#kaantt writes
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Tagged by @garnetrena thanks !!
Rules: list the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern!
Sentinelles (Les Trois Mousquetaires, Aramis/Original Character, M)
Âmes sœurs.
La volupté de l'honneur (Les Trois Mousquetaires, Athos Comte de la Fère/Marie de Rohan Duchesse de Chevreuse, T)
Quand le mousquetaire Athos, Comte de La Fère, avait abandonné l’idée de l'amour, il l'avait fait en pleine et entière conscience des moqueries que ce choix de vie allait faire pleuvoir sur ses épaules encore jeunes mais déjà fatiguées par la discipline et la mélancolie.
Crimes Célèbres (Les Trois Mousquetaires, Aramis/Original Character & Original Character/Original Character, T)
Mes chers enfants, ce que je vous écris aujourd’hui doit, pour toujours, demeurer entre nous.
La maîtresse abandonnée (Kaamelott, Ygerne & Uther Pendragon, G)
Si on avait dit à la petite princesse Ygerne de Tintagel qu'elle allait un jour épouser le roi de toute la Bretagne elle aurait simplement souri.
Arthur, roi de Bretagne - Anthologie établie par Eugène Molozay (Kaamelott, Arthur Pendragon/Venec, G)
« Le roi Arthur, bien que nous ayons des preuves historiques de l'existence d'un personnage semblable à celui décrit dans les récits de chevalerie du Moyen-Âge et dans les films et séries de notre époque contemporaine, reste un homme de fiction.
Le Bon, la Brute et le Friand (Kaamelott, Multiple ships, G)
Fic co-écrite avec @kabbal, je mets donc la première phrase du chapitre que j'ai écrit.
La belle inconnue (Kaamelott, Arthur Pendragon/Guenièvre, M)
Quand ses lèvres se posent sur la peau blanche et crémeuse du cou de son épouse retrouvée il ne peut plus penser à autre chose qu'à leurs corps enlacés sur une épaisse fourrure dans l'intimité de leur tente.
La faute à Nanterre (Les Misérables, Enjolras/Grantaire, T)
En se réveillant ce matin pour aller, comme à son habitude, prendre un café sans sucre mais avec un nuage de lait au Petit Saint-Benoît, Grantaire a eu l'étrange impression qu'il n'allait pas passer une bonne journée.
Beautiful wonder (Desperate Housewives, Bree Van de Kamp/Gabrielle Solis, T)
To fall in love with someone was one thing.
Sleeping pill (House MD, Gregory House/James Wilson, T)
The doctor Gregory House was always the best at everything he did.
Je tagge @aramielles et @kabbal
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j'ai installé mon sapin = go Secret Santa Kaamelott 2023
bon les potes on va pas se mentir on est dans une période de creux en termes de nourriture, donc il va falloir se sustenter nous-mêmes, mais surtout les uns les autres grâce à un nouveau secret santa du fandom !!! ça fonctionne exactement comme les années précédentes (cette année je reprends la main sur l'orga car je suis moins en galère de taf hihi), voici les détails :
comment ça marche
tu remplis ce sondage pour t’inscrire
(tu vérifies que tes mp et ton inbox sont bien ouverts pls même juste en anon)
tu reçois dans tes mp sur tumblr l’url d'une personne qui t’es attribuée au hasard parmi les inscrits
tu lui concoctes secrètement un cadeau : fanfic, fanart, fanvid, chanson, montage photo, ou quoi que ce soye sur le thème de kaamelott (pour s’inscrire il faut donc être prêt à créer quelque chose à offrir à quelqu’un !) + si ça te fait envie tu peux lui envoyer des petits messages anonymes gentils qui font plaisir pendant le mois de décembre, à condition de ne pas révéler ton identité
dès que tu as fini tu m’envoies le cadeau que tu as préparé via l’adresse mail que je t’aurai communiquée
le 25 décembre, tout le monde trouve un cadeau dans sa boîte mail, et on révèle qui était le secret santa de qui !
les dates
jusqu’au 30 novembre minuit : inscriptions
1er décembre : attribution des secret santas
1er-23 décembre : confection des cadeaux dans tous les recoins
25 décembre : teuf et love
comment participer
juste en remplissant ce sondage avant le 30 novembre (attention après le 30 ce sera trop tard j’aurai déjà fait le tirage au sort pour répartir les santas !)
