#kadam rp
nepenthe-moved · 5 months
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missjanjie · 6 years
Just re-throwing out my invitation to hmu for a rp on kik (my user is Joley123) I’ll tag my ships but I’ll give some basic info:
-I play Dan (phan) and Kurt (Kurt/Male, no kl*ine or p*ckurt unless the FC is changed for the latter)
-I am 22, so I will not rp with anyone under 16, and I will not rp smut with anyone under 18
-I’m in EST timezone but I don’t have anything resembling a normal sleep schedule. Do with that what you will
-When you message me, tell me your name/age/timezone just for my own reference
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dirtads · 4 years
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DIRT: The Price of Fame
The sex tape that blew up all over the internet right before the premier  of everybody’s favorite reality TV show. The train-wreck that you loved  to hate becoming a source of admiration after their triumphant  comeback. The number of infidelities and bitter arguments that you never  heard about involving that jealousy inducing pair that has always  appeared to be the epitome of couple goals.
It all comes back to us.
Dirt  is a reputable – or infamous, depending on who you  ask – tabloid based out of Los Angeles, California, chock full of  reporters and paparazzi that travel the world, documenting today’s  hottest celebrities’ every move. With their resources, as well as their  following, Dirt is capable of manipulating the lives of the  aforementioned celebrities, be it for better or for worse.Here we  can give you a helping hand. We can give you the boost you need to snag  the latest role. Possibly help you make your album a best seller. Play  along and things will be just fine. Don’t and, well, you can say goodbye  to the money and fame because, surely, a scandal is in your future.  We’ll scratch your back if you scratch ours. It’s just that simple.
Keep in mind that what you do or don’t do; what you say or don’t say matters.
Dirt has eyes and ears everywhere.
Are you willing to play, because either way…we’ll be watching.  
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collectfir75 · 2 years
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Borderlands OC # 1
OC art created by me on Picrew
Nicknames:Andy and Red
Class: Techromancer
Action Skill: Railway Andy, Digistruct homemade railgun into hands
Eye Color: Emerald Green (as of Borderlands 3 both eyes are fully cybernetic)
Hair color/length : long Ginger Red
Height: 5’9”
Weight: 125 lbs
Age During Borderlands 2: 18
Age During Borderlands 3: 25
Occupation:Vault Hunter
Skills:Hacking,Sniping,mechanical engineering
Personality:Kind,caring and determined to always do the right thing or anything close to it.
Andrew or just known as Andy is the twin brother of Gaige. He went with his sister to Pandora after the whole Deathtrap and Marcy incident. Andy went on to become a Vault Hunter like his sister and has had his share of heroic and painful moments throughout his time on Pandora. From being captured by the Sheriff of Lynchwood to stopping Handsome Jack. As of Borderlands 3 Andrew is Lilith’s second in command of the Crimson Raiders and a good friend to both Mordecai and Zer0. Andy Is also in love with Maya, having loved her ever since he met her on that Hyperion Train 7 years ago.
Alternative Ship: I have a secondary love interest for Andy that I like to experiment with from time to time, that secondary love interest being the one,the only Sheriff of Lynchwood, Nisha Kadam. Ms.Kadam if you’re nasty!
While Maya and Nisha are my preferred Ships for Andy,like with all my OC’s I have no problem shipping them with any other Cannon characters/ OC’s during a rp!
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lawbringer · 4 years
STARTER POST - Lynchwood, Pandora. Open to: Anyone! (Friend or foe) Plot: Nisha catches your muse in her town. How'd they get there, and what do they want from her?
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The Sheriff crossed her arms, glaring at the visitor that just stumbled into her town. Her men, as violent as they could be, were also the biggest idiots this side of Pandora when she wasn't there to threaten the piss out of them. And it seems they let someone come waltzing right up to their sheriff. Bandits - can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em... especially not on Pandora. "Well, well." Nisha cocked an eyebrow. "Ain't you a bold one to come into my town unannounced, kiddo."
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bonafidegrit · 5 years
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                              I'm here! Let's cause some pain.
