arousal rush out around his cock, his grin growing even wider.
‘Where?’ Wesley asks, sounding sceptical, and Kepa pulls almost all the way out, running the head of his cock up and down my folds. ‘In my room. She did not feel well and she could not find you to get the key for your room. I bumped into her in the lobby while she was crying so I offered her my room. I am staying with her just to… keep an eye on her,’ Kepa lies, clearly wanting to make Wes feel guilty, and I try my best to remain quiet when he pushes all the way back into me, eyes rolling back.
‘She was crying?’ ‘Sí. I think you will have a lot of making up to do,’ Kepa jokes, leisurely thrusting into me, and my eyes fill with tears at the effort of staying silent, my vision blurred and head numb with pleasure.
‘Where’s your room? I’ll come up and see her,’ Wes says, voice laced with guilt. ‘Do not bother, hermanito. She told me to wake her up in 5 minutes, so we will come back down to the party soon,’ he says, his thrusts becoming faster and harder as he leans forward to wrap a hand around my neck, fingers pressing lightly and rings cold against my warm skin.
‘Are you sure?’ ‘I am sure, Wes. Do not worry, I am taking good care of her,’ Kepa grins, and I can’t contain myself at that, a muffled moan coming out from around the tie in my mouth. ‘What was that?’ Wes asks suspiciously as Kepa fucks into me, hand tightening at my throat, the lack of oxygen going to my brain making every movement feel a thousand times more intense, the sting of his rings a pleasurable pain.
‘She moans in her sleep, I am sure you know. Es muy adorable,’ he smirks, and I can practically feel Wesley’s jealousy through the phone. ‘Anyway, we will be down soon, Wes. No need to worry, she is in good hands,’ Kepa says with a grin, reaching the hand that isn’t around my neck down to where our bodies meet, rubbing slow and hard circles onto my clit.
‘If you say so, bro. Thank you,’ Wesley says begrudgingly, and Kepa looks endlessly amused. ‘No need to thank me. It’s my pleasure,’ he responds, voice laced with innuendo, and I feel my high nearing, walls clenching around him, my hands gripping onto the bedsheets for dear life as he fucks into me so hard my legs shake, anklet jingling beside his ear.
‘Don’t be too long then. They’re serving dessert soon,’ Wesley says with reluctance in his voice, and Kepa’s grin grows again. ‘I think she is full,’ he murmurs, his jokes at my boyfriend’s expense only making me want him even more. ‘But, yes, we won’t be long,’ Kepa says before hanging up on him, throwing my phone further up the bed.
He begins slamming into me, the bed hitting the wall with each thrust, and he pulls the tie out of my mouth, letting me moan uncensored, my eyes fluttering shut. ‘Fuck, Kepa, feels so good,’ I whisper, voice strained because of his hand around my neck, the knot in my stomach pulled so tight, and he presses harder on my clit, pushing me closer.
‘Look at you, mi putita. So desperate for me after almost getting caught by your boyfriend. So dirty, princesa. Are you going to cum for me, mamí?’ he asks in a low and patronising voice, and all I can do is moan in response, my walls clenching erratically around him as I feel his chain hitting my chin with each thrust. ‘Look at me, cariño. Look at the man that is fucking you instead of your little boyfriend,’ he says, smirk evident in his voice, and I force my eyes open, heart stopping momentarily when I meet his gaze.
His curls are pasted down to his forehead with sweat, tan skin tinged with a light blush, and his pretty eyes are impossibly dark, blown out with desire. The top button of his shirt is open, the white material pulled tight across his broad shoulders and strong chest, and his sleeves are rolled up to his elbows, revealing vascular and muscly arms. I could cum just from the sight of him like this.
‘Cum for me, bonita. I want you to scream my name, mamí, so loud that your boyfriend can hear you from downstairs. Scream my name when you cum for me, mariposa,’ he growls, and with a particularly hard thrust of his cock against the spongy spot inside me, the knot in my stomach snaps.
My mouth falls open in a loud moan of his name, head pressing into the bed sheets, and my legs shake as I cum around him, walls clamped down so tight he can’t move, the man rubbing at my clit to get me through my orgasm. He keeps his hand tight at my neck, the lack of oxygen mixed with the intense pleasure rushing through my veins making my vision go white, back arched up from the bed and body tense.
As I come down from my orgasm, my body goes slack, walls loosening around him, and he begins to fuck into me again to get himself to his own high, both of his hands gripping onto my waist so he can thrust into me roughly.
Soft grunts and groans fall from his lips, the sounds like heaven to my ears, and despite being completely spent, I try my best to help him get there, rolling my body to meet his thrusts, and he’s so close, cock twitching inside me.
I take my leg off his shoulder, wrapping both legs around his waist, ankles interlocked, and his head falls back as he lets out a strained moan, the veins in his neck corded tight. ‘Are you gonna cum, Kep?’ I ask, my voice hoarse, and he nods, eyes screwed shut and lips slightly parted. He looks so fucked out, sparking intense desire in my chest, and I suddenly feel like I could go another round (or 5).
‘Cum inside me, papí. Fill me up with your cum, so my boyfriend knows I got fucked by another man,’ I whisper, Kepa letting out a shaky breath, hips stuttering. I know he’s about to cum so I dig my heels into his back, keeping him buried to the hilt inside me, clenching around him.
He leans down and buries his head into my neck as he reaches his high, moaning my name followed by a string of unintelligible Spanish, muffled against my shoulder. I feel his warm release cover my walls, cock twitching inside me as he cums, and he slowly rocks himself through his orgasm.
Once he’s emptied himself inside me, he takes a few deep breaths, pressing gentle kisses and nipping softly at the exposed skin of my breasts, and I wrap my arms around his shoulders, holding him close. I could stay like this with him forever, his body on top of mine a comforting feeling, his kisses a soft sign that this might be more than just lust between us.
‘We should go, mi amor,’ he sighs after a minute or so, pushing himself off me, and I pout up at him. ‘Ay, no, mi cielito. Do not give me that look. He will come and break down the door if we take too long,’ he says amusedly, softly caressing the side of my face. ‘Let him, I don’t care,’ I mumble tiredly, and he laughs before pulling out of me, the sudden emptiness making me shudder.
He slides his arms beneath my body, pulling me up into a sitting position before he gets a towel from the bathroom, briefly cleaning me up with featherlight touches across my body. He helps me up, and I walk around shaky legs, trying to get my body moving like normal again.
I touch up my makeup in the mirror, using the powder in my bag to cover up any sweat on my face and topping up my lipgloss because he’s kissed it all away. I smooth down my hair, trying to look like I didn’t just get railed, before adjusting my dress, pulling the straps on properly and smoothing out the creases.
I spray on a little bit of his aftershave – I’d rather Wes smell another man’s aftershave on me than the strong scent of sex. Finally, I fix my new necklace, making sure the pendant is central on my chest, Kepa watching me amusedly.
He looks like nothing’s happened to him at all. His curls are perfect, the blush gone from his skin, and his clothes don’t look at all crumpled. The only thing different is his lack of tie (he can’t wear it now that it’s covered in my spit) but he looks even sexier without it, the top two buttons open and revealing a slice of his smooth tanned chest.
‘Can I have my pants?’ I ask, and he shakes his head at me in the mirror, lips curved up at the corners. ‘I think I will keep them, mamí. You should hope that your boyfriend doesn’t notice that you have another man’s cum inside you,’ he smirks, his words making me wet all over again.
‘Seriously?’ I ask as he comes to stand beside me, and he nods, sliding his arms around my waist and leaning down to kiss along my jaw. ‘Maybe you can come and collect them from my house. Wesley can drop you off,’ he grins against my skin, a soft sigh falling from my lips at the thought of going over to his house to get fucked by him again.
‘Come on, mi cielito,’ he says, turning me around and pressing a light kiss to my lips, ‘let’s get you back to your boyfriend.’ He shrugs his jacket back on as I pick up my bag and phone, and we head out of his room. We walk in a comfortable silence, and I lean against him when we stand in the lift, feeling secure with his arms around me.
He offers me his arm again, and I can’t help but let out a little laugh as we repeat the walk towards the function room, this time under very different circumstances. He pushes the door open, Wesley’s eyes instantly landing on us when we walk in, and Kepa leads me over to the table where all my friends sit.
‘Thank you, Kepa,’ I say softly as I take my seat, the man grinning down at me. ‘No problem, mi amor. Enjoy your dessert,’ he replies lightly, dropping me a wink before he heads off to his own table. All eyes are on me, Wesley’s included, and I wait for him to start on me, ready to have a screaming match with him right now.
‘I’m sorry, babe,’ Wesley says, pressing a light kiss to my cheek, and I’m so surprised at the apology that I just nod. He takes my silence as a sign that I’m annoyed, taking my hand into his with a guilty look on his face. ‘I got distracted with the board, but you have my full attention for the rest of the night. I promise. I’m really sorry I wasn’t there to look after you,’ he says softly, the others trying to pretend they’re not eavesdropping.
