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tcbefearless · 11 months ago
@jxwatson continued x
"hm?" She questioned looking up from her phone, seeing the wine in his hand she gave a small dismissal of her hand. "Oh, no I don't need it. It isn't mine actually but Dad used it so best not. There is another bottle of wine in the cupboard if you wanted red? Or I have white in the fridge" Amelia questioned placing her phone into her back pocket.
She removed the leather jacket from her arms, wincing a little as she did so, yet the young Holmes didn't comment. "I have either Merlot or Malbec? Or Sauvignon Blanc for the white.. I don't drink white but I know Mrs Hudson quite enjoys it" Unlike her father, Amelia didn't test on food or drink, more often than not she kept her own stash with her name clearly labeled just in moments such as these.
"Long day ..no.. week, at the clinic?" She could tell how he held himself, giving a small deduction on her own accord. Amelia got two wine glasses out, opening the Merlot she poured herself a small glass placing the new bottle on the coffee table.
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shxlmes · 6 months ago
~ @jxwatson || liked for some tipsy texts ~
[text; JW] I've been starign at this murder case for so long Im starting to think I did it [text; JW] Where are you? [text; JW] Maybe you did it [text; JW] Are you on a date again? [text; JW] Imagine if our landlady was a murderer [delayed][text; JW] She whacked me [text; JW] come home
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shxlmes · 6 months ago
~ @jxwatson || How long were you going to hide this from me? ~
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"Well -" Sherlock pauses, thinking about his answer. "Ideally I was never going to tell you, couldn't quite face the lecture." He gingerly lifts his shirt up to reveal the gash that ran down along his side. "However, I think it might be infected, hence why I'm coming to you now."
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tcbefearless · 4 months ago
@jxwatson gets a starter because I miss the chaos
Amelia sat within 221b, knees to her chest as her arms wrapped around her legs. Her chin resting upon her knees as she simply sat watching the TV.. well, watching was rather an overstatement. Her father was out visiting the morgue, something about a potential link to another case, although Amelia hadn't really been listening. "John?" She questioned, hazel hues going to the man she very much saw as another father figure.
The question has always played on her mind, ever since she was a child. Yet the topic of her mother was something Sherlock never spoke about, it was as if she never existed. "..do you know who my mother could be?" Amelia asked quietly. "It's just.. I have been thinking about it, dad never asks, Mycroft doesn't know.." It wasn't a matter of identity for Amelia, she knew who she was. She was a Holmes. Yet the brunette still had questions.
"Dad isn't here, I thought maybe we could talk about it" Amelia Holmes wanting to actually talk about a subject that wasn't murder or a cold case from hundreds of years ago? Well, most would question if she was feeling alright. At the end of the day, she was just a young woman who like everyone else, wanted answers to her questions. Of course there was always the fact that John didn't know, but where was the harm in asking?
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tcbefearless · 10 months ago
@jxwatson Mid to late twenties Amelia
"Amelia has been on a date!" Mrs Hudson stated as she waltzed through the flat of 221b Baker Street. Amelia almost choked on her tea, how she had missed the British tea, having it in any other country just didn't taste the same; she guessed it was probably the milk. "I have not!" The brunette protested, placing her mug swiftly down before she choked anymore.
"nonsense, you have been gallivanting with that soldier, you know the one with the -" she reached for her left arm, indicating the bionic metal arm that Bucky Barnes had. "It's just a metal arm Mrs Hudson, and anyway I haven't been gallivanting, we have been assigned a mission together" Amelia explained leaning back in her seat, feeling the flush come to her cheeks. "Oh is that what you young people are calling it?" Amelia gave a small frustrated sigh, oh how she wanted to hide behind her hands and melt and fade into the carpet, thankfully her father wasn't here to witness it.
"He's very handsome" The landlady continued "Thank you for your input." She gave a small wave of her hand before walking back out of the flat. Amelia gave a small sigh of relief, rubbing her temples with a small laugh. "Bucky isn't, we aren't.." Though it was undeniable that she had started to wear her tags again, though she hadn't realized that Mrs Hudson had seen him. "Anyway, enough about me. How's the clinic?" Was Amelia trying to get the attention away from her? Yes she was, trying to deflect any questions. Was it working however? Most likely not, after all, Amelia never had a love life she never allowed herself or anyone else for that matter to get close to her.
