#jvck james
anjelwingz · 1 year
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ambré & jvck james (2022) directed by child.
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virgovirgo · 9 months
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lyricsandsuch · 2 years
Tell me what I gotta do if I need to convince you I'm not playing
Dylan Sinclair; Open
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keepinit-g · 1 year
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newyawkbeauty · 2 years
when I’m at the top I want you laying by my side
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hauntini · 2 years
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ealyboy92 · 2 months
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musictyme · 9 months
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thatmanjam · 1 year
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depthsofasmile · 1 year
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a-fix-of-muses · 2 years
Currently Listening To: "Sun, Moon & Herbs" by Venna, JVCK JAMES
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desswright29 · 5 months
Intomba: Young Love
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A/N: Hey Yaw! I know I been gone but I been busy. But I’m here now and I come baring gifts lol. For some reason this story is really close to my heart. Like I LOVE reader and Shuri! I combined my love for Angst with my love for a pretty love story and I hope you guys love it as much as I’m enjoying writing it.
Word Count: 9.6k
Pairing: Shuri/Reader
Contains: Friends to lovers, underage kissing, Love story, Angst, Struggle, Prison Shuri, manipulation, No smut for now this isn’t a smit heavy fic. There will be but I just wanted to write a story.
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“Oh,God! Oh My God! I can’t believe it!” Bound to her wooden floors, her eyes locked onto mine. Stunned I should guess. Was it from my hardened appearance, or did my presence in general offend? I couldn’t have known. As our gazes lingered upon eachothers, I couldn’t help but notice after all these years, her eyes were still filled with a certain purity, guiltlessness, innocence. A simplicity, that I hadn’t been blessed to be in the presence of for a long time. Eight years to be exact. I couldn’t help but feel unworthy of it’s presence. Breaking our stare, I look down at my feet as they shuffle from side to side. Self-consciousness trickling through my veins as I continue to feel her gaze.
“I-I know I didn’t call. I didn’t have a number, only this address. I could find somewhere el-“
My body froze as I suddenly felt her body come in contact with mine. Rushing into me, she throws her arms around my neck. She trembled against me, and my eyes shut tight. The warmth of her embrace sending shock waves to my system. My arms remaining at my sides my mind not quite computing how to engage with the softness of this embrace. As my eyes remain shut I feel her pull away and soon after, fingertips gently caress each my cheeks. Slowly sliding from my cheeks, down my neck, and down my arms. She traced the art that now shadowed my caffeinated skin. “It’s really you.” The words pour softly from her lips, and I open my eyes slowly looking down at her lovingly.
 “I’m not so sure about that.” I whisper, my eyes glazing over allowing her to continue surveying me as we stand in her doorway. Those eyes, they lift from my arms back up to my own, brows furrowing as she searches for meaning. I can spot the exact moment she finds it. Grabbing my hand, she lightly tugs at my arm guiding me inside of the small apartment. Once the door closes behind us, her arms wrap around me once again.
I grip onto her, hands shaking as they grip onto her waist. I can feel the dam about to break. But, She still knew me. She could feel it, smell it on me. Her hand gently rubbed my back. “It’s ok. You’re safe now Shuri.” And with no urge to fight,I close my eyes allowing the tears to flow as I breath her in, head buried into her neck. It hits like a wave, my body shaking with sobs as my knees went weak, and we sank to the floor. “I’m sorry Shuri. I’m so sorry this happened to you.” She sits in the center of the floor, my head on her bossom as her hands delicately stroke the top of my head; allowing me to release emotions that hadn’t been safe for me to release for eight years of my life. 
And that’s who she was to me. My Amanzi, My water. When life would suck me dry. I ran to her and she replenished me.
I’m sorry. I don’t believe I’ve properly introduced myself. I’m Shuri. Now a days they call me Qamata. But, we’ll get into that later. I should explain what’s happening here. As i’m sure you’ve guessed, I’d just been released from prison, for what had supposed to have been a ten year bid. I got out in eight on good behavior. I was just a kid when I went in. 18. And there I was at 26 able to carry everything I owned in a paper trash bag. I remember feeling low. The equivalent of garbage. Cast away.
However, I wasn’t the delinquent youth that I’m sure you all are picturing. Far from it. I was top of my class. Dual enrollment. I’d graduated highschool at 17 as valedictorian, and having already secured a bachelors degree from the most prestigious university in Wakanda; where I would’ve finished out my education in Network engineering and computer science, had everything gone the way it was supposed to. But, Bast did it not. At a point in time I despised this life that I chose. It had taken the person I loved most in the world away from me. My brother.
At a point in time my father was the most feared man in the place we call The Bricks. His name was T’Chaka, they called him Uthixo. God Father. Pretty self-explanatory. He peddled his poisonous products to our community without remorse. Not a single regret. He was merciless, cold. So much so that he’d killed his own brother in cold blood after finding out that he was consorting with the enemy. Turned out my uncle N’Jobu, had been being held captive. Working for them under the pretense that his families lives would be taken. My father knew this. He still killed him, stating that N’Jobu was a liability. That was my father. His carelessness eventually cost him and my brother their lives. They were killed the same day. Their bodies riddled with bullets. My father and brother dangled from light poles on display like trophies. 
T’Challa, my brother, he didn’t deserve it. He hadn’t wanted that life. And neither did I. My mother, myself, and my sister were exiled in a way. Shunned into dilapidated buildings struggling to make ends meet. My mother fell sick, and my sister was useless. She sold her body, and the proceeds went to her poisonous habit. She’d had three children since then that ended up mostly under the care of my mother. So as soon as I was of age I began to work in the mines. It was hard back breaking work for anyone, especially a teenage girl. But, it was my only option. My name. My Fathers name preceded me wherever I went. I worked hard to turn it around. And I began to succeed. 
I am a certified Genius. If anybody was going to get us out of The Bricks. It would be me. But,  Love. Love makes us silly, Ngaba akunjalo (Does it not)? I took one look at that pretty chocolate skin. Those big Doe eyes, and that big gravity defying hair and fell into a deep bottomless pit of eternal love….In love with you Sthandwa Sami. The girl who saw me hoarding my food from the cafeteria to take to my niece and nephews; even though I myself was by every definition of the word starving. So you started packing me a lunch everyday. Making me eat it infront of you. Stubborn Haha. The only person in the world who could tell me what to do. If only I’d known that that was only the begining of the things you’d be to me.
In all of my life, there were only two constants. Tragedy. And You. I remember the day everything changed. The day I knew I was in love with you.
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Your buttery brown skin saturated with the suns rays blessed Shuri’s vision. Sitting across from her, a beauty that had changed the trajectory of her exsistence. Physically, you were a goddess to young Shuri, yes. It was apparent in the way she incessantly stole glances. Bast’s light shining on you making your skin, the shade of nutmeg, gleam like pyrite stone. Eyes like buttered chocolate, swirled with caramel crescent moons. Your juicy lips appearing as though they’re dripping in manuka honey. Big curls sat atop your head like a crown. Unapologetically kinky, defying earths gravity. 
However, it was more than tangible for Shuri. Deeper than the eyes would meet. Your beauty was the flower be-speckled in the thin light of dawn. But, it was also the volunteer in a soup kitchen on a holiday missing their own family meal. It was majesty and self-sacrifice, it was all of the wonders of the natural world and our spiritual wholeness. It was the embodiment of the love God had for her people. For who are we to be blessed to walk amongst such an ethereal beauty. 
“Shuri? Shuri!?” Shuri was startled out of her thoughts, sitting up straight in her seat. The pretty girl that had her transfixed, now speaking to her. She cleared her throat trying to play it cool.
“Yea? What’s up?” Scratching the back of her head, she looked down at the books infront of her, trying to avoid eye contact. Her heart heart rate was excelerated, and her face heated, she’d been caught.
“You’re not paying attention.” Finally, her eyes raise. Looking into deep brown orbs she could so easily get lost in. So beautiful. 
“Yo. I was listening.” She spoke up defensively slouching back against her chair. Mirroring her actions from across the table, you cross your arms across your chest, squinting your eyes at your friend, cocking your head to the side. 
“What did I just say, Shuri?” Shuri’s lower lip disappears between her teeth as she tries to swallow a smile. Her eyebrows raise, and her eyes shift from side to side. Your eyes narrow as the smile broke across her face, her eyes turning apologetic.
“I’m sorry.” She chuckles. Rolling your eyes,  you suck your teeth quickly picking up and throwing it across the table at her. She catches it effortlessly. “A pencil?” Her eyes widen in faux shock. “You’re really trying to hurt me.” She says hand coming up to clutch her chest dramatically before a smirk curled her pretty lips.
“Yea, because you’re supposed to be helping me, but you keep zoning out!” Your face scrunches up in frustration. Though you couldn’t help but to admire how cute and dramatic Shuri was. With her perfectly chisled face, pretty lips, and perfect smile. Your tummy tingled a bit as the two of you seemed to get lost in eachothers gaze. 
“Shhh!” Shuri’s attention was immediately grabbed by the sound. Her gaze snapping to a young man staring at you two his annoyance apparent, and so was Shuri’s. He’d interrupted a moment of rarity between the two of you everyone knew that Shuri’s annoyance wan much more dangerous than the average persons. The smile was still plastered on her face, her bottom lip now resting between her teeth. You see her glance your way out of the corners of her eyes and you shake your head. 
“Shuri..” She turns to you fully throwing her hands up in defense. 
“I’m not going to bother him Y/n. He’s absolutely correct. We should act like we have home training? We’re in a library. We should conduct ourselves properly. Yea?” Knowing better, your brow raises a frown distorting your face.
Shuri leans back in her seat a genuine smile plastered on her face, before her gaze returns to the boy.
“He’s safe Amanzi. However, for future references. It’d behoove you to watch your tone when you speak to her.” Suddenly her tone turned serious, eyes steadfast on him, the smirk on her face leisurely becoming a grimace. The boy shifts in his seat clearly uncomfortably. Shuri turned in her chair hunching over placing her elbows to her knees only deepening the stare staring a hole into the side of his face. Quickly closing his books, shoving them into his back pack, he scurries off to find a safer table. 
“Ah maaaann! Are you leaving? Don’t goo!” She called after him sarcastically. 
“He didn’t even say anything. Why’d you do that?” You chastise her.
“Yea he did. Remember? He said Shh. And it’s not what he said it was the maliciousness
in his tone.” A malicious grin spread across her face.
“Malicious- Girl.” You roll your eyes as laughter erupts from her throat. “We’re sorry!” You call after the boy.”
“Speak for yourself, thando” She replies. 
You look at her like she’s crazy as she shrugs her non chalance. 
“Anyway Shuri. If you’ve had enough of being a bully, could you please help me with this fucking calculus I only made it into this class because of you.” 
Shuri’s outdated Kimoyo beads buzz against her wrist and another apologetic look crossed her face. You release an exasperated sigh, slouching down into your chair. 
“Put your lip up. It’ll only take a second.” 
