emma-frxst · 3 years
The Implicit Demand for Proof (6)
Pairing: Detective David Loki x Reader
summary: You, a forensic psychologist for the FBI, get called in to assist local law enforcement with a high priority child abduction case, what happens when you catch feelings for detective Loki?
*** Important a/n- POV change for the next two chapters cause it’s important to know what both Loki and y/n are thinking! *wink wink* These next two chapters were my faves to write I hope you like them! 
- Y/n and Loki were heading to the vigil now, after a quick stop for coffee per y/n’s request earlier.
Y/n was typing away on her portable tablet with attachable keyboard while Loki was focused on driving.
Y/n reached down blindly to get her drink, accidentally bumping hands with David who was also reaching for his coffee.
“Sorry, I wasn’t looking where I was reaching.” She said, huffing out a nervous laugh.
“S’okay.” Loki said, secretly wishing the contact lasted longer.
Y/n just knew David would get a plain black coffee, it’s so his type. She definitely was profiling him at this point, desperate to find out who exactly was the man, the myth, the legend, David Loki.
“So, you get a profile or anything from those old kidnapping cases?” David asked, attempting to ease the awkward tension.
“No, there’s not enough information to form the specific profile we need, so I’m having my people back home check it out on a regional level to see if there’s any overlap.”
“Think they’ll find something?”
“If there’s anything to find, they’ll find it. They’re the best.”
Loki hummed in response.
“So you think the suspect will be here tonight?” He inquired.
“I can’t say for sure, but it’s probable. These types of subjects usually like to immerse themselves in the aftermath of the crime, or be as close to it as possible. Sick fuckers get off on how others react to the things they’ve done.”
Loki wouldn’t admit it, but he had grown quite fond on her psych babble- as she called it.
“Sorry. I probably answer every question with more information than anyone ever needs.”
“No, It’s okay. It’s interesting, really.”
Loki assured her.
“Glad you think so.” She replied, a shy smile crossing her features.
Loki parked the car and he and y/n got out, Loki going to sit on the hood. Y/n followed and sat as close to Loki as humanly possible without actually touching him. Loki eyeing her suspiciously as she did so.
She’s probably just cold. He thought to himself.
As time passed, Loki and y/n just sat watching the crowd. There were lots of people at the vigil, they brought candles, flowers, stuffed animals, pictures, and whatnot.
Y/n thought about bringing a candle or something, but if she did that for every missing child case she was assigned...well, she’d have bought a lot of candles.
David glanced over at y/n who still had her eyes on the crowd.
The light from all the candles flickered across her features, making her warm (e/c) eyes shine.
“It’s rude to stare, you know.” She teased, grinning wide.
That grin, that smile, made familiar warmth flood Loki’s chest.
“Sorry.” He said while fiddling with his hat.
y/n pretended not to notice the slight blush that spread across his cheeks.
She playfully elbowed him, “relax, detective. I’m just giving you a hard time,” she said, a callback to their earlier conversation they had when leaving the Jones’ residence.
Y/n turned her attention back to the crowd, While Loki slipped his beanie on his head. 
Y/n for the first time, noticed Loki in a different light, a more human and sympathetic side showed as he emphasized with the community. Y/n wasn’t sure that side of Loki existed, it excited her to see it.
He rubbed his hands together, trying to create some warmth.
Y/n wordlessly offered him one of her cheap dollar store hand warmers- the HotHands kind that came in a plastic bag.
He refused, of course, not wanting her to be cold.
She nudged him again, wanting him to take it.
Loki refused. again.
She nudged him a third time, Loki was about to just take the damn thing, but he saw her attention was focused on someone in the crowd.
“In the front with the teddy bear. male, tall, tan coat.” She said, her voice low, almost a whisper.
“Got him”
They both got closer to the man, watching him.
The man noticed y/n and Loki, suddenly growing nervous, looking like he had been caught. He started to slowly turn and walk away. 
They followed him; Loki going straight through the crowd and y/n going around.