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About to head to work like this for a starter
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riverbecca23 · 5 years
Glee Roleplay
Really want to do some more Glee rolplays
Anyone intreasted message me
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nishabringeroflaws · 6 years
RP - Girls’ Night Out
@badass-valkyr1e It was a nice night at T-Bone Junction.  The temperature was pleasantly cool, the sky was beautiful and a nice breeze was blowing. A perfect night to have a little fun. Nisha was sitting on one of the benches in the center of the city, staring up at the night sky, waiting for her new friend to arrive. She had found her newest friend over the EchoNet.  She wasn’t really an active social media user – her line of work didn’t encourage friendships, and she had difficulty relating to most people in any case.  Deep down Nisha feared rejection and was very hesitant to reach out to others.  Her social profiles would go unused for months on end - maybe once in a great while she’d log on and look around, but never for long and never making any new connections… until today.  She had found Grace’s profile and, liking what she saw, decided to send her a message. To her surprise, Grace messaged her back.  It turned out they had a lot in common – a love for violence, mischief and causing unnecessary pain.  They hit it right off and when Nisha proposed a “lady’s night out” for the two of them, Grace had accepted. So Nisha sat there, waiting for Grace show up.  She checked her phone – she had specified 20:00 as the meet time, and it was nearly that time now.  An unopened bottle of whisky sat beside her – her little contribution to this night out.  Soon, Nisha would be sharing it, or so she hoped.  She had told Grace to arrive promptly on time, or she might start in on it by herself. And Grace told her not to worry - she was not one to pass up free drinks.
Nisha could hardly wait.
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bringlaw · 6 years
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               “ YOU POOR BASTARD! “
independent && selective nisha kadam / sheriff of lynchwood from the borderlands franchise !! loved and penned by bunny !!
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cowgirl-illusions · 6 years
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❝— Made a hell of a life for yourself, Nisha. 
                   Killing trained soldiers on the moon's a FAR CRY from                                                              flaying bandits alive on Pandora.   Keep this up, and...                                       MAYBE...                        we can start killing some real                                                                         BADASSES.❞
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m0rb1dch1ld · 7 years
RP I am working on with @bandit-of-all-bandits ENJOY!! “Lynchwood huh...” Pele grumbled just loud enough for the two of them to hear, even though it appeared to only be one. She sighed as she turned around. “I am not going in there if that’s what you’re wanting. it’s better that we--” Then, she felt it, the pain almost indescribable. It started off numbing, then it felt like strings were weaving into her nerves, sending jolts of sharp pain. She bit her lip as she fought harder and harder to gain control again. “NO,” HE said. He, as in Wilhelm. Wilhelm the Enforcer. The one who has a kill count of a small country’s population. Also the same person who destroyed New Haven, killed everyone she knew and cared, and made her how she is now...a living marionette...all for him to control.  “There’s nothing here--look I get it, you might have a buddy or something but we don’t know if they are dead. Plus, we have to do a supply run and if we don’t make it back, I don’t wanna be presumed dead...again,” She felt her lips grow into a grin as he chuckled.  “I was kinda expecting you to die. You’re a tough cookie,” Wilhelm sneered.  “Well then, you don’t know me..and I’d prefer if you didn’t.” She scoffed.  “Too bad, get used to this until I find a robot,” He snickered as he made her limbs move through the entrance as bodies dangled above them.  “You’re such an ass--”She hissed as her legs suddenly halted.  “See her?” Wilhelm pointed towards a much taller woman than she was who wore a dark coat and a badge. Her hat covered most of her face as she looked preoccupied.  “Yeah what of it?” She groaned, “Your ex-girlfriend or some--” She stopped mid sentence as she saw the Sheriff stare at her--them. 
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villains4hire · 2 years
Nisha Kadam (Borderlands 2)
1. I will be ignoring the events of Borderlands 3. It was poorly written to begin with and seems to be largely ignored already. I might borrow a few things from 3 that was good, as the Vault Hunters of 3 can stay as they’re cool, but that’s about it. And I will be ignoring any of 3′s character deaths as they were poorly done.
2. Block ‘cruel sheriff’ and ‘the girl is back in town’ if dark humor within reason bothers you. I won’t be joking about animal abuse since that seems to be more like... touchy for people? But I will just have her joke about burning down an orphanage or something instead. Or punting/yeeting a child. This character also while a victim, I will make it clear that what happened to Nisha as a child and her upbringing in an insane world doesn’t justify her actions. She is incredibly vulgar in dialog, inappropriate and overall if the kind of talk she does bothers you? Block her tag.
3. I will have her do what I want mostly while going off her 2nd and Pre-Sequel personality.
4. Her race is ‘Indian’ and judging by how Nisha Kadam is translated into Night Tree in India, it’s safe to presume that they meant the non-offensive version of ‘Indian’. And instead were not referring to Native Americans, I say this mostly just to clear that up and to make people comfortable and heard. I will also that I won’t be covering any India’s culture as they never seemed to do that other than in name.
5. I will have some serious plotlines but it’s borderlands, it’s mostly stupid and dumb humor in clever ways at times. Just no fart/scat jokes or we’ll have issues and I’ll stop the RP immediately. 2 was something I could tolerate, but 3 was just stupid in how much they relied on it.
6. I will say it’s possible for her to team up with even the Vault Hunters of 2
Borderlands 2 Reference for my Nisha. It’s the default image other than having the skin-tone match the pre-sequel and the pants made a bit looser.