“Khawulezisa!! (Hurry up)” You say. Shuri’s eyes roll to the back of her head as she see’s the holorgraphic name that appears. With great hesitance she answers the call.
“Challan, I’m at the library.” She answers, irritation seeping from her pores.
“Your Umama, is in the hospital. My kids were unattended for 3 hours.” Shuri’s heart drops into her stomach, immediately sitting up straight in her seat. Concern instantly crosses your face your back also straightening. 
“What are you talking about?” Shuri could feel her heart racing in all of her pulse points while she waited for her sister to give her more details. 
“Some complication with the cancer. I don’t fucking know. She’s good, but the kids haven’t eaten all day!” Shuri could feel her body began to heat up with rage. 
“ChaCha! Feed them! They’re your kids! I don’t have time for this shit! What hospital did they take mother too?” A long suck of the teeth comes from the other end of the call and Shuri’s jaw clenches.
“What’s going on?” You mouth from across the table, and Shuri holds up a finger. 
“If I had something to feed them with you think I’d be talking to you about it!” Shuri’s shut tightly as she counts backwards from 10 to try and calm herself.
“I don’t have any money Cha. Tell me where they took my mother.” She reiterated, rubbing a hand down her face, slouching against her chair once again. Your eyes never leave her watching her every movement. 
“You’re lying. You always have money.”
“I have a job Cha…You should try one. I’m only 16. Im not a fucking millionaire. I’m making enough for bills, and food for me and mother. We’re barely scraping by with that. For some inexplicable reason, I’m still waiting for you to let me know where they took my mother Cha, I’m loosing patience.”
“She’s at General…You don’t care about your nephews and niece eating?”
“Just stay at the hospital. I’ll get them something when I get there.”  Shuri hangs up in her face. Standing to her feet, and you begin stuffing your belongings into your book bag hurriedly. Shuri’s eyebrows furrow as she watches you. 
“What are you doing?” You look up at her like it was the most obvious thing in the world. 
“Coming with you to the hospital. Duh.” 
“No. You need to stay here and finish studying. You’re exam is tomorrow.” Your head jerks back a look of offense taking over your face.
“Shuri get your shit together so we can go. Don’t play with me.” You finish putting away your things, throwing your bag over your shoulder. 
“Stubborn.” Shuri huffed a small laugh, while doing as you said. You grab ahold of Shuri’s hand pulling her to the exit of the Library. The two of you running out, and hopping onto Shuri’s motorbike. You place on the extra helmet she always kept for you, and hold tightly to her waist before she takes off. 
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“Umama?” She speaks softly stepping quietly into the hospital room, hand in hand with you, not wanting to interrupt her if she was resting.
“Come on in baby. Im awake.” Ramonda announces her eyes lighting up at the sight of You and Shuri. 
There was once a time in her life when her mother stood so tall, so strong. Graceful and elegant. Now she lie weak and frail. It rocked Shuri to her core everytime her eyes rested on her mother for too long. 
“Umakazi! Umakazi!” The pitter patter of little feet followed the sound of little voices as they came crashing into their aunt, hugging onto her legs as she lowered herself wrapping them all into her embrace. You smile as you walk over to her mothers bed placing a gentle kiss to her cheek. 
“Y/n, it’s good to see you.” She says lightly squeezing your hand. 
“It’s good to see you too. I wish it was under better circumstances ofcourse. How are you?” A light smile lifting the corner of your lips. 
“Blessed, intombi entle.” The smile on your lips widen. She never let her spirits fall no matter the circumstance and that was admirable to you for all that she had been through.
“Bast you all get bigger everytime I see you! Look at you.” A warm smile lingers on your lips as you watch Shuri tickle and interrogate her neice and nephews about their day.
“She loves those babies.” Ramonda chuckles as she watches along with you. You nod 
“More than anyone, could truly understand.”
“Hey to you too sister.” Cha says sitting in the corner of the hospital room. Shuri looks up from the children only for a brief second. Still very off out from her and her sisters earlier conversation, but she chooses not to argue as of now. Instead she places a kiss to each child’s head and stands to her feet. 
“Hey Cha.” She says before heading over to her mother. Removing your hand from Ramonda’s grasp you step back allowing Shuri access to her mother.
Leaning over her mother, she places a gentle kiss to her foerhead, smoothing her hand over hair, “How are you feeling, mama?” Ramonda looks up at her daughter a weak smile passing over her lips. 
“I’m just fine little girl.” Shuri smirks. That was always her answer. 
“Yea. Well I’ll let your doctor tell me how true that is.”
“Don’t you go getting all worked up over me now. How are you?” She asked lifting her hand to Shuri’s cheek. 
“Worried mama.” Shuri whispers, eyes revealing the truth behind that statement. 
“I am ok. My dear, and there’s no need at all to be worried. You have all the strength you need to survive, and not to mention an abundance of knowledge. You are an Udaku. As much you want to renounce that name It holds alot of power. Every once in awhile you’ll need to tap into it.” Shuri didn’t like this conversation. She didn’t like it one bit. Her eyes searched her mothers face a since of dread washing over her.
“Mama? What’s happening what’s going on?”
“I need to head out it’s getting late. Shuri you got cash so the kids can eat?” Cha stands from her seat appearing eager to leave. Shuri stands to her full height, over Cha’s attitude. 
“You don’t see me talking to my mama?” Shuri’s face scrunches, and Cha folds her arms across her chest rolling her neck.
“Well like I informed you earlier. My children haven’t eaten all day. So I need to go and get them fed.” 
“And since you’re depending on ME to feed them it would be smart of you to wait until I finish talking to mother.” Shuri rebuts
“I don’t have time to wait for you.” Shuri chuckles.
“Oh I’m sorry, is the crack calling?”
“Shuri!” Both you and Ramonda interject reminding her of the presence of Cha’s children. 
The doctor enters the room, as Shuri and Cha grill each other from across the room.
“You must be Shuri.” A polite smile graced his face as he approached Shuri his hand outstretched. 
“Yes.” She says softly before taking his hand to shake. 
“Nice meeting you young lady. I am Doctor W’Kabi. There are a few things that I need to go over with you and your family. Is everyone in the room authorized to hear?” You stand to your feet.
“I’ll head out. Shuri how about you give me the money for the food and I take them downstairs to eat so you all can talk.” Shuri’s eyes soften at the sound of your voice. She nods reaching into her pocket to get her wallet. 
“Uh! Excuse you? I don’t know her Shuri! She’s not taking my kids anywhere!” Her eyes land on you looking you over with a condescending stare. 
“And I’m not giving YOU money. So it seems we’re at an empass here sister.” The tension growing thicker between the two siblings. Shuri’s eyes squinted, her legs slightly parting as she locked her fingers together at her hips. Cha’s nostrils flared as she looked back and forth between you two. 
“Girl fuck you.” You immediately step forward..
“Uh uh, that’s enough. You may not know me but I know that Shuri is constantly sacrificing to help you feed your own children and your not about to keep disrespecting her in front of me.” Cha smirks stepping forward. 
“Little girl, What do you think you’re gonna do?” Yoo step forward as well never being one to back down but Shuri immediately grabs your arm. 
“Chill.” She says pulling you behind her. “Cha, this is not a problem you want. Now Y/n is going to take the kids to get food Sonwe can talk to the doctor.” Turning around to face you, Shuri sees that your eyes were still set on her sister. She touched your cheek bringing you back to her. 
“Hey, calm down. Just handle this for me so I can find out what going on with my mother.” Your eyes finally land back on Shuri’s face as you calm down. You nod.
“I am. I got it. She’s just disrespectful as hell.” You say mumbling pulling yourself away from Shuri’s grasp and gathering the children. Shuri can’t help but smile a bit as she watches you leave the room. Knowing you would have much more to say. When all of the commotion was finally over Shuri brought her attention back to the doctor.
“I apologize for the disruption Doctor. You may continue.” Shuri looks over at her mother who had been abnormally quiet throughout the hostile exchange. She seemed dazed, just trying to keep herself awake. She turned back to the doctor needing to know what was going on.
“Yes.. Well.” Dr. W’Kabi says moving right along. “Earlier before your arrival we were discussing the current state of the cancer. Unfortunately, it has spread, and it’s becoming very aggressive, taking a major toll on her body. I’m sorry to say it’s only going to get worse from here.” It felt like a punch to the gut, and tears streamed from Shuri’s eyes.
“S-so what do we do? What do we have to do?” Shuri’s eyes glanced over the room. Challan remained steadfast in her spot almost looking as though this was all inconveniencing her. 
“We’ve discussed it being best that your mother goes into a hospice facility.” Shuri froze. Her world begining to feel as though it was crashing around her. 
“N-no, no, no. W-We can’t afford a facility.” Shuri says through her tears.
“There are low income options that are covered by the state th-“
“I know what you’re talking about, and I’m not letting my mother go there. They don’t give a fuck about those people!”
“Shuri..” Ramonda’s voice came out in a whisper behind her. Shuri turns to her mother.
“No mama. You’re not going there!”
“I-I’m sorry, young lady. Your mother has already allowed your sister to fill out the paper work.” Shuri’s head whipped around again. Confusion taking over her as she stared at the doctor in disbelief. She scanned the room once again her eyes like daggers landing on Cha. 
“You did what mama?” She whispered, addressing her mother as she grimaced at her sister. “Cha doesn’t give a fuck about you! You let her sign you into a death trap?!” Her voice now raised, trembling with all of her bubbling emotions.
“You know what. I’m sick of your shit Shuri! I’m the oldest, and I can damn well help take care of mama!”
“Bitch! Your brain is fucking fried you can’t even take care of your damn kids!”
“STOP IT!” Ramonda’s voice carries throughout the room, strong this time making them both freeze as they had a stand off in the middle of the room. 
“Doctor could you please give us a moment.” Dr. W’Kabi slightly bows his head as he steps out giving them space to talk.
“As long as the two of you are breathing. I don’t want to hear you disrespect eachother the way you have today. You’re treating one another like strangers and like it or not. The two of you are all you’ve got in this world. So you may not like eachother. But, you better figure out how to love. Do you understand me?” Both of the sisters held their poster. Looking the other over as though they were forever enemies. 
“I said do you understand me!” Her vice raises again and the two of them finally answer their mumbled agreement. 
“Challan step out.” Ramonda commands as Shuri’s nostrils flare, her breathing excelerated as she mugged her sister as she stormed from the room.
“Alright that’s enough Shuri.” Shuri snaps back around to her mother.
“Mama this is crazy!”
“What’s done is done. It’s my decision and I did what I had to do for you.”
“For me? This isn’t for me mama I need you. What am I supposed to do without y-“
“You’re gonna make it. Is what you’re going to do little girl.” Shuri shut her mouth. As the tears flow. 
“I ca-can’t mama. I can’t.” Ramonda’s own tears began to flow. 
“It’s time Shuri, and I need you to figure things out.”
“I don’t have anybody else. They’re gonna put me in the system.”