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shxlmes · 5 months ago
[text; JW] Very. [text; JW] It wasn't? What was it then? Did you lecture him? [text; JW] Nagging isn't sexy, John, [text; JW] I'll come join you. [text; JW] I could be your wingman [text; JW] I've never done it before but how hard can it be?
[text; SH] Is it that interesting that I date men as well? [text; SH] He knows that about me [text; SH] And it wasn’t just the texts [text; SH] I doubt he’d be much convinced to come back [text; SH] I don’t know [text; SH] I’m debating going to a pub and drowning my sorrows
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shxlmes · 5 months ago
Sherlock's silent, watching as John pulls on a pair of gloves. "Would the concern come before or after the lecture about how I shouldn't have investigated the warehouse on my own?" He half winces at the antiseptic cleaning the wound, eyes zoned in on his flatmate. "I'm not used to having people care about my wellbeing, Watson - Well, my mother, but she doesn't count, she's obliged by blood to care for me." He looks down at the bandages before returning to the man standing before him. "Because I value your insight and find you quite enjoyable to have around." Silence falls between them for a moment, Sherlock shifting in his seat. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have assumed your reaction."
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John exhaled through his nose glancing up at Sherlock with a reproachful look, before turning his attention to the wound. The cut is a long, angry and inflamed thing, and deep enough that it should have been stitched up but it was too late for that. “For fuck sakes, Sherlock. Is it really that painful,” he said, opening his med kit and pulling on a pair of gloves, “for you to hear me express concern about your wellbeing?” Carefully, he cleans around the gash with alcohol pads before cleaning the wound with an antiseptic wash. “I don’t think that having a friend tell you to be bloody careful should bother you that much.” With a bandage securely in place, he takes off his gloves and stands, giving Sherlock a sharp look. “And if you find me that annoying I’m not sure why you’d want to have me as a flatmate.”
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shxlmes · 5 months ago
[text; JW] Don't be irritated, I've had a busy week [text; JW] He? Interesting [text; JW] Oh come now, he's clearly not very resilient if a few texts are going to frighten him off. [text; JW] I'll text him an apology if you'd like. Tell him what an upstanding citizen you are. [text; JW] You're correct there, Watson - She does a marvellous scone. [text; JW] Are you coming home then?
[text; SH] I did mention that I was going out tonight [text; SH] But i suppose i shouldn’t be surprised that you forget [text; SH] And, yes. if you must know, i’m on a date [text; SH] Or I was [text; SH] He just left [text; SH] After a certain detective wouldn’t stop pestering me [text; SH] I think i’d let her off [text; SH] On account of her scones are divine [text; SH] 😂 [text; SH] I’m sure it was well deserved
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tcbefearless · 11 months ago
Amelia gave a small sigh, she knew she'd lost this battle. She got to her feet grabbing her jacket, slowly putting it on with nothing but a tight jaw and grimace etched across her features. "Fine.." see in her head, she thought that she was doing good not saying anything to either her father or John. Yet in reality, Amelia knew that she had been wrong. Yet would she admit this fault? Of course not. As was the Holmes way.
Mrs Hudson came through the door at that moment, "Oh you just got back where are you going?" The landlady asked, to which the young Holmes gave a small smile glancing toward John. "Doctors Mrs Hudson, we won't be long. Dad should be back soon, you know what he's like" Amelia responded. She walked out of 221b, guessing that they were going to get a taxi.
Breathing hurt and now she thought on it, Amelia felt as if she had been hit by a bus. Maybe she did hit the side far harder than she originally thought she had. The taxi arrived fairly quickly after grabbing one off the street, Amelia got in carefully first putting on the seatbelt. "Let's just, get this over and done with" Amelia muttered, hazel eyes looking out the window of the taxi, observing every street and person that went by.
"I didn't tell you because I didn't want to worry. The only reason my uncle knows is because he watches my every move" Amelia explained rather bluntly and quickly. She was putting up a front again, putting up that wall. "like I told Mycroft, I'm not going to hospital. I don't do hospitals." Stubborn as ever, even if breathing did hurt, Amelia would simply get on with it.
