superncl · 3 years
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{ charlie murphy, thirty-two, cisfemale, she/her } ** whispers dart through the streets of kærholt. was that ARIADNE HAVEN that was spotted? they’re a BARTENDER in the city and are known for being STRONG and DEMANDING. they DO have magical abilities. the whispers say they are AGAINST the eldrkirk and are AGAINST the laws about magic. may the fire keep them warm. ** { nat, 24, she/her, cst, n/a }
alrighty! hi friends!
i’m nat and this is ariadne. she has literally just been thrown together, so pls hang in there with me while i feel her out over the next week or so. i will be on tonight and maybe a little thursday, but will be gone for a trip over the weekend. but i promise i will be super active next week and on from there! i am hyped to be here, kat has created a work of art and i hope to write w all of u for a long time :)))
but ANYWAY here is a little bit about ariadne! if you would like to plot pls feel free to like this os just message me on discord :)
ariadne haven
32 years old
current occupation: bartender at the gruesome garden
former occupation: escort at the flower hall
ariadne haven hasn’t exactly had a life of luxury or ease
she has never met her mother - the older woman dipped out pretty soon after she was born. reasons unknown to ariadne (could be a possible plot point? maybe she came from a wealthy family and accidentally got knocked up? maybe she was in danger? idk!! always open to ideas)
and when ariadne was young, probably about 12 or 13, her father was murdered. she wasn’t there when he died, but she was the one to find his body. she doesn’t ever talk about his death - literally dont mention it she will lose her shit
after his death she was pretty much all alone in the world
she knew that she was either going to have to lay down and die or fend for herself and fight to live and deal with the hand that she had been dealt
she quickly learned how to steal food/pickpocket/etc. but it was all just barely enough to keep her alive
when she was 16 she met a woman who worked at the flower hall - a woman who quickly became like her older sister. she could see that ariadne was pretty much skin and bone and wanted to offer her refuge and protection
ariadne was welcomed into the flower hall but just as someone to clean and take care of things 
it became her home and when she was 18 she was given a place there - a real job
it was easy for her to fall into the position, after all it was all she had been surrounded by for the past two years
she learned how to be a lady - how to find out secrets, how to fend for herself, how to make people bend to her will 
she’s v v good at getting what she wants - always has been
after a few years of working at the flower hall, about 7, she kind of decided she had had enough. she moved on to bartending at the gruesome garden which is where she has been ever since
she is not fond of men - she doesn’t trust them and never has since her father’s death. it’s always violence and very much use and abuse with them
then again she isn’t fond of anyone really
just a few more fun facts!
she does have magical ability - but she can’t control it, she learned ab it later in life (when she was in her late teens), and she doesn’t want to know how to control it because she knows it can put her in danger - she has the ability to see glimpses of the future, such as a seer, but only in her dreams and only every once in awhile 
she is very close with baz - helps take care of his daughter
those two are pretty much the only family she has 
i like to call her ariadne ‘i hate everyone’ haven or ariadne ‘kill all men’ haven
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thxphoenix · 3 years
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{ li qin, 28, cis-female, she/her } ** whispers dart through the streets of kærholt. was that LU MEI-XING that was spotted? they’re an AMBASSADOR OF THE LAOZHUN EMPIRE in the city and are known for being COURAGEOUS and OBSTINATE. they DO have magical abilities. the whispers say they are NEUTRAL to the eldrkirk and are AGAINST the laws about magic. may the fire keep them warm. **
Mei-xing is from the Laozhun Empire - a distant land that is dominated by a fierce magocratic society. Power and magic defines an individual’s potential. If you were born without the spark for magic, then you were destined for low and difficult work.
The Lu Clan are part of Laozhun’s magocratic elite and are stalwart supporters of the Imperial family. They trade in magical potions and enchantments, and use ships to travel across the waters in search of magical ingredients.
Mei-xing is also a cousin to the Lovelowe family. She frequently spent time in Kaerholt during childhood and adolesence. Thus, many of her informants are old friends and allies in the infamous free city.
She found Kaerholt to be a thrilling and interesting place. It was so different to her homeland. However, she quickly learnt to be cautious about exposing her magical abilities, as Kaerholt’s atttiude towards magic changed and the Eldrkirk grew more influential.