“No. Cha’s of age so I’ve allowed her to be placed as your legal guardian.” Shuri’s eye almost take over her face at this information.
“WHAT! Cha’s supposed to be my guardian and she’s hanging on to her kids by a thread!”
“Let me talk girl damnit….I wish that me and your father did better by all of you. I live in constant regret of the way the lifestyle we chose tore apart our family. What it did to my dear T’Challa.” Ramonda chokes up at the mention of Shuri’s brother who was killed along with her father fighting a senseless gang war. A tear fell from Shuri’s eyes. She missed her brother everyday. “ All of those late nights. The money. The power. And now I have nothing to give. Grief has made me sick in my body. I’ve held on this long for the two of you. Allowing Cha guardianship over you gives you time. And hopefully it will pull you closer again. You’ve been blessed with amazing gifts Shuri. Don’t let struggle over take you. Continue excelling in your studies and you’ll get all of you out of Brick District.”
“Ma- I”
“Shuri.. I’m not asking you. I need you to do this. I understand this is a lot to put on the shoulders of a teenaged girl and I hate that this is the only option. You need to focus. I need to know you hear what I’m saying.Take the curse from our families name.” Shuri looked at her mother her eyes clenching shut. This was it. She was her only way out. 
“Yes Umama.” She whispers. Ramonda lifts her hand again raising it to Shuri’s cheek. “I love you child. And I’m so sorry for the life your father and I chose. But, you’ll be better. You’ll be great. Promise me that.” Shuri’s eyes fluttered as she held back tears.
“Yes Mother. I promise.” Shuri says softly. 
Shuri leaned down. Placing a gentle kiss on her mothers cheek.
“Come see me as much as you can. I love you. But you’re not going to sit and sulk in this hospital with me any longer. They’ll be taking me shortly.” Shuri broke, she lay next to her mother a moment allowing her tears to fall as Ramonda comforted her. Rubbing her head as she snuggled into the crook of her neck.
“You’re going to be great girl. You’re going to change lives.“ Shuri lay there for a few more minutes before standing to her feet wiping away her tears. 
“I love you mama.” Ramonda smiles. 
“Go child. I’ll see you soon.” Shuri nods, slowly turning to walk out of her mothers room. 
“Oh Shuri?” She calls and Shuri turns once more. “Tell Y/n how you feel.” Shuri’s heart drops into her stomach. Her sexuality had never been a topic of conversation between her mother and her. But, she knew. Of course she knew. This causes a light smile to lift the corners of Shuri’s lips, before she exited her mothers room.
Your head quickly lifts, as the door opens. You stand from the bench that you’d been sitting in, approaching Shuri, concern etched into your face. Shuri takes in her surrounding.
“Where’s Cha and the kids?” The tone of her voice almost broke you. Though her head was held high as she walked out of the room. Her voice gave way to her pain.
“Cha came and snatched them up. So I just came back to wait for you.” You say softly. Shuri nods, as you step forward. 
“You ok?” Shuri just shakes her head, stepping forward into your arms. Her’s snaking around your waist, laying her forehead onto your shoulder, allowing her tears to flow. Silently, you wrap your arms around her shoulders lending your wordless comfort. 
“Cha signed mother into the counties hospice facility.” She whispered against your neck. Her tears soaking through your shirt. 
“What?” It comes out like breath, You were taken aback. Hospice? “Oh Bast. Shuri.” Your eyes welled as you rubbed gentle circles into her back. Her news struck a bit of fear within you. What now? What would happen to her? So many questions went through your mind but now wasn’t the time. You chose to continue lightly stroking her back as she wept into your shoulder. 
“I can feel you worrying through your fingertips Amanzi.” Shuri says, pulling herself up. Almost as though it was reflex you reached up placing your hand to her cheek flicking away her tears with your thumb.
“I’m sorry. I-I’m just. What’s going to happen to you?”  Shuri sighs her hand coming up to grip the wrist of your hand that cupped her cheek.
“Cha is now my legal guardian.” Your mouth drops.
“Cha? Cha? As in your sister that can’t take care of her own kids? How does that work? Are you going to move with her? What if- “
“Y/n.” She cuts you off with a finger beneath your chin. Her thumb gently pressing against your lips, before it slides down your soft lips. Your body immediately froze. The touch felt so much more intimate than she’d ever touched you before. Your eyes locked on to hers as she spoke to you. 
“I work. I’ll figure this out.” You let out a slightly shaky breath trying to cover up how much her touch had effected you. 
“Shuri you’re only sixteen. There’s only so much you can handle.” Shuri’s thumb now traced your lower lip and it seemed as though her eyes were focused there before her gaze finally met yours.
“I don’t have a choice.” She whispered.
Your eyes welled. No matter how unfair. She was right. This was her reality. No amount of feeling sorry, or worrying about her was going to change that fact. So you swallow your tears. Looking up at her still wrapped in her embrace.
“And you’ll never go through it alone.” That was a solemn promise that you would forever keep. Shuri’s heart heard it. She nodded slowly. Eyes never leaving yours. It was a silent agreement that you would remain beside her through the thick of it. Little did either of you know there was a pull inside of both of you. To seal your agreement with a kiss. However neither of you wanted to loose the other. And not knowing the others intent caused you both to step out of the intimate embrace. Clearing your throats awkwardly.  
“Uh, I should get you home.” You nod in agreement. 
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The sun was begining to set as the two of you rode through the city. The two of you taking a short detour to Shuri’s so that she could give you notes for your exam tomorrow. The ride was quiet and peaceful. You held Shuri tight allowing her to process her thoughts. Once at her apartment building the two of you head up stairs. The trip was meant to be in and out, but Shuri would never allow you to be outside alone in her neighborhood. Though yours wasn’t the safest either, she’d never allow you to be hurt on her watch.
Unlocking the door to the apartment, You both step inside, and Shuri hits the the light switch….and nothing happens. Shuri flicks the switch back and forth a few times silently before her shoulders slumps. Her head drops and her eyes shut tightly. Before….
“Fuuuuck!” She hauls off punching the wall above the light switch several times. Her final straw for the day being reached. 
“I’m tired! I’m of this struggle shit!” You could see the emotional exhaustion take over her. Her body finally collapsing to the floor and down you went with her. Cradling her head against your bossom.
“I know”, was all you could give. Because after the today there wasn’t much comfort in words. Shuri had been through enough to break most adults. 
“You’re not alone Shuri. You’re not by yourself.” You whisper as you hold her rocking her in your arms. The two of you held that position. You hummed to her. Rubbing her head until you felt her breathing slow, her grip loosening around you. 
“I should get you home.” You hear her muffled words.
“I’m not going anywhere.” You immediately rebut. Shuri pulls herself away from you, shaking her head. 
“No. You need to get home. This is not your problem. I don’t have power or any food. I gave Cha my last few dollars for the kids. I’m tapped out. I’m going to take you home. Tomorrow I’ll see if I can get an advance at work or something. It’s only one night. I’ll figure it out.”
“You haven’t figured it out yet?” You ask.
 “I’m not leaving you here alone, and hungry in the dark.”
“And just how do you plan to pull that off. Your mother hates me and my family. You think she’s about to let you have a sleep over at my place.” Shuri chuckles sarcastically. “Anyway, I can’t keep letting you do this. These are my struggles y/n. Maintaining a friendship doesn’t require you taking on my burdens. I would never ask that of you.”
“You haven’t. I’m offering my back to help carry some of the weight Shuri. You can’t do this alone. You were hit with a lot today, and I couldn’t sleep at night knowing your here pretending you don’t have anyone else. I love you, and right now you don’t need to be alone. More than ever you need someone in your corner, and it’s important to me that I’m that person, So let me be.” Shuri’s heart skips a beat as she looks into your eyes, her lip trembling. After the city had shunned her and her family, you’d stepped up. Refusing to lump her into her fathers sins. You and your friendship meant the world to her. 
You stood to your feet reaching for her hand pulling her to her feet. 
“I’m going to call Nevaeh and tell her I’m going to tell mom I’m staying with her. I’ll get a few dollars from her and some food. We’re going to get some candles and batteried for flashlights and we’re gonna thug this out together. And you don’t have a choice.”
Another tear rolled down Shuri’s cheek as she silently nodded letting out a small exhale. You reach up wiping away the tear quickly before taking your hand in hers. 
“Let’s go.”
As of now there were so many words that Shuri wanted to say. So much gratitude she had that she wanted to spill over into you. She battled inside with it, and finally decided to settle on a simple. “Thank you.”
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Shuri gets you home. Parking a block away so that noone notified your mother about who you’d been with. Their weren’t many parents who would be fond of their children befriending Uthixo’s daughter. So she steered clear of your mother. Not wanting to cause a riff in your home. So, you ran up to your apartment quickly to grab the things you’d need for the night, as Shuri sat waiting on her bike, under the disguise of the nights darkness.
Thunderous bass reached her ears before the brand new black escalade approaching her came into view. A long sigh escaped her lips. She rolled her eyes, taking off her helmet, swinging a leg over the front of her bike. She sat to the side elbows to knees…waiting.The truck slowly rolled to a stop in front of her. The window rolling down to a smile filled with gold. 
“What up lil cuz! I ain’t seen you around these parts in a minute. I thought y’all let them run y’all outta town.” He chuckles. Shuri’s face scrunches up in annoyance.
“N’jadaka.” Her voice was nonchalant. Demeanor calm, as she waited for her older cousin to state his business. 
“I can’t check up on family? We are still family. I know Unc didn’t give a fuck about that. But, I do. Y’all been straight? I’ve seen Cha around and she not lookin’ too good.” His eyes appeared concerned but the small smirk on his lips showed his true face. Shuri chuckled unamused.
“Funny…You think we don’t know you’re feeding her the shit that’s got her fucked up?” He finally allowed his smile to break free. 
“Ah man baby cuz…See that’s business. She was getting ahold to that shit before I came along. We both know that.” He took a break to take a long drag of a blunt sitting between two fingers. “You a genius and shit right. You know whether I was giving it to her or not she was gon’ find it. Might as well be family.”
In a way he was right. Cha had always been the type to end up in things she wasn’t supposed to. But, that was still no reason to allow her to indulge. Shuri decided to ignore his comments. Choosing silence, hoping that it would speed up this exchange. She wasn’t in the mood.
“Look lil cuz. I know you don’t trust me because of what your pops did to mine and all. Y’all think I’m out to get you and shit. It’s a valid fear.” Shuri chuckled once again now sliding off of her bike choosing to lean against. Shuri held no fear in her heart for N’Jadaka. “But, I want you to know there’s no hostility between you and me. You ain’t have shit to do with that. As a matter of fact with my status out here and your smarts. We could team up. Run the biggest most undetictable operation Brick District ever seen.” Shuri shakes her head a smirk on her face, leaning against her bike. 
“You do realize I’m 16 right?” 