‘It’s fine. I feel okay now,’ I say, and Wesley raises an eyebrow. ‘Are you sure? Because you look rough. Like you’ve been through the wars,’ he says, Ben choking on his drink, the others all pretending to laugh at that and not the irony of the real reason I look rough. ‘Thanks, Wes,’ I say drily, and he looks even guiltier.
‘No, I didn’t mean it like that! You’re still beautiful, obviously. I can just tell you’re tired.’ ‘Yeah, she must be shattered,’ Ben mutters from the opposite side of the table, Wes looking at him in confusion and I shoot him a death stare. ‘It’s fine. I’m fine. I just want dessert.’ ‘Didn’t you already have some?’ Ben asks with a grin, making me shoot another look at him as the others try to stifle their laughter.
‘What dessert did you have?’ Wes asks, and I hesitate, caught on the spot, taking a sip of Soph’s water to buy myself some time. ‘Kepa’s chocolate bar,’ Ben says cheerfully, the others all bursting into laughter as I choke on my water. ‘What?’ Wes demands. ‘Yeah, Kepa gave me a chocolate bar. Dairy Milk,’ I smile, trying to stay calm, Wes looking still looking suspicious as he nods.
Wesley’s dad appears, standing behind Ben and grinning around at all of us. ‘How are we, kids?’ he asks, all of us muttering various positive responses. ‘Good, good. I see you’re wearing the Van Cleef & Arpels, y/n,’ he says, everyone’s eyes turning to the necklace, and I nod nervously.
‘Nice of Kepa to give it to you,’ he says, not realising the innuendo in his own words, and Ben chokes on his drink again, making us all burst into laughter as Callum pats him on the back. Wesley stares at the pendant with jealousy in his face, and I look over to where Kepa’s sat, his eyes already on me.
He grins, winking at me again, and my heart flutters as I smile back at him, unable to believe how handsome he is. I get a flashback to mere moments ago, his cock buried deep inside of me, his voice moaning my name echoing in my mind. ‘Yes, it was very nice of him,’ I murmur in response, hand lifting to the pendant and toying with it, the diamonds sparkling like the city lights under the starry night sky.
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daydreamingleclerc · 3 years
on the table - mason mount
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not my gif, but look at me like that when you fuck me
this was a request from anon (i changed it slightly but i hope that’s okay!) hope you enjoy✨
p.s - i set this on the training session after the crystal palace win just for a bit of preface x
summary: you’re asked by your boss to take over mason’s sports massage appointment, unbeknownst to him that you have a completely unprofessional soft spot for the midfielder. you start out as professional as possible, but when your hands wander and mason encourages it, he offers you the exact same treatment - and nobody can say you’re in the wrong for what happens on the table.
warnings: smut, 18+. handjob, fingering, oral (m & f rec), unprotected sex (wrap before you tap please!!). i think that’s it :)
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being a masseuse meant you really got to see some sights, but being a masseuse amongst footballers, meant you got the best of them all. chelsea football club was where you were, and had been, for a while now. ironically, you’d been subbed in while one of the other masseuses was on leave for eighteen months, and now nine months later you’d become such a big part of the family they didn’t want to let you go.
some days were busier than others, usually in the three day space of the day prior to a match, the day of the match, and the day after the match when all the boys would come to you with sore muscles that were needing attention. given that it was a sunday, and you’d all rather be in bed, today’s training session was light after saturday’s first win of the premiere league season against palace; with the boys focussing on small tactics that needed brushing up from yesterday’s game, but mainly it was spent in the gym or on the massage table.
you hadn’t planned to be in today, excited for your first day off in two weeks but when your phone rang at nine thirty you reluctantly left the comfort of your bed and drove down to cobham as quickly as you could, where you headed straight to your managers office and found your itinerary for the day.
sarah’s schedule
y/n’s schedule
10:30 - christian pulisic, shoulders and upper arm strain
11:15 - kai havertz, wrist and joints
12:30 - lunch
13:15 - ben chilwell, back and shoulders
14:25 - reece james, wrists and joints
14:25 - mason mount, calves and thighs
your eyes scanned the paper in front of you and you looked up at jonny. his head was buried in paperwork, but took a quick glance up at you when he realised you weren’t leaving. “uh, jonny? why do i have mason on my schedule instead of reece?”
“i swapped them out, reece’s massage was done this morning by me,” he half yawned, the nonchalance in his voice evident. he looked back down at his paperwork briefly and then back towards you after he spoke while you, frustrated, continued to examine the paper. “is that a problem?”
“no,” you shook your head, but he could see right through your lies. the boys could be heard throughout the complex, it mainly shouting and singing in the gym. you folded the paper up and slotted it into your leggings. “but calves and thighs aren’t my speciality, upper body is, you know that.”
“i know that,” jonny shrugged. the conversation was cut short when one of the training managers knocked on the door, expecting to have a quick chat to jonny, and you knew it was your time to leave. you grabbed your bag from your feet and slung it over your shoulder, but before you could leave jonny stood up and walked you to the door.
“i told mason that sarah wasn’t here and he specifically asked for you.”
your sessions with ben were always some of your favourite, and you were glad that he’d become one of your regular’s after one particularly good back massage that he’d never quite gotten over. he enjoyed your company because you weren’t the usual masseuse, you played music that the boys enjoyed and you spoke about things they could relate to, one of which seemed to be relationship trouble. your watch beeped, signalling that ben’s massage was finished, but there was ten minutes left on his slot so you could sanitise the table and all your equipment, which he always stayed and helped with.
“aren’t you not heading home?” he asked, watching as you stripped the paper from the massage table to sanitise the leather and relay a new sheet.
“annoyingly, no,” you grumbled as you wiped the blue leather, “i’ve got mason as my final slot, which would be fine if i knew him better, but he asked specifically for me so i couldn’t really say no.”
over the last nine months, ben had gotten to know you better than any of the other boys, and as he watched you clean the table meticulously — something which of course you had to do thanks to protocol, but never this much — he watched your body language change too. the playlist in the background had replayed back to the first song, and you could hear some of the boys still chanting and screaming like children in the gym. ben’s eyebrows raised and his lips curled into a smirk.
“do you have a thing for mason?”
“what?” you scoffed, standing back up straight and placing all the blue tissue in the bin underneath the desk. “how can i have a thing for him? i barely know him.”
“it happens,” ben replied, simply and nonchalantly. the irritating smirk he had on his face was enough to add more pressure to your next clientele, and so you ended up throwing the sanitiser at him which he caught in both hands just before it skimmed his face. the two of you chuckled and he shrugged his shoulders, glancing around at the door to make sure he couldn’t see mason’s figure stood outside the window. “he might’ve asked for you so he could get to know you better, i heard he’s quite fond of you.”
your scrunched your nose up and took the sanitiser bottle from ben’s hands when he held it out to you, unsure whether you should take his word for it or if he was playing you. ben watched as you danced around words to say, slung his training bag on his shoulder and fumbled for his car keys in his pocket. he went to open his mouth, but there was a knock on the door, and you realised you hadn’t left it open for mason to walk in once ben had gone and you cursed yourself for the ill hospitality. your watch buzzed against your wrist again, telling you it was ben’s time to leave.
you smiled at mason when you opened the door, a gesture which he reciprocated, sliding awkwardly to the side so he could enter before ben left. the two shared a moment, fist bumping one another and giving a fleeting ‘bye!’ as you moved round to shut the door. ben turned back and stuck out his tongue, and you flipped him off, locking the door and turning to face mason again.
“hi, sorry about the overlap,” you smiled, “it’s thighs and calves right?”
he nodded, and hopped delicately up onto the table. his hair had changed since you saw him last, going from a fluffy soft quiff to a choppy, short fringe. it made him look much more mature, the hairs framing his face and in turn making him look even more attractive. “yeah, i’ve had a tight inner left thigh since friday, it was fine during the game yesterday but i woke up this morning and it felt worse.” he gestured to the spot on his inner thigh where the tight muscle was, and much to your professional annoyance, it was extremely high up his leg.
you pulled the chair across to you with your foot, and moved your fingers around the firm flesh of his thighs while he lay there underneath you with his legs open slightly. you pressed down on a particularly tender section of his skin, and raised an eyebrow. “here?” mason shook his head, and leaned forward so he could guide your hand up higher, right to the very top of his thigh exceptionally close to his groin.
“try here,” he blushed. “i know it’s an awkward place but i’d much rather have a woman do it because i fee-”
“-is that why you specifically asked for me?” you asked, a schoolgirl grin toying on your face. the both of you blushed, and you squeezed at the flesh, which really was extremely tender. he hummed as you scouted out the exact spot in his muscle which was causing him the most discomfort, flinching slightly the harder you pushed and prodded. “so how did you hurt the area?”
