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themysticrebel · 3 years ago
Basics of Jyotiṣa
In Vaidic astrology or Jyotiṣa, we note that all karma we produce in the earthly suit (physical body) is encoded in the planets. That is why everyone’s janma-kuṇḍalī (or natal chart) is unique and different from each other—just like everyone’s karma as well as intentions while performing a karma (action/deed) show significant variations. Therefore, every aspect of one’s life is divided into twelve zodiacal categories called ‘rāśi’ or sign (each stretching about precisely 30° of the total 360° of the solar system). These signs are described in the following ways:
1. meṣa (Aries)
2. vṛṣabha (Taurus)
3. mithuna (Gemini)
4. karka (Cancer)
5. siṁha (Leo)
6. kanyā (Virgo)
7. tulā (Libra)
8. vṛścika (Scorpio)
9. dhanu (Sagittarius)
10. makara (Capricorn)
11. kuṁbha (Aquarius)
12. mīna (Pisces)
(I tried colour-coding the signs according to the colours associated with their ruling lords. I clearly failed.)
These twelve zodiac signs are ever-moving and incorporate certain human characteristics. That is how a professional and experienced astrologer is able to decipher your persona merely by looking at the signs your planets occupy. Now what gives these signs the power to govern a person? The following nine planets:
1. मंगल (Mars)
2. शुक्र (Venus)
3. बुध (Mercury)
4. चँद्र (Moon)
5. सूर्य (Sun)
6. बृहस्पति (Jupiter)
7. शनि (Saturn)
8. राहु (Rāhu)
9. केतु (Ketu)
Rāhu and Ketu are not real planets in the space. They are considered as the shadows of the moon, hence are called shadow planets (chhāyā graha). The Sanskrit/Hindi word for a planet is ‘ग्रह’ (graha), because they seize or possess a sign or House. A graha is an entity which possesses the human body—hence, not necessarily a planet.
When a planet is placed in a sign or zodiacal house, that area of your life becomes prone to karmic exhaustion. In other words, the characteristics associated with the house concerned is exactly the area where your soul has reincarnated to work on. The planets and the signs occupied by them reflect your soul contract for the present lifetime.
The houses that remain empty, if devoid of either auspicious or inauspicious aspects, do not possess much influence over you; therefore, you have a certain degree of liberty or free will to produce fresh karma in those areas. This accumulated karma can atone for your past sins and bestow celestial talents or it can play a role in your downfall. Remember, you are constantly creating karma through thoughts, speech, and physical actions.
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themysticrebel · 2 years ago
To stay healthy and prosperous for an entire lifetime, listen to the following stotram(s) right from the break of dawn.
Invocation to the Remover of Obstacles and Bestower of Wisdom
* गणेश अथर्वशीर्ष
Invocation to the Divine Feminine: the Protectress of the Three Realms
* देवी कवचम्
* देवी सूक्तम्
* दुर्गा सूक्तम्
* श्रीललितासहस्रनामम्
* सिद्ध कुञ्जिका स्तोत्रम्
* महिषासुरमर्दिनीस्तोत्रम्
Invocation to the Conferrer of Wealth and Beauty: Śrī Devī
* श्री सूक्तम्
* अष्टलक्ष्मीस्तोत्रम्
Devotional Bhajans
* श्रीदेवी के अठारह वर्गपुत्रों के नामों का पाठ
* क्षीराब्धिकनयाककु नीराजनम् (Annamayya Kīrtanam)
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themysticrebel · 3 years ago
The Moon in Jyotiṣa (or Sidereal Astrology)
The Moon is associated with the element of water and the human mind, both of which are highly malleable. In sidereal astrology (also known as Jyotiṣaṃ), it is the significator of one’s mother or mother figures and governs the zodiacal sign of Cancer or the Crab (कर्क राशि). Cancer or the fourth house is the home of all comforts, peace of mind, and pure bliss. Hence, a native with the moon in their twelfth house could have a disturbed mental health or an estranged relationship with the mother-figure. The remedy would be to not waste water, rather conserve it at any cost. Throwing away drinking water, wasting it unnecessarily, not closing taps properly, taking profligately long showers are all indications as well as precursors of disturbing one’s moon (mind/comfort/mother/mental health/resources/finances).