They followed him, desperately trying not to lose him in the crowd, but it was hard, everyone was in hats and jackets that looked relatively the same.
Y/n drifted next to Loki as he came out of the crowd of people, still both searching for the guy
Before y/n could ask where he went, a motion detection light went off up at a nearby house, illuminating the man.
Loki wordlessly took off after the man, y/n not far behind him.
“Fuck.” She huffed as she ran after the two of them. 
Upon coming to a stop, Loki pulled out his gun and y/n did the same. He hoped y/n was a good shot.
Taking a few cautious steps forward, Loki motioned to the shed in the next yard over, she nodded understandingly.
He jumped the fence first, then y/n.
They quietly crept towards the shed, the doors were open indicating the suspect was inside.
Loki signaled for y/n to go around back, incase there was a back door he tried to escape from. He had his gun trained on the shed, suddenly a stick snapped, he immediately pointed his gun in the direction of the sound. 
He hoped it was just y/n back there.
Before Loki knew what the fuck was happening, someone jumped on top of him. “Hey! What the fuck?! Get off-”
“Stop! FBI!” Y/n ordered, coming around the corner, gun trained on the suspect. The guy immediately took off sprinting.
“Motherfucker!” Y/n said, through clenched teeth.
“You good, Loki?” She asked, grabbing his arm in an attempt to get him off the ground.
“I’m good just get him!!”
They both took off sprinting after him.
Damn it, that motherfucker was fast.
Y/n and Loki jumped fence after fence, ran through neighborhoods and even people’s back yards.
After what seemed to be like an eternity of sprinting in y/n’s mind, the two came to a busy highway; the end of their chase. 
Suspect was nowhere to be found.
“Fuck. Fuck!” Loki shouted, between labored breaths.
Y/n was hunched over, hands on her knees, trying to catch her breath, the frigid air making it hard to breathe.
She cursed herself internally.
He fucking got away.
tags: @chromecutie @xenomorphique @evelyn120700 @nightriver99 @iamwarrenspeace @this-that-and-every-thing-else @hsk-puma @bungeewabbit @pianomad @lesbianstarkx @hazilyimagine-blog @super-darlcloudtsudent @thehuntress26 @siren-lamented-vampire @mooleche @rovvboat @leo-writer @dandyqueen @nitemaremotionless @thewintersoldierswife
loki only tags: @spideyrights @sataninsatin @go-commander-kim @severuined @romancried @eclecticfashionbookszipper @fagen
let me know if yall want on or off the tag list, at this point I forget who wants to be on what but I think i got everything right.
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emma-frxst · 3 years
Smooth Criminal 10
summary: you've been hit by, you've been struck by a smooth criminal
pairing: detective!Colossus x criminal!Reader
a/n- hi everyone! so so sorry about my hiatus! but im back now! planning on posting this series more regularly! let me know if you want to be tagged. sorry this chapter is short, writers block is hitting me pretty hard. thank you for bearing with me, I love you all. reblogs and comments are v much appreciated. 
*previously on Smooth Criminal*- y/n is commissioned by Sebastian Shaw and Victor Howlette to steal a rare artifact from the Smithsonian museum of natural history. As y/n is making plans to do this and Piotr shows up at y/n’s apartment and asks to come in.
Your heart started racing and your palms grew sweaty at the sight of Piotr standing at your door.
“Of course you can come in, give me a moment I’ve got..” you began to panic. “I've got my laundry everywhere.”
Before Piotr could respond you shut the door and frantically gathered all the blueprints and other suspicious contraband and shoved it under your bed.
Laundry, right, aka blueprints of the damn Smithsonian. You desperately hoped Piotr wouldn’t notice.
You opened up the door back up and let him inside. Something was definitely wrong. Your heart raced inside your chest, your thoughts went 100 MPH. Had you just been caught? After all these years this is how you go down?
“I’m sorry to just show up like this y/n but today was a hard day and I needed to see you.” Piotr said wrapping his arms around you.
“Of course my love, you’re welcome here any time.” You responded, hugging him back.