pour ma part je participerai encore pas cette année (je suis moins en galère de taf mais quand même pas à ce point là) je m'occuperai juste de la coordination, de l'organisation, et de lire/admirer/rebloguer vos magnifiques œuvres une fois que noël sera passé 😊
(je tague sous le read more quelques vieilleux de la vieille et/ou gens enthousiastes de l'année dernière pour que le post soit vu mais pas du tout besoin d'être tagué.e ici pour participer of course, d'autant que j'oublie très très probablement du monde !!)
@kaantt @kabbal @pigeonneaux @sloubs @dagss @miung-dreamer @hermie62 @shezzarus @enez-sun @thehappyegg @calimera62 @zialinart @jananabananawithnopeel @pia-writes-things @superiorkenshi
#kaamelott#secret santa kaamelott 2023#ssk23#<- les tags que j'utiliserai pour tous les posts en rapport !!!#petitscroustillants#fandom#m
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Got tagged by @accidentallylita for a 20 questions for writers thing! Thank you 💜 I'm gonna tag... @tameila, @fantasiawandering, @kabbal, @kaantt and @thisstableground - no pressure at all though.
How many works do you have on AO3?
88. But I still have 44 others over on FFnet.
What's your total AO3 word count?
659,354 (holy crap that's a lot!) and I'm way too lazy to add the FFnet numbers. The FFnet counters are a mess anyway.
What fandoms do you write for?
I have written for... Ready? Go! *deep breath* Harry Potter, Great Mouse Detective, The Mummy, Pirates of the Caribbean, Kung Fu Panda, Watchmen, Justice League, Discworld, White Collar, Hogan's Heroes, Zorro (the 1950s Disney series), Kaamelott, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (the 2012 cartoon and a TMNT 2003 and 1987 crossover missing scene from Turtles Forever) , the Don Camillo stories/films, Cobra Kai, Karate Kid, The Legend Of Vox Machina, and Critical Role. Whew! And that's not counting unpublished WIPs, because then I would have to add ACD Sherlock Holmes, Jeeves and Wooster, or The Pirates! In an Adventure with Musicians Scientists :D It's mostly Critical Role and Vox Machina at the moment, though.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Let's see:
Villains (Justice League Unlimited, Flash's Rogues watch the finale of season 2's near apocalypse on TV in their bar, 442 kudos)
Reading the Colours (TMNT 2012, kid!Mikey having trouble learning to read and a bit of synaesthesia, and kid!Ralp being a good brother, 225 kudos)
Culture Shock (Turtles Forever (TMNT 2003 and 1987 crossover), 2003!Don and 1987!Leonardo having a conversation about danger and stakes and genre shifts, 215 kudos)
After the Sunset (The Mummy, a getting-to-know-each-other scene set just after 'The End' to tie up loose ends and explore character dynamics, 202 kudos)
Wife (Justice League Unlimited, the writers made Captain Cold (of all people XD) mention a wife so I created a character and explored her relationship with her husband and his nemesis, 168 kudos)
Aww 💜 I was kinda surprised by this list, to tell the truth!
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try (oh my god do I try ♫). Currently there's still a couple in my AO3 inbox I haven't responded to yet because I like to take my time (and also I like having that little number beside my inbox on my page 😭)
What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Oh that's easy. If, a Hogan's Heroes snapshot (<800 words) where I essentially went "hey, what if [character] really had been killed in that scene?" and picture the aftermath.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Oh that is hard! I have comforting endings, I have peaceful/hopeful endings, I have bittersweet endings with a side of sweet... But just plain happy? I mean, Pas de Deux would end on a thoroughly good and happy note if it weren't for that pesky last sentence ("This summer 1914 is going to be the best summer"). I'd say Perfect Picture has the happiest: it's a (few years into the) future JLU fic set at a Christmas do, PoV Jimmy Olsen, that ends on him taking the titular perfect picture in the immediate wake of a very happy announcement. I love it a lot.
Do you get hate on fics?
