#kagomura simon
maxmsama · 1 year
May ‎17, ‎2023
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mechadeimos · 7 months
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zeynatura · 2 years
Simon Kagomura and Tokio Kurohara's friendship Part 2
After their training and bonding session the island gets attacked, and everyone is separated.
Azuma fights Yibiko, Simon and Tokio encounter Chandra Hume and the rest are with Hiroto Mori.
Unfortunately Tokio and Simon are no match for Chandra, during their encounter Tokio feels another Choujin in the direction Azuma was training so Simon decides to let Tokio go to him.
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But Tokio is like: no, you're stronger than me and i'm fast so i can evade his attacks and buy time for you and Azuma to ask for help.
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The fact that Tokio is leaving his best friend's life on the hands of his new friend means so much to me, Simon not only couldn't win against his logic but also he trusted Tokio to stay alive and do his part.
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Look at them being all serious, specially Tokio finally making an effort, and Simon on his way to save Azuma even tho he had an even worse impression of him because he fought him when he lost control but is willing to save him because he's Tokio's friend and also a new colleague now that they're on the train camp together, so beautiful~
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Until Simon is intercepted by Noh Mask, yup the person that killed his family, that's right and the one that's leading the attack to the island.
Long story short, Tokio, Azuma and Ely get kidnapped so the teachers are like: kids stay here we'll get your friends back.
Simon is hurt both physically and emotionally yet he offers to go help the rescue team because he promised Tokio he'd save Azuma.
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He's in no shape or form fit to go yet his determination to fulfil his promise to the point that he lets himself be vulnerable in front of everyone (even writing this makes me cry) ༼☯﹏☯༽
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Fast forward to the rescue, it seems like Simon and Maiko were in one of the ships but not on the front lines.
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Because they are there in the aftermath but don't appear during the fight scenes, so at least Simon kind of kept his word ;u;
Part 1
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chiefyuz · 1 year
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mugiwara-shuenobi · 2 years
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siix-eyes · 2 years
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Choujin X | 超人X - chapter 12
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cutecapybarapics · 2 years
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bbqsauceonmytiddiez · 2 years
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waifubuki · 3 years
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kanna-key · 3 years
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witchoftheatregoing · 3 years
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Is there any hope for me?
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mechadeimos · 6 months
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zeynatura · 2 years
Choujin X
Simon Kagomura and Tokio Kurohara's friendship
The first impressions may not have been great specially from Tokio to Simon but i adore how they bonded during their training and how Simon helped Tokio fly (or in this part, glide).
We know Simon has basically Sasuke's backstory, meaning his whole family got slaughtered by Noh Mask, he's the survivor and heir of their family's unique choujin sword abilities and he's traumatized and kinda wants revenge.
He's reserved, appears to be cold and sticks to the rules because he's a Yamato Mori Guard.
Which is why this scene where he finally let's slip his true teen self and has fun with someone his age is so rare and precious.
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After so much trial and error Tokio is finally is able to gluide with his newly born wings and they both celebrate his progress, Simon realizes his actions just now were "out of character" of him and Tokio is just happy overall.
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After training they talk and Simon wonders about Tokio's reason for becoming a Keeper, after all Simon is pursuing getting stronger and climbing higher into the association to fight bad Choujin and avenge his family because that's the best path for him but Tokio just became a Choujin not long ago, he has a human family that loves him, goes to school and lives a relatively normal and safe life, meaning he could continue living as a human once he learns to control his powers something Simon is unable to.
What Simon didn't know was all the inner issues Tokio has but luckily he tells him about some of them.
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Tokio has such poor perseption of himself, not only he has low self esteem he also believes he has no talent, ability nor potential whatsoever so when he sees other people acchieve what he would love to but thinks he's unable to, he admires them and wants to stick to them, like with Azuma he follows and lives through them.
(I'm not saying that the only reason Azuma and Tokio are friends is because they're both using each other, i truly believe they genuinely care and that's why they're best friends, they're basically the new Kaneki and Hide so i would prob do another post about them)
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Tokio has recently gotten a purpose, a reason to live, to try, to make an effort, to be someone and do something that matters, that being keeping Azuma under control, they both became Choujin at the same time in the same way but their situations and roles have reversed.
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Because Azuma is strong but can lose control easily and be a hazard for everyone he asked Tokio to kill him, that's when Tokio decided to become strong enough so that he doesn't have to but is able to stop him if that ever happens.
Honestly any reason is a good reason, in Tokio's case (and i may be projecting) that's a great purpose, Simon tho, has another opinion.
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And he's not wrong, it is limiting, Tokio has been following Azuma around since they met, thus holding himself back and stunning his personal growth, even Azuma knows that.
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Tokio hearing that, begins doubting himself and his determination wavers, how could it not if this is the first time he has ever taken a life changing decision on his own and Simon seems to pick up on that.
So his "nevermind, forget it" line is not he being dissmisive nor disrespectful, he's actually being simpathetic to Tokio, tho he doesn't know the extent of it he recognizes the symptoms of trauma and is able to understand that Tokio has his reasons.
Part 2
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mugiwara-shuenobi · 2 years
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mugiwara-shuenobi · 2 years
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mugiwara-shuenobi · 2 years
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