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rolotouto · 11 months ago
Uncontrollable Rolo
I skipped last month's Lost Stories update because it was just a faithful adaptation of Turns 13 & 14... and yeah, Shirley is no longer alive. Pilotsuit!Rolo can't be obtained yet either (which I honestly prefer, because I doubt many users would be willing to pull for him right now), but there might be a plan to release him someday, as his pilot suit outfit isn't available at the costumes shop. That is to say, some outfits are not released as a separate unit with its own specific type/parameters/lines/etc., but rather as a swappable skin. In Rolo's case, his Akito outfit (called "Neblos" by the game itself) is just a re-skin for either regular or sailor Rolo:
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Then again, by this point of the story Vincent is damaged beyond repair, so unless pilotsuit!Rolo is added during some special or flashback event, he might also just not be added at all, not even as a re-skin. Anyways, I recorded a video because this month's Turns 15 & 16 did have a few new Rolo scenes compared to the anime, though I can't exactly say they paint him in a good light...
Truth be told, from Turn 13 to Turn 18 the anime did very little to make Rolo likeable. He's all sweet at the beginning of Turn 13 and pitiable at the end of Turn 18 when Lelouch yells at him, but everything else in between is just him murdering Shirley, murdering children and then planning to murder Nunnally. And now Lost Stories added "almost murdering Benio and Savitri" to that list.
During the first scene, Rolo's worried that Brother has disappeared. When Kinoshita says they can't find Doumeki (Mario/Maya's alias) either, Rolo's response is "Worry about Doumeki later. He was probably killed by that Golden Decoration anyway" ("Golden Decoration" is the nickname for the KMF used by Carly, an evil lady from the game). Kinoshita also suggests first verifying the damages suffered, but Rolo irritatedly tells him that finding Zero is the priority. No wonder Kinoshita's only face during the entire video is "😟". Next, there's a small scene after Lelouch has returned from the Sword of Akasha. In the anime, too, Lelouch told C.C. that he had called Rolo, and now we see Lelouch and Rolo interact: Rolo: Brother! Lelouch: You're here, Rolo. Rolo: I've been looking for you the whole time! And I searched here so many times as well... Lelouch: I'll explain it later. We will retreat. Rolo: Eh? But... Lelouch: V.V. has been defeated. He's gone. Rolo: That can't... I mean, V.V. is immortal... Lelouch: Still, I defeated him. The Emperor too, most likely... More importantly, how is the progress on the bomb installation I requested? Rolo: Ah, yeah... I think they'll be ready soon... Kinoshita (over the communicator): Kinoshita here. We have finished placing the bombs at the designated locations. Lelouch (Zero voice, over the communicator): Well done. Us Black Knights will return to Hourai Island. To all units, head back to the airship. Kinoshita (over the communicator): Zero? R-roger. Lelouch: You too, Rolo. I'll take care of the rest. Rolo: Y-yeah. Okay. Lelouch then says to himself that he was at least able to defeat V.V., who gave Rolo his Geass, and the Emperor, who manipulated Shirley's memories. He crushes the Geass Order once and for all. Afterwards, inside Zero's room at the Ikaruga: Lelouch: What? You can't find Doumeki? Why didn't you tell me sooner? Rolo: I couldn't. I couldn't contact you, and I had to take command of the scene... Lelouch: Tch, what's done is done. Then begin the search immediately... Rolo: It's not possible, Brother. My airframe isn't in working condition, and we can't let other people get near the Order. Lelouch: Then we should just use Kinoshita or Benio and the others. There's no doubt that the one who took him [Mario] away was the Golden Decoration. We must follow its trail. Rolo: Brother, is that what you want? This isn't the moment to be fixated on that guy, is it? After destroying the Geass Order, in order to create a place for us, we have no choice but to strike at Britannia's homeland. You promised, didn't you? That you would give me a place to belong... Lelouch: ... Very well. I want to collect myself and think about the next move. Could you leave for a while? Rolo: ... Yeah. Alright. But Brother, don't forget it, okay. Our promise... Lelouch: I know.
I suppose it would be easier to feel sorry for Rolo if he said "I just want to be happy with you" instead of "don't forget our promise", but the fact that Lelouch made a promise *is* the only argument Rolo has, so he needs to use it. Not only that, but Rolo isn't the type to open up about his emotional vulnerabilities in front of others. He has Arabesque, BokuTori, Turn 19.02, the regret message and other stuff where he expresses his emotions in such a heartfelt manner, but then he doesn't actually ever directly talk to Lelouch like that, you know what I mean? I wish we got more of that "contemplative Rolo" here, even if it's through some scenes where he's alone, because just watching the anime you probably get the impression that Rolo is much colder and unable to understand the world around him than he actually is.
Before I continue with the video, here are some screenshots of Lelouch talking about the only people who know his identity:
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Lelouch: Among the people who know Zero's true identity only Jeremiah and Sayoko remain. And then, there's Rolo… (However, Rolo's uncontrollability is a double-edged sword. There's what happened with Shirley, too. I must be careful with how I handle him...) I find it funny that there isn't a more Japanese word to say "uncontrollability". アンコントローラブルさ, really? Sasuga Britannian prince... To continue with the video, next comes a longer version of the scene where Rolo benevolently spares Asahina's life. Yes, the scene where Asahina doesn't agree that "the value of a member of the Black Knights is measured by how much Zero trusts them". Now Benio is part of that moment too, and she wants to speak with Zero (about the mission where they massacred the Geass Order). Rolo: You are... Benio Akagi, huh. Weren't you listening right now? What matters is how much Zero trusts you. There's no way Zero would speak with someone like you. Benio: But...! Rolo: You better stop... Asahina: Hm. If you're speaking on behalf of Zero, then so be it. However, don't forget that because of people like you, Zero's popularity is declining. Let's go, you two. Kinoshita: Y-Yes. Come on, you too, Akagi... Benio: Yes... Rolo: Hm. (Zero's popularity, he says? Brother only needs me. I'm the only one... At any rate, that Benio Akagi might let out the secret. I should deal with her as soon as possible...) Rolo making friends! Him going all paranoiacally possessive when Nunnally is brought up is one thing, but now this... I'm not sure if Turn 19 is going to be enough for Lost Stories players to "forgive" him? The final part of the video is almost the same as the manga's here, so I won't translate it again. Except for these crazy lines: Rolo: Why do you question Zero? What Brother decides is absolute. He promised that he would create a place for me. That's why it was necessary to destroy the Order. When Brother decides it, it's absolute. Because it leads to my future with him. So there's no need for anyone who has doubts or doesn't listen to what they are told. He doesn't need them. Apart from me, Brother needs no one. In his defense, it's not like Rolo's brain works like that all the time. He was able to calmly give Lelouch actual, convincing reasons why it was better for him to forget Nunnally and stay with Rolo instead during Turn 7. Rolo really must be panicking during this scene with Benio to reach such levels of irrationality (also, I get the impression that "that's why it was necessary to destroy the Order" isn't an answer to Benio's question, but rather something he keeps telling himself because having to destroy his previous home did affect him a little?). I think a part of him recognizes that he's disobeying orders himself by deciding to eliminate Black Knights members without Lelouch's permission, and that's why he sounds so delusional? Unlike me, who's totally not delusionally justifying the actions of this assassin with an untraceable body count.