No, thank goodness. Something of a miracle in 22+ years of writing online! My beta has, though, because some people are idiots.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do, although it's a recent (ish) development! I've written three kinds of smut: loving and sometimes fumbling between two then three young people who don't a ton of (or any, in some cases) experience, quick and ill-advised between two desperate people convinced they'll die in a few hours, and cosy and warm as a means to (re)connect (two different fandoms) between middle-aged people. Love every one of them.
Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I have! Like the aforementioned TMNT crossover (within the same franchise, bit still, two different shows and fandoms). And, well, it's not exactly crazy, but I wrote a tavern-as-an-afterlife fic in which Sergeants García and Schultz have a little conversation about their respective supposed-to-be enemies. Would that count as "crazy" if they have approximately a century and a few years between their lifetimes?
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't... think so. Can't be sure. Sometimes I post fic here and I've definitely found my Tumblr accounts on those crappy Tumblr mirroring websites, so yeah, probably.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Someone asked me once if I minded them translating one of my Don Camillo fics into Italian, to which I responded with happy flailing and "not at all, go ahead!" But I never heard back from them. OTOH, I have done the translating :D I translated a Mummy fic into French back in the day (2004) with the author's permission, and I wrote L'éléphant de Carter (Hogan's Heroes) in French then translated it into English.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not really. I participated in group projects and big bangs and stuff, but I've written a fic "with four hands".
What's your all-time favorite ship?
It should be an obvious choice, because I have so few I ship actively - you know, not just "sure, I like the idea of them together". For the purposes of the question I will say Pike Trickfoot/Scanlan Shorthalt, from Campaign 1 of Critical Role/The Legend of Vox Machina (it's a slow burn with minimum pining! They both have personal growth! He pursues her but then apologises and asks if they can be friends! Each is the only one who truly sees and perceives the other on that level!). But also I really really love my one-third-canon-character-two-thirds-OCs OT3 set in 1910s Oxford. So... tie? :3
What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I have one of those eternal WIPs (more of an idea, really) of a Discworld/Quantum Leap crossover where Sam Beckett Leaps into Sam Vimes who's in the middle of an investigation, which would mean that 1) Sam B has to wrap his mind around the existence of magic and dwarves and trolls and Nobby Nobbs while Sam V and Al Calavicci stare at each other down (Spider-men-pointing-meme style in the end) going "if my guy/my people get(s) hurt by your shenanigans then so help me I will go SQUARE" (and quickly enough work together).
What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue, apparently? I've been told a few times over the years by readers that they could "hear" the characters speak in their heads, which is the greatest compliment 💜 (especially since English is not my first language, so I'm always worried about things not sounding right!)
What are your writing weaknesses?
Actual plots, especially ones with a bit of complexity in them 😅 I'm the first to admit 80% of my fics are one-shot character exploration (with conflict - internal and external - being resolved via dialogue and/or communication). Also finishing things on time, GOD.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Heh. I'm French and when I write for Hogan's Heroes I often write a French character who canonically (though rarely, gotta respect the ratio) says things in French sometimes. Of course I'll include some! But I always make sure 1) to include a translation/explanation in the notes (AO3 is really great for footnotes) and 2) that it doesn't really require a translation to understand the situation/stakes. I tend to go back and forth on the use of italics for foreign language words.
Now, if I don't know the language as well as I do French (and, more importantly, if the PoV character who hears it speaks that language), I just clarify in the "s/he said", like
"You gotta be kidding me," muttered Bob in [insert language here].
Works in English too, of course, especially if you're having a multi-language environment in your fic.
First fandom you wrote for?
I was gonna say "Harry Potter", because that's the first fandom I wrote for (and published) after discovering fanfiction (the first fics I read were for Starsky & Hutch), BUT. I guess I should answer Titanic?? On account of how I kinda wrote a self-insert in high school (when the film came out) in which an imaginary inventor uncle build a time machine and my sister and I did some time tourism (obviously money wasn't an issue), thinking "oh we'll just go home on April 14th". I was a soppy 16 years old otherwise 0% interested in romance, so I had my stand-in recently lost her boyfriend (very tragically) and Fabrizio (Jack's Italian friend) be her gently manic pixie dream boy (and, of course, die). In retrospect I might have given my 14 year old sister the best part as the snarky no-nonsense little sibling. I tragically lacked self-awareness and poured my entire heart into it. Thank goodness I had no idea you could put out stories on the internet and that my best friend at the time (the only other human being who read this story) was kind and just as obsessed with the movie as I was ^^'
(I should point out that I wrote it with pencil on loose paper gathered in a binder I lost long ago. Such is life.)