She lowered her shirt, taking a seat opposite, her arms gingerly crossed over her chest. "I'm fine.." and yet she spoke through a tight jaw. Hazel hues didn't meet his own, so typical of a Holmes. "If I go to the hospital they are going to want to do a report. Scotland Yard are next to useless, and if anyone else knows that I have been followed and targeted.. no John, I can't have anyone else under the radar" In her mind she was doing it to protect others, the last thing Amelia wanted was anyone to die because a report had been issued.
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tcbefearless · 11 months ago
"I didn't tell you because I didn't want to worry. The only reason my uncle knows is because he watches my every move" Amelia explained rather bluntly and quickly. She was putting up a front again, putting up that wall. "like I told Mycroft, I'm not going to hospital. I don't do hospitals." Stubborn as ever, even if breathing did hurt, Amelia would simply get on with it.
She lowered her shirt, taking a seat opposite, her arms gingerly crossed over her chest. "I'm fine.." and yet she spoke through a tight jaw. Hazel hues didn't meet his own, so typical of a Holmes. "If I go to the hospital they are going to want to do a report. Scotland Yard are next to useless, and if anyone else knows that I have been followed and targeted.. no John, I can't have anyone else under the radar" In her mind she was doing it to protect others, the last thing Amelia wanted was anyone to die because a report had been issued.
Amelia glanced toward John, she saw the concern yet she placed a reassuring smile nonetheless. "I.." she began trying her best to think of a good excuse. Though she didn't have one. "I was targeted again" Amelia admitted, "It is just a few bruises" that was a lie. The young Holmes sighed, walking over to John, to lift up her top. The whole of her right side was bruised, almost black and blue.
"not much you can do about broken ribs..I just, tried to escape and I had to jump from one platform to the next and I nearly missed" Amelia explained though there was no denying that she was in quite a bit of pain. Hazel eyes glanced to Watson, "don't tell Dad, it is bad enough Mycroft knows and has surveillance on me" Danger magnet, that was what she was. Truth be told Amelia knew that she was in over her head, she was targeted a lot these days, she guessed it was because of who she was related to, Sherlock made enemies, it was only natural.
"I have had worse in my army days John." Amelia even looked tired, if one was to look closely you would see the bags under her eyes and the redness in the whites of them.
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tcbefearless · 11 months ago
Amelia glanced toward John, she saw the concern yet she placed a reassuring smile nonetheless. "I.." she began trying her best to think of a good excuse. Though she didn't have one. "I was targeted again" Amelia admitted, "It is just a few bruises" that was a lie. The young Holmes sighed, walking over to John, to lift up her top. The whole of her right side was bruised, almost black and blue.
"not much you can do about broken ribs..I just, tried to escape and I had to jump from one platform to the next and I nearly missed" Amelia explained though there was no denying that she was in quite a bit of pain. Hazel eyes glanced to Watson, "don't tell Dad, it is bad enough Mycroft knows and has surveillance on me" Danger magnet, that was what she was. Truth be told Amelia knew that she was in over her head, she was targeted a lot these days, she guessed it was because of who she was related to, Sherlock made enemies, it was only natural.
"I have had worse in my army days John." Amelia even looked tired, if one was to look closely you would see the bags under her eyes and the redness in the whites of them.
@jxwatson continued x
"hm?" She questioned looking up from her phone, seeing the wine in his hand she gave a small dismissal of her hand. "Oh, no I don't need it. It isn't mine actually but Dad used it so best not. There is another bottle of wine in the cupboard if you wanted red? Or I have white in the fridge" Amelia questioned placing her phone into her back pocket.
She removed the leather jacket from her arms, wincing a little as she did so, yet the young Holmes didn't comment. "I have either Merlot or Malbec? Or Sauvignon Blanc for the white.. I don't drink white but I know Mrs Hudson quite enjoys it" Unlike her father, Amelia didn't test on food or drink, more often than not she kept her own stash with her name clearly labeled just in moments such as these.
"Long day ..no.. week, at the clinic?" She could tell how he held himself, giving a small deduction on her own accord. Amelia got two wine glasses out, opening the Merlot she poured herself a small glass placing the new bottle on the coffee table.
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