“i was babysitting my niece, in one of the little games we played in order to run her out of energy, i stretched my leg out further than i thought i could, i felt like i was doing the splits,” he chuckled, giving you a hum of appreciation again when you pinched at the muscle. you smiled at the story, and he couldn’t help but pick up on it. “you’ve got a beautiful smile, y/n.”
“oh, uh, thank you,” you blushed, loosening your grip on his leg for a moment. you stood up so you could get a better grip on his leg and your fingers moved up a few centimetres, inching closer and closer to the spot that you figured was out of bounds. although when mason shifted and your elbow brushed it, you struggled to hold in a noise that formed at the back of your throat at the surprise of how he felt underneath his shorts. he groaned at the movement of your hands as they got closer and closer to where he clearly wanted them.
“god, you’re so good at that,” the sound of his voice left butterflies in your stomach, but with a surge of confidence you smirked, fingers continuing their nimble movements, and mason could feel himself growing harder with each placement of your fingers, even though he knew it was completely and utterly wrong. “can i give you a massage?”
“one day. absolutely,” you laughed. “as ironic as it is i always need one because of how i’m bent over sorting you guys out everyday.”
images rushed through mason’s head of you bent over in front of him and he squirmed, struggling to keep his cool. he listened to you ramble on about never being able to find a good masseuse because of your high expectations, but when his hands rested on top of your wrists you stopped talking. his fingers played around with yours as he looked over at you. “why don’t i give you one now?”
“n-now?” you choked out, intimidated by his smirking frame looming over you. he figured your answer was a yes when you pulled your hands away from his body, and he hopped off of the table far quicker than he got on it. you scrambled around the room to find a towel for your front so it didn’t stick to the now sweaty leather underneath you and mason watched as you scoured out some more oils. “it’s a back massage so it does mean i’m gonna have to take my shirt off,” you told him, avoiding eye contact until the very last minute. mason shrugged, and a schoolboy smirk crept up onto his face.
“i’ve got no issues with that, sweetheart.”
you wandered behind the changing screen and pulled off the clothes covering your upper half — jacket, t-shirt and sports bra — and mason was unsure where to look when he caught view of your silhouette behind it, his bulge growing evidently when he saw your boobs in the shadow and the perky nipples thanks to the chill. with the towel hung around your front, you walked back around to the table and lay down on it, breathing heavily.
mason’s fingertips touched your skin and you shivered at the feeling, his fingers running gently along your back before pressing down at the skin. the two of you continued making light, flirtatious conversation with each movement of his fingers. whether it ended up being a bad massage or not, this was probably one of the best days on the job. as the massage got more intense, his fingers started taking risks, going lower down your back until he hit the waistband of your leggings, tickling down the sides of your body so he could feel more of you. with every risk taken around the sides of your body his fingers got higher until they came around to your side boob, where he massaged the flesh and your nipples brushed against the fabric of the towel.
while his fingers kept massaging around closer to your boobs, you felt his lips kissing along the column of your spine, from the bottom of your back right up to the nape of your neck. your breath hitched when his lips ghosted your jaw, and kissed down your neck once more, planting the area with light, barely-there kisses. you showed your appreciation for the gesture by backing up into his crotch, which was looming above you as he bent around, and it was met with a groan from him.
“do you want me to turn around, mason?”
the question came out rhetorical, considering you were already half way around when you asked it, his grip loosening. his eyes couldn’t stop jolting around your body, unsure where to look first, but his lips made a beeline for yours in a desperate bid to kiss you, and fuck was he a good kisser. his hands ran along your sides and squeezed at the flesh of your boobs, thumbs running over the hardened nipples and you whimpered, desperate for him to touch you more. with grabby hand motions, you managed to catch a fistful of his shorts in your left hand, and tugged at them until he got the message to take them off.
your hand went straight to his dick before he’d barely got it out of his calvin’s, desperate to touch him and feel him react to it. he groaned in your mouth when you stroked it, unable to hold the noise in after imagining this for so long. one of his hands travelled down your body, inching closer to the band of your leggings, and as an invitation for him to get on with it you pushed your legs open wider so he had easier access to touch you. his hand dipped underneath them and his fingers pressed straight against your clit, which was already wet thanks to just being in his presence, and when his middle finger began circling it you whimpered into his mouth.
the pair of you continued to help the other out, your hand twisting around mason’s dick while his fingers swirled around your clit, and with each particularly good movement of his hand, you bucked up into it. “you look so fucking hot like that,” he groaned, voice scratchy as his lips found yours, the pair of you whimpering and swearing into the other’s mouth. “bet you’d look even better with my dick in your mouth.”
“why don’t we find out?”
the move was bold, even by your standards, and he was taken aback at first. he took it as his green card to do so, pulling his boxers and training shorts down as he scrambled to take off his socks so they all hit the floor with a dull thud. you hopped off of the table, but before you could sink to your knees and taste him, mason pulled you in by your waist and left a lingering kiss to your lips that left you feeling lightheaded.
his dick was warm against your lips when you wrapped them around it, and you felt him curse under his breath at the sight unfolding underneath him, a thing he’d been thinking of for so long every time he’d seen you walk around the cobham complex. you rested your hands against his muscular thighs and bobbed your head further, swirling your tongue around him with each pull back. “you’re so good at this too,” he grunted, wrapping one hand into your ponytail and the other resting on your face, stroking the soft skin. “is there anything you can’t do?” the strong emphasis on can’t came with a particularly good thrust on his part, where he involuntarily bucked his hips into your mouth, choking you.
“i can do everything,” you pulled off of him with a pop, and smirked. mason pushed you down onto the table when his lips crashed against yours to wipe the smug smile off of them, his hand coming down to your reluctant legs to separate them. he shot you a glistening smile, one that you couldn’t resist.
“just a little taste, y/n.”
his tongue circled your clit as his fingers delved into you, stretching you out for him. your back arched off of the bed with each flick his tongue made, causing his name to fall from your lips like water, unable to fight the feeling he was giving you. he was clearly very experienced in the oral area, humming every once in a while to give you an extra kick, making his movements sloppy and wet so it felt like heaven to you. “if you — fuck —carry on doing that i’m gonna cum, mason,” you whimpered, running a finger along each of your nipples for added sensation. he smirked against your skin, his tongue unrelenting on your clit as he sped up your orgasm, his fingers curling inside you at a gruelling pace so he could watch your face as you orgasmed above him.
“fuck, fuck,” your back arched and you clenched onto his short locks with one hand, “mason i’m gonna — fuck!”
you came in his mouth, mason’s tongue lapping up your juices as his wet fingers pulled out of you carefully. he left one more kiss to your clit, the gesture causing you to flinch as he looked over you once more, with your juices covering his stubbly upper lip and chin. the sight of it made you whimper, and you crashed your lips against his to taste yourself, swirling your tongues together in harmony. he pulled away and sucked at his fingers, never breaking eye contact with you throughout.
“are you sure you wanna do this?” he asked, the look in his eyes sincere while his dick pressed against your thigh. you cupped his face in your hands and kissed him softly.
“absolutely, but i, uh, i don’t have any condoms,” you admitted sheepishly, “i didn’t expect to be doing this with my sunday afternoon.”
mason laughed, burying his head in your shoulder at the way you eluded to the escapade you’d created in the workplace. your hand came down to his dick, making sure he knew you absolutely still wanted to do this, and he hummed. “i guess you could just pull out? i have the implant too if that helps, but better to be safe than sorry.”
“agreed,” he pressed his lips to yours again, a smile coming to his face as you pulled your hand away from his cock so he could align himself with you. “ready?”
you nodded, wrapping one arm around his shoulders while the other hand pressed against his bicep. mason pushed into you slowly, his size was much bigger than you’d fully realised while you were sucking him off and only now you gasped in surprise, moaning when he buried inside you to the hilt. he pulled out and inched in once more, until he got a steady rhythm going that was enjoyable for both of you.
“you’re so fuckin’ tight,” he groaned, his head dipping into the crook of your neck. you squeezed at his bicep as his hips rocked against yours, desperate for him to pick up the pace and he chuckled, his words coming out in a low grumble that felt as if it were coming from a different man entirely. “oh, you want more?”
the words left a whimper to leave your lips as you fumbled over the words to say, nodding and panting desperately underneath him. “y-yes please mase,” was all you could muster, and he chuckled again, kissing your jaw. you untangled your arm from around his shoulders as his left hand pushed your left leg out further, until he’d managed to stretch it up nearer to you, and he gripped onto it for leverage as the pace of his hips increased. you cried out, the new angle making him hit deeper and in turn causing you to feel every ridge of his wet dick. his head dropped down as he watched himself slide in and out of you, groaning at the sight. you cried out again, but wrapped a hand around your mouth to stop you from moaning.