“Yea. But you mature and shit, and you got heart lil nigga. You ain’t scared of shit. That’s the brilliance of it man. Nobody would suspect you. The genius girl trying to stay under the radar. Trying to denounce her fathers name. No one would ever believe you would get back into this shit.” 
“Because wouldn’t.” Shuri says matter of factly, crossing her arms over her chest and crossing her legs at the ankle. Killmonger scanned her. Taking note of her calm demeanor. Not an ounce of fear detected. He smirked. He admired that about Shuri. Young and fearless.
“Wouldn’t you though? I know y’all over there struggling. Your sister has a lot to say when she’s off a bean. You 16 working the fucking mines to keep food on the table. That ain’t no life for a child man.”
“But dealing is?” Shuri’s eyebrow raised as her voice went up an octave. “If you give so much of a fuck why not help us? You’ve got it right?”
“Nah, I don’t give shit for free. Family or not. You earn your keep. Your traitor ass daddy taught me that.” 
“Well, I am not my father.” N’jadaka took the moment to lean out of the window. Taking a slow drag, blowing smoke into Shuri’s face.
“Wrong lil cuz. You’re the most like your father. You can’t outrun that shit.” Staring into N’jadaka’s eyes, Shuri bit into her cheeks jaws clenching. Tension building in the loud silence.”
From the corner of her eye Shuri sees you rushing over your bag thrown over your shoulder. N’Jadaka’s eyes follow Shuri’s, a smile spreads across his face. 
“That’s you?” Shuri’s eyes cut over to him. Her face warming up slightly.
“What?” Taking notice he teases a bit more.
“That pretty little lady walking over this way. That your girl?” Suddenly the calm demeanor that Shuri wore earlier was becoming a bit less cool. 
“What are you talking about?” 
N’jadaka throws his head back laughing. He found it. A weakness. “Don’t play coy with me. I know you don’t think you give off you like boys vibes.” Shuri’s face flushed. 
“Kiss my ass.”
“She’s a lil cutie.” He chuckles as you approach.
“Hey.” You say to Shuri and Shuri only, as you walk up looking between the two. 
“Hey.” Shuri says grabbing her helmet. 
“Heeeeey.” Killmonger says a smile taking over his face. You stare at him face upturned in disapproval. He lets out a hardy laugh at this.
“Yea she’s the one for you lil cuz. Looks like you and your lil lady friend got somewhere to be. So I’ll let you go.” He smiles looking you over and then turns his attention back to Shuri. “Remember what we talked about. You know where to find me.” You and Shuri watch as he slowly drives away. 
“You ok?” You ask turning towards Shuri.
“Yea. I’m cool. Just N’jadaka being himself.”
“Well whatever that was stay away from it. I know Killmonger doesn’t want anything good from you.” Turning to look at you. Shuri bites her lip nodding her head. 
“Yea.” She whispers to herself. “Let’s go.”
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The two of you now sat on the bed in Shuri’s room lit by candle light. Studying using a small lantern for light. You’d brung a small wireless speaker that kept a great charge. Soft music played as you two studied and ate the food and snacks you’d snuck from home. Shuri had to admit she was grateful that you’d stayed. With you with her, her struggle didn’t feel so much like struggle. You’d made the night pleasant. The two of you talking and laughing as though this was just a normal sleep over.
“Ok. I think I got it now. I feel confident that I can ace this test now.” Shuri’s eyes lit up as she smiled at you.
“You were always gonna ace the test. You know this stuff.” You smile back at her looking into her eyes.
“Yea.” You say softly. The two of you sat in silence for a moment as music played softly in the background. Shuri layed back in her bed. Closing her eyes her hands resting behind her head. She seemed content in the moment as you looked her over. You recognized that when you looked at Shuri. When you were around Shuri, something felt different. Shuri in the few years you’d know her had grown to be your best friend. However, something about the friendship the two of you had seemed like more. It was weighing heavily on your mind as you continue stealing slight glances at Shuri, and you couldn’t hold it anymore. 
“Shuri?” You say breaking the silence.  
“Hm?” She reply’s her eyes still closed.
“Do um wh-why…We never talk about crushes and stuff.” You say mentally face palming. Real smooth Y/n. Your heart was pounding and your palms started to sweat a bit. Shuri’s eyes slowly opened as she turned to face you hearing your nerves through the question. She sat up clearing her throat a bit her nerves picking up a bit as well. 
“W-what do you mean?” 
“I’m just saying that we’ve been friends for awhile, and we’ve never talk about people we like or anything. Is that weird?” Shuri is silent for a moment. Her mind reeling a bit. Where did this come from?
“Uh..I mean yea. I-I guess. Is that something you want to talk about with me?” Shuri’s heart was dropping into her stomach. The last thing she wanted was to have to talk to the girl she loved about some boy she was crushing on. But, she had to have seen this coming right. This was the cherry on top of a shitty day.
“I don’t know.” You whisper. “But we’re bestfriends, we should want to right?”
“I guess…So do you? Do you like someone?” Shuri didn’t want to know this in the slightest. 
“I-I think I do. I’m not sure.” Shuri felt her heart shatter. She nods and for some reason she as much as this conversation was breaking her she’d decided to continue. 
“W-who is he?” You shake your head.
“It’s a she.” Shuri’s back straightened her interest fully peaked now. A girl. You liked another girl? Shuri’s heart was now pounding.
“You like girls?” 
“I never really thought about it before. But, I do know I like her and it feels like it’s in more than a friendly way.” 
“Oh.” Shuri felt like she could cry. You liked girls and you still didn’t see her that way.
“What about you? Is their anyone who’s caught your eye?” Shuri sighs
“It wouldn’t really matter. It’s not like anyone would be interested in dating me around these parts. Maybe I’ll be more experienced when I go to college.” She says softly. You move a bit closer to her grabbing her hand.
“That’s what you really think? That noone is interested?” Shuri nods, she could feel herself falling into a pit. Feeling a bit more alone again. Knowing you were interested in women and yet she still had no chance. 
“There’s no one that you’ve been interested in though.” You press a bit. Shuri brings her gaze up studying your face. 
“Yea.” Her voice was soft, almost hesitant. “She’s perfect too. More beautiful than I could ever describe. But, like I said she isn’t interested.” A lump forms in your throat. 
“A girl? Y-you like girls too?” Shuri smirks slightly. “I’m not sure. But, I know I like her.” She says and the butterflies take over your belly as your gazes lock onto eachother. You don’t know what comes over you but, you can no longer hold your tongue. 
“I see the way you look at me Shuri.” She freezes. Heat over taking her body. 
“The long glances when you think I’m not looking. I see them.” Shuri’s hand begins to shake nervously. She’s left speechless. She has no idea what to say. So you continue. “I-If I’m the girl you’re talking about…I’d say I’m definietly interested. Because you’re who I’m talking about.” You swallow your nerves. Figuring it was now or never. Shuri’s jaw dropped, She felt as if a sudden jolt of electricity had coursed through her veins leaving her momentarily stunned.
She couldn’t lie and say she that wasn’t something she did. She could hardly consentrate around you. Ofcourse at one point or another you would’ve seen her. Now here you were under the glow of candlelight. Your pretty skin lit to perfection. Using those beautiful lips to tell her you felt the same and she couldn’t utter a word. 
“I only saw because when you weren’t looking I was stealing glances too. I guess you were too busy thinking no one wanted you to notice.” Shuri finally finds her voice though it comes out soft and breathy. The way her heart was pounding making it difficult for her to breath. 
“I-I wanted to s-say something. I just didn’t want to lose you. Y-you’re just so much more than a crush to me. I don’t know what I’d do without you. You entered my life at the lowest point. My family lost its protector and we were being shunned. Life as I’d known it was over. I thought I’d never know what it was like to love and be loved again. And then this pretty girl with big eyes, and big hair, that always smelled like a bakery came out of nowhere. Dried my tears, fed me, cared for me. The love you have for me gets me through. You rescued me Sthandwa sami. I couldn’t risk loosing you. I don’t even like thinking about a life without you.” 
Oh, to be loved. That was the day you felt it. The day you found out what it was to truly feel and be loved. Tears fell from your eyes. Now you were the one left speechless. Shuri reached up cupping your cheek in her hand wiping away your tears with her thumb.
“Y/n?..” Her voice gentle.
“Yes.” You breathe.
“Can I kiss you?” Your heart fluttered as you nod lightly. It was like a gravitational pull, the way your lips slowly found eachothers. A sweet innocent peck placed on one another’s lips. And then another, and then another, until your lips would not unglue. Shuri leaned back into the headboard and you slowly climb onto her lap as her arms snacked around your waist. 
And there the two of you found home.
Needing to breathe the two of you part looking into eachothers eyes cheeks warming as you break out into a giggle.
“Wow.” You say. Shuri smiles, her thumbs rubbed gentle circles into your sides as she looked up at you. 
“So…Um Would you like to be my girlfriend?” Shuri asked softly still a bit unsure. Still hardly believing this was happening. The smile on your face could’ve lit the night. 
“Of course I do.” Shuri bit her lip to contain her excitement. Leaning up to place another gentle kiss to your lips. 
“You have to promise me something.”
“Anything.” She says without an ounce of hesitation in her voice.
“I know you’ve been through a lot, I know life is doing a number on you even now. It’s made you have to mature much faster than the rest of us I know. There may not be much that I can do to make things easier for you. But, I can be here. I know one day we’re going to get out of the bricks. We’ll be happy living out our dreams. You’re so gifted I know you’ll have to leave at some point to bring evolution to the world. Even then, if we loose eachother along the way and the world you find brings you hard times, I’ll always be here.” You place your finger onto her chest where her heart thumped loudly. “Wherever I am in the world. No matter how shunned, or ostracized you feel. Know that I love you, not out of any obligation. Simply because I want to. Remember I’ll never be to far for you to come home to. My arms will always keep you safe and warm. Promise me you’ll remember that.”
You poured out your heart as tears streamed from both of your eyes. Her hands gripped tighter against your hips as she shook with emotion. There were no words she could be said to make you understand the security you’d given Shuri with your statement. All she could do was lean forward placing her lips to yours. Inside that kiss you felt her promise.
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The two of you fell sound asleep in eachothers arms that night. Your hands pressed delicately pressed against eachother hearts. The next morning Shuri drops you off at school, sending you off with a light kiss and encouragement for your exam. She wouldn’t be going to school today she had to hustle up money to get her lights turned on at home. She went to her job working an early shift seeing if she could get a loan. They were willing but she could get it until the next week. She went home searching for anything of value to pawn. But their valuables had been taken by the police after her father had passed. She was hitting a dead end on all fronts. 
Shuri found herself riding aimlessly through The Bricks. Wind blowing through her shirt. Stress weighing heavily on her shoulders. As she rode she found herself traveling a familiar path. One she hadn’t been to since her father was alive. One she vowed to never step foot in again. Her bike came to a stop in front of a massive warehouse. She swore she’d never resort to this life. Now here she was tail tucked between her legs going back to the only life she’d known. She closed her eyes and let out a small breath before taking off her helmet and hopping off of her bike, making her way around the back of the building. She banged on the door hard 3 times, and soon after a latch opened and a pair of eyes appeared through the Judas hole. 
