#kaï beloved
Cause uh that's what senses are for...? Whatcha sensing
too much
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celestiaknight-blog · 7 years
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Reference sheet of my Kirby fan character, Hailan! Read on for her full bio!
Hailany’ma Uhanga
        Species: Arranzan / Kiridan hybrid (father is Arranzan, mother is Kiridan)
        Parents: Father: Miho Uhanga | Mother: Kalhi Uhanga
        Siblings: Five brothers, four older and one younger, only three are still alive.
        Current profession: She works as a mercenary employed by the Demon Hunter Agency; her current job is to ensure the safety of Kirby of the Stars.
        Main traits: Kind, patient, good-hearted, blunt, can be harsh at times, often merciless toward her foes.
        Gender: Is known to be a male, but she is actually a female in disguise. When she wears her mask, she tones her voice down to sound male. Years of training made her extremely convincing.
        Bio (Full story, beware of spoilers):
        Born into a humble, wealthy family in the small mountain village of Kiristo Village, Hailany’ma was first thought to be blind upon her birth. It was only later that shamans and healers determined that she could, actually, see just fine. One shaman told her parents: “She was blinded by the light of the Goddess, and now her sight resides in her realm.” The common consensus in the village about the young hybrid’s eyes is that she “sees better than most”.
        As a female, Hailany’ma was taught as though she was a small copy of the Goddess, like all other females; she was taught the proper etiquette and the strict laws concerning females of their kind, however Hailany’ma was also raised around boys and a Kiridan mother who was much less strict about the laws, so she often played like a boy. She would always be more rough than other girls, she wouldn’t hesitate to go play in the mud and playing with wooden swords with her brothers, and she dreamed of one day being taught the art of the sword by her father, who was a high ranking officer in the Imperial army. Watching him train his martial arts with a stick and a fancy sword made her day-dream constantly.
        One day, during a fancy parade down at the capital in which her father participated as a guard, the great Empress herself – the Sun of Arranza Star, the shining jewel of the planet – stopped the entire parade just to look at the young female. She walked over to the scared little moth, and asked her name. Once Hailany’ma was able to answer, the Empress smiled, and then asked her to become one of her Moons – her maids of honour. Shocked, it took her parents long hours of debate to finally decide; they agreed to send her to the Imperial Palace, where she would be able to follow her new teachings to become a Moon. Hailany’ma’s heart was heavy at the thought of leaving her village and family behind, but for the honour of their name, she went with her head raised high. One of her brothers accompanied her to become a guard in training, so she wasn’t alone. After years of training and learning, she became a full fledged Moon, one of the highest rank one could dream of. To this day, she does not know what the Empress saw in her, but she never questioned it.
        At the time, Arranza Star was considered neutral in the Dream War, but Nightmare’s forces were slowly coming in on the system, putting their world at risk of war, so the Galaxy Soldier Army sent a small team to represent them once more to try and sign a treaty with the star. To convince the Empress, they brought with them someone special; Sir Meta Knight himself – the one male said to be carrying the Light of the Goddess herself! Needless to say the Empress was impressed, but she still put him to the test with a fair fight with one of her best soldiers.
        As she watched the fight go on, Hailany’ma became enthralled; suddenly, her dreams of carrying a sword and fighting like her father did back when she was young came back to her full force, and it was as she observed this mysterious Kiridan knight that she became entranced by him. She began to idolize him, to dream of him and to admire him… It was only a matter of time until she fully realized, months after the treaty had been signed, that she didn’t belong here. She began to train in secret, behind closed doors, in the darkness of the night, trying to replicate what she had seen in the throne room that day… until eventually came the day she decided it was time to go. So, she cut her hair, dressed in a black kimono, hid her face with a ceremonial mask, and ran off, leaving behind only one letter for her brother. She joined the GSA’s ranks as a rookie in the Ninja Special Forces, where she conceiled her identify as a female and passed herself as a man, even shortening her name to simply Hailan.
        After years of training hard, she became a ninja, an expert spy and assassin, and she was assigned to the Blue Moon Shadows, a sub-division of the NSF lead by the great ninja Master, Yamikage. The Blue Moons’ role was simple; protect the Star Warriors at all costs. She was put in a team of six along with five other people; the Kiridan twins, Laï and Kaï, the snowy Avastan Akayuki, and a married couple, Bürra and Makü (note: they’re the same feline species as Tac from the games, just need to find a name for it), and with them, she forged a deep, special bond that would hold them together as a team for the rest of their days. Their team bears the name Gekkou.
        Their team was to prioritize and focus on only one Star Warrior, and a very important one at that; Sir Meta Knight. When Team Gekkou and him met for the first time, to Hailan’s horror, Meta Knight recognized her from way back then; however, he didn’t comment, and instead waited until later to confront her directly. On that day, she personally swore an oath to him, that she would stand to protect him, no matter what happened, to her or anyone else.