“that’s it baby girl,” mason cooed, facing you once more, “you need to be quiet now but i promise next time you can be as loud as you want.”
his lips brushed your lips when you pulled your hand away, swallowing one another’s moans as they fell. you knew you weren’t going to last long, and desperately clenched around him to let him know. your middle finger instinctively began swirling around your clit. “‘m gonna cum, masey,” you whimpered, clenching around him twice more. he groaned at the feeling, your pussy feeling far to accommodating for his dick to leave in a few minutes, but he kissed along the bridge of your nose.
“come on, y/n, let go,” he cooed, watching as your face scrunched up at the feeling of your hand on your clit and mason’s dick inside you. the coil snapped somewhere inside your body, and the ripple effect left you moaning his name into his shoulder, “that’s it, good girl.”
you laid back on the table, completely worn out but knowing you needed to help mason out too, and his thrusts began to get sloppy as he felt his high near, the feeling of your pussy clenching around him uncontrollably as you came becoming a test of his ability to trust his body to not let go then and there, but luckily he waited. he pulled out of you and stood over you as you raised yourself up on your elbows, tongue out and ready. the sight of you with your tongue out, ready to taste his cum was what brought his orgasm on, and he came onto your tongue with a groan of your name, the white liquid spurting across your tongue, the table and his hand.
once you’d cleaned yourselves up and made sure you looked semi presentable in just your underwear, mason’s fingers traced the skin of your boobs. you laughed, “i wouldn’t do that if i were you unless you want a repeat of what just happened.”
he laughed with you and pressed a kiss to your temple, removing his fingers from tracing your boobs and now swirling circles on your shoulder, and he coughed above you gently as he found the right words to say. “i feel like we’ve done this in the wrong order, but would it be completely and utterly inappropriate if i asked you to go on a date with me?”
“no,” you smiled up at him, pressing a kiss to his nose. “not at all.”
i’m so sorry this took so long to post but i hope you enjoyed! thank you for the request anon💖
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jchnstones · 3 years
Mason Mount | Are we Friends?
In which y/n crosses paths with mason for the first time after weeks of not talking after their breakup, and, as old feelings resurface, the uncertainty of just friends is clarified.
T/W: (18+) smut! teasing, oral, fingering, sexual tendencies etc.
note: besties omg this the first piece of smut I’ve ever written pls I hope it’s okay 🥺 I know it’s a little short but I’m trying to find my bearings ahhh anyways i would absolutely love feedback & I hope you all enjoy regardless <3
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THE SUDDEN appearance of ben interrupted the ease of staring at mason from across the room. hand wrapped around a glass of whatever the waiter served you as you entered the room, your eyes were glued to the boy who stood, mid conversation with a group of his teammates, all dressed in a plethora of different coloured suits, accompanied by ties and bows. mason held a flute of champagne in one hand, the waving in the air as though he were explaining something, deep in the conversation. face serious, his eyebrows tugged inward as the pronunciation of every other word he spoke sent his dimples to the surface of his cheeks. he looked so beautiful when he was passionate.
“Earth to y/n?” Ben speaks, a hand waving in front of your face causing you to suddenly snap out of your trance. “are you okay?” he nods, brows raised. “ben,” you finally acknowledge, head jolting away from mason and to the boy stood in front of you. ben’s hair is slicked back with what you thought was way too much gel, a few loose wisps of hair shaping his face. His cheeks glow, as usual.
“hey.” you perk, forcing a smile. ben lifts his head, eyes scanning the faces around the room until he finds mason. he nods, sighing as his hand drops from your body and back to his side.
“why don’t you just go and say hi? he doesn’t bite.” ben points in masons direction with his own glass, your eyes follow. you shrug your shoulders, sighing. “I don’t know. isn’t it a bit soon?” you tip your glass back, lips around the brim as the last drip of champagne runs over your tongue. placing the empty flute on the table to your side, your chest deflates. “he misses you too, you know.” ben utters, lips perched together.
The breakup wasn’t messy, but it certainly wasn’t easy. you and mason had been together for almost six months when the distance got too much to handle, resulting in you calling it quits way earlier than you wanted to. after pining after each other for two years, you’d had him and lost him all in the space of half a year. there was so much love, but it was extremely hard being away from him so often. you’d thought ending it was the right the to do. With no kicking and screaming, the relationship ended with well wishes and an occasional exchange of messages.
“I’m just not sure he wants to be friends anymore.” folding your arms in to each other, you retain the glance at mason once more. you wish he’d run right over to you, tell a joke about the shade of lipstick you wore and how it was his old favourite. perhaps you’d joke about the time his buttons were wonky or the time he spilled beer down his front before going on stage at a ceremony.
“you’ll never know if you just stand gawping at him, will you?” bens elbow digs into your side, pushing you slightly causing you to take a step. You furrow your brows, nudging him back, a laugh leaving his mouth. “I’m right though, aren’t I?” He continues, almost patronising. you nod reluctantly, agreeing with him. “I guess so.”
“I’ll come over with you if you want?” ben holds his arm out, prodding you to take ahold of it. you hook your arm to his, lips pressed together forcing a smile. You could feel your heart beating overtime, hands starting to tremble as the two of you prance across the room to the group who huddle together by the drinks stand.
“mase.” ben says as he lets go of your arm. mason wraps his arms around bens midriff briefly, pulling away after a hurried embrace. ben greets the others, reece, kai, kepa. then a small silence.
“y/n, how’ve you been?” kai asks, shooting you a reassuring smile. the boys hadn’t fallen out with you since the split, keeping things neutral between both you and mason. “Good thanks. No Sophia tonight?” “unfortunately not. she’s a little sick so kept herself at home.” Kai nods, taking a small sip from his glass. you could tell they felt just as awkward as you did, with glances being shared from across the huddle.
“you still came then,” mason finally starts. the sound of his voice sent waves of dread over you, anxiety flooding your stomach. “I wasn’t sure you would, considering- well. you know.” he snickers, his fingers running through his hair. he’s yet to place his eyes on you, scared he’ll read the upset that sits on your face. “couldn’t miss the free buffet,” you giggle, hands holding each other nervously. “it’s good to see you.”
“we’ll give you a minute.” reece affirms, his usual adorable smile appearing on his face. he jerks his head to the side, gesturing for the others to follow after him. before leaving, ben places a hand on your shoulder yet again, leaning into your ear. “I’ll just be over there if you need me.” he assures, giving you a gentle squeeze. before you know it, you’re left alone with mason, who is readjusting his blazer with his hands. those hands. the ones that once were wrapped around your ‘pretty little’ throat.
now you’re closer then you’ve been for weeks, you can see every minuscule detail once more. his hair had grew a little, mason leaving it a little longer than usual on the top. with his stubble freshly shaven, you could see the cluster of red patches brushes against his skin. his lips shone as the light bounced off of them, making them seem just as, if not more kissable than before.
“Look, mase-” you start, mason shaking his head “it’s alright, y/n. honestly. we’re friends now, that’s alright isn’t it?” he ensures, smile reaching his eyes. he steps closer, fingers looping loose strands of hair behind your ears.
"but are we still friends?" you press. champagne swills around his glass, splashing up the sides. he moves his eyes from your his fingers, slowly scanning your body before he reaches your eyes. from the heels on your feet you so badly hated wearing, to the soft skin on your legs, up to your short, velvet black dress, and finally to your eyes he was once so madly in love with.
"well, I don’t think friends don't look at each other like that." you mumble, snapping your attention away from his flushed face. as your own cheeks grow heated, you fixate on the hustle behind him, trying to distract yourself from the growing warmth rushing to your clit. how could just a look send you so crazy?
he wanders closer, the pad of his finger brushing up your forearm. the sudden light touch sends shivers across your body, little shocks pulsating through your veins. "well then, what do friends look at each other like?" he questions, breath ricocheting off of your neck. he moves his fingertip to trace over your jawline, thumb brushing over your lips as he does so. you refuse to look at him, afraid he'll make you melt in an instance.
"I said," he mumbles, teeth almost grit together. he grabs your cheeks between his fingers and thumb and moves your face to look at him, a stern look smothered across his face. "what do friends look at each other like?" your faces are so close that you can almost taste every word that comes out of his mouth. you swallow, taking a heavy breath. "mase, not here." you manage to snap, eyes completely locked to his. he bucks his hips, bulge pressing against your body. your body jolts at the act, a quiet moan leaving your lips.
mason titters, pleased with himself. continuing to hold your gaze, he pulls his hand away from your face, leaning his mouth closer to your ear. “follow me, but don’t let anybody see us.” he whispers, words spiralling around your mind. you nod, taking a deep breath. heart racing, you watch as he wanders off into the distance, smiling at guests who walk past as though nothing is abnormal. after waiting until he’s further enough away, you follow, reaching a side door to the hall you were just in. perhaps a storage cupboard, about the size of a toilet cubicle.
as soon as the door is shut, mason pins you up against it, hands either side of your body. face blank, he stares right into your eyes, burning red flush across his skin. he’s seething, just as much as you are. perhaps he’d missed you in more ways than one.