“What you need?”
“I’m here for N’jadaka.”
“Who dat?” Shuri rolled her eyes.
“You know who I’m talking about. I’m not calling him fucking Killmonger.” She hears laughter come from the other side of the door.
“Let her in Hemp.” The door opens and Shuri steps in. Topless women cooked dope and men counted racks of money. Flashes of her brother walking down the stairs with his infectious smile went through Shuri’s mind. Her mother strutting through the rows of women making sure the coke was perfectly distributed. Shuri’s eyes scanned over the building until they land on Killmonger. Visions of her father sitting dressed to the nines a cigar placed in between his lips. “You’re my prized possession intomba. I do this all for you.” He would say. She shook off the memories. Her gaze locking onto N’Jadaka’s who sat leaned back in the sitting area, a telling smile on his face. Shuri made her way over to him.
“Little cousin. Here so soon. How can I help you?” Shuri’s jaw clenched a bit. Angry with herself for being here. She stands there quietly. Her eyes looking ove all of Killmongers henchmen. He immediately got the hint. She wasn’t going to speak until they cleared area. He signaled for the men to leave and they all filed out. Shuri threw a glance over her shoulder, before turning her attention back towards him. 
“I need your help.” She says m, undertones of defeat in her voice. 
“Help? What kind of a help?” 
“I need a job…and a loan. I won’t beat around the bush. The mines isn’t cutting it. Mama’s in hospice and Cha’s useless. The lights are out in the apartment and I have to figure out how to keep up with the rent and utilities so they dont suspect I’m there alone, or I’m going into the system.” Her head drops as she bites into her cheeks. “And my girl..I don’t want her to be with a bum. She deserves the best and I want to be able to give it to her.” He leans forward his elbows settled on his knees, as he looks Shuri over. 
“Ah..young love. It’s a beautiful thing.” He says pulling out a blunt placing it to his lips before sparking it up. “Sounds like you’re in a bad way….You thought about this? This is really what you want to do?” She nods and speaks.
“I have conditions.” He smirks. 
“Ofcourse you do.” Shuri rolls her eyes in response.
“You gotta let me go after I graduate. I want out of all this the day of graduation. I just need this to stay on my feet for a couple of years. And I need whatever you have me do to be low profile.” 
N’jadaka nods understandingly. He stands and walks over to a safe entering the code. Once it’s opened he pulls out a stack of money, walking over to Shuri placing the money in her hand. 
“That’s twenty thousand. Take that as a welcome to the family business gift.” He says with a smirk. Shuri stared at the money in her hands. She hadn’t seen this much money at once in years. “What do I have to do for this?” N’Jadaka shakes his head aware of Shuri’s distrust. 
“I was serious about what I said yesterday. I don’t want you out on the corners. I would prefer that we were partners. That big brain of yours could make us some real money. So for the next two years I’d like for you to be here with me. Help me revamp my operation and graduation day you’re free to live your life.”
“So you want me to be your right hand?”
“I get 50/50.”
“Minimum visibility.”
“Almost none exisistence.”
Shuri’s jaw clenches in thought as she took in her surroundings. “I’m not getting my hands dirty N’Jadaka. Business operations is my job. I tell you what to do, you pass it along. I come in weekdays when the sun sets and for emergency’s only. Deal?” Killmonger places out a hand to shake, and Shuri takes it.
“Deal lil Udaku. You’re quite the bargainer. I look forward to doing business with you. See you Monday.” Shuri nods. Placing the money into her jacket pockets. 
“See you Monday.”
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I think back on that day often. Wondering just where would I be if I’d just toughed out the struggle for awhile. But, I didn’t. And that decision haunts me to this day.
That’s where it all began. The day I fell in love and simultaneously ruined my life.
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70spunkstars · 11 months
I’m Baby.
The person who came up with this idea first will be tagged at the end <33
Summary; after a long day, you and hobie just love on each other.
Tags; Fluff, suggestive (?), Fem! Reader, Spiritual! Reader, established relationship, reader and hobie live in the houseboat together, not a lot of dialogue, kinda short, hardly proofread
AN; I probably missed something and it’s late I’m sleepy but I was too obsessed with this concept to not write it so I’m sorry if it didn’t turn out how y’all imagined (I’m probably gonna rewrite this later) SEND ASKS OR DM WITH CONSTRUCTIVE WRITING CRIT 🙏🏽🙏🏽 okay thanks luv you goodnight 🤭🤭
It’d gotten kind of late and Hobie still wasn’t home. You figured he was still out patrolling. Ignoring the annoying ass voice in the back of your head telling you something was wrong, you decided to clean and cleanse your home instead.
Excitedly, you dance to the large speaker Hobie bought you for Christmas a few weeks ago. Connecting your phone to the large machinery and playing your favorite Neo-Soul/R&B playlist, you start cleaning the kitchen.
You’d gone through the whole house and cleaned it from top to mf bottom. Doing breathing exercises to ease your mind before smoke cleansing the house with rosemary and garden sage. The moment you put out your bundles and light an incense stick you hear the front door of the houseboat creak open.
Cheesing so hard your cheeks started to hurt. Then you heard the familiar sound of heavy boots and clinking metal belts make their way into the back of the house towards you. “There you are” Hobie says lowly with a smile on their face, leaning against the well loved and worn paint of ya’ll bedroom doorframe.
setting down the incense holder on your shared dresser you run to the tall lanky boy, who waits for you with open arms, squeezing him and taking a deep breath enjoying the smell of his cologne mixed with the cold night air. Letting out a relieved sigh you pull back and look him in the eyes. “Thought I’d die before yo ass got home.” Playfully slapping their chest and turning around with their hand in yours, sitting him down on your bed and gracing a soft kiss onto their forehead.
“Fuck off” laughing he pulls you towards him by the hips. God, that smile made you lose your mind. he wraps his arms around your waist and rests his cheek against your stomach. You could tell they was trying hard to stay awake. You knew he missed you and it was showing with how tightly he was holding you.
“Hey.” You murmur to them. Cradling his face in your hands gently. He hums in response with closed eyes that drag open to look at you. “I missed you baby” his tired smile fills your stomach with butterflies. How could you have gotten so lucky as to be able to go to sleep and wake up with such a beautiful person every night?
“You sleepy?” Of course he denied, which also made you laugh. “My eyes’r jus’ sore.”
“Boy jus’ say you sleepy and get inna bed” he groans in response making you cackle. Turning off the light you climb into the bed and get cozy under the covers, tying your dreads back and slipping on your bonnet. Watching him shed his many layers and slip off his boots you felt heat start to build in your chest. Like you was falling in love with him all over again.
He slipped on a pair of grey sweats then wrapped his hair and jumped into the bed, settling comfortably between your legs. The two of you laid there for several moments just listening to each other breathe. Dragging your acrylics across his back (that he definitely picked the design for) and soaking in their presence.
“Missed you.” He mumbled lifting his head off of your stomach, which was his favorite place to rest his head if you couldn’t tell by now. The cold metal of his lip piercing against your lip soothed the warmth that was quickly spreading throughout your body.
The contact melted you almost immediately. What was supposed to be just one kiss turned into 3 then 3 turned into 9 and then you started making out. It was comforting really. Having him in your arms like this after him being gone for over 12 hours.
It’d been a long minute. You two had switched positions and you were in his lap now. Your knees pressed into the softness of the mattress, one of his hands gripping your hip and the other on the back of your neck. He was pulling you into him as if you’d slip through his fingers at any moment.
Soft suppressed whimpers leave the back of your throat. Hobie never failed to make you feel loved wanted and needed, ever. They groan in response, sitting up off the headboard to wrap their arms around you, kisses trailing off of your lips and down to your neck.
The warm smell of nag champa and the comforting sound of R&B playing just made the moment all the more magical. “I love you, baby.” Your words send a shiver throughout his body and you can feel him relax under you.
He pulls back. Hands sliding to your hips and kneading the fat there. With the most loving look and content smile on his face, he tells you.
“love it when y’call me baby.”
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itsparis-07 · 1 year
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j0kers-light · 1 year
His Lighthouse: Love In The Club (LedgerJoker x f!reader)
Love In The Club
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series summary:  
Y/n is an aspiring writer living in Gotham City and struggling to find her next muse. Her recent novel is getting all the buzz, earning her far more attention than she signed up for. But when a chance encounter results in her nursing The Joker back to health, will she find the time to write another best seller or will her own story become front page of the Gotham Gazette?
chapter summary:
Girl's night has finally arrived bringing more issues and drama for both Joker and Y/n to face. More separation will put their growing relationship to the test or will an unknown variable bring them even closer?
author’s note: 
Hey hi! Thank you for patiently waiting as I crafted this looong chapter! It's over 15K!! I thought about cutting it in half but again, where's the fun in that? Sit back with a snack and a drink and enjoy the ride!
PLEASE READ: I recommend listening to "Love In The Club" by Jvck James both his original version and the Apple Music Home Session release to really immerse yourself in the inspiration for this chapter. You won't regret it! 
@blackreaderatrisk   @twinkledinkle @clemdango04 @l3ejm @tears-of-amber @what-an-angell @kaidennnnn @darthjokerisyourfather @thatsnoteii @nanalover00
Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist!
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Joker was on the move the second you entered the florist center.
He considered the grocery trip over and hauled the cart full of goods towards the checkout area. He tossed some junk food into the cart along the way knowing you would scold him out for it later but honestly, he didn't care. Late night munchies hit him hard and at the most random of times. If he didn't have pop tarts or something equivalent, well.. you didn't want him blowing up buildings to fight off a sugar craving now did you?
It was either sweets or citywide destruction. The box was $4.98.
He did find it odd that an organic and healthy food store like EverFresh sold fattening products. He'd contemplate that contradiction later.
He approached a cashier dreading this portion of the trip. Even though he flirted with various customers and employees in the store, actually talking to one person for an extended period of time would be more than what he signed up for.
Joker just wanted to stay by your side but you denied him that simple request. He was not going to patiently wait around while you talked to your friend. He had better things to do like worry about tonight's festivities.
Like hell he was letting you leave Gotham's city limits without some form of security. You didn't understand just how serious Dent's bounty on your head was. Hiding at Wayne's Manor for eighteen days did absolutely nothing but get on Joker's nerves.
When you had beef with a crime boss, it was for life. You would never be safe until Dent was removed from the picture because Joker refused for you to be killed by the former district attorney.
Your safety remained a top priority to Joker even though you considered the situation officially handled. He didn't expect you to know any better (especially since you were a civilian) so he made it his responsibility to look after you.
It was kinda like his way of paying you back for barging into your life and for letting him use your penthouse as a hiding place. You were already risking so much for him. He wouldn't know what he'd do if you died on his watch.