Favorite fic you've ever written?
You can't just - I - oh come on! I can't choose between my babies!! No but seriously, I actually can't choose, sorry :D
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I got tagged by @belphegor1982 and it's a BINGO
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/3fddeff0d815cd61bdb80b1ab38e9c36/c4a85f105d83cc13-1d/s640x960/c9a029e5f670620b720af26b31e2a6b574b6e634.jpg)
Fandoms I write for: mainly Kaamelott and Call of Duty, though I've started a one piece fic lately
Tagging @kaantt @suzhhou @garnetrena
Template under the cut
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/360ed72402622055bb82c4ff7291d8fc/c4a85f105d83cc13-19/s640x960/8b0cd287d1712a6eca42c19576356f1a8d16deb3.jpg)
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kaantt : you could write a happy ending for once.
lehoedagan : what if i don't ?
kaantt : you have to !
lehoedagan : why ?
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Hey, thanks a lot for the tag :D Let's see, the last lines I managed to write were for a post-campaign 1 of Critical Role one-shot:
When he spoke again he was smiling, but his voice was less than steady again. “Never seen a dead guy so alive, when I think about it.��
(whyyyy do I like writing sad so much lately)
Tagging @radarsteddybear, @tinydooms, @rose-of-pollux, @kabbal, @kaantt and anyone who wants to do this!
Last Line Game
Tagged by my beloved @ripeteeth- thank you!
rules: share the last line you've written, then tag some people, and have fun
I am rarely tagged in these things because I am not really a writer, but I recently decided to dip my toe in and see what happens, so perfect timing! I am working on a Polar Explorer RPF/Old Gods of Appalachia mashup featuring my favorite failson Fred encountering The Horrors in an effort to explain his terrible decision making! It is entirely possible that nothing will ever come of this, but here are some words:
He reached into the pocket of his work pants, his fingers closing around the penny he carried so he would always have a coin to flip whenever he needed to make a decision. The Reform church had instilled in him a deep belief in destiny, the idea that something was always at work behind the scenes to keep him on the right path. All things being equal, he would rather let his life play out the way it was meant to instead of interfering, even with small decisions like this. Heads for the river, tails for the woods. He flipped the coin. Tails.
Tagging @swanfloatieknight @ephraimwaite @selfconsciousfangirl @petoskeystones @aspiring-weird-old-man @ktredshoes @wildcard47 @theinkyisles @clandestinegardenias but only if you want to, no pressure, and also anyone else who wasn't tagged and wants to play!
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I was tagged by @kabbal
Rules: Post the last sentence you wrote and tag as many people as there are words
"C’était un de ces jeunes hommes à la lame plus rapide que l’esprit, au sourire plus ravageur que les munitions de son mousquet et aux yeux plus éloquents que les grands discours des hommes de lettres."
Tagging @aramielles
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📯📜Avis à la population📜📯
Dans un espoir de partager de l'amour entre vous et de redynamiser les relations dans le coin :
Si tu le veux, pourrais-tu me donner ton top 5* des gens qu'il faut absolument suivre dans le fandom Kaamelott et ce que tu aimes ou préfères dans le contenu de leur blog ?
*5 c'est pour donner une consigne générale mais en vérité tu peux en mettre 6, 7, 3 ou 32 c'est toi qui vois 🌸
Long time no see Petite Fleur :D
Heuresement que je peux en mettre autant que je veux parce que top 5 ca aurait été impossible !