Except right now, right now isn’t a great time. You thought to yourself
“Why don’t you sit down on the couch baby? I’ll make some tea.”
“Thank you милый” (darling).
You walked over to the kitchen to brew some tea, your hands shaking and your heart still racing.
You took some deep breaths to calm down to Piotr wouldn’t notice your nervousness. He seemed to believe that you really did have the laundry everywhere. Not bad for a lie off the top of your head.
You came back with the tea and sat beside Piotr.
“What’s on your mind?” You asked.
He sipped his tea and let out a long sigh.
“Work has been very frustrating, it’s been months since the impressionist robbed the gallery, and we are no where. I feel like I’ve let everyone down, and let you down. You worked so hard on the gallery and-”
“Piotr,” you interjected, “you haven’t let me, nor anyone else, down. I know you’ve been working super hard. Let’s just rest tonight, ok? You deserve it.”
“But what good am I if-”
“Piotr…you’ve tried and tried and worked very hard but you’re worth more to me than how hard you work. Not everything always works out and that’s ok.” you took his larger and in yours, swiping your thumb across the back of it. 
Piotr paused, reflecting on your words. “Thank you, милый, you always have the right worlds to say. I love you.”
“I love you too.” you replied and kissed Piotr’s forehead, his soft skin a nice change from his usual metal self. 
As you and Piotr snuggled on the couch watching a movie, your thoughts still ran through your mind at 100 mph
You hated doing this to him, constantly lying, deceiving him. You really did love him and wanted to be with him. But you knew with your lifestyle, it was only a matter of time before it all fell apart.
You looked over at Piotr’s sleeping form, you didn’t want to hurt him, You loved him with everything in you. 
You knew what you had to do, but telling Victor and Shaw was not going to be an easy task. No one ever quit the black market society he was running, and if they did try to quit they ended up dead. if you had to end up dead at the hands of Sebastian Shaw, you prayed Piotr would never find out why.
tags: (tag list of open, send me an ask if you want to be tagged, removed or only tagged for certain characters.) @chromecutie @xenomorphique @evelyn120700 @nightriver99 @iamwarrenspeace @this-that-and-every-thing-else @hsk-puma @bungeewabbit @pianomad @lesbianstarkx @hazilyimagine-blog  @super-darkcloudstudent @thehuntress26 @siren-lamented-vampire @mooleche @rovvboat @leo-writer @dandyqueen @nitemaremotionless @thewintersoldierswife
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emma-frxst · 4 years
Alright folkssssss
Here’s my game plan if at all interested
After finals I’m gonna try to get out At least 1 chapter of something a week. That way I can reach my goal of finishing my fics and opening requests back up.
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emma-frxst · 5 years
Parks and Wreck
Summary: Reader and colossus travel to Russia to celebrate their engagement and things get out of hand. Based on Parks are Recreation S4 Ep2. specifically this where Leslie gets hammered in a drinking contest with Ron’s mom and Tammy 1.
warnings: alcohol consumption, language
a/n- heres the crack fic! I hope yall like this, let me know!
“Y/n let me see!!!” Yukio exclaimed bursting through your classroom door, followed by NTW.
You held up your left hand allowing her to admire your engagement ring. Jumping up and down, she squealed with excitement and pulled you into a massive hug.
 “Colossus did good.” Ellie stated getting a good look at the ring
“Yeah, he did. I kind of helped pick it out, but still he did very good.” You replied, a wide smile adorning your face. 
“So..when are you guys leaving for Russia.” Ellie inquired.
“Are you excited?”
“Oh yes I am, but I’m incredibly nervous. I’ll be meeting his old buddies for the first time.”
“Hey, you’ll be alright, besides you’re a badass.” Ellie said, giving you a reassuring grin. 
“Now young lady, watch your language.” You exclaimed, doing your best Piotr impression. “Did you eat your protein bar today?.”
You and the girls burst out in laughter, your Piotr impression was pretty good if you do say so yourself
.As if on cue, Piotr knocked on the door, the reverberations through his metal hand giving it away. “Come in!” You said through laughter.