The Laozhun Empire are curious and sceptical about the Eldrkirk's movements. More importantly - they are concerned about Eldrkirk's laws and views regarding magic. Since Kaerholt is a bustling trade city, they believe that that influence could travel overseas and cause issues within their own territory. There has been a growing resentment towards magic, Mages, and the unfairness of society in the Laozhun Empire. So, they sent Mei-xing to Kaerholt for an extended mission - to gather intelligence on the Eldrkirk’s movements, to gauge if their influence could travel to other areas, and to make political alliances where necessary.
Mei-xing’s placement in Kaerholt was also due to her connections with the Lovelowe family. Mei-Xing's mother was a cousin of the Lovelowe family and met Lu Yuyin (Mei-Xing's father) on a merchant voyages. However, there is no mistaking that her primary loyalty is to her birthplace of the Laozhun Empire, even if she has fond memories of Kaerholt’s ‘liberal’ and wild ways.
Amongst friends, she is called Mei or Lu Mei.
Her striking white hair is a birthright feature of the Lu family. Some say it is because of their magical power, whilst others say it is a sign that they have been over exposed to too much magic and will suffer from weakening ailments in the future. The latter gossip infuriates and frightens Mei-xing because there is a growing madness in her clan which haunts her dreams.
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(This is vague but I would love to have childhood/adolescent friends of Mei-xing! Whether they are part of the Merchant families, the criminal underworld (which Mei-xing frequently uses as a source of information), or fellow sorcerers - anu would bewelcome! During Mei-Xing's visits to Kaerholt, she often travelled around and enjoyed exploring the interesting free-city.)
(Mei-Xing is not scared to dabble in the underworld of society. They usually hear the best gossip. She'll have a contact in Kaerholt's crime world and she'll trade her clan’s magical potions for information regarding the Eldrkirk)
(Familal connection within the Lovelowe family - someone she grew close to during her visits or perhaps a rival who she clashes with!)
(A possible pen-pal, apprentice, or sorcerer friend who Mei-Xing has kept in touch with over the years)
Alert and attentive. Mei-xing has been trained in the arts of subterfuge and deceit. She has explored lands from the Laozhun Empire to Kaerholt, learning languages, cultural customs, and political scheming. Now that she has been charged with this dangerous and extended mission in Kaerholt, Mei-xing must use all of her skills of persuasion to create a foothold in the social elite and the grim underworld.
Courage and fearlessness are forged into a mage’s bones during training. They are the soldiers, spies, and guardians of the Laozhun empire. Thus, they are all trained to become weapons. Mei-xing does not shirk away from duty or danger. Whilst this may come across as arrogance or recklessness, but to her - she was forged for breaking and being broken. She refuses to bow down to fear, as that is how a mage’s power fails, and she will continue to challenge anything in her path.
White hair started to appear in the Lu clan’s bloodline a few centuries ago. At first, it was regarded as a striking and unique feature which they proudly showed off, but as they investigated its roots, they learnt that it was linked to an omen for their bloodline. Too much magic ran in their veins, and some of their children were growing weaker - not just in potential but also in body and mind. An ailment was quietly and softly spreading through the clan, and Mei-xing has watched many cousins - even siblings - fall prey to madness because of this strange side-effect. She is desperate for a cure and is becoming increasingly paranoid that she too would fall ill. Sometimes, she catches the shapes of shadows twisting and turning into monsters from the corner of her eye, and her dreams are rarely ones she would like to remember.
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tragxics · 3 years
{ esra bilgiç, 29, genderfluid, he/she/they } ** whispers dart through the streets of kærholt. was that AKSANA ÜÇ ZIRVE that was spotted? they’re a SEER in the city and are known for being STEADFAST and MAGNANIMOUS. they DO have magical abilities. the whispers say they are AGAINST the eldrkirk and are AGAINST the laws about magic. may the fire keep them warm. ** { kat }
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the eternal flame moved me, so i had to.
askana was born into a community of seers deep in the mountains that surround kaerholt.
named for the famed three peaks that surround the glade in which their village sits, the people of their village practice seeing magic, enabling them to plan harvests and hunting to survive the harsh winters in the mountains. while not everyone has magic ability within their village, seeing in their culture extends to various practices that can be interpreted by non-magical practitioners, such as bones, runes, and scrying stones.