Je ne sais pas depuis combien de temps ce ask est dans ma box et vu que j'ai fais une Houdini je ne le saurais jamais (mais vu que je me suis fais tag une paire de fois je vois que ca remonte a un moment), je m'excuse de l'attente <3
Bon déjà désolé du favoritisme mais ces trois là @yumeka-chan @cheryllollst et @kaantt gros coeur d'sa mère sur leurs têtes et des bisous partout. Quoi qu'il en soit, content creator ou pas, le talent est sans limite dans ce fandom. Vous êtes tous absolument magnifique ! Merci pour tout 💖
(my weak ass les a même tag par ordre alphabétique because I can)
@dagonet (@dagss) @elcoco005 @enez-sun @geekgirl2000 @gerceval @godwithwethands (@min0uze) @ironist-lady @kabbal @katewalker @laudys83 @lehoedagan @likielandco @miung-dreamer @pas-de-la-kaamelott @pia-writes-things @pigeonneaux @rarougrougrou @saecookie @sloubi123 @superiorkenshi @thehappyegg @trekkedin @utopya6 @y-vain
J'en oublie, j'en suis sure, je le sais. Vraiment désolé si c'est le cas. Je vous laisse découvrir ceux qu'ils font, pourquoi ils le font et leur univers par vous même si vous ne les connaissez pas déjà 💖 certains ne postes plus trop du Kaamelott mais ca ne change rien !
#kaamelott#MTB#pick and choose#ils sont tous extremement talenteux mais aussi tous adorable <3#petite fleur#anon ask
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WIP titles meme
Since I got tagged by the lovely @counterwiddershins and it's a great way to procrastinate from actually writing until dinner, here's a (VERY) shortened list of my WIPs - only the most recent ones, ie. things I wrote during the last year. Apparently the point of the meme is to list them so other people may ask things about them. Due to the fandoms I find myself (lovingly) drowning in these days I fully expect crickets, but here we go!
Somebody to Lean On - something for the Critten genfic bingo card, a look at Grog and how he "doesn't get sick" (except when he does) through three different periods and characters [Critical Role - Vox Machina campaign]
a yet-untitled one-shot, tentatively titled "beach day" - a few years after the end, the remainder of Vox Machina takes a little beach holiday. Grog experiences a sunny day off, potentially facing another loss mere years after [redacted, VM spoilers], and jellyfish. [Critical Role - Vox Machina campaign]
Underture - pre-canon, Vax and Scanlan, separated from the rest of Vox Machina, find themselves having to find the surface again after a long fall into the dark of a mithral mine. Meanwhile/three days earlier, Vox Machina are hired by a miner's sister, afraid something might have happened to him, to look into his disappearance. [The Legend of Vox Machina]
yet untitled Ghosts!AU Vox Machina fic - newly-weds Allura and Kima come into possession of a manor that used to be a keep a few centuries ago. Bad news: it's heavily in need of repairs and rumours are it's haunted. Worse news: the ghosts were pretty used to having the house for themselves and aren't keen on visitors/more housemates. Good news - or bad news, depending: after an accident, Kima realises she can actually see and hear the ghosts, and everything changes. [Critical Role - Vox Machina campaign]
Tagging - only if you want to do it, of course! - @rose-of-pollux, @radarsteddybear, @kabbal, @kaantt, @ghoul-haunted (it works for comics, too!), @dawntreaderflynne and @tinydooms!
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@belphegor1982 tagged me and I don't want to work so I'm going to spend a whole half hour on this. this is a flawless plan
How many works do you have on AO3?
162. That's what doing two fictobers will do to you. The other 100ish fics i have no explanation for
What's your total AO3 word count?
521,423. Almost as long as War & Peace. Take that, Tolstoy.
What fandoms do you write for?
The whole list is awfully long because I like to drop one fic and then never come back again. But so far the fandom I've really been involved in writing fic for have been Fairy Tail, Batman, Kaamelott, Call of Duty, MCU and Supernatural.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Ok let's go
O happy dagger! This is thy sheath (Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves (2023)) aka that bard REALLY wanted to handle that paladdin's sword if you know what I mean
The House of Denial (Call of Duty) When I got obsessed by two secondary characters and learned more about Mexico in 2 weeks than in 20 years of my life
My lover stands on golden sands (Call of Duty) i had seen many tiktoks about selkie aus and i wanted to write one so bad
Karpman Triangle (Call of Duty) somehow inspired by the three ghosts of christmas story. also gruelling coming to terms with trauma
I think love is something that happens to other people (Batman) man i just love a good time travel AU
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to respond to every comment I get, because I like engaging with readers. The best feeling in the world is when a reader replies back<3
What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Not considering that extremely unsubtle Fairy Tail fic on my FFnet I wrote at 13 with the idea that I was mature enough to talk about suicide (I wasn't), I think my angstiest fics were the two fics I had written for a friend building on one of his fics, where I was trying to out-angst him.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I've written some fluffy pieces but finding the happiest ending one is complicated. I'm gonna say The Dead are All Living even though its not exactly a fluff ending. It's very cathartic tho so that counts
Do you get hate on fics?