Joker slammed the cartons of milk on the conveyor belt too roughly just thinking about it.
The cashier jumped but still smiled sheepishly at him. She took her sweet time enjoying the view, i.e Joker, although he hardly noticed. Bright and cheery blondes weren't his type. You ruined him for any future women.
"Find everything okay?" The repetitive beeping noise was amplified when Joker didn't reply.
He watched as each item appeared on the display screen and calculated up the total in his head. His mask covered his lips from view as he mouthed each brand name as a stress reliever. The cashier eyed her coworker who was bagging the groceries. Antisocial, but he was still hot.
"Would you like to opt in for our same-day home delivery? It's ideal for members that live further– Excuse me? Sir?" She got Joker's attention by shaking a bag of granola before scanning it.
His glare pinned her to the spot. She never saw eyes so complex. A chill went up her spine at the vibrant pine staring straight into her soul.
She spooked when she heard his voice, "That sounds.. lovely."
It was low and raspy yet she could hear the power it held. Authoritative and captivating; she was instantly weak in the knees.
"O-oh-okay um wow. I-I, um do you have your member's card?"
Joker twirled your white EverFresh card in between his fingers and quirked an eyebrow.
He had to sell the mysterious musician or whatever you said he looked like. It didn't make a difference to him. As long as he wasn't discovered. Joker could tell this bimbo of a cashier was buying into his disguise. The bagger too. All because he looked like their dream man he was able to avoid detection. Pathetic.
"I need to scan it sir. Can you–" She reached out to take the card from Joker but he kept it out of her grasp all because he wanted to toy with her. He hummed when she blushed and eventually snatched the card from him.
Sexual frustration was oozing off of her. Easy prey. Joker thought.
Her eyes widened when she read the profile assigned to it. "Oh! This is Y/n L/n's card. What's your relation to her?"
"She's my.." Joker stopped himself. What is Y/n to me? He pondered. An asset? Lover? A means to an end?
Joker wasn't one to put labels on things but he felt you were worthy of one. "She's my roommate." He replied. It left a sour taste in his mouth.
The cashier made an unsure noise and typed something on her register keyboard.
"I'm sorry but Miss L/n is the sole user. I can't use this card without her verbal authorization when she's not present."
This woman was gonna be a pain in the rear it seems.
Joker sighed and out of the corner of his eye he spotted the bagger walk off, hopefully not to bring unwanted attention to the scene. A noisy manager was the last thing Joker needed. He couldn't blow his cover but he still had a few tricks up his sleeve to get his way.
He curled his fingers for the poor cashier to come closer. As much as she knew it was a bad idea, she did, and Joker quickly leaned over to whisper in her ear.
Good thing you were distracted with your friend. Joker didn't know if you would've been intrigued or jealous. In two seconds flat the cashier was giggling uncontrollably and bypassing the block on the card.
"I'm so sorry! Haha! Don't worry about the home delivery, it's free on this transaction but keep that between us. Blythe!" She signaled to her coworker who was returning with more recyclable bags.
"Contact delivery and let them know they have an expedited service to complete." She winked at Joker and tapped her screen again.
"Alrighty then, your total is... $382.41. Cash or card?"
Joker grinned behind his mask. "Cash."
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Joker stepped out of EverFresh vowing to never return. The healthy conscious cult-like store sucked the last of his patience dry and he had half a mind to level the establishment to the ground with explosives.
Today he learned that organic toilet paper existed. It was a fact he could have gone without. He really needed a cigarette or something to get his mind off of committing acts of violence. He patted his pockets but remembered that he wasn't wearing his suit with its infinite pockets and secret stashes.
Joker rolled his eyes to the sky and let a string of curses fly from his mouth. A lady walking by covered her son's ears and scoffed. He held back the urge to flip her off. Or worse, stalk her back to her place and kill her and the rest of her family in their sleep. It was a good idea the longer he thought about it...
No! What would Y/n think? It's not worth it.
He didn't want you thinking so poorly of him. He couldn't return to your side with their blood smeared on his hands and expect your love. He didn't want to scare you away; this dark side of him always scared people and yet his mind continued down a dark spiral.
Monster. Freak. She'll never love you. Why should she? It spat into his eardrums and he almost believed it.
It wasn't healthy to listen, however he was powerless to stop the voices once they began. He needed a distraction. Then he remembered one. He had to protect you somehow tonight. Your safety was important. You were important. No matter how loud the voices were, he could never forget you.
You didn't see him as The Joker but as a normal human being. No matter how broken and twisted he was, you still looked at him with those adoring eyes of yours. You always gave him your undivided attention. Your patience and kindness were everything to him. You gave Joker a sense of meaning. A sense of peace. He gave you nothing but pain.
Regardless of that fact, you let Joker in. Not just into your life, oh no. Joker knew he had a place in your heart as well. He didn't deserve to but he was a greedy man. He'd fight tooth and nail to get what he wanted.
And he wanted everything you could give and even then, it still wouldn't be enough.
Joker exhaled from his nose and finally calmed down. What would he do without you? He couldn't thank you enough for being the buffer between him and his more.. violent self.
You knew who Joker was and what he represented and he wanted to maintain that façade you created of him. You saw Joker as a roommate. Not a monster. So he would play the part. But behind your back? He was evil personified.
Joker moved off to the side and pulled out his burner phone. He dialed the only number programmed on it and waited. It rang exactly four times before someone answered. They knew not to speak until Joker said something.
"Did you pick up the dry cleaning?" It was an average conversation to the untrained ear but the person on the other end knew the code.
"I forgot, but I can." They replied before hanging up.
Joker placed his phone back into his pocket and made his way to the meeting spot. It wasn't far of a walk but he didn't want to rush and bring unwanted attention to himself. He had to keep in mind he was still on the run from the authorities and Batman.
He kept things low key as he walked towards the back alley of a laundromat business twenty minutes after the call.
Joker walked in and acknowledged the workers on duty washing, folding, and steaming linens. The place reeked of bleach and other cleaning chemicals. The temperature was stifling but Joker chose to ignore it and walked to an unmarked door and knocked thrice. It opened and Frost stepped to the side for his boss to enter. Since it was a last minute meeting, only need-to-know personnel was there which consisted of the top three.
Mac's blond hair was tipped back and hanging over his chair but he sat up when the main man walked in. "Nice fit, Boss!"
Neo was texting on his phone but took the time to smack Mac upside the head. The latter flipped him off until Frost's hands slammed on the cheap folding table in the center of the room. "Knock it off." He warned.
Joker rolled his eyes at their antics.
He made himself comfy at the head of the table and then proceeded to rip his mask off. All three men were shocked to see him sans makeup. It was rare that Joker went around without his signature makeup and out of everyone in his organization, only the three men present had the pleasure of seeing his bare face.
Frost was the veteran of the group and he still shifted in his seat at the sight. "So what's on the table? Is Two Face acting up again?"
Grumbles and expletives erupted from the table. Everyone had a bone to pick with the binary burn victim. Joker smacked his lips and waved off their concern.
"Now that? ThaT.. would be easy to handle but no. I need a lit-le favor. It's Y/n again. Ya see—"
Mac sighed, earning Joker's curiosity, although he didn't miss a beat filling them in on your plans tonight. The other two goons nodded along and even shared some good insight but Mac wasn't having it.
"Great, so now we're beefing up our security because little Miss writer wants to party? I call bulls__t."
Only the sound of laundering done in the next room could be heard after his outcry.
Frost shook his head. Neo's hazel eyes darted back and forth between Joker and Mac before he focused back on his phone.
He didn't want to see this. It was finna get ugly real quick. That would've been the case before when Joker didn't have any patience. Now he just patiently waited and that was even more terrifying.
"I didn't know you had issues with Y/n. Care to tell me the source of that, uhh, frustration?"
Mac was the most opinionated of the top three but the pretty boy knew when to keep his mouth shut. The bad blood between you and him must've really bothered him to speak up about it.
It was becoming a big inconvenience that Joker wasn't wearing his normal suit. His ripped jeans and long sleeve shirt couldn't conceal all the knives and other goodies he used to carry around to intimidate people with. That's not to say he couldn't harm a person without a weapon. Joker's glare alone had Mac squirming in his seat.
And he quickly backtracked to save his skin. "N-No it's nuthing like that I promise, Boss. She and I exchanged some words back at her publisher's office that I feel she ain't redeemed herself from."
Neo tossed his phone on the table and rounded on the blonde with an attitude. "Come off it my guy. I pointed a gun at her and we still on speaking terms!"
"You did whaT?" Joker growled. Neo paled, realizing he let that slip out.
Frost face palmed. They were asking for Joker's wrath at this point. Out of these three you had more cause to dislike him the most. But did you see him complaining about it?
Frost decided to bring order back to this meeting. "So.. is this club here in Gotham? We'll assign some goons around the place. No biggie."
Green eyes flickered away from Mac and Neo to his right hand man. Deep breathes. No need to blow a fuse. Maybe he wasn't explaining the situation properly because they weren't seeing the issue here.
"No. It's out of state." Joker saw when the lightbulbs clicked on. Finally everyone was on the same page.
"I want this kept between us. Under-stand? Yes?" He looked around the table for any naysayers.
Light brown eyes hesitated and Joker zeroed in on it. "Will thaT be a problem, Neo?"
He sighed. "No Boss. I had plans but I can work around 'em."
Frost raised an eyebrow to tease his fellow coworker. "I'd cancel them if I were you"
Neo seethed. "It won't be a problem."
"Great!" Joker clapped his hands once. All eyes were back on him. "Now that's settled. Frost, I trust you with the finer details. The rest.. I'll leave to the two of you. I don't want anyy mistakes." Joker looked down at an imaginary watch. "Well. Gotta run!"
His jester smile was more unnerving without his red paint on. They all watched Joker place his mask back over his face and stand. If they didn't know beforehand, their Boss looked like an average citizen. It was his best disguise to date.
Each of them waited until he left the room to finally relax. Mac breathed a heavy sigh of relief. He was off the hook for now. Frost and Neo shared a look and took pity on their fellow henchman. Were it so easy.
Joker wouldn't forget any grievances against Y/n. You were a touchy subject best left alone. The blond would have to tread carefully for the next few weeks to get back on Joker's good side. Not like there is one to begin with.
Nevertheless, it would be a long night and it was almost two pm.
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The subway ride back to your place was excruciatingly boring. It was completely uneventful if you ignored the fact just about every male catcalled or eye raped you on the way there.
You were instantly self conscious of your dressy outfit and blamed Joker for giving you the initial confidence to walk to the grocery store with Louboutin heels and a halter top in broad daylight. Make no mistake you felt amazing when Joker shadowed you. Now that he was gone, you questioned your tight jeans and exposed shoulders.
You ducked behind corners, stuck with the crowd, and kept your head down all the way to your place. The tall white building welcomed you back with open arms.
Your heels clicked loudly on the lobby's marble floors and you jumped when the front desk employee called your name.