sana’s father was tasked with locating supplies in kaerholt that the village could not produce for themselves, and she began accompanying him to the city at a young age. the journey took weeks each way down treacherous mountain paths, but he was training sana to take over his role in the village.
sana had just entered her teens when an avalanche hit the three peaks. they were traveling to kaerhold with their father when it happened, and it was too dangerous to return home. later in the season, their father died on the road to kaerholt, killed by a bear that had stumbled upon their camp. she joined a group of travelers continuing down to the city, earning coin by peddling their abilities as a seer.
while not the strongest seer from their village, aksana caught the eye of the patriarch of the vanbeerg family, who took them in as a ward. they trained as they came of age, becoming one of the most trusted seers in the city.
sana generally keeps to themselves and is known for being very quiet and mysterious, only speaking when spoken to and only using their seeing abilities when asked or when paid. they’re extremely loyal to the vanbeerg family for taking them in after their father’s death and disapprove of the decision to send the younger vanbeerg to the church to appease the high priest, but they keep that opinion to themselves.
being in kaerholt and having the time to hone their craft has made sana extremely sharp. they have to concentrate when they are asked to see into the future, but they can, especially when touching the person who requests their services.
their village is often seen as more wild and barbaric in comparison to city life in kaerholt, similar to how vikings were seen by outside communities. she has not had to live off the land in decades, but keeps some of her old traditions.
sana does not know if the three peaks still house her village, or if the village is now gone, but her sight does not show her returning. not for a long time.
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qeony · 3 years
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{  froy  gutierrez,  23,  demi  man,  he/they  }  **  whispers  dart  through  the  streets  of  kærholt.  was  that  amaru  “peony”  de  la  mara  that  was  spotted?  they’re  an  ESCORT  at  THE  FLOWER  HALL  in  the  city  and  are  known  for  being  EFFERVESCENT  and  IMPULSIVE.  they  DO  have  magical  abilities.  the  whispers  say  they  are  ALLIED  AGAINST  the  eldrkirk  and  are  AGAINST  the  laws  about  magic.  may  the  fire  keep  them  warm.
tw  :  sex  work.
positives  :  kind  ,  effervescent  ,  loyal  ,  open-minded negatives  :  impulsive  ,  stubborn  ,  easily-manipulated  ,  childish
born  into  a  family  of  ample  wealth  &  status  ,  amaru  de  la  mara  was  a  child  destined  for  either  wild  greatness  or  earnest  mediocrity  ;  with  a  father  well-versed  in  high-end  commerce  amongst  the  more  refined  merchants  of  kaerholt  &  a  socialite  mother  with  a  pearly  smile  &  full  lips  ,  amaru  had  always  been  meant  to  uphold  the  glittering  gold  of  prosperity  through  either  a  successful  career  in  the  trades  or  as  a  beautiful  creature  engaged  in  the  ascension  of  social  ranks.
their  charming  looks  &  honeyed  smile  earned  them  many  an  admirer  from  a  young  age  ;  his  mother  would  often  brush  flaxen  curls  with  a  gilded  hairbrush  and  coo  at  them  all  the  while  ,  assuring  her  beloved  child  that  the  sun  seemed  to  follow  them  no  matter  where  they  went.  amaru  grew  up  with  freckles  lining  the  bridge  of  their  nose  &  a  dimpled  smile  --  but  more  than  that  ,  they  seemed  to  always  glow  with  something  soft  &  golden  ,  like  an  angel  amongst  men  …
…  &  though  amaru  always  knew  that  the  child  of  a  family  that  wasn’t  quite  noble  but  wealthy  enough  to  mingle  with  those  who  were  would  always  be  expected  to  marry  well  &  continue  the  family  line  in  some  capacity.  while  they  lacked  the  cut-throat  shrewdness  required  to  be  a  successful  merchant  ,  it  became  clear  that  amaru  was  beautiful  and  tender  enough  to  secure  a  suitor  in  due  time.  perhaps  they  would  be  unable  to  meet  their  father’s  expectations  ,  but  at  the  very  least  ,  a  practiced  smile  &  a  bell-like  laugh  paired  with  their  good  looks  could  earn  them  a  partner  worthy  of  status  higher  than  their  own.  what  more  could  a  child  ask  for  ?