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mononoke-no-ko · 5 years ago
Code Geass Gaiden: Lancelot & Guren -Kallen arc- Ep05 Part 1
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Xingke: Zero...! What is the meaning of this?!
Zero: Don’t move! 
Xingke: ...I’m reminding you, but Black Knights owe us for our help back in Area 11.
Zero: That’s why I’m ruining this wedding, just like what you guys are planning to do. However, I’m also taking the bride with me.
Xingke: You demon!
Zero: Oh, am I? Hahaha... HAHAHAHAHA!
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Benio: Doing things like kidnapping a bride... Isn’t Zero actually a romantic?
Savitri: Huh? What part of him is?
Benio: The part of him that goes against political marriages! Don’t you think it’s romantic?
Savitri: Nobody is ‘saving’ the empress from some unwanted marriage, though?
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Savitri: Britannia and Chinese Federation are two factions that make up the three world superpowers. If they join alliances, United State of Japan will have no chance against them. Zero is simply preventing that from happening by kidnapping the empress.
Benio: Of course I understand that much! But, did he just have to kidnap the bride? There are other ways to prevent the alliances from happening.
Savitri: Well, since we’re talking about that Zero here... it’s probably not just to stop the political marriage...
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Benio: I know, right? Zero is an ally of justice after all! 
Savitri: No, I mean...
Benio: Oohh! I feel like I just got a sudden spirit booster! 
Savitri: ...Well, so be it... she’s always been carefree girl after all.
Savitri: Okay, I’m cutting the communication line. The car that’s bringing the empress will arrive soon. Do your best.
Benio: Of course! You too, Savitri!
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Kallen: Sheesh... They’re too damn persistent! 
Tamaki(?): The bridge is gone...!!
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Zero: Asahina!
Asahina: Okay, okay. All forces, prepare to attack!
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Xingke: The troops you sent to pursue them have been annihilated, haven’t they?
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Eunuch: ...how do you know?
Xingke: The location is the cliff at Shen Chong. If it were me, I would lay an ambush there, and stop the enemy from pursuing further. 
Eunuch: ...and then?
Xingke: Of course, I would then rejoin the main troop at Xiaopei.
Eunuch 1: Hmmm.
Eunuch 2: Xingke, we will pardon your crimes. If you promise you can take back Tianzi-sama, we will even lend you that thing. 
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BK soldier: There’s an attack! The leading KMF troops are being ransacked! Halt! All forces halt!  
Savitri: Something’s not right... according to Zero’s analysis we aren’t supposed to encounter the enemy until another hour... Is there someone from the enemy’s side that can read Zero’s intention...?
Benio, please respond!
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Benio: I somehow made it out okay... but it seems some of our comrades in the leading troop has been defeated...! 
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Savitri: Is that... Shenhu!? That’s... impossible!
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Savitri: That’s the ultimate machine developed by Rakshata’s team in India military region, in pursuit of ideal machine that the engineers have dreamed of. Yet rumor said because of the unit’s high specification, many pilots have been killed during run-test. 
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Savitri: If there’s someone who can pilot that unit which only drawback is that it’s un-pilot-able...
Savitri: This is bad! Benio, run!
Benio: Wh-what’s wrong!?
Savitri: Facing someone who can pilot that machine, if you don’t flee right away you’ll die! 
Benio: That’s...! There’s no way I’ll flee, I mean...
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Benio: I can’t retreat while Kallen-san is fighting on her own right in front of me!! Thanks but sorry, Savitri!
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Kallen: The energy is running out!
Benio/Savitri: Kallen-san!
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Xingke: I hate to copy your example like this, but I have my reason for doing this. It’s Tianzi-sama.  
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Benio: Kallen-san!! Uh..!!
Zero: Kallen! Don’t give up...! We’ll definitely come to rescue you! Listen well...! Don’t do anything reckless!
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Kallen: Yes! Understood! I won’t give up!
-Mausoleum of Eighty Eight Emperors-
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Savitri: Benio!! 
Benio: Savitri... I couldn’t do anything...
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Benio: I wanted to chase after Kallen-san... but I wouldn’t be able to do anything by myself anyway, so I thought even for just a little, it’s better to be of help in protecting Ikaruga, that’s why I didn’t chase after Kallen-san. But... but...! The truth is, aren’t I just scared?! In the end, I put myself over Kallen-san...! 
Savitri: You silly! By holding yourself back and coming back safely, you’ve done what you have to do the most, you know? You did great, Benio.
Benio Uwaaa!!
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Zero: Benio, Savitri. I know this is a hard time for you, but now is not the time to cry. Follow me.
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Zero: What’s crucial for the next operation is ‘time’. This is Benihouzuki, a machine that'll help us earn one minute, or even one second of time extension.  
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Zero: This is originally supposed to be Kallen’s duty, however... Savitri, I ask you to make the final adjustment for this machine hand over from Kallen. This situation may appear to be hopeless, but you’d be wrong to think so. Benio, I want you to pilot this unit. Can you?
Benio: ...Understood!
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kururugi-shrine · 6 years ago
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7 days left to go
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rolotouto · 3 years ago
If you read Gurren/Lancelot manga what is the gist of Rolo and Benio's interactions during the geass cult massacare and before the betrayal?
You ask for the gist, but I just translated everything! All scans taken from https://comic.webnewtype.com/contents/geass_g/, which used to offer all chapters for free (but they don't anymore?). There will be spoilers for what happens to Benio and Savitri at the end.
I haven't read the whole manga, just the parts with Rolo, but I think the first time he shows up is when he sees Zero talking to Benio in a friendly manner (asking if she has any siblings, since Kallen and her act like sisters) and his reaction is as expected:
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He is later annoyed by her hesitation during the Geass cult massacre:
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Rolo "It's a problem if you don't bring them down properly." Then he thinks (2nd panel, thoughts next to Vincent) "This person... If I remember correctly she was acting friendly around Zero"
Benio "... This is wrong. It's the same as Britannia that day..." referring to what Euphy did.
Rolo "? What are you talking about? There's nothing wrong. Zero ordered that we annihilate them."
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"You and that Kinoshita from earlier. Saying things that make no sense..." This is enough for him to decide to kill Benio without Zero's permission. Well, what else did we expect.
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Benio has been waiting for a chance to talk to Zero. Rolo calls her, claiming that Zero asked for her "to come here."
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Rolo "He's sorry that he couldn't talk to you earlier but it seems he could find some time now" Benio "Really? Thank you so much! I have to go to Ikaruga's office, right?" Rolo "No, he wants you to come to Ikaruga's dock. Alone, of course" Benio "Understood!" Savitri "... Who was that?" Benio "That person called Rolo. He says Zero wants to see me, so I'll be back soon!" Savitri "Rolo? .... I see. That's strange..." In the next page Savitri remembers that Rolo is that creepy yandere stalker:
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So Benio meets Rolo:
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Benio ".... Is it really here...?" Rolo "It's here." Benio, that's clearly the villain! Run!