Colossus swung open the door, a stack of papers in hand.
 “Good morning Ellie, Yukio. I hope I am not interrupting something.”
 “Don’t worry, we were just finishing up. Catch you girls later.” You said winking at them.
“Catch you later.” NTW said, a sly smile crossing her features. “Let’s go Yukio.”
Yukio, who was still giggling, waved bye to you and colossus.
 “Hello, darling.” He said, bending down to give you a quick peck on the lips. 
“Hello, fiancée.” You really liked the sound of that. 
Colossus held up two small booklets and a stack of papers
“Updated passports and graded papers.” He said, sitting them on your desk.
“Thank you.” You gave his hand a squeeze.
 “So are you ready for Friday?” He asked you.
 “As ready as I’ll ever be, but hey, as long as I have you by my side, I can do anything.”
He pulled you into his side and you leaned into him, his massive arm wrapping around your middle.
 “I am beyond ready to do this with you, y/n. I love you.”
“I love you too.”
You stepped off the plane, only to be greeted by 3 of burliest, lumberjack x farmer, ‘manly’ type men you’d ever met. Like wolverine x 3.
 “PIOTR!” They all shouted and ran towards the two of you.
 “Привет, мои друзья! так приятно видеть вас всех.” (Hello my friends! It is so good to see you all.) colossus said, giving each of his friends a giant bear hug.
 “мы так рады, что ты пришел домой. Мы очень рады встретить вашу невесту.” (We Are so happy you have come home. We are very excited to meet your bride.)
The smile on Piotr’s face couldn’t get any wider.
“Y/n, this is Lev, Rurik, and Nadege.”
“привет меня зовут д / н. приятно познакомиться.” (hello, my name is y/n, lovely to meet you.) You said and offered them a handshake, but they opted for a big group hug instead.
“Hey, hands off my woman.” Colossus teased.
 “Relax Piotr! We just have fun!” Nadege exclaimed.
“It is nice to meet you y/n, we have heard a lot about you.” 
“Thank you Lev, I’m excited to get to know you all.”
“Ok no more messing around! We have much to do. Not a lot of time. Let’s go.” Rurik interjected, hurrying you and Piotr along while Lev and Nadege grabbed your bags. 
You and Piotr exchanged a knowing look. This week was going to be fun. 
-time jump until the end of the week-
Time to mark this down as one of the best weeks of your life. The countryside was incredibly beautiful, everyone in the farming community was very sweet and extremely generous, and Piotr’s friends were an absolute riot. You and Piotr were going home with all kinds of things, seeds for your garden, recipes handed down from generations ago, hand woven baskets, and a beautiful handmade quilt that you and Piotr had worked on together (with lots of help of course.) 
To bring the week to a close, his friends were throwing a party at the local pub. 
This shit was gonna be lit as fuck.
“Welcome to the family y/n, May many years of happiness come unto you and Piotr. To y/n and Piotr!” You all clinked your mugs together and the chugged the alcohol in one go.
-A little later-
“Bar keep! Bring out the special stuff!” Lev shouted.
You looked at Colossus, slightly terrified.
 “The special stuff?”
“Homemade vodka. Homemade vodka.”
“Oh…” you weren’t catching his drift, but played along as if you did.
The bartender poured Piotr and his friends each a glass, but not you.
“Hey, hey! Where’s mine?” You asked. 
“Not such a good idea y/n. Even the biggest of men have trouble holding this down.”
“I am no man. Count me in, bar-keep.”
Almost the whole bar erupted in hoots and hollers as you downed your first shot. And holy fucking shit what did you get yourself into. 
That shit burned the whole way down your throat, worse than anything else you’d ever drank. 
You slammed your glass back down on the table.
“Fuck! That’s strong.” You hissed.
.“You got yourself a real keeper there Piotr, счастливый ублюдок” (lucky bastard.) Lev said, who you had turned out to be the real class-clown type, but genuine good dude. 
Lev wordlessly poured you and himself another shot then raised his eyebrows as if to challenge you.