Since the gravitational pull of the moon generates tidal force, it also affects the internal tides of the menstrual cycle as well as water held in your body. Hence, staying hydrated is not only good for the brain, but also your moon (mind).
The qualities that the moon endows is beauty of the face along with voluptuousness in one’s form. It represents femininity and thus enhances grace in the limbs of a person. As it rules over the mind, the placement of the moon in your horoscope can indicate the state of your mental health.
Ever heard the word ‘lunatic’? Lunatic is a term used for a person who is mentally ill (not in technical use; plus, it’s derogatory). Secondly, it means an extremely foolish or eccentric person (again, derogatory). It is no mystery that the root word ‘luna’ is Latin for the Moon, and insanity of an intermittent kind was attributed to its various phases.
The moon is the paradigm of unpredictability, causes mood disorders, and roils the mind when it is negative. When positive, it provides clarity of thought, resilience, motivation, determination, and a sense of purpose and calm. Lunar energy is considered to be healing in nature, can be harnessed to cleanse and energise magic tools, Tarot decks, crystals, and what not.
In addition, the moon is known for its effect on human sexuality and arousing sensitivity in our erogenous zones. The Kāma Sūtra of Maharṣi Vātsyāyana dictates that the sensitivity of a woman is influenced by the tithis (the dates of the lunar calendar). The shape-shifting of the moon is known as ‘Caṅdrakalā’ or the art of waxing and waning.
In Paurāṇic mythology, the moon-god Caṅdra is known to be the brother of Lakṣmī (चंद्रसहोदरी), and both share the quality of being whimsical (चांचल्य)—hence the epithet ‘Cañcalā’ was obtained by the goddess.
Caṅdra is said to be immensely handsome and well-versed in the arts of seduction, as he was successful in seducing the wife of his Guru, Bṛhaspati.
While Greco-Roman myths depict the moon personified as goddess Artemis and Diana respectively. Artemis is a huntress, carries a bow and a quiver, protects women and aids in childbirth. She is the twin sister of Apollo, the charming sun-god, both fathered by Zeus when he laid with Leto.
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themysticrebel · 3 years ago
Venus is like a courtesan who loves to sing and dance and pine for her long lost lovers. It encourages you to be a fine concoction of refined etiquette, dance, music, poetry, courtship, and respectability. It makes you sensitive towards æsthetics, nurtures art within you, and inspires beauty all around. If you want to strengthen Venus in your natal chart, start appreciating smells, odours, and fragrances. A strong Venus enhances sensitivity towards arts and æsthetics, poetry and music, dance and theatre, and most importantly, lavish perfumes and fragrant oils (attars).
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themysticrebel · 3 years ago
The Law of Cause and Effect
Karma is not a religious term. It is a Sanskrit word which means action. But it is essentially your thoughts that cause an action to fructify. Therefore, your thoughts are your karma. Karma, however, is also memory. Ever heard of ‘The Body Keeps The Score’?
Each cell in your body stores the memory of your thoughts, experiences, trauma, and much more. That is why it is immensely necessary to process trauma and heal your body and mind. This very karmic memory gets passed on to the next generation along with the burden of healing. So if you ever decide to reproduce, please be mindful of what kind of memory you would like to see acted out in your progeny.
Your thoughts blossom into emotions, and your emotions become your aura. From this energetic field around your body, you begin to vibrate at a particular frequency. Your vibe attracts compatible experiences that are also known as the ‘consequences of your own actions’.
Now let’s examine how strong is karma. A karma is like a seed sown in your subconscious. You water the seed by similar thoughts and it grows. The seed can be a curse, a benediction, or something you want to manifest. There have been elaborate rituals in India because our ancestors knew the art of generating positive karma. Idolatry means a subconscious desire being molded into a concrete ritual or a spell to bring peace, abundance, or prosperity upon the performer. It helped sow the seeds for manifestation.