a  life  of  unignorable  ease  &  comfort  ,  however  ,  came  to  a  brutal  end  two  weeks  prior  to  their  coming  of  age  year  ;  only  a  fortnight  before  they  were  to  debut  as  an  adult  at  18  ,  blinding  white  light  bled  from  their  palms  with  white  hot  intensity  ,  overwhelming  enough  to  leave  them  crumpled  at  their  feet  &  their  mother  huddled  in  a  corner  ,  quaking  in  fear.
the  de  la  mara  family  ,  while  modest  in  their  wealth  ,  remained  devout  to  the  high  priest  &  his  fanatical  teachings.  magic  ,  they  claimed  ,  would  destroy  purity.  that  anything  tainted  by  something  so  ugly  and  unnatural  would  was  a  curse  against  the  eternal  flame  that  they  held  so  sacred.  in  an  instant  ,  a  dazed  &  lost  amaru  was  cast  to  the  streets  with  not  a  penny  to  their  name.  it  would  do  the  de  la  maras  a  disservice  to  house  something  so  sacrilegious  ,  so  heretical  against  everything  they  believed  in.  an  elden  family  ,  after  all  ,  held  no  place  for  a  cursed  being  that  could  wield  magic.
for  weeks  ,  amaru  wandered  the  streets  ;  slept  in  taverns  in  a  huddled  heap  ,  teeth  chattering  &  their  clothes  slowly  gathering  grime.  stale  pieces  of  bread  scavenged  from  the  street-sides  and  what  butter  he  could  purchase  with  the  coin  given  to  them  by  passerbyers  that  took  mercy  on  the  young  boy  were  the  only  thing  to  take  the  edge  off  the  hunger  gnawing  at  his  belly.  but  ,  oh  ,  how  their  beauty  came  to  save  them  …  
perhaps  it  was  foolish  for  an  innocent  flower  like  themself  to  wander  into  the  rowdiness  of  the  docks  well  past  dark  ,  but  the  promise  of  fresh  fish  roasted  with  vegetables  caused  their  tummy  to  rumble.  maybe  ,  they  thought  to  themself  ,  if  they  fluttered  their  lashes  and  played  coy  that  a  sailor  or  fisherman  may  take  mercy  on  their  trembling  form  --  and  though  it  worked  ,  it  brought  on  with  it  a  spiral  of  events  that  amaru  couldn’t  have  anticipated.  the  brothels  by  the  dock  were  frequented  by  a  demanding  bunch  ---  and  amaru’s  beauty  stood  out  in  the  darkness  ,  surely.  going  to  bed  with  a  stranger  ,  amaru  rationed  ,  was  a  price  worth  paying  if  it  meant  he  had  enough  coin  in  their  pocket  to  afford  a  warm  meal  and  a  bed  to  sleep  in.
one  evening  became  two  in  a  week  ,  then  a  consistent  gig  amongst  the  docks  --  and  soon  enough  ,  amaru  found  themself  working  within  the  brothels  to  an  official  capacity.  perhaps  it  was  their  tenderness  ,  the  glow  of  effervescent  golden  light  that  never  seemed  to  leave  them  …  but  the  customers  that  came  to  them  regularly  soon  grew  affectionate  ,  fond.  clients  more  wealthy  than  the  others  soon  sought  him  out  --  and  by  some  turn  of  events  ,  a  brothel  with  a  high  reputation  soon  became  the  next  warm  bed  for  them  to  stay  in.
they  adopted  the  name  peony  ,  after  the  multi-petaled  flower  that  held  a  delicate  beauty.  to  become  a  flower  ,  after  all  ,  meant  that  amaru  had  gained  a  standing.  a  proper  reputation.  their  bell-like  laughter  and  twinkling  eyes  won  the  hearts  of  his  patrons  with  steady  resolve.  and  while  many  scorned  the  work  of  escorts  within  brothel  walls  ,  amaru  finds  in  it  comfort.  solace.  security.  at  the  very  least  ,  his  clients  wanted  them  ,  wanted  to  bed  them  ,  wanted  to  chat  with  them  …  and  to  feel  wanted  after  being  cast  out  from  the  only  life  he  ever  knew  …  it  was  the  only  safety  amaru  could  find.