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Benio "Rolo-san! I'm glad. You will let me meet Zero, right?" Rolo "Of course. He is a bit late, but will come here soon" By the way, she speaks in formal Japanese, while he doesn't. I guess he's the senpai (which means he joined the Black Knights earlier than Turn 14? Well, Vincent more or less already became part of the BK in Turn 4...) Rolo "Hey, Benio. You wanted to meet Zero to talk to him, isn't it? What did you want to talk about?" Benio "Um... That's..." Rolo "Something you can't tell me?" Benio "..." I'm smiling nicely, there's nothing to fear!
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In fact, she does answer Rolo's question. She wants to talk to Zero to know the reasons for massacring the Geass cult. She thinks only Zero might be able to give her an explanation that she can find acceptable.
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Rolo "... ..." Benio "Rolo-san...?" Rolo "... All the people that Brother cares about end up betraying him. Such trivial distrust will spread to everyone and they might betray Brother." Benio "Em...?" Rolo "Haha."
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Rolo "I knew he didn't need them. Brother needs no one else besides me." Well done Rolo, you found a excuse to justify killing yet another innocent girl!!
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Savitri "Wait!!" Benio "Savitri!?" Rolo "See? You can't be trusted. I told you to come alone, didn't I?" Savitri "I came here on my own!"
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Savitri "You are the one who should explain what your intention-"
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Benio "Savitri!" Savitri "Be... ni... Run..." Benio "What's happening...?"
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Benio "I didn't see him approach Savitri. I don't understand what happened. But I know this person did it..."
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Rolo "... I've been overusing my power lately. I wanted to finish you both at the same time, but I failed... It seems the wound was a bit too superficial... Well, I don't really need Geass, do I..."
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Rolo "No matter what, the result will be the same"
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Rolo "Aah, I knew this would be bothersome." Anime villain lines™
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Rolo "I will finish you with Geass." Benio "That thing from before. It's coming!" ??? "What are you doing!"
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Zero "Stop it, Rolo!" Rolo "Brothe..."
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Zero came here after hearing that Rakshata was trying to contact Savitri and couldn't reach her. He asks Rolo for an explanation.
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Rolo "It's for Brother's and... the Black Knights' sake." Sure it is, Rolo Rolo "During the Geass Cult annihilation operation, Benio didn't shoot! Someone with high combat skills and who knows about the Geass Cult... What will happen if she is a traitor! We have to kill her, Brother! Savitri is equally guilty as her collaborator!" Let's kill everyone!!
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Zero "... Benio, why didn't you shoot?" Benio "... Because I didn't want to be like Britannia. I didn't want to trample on weaker people."
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Benio "Because we are allies of justice." Rolo "... It's clear now. Benio has doubts about Brother's policy. She's saying that she can't follow your rules. She's a useless pawn now. We should kill her as soon as possible. That's the best for Brother."
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Zero "Allies of justice... I see." Rolo "Brother!" Zero "Rolo, don't worry. I'll make them forget"
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Zero "Everything..." And so that's where Rolo's part ends, and Benio and Savitri's current stories end as well. They forget everything and are shown to lead happy lives outside of the Black Knights without these memories. Maybe this was way too long a reply to the ask, but I tend to like translating as much as possible haha.
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mononoke-no-ko · 5 years ago
Code Geass Gaiden: Lancelot and Guren -Kallen arc- Ep 4 Part 2
Nothing from the photo novel chapter that isn’t included here, I believe, so I’ll leave the summary as it was. I’ll do the rest of the chapter tonight.
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Colonel Ren: ....The outcome is clear. Name your group before you die, rebels! Kallen: We are Black Knights! Colonel Ren: ...Black Knights, you say? Doing this while lodging on our Horai island.... Ungrateful pricks!
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Colonel Ren: However... that’s right. I too have my merciful side. If you surrender here, I’ll at least spare your life. If I capture them alive now, I can use them in many ways in the future. What do you think?
Kallen: I refuse. Are you, Colonel Ren? Rather than that, I’d propose for you to stop oppressing the people and take your leave, right now.
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Colonel Ren: H-how did you...? In this situation, let alone begging for your life, you’re spouting nonsense! Imbeciles! Very well! Kill them al--!!?
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Chinese fed soldier: Colonel! It’s an ambush!
Colonel Ren: What!?
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Colonel Ren: A rear ambush... not! The red KMF was a decoy and this one is the main troop!
Benio: I won’t let you...
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Benio: ...touch Kallen-san!
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Chinese fed soldier: S-S-STOOP ITT!!
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Colonel Ren: Damn, now that it comes to this, I should at least save myself...
Kallen: Exploiting your own people, then ultimately abandoning your own comrades. I hate jerks like you the most.
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Kallen: Are you the village leader?
Villager: The leader is someone else, but... well, I’m doing the part.
Kallen: I have message from Zero. “From here on, use this village as a secret base to prepare for the upcoming revolt that will be executed together with Xing Ke’s coup d’etat”.
Villager: How did you..!?
Kallen: Don’t underestimate Black Knight’s information network. Aside from this place, other villages are also being arranged. Here is the address list.
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Villager: On top of freeing the village, you even make arrangements for this..? ...We’re grateful. I don’t know when this plan will take place, but let us help as much as we can. But, is it okay for you guys to do this? From what I heard Black Knights are in alliance with Chinese Federation...
Kallen: It’s not some kind of alliance between nations. Black Knights are the ally of the weak.
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Eunuch: What did you say? Ren’s army were annihilated by Black Knights? 
Chinese fed soldier: Yes! Should we retake the village?
Eunuch: Fufu, let them do as they please. Black Knights and the likes, in the end they’re nothing but courageous but doomed resistance. Let them be a good example of how things will turn out for those who oppose us.
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Kallen: Benio.
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Kallen: So you’re here. Zero calls for you, he wants to talk to you about something, do you want me to come with you?
Benio: Oh, alright! Zero huh! I wonder what he wants from me? I’m still nervous around him... ehehe.
Kallen: What’s wrong? You look gloomy since during the mission.
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*drip drip*
Benio: I... I kill someone during this mission.
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Benio: I know that we’re in the middle of war so it can’t be helped, but... me and the person whom I killed, I’m sure we are the same. He must have had people he wanted to came home to. It was really hard for me when Mom and Dad died, and it must have been hard for Mom and Dad to leave me behind too. I know how painful it is and yet I... I throw him, I throw a person who’s important to someone into the same fate. When I think of that, I... I...!
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Benio: I’m sorry. I know there’s nothing else that can be done, but... I can’t bring myself to think objectively...
Kallen: Even so, it’s fine. You should hold tight on those feelings.
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Kallen: We are in a middle of war. Not caring about those things is definitely easier. However, the moment you think of killing people as nothing, you will end up losing things you should never lose. That can’t happen, because we are... ally of justice after all. We must never let go of our humanity... okay?
Benio: ...right.
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Benio: Kallen-san really is amazing. As long as I’m beside her, I’ll be able to keep fighting no matter how hard things get.
Kallen: Let’s go.
Benio: ...Okay!
Zero: Akagi Benio. You performed well in previous battle. Having faith on your ability to operate that KMF, I want to officially assign you to Zero squad.
