#kai lexx
ephemerabanter · 13 hours
Kai: The Omega Man
Music video dedicated to the last of the Brunnen-G
Song is "Omega Man" by Iron Savior
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its-that-kattt · 1 month
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My current hyper fixation is this shit show from the Syfy channel ToT (more under cut)
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(some spoilers ahead btw)
Watching Lexx is like going to a amusement park for, what thay advertise as, "the most violent roller coaster in the world". And yeah it's great in the first half, got the whole death coaster spiral with maximum velocity and everything, but then it zooms out to a flat track with a couple bumps in it for like 10 miles and your done.
I reeeally like the first season, it tells a great story and ties everything up into a nice little bow with enough wiggle room to continue the story by the end... and by season 2 everything that was good about the first season was not only thrown out the window, but shitted on and fed to rabid dogs that hate gay people
As someone who really likes old media I've had to be prepared for very out of date vocabulary and morals to just be thrown around occasionally and usually the overall story is good enough for me to wave it off as 'old media being old media' , unfortunately for Lexx it's combined lackluster writing (especially in later episodes) and overt homophobia / sexism makes it really hard to watch and enjoy , it's gone from a fun watch that needs a little inebriation to fully enjoy to hair pullingly frustrating
They introduce so many interesting concepts and characters that, 9 times outta 10, are literally blown up never to be seen again! And buddy I neeed side characters to get unhealthily attached to !! How am I supposed to be invested in this story if I can't look forward to possibly seeing Bimnie #3 in the next episode or a recurring minor villain that's more of a nuisance than a threat 😭😭😭
It sucks because idk if I'll ever watch it all, but sometimes you gotta choose happiness and peace of mind instead of having bragging rights of watching a "classic" all the way through
Anyway this show got me upset enough to want to rewrite the whole thing so enjoy some of my 790 redesigns and keep a eye out for updates cus this will probably be my next big project (at least until I find something else to obsess over lol)
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(For those not in the know, 790 is usually just a head, which is funny for the first couple episodes, but if I have to deal with a comic relief character for more then a couple episodes they better start pulling their fucking weight with more than just "funny" quips [he is not funny]. So he gets the return to Oz treatment now)
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darkzonediaries · 7 months
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greencheekconure27 · 5 months
Kai Last of the Brunnen G finally gets to the Dream Zone and turns out it's the Dreaming from Sandman. Cesare the Somnambulist is already there. The set is finally complete.
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spacevixenmusic · 2 years
the dead do not shoop bop a loo wah
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heilith · 2 years
Are there any hardcore fans of LEXX here? Just wondering.
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themaeveschild · 4 months
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Yo way rah, Jerume Brunnen-G
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harmcityherald · 1 year
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barkilphedros-hat · 26 days
Watching Lexx for the first time and I relate to Zev because I too would fall madly in love with a brooding emotionally unavailable goth assassin within 10 seconds of meeting him
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llatimeria · 26 days
If this show wasn't bizarre in half a dozen different ways I'd be making the claim that Kai from Lexx (1996-2002) should be everyone's aro/ace/autistic blorbo forever
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crazybexy · 2 months
In the Light Universe, I have been darkness. Perhaps in the Dark Zone...I will be light.
-Kai- Lexx.
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seth-figment · 3 months
My fic masterlist
Bio Hazard | Resident Evil
The Duke/Ethan Winters
Danny Phantom
Danny Fenton/Vlad Masters
Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter
Kai/Stanley Tweedle
Marvel (Deadpool, Spider-Man, X-men)
Peter Parker/Wade Wilson (Spider-Man/Deadpool)
Kurt Wagner/Todd Tolinky (Nightcrawler/Toad)
Sherlock (BBC)
John Watson/Sherlock Holmes
Bobby Singer/Crowley
Xiaolin Showdown
Jack Spicer/Chase Young
Robo-Jack/Jack Spicer
Robo-Jack/Chase Young
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spacevixenmusic · 2 years
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Alright, time to talk about another weird-ass show I watched earlier this year! Today I’m gonna tell you about Lexx, a schlocky Canadian sci-fi show from the early 00s that really caught my eye simply by virtue of being Really Fucking Weird and mostly unlike any other sci-fi show that’s ever been recommended to me!