five  years  have  passed  since  then  &  amaru  continues  to  clench  their  hands  &  dig  their  nails  into  their  palms  ,  hiding  the  magic  that  had  caused  them  to  lose  it  all.  while  others  with  sorcery  have  honed  their  skills  ,  amaru  is  only  able  to  summon  slight  flickers  &  hazy  orbs  ,  too  afraid  to  exert  more  energy  at  the  risk  of  bursting  with  light  so  hot  that  they  melt  away  at  the  seams.  they  bite  their  tongue  ,  hide  their  magic  ,  and  traverse  through  the  flower  hall  with  a  buoyant  spirit.  they  smile  &  they  laugh  &  they  touch  others  with  a  tenderness  few  have  tasted.  While  they  refused  to  allow  hardship  to  make  them  unkind  ,  there’s  no  doubt  that  amaru  aches  &  aches  &  aches  to  be  seen.
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ofaymerics · 3 years
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Aymeric Duchamp | artist
{ louis garrel, 38, demiman, he/they } ** whispers dart through the streets of kærholt. was that AYMERIC DUCHAMP that was spotted? they’re an ARTIST in the city and are known for being CREATIVE and STUBBORN. they DO NOT have magical abilities. the whispers say they are AGAINST the eldrkirk and are AGAINST the laws about magic. may the fire keep them warm. **
A foreigner, born and raised without a cent to their name. They never paid attention in lessons, barely learned how to spell their own name. They cared not for history or politics or even to continue their family’s farm - they had a younger brother for that. No. All Aymeric ever cared for, even in his youth, was art. 
They painted with anything they could get their hands on - ground up seeds from the farm, grapes mashed together, even dirt after the rain worked. After all, their family could afford nothing more than what they already had. 
That wasn’t enough for Aymeric. They had the name of a king, but the prestige of a farmer’s child, and they wanted more. Selfishly, they kissed their family goodbye and moved to brighter pastures - travelers through their small town had mentioned the free city of Kærholt many times before, and, quite frankly, it seemed like the best option for them. There was no king to bow down to, no Lords to obey, just the freedom to do whatever they desired. And they’d heard that there were plenty of patrons, as well - people who would actually pay for them to do art, as opposed to their art just sitting around, wasted in their family’s farmhouse.
They arrived in Kærholt nearly fifteen years ago. Since then, they’ve learned the ways of the city. They’ve learned of the eldrkirk, of their... proclivities, of their ways of life. They certainly don’t worship the fire - for fire is unstable, ever damaging. They’ll stick to their Old Gods, thank you very much. Those whose lives are devoted to the flames may see them as too self indulgent - his fire burns too bright. And Aymeric would never deny that - they’re a passionate person, easily excitable, quick to action. But they’re good at what they do - they love to paint, and it seems as if the paint loves them. Perhaps... too good at what they do.
WCs !!
Head & Spouse of House Lovelowe - Aymeric has been their patron for years. They know him, he knows them, and it’s mutually beneficial; they have one of the best (if not the best) artists in the city in their pocket. Aymeric wants more, though. He wants to share their bed. (this is totally up to the players of the head & spouse - it could definitely be unrequited desire!!)
Lovers - past & present! Aymeric is fluid in every way, polyamorous and bisexual, they will go to bed with anyone who presents interest in them (except for maybe members of the elden order, unless they have something to give to him in return).
Friends - he’s been in the city for fifteen years, he’s got some friends by now, they go out drinking, out dancing, out burning too bright. But isn’t that the fun of it all?
Patrons - people who have come to them for their art, whether it be a portrait of themself or a loved one, or of someplace or something special to them. After all, Aymeric is good at what they do - word does travel throughout the city.