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Do I want them to die: I’m fine with her dying or killing another character. She’s survived death once before for how I have her, we can have her survive it again for extended rps. Will I have/get icons: Yup! I got em’. Tag: cruel sheriff (unredeemable, past verse) | the girl is back in town (villains, default) Age: 37 (31 in the Sheriff Verse) Sex: AMAB Gender: Trans Female Race: Indian, Human (Previously before the Pre-Sequel) Indian, Synthetic Cyborg (Present). I have it this way since Nisha is capable of supernatural speeds and aimbot, among other things. She was just more under the hood than Wilhelm and it explains why it took Brick’s help and the Vault Hunters of 2 to take her down (Lore wise anyway, I’m aware ingame she’s relatively a push-over). I mostly just have it that she’s long since upgraded herself since then. She will be more of a combat cyborg to set her apart from a few of my others. Sexuality: Pansexual, but has a preference for bad people or maybe a certain ‘innocent’ type. She’s capable of being with people she hates. Personality traits: Crude, vulgar, cruel. Inappropriately talks about sex or insults. Loyal up to a point... though loyal to a fault as it can get her killed, as she stayed with Jack even after I headcanon she realized he was losing it. Especially after putting it together that he probably had something to do with Wilhelm’s death later. A bit of a memer as she’s used the term ‘bestie’ before when it came to murder. Has a dark sense of humor and a sense of humor. Merciless, sadistic. Masochistic. Southern Draw in dialect a bit. Can be a bit vengeful but it depends really. She doesn’t hold a grudge per-say surprisingly as she thinks it’s bitch-made to do so and she thinks Brick is one of the biggest whiny bastards she’s met. But regardless, she will always be a bitch of varying degrees toward you regardless of relations. Though it will either be playful to spiteful. Can be extremely loving in her own way but it's rare. Kind of a degenerate but not someone that’d be a creep toward someone else, but she’d fuck someone she hates. Extremely domineering. Fearless. Isn’t afraid of death. Can joke about dying. Can joke about a lot of things, as most are not off limits. Calculating, ruthless, and has a leadership personality if need be. Is fun but can be no nonsense when annoyed. A bad bitch. Mental traits: has ASPD, but I ask you don’t demonize her for being a sociopath or we will have words to not do that. It’s fine to call her ‘crazy’ or fucked up however.  Physical traits: 5′11, she’s slightly shorter than Moxxi but around the same height, she’s tall and muscular and not exactly the thickest individual. She has a flat chest with a bit of boob but a relatively thicker bottom. She’s kept all her scars she’s earned over the years, but it’s mostly claw marks on her body and bullet holes. She added some large ones onto her synthetic body from where she survived from being shot to hell. Her eyes are notably yellow as I thought they were brown at first. I headcanon them as augments. Powers:
Ambidextrous: she can flawlessly wield dual-wield weapons when it comes to ranged weapons that are possible to dual-wield.
Aimbot: she cannot miss, so you either need to supernaturally dodge the bullet after it’s fired or take it with your shield/body. Is this god-modding? Kinda, but it’s literally in her kit. Just be warned that Borderlands Characters are pretty dumb to begin with in what they can do for a sci-fi/post-apocalyptic/dystopian themed game.
Cyborg Durability: Nisha is made of tougher stuff, but she’s a synthetic cyborg so she isn’t as durable say Wilhelm or especially something like the ‘Warrior’. Nisha is built for speed, strength and deadly accuracy with the capability of fighting at relatively high speeds and reflexes, while also able to take a beating compared to most people.
Shields: a rechargeable shield like any other borderlands character, though my Nisha’s shield of choice is the reogenator for its heavy resistance combined with her innate cyborg durability for extra oomph.
Artificial Supernatural Speed: her limbs and body can move like a blur as if leaving after-images from how fast she can fire. While she can run fast as well? It’s probably only around 60 to 80 (If pushing her limits) mph. A land speeder or bandit car I still headcanon as faster than her but it certainly makes her slippery. I give her this mostly to have her stand out compared to any of 3′s characters as a little upgrade since they’re all basically a lot of kits dumped onto one character.
Superhuman Strength: pretty standard, could throw a car about 15 feet, but nothing more than that. She can get into hand-to-hand combat, but prefers not to. I headcanon Brick is still much stronger than physically this or the like of Krieg and Amara etc.
Augmented Sight: an upgrade she got due to Pandora’s stalkers frequenting a few places she used to live, along with the fact she was a touch. It let’s her see motion in the air along with heat signatures for invisibility sight. 
Noise Dampeners: these are for their ears only. Mostly so they don’t overload their senses with their guns in how loud they are. She is immune to sound-based damage on this note, unless it’d be capable of actually destroying physical objects.