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Benio: Thank you very much! Zero squad... it means I’ll be Kallen-san’s subordinate!
Benio: I... I hope it’s not too imposing!
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Benio: The seniors even prepare a welcome party for me...
BK 1: It’s fine, it’s fine. Using a newcomer as a pretext, we actually just want to have a breather!
*ha ha ha*
Kallen: Benio... how’s things?
Benio: Ah... I apologize for my behavior earlier... I’m fine now!
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Kallen: What a funny feeling... I was the youngest in Black Knights, and in my family I was also the youngest... If I had a sister, I wonder if it would've felt like how I’m with Benio...
Benio: If Kallen-san is my sister, I would be very proud! I’d boast about it to all my friends all day!
Zero: It seems you guys are having a good time here, Kallen.
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Benio: ...!!
Kallen: Zero, we’re talking about how Benio is like a little sister. (to Benio) You don’t have to act that nervously.
Benio: There’s no way I can~~ He’s THAT Zero you know? For commoners like me he’s an existence who’s even higher than the sky...
Kallen: And you’re a member of a direct unit under that Zero. There, act more confidently.
Benio: Uwaa~~ I understand!
Zero: Oh, I see.
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Zero: So you have siblings, Benio?
Benio: N-no, I don’t have siblings! I’m an only child...
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Savitri: ..what’s that...? Just now... what a bizarre look.
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mononoke-no-ko · 6 years ago
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From Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion -Lancelot & Guren- Vol 2. Download here. All available chapters have been translated here. Doesn’t seem like this volume has character/mecha spread, at least in the digital vers.
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mononoke-no-ko · 6 years ago
Lancelot and Guren Photo Story -SIDE: Kallen IV-
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Thanks for sharing. I’ll eventually work on the manga anyway, so for now I’ll just make a summary of the HJ chapter, hope it’s okay with you. If later there are details in this chapter that aren’t included in the manga, I’ll add them on the manga translation.
Read the manga chapter that leads to this story here https://mononoke-no-ko.tumblr.com/post/183328348704/trans-code-geass-gaiden-lancelot-and-guren
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Zero squad was under siege. Colonel Ren told them to surrender but Kallen refused. Suddenly there was an ambush by another group of Zero squad led by Benio. Benio was aiming for Colonel Ren's land battleship but a Gang Lou blocked her way, she crushed it and killed the pilot. Chinese Federation army lost as they were now inferior in number and the surprise attack messed up their chain of command.   
Apparently it’s Zero’s tactic to split the group into two; one group acted as a distraction so the other could come closer to the enemy camp without being found out and launched a surprise attack. After the battle, Kallen talked with the villagers that from now on the village would be used as a secret base for the preparation for the upcoming revolt that would be executed together with Xingke’s coup d’etat, and this village wasn’t the only one either. 
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The matter about this battle was reported to the High Eunuchs, but they said Black Knights would eventually lose to them and then they would use the BK as an example for anyone who dare to oppose them. They were in the middle of proceeding with the engagement between Tianzi and Odysseus. 
Meanwhile in Black Knights’ quarters, Benio who was in the rooftop was haunted by the memory of her first kill. Kallen who found her asked her what’s wrong and Benio talked about how the people she killed even though they’re ‘enemy’ also have family who would grieve for them just like she grieved for her parents. Benio cried to Kallen’s chest and Kallen told her that she has to hold on to those feelings because otherwise she would be the same as a machine, and it can’t happen because they’re supposed to be ally of justice. Benio was saved by Kallen’s words even though not completely, and she thought that as long as she’s by Kallen’s side she would be able to continue to fight.
Benio was called to Zero’s office together with Kallen and then was officially assigned to Zero squad. Benio was delighted but Kallen was worried because of her earlier outburst, but Benio said it’s fine.
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Later Zero squad held a welcoming party for Benio. Savitri was also there as an engineering department personnel who was in charge of Zero squad KMF maintenance. Kallen talked about how if she had a younger sister it would probably feel like her relationship with Benio. When they were having a good time together with Zero, Savitri felt a gaze full of negative emotions from Rolo who was standing outside the room and staring at Benio who’s talking with Zero through the slit of the door.  
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mononoke-no-ko · 6 years ago
Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion Side Story “BLACK ALBION”
Short story written by Koujirou (Sunrise) about Zerozaku sets in one year some time after Zero Requiem to accompany the introduction of Lancelot Albion Zero. Source: https://p-bandai.jp/tamashiiwebshouten/blackalbion/. Please inform me if you notice some mistake.
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First year of Light Sum*. Some time have passed since the extraordinary hero, Zero, killed the last emperor of Holy Britannian Empire, Lelouch vi Britannia.  The world that joined hands to defeat Emperor Lelouch who took hostage of the countries' leaders in his plan to conquer the world, continue to wish for peace and choose cooperation route even after Lelouch's death. With more than 80% of the world joins United Federation of Nations in the form of standing shoulder-to-shoulder with Japan and China that became the center of UFN’s formation during wartime, politics were practiced with global perspective. In addition to that, as the military power is transferred to and is operated by Black Knights as delegated by UFN, no large-scale conflict ever occurred, and the world peace was preserved.  However... "We need a machine that acts as Zero's symbol." The one who suggested that was Schneizel el Britannia who serves as the Chief of Staff in UFN Supreme Council. The words of the man who's practically the world's No. 2, were not directed toward the President Sumeragi Kaguya, but to the masked man in black clothing, Zero. "....We don't." Zero asserts. Under the mask that exposed not even one part of his real face, his expression can't be read. Zero, who's present at the UFN Supreme Council meeting as CEO of Black Knights, shook his head in disagreement towards Schneizel's proposal. "However, no matter how the world as a whole is advancing toward peace, buds of conflicts will always arise. As a precaution, as Zero who slain Emperor Lelouch, you need to demonstrate your strength." Schneizel's words are reasonable. It's also clear that his words are for the sake of keeping peace. But, that's not it. The world must be peaceful. Otherwise, what did "he" bet his life for? Of course there are small seeds of conflicts. In this world that had been in war for a long time, it's natural that flames of conflicts can't be completely erased. It's natural because this world is inhabited by people who preserved their own self. Therefore, in order to prevent the conflicts from rising, it's probably a correct thing to do to assign the power to subdue conflicts to Zero the symbol. But for Zero, for Kururugi Suzaku who has now became Zero, it's not an idea he could accept that easily. "You're wrong. If Black Knights holds too much military power it would frighten the people and give birth to new conflicts instead. To the very end, we exists to maintain world peace. To that end, we're requesting the Glinda Knights to audit Black Knights." Oldrin Zevon, the head of Glinda Knights who is present at the meeting, nods in agreement.  "...." Schneizel gives an "I give up" look. As Zero has said so, Schneizel can't go against his words.