This was the law of attraction that they always knew about. That is why you will find copious rituals, symbology, and religious iconography that a rational mind cannot comprehend. They were not made for the skeptical, but for the believers. Your beliefs are deeply embedded in the subconscious, and it helps manifest any thought. It also strengthens the sixth house of manifestation and the ninth house of faith and beliefs in the natal chart.
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themysticrebel · 4 years ago
The nine planets in sidereal astrology and their effects on the human mind and life force:
The planets are not just physical entities roaming around in the sky. They have vibrations affecting the Earth.
On the basis of your past life karmas, your current life is ordained. The exact position of the planets in your horoscope, the rāśīs (or zodiacal signs) in which they are posited, and the mansions they occupy will certainly affect your psyche and physicality in some way or the other.
The Moon represents your mother or mother figures in your life. It rules over the emotional domain, imagination, and sentiments, provides you mental clarity, and gives you a sense of purpose.
The Sun, representative of your father or father figures, confers fame and recognition. It gives success in jobs and ensures support from the government. It is considered the ruler (or king) of all the planets in astrology.
Mercury rules over intellect and all its myriad usages. Study material, stationery, paperwork, professions related to writing, journaling, music, literature, poetry, and travelling, all come under Mercury’s rulership. One must not disrespect any material for writing lest they should provoke Mercury’s wrath. It is said to curse people with skin diseases such as eczema.
Mars rules over charisma and sexual drive/libido.
Venus bestows attractiveness and enhances desirability. It supports you in finding a perfect life partner.
Saturn is the ultimate Judge. When deified, he is popularly worshipped as Śani (शनि) in Hindu belief. It bestows upon you the fruits of the karma you have generated in your past lives; hence, teaches you how to respect the law of karma; follow discipline and order; and respect the ones who are lower in social status. It causes delays, fear, anxiety, and restriction; represents the labour class, servants, and the poor. Its energy resides in the colour black, footwear, ironware, oil extracted from the seeds of yellow mustard as well as the cold pressed seeds of black sesame, kohl, antimony, and the precious stone of blue sapphire (नीलम). It presides over Saturdays amongst weekdays; rules the earthy sign of Capricorn and the aerial sign of Aquarius; and governs the direction of West in the ancient architectural science of Vāstu Śāstra. It acts as a significator of employment, financial security, money, and fulfilment of desires. The house of your natal chart that Saturn occupies indicates the karma you have been born to balance out in your current lifetime. It is exalted in the Venusian sign of Libra and gets debilitated in the Martian sign of Aries. Its negative effect is supposed to soften in the sixth, eighth, and the twelfth houses of the horoscope. It aspects the third, seventh, and the tenth house from its placement in your natal chart.
In Pauranic mythology, Jupiter is known as the Guru of the Devas (gods and demi-gods). It opens up doors for higher education and spiritual knowledge, ignites interest in learning of occult sciences and esotericism. Jovian energy gets activated while listening to or chanting of Vaidic hymns and mantras. It bestows a happy conjugal life in case of women as it is the significator of one’s husband in the horoscope. It also signifies philosophy, knowledge, education, the profession of teaching, your teachers or Guru, wealth, capability of active listening and understanding, expansion, fat, and lethargy in a person. It presides over Thursdays amongst weekdays, rules the fiery sign of Sagittarius and the aqueous sign of Pisces; and governs the direction of North-East (Īsānakona) in the ancient architectural science of Vāstu Śāstra. Its energy resides in yellow colour, turmeric, marigold flowers, gold, and the precious stone of yellow sapphire (पुखराज).