And anything else tbh I can’t wait to vibe with yall
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cinisoris · 3 years
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{ casey deidrick, 29 , cisman, he/him} ** whispers dart through the streets of kærholt. was that BRYNJAR SCHWAB that was spotted? they’re a SELLSWORD in the city and are known for being PLAYFUL and SPITEFUL. they DO have magical abilities. the whispers say they are ALLIED AGAINST the eldrkirk and are AGAINST the laws about magic. may the fire keep them warm. **
from old lands , with old ways , worshipping old gods  —
name. brynjar dmitri schwab age. twenty-nine gender. cisman pronouns. he/him sexuality. homosexual occupation. sellsword / adventurer for hire politics. known to be against the eldrkirk & it’s anti-magic policy magic. battle enhancements — skin hardening , strength & speed amplifying , able to be silent & hide well in shadows. battle buffsTM. it’s not well known that he has these abilities. pros. playful , excitable , capable , strategically intelligent , open minded cons. temperamental , lacking some common sense , petty , selfish , defensive
brynjar hails from the countryside , north of kaerholt , free of the mess & influence of the political & religious strife that plagues it. magic is accepted & honed , whatever the skill may be. he grew up in a way that the eldrkirk’s would call primitive - farming , hunting , fishing , gathering. one with the forest & following the ways of the old gods. his family was good to him , & it wasn’t a life he had to escape from. 
he was curious about kaerholt as a young adult , so he traveled into the city & offered up his physical skills as labor to the merchant market. . . & the rest was history. brynjar found himself addicted to city life — the thrum , the money , the services that were available , the treasures that could be had.
he’s well known for his adventures & his willingness to take any job , the more dangerous the better. of course , no one knows his magic is why his success rate is so high. . . & he’s looking to keep it that way.
he’s known to be against the church , but he’s not that much of an idiot. he doesn’t walk down the streets screaming his ‘blasphemy’ , he keeps it to himself.
he does leave the city a few times a year to go meet up with his clan for important celebrations like harvest season & lunar events.
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tragxics · 3 years
{ luke arnold, 31, cis man, he/they } * * whispers dart through the streets of kærholt. was that CASSIAN ISKANDER “BAZ” BASTELL that was spotted? they’re a DELIVERY MAN and GRUESOME GARDEN SECOND IN COMMAND in the city and are known for being COMPASSIONATE and SELF-SERVING. they DO NOT have magical abilities. the whispers say they are AGAINST the eldrkirk and are AGAINST the laws about magic. may the fire keep them warm. ** { kat, 22, she/her, est }
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no one bring up how long it took me to come up with this grubby, confused man.
bas was born to a man who was born to a man who was born to a man of means, but by the time baz came into the world, he had the long time, but he did not have any of the means.
his father was a very low-level merchant and they lived near the shipyard, selling fish brought in on boats to those who would eat it.
overall, baz did not have much in his childhood, but he was never without the most basic of necessities and he never wanted for a life of luxury or anything more than an honest day’s work.
but baz was never very honest, as much as he tried to be.
apprenticeships made him miserable, he never took direction very well even if he was quick with his fingers. and he kept making mistakes, stupid mistakes no one else would make if they were paying attention.
down on his luck, the thieves guild at the gruesome garden took him in when he was just eighteen and he trained up under them and he found the one thing he was perfect at: stealing.
he met a girl when he was young, they fell in love, the girl was with child. it was not how baz thought his life would turn out. they married, ever the traditionalists. their daughter was born. she died.
the shortest, saddest love story in the world.
anjali had many jobs after she and baz met when they were young, eventually landing a well-paying position as one of derya dogan’s flowers. baz was never quick to anger about his wife’s profession; being a courtesan brought in good money and she was loyal to him. she became the fire lily in derya’s bouquet. when anjali died, he named their daughter lily.
baz was devastated. his parents had long past, his siblings were flung to the far winds, and now his wife was dead. he was only twenty-eight and already a widower.
but his daughter became his world. even as a wee one, leliana delighted and surprised him and as she grew, she looked more and more like her mother every day. everything was perfect until the moment he discovered she had magic.
she was powerful, powerful enough that she could babble as babies do, making things fall off shelves and jostle the drink in baz’s cup. this was dangerous, even he knew that. with the laws around magic, baz was worried for lily’s future and he was woefully under-prepared to raise a daughter, let alone one with magic.
lily is now three years old and baz has a job as a delivery man, using those connections to help the gruesome garden network expand their reach.
he’s the second-in-command at the gruesome garden, with a lover that helps him balance his woes (wanted connection) and a brothel worker that helps him manage lily (wanted connection). as the eldrkirk continue to constrict the usage of magic in the town, he’s looking for a way to fight back and make a better future for his daughter.
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