"Welcome back, Zero." After finishing the UFN Supreme Council and returning to his room in Black Knights' headquarter, Zero was welcomed by Nunnally vi Britannia who came to meet him. "I'm back, Nunnally." Suzaku takes off his mask for the first time since awhile, and shows a smile. "Today you came to talk about the schedule for humanitarian visit to Spain next month, right?" "Yes, Suzaku-sa--, I mean, Zero, sorry I always ended up troubling you..." "Ha ha, now I'm just Suzaku, Nunnally." Among the few people who knows about Zero's identity, Nunnally especially can interact with Suzaku's true self. For Suzaku who has always carried the burden of being Zero, the time spent with Nunnally was extremely important. Nunnally who became the Honorary Consultant of World Humanitarian Organization, an auxiliary organization of UFN, visited the areas where scars of war still remained, and carried out humanitarian support activities. Suzaku as Zero has a lot of opportunity to be with Nunnally. Nunnally's coming to meet to Suzaku today too was to make arrangement for their next visit. But, with a sudden emergency call calling for Zero, that purpose was never realized. "Report from UFN Supreme Council! We’ve been informed that an armed group who declared themselves as Japan Revolutionary Army has occupied Shinagawa Seaside Airport." The smile that was on Suzaku's face till just now is gone, and his expression becomes dim. "Suzaku-san..." "It'll be okay, so don't worry. I'll be back soon." To the worried Nunnally, Suzaku shows her a smile. However, his heart is not calm. ...Zero doesn't need to have power. And yet.... Suzaku picks up his mask again and walks out from the room leaving Nunnally behind.  
In Black Knights commander office, the main monitor shows the presumed state of Shinagawa Seaside Airport that was taken with a long distance camera. Other information such as the Knighmares that are used in the armed uprising and the list of people suspected to be responsible for the incident, were displayed on the sub monitors. "How's the situation?" The one who answers Zero's brief question as he entered the room is General Commander Toudou Kyoushiro. "Not very good. Konishina, report the present status to Zero." Prompted by Toudou, Konishina Ryou, the captain of Squadron 3 that was selected for duty, reports to Zero through the submonitor. The armed group called Japan Revolutionary Army, with about 30 Knightmares from sky, land, and water, swiftly gained total control of Shinagawa Seaside Airport that was built on a reclamation area in Tokyo Bay. It's reported that about 4000 passengers and staffs were held hostage. "It happened an hour ago. They seem to target the blind spot of UFN Supreme Council." "How about the perpetrators’ identity?" "It's Major Bandou... no, it's Bandou Shin. A survivor from the former Japan Liberation Front." "!?" Toudou's words agitate Zero slightly. Bandou is Suzaku’s acquaintance who once taught him martial arts together with Toudou and the others back when he was still a kid before the war with Britannia started. "Why, Bandou-san... right when everyone is about to compromise and head towards peace..." Konishina grinds his teeth. "Konishina was a new recruit assigned to Bandou's troop back during Britannia's invasion 9 years ago," Toudou fills up Suzaku's conjecture. He understood that it's because Japan Revolutionary Army turned out to be the remnant of Japan Liberation Front, that Toudou assigned Konishina to be in charge of the matter.   "Japan Revolutionary Army led by Bandou, in regard to Zero eliminating Kusakabe Josui's group, raises a banner of rebellion. Zero, now it’s..." "I know, Toudou-san." From inside Suzaku's chest, an emotion that can't be expressed in words rises its head. However, his top priority is to secure the safety of the 4000 captured people as soon as possible. "I’d like to join UFN Supreme Council. This case will be handled by Black Knights." "I knew you would say so~" At the corner of Black Knights' headquarters hangar that's in preparation for sortie, a familiar machine was brought in by Rakshata. Lying on top of the equipment container, with the tobacco pipe in her hand, she points to Zero's line of sight. It's unthinkable that she's a person with many titles. "A black... Lancelot Albion." Zero shows a little bewilderment. "It's part of Joint Strike Armored Cavalry Program that had been worked on since the time of Emperor Lelouch's rule. Because we also needed to develop and conduct research on Knightmares made by Britannia, our Pearl Party was created." The one who answers his confusion is a dark skin woman with prosthetic legs, Neha Shankar. She's a researcher apprentice who participated in the decisive battle of Madrid in the past and is studying under Rakshata. "Based on the data left by Dr Lloyd, with little improvements, we managed to complete it. In term of performance it's equal to Guren Seiten Eight Elements." Explains Kagari Savitri who's transferred from Black Knights' engineering department to the Pearl Party. Good handiness, almost as if they had been preparing for this. Suzaku thinks that perhaps Schneizel had asked Rakshata in advance in anticipation for situations like this. Otherwise, the unit that bears the name Albion which means white, wouldn't be dyed in black. "I got it. Let me use this." He can't believe it, he never thought that he would ride this unit again now that he became Zero. "Please take good care of our cute Z-01Z0." "Zero... Zero, huh." As he hears the model number of the black Albion, Zero mutters to himself. "Understood. From here, I'll sortie with this Albion Zero!"
*the new calendar system I’m still not sure I got this right.
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mononoke-no-ko · 6 years ago
[Trans] Code Geass Gaiden: Lancelot and Guren -Kallen arc- Ep04 (part1)
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Benio: Heave ho! Savitri~ can I put this here?
Savitri: Yes.
Benio: That sure took quite a while...  but now it looks somehow livable!
Savitri: Sigh... Just because we’re the same age I have to share the room with you...
Benio: Ehehe, I’m not that easy to bully.
Benio: Whoaa look! We can see the sea from here!
Savitri: You can see sea anywhere in Japan.
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Benio: But but! I’ve never seen China’s sea!
Chinese Federation. Horai Island. After the One Million Zero incident, Black Knights borrowed the island from Chinese Federation to use it as their base. 
Benio: The sea here looks pretty too!  Hey, let’s go for a swim tomorrow!
Savitri: We don’t have time for that. Just because we left Japan doesn’t mean our fight with Britannia is over!
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Benio: Oh you’re right~ That’s a bummer. Then, let’s go for a swim once the war is over, okay?
Savitri: .... when the war is over... huh. It probably won’t happen anytime soon. Even if Black Knights could retake Japan, the risk of war won’t disappear. Unless miracle happens...
Savitri: ...well, let’s go when things have settled down.
Benio: Yay! Promise, okay?
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Savitri: That’s enough, Benio, why don’t you arrange your stuffs too? Starting from tomorrow, we’ll already get busy... Benio?
Savitri: ...good grief, what a handful.
*The next day*
*open door sfx*
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Savitri: ...?? Wh..what’s wrong...? Weren’t you going to training?
Benio: ..ll.. together... ...with... -san...
Savitri: What?
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Benio: I’ll sortie together with Kallen-san! I got into the Zero squad!
Savitri: EEH!?
Benio: There’s this urgent mission and Zero squad is the only one that’s like lacking in personnel... So they decided to go together with several people from other units, so, so I...
Savitri: Good for you (calm down). 
Benio: Also, they asked you to be the operator.
Savitri: ...me too huh
Benio: Ack I forgot! I was told to call you because there will be a briefing soon!
Savitri: Seriously, what a scatterbrain...
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Zero: First of all, take a look at this! This is a village in mountains area of Chinese Federation. This place is ruled by an army led by a figure named Colonel Ren. 
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Civilian A: He has a severe cold...! Please let him rest...
Soldier: He’s sick...? Okay. We have no use of people who can’t work.
Civilian B: Hiii! Please wait, I still can wo-- *bang*
Benio: ...!!
