#kaelon siegreis
halcyonlioness · 6 years
Timelapse: D&D Lycan Blood Hunter Final Artwork: http://fav.me/dcvruse
Hello, cats 'n' kittens! I hope that this submission finds you well. With those pleasantries out of the way, allow me to introduce you to my first (serious and most treasured) DnD character: Kaelon Siegreis. It was my intention to start this sooner so it could be enjoyed during the 'D&December' event elsewhere, but we all know how busy it gets during this season and I was only left with one night to get everything drawn up and edited. So my apologies if this looks a little less polished than usual. *sadfaic* I'm depicting him here in this piece before the campaign I played him in started. At the outset, he was prickly, distant, and basically an altogether troperific, asocial Strider-wannabe. ... with an awkward streak about a mile wide. He had kind of forgotten how to 'people' properly by the time of the campaign's opening.  That said, I can safely say that he didn't stay a true 'Broody McBroodface' for much longer. :3 There is more to Kaelon and his story other than the blatantly obvious, but I'm saving those tales for when I can properly write them out (and figure out an interesting way of sharing them with you!) (( ... I just now realized that I had forgotten his rosaries. Darn. That's what I get for rushing. Details get missed... I guess we can assume he's got them stashed away in his belt pouch for now. )) That should be that. I hope you enjoyed and thank you for visiting! Looking forward to a kinder year with each of you. Stay awesome and love always, ~Lioness ---- Stock: fav.me/dh5xj8 - FantasyStock www.deviantart.com/pjenz/art/F… - pjenz References: Kibbitzer (hoods and cloaks) YamaOrce (badass werewolf!) TheShadowedGrim (how to draw wolf heads) Roll20 (... and some video game that I don't know that provided the armor reference... I think it's skyrim?) ---- Tools: - Photoshop CS6 - Wacom Intuos 3(?) tablet It's oooold. I just haven't been able to afford a new one. :/ ---- Dungeons and Dragons (c) TSR / Wizards of the Coast 1971-2018 Blood Hunter Class (c) Matthew Mercer / Critical Role 2015-2018
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