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eurohetalia-rp · 12 years ago
We have a new Romania
but the details of the URL are forthcoming.
Just wanted to give you a heads up!
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napoleonfucker69 · 12 years ago
kahl are you there
kahl what is your problem
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njezhnajaburja-blog · 12 years ago
"Complaining is good for you as long as you're not complaining to the person you're complaining about." -- Lynn Johnston
(( Jeebus, Kahl ))
Russia was used to sitting there and listening as Romania prattled along, often both with cups of hot cocoa in hand. They didn't talk very often, but sometimes Romania would come by just to have an ear to talk at that wouldn't necessarily say too terribly much back, at least not verbally. Russia was more word-ridden in his writing than in his speech. On paper, he found words much easier to come by and that they flowed out more gracefully.
Just nodding along, Russia kept his mouth shut as Romania continued to complain about this and about that. Trivial things, nothing to really raised his own voice about in return. The topics tended be benign but today, it didn't seem as though they had that sort of luck.
"And then Moldova said that he didn't want to switch back to writing like I do."
Russia raised an eyebrow but kept his mouth shut, having a vague feeling about where this was going and he didn't particularly like it. Moldova had always been a sticking point for them... Well not always, but for many years now. Trying not to focus on it and hoping that Romania would let the subject drift by, he tapped his fingertips on the side of his warm mug of cocoa before tilting it back for a sip.
"It's the fault of those blast Sovie--" Romania stopped, staring right at Russia as though he'd caught himself just a second too late. It seemed almost as the words had been automatic, without thinking about it. This again, Russia thought, only returning the stare for a moment.
The silence stretched for a small portion of time before quiet words intruded. "I think, maybe, Румыния," he said, "we should talk about something else."
"That's probably a good idea."
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cillaivory · 12 years ago
denbela, sickness
[ Mikkel Kohler is Denmark. Special guest appearance by the fabulous Miss Mathilde Densen, aka Fem!Denmark. Domestic!AU where Mikkel and Mathilde are the world's worst roommates to poor Nat. ]
"Oh come on, Nat! I know you have a maid outfit someone!"
Rolling her blue eyes, Natalia set the bowl of soup on the nightstand. "I'm only doing this because the ever darling Mathilde couldn't stay home and take care of you."
"You love me."
Scoffing, she turned on her heels. "Woah, Natalia, where ya goin'?"
"To my room?" she replied, quirking an eyebrow, but maintaining her steady, cold expression as she glanced over her shoulder.
"No! You should read me a story!"
"Mikkel, you are a grown fucking man." He laughed, but she didn't budge from her spot. "You can read to yourself."
"But Natty, I'm sick!"
"And who had the bright idea to camp out with Sve in a thunderstorm?"
"When I was little, Thilde's mom would always read to me when I was sick." His sky blue eyes shimmered and she sighed, grabbing a nearby chair and slamming it down by his bed. "Thanks Nat! You're the best!"
"You owe me your first born."
"Anything you say."
After some minor discussion (defined by Mikkel being an unbearable ass and Natalia finally telling him to shut up and beating him over the head with a book), she settled on a fantastical story. The Dane sat still and listened to her.
"I'm flattered, Dane. You sat still for quite some time."
"Please, I'm not that hyperactive."
Chuckling, Natalia closed the book and set it back on the nightstand. "Anything else you need?"
"How about a kiss, sweetie?"
Mikkel pouted, and Natalia sighed, shaking her head. "Fine. Just because you're sick and I feel bad for you."
Mikkel laughed and leaned forward, pucker his lips. Sighing, Natalia placed a chaste peck onto his red lips.
"Woo! Will ya look at that?"
Pulling away, Natalia flushed and Mikkel jumped up. "You brat! I'm going to kill you!" Mathilde laughed.
"Gotta catch me first~"
Natalia had never seen any one person move as fast as Mikkel did at that moment.
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krasnijkoshmar-blog · 12 years ago
i am tired and at work i cannot be blamed for ridiculous things i say
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eurohetalia-rp · 12 years ago
Romania is reserved!
We look forward to your application due November 4!
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revolutionariess · 12 years ago
Tumblr user Fishpun because sassy brits who love the ladies and cry over feels
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revolutionariess · 12 years ago
snarky and british. now you are snarky, british, and a feminist and i will never unfollow you because you amuse me.
i am glad i provide you with amusement, i thINK.
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revolutionariess · 12 years ago
anon i will impale you with a dull stake
yeah, that was a dick move and a half. thanks anon. it's not like i wanted some things in this series to be a surprise, nope.
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njezhnajaburja-blog · 12 years ago
Tumblr media
(( -SNORT- ))
Well... that was unexpected.
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njezhnajaburja-blog · 12 years ago
este foarte frumos
Спасибо за комплимент~
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njezhnajaburja-blog · 12 years ago
kahldaverousaisling ответил(a) на ваш пост: (( Anyone's welcome to jump in on that open thread I have ))
i would but i think i’m getting kicked off in four minutes idk
(( Aw darn it! Be safe! ))
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njezhnajaburja-blog · 12 years ago
never go against a sicilian when death is on the line.
I will... keep that in mind.
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njezhnajaburja-blog · 12 years ago
never start a land war in asia.
Well... alright then. I cannot guarantee that it will never happen, but your words will certainly be kept in the back of my mind probably where they will be forgotten should I find a need to start a land war in Asia~
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njezhnajaburja-blog · 12 years ago
don't invade yourself in winter. also give romania money.
I have no plans of doing either.
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njezhnajaburja-blog · 12 years ago
kahldaverousaisling ответил(a) на ваш пост: kahldaverousaisling ответил(a) на ваш пост:...
actual impossibility wilhelm bleedred
(( 8D ))
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