No. Except for that one person in my Ffnet days who accused me of plagiarism because my fic had been destroyed by the automatic translator on my phone that had made the text look like a very bad translation. They got very heated about it... its funny in retrospective but 14yo me was not amusedTM
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I try. I really like writing hate sex, it makes for really interesting scenes with juicy conficted feelings. The rest of the time I try to mix it up.
Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
No. I should try to though, that would be funny
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge
Have you ever had a fic translated?
I have! I've translated a few of my fics into English, and I've got some fics translated into Russian and Ukrainian. Someone asked me a few months ago to translate another fic into Mandarin but I've not heard of them since
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! Le Bon, la Brute et le Friand, a western au with @kaantt for the Kaamelott series. I'm ashamed to say i've stopped working on it, but I've just not been into the fandom lately
What's your all-time favorite ship?
I don't have one because I tend to jump from fandom to fandom. At the moment I'm really into Soap/Ghost from Call of Duty and Zoro/Sanji from One Piece, but I stay loyal to my dear Arthur/Venec from Kaamelott and the fuckton of other ships I've been into before
What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
My Kaamelott fic Atropos. I love the fic but i'm not in the fandom that much anymore, so unless I get back into it it's going to stay asleep for a while.
What are your writing strengths?
I can write good metaphors. Also I'm pretty good at research and that helps me at not going for the most obvious thing every time, which I think makes some of the things I write stand out a little more.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Man I cannot write a pwp for the life of me. I always start with relatively kinky ideas and then i feel like I inevitably water it down or the plot takes too much space. One day I promise i'll drop a 33k nasty dubcon orgy fic but that day is far away
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I love sneaking in some French into my English fics, but that's because it's my first langage. I wouldn't do it in langages I'm not fluent on, because i've seen some truly awful French in other fics and that took me out of some good stories. I don't want to do that to others, so when i use words from other langages I limit it to a few words i can be pretty sure of.
First fandom you wrote for?
Fairy Tail. That manga was my introduction to online fandom and it'll always have a special place in my heart (both the manga and the fandom)
Favorite fic you've ever written?
Oh no don't make me choose between my babies uh. I have a few I'm extremely proud of and these are
Figures troubles (Kaamelott) Mehgan's pov on a lot of the events of the series and movie
The House of Denial (Call of Duty) so much personal extrapolation poured into this one
Counting Heads (Call of Duty) John Price being an awfully complicated man
κυνώπιδος (Greek Mythology) my take on Helen of Sparta
Hypothèses d'Hyménée (Kaamelott) me playing around with OCs and different scenarios around Arthur's other potential wives
tagging @kaantt @suzhhou @garnetrena to do this
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list 10 songs you really like, each by a different artist, and then tag 10 people to do the same
Thanks @pia-writes-things for the tag! <3
As the world caves in - Matt meltese
Ghosting - Mother Mother
Nobody - Mitski
House of gold - Twenty one pilots
Vivre à en crever - Mozart l'Opera Rock
What a life - Scarlet pleasure
Mr/Mme - Loic Nottet
Normal - AJR
Giltter & Gold - Barns Courtney
Good old fashioned lover boy - Queen
(IT WAS SO HARD TO CHOOSE!! Here is my personal playlist if you want more!)
I tag : @helyiios , @tireur-de-carte , @lancelot-of-the-lake , @nael-opale , @rarougrougrou , @utopya6 , @kaantt , @laudys83 , @xmyrmidon and @vaiathemultiversequeen
(Don't do it if you don't want and sorry for all the tag today ✌🏼)
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Green, white, yellow
Saw this on Twitter. What 3 potions would you drink?
I would take brown, white, and yellow!
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Fic tag game
I was tagged by @kaantt, thanks so much for thinking of me <3.
How many stories did you complete? 8, including a co-authored one and 4 oneshots. Also, 2 translations.