Zero: What you’ve seen just now is a footage we obtained from Diethard’s colleague. This place escapes from the sight of the upper management due to it being located in a difficult place topographically. Taking advantage of that situation, Coloner Ren rules the place in tyranny, and covets for wealth. 
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Zero: So we’ll go over there to set the villagers free.
BK 1: That... in other words...
BK 2: We’re going to go up against Chinese Federation...?
Kallen: ....
Savitri: Zero. We’re under the protection of Chinese Federation.
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Savitri: In this situation, why are you taking action that can be seen as hostility towards Chinese Federation? I can’t understand this at all.
Savitri: I’m not here because I swore allegiance to Zero. The things that need to be asked, have to be asked.
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Zero: No, you’re mistaken, Savitri. We are not under the protection of Chinese Federation. We and Chinese Federation are in equal relationship. And above all, we are... the protector of the weak! If there’s injustice being carried out in this country, it’s our duty to correct it!
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Savitri: Sorry for my interruption. 
Zero: No problem. It’s a natural question. However, I want you to believe me and follow me.
Benio: ...before I realized it, everyone’s mood has completely improved? 
Savitri: So this is Zero.
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Kallen: Benio, come with me for a sec?
Benio: Yes?
Benio: This is Burai, right? I heard all units were destroyed during the operation to capture New Governor Nunnally...
Kallen: This unit survived because it wasn’t used for sortie back then. There was a malfunction, and it had been put away since then. But it’s fixed in a hurry because now every single unit of KMF is precious.  
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Kallen: I wonder if I can ask you to pilot it.
Benio: Me piloting that... Burai?
Kallen: It may look like just another Burai with different color, but this is the KMF that I piloted in my first actual battle.
Benio: !!
Kallen: I got on to this machine, and met Zero.
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Benio: Is it really okay...? For me to pilot such important unit...
Kallen: I want you to pilot it. I feel like if it’s you, Benio, I can entrust it to you.
Benio: ...This is an honor! I’ll take a great care of it!
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Colonel Ren: Being a soldier sure can make money.
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Subordinate: Colonel, we got a problem!
Colonel Ren: What is it, in the dead of night like this
Subordinate: We’re being raided! A number of unknown KMFs are heading towards here!
Colonel Ren: Don’t panic. To get to my camp that is surrounded by mountains, one has to pass through the village in the front first. First turn the village into a living shield and buy some time. Now tell me the enemy’s current position.
Subordinate: That’s, they’ve already broken into our camp...! Aaagh!!
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Colonel Ren: Impossible!!! They climbed the cliff with KMF?! Fire! Fire back!
Kallen: I’ll destroy you!
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Villager A: We can’t wait for any longer than this! We will all end up dead by then! Even if it just us, we should revolt!
Villager B: No.
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Villager B: Wait for the order from Xingke-sama and the others. Endure it. If we revolt with no backup, we will be crushed. We should bet our chances on Xingke-sama’s coup d’etat! 
*bang bang bang*
Villager B: What’s the ruckus!?
Villager C: There’s a problem! A red KMF suddenly appears and engages in a fight against the army!
Villager A: What red KMF...?!
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Kallen: From one to the next, there’s no end of it!
Savitri: Kallen-san! Developing an encircling net is the expertise of the enemy force!  If this continues, we will be bombarded from all directions for sure! Even though our KMF is superior to Gang Lou, but because of their battery power they can be quite a threat!
Kallen: Eeh!? I’m going to have to strike down every one of them!?
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Savitri: They seem to be made as the sacrificial pawns. It’s a reasonable tactic to use when you have advantage in numbers.
Kallen: Well, I know that, still... 
Savitri: Conceivably, if it’s Kashoushiki alone, it’s possible to get out of the encircling net... However it would be meaningless to propose this plan to Kallen-san who leads the unit.
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Kallen: I hate those who discard their friends as weapons!
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mononoke-no-ko · 6 years ago
[Trans] Code Geass Gaiden: Lancelot & Guren -Kallen arc- Ep03 (part3)
Source. Last part for this Kallen episode. Next month we’ll go back to Suzaku episode again. 
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Hadron Blaster, launch!
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Kallen: Another one....!
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Chiba: Kouzuki! (on comm channel) Use escape lever! Kouzuki! Kallen: No good! It won’t move!
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Benio: Kallen-san! She doesn’t escape....!? Why!? Savitri: It can’t be, there’s a maintenance problem? That’s... because of me... Because of me, Kallen-san will...? No..!! Kallen-san! Benio: KALLEN-SAN!!
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*flashback” Kallen: Eh...?  Savitri: Kallen-san, do you ever have doubts? Kallen: I do. Even me, I hesitate all the time. That’s why... to settle my hesitations, I have to fight.
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Savitri: Why... Just like me, she’s a half who was born in the middle of conflict between nations. Just like me, she was supposed to have been oppressed by the reason for being born. Yet still in such circumstances, how could her eyes are so...
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Benio: Savitri-san!! We’re saved! Look at that!! Rakshata: Rise, flight gliding wings!
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Savitri: Unbelievable, exchanging parts on air without preparation...
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Kallen: No matter how many enemies are there...!
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Benio: She got them!
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Suzaku: For you to make a comeback in this situation...! Kallen: Don’t get in my way!!!
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Suzaku: How could she...! Even though my Yggdrasil Drive power should have been boosted too! Savitri: She beat all Knight of Rounds by herself...!
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Benio: Amazing! Kallen-san is truly amazing! Right!? Savitri: Yes. She is.
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mononoke-no-ko · 7 years ago
[Trans] Code Geass Gaiden: Lancelot & Guren -Kallen arc- Ep03 (part 1)
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Side: Kallen III
Rescuing his comrades who were going to be executed, that brilliant skill, ingenuity, dauntlessness. People are made to believe. “It’s the real Zero (wave)”.
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As a result, those who wanted to join Black Knights were gathering from all over the country
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And here too...
-Inside Chinese Federation consulate general. A quasi-dormitory for Black Knights members.-
*noises sfx*
Benio: ...I can understand... I also can’t sleep at all. Finally tomorrow we will run mock battle... Ever since I somehow became a member, I’ve learned the basics of piloting with a simulator.
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Benio: I’m fine with just helping to clean and wash laundry... But, just in case... If possible, I want to get on KMF. Because, even just a little, I want to walk near Kallen-san. ... Ever since then.. I’ve yet to see her again. ??: Well then...
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Savitri: I’m Kagari Savitri from engineering department, I will be in charge for this mock battle. All bullets that will be used are paintballs. The Stun Tonfa as well as the Slash Harken’s head that will be used are also made from rubbers. However if they’re used to attack vigorously, it’s possible to destroy Burai-level of sturdiness. Even if you died, please take responsibility at your own risk. New Member A: (the heck) New Member B: (she’s just a kid)
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Savitri: Begin!! 
Savitri: ---That’s enough. Please replace with the next person. 
(On tablet screen: disqualified x2)
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Savitri: Next person. Disqualified. Next. Disqualified. Next. Disqualified. Next. Disqualified.  Kallen: You’re doing good. Savitri: Kallen-san!