“You’re on.” You said, raising your glass.
Determined to hold your own against Lev you had pushed yourself to your limits. But that didn’t mean you weren’t having a fun time. 
You were wasted.
“Piotr, honey. I can’t feel my face. My face is numb.”....“Is it hot in here? I’m hot. Hehehe, you’re hot.” You said to Piotr, while struggling to take your jacket off.
“Let me help y/n.”
“No! Piotr I can do it. I’m-Ima big girl.” You slurred.
 “Ready to quit?” Lev teased.
“Fat chance.” You said and suddenly found yourself on the cold, hard ground. 
You fell off your barstool, leaving everyone who saw laughing hysterically
.“Y/n, you don’t have to keep going.” piotr interjected. 
“SSSHHHHH! I can-“ *burp* “I can do this!”
-Piotr POV.-
Piotr put his face into his hands, he loved your willpower and stubbornness, but sometimes it got you into sticky situations. 
Piotr thought, surely, you were almost done. Until-
“Ah! Goats!” You exclaimed and ran to the window, smushing your face against the cool glass.
 “They’re so cute! I love them!”
You gazed at the goats in wonder, then it dawned on you.
“Piotr! Piotr! Do the goats know I love them? They have to know!” You exclaimed, grabbing his shirt collar and pulling him towards you.
“I’m sure they know y/n, I think everyone in the pub knows that too.”
“Ok good.”
Piotr sat next to one of the elderly women the community, Oksanna, who was like a mother figure to him. 
“Some advice Piotr?”
“Da, please.”
“You hold on very tightly to that woman.” She said, gesturing towards you- you, now loudly singing ‘I’ll make a man out of you’ from “Mulan.”
A huge, goofy smile spread across his face. 
“She definitely is one of a kind, Oksanna. She’s everything.
tags: @chromecutie @xenomorphique @evelyn120700 @nightriver99 @iamwarrenspeace @this-that-and-every-thing-else @hsk-puma @bungeewabbit @pianomad @lesbianstarkx @hazilyimagine  @super-darkcloudstudent @thehuntress26 @siren-lamented-vampire @mooleche @rovvboat @leo-writer @dandyqueen @nitemaremotionless
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emma-frxst · 5 years
Deadpool outside the X-Mansion gates:
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emma-frxst · 5 years
J Law as mystique is a hate crime
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emma-frxst · 5 years
New ship name for ororo x logan
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emma-frxst · 5 years
Amazon rainforest: *is literally on fire*
Most of y’all: SPIDER-MAN !1!!1!!
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emma-frxst · 5 years
wHY don’t his nipples have tiny ridges???? It’s logical for them to like..be like the rest of his body
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@rovvboat @dandyqueen @leo-writer @marvel-forever-17 @chromecutie
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emma-frxst · 5 years
My writing agenda
This week:
The Implicit Demand for Proof ch 3 and maybe 4
Smooth Criminal ch 9
Maybe new chapter of Talk or new chapter of steel heart
Tag lists are still the same, let me know if you want added or removed
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emma-frxst · 5 years
Gambit: believe it or not men get pegged
Interviewer: elaborate on that
Gambit: no.
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emma-frxst · 5 years
Yes, I’d peg Hozier
End of discussion.
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emma-frxst · 5 years
News I guess
So, I’ve decided to give into my hyperfixation and start writing for Detective David Loki from Prisioners (2013). I’m gonna start out with a one shot to get a feel for it, then I have an idea for a series that I am very excited about.
Yes I am still a Marvel blog, and I will still be continuing my other fics, I’m just adding another character to my list!
Regarding tags: I will adjust accordingly when asked :)
Thank you all for the support.
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emma-frxst · 5 years
I rlly want Piotr to raw me but then cuddle me afterwards
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emma-frxst · 5 years
Not all men
You’re right, Piotr ‘Colossus’ Rasputin aka tractor boy aka loml wouldn’t treat me like this
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emma-frxst · 5 years
Get yourself a man who’s face lights up when you tell him you read comic books
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