"Just a second Miss L/n! There's a delivery from EverFresh here for you." Henry said.
You glanced at the person standing near the front. It was a male wearing a white polo with an EverFresh logo printed on its collar. He waved at you expectantly.
"Is it alright to bring your groceries up?"
How did he beat you here? Then you remembered they had a van whereas you were stuck to public transit and then forced to endure even more walking. You almost agreed but then stopped yourself. You didn't know if Joker was back or not.
"Yes well.. actually. I need to check and make sure my cat isn't out. He's not too friendly with strangers."
Using that little white lie again? Classy, real classy, Y/n. You shushed your subconscious.
They both watched as you power walked to the elevator. With a mash of a button, the shiny doors opened with a soft ding. You stepped inside and stared at your reflection in the mirrored walls as they boxed you in.
You looked stunning yet you felt the exact opposite. Your mental state hadn't fully recovered from the last twenty four hours. The physical reminders were hidden under concealer and tight smiles but the memories remained. Tonight would prove to be a much needed reset for you. Eight o'clock couldn't get here fast enough.
The trip to the twelfth floor was done in silence and you stepped onto your private floor, rehearsing your lines. You were gonna read Joker to filth for charging your card to high heaven. But as you unlocked the door, the foyer was vacant.
You prowled the open space searching for your green haired roommate. He wasn't in the massive living room nor in the dining space that flowed into the kitchen. A peek inside your spare room and the main bath turned up empty. You checked the storage room, laundry, and your empty fourth bedroom that Joker didn't know about before stopping in front of his guest room.
The door was closed but that didn't stop you from barging in with an insult hot on your tongue. However it died on your lips when no Joker was found.
He wasn't here. Your heart skipped a beat.
You blinked back your tears and spoke aloud to calm your nerves. "No need to get all bent out of shape Y/n. Joker is a big boy, he can handle his own. A heads up would have been nice.. but worry about your missing roommate later. Call the front desk. Focus on getting ready for tonight. Joker can wait."
You nodded to yourself and closed his door, mentally and physically pushing him into a corner of your mind, before pulling your cell out.
You scrolled until you found the front desk logo and hit the dial button. It rang a bit until Henry's voice answered the phone. "NGR front desk, how can I assist you today?"
You smiled at his kind voice. "Um yes hi. This is Y/n, you can send the delivery up. Thank you."
He hung up to authorize access.
You tidied up the kitchen a bit knowing the groceries would be brought directly in here. You and Joker cleaned the dishes before leaving but it was a nervous habit to clean. You couldn't stand a dirty environment.
Your nervous tick spread from the kitchen to the living room as you straightened up the couch pillows, groaning at the layer of dust on your furniture, and you considered hiring housekeeping downstairs to clean your place back up to your standards.
The two weeks and four days hiding at Wayne Manor did quite a number on your place. You could start cleaning now but Florence would literally murder you if you called and cancelled tonight's plans. And there was no way you could cook lunch, wash and style your hair, find an outfit, get dressed, and clean up before eight.
The clock in the kitchen ticked closer and closer to the top of the hour. Hopefully the girls would overlook the one time your home wasn't picture perfect.
You did however pick up Joker's ridiculous panda suit and shove it in the back of the coat closet in the hall. And just in time. The doorbell rang and its posh tone sent a shiver down your spine. You hated your doorbell. Your closest friends knew to knock.
You opened the sleek black door to the charming fellow you saw downstairs. He waved again and you swept your arm, gesturing for him to come in. He pushed a delivery dolly inside loaded with white crates that held your groceries.
He must've noticed your look of confusion. "Hi. This is just the first load. I couldn't carry everything up by myself."
"Oh no worries. If you set that down in the kitchen I can start unloading while you go back down and grab the next trip."
"That'll be great! Good idea." He parked the dolly and heaved the crates onto your counter. Then he scanned the barcode on the side with his powerpad before stepping out to retrieve the next load.
You rolled your eyes at the advanced delivery system EverFresh had. You dreaded the survey they would send to your email to rate your experience with us so we can improve! Times like this you wonder why you didn't shop at a regular store.
'I'm supporting Morgana and I like their selection of meat. Hang in there, Y/n'.
The logo painted crates opened up to recyclable boxes lined with dry ice. You took care not to touch them as you took out the dairy, meats, and vegetables to stock up your barren fridge. The front door opened again and the delivery guy wheeled in another load of groceries and also sat down a handheld tote on the island counter containing fragile goods.
"That's everything. Do you mind signing off?" He looked up from his pad at your backside sticking out the fridge. "D__n.."
You poked your head out of the veggies drawer to blink at him. "Did you say something?"
You didn't hear him. It would've been awkward if you did. His nervous laugh made you eye him warily "Ah nothing Miss. Can you sign off on the shipment?"
You fixed your face and signed your name electronically before walking him to the door. He hesitated but spun around, preparing to ask you out when you cut him off. "Have a great day!"
The door closed right in his stunned face. You didn't need that in your life. Joker was M.I.A and you were getting worried.
"Okay... lunch. What to make for lunch?" You said to distract yourself. It made no sense how you always drew a blank on what to cook after spending so much on groceries. And since Joker was the one that checked out, you wouldn't know the total until you got the monthly statement.
Just thinking about the delivery fee made you want to choke him. "Tsk. He probably thinks it's funny."
You put the last of the groceries in their rightful place and decided on making chicken salad sandwiches once you spotted the artisan bread Joker picked out. That way no matter what time he returned, nothing would go to waste. The leftovers could keep in the fridge.
You made another cheeseboard to go along with the girl's portion of sandwiches, knowing Barbara's motherly instincts would ensure that everyone was hydrated and fed before hitting the streets. It doubled as lunch and dinner since you didn't feel like making anything heavy. Plus if Joker didn't bother to show up why bother cooking for him?
You chopped the green apple a little too aggressively and the dill was practically microscopic in your anger.
It was funny how he scolded you for running away but he could disappear at a moment's notice and it was totally fine. And heaven forbid if you brought it up then you'd be instigating things! You stopped chopping and rested your palms on the counter. The apartment was too quiet and that only made your current mood worse.
The dull sound of chopping echoed in the kitchen as you prepared lunch. Alone.
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It was nearing two in the afternoon when you finished up the sandwiches.
They were placed on your favorite glass serving trays and placed in the fridge right next to the cheeseboard for the ladies. Florence thought you were such a housewife for calling it by its actual name, charcuterie board, but she secretly loved them. You always picked the best cheeses and fruits and you designed them around your friend's favorites and what was in season.
You were washing your hands when a loud thud hit your front door. It made you turn off the faucet and back away until you heard keys in deadbolt turning.
It was too early for Florence and Barb to be here and the front desk would've called beforehand rather than just barge in.
You grabbed the chef knife from its holder and braced yourself for anything. Joker did a great job making you forget for the time being that Two Face's men kidnapped you from your home. You couldn't lower your guard not for a second.
Much to your relief it was Joker who walked in like he owned the place. He said nothing, just barreled straight towards your balcony like a man on a mission.
You didn't know whether to be glad he was back or insulted by the cold shoulder. Then you remembered, he left you at the store and racked up a hefty fine with the delivery cost. That alone made you stomp barefoot out onto your private balcony.
Cindy always wondered why you chose the top floor of such an average apartment building. When she came over and saw your massive balcony she understood why.
The large space was divided in half; one portion was protected by the building's glass roof almost like a sunroom but much bigger. It was easily mistaken as an extension of your living room since you kept the sliding door open most of the time. Your houseplants dwelled here amongst a reading hammock, wicker couches, and ottomans. 
The actual 'balcony' was beyond another set of glass sliding doors and was completely open air. A custom dining table similar to the one indoors sat atop a platform and a built in grilling area sat nearby itching to be fired up. It wasn't hot enough for it yet. A string of lights made this part of the balcony cozy and intimate on dark nights and when needed, you and guests could retreat to the enclosed space. It was quite handy for Gotham's notorious rainy days.
But getting back to the matter at hand. You made sure to rattle the door on its track so Joker could hear you coming. If he did hear it, he didn't bother turning around. He remained hunched over the stone railing looking down at the view.
"You forgot something at the store, not like you care about how I made it back but still. Joker? Hello..? I'm talking to you."
You reached the railing and turned him around by his shoulder. Your argument fizzled away once you saw a plume of smoke leave Joker's mouth. You were in awe. He took another drag and respectfully blew it over the edge. The wind carried it away before you could comment about the smell.
"What? Cat got your tongue?" He mumbled after an extended period of silence.
"N-No, I just.. I didn't know you smoked. I mean. I never smelled it on you."
The tip of the cigarette glowed a fiery red in light of your discovery. You were still fascinated by the sight.
Growing up smoking was a nasty habit your mother imprinted in your brain. You tried it once with your poetry club just to know what it was like. One hit, a few coughs, and more laughs from your friends and you were banned from rotation. They never let you take a hit again. Whenever Florence lit up she never did it in your presence although she would accidentally leave her grinder lying around for you to find.
But seeing Joker breathing in nicotine as if it were second nature was hypnotic. Paired with his bad boy attire, he looked every bit the guy you didn't bring home to mom.
He smirked and let the smoke escape his nostrils like the dragon he was. "Hmm. Then whaT do I smell like, doll?"
He let his plume of smoke curl around your head. You weren't standing close enough to get second hand smoking, but it burned your nose a bit. It had a unique smell actually. Nothing like the cheap smokes that clogged your senses and made you gag, no. Joker's was more robust. Along with actually smelling good, it triggered a key sensory response.
You were so dumb.
"You smell like gunpowder, lighter fluid, and something metallic with a hint of peppermint. Wait, that's what it is!" You pointed at his cigarette. "I mistook it for peppermint but it's more akin to cinnamon or that of a cozy fire during the winter. Spicy and heady. I.. like it. It suits you."
Joker froze like a statue. That's what he smelled like to you? He never thought about it honestly.
He worked with knives and blood and his greasepaint at times had a strong smell to it but the way you described him, all comforting and alluring, had Joker's chest tightening up. You made it worse by walking up to him and running your hands from his chest up to his broad shoulders.
He felt you loop your arms around his neck and he held his cigarette away thinking you were planning on kissing him.
"I was supposed to be mad at you for charging my debit card but I can't stay mad at you for long." You sighed to yourself and gazed up at him affectionately.
Joker found himself becoming bashful. Which was a first.
"It wasn't that much Bunny.." Joker mumbled in his defense. Your e/c glare said otherwise.
"They charge by mileage. It might not seem far but to my building, delivery averages out to about a hundred dollars? And with how quickly they got here you probably selected the expedited service. On top of the groceries itself that's what? Five hundred dollars you swiped?"
Joker sighed and flicked his cigarette bud over the balcony. He wasted no time wrapping his arms around you. His scars caught your eye when his tongue darted out to wet his lips.
"Don't. Worry. Your. Pretty. Little. Head." He exaggerated each word with a tap on your nose. You blinked wildly and frowned up. 