Guns Expert: there isn’t a gun that she probably doesn’t know how to use unless it’s entirely alien in nature.
Heavy Demolitions Expert: she’s also skilled in the use of explosives and bombs such as RPGs or Grenades.
Cyborg Augments: basically what’s listed above, but mostly don’t expect her to take damage or suffer consequences for eating things humans normally can or can’t. Like other humans for example could be eaten? Then just some of her powers listed are already there etc.
Fearless: Nisha’s will is immense, she’s been through literal hell in her younger life and it’s numbed her to the point where most if not all things cannot make her feel fear. Could you make her feel fear supernaturally speaking? Possibly, but she’d be really resistant to it unless under certain circumstances. I ask you talk to me about it if it’s your character’s power or something.
Contacts to Outlaws and Corporation Para-Military: Nisha is a bandit hunter, but she ran a city of them under Hyperion Control and had connections to Hyperion itself. So while she rolls solo in the present verse? She could very well get a bunch of mercs together.
Cannon-fodder Lawmen at her disposal (Sheriff Verse Only unless stated otherwise)
Survivalist: she’s probably eaten people before among other things in the wilds. As she grew up in a pretty hellish environment.
Augments Repair Mechanic and Installer: she merely maintains her own augments and synthetic bionics when she has to. As they usually heal themselves but sometimes if she takes more serious injuries? She has to play operation on herself. It’s probably one of her only ‘smart’ skills she has among a few others. Otherwise she’s designated purely for combat nearly and leadership.
Weapons:  Dual Handcanon Pistols: these can penetrate robots, cybertanks, etc. They rapidly and automatically reload. Assault Rifle: a standard rapid fire-rifle meant for crowd control. Sniper Rifle: meant for far-ranged sniping. Rocket Launcher: meant for heavy demolitions when needed. Electro Phase-Whip: meant to take targets alive and is her melee weapon.
Motivations: to have fun, to murder someone or something in a pretty badass way. Possibly find love or at least someone she can bend over the table on the reg. Maybe find a new posse of degenerates. Backstory: goes off pre-sequel and borderlands 2 then my own post-2 events.
Here’s what happens after 2. After being presumed and left for dead? Nisha’s body mysteriously disappeared after the Vault Hunters and Brick seemingly killed her in a hail of gun-fire. Dragging herself from the carnage, she healed and repaired herself, but Lynchwood was left in near ruins from her reign and the fighting that went on there. And by the time she got around to trying to find Jack and make contact? The man she knew and loved was dead, but overall from her investigations and own observations? Killing her best friend Wilhelm or at least leading him to his death kind of left her at an impasse on how to feel about him. He was losing it, but he was still hers at the end of the day. Overall though, she’s moved on and put those feelings to bed.
Now? She’s mostly just a wandering mercenary on Pandora or the odd rumor of a sighting of the fastest gun from the west on some distant planet. Nisha now is mostly without a purpose, but she’s just doing what she likes until she figures it out.
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dirtads · 4 years
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DIRT: The Price of Fame
The sex tape that blew up all over the internet right before the premier  of everybody’s favorite reality TV show. The train-wreck that you loved  to hate becoming a source of admiration after their triumphant  comeback. The number of infidelities and bitter arguments that you never  heard about involving that jealousy inducing pair that has always  appeared to be the epitome of couple goals.
It all comes back to us.
Dirt  is a reputable – or infamous, depending on who you  ask – tabloid based out of Los Angeles, California, chock full of  reporters and paparazzi that travel the world, documenting today’s  hottest celebrities’ every move. With their resources, as well as their  following, Dirt is capable of manipulating the lives of the  aforementioned celebrities, be it for better or for worse.Here we  can give you a helping hand. We can give you the boost you need to snag  the latest role. Possibly help you make your album a best seller. Play  along and things will be just fine. Don’t and, well, you can say goodbye  to the money and fame because, surely, a scandal is in your future.  We’ll scratch your back if you scratch ours. It’s just that simple.
Keep in mind that what you do or don’t do; what you say or don’t say matters.
Dirt has eyes and ears everywhere.
Are you willing to play, because either way…we’ll be watching.  
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of-lawbringing · 4 years
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            Nisha Kadam ― of-lawbringing
Indie RP / Ask Blog - Borderlands - AU - Crossover Welcomed 
+ OC Friendly - None Selective 
                    The Laws || AUs & Verses
Mobile Friendly :   The Laws || AUs & Verses             You can also find these under Rules and                           AUs & Verses in the search. 
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lawbringer · 4 years
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Independent roleplay blog for Nisha Kadam of Borderlands.
Non selective ; everyone is welcome.
Follows from @lionhead​.
Starter post.
About the muse | About the writer
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