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Savitri: What are you doing at a boorish place like this? Kallen: Boorish? Savitri: I’m talking about these people. I wonder why they’re volunteering. They have no skill, no knowledge, no education. Yet all of them are saying “only my motivation doesn’t lost to anyone else!” while getting on KMF. So unsightly. Kallen: You’re as sharp-tongued as always. Savitri: I’m only stating the truth... Okay, next.
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Benio: Akagi Benio! 16 years old! From Kobe! Only my motivation doesn’t lose to anyone! Thank you! Kallen: Eh... that girl is... Savitri: Another idiot appeared... 
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Savitri: Then, please begin. Benio’s opponent: ---!?
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Benio’s opponent: E-eh? Kallen: Not bad... she used illusion trick. Savitri: ...it’s beginner’s luck.
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Savitri: Please replace the one who lost with the next person, Akagi-san continue the mock battle. Benio: Roger! Savitri: Begin!!
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Benio: ...fyuh! Kallen: To the opponents who don’t come out, she attacks them rapidly immediately... It seems she got eyes to calmly analyze her enemy. Savitri: ....pilot change.
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Savitri: Regular pilots of Black Knights... anyone is fine, please come out to be Akagi-san’s opponent. BK member A: ...isn’t it a bit cruel for the newbie? BK member B: Well... it’s just to check how it’ll turn out if she’s against someone who has different ability level. BK member C: But, you know... Tamaki: You little shits got scared against a newbie! Pathetic!
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Tamaki: Well that’s fine! I’m Zero’s best friend Tamaki the great! I will show you the cruelty of the real world!
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Benio: T-that Zero’s...!! Tamaki-san, I’ll be in your care!  Tamaki: Great! Come at me anytime! Savitri: Please begin.
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Benio: Whoawhoaa!
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BK members: Tamaki-san, you didn’t hold back at all! You call yourself an adult?! Tamaki: Idiots! If you can’t handle that kind of attack in actual battle you’ll get instantly killed! This is my way of showing kindness... oh?
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Tamaki: Well let’s continue, eh!? I like your attitude, newbie! 
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Benio: Forward...
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Benio: forward
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Benio: Dad, Mom. Maybe I should’ve died there too at that time. I didn’t any other relatives, and most of my friends were surely at that place too... Savitri: Okay! That’s enough! Both of you stop there! This is just a mock battle okay!?  Tamaki: Even if I stop, that newbie is coming at me!! Do something!!
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Savitri: There’s no other choice. I will forcibly terminate the battle.  Kallen: Wait, Savitri. Just for a little more, can you let me watch her battle? Benio: Only I survived. Kallen-san let me live. That’s why I won’t stop. Even if it’s just one step forward... 
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Benio: it’s one step closer towards Kallen-san!! TAMAKIII!!! Tamaki: Whaat!? I’m your great senior!!
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Tamaki: Gya! That hurts... oi, newbie! Wake up... ooi!
Benio: ...uhm?
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Kallen: You woke up? Benio: Ka-Kallen-san!! Why are you here!? Eh, eh, where am I!? Kallen: It’s medical room. You fainted during mock battle and were brought here. Benio: Aahh sorry for the inconvenience! Kallen: It’s fine. Also, here.  (on paper: personnel notice)
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Benio: “Akagi Benio is assigned to the free-combat-armor corps”.... eh no way! How come...!?  Kallen: Today, your piloting skill was the best. Without any confusion, you piloted with confidence in your ability. Also... thank you for that time at Kobe Port. I was helped greatly. I’m sorry that I couldn’t bring you with me back then. Though I never thought you would be coming straight here.  Benio: Ahh...
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Benio: If you say it like that, then me too... Thank you very much for saving me, Kallen-san.  Kallen: ? Benio: At that time during SAZ incident, I was saved by Guren Type-02, it was Kallen-san right? Thank you very much. I always wanted to tell you that. I would be happy if I could repay you even just a little! Kallen: Yes... I was there...
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Kallen: Then, welcome back to Black Knight. Let’s do our best. Benio: Yes!
to be continued
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mononoke-no-ko · 6 years ago
Code Geass Gaiden: Lancelot and Guren -Bonus Chapter-
This is a manga adaptation of a segment from “Black Albion” short story. Released as a commemoration for the release of Albion Zero MRD and is included in the second volume of Lancelot and Guren manga. @wakabayashy
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Suzaku: A black.. Lancelot Albion...
Neha Shankar:  It’s one of Joint Strike Armored Cavalry programs that had been worked on since the time of Emperor Lelouch’s rule. Because we also needed to develop and conduct research on Knightmares made by Britannia, our Pearl Party was formed.
Kagari Savitri: Based on the data left by Doctor Lloyd, with little improvements, we managed to complete it. In term of performance it’s equal to Guren Seiten Eight Elements
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Rakshata: Please take good care of our cute Z-01Z0~~
Suzaku: Zero Zero, huh.
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Zero:  Understood. From here, I’ll sortie with this Albion Zero!
The full story https://mononoke-no-ko.tumblr.com/post/180818054254/code-geass-lelouch-of-the-rebellion-side-story
This Albion Zero will later be grounded as explained here https://mononoke-no-ko.tumblr.com/post/181519800169/you-said-a-continuation-of-said-side-story-in-the so it doesn’t appear in Resurrection.
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mononoke-no-ko · 6 years ago
[Trans] Code Geass Gaiden: Lancelot & Guren -Kallen arc- Ep03 (part2)
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“Eh? Who’s that child? She looks unfamiliar.” “'Kagari'? What a funny name.” “Well her mother is, you know...” “Ooh...the one from that eastern country that recently became Britannia’s vassal state.” “Ah, yes. I heard now there’s a civil war there.”
Savitri: To study is to increase knowledge. It will become a wall to protect yourself. 
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Savitri: A nonconformist ‘special’ appearance makes the wall between you and other people become even thicker. Just as I wished. I completed my study at the age of 12 and went to the institute my father worked for. At a laboratory connected to Rakshata Chawla, I’m now supporting Black Knight in secret. Before long, hiding underground for Black Knight’s sake, an engineer will be sent to Area 11, and the one being chosen is... Savitri’s Father: Savitri.
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Savitri’s Father: You don’t have to go if you don’t want to, okay? There’s no need to force a researcher who can’t go to go.  Savitri’s Mother: It’s okay even if you go back to school again... Savitri: Only my parents told me those words and asked me to stay. To a conflict zone, moreover, I was judged as eligible to join a terrorist organization against the state. No one opposed them. In other words, even to the laboratory, I’m just that kind of existence. Well anywhere is the same anyway. Nothing change even after I come to Area 11. I remain an outsider.
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By Zero’s command “Operation Recover Nunnally” started!
SIDE: Kallen III
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Savitri:... Benio: Energy is good. No problem on this side either. Kallen: What’s wrong, Savitri? You got a scary face there. Savitri: ...my face is originally like this! Kallen: It’s about Benio right? Don’t worry, if it’s her she’ll do okay. Savitri: Even though she has no actual experience? 