PLOT: A divine order/death cult of religious zealots in black cloaks serves a bodiless evil vapor that wants to build itself a new giant insect body so it can travel through space and continue to propagate itself. The giant insect body is made from the mass-harvested bodies of people who fail to correctly serve as slave labor in a bureaucratic nightmare Space Corporation. Our so-called heroes are a wild handful of misfits and nincompoops who end up adopting a brain-eating lizard worm baby that eats the brain of the insect god and kicks off a wacky chain of events for the next three seasons. Still onboard?
CHARACTERS: Our main hero, Zev Bellringer, was a woman deemed unfit to be a Perfect Housewife, and forced to undergo complete body reconstruction and to be brainwashed as a Love Slave. Shenanigans happened during this process and she was only partially converted, and also ended up with freaky lizard DNA in the process. She’s running from the law now to live on her own terms.
During the Love Slave debacle, Zev manages to redirect the machine’s reprogramming module and downloads it into the severed head of a robot guard known only as 790. As such, 790 is programmed to be the perfect Love Slave companion for the first person he sees, which of course ends up being Zev. Doting on Zev’s beauty and becoming murderously jealous of anyone who so much as talks to her ends up being his entire personality. He comes along for the ride because he’s a computer companion.
Stanley Tweedle is a low-ranking security guard who gets caught up in the fracas during Zev’s escape, and due to his own ineptitude, ends up incriminating himself as well. Not to mention we later find out he was wanted at one point for fucking up some top-secret delivery of a bunch of DNA samples that could have prevented an entire galactic war or something, but that’s another story. Anyway, he’s a coward but also horny as hell and agrees to help Zev in hopes he’ll one day get some from her.
And finally, Kai. An unstoppable reanimated assassin who formerly served as the Divine Shadow’s personal killing machine. The dark irony is that he was originally the last of his people, sent on a suicide mission to KILL the Divine Shadow, only to fail and be in turn forced to work FOR him instead. Kai is virtually indestructible, can regenerate his body if torn, and shows no emotion or personal desires, but runs on a rare “proto-blood” only manufactured by/for the Divine Shadow, and must be kept in cryo stasis unless absolutely needed by the crew for whatever reason.
I’m gonna cross-post most of my thoughts from my long-winded Twitter thread, because there’s a lot to share, so buckle up for more on this show soon!
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paradoxcase · 1 year
Chapter 29 of Gideon the Ninth
It's kind of funny that Teacher hates water yet lives in a place that's surrounded by water. But that makes me wonder if someone didn't drown here at some point in the past
It seems like Corona maybe wanted to be a cavalier growing up, rather than a necromancer, but was forced into that role due to having the power and being the crown princess, etc. That probably also explains why she was organizing cavalier duels while most of the other necromancers were exploring Canaan House and working on figuring out the locked doors and the puzzles. And I guess if Corona was allowed to be a cavalier, that sort of leaves Naberius without a job. Maybe that's why he defends her from Ianthe - he wants her to succeed as a necromancer, so that she won't take over his job?
It seems that if Dulcinea is a Lyctor, Protesilaus wasn't actually her cavalier, since he should have been immortal then, right? Or, how does Lyctor immortality actually work? Is it like Tolkien elves, where they don't die of old age, but they very much can be killed through violence, or is this like Kai's immortality in Lexx, where you can literally chop him in half and he'll just put himself back together and the two halves will heal up instantly and he's good as new? If Dulcinea has had blood cancer for 10,000 years, it seems sort of somewhere in between, that becoming immortal didn't make her healthy, but it did stop the cancer from killing her. But then is chopping off a Lyctor's head actually fatal? Lexx was intentionally silly about this, but I feel like that level of weird gory horror would actually fit right into this universe, also
I really really doubt that Harrow put Protesilaus's head in her closet. Like, if she was going to kill someone, it would probably be Dulcinea or Mayonnaise Uncle, I don't think she had any feeling about Protesilaus one way or the other at all, and I don't think she could behead someone anyway, since I don't think her skeletons come with edged weapons. So someone put the head there to frame her? But trying to frame her for this is dumb for all the previously mentioned reasons
Unless Mayonnaise Uncle is behind this? He wants her to quit her quest to become a Lyctor, so he tries to frame her for murder, but he doesn't actually know anything about how she operates or who she might want to murder because he's incredibly self-absorbed? And/or he just wants to turn Gideon against her, since that seems like the only point of the conversation he just had with her. Honestly it seems like the most plausible option right now
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goddamnwebcomics · 1 year
So who are the best villains you've dealt with in your webcomic riffs?