What is your total word-count for the year? Published words : 81.309 + 11.909 of translation. If you add everything unpublished it amounts to 127.989 + translations.
What fandoms did you write for? Doctor Who (Classics and Nuwho), Silmarillion, Kaamelott, and two Good Omens translations.
Did you write more, less, or roughly what you expected to write? Way more lmao. I hadn't plan on going down the Kaamelott rabbit hole haha.
Your favourite story you wrote this year? That's a tough one. I think i'm gonna go with Witness to Pain, and a wip that I still haven't published as a joker haha.
Your most under-appreciated story of the year? What a terrible page of the past, maybe, but that's because it's Classic Who related ? Idk.
Biggest fic-related surprise of 2021? Writing anything for Kaamelott ? That was unexpected haha.
Something you look forward to working on in 2022? Posting En quête et contre tout, I hope that people will like it bc I put a lot of effort into it lmao, and crossing fingers I'll be able to post a DW wip that I've been working on for too long. Also, some of my Kaamelott wip... I really like.
Tagging, without any pressure as usual, @obiwanobi, @thehappyegg, @sherhaanks, @gingerteaonthetardis, @zet-sway, @jamgrlsblog, @xyloophones, @saretton, @effervescentdragon, @lastbluetardis, @goneadrift and @galiifreyrose
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tagged by @kaantt
How many stories did you complete?
*look away* *whispers* none
What is your total word-count for the year?
94 831 on AO3 but i think im closer to the 100 000 words
What fandoms did you write for?
On AO3 : marvel, kaamelott and Star Wars. On wattpad : these three, plus asoiaf.
Did you write more, less, or roughly what you expected to write?
Less cuz I thought i would finish solivagant in 2021 but we will have to wait more ig,,,,
Your favourite story you wrote this year?
Ofc solivagant, but i love all my asoiaf fics and im proud of my eternals fic !!
Your most under-appreciated story of the year?
I don’t really have one but sometimes i feel that people don’t really read solivagant. Then I look at the stats,,,,
Biggest fic-related surprise of 2021?
Me writing even more angst than i originally planned,,,,
Something you look forward to working on in 2022?
FINISH SOLIVAGANT AND START NOVATURIENT !!! and also work more on my asoiaf fics (16 fics ahah)
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Questions for fic writers : 1, 7, 49 ✨🩵
1- What fic of yours would you recommend to someone who had never read any of your work? (In other words, what do you think is the best introduction to your fics?)
Je pense qu'une des fics de ma série Lacrimosa anthologie pourrait être un bon choix pour commencer à lire les fics. Ce sont des fics dont je suis vraiment fière et qui, je pense, représentent assez bien mon style et le ton de mes fics. Peut-être que Lancelot-Roi et Les enfants de Carmélide seraient les meilleures fics pour commencer...
7. Any worldbuilding you’re particularly proud of?
De manière générale je suis très fière du worldbuilding dans Le second. Je le trouve assez crédible et cohérent et j'aime bien quelques petits détails que j'ai réussi à glisser dedans comme les matières utilisées pour les habits, les différences entre les deux grandes cours d'Orcanie et les liens familiaux. Il faut encore que j'arrive à rendre Rackwick un peu plus vivante! Je travaille dessus.
Il y a aussi le wordbuilding dans ma Ko-fic avec ma chère @kabbal : Le Bon, la Brute et le Friand que j'aime beaucoup! C'est une western AU! et on a essayé de recréer un environnement à la fois historically accurate et qui joue aussi sur les clichés de cinéma En même temps il s'est passé un an entre le moment où on a commencé à en parler sérieusement et le moment où elle a publié le premier chapitre
49- What are you currently working on? Share a few lines if you’re up for it!
Une fic sur Ygerne! Je vais essayer de la terminer ce soir mais elle me prend vachement plus de temps que prévu :
"Sans cette vile supercherie elle n'aurait jamais succombé à ses charmes et son mari n'aurait jamais quitté la terre pour le monde des cieux. Elle avait maudit Merlin. Oh, elle l'avait maudit pendant de longues nuit passées à sangloter sur ses draps en brandissant son poing vers le ciel et en criant vengeance."
Lien vers le ask game
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