“do friends look at each other like this?” he mutters, smile growing. hesitant to move, you stay still, searching for whatever answers you could find behind his eyes. only inches apart, masons stare falls to your mouth as he proceeds to lightly run his tongue over your bottom lip, slipping it into your mouth as he presses kisses against you. with each kiss, his force against you gets harder, the bristles of his freshly trimmed beard scratching at your skin. passionate.
eventually pulling away, mason kicks off his shoes desperately unbuckling his belt, he steps out and away from his trousers. standing in nothing but his briefs, his hard cock throbbing underneath the material, he unbuttons his cotton shirt, stripping it off. he throws it across the tiny room, instantly placing his hands onto your body. his hands make their own way up your body, squeezing your boobs making you breathe out small moans in desperation. he trails his fingers to the hem of your dress, tugging it up hurriedly. “off.” He demands. you lift your arms up, mason stealing kisses in between pulling the velvet over your head. he drops the dress to the floor, Leaving you stood in nothing but your bra and underwear. “my favourite set,” he admires, the memory of the same thong and bra he’d bought for your birthday sprawled on your bedroom floor only months ago flooding back. “almost as if you knew we’d end up here”. he brushes over the lace that dangles from the bra, fingertips trailing down from the middle of your breasts, across your stomach and over your waist.
falling to his knees, mason starts to tug at your underwear with his teeth, leading them down over your thighs. snickering, he lets go, watching as they fall around your ankles.
after you step out of them, mason lifts your leg up over his shoulder, heel resting against his back. with only one foot firmly on the ground, you knew this would be hard to stay upright.
“You’re already so wet for me baby,” he states, lips parting to reveal your bare clit. he moves his fingers closer, brushing against the sensitive area. gasping, your back arches against the door, eyes closing. mason proceeds to press his pads to your clit, rubbing his fingers softly in circles and he warms up. he watches as you flinch with pleasure, smug grin plastered on his face.
his motions get faster progressively, your whines getting louder as he speeds up. “Quiet baby. Don’t want anybody hearing us do we?” mason stares up at you, questioning. you shake your head hurriedly unable to speak. pressing your lips together to contain the volume of your moans, you run your fingers through his hair, gripping him closer to you. his fingers slip into you, hips bucking once more. as the pace picks up, you ride his fingers into a rhythm, every thrust hitting the right spot. his thumb rubs circles over your clit as his fingers continue slide in and out of you.
“is that good?” He asks, watching as you whimper against him.
“y-yes, mase. so fucking good.”
he proceeds to replace his thumb with his tongue, swiping it across your slit before pressing on to your clit. he brushes it slowly at first, his fingers still at pace inside of you. insides full of all kinds of emotions, your legs shake, threatening to buckle from beneath at the new sensation of mason latched on to you. luckily mason had a hold of you, in more than one way.
“faster.” you beg, the feeling of your orgasm coming close. mason hums against your clit, the vibration from his laugh adding extra pleasure. his fingers pick up pace, tongue flicking faster over your clit as his eyes flick from your face and back to his actions, making sure he’s doing everything right according to you.
“mase I’m gonna cum,” you breathe, head thrown back against the door as your nails grip his now messy hair. your ride into his face, pleasure rippling all through your body. gasping, you slow down the pace of your thrust, mason slipping his fingers out of you. he stands, eyes catching yours as he proceeds to place his fingers in his mouth. he licks your juices off his pads, grinning as he does so. “you taste so fucking good.” he says, standing in front of you.
“but I don’t think we’re finished here.” You mutter, eyes studying his hard cock in his briefs. you hum, stepping forward to press your palm against his bulge. mason whimpers, hips jolting back with the shock.
“back against the door,” you demand, moving so he slips into the warm space you were placed only moments ago.
mason now pinned against the door, you waste no time devouring him. you tilt his head with your thumb, lips sucking on the skin of his neck. teeth biting, your tongue runs over the spot, sloppy kisses accompanying. mason hums, soft moans echoing down your ear. fuck. there was just something about mason being verbal that turned you on, his grunts and gentle moans powering over your body.
“wanna see those sloppy rep lipstick stains against my cock,” mason mumbles, eyes closing with pleasure. his head presses against the wood, lips slightly parted as his breathing gets heavier the lower down his body your kisses get. you pause as you get closer to his shaft, causing mason to snap his eyes angrily down to you. “don’t stop now,” he pleads. tilting your head forward, your puppy dog eyes gape up at him as your tongue runs over your bottom lip, teeth tugging at the skin. “please,” he begs once more, fingers running through your hair.
“do friends look at each other like this?” you mimic patronisingly, pouting. mason breathes, unsure whether or not to say anything. Instead, he moves his hand across his chest, the feel of your hand wrapping around his cock sending vibrations across his body. you start to pump him slowly, pre cum already leaking from his tip. “we haven’t even started yet baby,” you mumble, fingertip lightly doing rounds on his end. leaning in to him, you softly press kisses down his length, lipstick already staining against his skin. you slip him in to your mouth, a little bit and then all at once.
mason hums, head leaning back once more from the pleasure. he bucks his hips, pushing himself deeper into your throat, creating a comfortable rhythm. one hand pressed against his thigh, the other wraps around the latter of his cock, pumping him as your head bobs back and forth. “so fucking good princess.” he breathes, fingers gripping your hair tighter. he glances down at you, mouth glued around him. lipstick smudges across your face, the same colour smudged across his dick. “look so beautiful.”
his moans encourage you to work faster, your eyes peering back up at him as they meet his. as you both hold the contact, masons lips part slightly, eyebrows raised. “getting closer,” he breathes, his thrusts getting deeper. his cock crashes against the back of your throat, causing you to choke slightly as his pumps get faster. you clasp your lips tighter around him, the pressure making his eyes roll. continuing the pace, you twirl your tongue around his tip, tasting every last bit of him. you’re reminded of the countless other rendezvous that ended in this incident, but he never felt quite as good as he did right now, deep in your mouth. perhaps the idea of being “just friends” made this feel better, both knowing secretly that you’d not been able to keep one another out of each other’s mind.
“fuck baby, I-I’m gonna cum,” he announces, body shivering as his climax comes close. he grunts with every further pump, your hand joining your other around his shaft as your mouth moves away from him. twisting his shaft the final few times, cum oozes from his cock as he lets out one louder, longer moan. realising his volume, he clamps a hand over his mouth, grumbling into his fingers. you watch as he shudders, shoulders deflating as the rush arrives and leaves in an instant. “that was incredible my angel.” he pants, catching his breath.
you stand, pressing your body against his. bare skin touching, you cup his chin with your thumb, lips lingering above his. “I wonder what just friends would say about that.” you whisper, smile reaching your eyes. you plant a carefully kiss against his lips, then again, and again. perhaps you’d kiss him forever, never let him go again.
“I still love you,” mason stutters between the kisses, hands wrapped around your waist. “I know,” you reply, pulling away from him. The pads of your fingertips trace over his jawline, warmth radiating from him. “I love you too.”
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joeymozzarello · 5 years
Pen to Paper
Chapter Two
Summary: A simple thesis on a simple book she’d read. That’s all she needed to do. She knew it would be at least a little bit arduous but she didn’t think it would cause this much trouble.
Pairing: Tim Murphy x original female character
Words: 1,589
A/N: i got the idea for this in the american natural history museum where i found a note to a Julie T from a Dr. Com on a bench near the t-rex room.
Tim Murphy didn’t consider himself a people person. Sure, he was charming and got along with virtually anyone but he found that he rarely met someone who understood him, so his friendships usually felt synthetic. There were few people he felt he could actually trust, so this walk with the unexpected newcomer, Julie Trenton, was a little bit uncomfortable for him but he thought he was playing it off well. “This is the reading room, most meetings happen in here and if you want coffee you gotta sneak it in because Amanda doesn’t like drinks in the library.” Julie only hummed in return. Tim had heard her sigh a couple of times, he thought maybe she was bored or felt as awkward as he did but every time he turned around to look at her, her eyes were wide and gleaming, excited. He found that surprising, he didn’t know why, she was just like every other college student that passed through here, so he shrugged it off.