Rāhu (the North Node of the Moon) and Ketu (the South Node of the Moon) are shadow entities or mere mathematical points in the sky. Rāhu is supposed to delude and keep you away from reality. It is illusionary. Ketu makes you a maladaptive daydreamer; influences the faculties of imagination and psychic abilities, and heightens fantasies or romanticisation in the house that it occupies. Ketu is a significator of children, dogs, detachment, spirituality, dissatisfaction, unrealistic expectations from self, isolation, anxiety, and depression. It makes you gullible and directionless when negative. Feeding multi-coloured dogs is a remedy to propitiate Ketu.
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themysticrebel · 4 years ago
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The great Parāśara Muni, the father of Vaidic astrology. Salutations to thee.
॥ ॐ बलि गोत्रप्रमुख सप्तर्षि पराशराय नमः ॥
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themysticrebel · 4 years ago
‘Dānaṃ’ (दानम्), or ‘giving-away’, is the best remedy for neutralisation of unfavourable influence of a planetary position in the natal chart. Except one thing that people tend to overlook is that there should be no expectation of a favour in return.
A donation is considered a donation only when it is given without the expectation of a beneficiary result. Often people donate certain foods associated with planets in order to gain favourable results. Unfortunately, that is not how it works.
Astrology is all about lifestyle correction and character development. When change starts from within, only then all other outer aspects of planetary remedies begin to show results. You should not expect benefits from the gods without changing your mindset and behaviour towards others.
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themysticrebel · 4 years ago
As a Virgin ascendant, my Venus is in the solar sign of Leo, which is an enemy sign for Venus. Venus is the lord of the second and the ninth house, as the second house has been occupied by the aerial sign of Libra and the ninth house has been occupied by the earthy sign of Taurus.
Venus itself is situated in the twelfth house of my horoscope. It aspects the sixth house of Aquarius, and is aspected by Jupiter placed in the eighth house with Saturn. The Venus posited here makes me luxurious and glorious. I respect people with good qualities and I am also a person who believes in doing good deeds. People also respect me. I will not face any financial problems. I always avoid making expenses unnecessarily, but I do not hesitate to spend money for my comfort.
Venus makes me a person who spends money on good deeds and enjoys the feeling of spending money in such a way. Venus present here helps me lead a happy conjugal life. Hopefully, I will get married soon, even before I expect it. Venus makes me a person who is a centre of attraction for the opposite gender. I try to maintain a smile on everyone's face by my behavior and I succeed in the same. I have a larger number of friends.
Due to the malefic effects of Venus, I may feel inclined towards sensual activities (like excessive masturbation or consuming pornographic material). I may gain weight as my age increases; however, my diet and exercise regime is completely under my control. I may also spend unnecessarily on useless things at times. I may have some differences with my closed ones. I may not understand the evil plans of my opponents and make them my close friends. I may not give proper respect to my spouse and there is a possibility of inclining towards an extra-marital affair.
Nevertheless, all these influences of Venus are going to be limited and very subtle. My actions (karma) are in my control. I will decide what I do in my life. Planets are not the driver of my life, I am. They direct me and show me the way. I do the karma.
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themysticrebel · 4 years ago
All legal, social, and sexual deviance from the norm requires a weak, afflicted, or a debilitated Moon in the horoscope.
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themysticrebel · 4 years ago
Saturn (शनि) in the eighth house of one’s horoscope gives problems in reproduction and in reproductive organs. This shows strong sexual karma in your past life. Native may become futile in producing babies. Involvement in illegal sexual activities, scandal, and prostitution will earn a bad name for the native. Native may have a clandestine sexual affair with their partner or with a much older partner. The native may not satisfy their spouse and will not have much pleasurable physical experience on bed with their spouse.
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themysticrebel · 3 years ago
They say Ketu brings laziness, but it doesn’t. It makes you question your tasks. Ketu wants you to answer the why and find meaning in your day-to-day activities. In the continuous process of self-reflection, some actions towards material things may be lost. Thus, Ketu does not bring lethargy into your life, it brings in contemplation. It’s not laziness, it’s deliberation that Ketu wants in order to fulfil one’s tasks.
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