        For many, many years, Team Gekkou served in the Blue Moons under orders from their teacher, Yamikage, and successfully repelled many attacks and assassination attempts toward Sir Meta Knight, to a point where they were comfortably trusted for their loyalty. However, it didn’t last forever, for it came to be known by Laï – who was spying on Yamikage – that their teacher was corresponding with the enemy! When they decided to confront him about it, Team Gekkou was cast aside, and Yamikage unleashed a group of Dark Matter upon them. They were mere fodder for these creatures… From the moment she was captured by the Dark Matter, Hailan completely lost track of time, and became lost for months in a perfect and eternal dream that the Dark Matter made up for her, unable to do anything else but watch and wait as her mind became naught but dust.
        Eventually, when all of the Blue Moons were under the traitor’s control, he sent them out like hunting dogs; instead of protecting the Star Warriors, they were now ordered – against their own will – to destroy them. It was a dark and chaotic day at HQ; many people died, both Star Warriors and Blue Moons, and in the chaos, Yamikage even escaped, though he had come close to being captured by the other divisions of the Ninja Special Forces, who were outraged by his traitorous actions. In the end, all of the controlled ninjas were apprehanded and tied up, ready to be freed of their Dark Matter. It was a long and harduous task, but all of them were freed… for a price.
        To this day, Hailan still struggles with the Dark Matter sickness, a condition that affects all who come in contact with Dark Matter, and though with time she was able to heal her wounds, she knew that she would never fully recover. In the chaos, Team Gekkou had suffered a loss; Makü had lost her beloved husband Bürra… It was a hard time for all of them, but with time, they did stand back up, swearing upon their damaged honour that they would make Yamikage pay for his crimes.
        Thousands of years passed since then, and after what seemed to have been their golden era, the GSA kept growing smaller and weaker against seemingly stronger and larger armies of demon-beasts. The Star Warriors were growing short in numbers, and so it was inevitably decided that the best course of action would be to disband the army. HQ was no longer a safe haven for them, and all the remaining soldiers knew it. Team Gekkou wanted to accompany Sir Meta Knight on his personal quest, but he declined, and instead ordered them to offer their help to those who really needed it. Team Gekkou then left HQ behind, and travelled the stars as mercenaries for many years before landing on Arranza Star, Hailan’s home planet. To her horror, her home was now into the hands of Nightmare, and demon-beasts roamed everywhere. Her people were enslaved, poor and starving, and so Team Gekkou now knew what they needed to do. One country at a time, they travelled across the star, infiltrating the demons’ ranks and breaking them from within, freeing the people one village at a time. They brought the Arranzans together and fought for their freedom, and after a long time, they eventually freed the star of all demon-beast occupation. For their good actions, they were offered the highest honours by the Empress herself, who was so glad to see Hailan again after all those years. After that, Team Gekkou finally got some well deserved rest…
        Until, that is, they received some shocking news; Nightmare had been defeated! A young hero apparently named Kirby of the Stars was the one responsible for it, or so they heard, and Hailan became intrigued. One day, she received a letter from a distant star named Popstar… from Sir Meta Knight himself. In it, he was asking for a favour; for her to protect Kirby, like she protected him. Leaving her teammates to rest on Arranza Star, Hailan left on her own, and joined with the Demon Hunter Agency, a rising force lead by the surviving Star Warriors in hopes of replacing the lost GSA. Employed by Sir Meta Knight through the Agency, Hailan travelled to Popstar, where she found a young Star Warrior called Kirby, torn with Dark Matter sickness… With her oath in mind and the memory of herself suffering from the same sickness, Hailan then swore to protect the young Star Warrior, no matter what happened…
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i like david kinnies, they’re fun to mess with.
also to emphasize this she then showed off how much she could leg press to impress me and show she could protect me
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lets be imposters together and murder everyone so we have a ship to ourselves ;)
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God I love them
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Baby no one else thinks that
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Oh my god I'm nOT but you're convinced so
everyone is convinced because its true honey
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:3 or does it?
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Not a honey kinnie
you are a honey kinnie <3
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I'm happy to see you like it 😌
how could i not when its you <3
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I made you a personalised meme!!!
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It’s based on that mango eating meme
Never before have i been so honored to receive and ask. I am utterly delighted i am reaching the pique of human experience
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Oh my god you dork
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Have this.
Also your Ghosty anon has TASTE fma is indeed very good 😌
ghosty anon indeed has good taste i agree
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I see fmab and spy family, I send an ask. This ask is irrelevant you don't have to post it I just listened to the voices in my head by sending it
look at her shes gorgeous
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^ mi amor <3
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I- oh my god you little shit
That's what you want us to think, mhm mhm
On the other hand have this random thing
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also im still not immortal stop spreading propaganda. i never met julius caesar or went to a football game with kennedy
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