A couple of minutes had passed since the last words of the conversation had been spoken and Tim thought he should probably say something, maybe ask a question, show some interest in her. He just didn’t know how invested he should get if she was only going to be here for a week and then he’d never see her again. “I read your book, you know,” she beat him to it. He stopped in his tracks, making Julie who was following close behind bump into his back and stumble a bit. Tim straightened his shoulders a little bit and he turned to her. She was around his height so their eye line matched perfectly and her eyes held the slightest bit of confusion in them. She cleared her throat. “I thought it was,” she paused. “Interesting.” Why did she pause? Tim’s heartbeat picked up slightly and as Julie begin walking again he couldn’t help but rush to follow her. “You hesitated,” he was now quickly pacing next to her trying not to look too eager. Her eyebrows twitched as she side-eyed him and kept walking. “I didn’t,” but she did, he wanted to know why. “I just thought it was a bit - short.” He blinked. “Maybe I’m a quality over quantity kind of person,” he was trying not to sound defensive, all of a sudden he wished he knew her, he wished he could understand what her expression meant. Julie didn’t seem phased, she shrugged. “Maybe.” But she didn’t sound convinced. Tim didn’t say anything, too caught up in his own head to form a sentence. “So what do you do on a normal day?” He didn’t answer right away, he was still confused from what just happened but still he powered through. “I study, I write, sometimes I organise stuff, it’s all very thrilling work,” he said, not meaning to sound as blank as he did. “You sure make it sound like it,” she chuckled. “So this expedition? Where are you going?” “All over the place. I think we’re starting somewhere in the Amazon, I don’t know yet, we’re getting briefed in two weeks, maybe?” He thought perhaps it was his turn to ask a question, he didn’t really know what to say, though, and if he asked about his book again she would definitely catch onto his bravado slowly crumbling. “Um, how long have you been in New York?” He waved at a colleague as they passed each other in the hallway, the smile disappearing just as fast as it appeared. “I noticed you’re not, uh, American.” Julie couldn’t help but laugh. “I got here two nights ago, I locked myself in my hotel room for the first day and a half because I was trying to battle jet-lag. It didn’t work.” They turned a corner, now nearing the food court and Tim felt he’d been lazy in his words. “So you’ve been wondering around awake at 4AM trying to figure out if it’s truly light outside or if it’s just the streetlights that are blinding you?” He asked. It felt like such a natural question, it didn’t take Julie long to realise he was speaking from experience. Tim knew that. “I’m a fellow insomniac,” he chuckled, the first real laugh tumbled out of him and he saw Julie’s expression light up, she seemed to finally relax. “I’m glad I found a 4AM buddy.” “Call me anytime,” he winked. It was only after he did that when he considered maybe it was weird or inappropriate, that maybe she wouldn’t get the joke but to his relief she laughed. “Alright, smart guy,” she shook her head playfully. “Maybe I will.” That’s when they landed in the food court. It was full of men in suits, women in tight pencil skirts and a couple of college students typing away on their laptops, a usual Monday afternoon. “So where’s the best place to eat around here?” He looked at her with a sigh. “Honestly?” Julie nodded, amusement in her face. “Anywhere but here. I recommend the Pret-a-Manger down the road, best sandwiches, good prices.” “Yeah, we have those in London,” she looked around, seemingly inspecting everyone so closely, people Tim had never really looked at before, he was sure she would know them all better than him by the end of the day, and what was embarrassing was that he’d been working here for over three years. “So, its really that bad, huh?” “Yep, although breakfast on Thursdays isn’t bad - but you gotta get here before eight or else everything is cold and then it’s not worth it,” Tim scratched the back of his head. “But! We move on. I’m pretty sure Janet is gonna make us eat the soggy pizza, that’s her favourite,” he twisted his nose. “And she puts lettuce on it - some people have no taste.” Tim’s frown prompted Julie to start asking him about what he actually liked and Tim began to babble on about his love for Reece’s Pieces. “They’re just classic, I don’t trust anyone who doesn’t like Reece’s Pieces.” Julie said she’d have to try them sometime.
Just as Tim had said, Dr Connors made them eat at the soggy pizza place. He’d ordered a sandwich, something pre-made that couldn’t be messed up and watched Julie subtly poke at her pizza, trying to figure out if the mozzarella was real or if it was plastic, a question he’d decided was better left unanswered a long time ago. Janet didn’t seem to mind, she just ate her lettuce-covered pizza with a satisfied smile on her face and kept talking. He didn’t understand it.
Janet and Julie had been talking about London for just over ten minutes and the conversation hadn’t shifted to him once which was a little insulting if he said so himself. His mind kept wandering back to the expedition, the thing he’d been striving for since the beginning of his work here. Maybe he’d finally get the chance to make his own discovery, needless to say he was excited. 
“Oh, look at him, lost in his own brain again. You still with us, Tim?” Janet said amicably. Dr Connors knew Tim better than anyone here, she was a close family friend. He knew she was close with his grandfather in her youth but he didn’t remember why, maybe her father was friends with him. He couldn’t remember. What he did know for sure was how grateful he was to her, Janet was like a mentor to Tim, from the moment he entered college to every day since he graduated. He owed her everything. “Timothy Murphy-Hammond, it is rude to ignore people.”
He snapped his gaze back from fuzzy. “Sorry, sorry, what’s up?” He noticed his eyes felt tired, the coffee buzz didn’t seem enough today and the half-worried look on Janet’s face confirmed his suspicions. He hadn’t slept enough and Janet knew that. He was gonna be in deep shit. “It’s not my fault I’ve never been to London!” He tried to distract from all the attention that was suddenly on him.
“You haven’t?” Julie’s eyebrows shot up. “Let me paint you a picture - it’s like New York but everything is lower down and it smells a lot better.”
There was something sarcastic about Tim’s tone. “Sounds like a dream,” he narrowed his eyes. “Sounds like you aren’t enjoying the city.”
“Does it?” She blinked, flicking her fringe out of her eyes. “No, I like the city. It’s just, there’s a lot of up and too many people looking down.”
Tim had never thought of that. Maybe it was because he was one of those people. His nose was always in a book, he bumped into people everywhere he went because he was so distracted. His eyes didn’t leave hers, her gaze didn’t falter.
“O-kay,” Janet broke off their stare-off. “So, Julie, tell me about this theses,” she turned towards her newest protégé with her chin on her fist and an intrigued leer at the pale girl that sat next to her. That’s when Tim spaced out of the conversation, only partly interested but too full of pride to engage. When did this become me? He wondered. It wasn’t a harsh judgement on himself, just an observation. A sudden flash of a memory of his youth, running around with his sister, when he used to read books because he wanted to and being able to just let go. Those were impossible standards, he knew that. Kids have no worries because they’re kids. I haven’t been like that since ‘93.
Master List!
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readingraebow · 5 years
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Beautiful Creatures Section Four
1.12 Promise - 2.12 Silver Lining
1. Who is in Ethan’s room in the middle of the night? Why? Ethan wakes up and finds Macon in his room. It turns out Macon isn't a Caster. He's an Incubus. And an Incubus has to feed on Mortals. At first Ethan is repulsed but Macon assures him that he's not a Blood Incubus. Instead, Macon feeds on something that all humans have but don't really need: dreams. This explains why the dreams shared by Lena and Ethan are never complete. Ethan says he can never remember all of them and it's because Macon has been taking bits and pieces so they won't know how it ends. And Macon refuses to explain why.
2. What does Ethan give Lena on her birthday? He gives her a necklace that belonged to his mom. It's a ring, that's made from three different metals and intertwined, on a chain. He says that he found it in his mom's jewelry box and he's sure that she would've wanted Lena to have it. Because it has sentimental value to him and Lena knows what his mom means to him and how much it means that he gave it to her.
3. Who knocks on the door during the Binding? What do these people remind Ethan has forgotten about? At the door Larkin finds Link, Savannah, Emily, Charlotte and basically all of the cheerleaders and basketball team and pretty much the whole school? They remind Ethan first that he completely skipped the reenactment and will now fail history since it's already pretty much over and he spent the entire day with Lena. And they remind him about the surprise party they'd planned for Lena. Because that's why they've come. The Ravenwood grounds have been transformed for the party and there's a stage and lights and all that jazz. And even though they all normally hate Lena, Ethan can tell she really wants to go to the party because it's definitely a Normal High School Girl thing: having everyone in school show up to your really great birthday party. And even though it's all Ridley and it's not real, Ethan can tell it's something Lena really wants.
4. Why did Link urgently come get Ethan from the surprise party? Who do we find out is behind this? He says that Ethan's dad is standing on the balcony of the Civil War museum in his pajamas... like he's going to jump. When they get there, Link says he left Ridley with Ethan's dad to make sure he didn't jump and that's just a red flag all over. It turns out Ridley's the one making Ethan's dad want to jump. She's supposed to be the distraction to get Ethan away from Lena. It seems Ridley has decided to side with Sarafine. And Ethan's dad isn't the only parent they've taken from Ethan. Ridley also hints that Ethan's mom's accident wasn't an accident, though Ridley wasn't behind that one. Ridley says she doesn't want to kill Ethan's dad but she said his mind is weak so he's an easy target. But they manage to talk Ridley down so she doesn't make Ethan's dad jump and they can get him to safety before Ethan goes back to help Lena.