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Kallen: But, she has courage, and the ability to judge and take action. Have I not told you yet? How I was saved by an errand girl at Kobe Port. Savitri: And Akagi-san is that girl... you say? Kallen: I think she’s an excellent kid. I don’t know if she’s fit for battle or not, but I guess she’s a bit too kind. If Japan was not ruled by Britannia, and was peaceful... I think she could’ve lived happily in some other place.
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Savitri: I don’t think you should empathize too much with her. She’s still a newbie. Who knows when she’ll die, or she may even betray us. Kallen: ...I’ll keep that in mind. Savitri: “To be able to live happily in some other place”, I realize there’s a part of me that got irritated hearing those words. Because it reminds me that there’s no place like that for me. Even just now, I who ended up behaving like that in front of Kallen-san...
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-Pacific Ocean sky. Britannia Imperial Army. Airborne aviation fleet.-
Britannian personel: Is that... the Black Knight!?
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Lelouch: The objective of this operation is to capture the new Governor Nunnally. No matter what happens, absolutely don’t harm her. I repeat, absolutely don’t harm her!!!  
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Black Knight: Understood! Benio: Kallen-san, I’ll release you!
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Admiral(?): Impossible, to a place this high...! Kallen: Thanks, Benio. Benio: No problem! Please do your best, Kallen-san!
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-Black Knight Operation Commander.-
Benio: Savitri-san! How about Kallen-san and the others!? ... against the enemies who can fly that freely... Kallen-san...!!
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Kallen: Even though we can’t fly...! 
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Glaston Knight(?): A harken!? Tohdoh: Now, Kouzuki-kun! Kallen: Okay!
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Asahina: What a strange fighter aircraft! A KMF...!? Ugh!
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Savitri: One more ally’s unit is down...! Even the Four Holy Swords is...? Benio: Is that... Knight of Rounds’ unit?
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Suzaku: Kallen, I have to save Nunnally. Having came this far, I won’t ask for forgiveness.
to be continued...
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rolorules · 3 years ago
@rolotouto Thanks for the hard work.
He's really no gentleman, our Rolo, is he?! He also lacks superhero training, running around in civilian clothes, using his “real“ name and calling Lelouch Niisan rather than Zero.
If you read Gurren/Lancelot manga what is the gist of Rolo and Benio's interactions during the geass cult massacare and before the betrayal?
You ask for the gist, but I just translated everything! All scans taken from https://comic.webnewtype.com/contents/geass_g/, which used to offer all chapters for free (but they don't anymore?). There will be spoilers for what happens to Benio and Savitri at the end.
I haven't read the whole manga, just the parts with Rolo, but I think the first time he shows up is when he sees Zero talking to Benio in a friendly manner (asking if she has any siblings, since Kallen and her act like sisters) and his reaction is as expected:
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He is later annoyed by her hesitation during the Geass cult massacre:
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Rolo "It's a problem if you don't bring them down properly." Then he thinks (2nd panel, thoughts next to Vincent) "This person... If I remember correctly she was acting friendly around Zero"
Benio "... This is wrong. It's the same as Britannia that day..." referring to what Euphy did.
Rolo "? What are you talking about? There's nothing wrong. Zero ordered that we annihilate them."
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"You and that Kinoshita from earlier. Saying things that make no sense..." This is enough for him to decide to kill Benio without Zero's permission. Well, what else did we expect.
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Benio has been waiting for a chance to talk to Zero. Rolo calls her, claiming that Zero asked for her "to come here."
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Rolo "He's sorry that he couldn't talk to you earlier but it seems he could find some time now" Benio "Really? Thank you so much! I have to go to Ikaruga's office, right?" Rolo "No, he wants you to come to Ikaruga's dock. Alone, of course" Benio "Understood!" Savitri "... Who was that?" Benio "That person called Rolo. He says Zero wants to see me, so I'll be back soon!" Savitri "Rolo? .... I see. That's strange..." In the next page Savitri remembers that Rolo is that creepy yandere stalker:
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So Benio meets Rolo:
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Benio ".... Is it really here...?" Rolo "It's here." Benio, that's clearly the villain! Run!
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Benio "Rolo-san! I'm glad. You will let me meet Zero, right?" Rolo "Of course. He is a bit late, but will come here soon" By the way, she speaks in formal Japanese, while he doesn't. I guess he's the senpai (which means he joined the Black Knights earlier than Turn 14? Well, Vincent more or less already became part of the BK in Turn 4...) Rolo "Hey, Benio. You wanted to meet Zero to talk to him, isn't it? What did you want to talk about?" Benio "Um... That's..." Rolo "Something you can't tell me?" Benio "..." I'm smiling nicely, there's nothing to fear!
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In fact, she does answer Rolo's question. She wants to talk to Zero to know the reasons for massacring the Geass cult. She thinks only Zero might be able to give her an explanation that she can find acceptable.
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Rolo "... ..." Benio "Rolo-san...?" Rolo "... All the people that Brother trusts end up betraying him. Such trivial distrust will spread to everyone and they might betray Brother." Benio "Em...?" Rolo "Haha."
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Rolo "I knew he didn't need them. Brother needs no one else besides me." Well done Rolo, you found a excuse to justify killing yet another innocent girl!!
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Savitri "Wait!!" Benio "Savitri!?" Rolo "See? You can't be trusted. I told you to come alone, didn't I?" Savitri "I came here on my own!"
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Savitri "You are the one who should explain what your intention-"
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Benio "Savitri!" Savitri "Be... ni... Run..." Benio "What's happening...?"
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Benio "I didn't see him approach Savitri. I don't understand what happened. But I know this person did it..."
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Rolo "... I've been overusing my power lately. I wanted to finish you both at the same time, but I failed... It seems the wound was a bit too superficial... Well, I don't really need Geass, do I..."
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Rolo "No matter what, the result will be the same"
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Rolo "Aah, I knew this would be bothersome." Anime villain lines™
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Rolo "I will finish you with Geass." Benio "That thing from before. It's coming!" ??? "What are you doing!"
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Zero "Stop it, Rolo!" Rolo "Brothe..."
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Zero came here after hearing that Rakshata was trying to contact Savitri and couldn't reach her. He asks Rolo for an explanation.
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Rolo "It's for Brother's and... the Black Knights' sake." Sure it is, Rolo Rolo "During the Geass Cult annihilation operation, Benio didn't shoot! Someone with high combat skills and who knows about the Geass Cult... What will happen if she is a traitor! We have to kill her, Brother! Savitri is equally guilty as her collaborator!" Let's kill everyone!!
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Zero "... Benio, why didn't you shoot?" Benio "... Because I didn't want to be like Britannia. I didn't want to trample on weaker people."
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Benio "Because we are allies of justice." Rolo "... It's clear now. Benio has doubts about Brother's policy. She's saying that she can't follow your rules. She's a useless pawn now. We should kill her as soon as possible. That's the best for Brother."
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Zero "Allies of justice... I see." Rolo "Brother!" Zero "Rolo, don't worry. I'll make them forget"
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Zero "Everything..." And so that's where Rolo's part ends, and Benio and Savitri's current stories end as well. They forget everything and are shown to lead happy lives outside of the Black Knights without these memories. Maybe this was way too long a reply to the ask, but I tend to like translating as much as possible haha.
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