This is really difficult to narrow it down, but I was able to make a Top 5.
5. Captain Alberta (Spinnerette)
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I shit you not I was originally going to put Colonel Glass here. While he had the exact same flaws as The Infernomancer, he still had some aspects of personality and he was probably the only villain that was treated seriously by the comic...but then I remembered Captain Alberta existed.
He isn't exactly the deepest villain ever. He is a bigoted former member of Canadian Superheroes, who holds power over water. When he's fired from the Superfucks, he makes them all drink hate plague water but Spinny is immune to it due to bullshit powers. Then everyone runs into him in a bar and beats him up. Then after lengthy absense he returns. Before his return he was more of a sore loser, but by his return, he has turned into a paid mercenary who has mastered his element. In a comic full of villains that are either bland, forgettable, idiotic, gimmicky or "not villain enough to qualify as a villain", Alberta stands out as an entertaining villain who actually learns from his each loss, and all of his schemes do actually have a self-centered motivation, whether it's earning a payday or getting revenge for his firing.
4. Miguel Sanchez/Godsmite (Warmage)
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Even something as bad as Warmage had a memorable villain, Miguel Sanchez was both the first and last villain the comic had. He started off as an anti-christian strawman who was secretly working for a cigar-smoking supervillain in the shadows, but after being beheaded he was somehow brought back and he stole Warmage's original armor and not only killed Warmage's childhood hero but also a bunch of rapists. Just about every villain in this comic had been one and done deal, Bittersweet or a bunch of confusing androids, but Miguel tried to actually ruin Warmage's life, and he didn't actually stop being religious once he became a supervillain, which of course led to a stupid argument between him and Warmage in one of the last pages of the comic. Much like Alberta, Miguel stands out in a crowd of otherwise bland villains due to his gimmick and his motivations.
3. Saign (Alien Dice)
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I think Saign AKA Little Girl qualifies as a villain because every other character treated her like a villain. When you compare her to every other antagonist in the comic (I'm sensing a pattern here), she is much better because not only isn't she a villain who wants to kill Lexx for no reason, she actually wants to adopt Lexx into her group, which includes Lexx's old friend Adaciu. Saign is a villain because she believes solo players can't survive in the wild, and according to Riley she seems to carry a grudge against Lexx. What that grudge is we never find out because this whole scene is as confusing and unexplained as it gets. That being said I do miss her and feel like she should have been used more. Even when Adaciu loses, she treats him well when Adaciu thought she will abuse him for losing. Saign is a case of huge lost potential, quite possibly one of the few truly complex villains in this blog.
2. Karastropov (Kit n Kay Boodle)
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Sometimes you want complex villains with a ton of dimension and a tragic backstory, sometimes you just want a villain who has a cool gimmick and design. Karastropov is latter. He is the PERFECT villain for a comic like Kit n Kay Boodle, a bodysnatching god who hates all lewdness in the world. He almost feels like The Hosts if they were actually treated as the horror they deserved to be treated. Karastropov could take over anyone's body, but he suits best in the bodies of beings who want a lot of power. However the bodies that disobey him will be tortured and even killed. Karastropov is the biggest treat to the world of KnKB, but unfortunately much like Matt he is powerless even with Gods of Yiff dead, because all the beings he possesses eventually end up abandoing their libido. Another interesting thing about Karastropov is that he wasn't created for KnKB, he also appeared in Gene Catlow sidecomic. Just who created him, and what other comics are out there where he appears? Something tells me we will see the ol' Purple-Eyes again when we least expect it.
1. Celesto Morgan (Dominic Deegan)
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Celesto is the best villain in this blog, because not only is he right anytime he critiques our hero, he is also pretty damn cool. Celesto is like Matt, but unlike Matt, the world isn't against him, and he also does way more morally corrupt things. He mainly shows up to kill anyone he despises, but he is also willing to work with Dominic because much like Matt he is aware Dominic's powers could help his own goals. While Storm of Souls was probably his peak as a character, he never abandoned his dislike of Dominic, or his position of "Champion of the Oppressed", but he seems to do more than just sit around and whine. I really hope Celesto doesn't get ruined like Jacob did once we get back to riffing the comic. Also he FUCKS.
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magicwingslisten · 2 years
Yo way yo - Brunnen G battle song - Lexx s04 e06: The Rock - Kai jams i...
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