5. Why was Mrs. Lincoln so obsessed with getting Lena out of the school? Sarafine was borrowing Mrs. Lincoln's body. So her vendetta against Lena and getting her out of school was actually all Sarafine. She says she was doing it to show Lena how fickle Mortals can be. Which just a few sentences from Mrs. Lincoln, the entire town turned against Lena and Sarafine wanted Lena to see that. Which is why she was wearing Mrs. Lincoln like a human suit. Rude.
6. What has Macon been lying to Lena about regarding the Claiming? So Lena can choose because she's a Natural. There's some weird clause in the curse that says that the first Natural in the family will go Dark, that's Sarafine, but the second will have the power to turn back. So since Lena is the second natural, she can actually choose. But it turns out that choice has consequences, which is why Macon didn't tell Lena. If she chooses Light, all of her Dark relatives will die, including Macon since he's technically Dark. He didn't tell her because he wanted her to choose Light and not know that she would be killing him because he's willing to sacrifice himself. But on the other hand, if she chooses Dark, she will kill all the Light members and there's no way she would ever be able to kill Aunt Del, Gramma, Reece and Ryan. Though Sarafine tells her that if she's Dark, they have a way that she can be with Ethan. But she's mostly just lying to save her own skin.
7. What does Lena have to give in exchange for using the Cast on Ethan to revive him? Uncle Macon dies. It was his life in exchange for Ethan's, though Lena had no way of knowing that. It seems he did sacrifice himself after all. But Ethan lived and Lena gets to keep him. Boo is still around though so I kind of wonder if that will be a little like having a version of Uncle Macon around, just one that can't talk.
8. Did you enjoy this ending? Did you enjoy the book overall? So I am curious about the second book since it seems like it just pushed the Claiming to Lena's seventeenth birthday instead of her sixteenth. And I'm honestly really sad that Macon died since I really liked him. But other than that, I did really enjoy this book! It was such a fun time and it was so fascinating that I almost couldn't put it down. This was such a good and fun read!!! I'm so glad we read it!!! I went into this book without any expectations and I guess I was pleasantly surprised?? I'm glad to find another YA book that's actually really good!
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  Section Four Reading Journal
Okay so. I really, really liked this book! It was a really fun time and it was a lot better than I expected it to be (though I didn’t really know what to expect/didn’t expect much). At the beginning there, it was fairly similar to Twilight though it ended up being a waaaaay better version? (Because, let’s be real, all YA is pretty similar, especially if it’s supernatural YA.) So I really liked this book!
I thought this last section was pretty interesting and I liked all the ~twists. Sarafine parading around as Mrs. Lincoln was such a fun time, wow. But also Larkin???? ‘Kay cool. (Read: rude.) Though I liked that he could hide his eyes with his Illusions. That was super cool.
I am toying with maybe reading more in this series. But I was browsing reviews on Goodreads for the next book and it’s, um, not well liked??? The vast majority of the reviews I read said it wasn’t as good as this book. So that’s disappointing. (I’m just hoping this series doesn’t go the way of Red Queen: utterly fantastic at first, utterly unreadable as you go along.) So I might end up reading the next book later. We’ll see. I am curious to see what happens to Lena since she wasn’t Claimed in this book. I kind of feel like she might have just delayed it instead of stopping it altogether.
I am also quite fascinated by the movie since the cast is fantastic???? Emma Thompson, Jeremy Irons, Viola Davis (she’s just everywhere; I feel like so many of our book club books have Viola Davis in the movie XDDD), Emmy Rossum, Kyle Gallner. I’m definitely going to have to dig this movie up because who can pass up all of that????? Not me, haha.
Anyway, I think this was my last full catchup book (besides the last couple sections of Outlander). So I think I am basically caught up to the group now? YAY!!! THIS IS SO EXCITING!!! It’s been a long (but mostly enjoyable) reading journey!! Now I’m so glad I can actually read everything while everyone else is reading it now!!! And I can’t wait to start all of our new books!!! Book club is the best. I’ll love it forever <333
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soullesscircuits · 6 years
Rules: answer these 86 statements about yourself, then tag 20 people
tagged by @thankwheezus (Thank you thank you thank you!!!)
1. drink - Cereal milk, I think.  Unless that doesn’t count. Then water.
2. phone call - Incoming was the LOD at work calling to see if I could cover a call off, outgoing was...My mom.
3. text message - Both incoming and outgoing was my little (middle) brother
4. song you listened to - Awakening With You by Celldweller
5. time you cried - Uuuuh...  Sunday night at A:IW
6. dated someone twice? - No
7. kissed someone and regretted it? -wiggly hand gesture-
8. been cheated on - No
9. lost someone special - Depends on how you define ‘special’ and ‘lost’.
10. been depressed -  Eeyup
11. gotten drunk and thrown up - Eeyup.
fave colors
12. Grey
13. Electric blue
14. Olive green
in the last year have you…
15. made new friends - A few, yeah
16. fallen out of love - Maybe? A year is a long time and love is weird. I couldn’t say for sure.
17. laughed until you cried - Probably?
18. found out someone was talking about you - Don’t think so?
19. met someone who changed you - Y... es?  Unsure.
20. found out who your friends are - Eh. Not really?
21. kissed someone on your Facebook friends list - Yes.
22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know irl - I dunno who all is even on there.  The vast majority of them.
23. do you have any pets? - My son, my boy <3
24. do you want to change your name? -  Yes.
25. what did you do for your last birthday? I was in the car all gotdam day.
26. what time did you wake up today - 6 AM, give or take.
27. what were you doing at midnight last night - Scrolling tumblr, probably.
28. what is something you can’t wait for - Death  Poe to finish healing over so we can go camping!
29. when was the last time you saw your mom -  This morning when she woke me up at 6 in the gotdam morning
30. what are you listening to right now - Cry Plays: Night in the Woods (episode... 7, I think?)
31. have you ever talked to a person named Tom - Probably?  Off the top of my head, I couldn’t tell you.
32.something that’s getting on your nerves - My little brother’s alarms.  They go off ever 5 minutes or so and he won’t wake up to them but he won’t turn them off either.
33. most visited website - tumblr, probably? 
34. hair color - brown
35. long or short hair? - super short
36. do you have a crush on someone - who knows? maybe?
37. what do you like about yourself - not fuckin much lmao... (Uuuh...  I guess some of my writing is ok?)
38. want any piercings - yes yes yes!!!  I want to get my nose re-pierced, if nothing else.  Aesthetically, I’d love a septum, brow, and bridge.  But I won’t do any of those because a) I’m a coward, and b) I feel like those would get infected real easy.
39. blood type - No idea.
40. nicknames - Soul, Soulless, Circuits, V, Ri, Narf, Kai, Hitori... There are many others I’ve been known by, but they’ve faded into antiquity.
41. relationship status - Yes.  (Taken but available - polyamorous)
42. zodiac - Capricorn
43. pronouns - They/them is the go to, but any are fine.
44. fave tv shows - Travelers, Crazyhead, BtVS, XFiles, a variety of anime...
45. tattoos - None yet, but I definitely want some.
46. right or left handed - Right, but my left is passable in a pinch.
47.  ever had surgery - Two rounds of wisdom tooth extractions and another dental procedure that I don’t remember the name of to separate my lower lip from my gums (I think?)
48. piercings - Earlobe and a healed over nostril (2x)
49. sport - I’ve played a ton, but not anymore.  Figure skating, soccer, volleyball, basketball, golf, rowing, swimming, diving, tennis, cross country, gymnastics, softball...... I’m sure there were more, but I can’t think of them off the top of my head.
50. vacation - What about vacation?  The last one I’ve taken? (An overnight to Chicago with my family) The next one I want to take?  (Probably a camping trip with my boy)  My dream vacation? (Maybe a wide view of Japan or somewhere in SA or...  There’s a lot of places I’d like to go.  Maybe, if it’s a DREAM vacation, it would be a month long thing where I hop all over the world, never staying anywhere for long unless I wanted to)  What I do most often on vacation?  (Probably camping)  Gonna need to be more specific.
51. trainers(shoes?) - I’m barefoot right now.
52. eating - Nothing right now.  Most recently frozen Reece’s cups
53. drinking - Nothing right now. Most recently cereal milk (which I am strongly regretting rn holy shit i need to pick up some lactaid from walmart or smth)
54.  I am about to watch - The rest of this playthrough.  And then I’ll probably find another playthrough. Or maybe an anime.
55. waiting for - These fucks to get out of my house
56. want - death to get some gotdam stuff done today.
57. get married - I’d like the experience, but not terribly interested
58. career - Everything and nothing.  A nature photographer, maybe?  I’d like that.  Don’t think I’d make much of a living, though, so I’d still need a day job.  Something that lets me travel often, though. That’s the ultimate goal.
which is better
59. hugs or kisses - Hugs.
60. lips or eyes - Eyes.
61. shorter or taller - Taller, but shorter is also A+
62. older or younger - Older.
63. nice arms or stomach - Arms.
64. hookup or relationship - r...elationship?
65. troublemaker or hesitant - Hesitant
have you ever
66. kissed a stranger - Sort of?  The closest was someone I’d met earlier that night.
67. drank hard liquor - Yes.
68. lost glasses - No.
69. turned someone down - Not explicitly. I did drive off before someone who had asked for my number came back, though.
70. sex on first date - No.
71. broken someone’s heart - Who knows?  I doubt it, though.
72. had your heart broken - Mmmhm
73. been arrested - Nope.
74. cried when someone died - Yep.
75. fallen for a friend - Several times.
do you believe in
76. yourself - -wiggly hand gesture-
77. miracles - Not, like, divine intervention-type miracles, but things do sometimes just work out even when it seems impossible.
78. love at first sight - Not true love or anything, but a strong connection sure.
79. santa claus - I mean, like, the kid’s story had to come from somewhere.  I’m sure there was probably a real person at some point that he was based on.
80. kiss on a first date - Sure, if you wanna.  
81. angels - -wiggly hand gesture-  Maybe?  Not the commonly accepted idea of them probably though
82. best friends name - Fay
83. eye color - Hazel (they used to be real bright green, but they’re muddled and muddy now)
84. fave movie - Right now?  Probably...  Hm...  PacRim?  Maybe Princess Bride?
85. fave actor - Eh. Changes day to day.  Jeff Goldblum is a pretty good constant, though.
86. fave actress - Probs Winona Ryder.  Maybe Zoe Saldana, tho
I’ll reblog this later with tags but im tired and ive been working on this on and off all day sooooooo. yeah......
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ouraidengray4 · 4 years
So, You’re Interested in Sex Play (but Don’t Know Where to Start)
Compared to our swipe-right dating scene and all the totally NSFW shows on TV (looking at you, The Affair), your own sex life can seem as bland as a saltine cracker.
You’re just not quite as 4K as what’s on the screen — and that’s absolutely fine.
Ashley Armitage / Refinery29 for Getty Images
While you should never get wild just because pop culture tells you to, there’s nothing wrong with getting creative in the bedroom. “Research suggests that openness and spontaneity will lead to a lasting relationship,” said the late Kat Van Kirk, Ph.D., a former sex therapist and the author of The Married Sex Solution. “Don’t get caught up in judgments in your own head.”
And as you get used to talking candidly with your partner(s) about what you want to do (and what you’ve already done), it only gets easier. “A lot of partners really like empowered partners,” she said. “That exchange builds communication and respect.”
So, go ahead and be adventurous. After all, it’s sex play — emphasis on play. Here are a few tips to get you started.
1. Bring it up casually
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All the experts we spoke with agreed that if you’re having trouble broaching the subject, you can let a movie, piece of erotica literature, or even a sexy song inspire you.
Jane Greer, Ph.D., a marriage and sex therapist, and author of What About Me? Stop Selfishness From Ruining Your Relationship, suggests broaching the topic with I was reading this in an article or I saw this on TV.
Or the next time you’re strolling through a drugstore (it can be a little less intimidating than a sex shop), stop by the condom section, which often contains lubes and other small toys.
“Say, ‘Is there anything that you’ve always wanted to try?’ or ‘We’ll each get to pick one thing,’” says Logan Levkoff, Ph.D., sexologist and member of the Trojan™ Sexual Health Advisory Council. “You’ll get a little variety, and you get to see what someone else wants to try.”
2. Ease in with lube
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One of the easiest things to incorporate is a lube. Usually water- or silicone-based, lubricants help everything feel more slippery.
“Water-based lubes are easy to clean up because the main element is water,” Levkoff says. They’re also usually cheaper than other kinds. The one drawback? Water-based lubes dry up faster than silicone-based lubes, which are thicker and tend to last longer.
“So, if you are engaging in water-based sex, such as getting it on in the shower, you’re going to want something that doesn’t wash off,” she says. “Or if you’re having anal sex, where lubricant is going to be important consistently, silicone-based lubricants can be a good option.”
Lubes come in a variety of flavors and sensations (think hot or cold), but it’s really all about personal preference.
One thing you should probably avoid? Anything with oil — including coconut oil or whatever else you’ve got in the kitchen. “I would never recommend anything genitally that isn’t designed to be used genitally,” Levkoff says.
Plus, oils erode latex (the material most condoms are made from). No bueno. If you’ve already used lube, you’re not alone. About 65 percent of women reported that they’d used lube before,Herbenick D, et al. (2014). Women’s use and perceptions of commercial lubricants: Prevalence and characteristics in a nationally representative sample of American adults. DOI: 10.1111/jsm.12427  and roughly 70 percent of men reported that they’d used lube too Reece M, et al. (2014). Men’s use and perceptions of commercial lubricants: Prevalence and characteristics in a nationally representative sample of American adults. DOI: 10.1111/jsm.12480 — usually to make sex feel more comfortable or pleasurable.
Give Trojan™ Lubricants H20 Closer™ a shot. The advanced water-based formula enhances your experience without getting in the way — or creating a sticky mess — allowing you and your partner(s) to feel closer.
3. If you want to try a toy, start with something simple
Gwyneth Paltrow would have you believe that you need a $15,000 gold-plated vibrator (you don’t). But there are way more accessible options out there.
“If you’re in a drugstore, you can try a vibrating cock ring,” Levkoff says. Vibrating rings fit over the penis and are safe to use with condoms.
“A lot of penis-owners end up really liking [vibrating] rings,” Van Kirk said. “And because they vibrate, you’re going to have clitoral stimulation, so no matter what position you’re in, everyone’s a winner. It’s not about one person or the other.”
No penis in the mix? No problem! Vibrating rings don’t have to be used genitally — they can also double as a massager, Levkoff says. Now that’s versatile (although they may draw the line at electric toothbrush).
4. Or skip toys altogether
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While it can be exciting to introduce something new, you don’t need a toy to crank up the heat.
“It doesn’t have to be about bringing things into the bedroom,” Levkoff says. “It could be about changing the location. It could be pornography or an erotic book. It could be making the greatest playlist of songs that really turn you on — and two songs in, who knows what can happen?”
One other fun idea that won’t cost a thing? Sexy talk. Though it can be a little tough to get started — what can I say that won’t sound stupid!? — there are ways around that.
“If you read erotic lit or watch porn, you might find a phrase that makes you say, ‘That’s kinda hot,’” Van Kirk said. “Put it in your phone, write it down, whatever you need so you don’t forget. Start getting a script together.”
The main thing, Van Kirk said, is “you don’t want it to get too complicated.” She suggested aiming for one or two phrases that you feel comfortable saying, and trying those out first.
If talking seems like too much, “just start verbalizing during sex,” Van Kirk said. “Groans and moans — that sound response helps to get people used to using their voices during sex.”
Bonus: It also lets your partner(s) know they’re doing a good job.
5. Remember, communication is key
This one should hopefully be a no-brainer, but consent is key anytime you start pushing bedroom boundaries.
“If you’re into any kind of fantasy play or verbalizing play that involves saying stop, you need an option to actually stop play,” Van Kirk said. Simply put: You need a safe word. Even if you’re not into bondage or discipline, you may still need a way to let your partner(s) know it’s time to call it quits.
And if your partner(s) brings up something you’re just not into? Greer suggests saying, “I appreciate your fantasy, and I’d be willing to explore it with you by talking about it. But for now, that’s not something I’d be comfortable trying.”
By keeping it about your own discomfort, Greer says, you’re letting your partner(s) know there’s nothing wrong and no need to feel guilty or ashamed about bringing something up.
Sexual activity without consent
If a partner(s) refuses to stop when you ask them, initiates sexual contact without consent, or becomes physically or emotionally aggressive when you say no, you have experienced sexual assault.
If this happens to you, account for your physical safety first by leaving the premises, then contact 911, if that’s possible.
We’ve compiled a guide for people who’ve gone through sexual assault with the next steps you should take, organizations that can help, and crisis counseling contacts.
The bottom line
At the end of the day, it’s about what’s comfortable and pleasurable for you and your partner(s).
“There’s no way to be ‘advanced’ at having sex,” says Levkoff. “If you and a partner have sex in the same exact way every time, and it’s fun and fulfilling, then it’s kay.”
(And remember, research suggests that most couples have sex for an average of slightly more than 5 minutes — not a lot of time for boot-knocking creativity.) Most importantly, don’t agree to try something new just to avoid a breakup.
“Whatever you’re exploring should be done in the context of enhancing your relationship — building on what you already have,” says Greer.
Relationships change over time, as well — what turns you on at the beginning may not do so at the end. So, while you might want to try new things, you shouldn’t feel undue pressure to reinvent the wheel every month.
from Greatist Health RSS Feed https://ift.tt/35PwvJ8 So, You’re Interested in Sex Play (but Don’t Know Where to Start) Greatist Health RSS Feed from HEALTH BUZZ https://ift.tt/3mCr474
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krissysbookshelf · 7 years
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