He bent down to steal a kiss. You expected it to be bitter from his cigarette but an explosion of spice hit your tongue instead. He was changing your perspective of smokers big time.
You wondered if it was exclusively a Joker thing. You weren't gonna go around kissing smokers either to collect appropriate data. Joker would have a fit.
"Stooop worrying. You got your groceries. It's... in the past. Shouldn't you be uh, getting ready?"
And just like that the moment you shared was broken.
You squeaked and gripped your hair. "You're right! I have to start getting ready!" You tried to escape Joker's hold but he wouldn't let go.
In fact, he pulled you closer. "Can I help?" He mumbled on the side of your neck.
You glared at him sourly. He was the reason why you had to uninstall your loc braids in the first place. Yet his kisses felt remorseful so you began to cave.
"Or watch..." He suggested with a flick of his tongue on the shell of your ear. "I'm ~perfectly~ fine with just watchin.'
No one could see you up here but the flush of your skin must've been profound. Joker knew exactly how to rile you up.
"Fine." You pushed against his chest. "Meet me in the bathroom. I'll go grab my stuff."
You spun to go but he dragged you back by your wrist. It felt like a dance; it happened so fluidly.
"Ya know Y/n. It would be easier if you just let meee in your room. So you don't have to, uh, keep hauling things back and forth."
Joker knew he said the wrong thing when you tensed up in his arms. He could really use an undo button right about now because your eyes looked sharper than the knives he owned.
"Good point. I don't need your help. I'll get ready in my room instead." You noted.
You managed to escape his hold and was halfway to the sunroom door when Joker grabbed you again. He hated when you got like this. All defensive and distant. He really had to choose his words carefully around you.
"Let go Joker." You mumbled as he held your back to his chest.
He didn't. "Whyyy? So you can hide in your room till time to go? If I'm not allowed to go with you, at least lemme see my Princess get all dolled up."
He used his new nickname for you and it had the same effect as before.
Now there were some names that Joker made up that you absolutely hated, but something about him calling you Princess, or his all time favorite, Bunny, that sent heat straight to your core. He saw you shift your weight from foot to foot.
"Fine. You can w-watch but I swear if you distract me I'll leave!" You sent him a warning glare over your shoulder.
"Mmmm yes ma'am. LooK but don'T touch." Joker thought it would be an easy task until a few minutes later, he realized just how hard this would be.
He sat on the wooden bench in the main bathroom ready for a show and boy did you deliver.
You came in wearing a bikini the same color as your skin complexion. The illusion of being nude was spot on and Joker had to have his hands on you.
You were busy de-tangling your hair but saw his dark figure approaching you from behind through the mirror. His hands grazed your waist before you slapped them away. "No!"
You brandished your comb like a sword and spun around to face him. "You promised! The plan was to look but no touching!"
Joker sucked air through his teeth and made a show of checking you out. "Yeahhhh, but. Do I look like a guy with a plan?"
You weren't buying it. "Sit. Down."
He grinned and returned to his seat at the entrance to the shower. Here he could watch you while avoiding the spray of water. Not like he cared about getting wet; he actually planned on seeing you dripping wet and crying out his name.
You didn't know that would be happening soon. He liked having the element of surprise. What could he say? Ever since Joker got a taste of you he was hooked. He focused back on the present when you walked past him to hop in the shower.
You locked eyes with him for a brief second. A, don't you dare, warning was evident in your e/c orbs but he wasn't phased by it.
You thought you could order Joker around but he was uncontrollable. Many before you have tried. He wished you good luck. It put a smile on his face to know you'll fail just like the rest.
The water absorbing into your bikini and slicking your hair down your back also put a smile on his face. Joker got to see your natural curls appear in real time. Each one was a perfect coil that he wanted to wrap around his finger. With a pout he remembered he was stuck with watching the game from the sidelines. For now.
Once your hair was wet enough you squeezed almost half of the bottle into your hands and worked the shampoo into your curls. You were so lost in your own world you seemed to forget you had an audience when you started to hum.
Joker was mesmerized as your body swayed to a tune of your own creation. Suds fell from the crown of your hair down to your shoulders after the second round of shampoo. He could watch this all day.
That distinctive scent of yours wafted in the air and Joker almost groaned aloud.
Your hair products would be his undoing. Rosemary, lavender, peppermint, and that elusive fruit he still couldn't quite name, invaded his mind. If you smelling this good had this effect on him then he could only imagine how he affected you with his own.
You drugged his senses and the scent was amplified by the hot water you used.
Sitting by the shower door was torture. The smell hit him dead on as it escaped into the bathroom behind him.
He didn't realize just how much time had passed as you stood underneath the spray of water to rinse your hair. Once the water at your feet ran clear you turned the shower off and applied your conditioner. You were thinking of styling your hair into a natural updo so a plastic shower cap was secured over your head to seal in the moisture like a deep conditioner.
You were about to step out of the shower when Joker decided to make his move. He stood to his full height and blocked the entrance. You actually forgot he was there.
"Geez you scared me. Did you enjoy the show?" You chuckled with a roll of your eyes.
You didn't expect Joker to wordlessly nod his head. His eyes were hooded and never left yours, causing you to look away. "Great. Um.. can you move out the way?" You asked. 
He didn't want to. He wanted to advance forward until your back hit the subway tiles and you gasped at him in disbelief. He wanted to rip that stupid plastic off your head— bury his hands in your curly mane and kiss you until you forgot how to breathe. Joker wanted to pick you up, wrap your legs around his waist and make you so late that you couldn't go out with your friends tonight.
Then you would be stuck here with him, tangled in the sheets, begging for him to stop. He wouldn't though. Not until this primal urge, this unknown hunger for you was stated.
But that would be selfish. Joker knew how much tonight meant to you. And since you asked him so nicely, practically begged to go with those teary eyes of yours, it would be cruel of him to foil your plans.
That didn't mean he couldn't get a teeny tiny taste before you left. It would be a long night for him while you were gone. Why not give him something to occupy his mind with until you came back? You had mere seconds before the big bad wolf descended on you.
"Just a little taste, Bunny."
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Joker was 'nice' enough to wash your conditioner and comb your freshly washed strands out.
You were going for bouncy effortless curls tamed into a messy, but still stylish updo to offset your dress.
It was the perfect LBD to wear to the club tonight. Not too short that it looked trashy but sparkly enough for the occasion. Florence didn't assign an official dress code so you were following the hot girl summer idea you told Morgana about.
However there was no need for you to dress up when the real party was standing behind you. You were too busy stewing in your seat, mourning the time Joker wasted indulging in his own party. You pleaded for him not to leave any more hickeys before you lost the ability to string coherent sentences together.
Technically he listened. They just weren't on your neck or arms.
Joker ripped your poor bikini to shreds before diving straight into his meal. You swore your eyes rolled to the ceiling and stayed there for the full hour. He stopped to give you breaks and to feed your praise kink before grinning wildly at your dazed expression struggling to stay awake.
Joker was truly a sadist yet in the same breath his aftercare was superb. He helped you wash up in the shower and carried you out when your legs were reduced to jello.
His hands mapped out every inch of your skin while applying lotion and his eyes dared you to move a muscle or stop him. The 'look but don't touch' rule was long forgotten mkay?
All of Joker's sweet gestures were for naught when he dropped you in a chair and ordered you to stay still. He applied the right products you asked him to use and carefully rolled your hair before dragging you to the kitchen. There he ordered you to eat and rehydrate– "Because you lost a lot of fluids, Bunny."
"That you stole." You thought you kicked his leg, unfortunately it was just the island barstool.
That earned you a belly laugh from Joker. You liked the sound of it even if your foot was screaming in pain. It was worth it. Time seemed to fly as you talked about this and that, just enjoying Joker's company as the two of you ate.
His deep hums and short nods were comforting as you discussed something serious and he proved that not only was he listening, but he was retaining the information by firing questions right back at you or repeating something to clarify.
It felt.. nice. Joker soaked up this domestic bliss. He couldn't help but reach over and brush your bottom lip with his thumb.
"You'd look realllly pretty with my red lipstick on baby doll."
You choked on your water. New nickname: unlocked. When you composed yourself and glanced up, Joker was still eyeing your lips. "Y-you want me to wear your lipstick tonight?"
"Yeah. I wanna see it. See you." He left out the part where it was him inadvertently staking his claim on you.
He knew you agreed the moment your eyes dilated.
A jingle chirped from your phone interrupting the moment. You glanced down at the device and paled. "Oh my gosh! It's almost six?!" You pushed your chair back and grabbed the dishes that you and Joker made.
Another chime rang but you were already at the sink, preparing to wash.
"Can you read that new message to me, Joker?" He raised an eyebrow but did as you asked. He leaned over and squinted.
"Mm, poor Cindy can't make it tonight." He sang.
The message came from the girl's group chat and with the girl boss active, everyone else chimed in. He watched your friend Florence send a string of sad emojis followed by Morgana also expressing her disappointment. Then a text came through that he knew you wouldn't like.
He glanced over at the clock and winced. "Uh... Y/n?"
You hummed a yes with your back still turned. It was now or never to tell you.
"Uhhhhh they're coming early. As in. Seven instead of eight earlyyyy."
Joker saw how the information straightened your spine. He eyed your robe and then your hair still in its rollers and knew you would panic. It was an instant reaction. One minute you were washing dishes the next? You were acting like a chicken with its head cut off.
Joker didn't feel awful for grabbing hold of you and shaking you silly. "Go finish getting dressed. I'll handle.. whatever."
You didn't question what his version of whatever was you just ran to your room to get ready.
Joker rolled his eyes hearing the door slam but made his way to the bathroom. If the Commissioner's daughter was on her way, any and all evidence of him being here needed to be erased.
He planned on watching you finish getting all dolled up but the new meeting time put a wrench in those plans. Maybe he could catch a glimpse when you came home.
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The first knock came a little after 7pm. Joker had already locked himself in his room for the night. Hopefully none of the girls questioned why that room was off limits.
You were dressed in your mini dress and fastening some drop earrings on when you went to open the door. Morgana was waiting on the other side holding a bouquet of spring flowers.
"Ahh! You remembered. Thank you!" You took the flowers from her but did a double take at her outfit of choice once they were out of the way.
"Is it too much?" She whined. You were speechless. "No. No.."
Her long hair was slicked back with hair gel, giving it a wet look that did wonders for her stunning dress. It was silver and with its drastic plunging neckline, your gaze was drawn to her breasts. She brought more attention to them with a long necklace that was actually a body chain.
"You look..." You trailed off.
She laughed and walked into your apartment with flair. "Sickening!" Her matching heels clicking on the floor confirmed it. Then you saw the back of her dress. Sickening indeed.
"The flowers are gorgeous by the way!" You closed the door softly.
The two of you were talking and munching on fruit from the cheeseboard when the second knock of the night sounded.
"Be right back." Morgana waved you off, too busy checking her phone to care.
You opened the door and Barbara's fiery locks were the first thing you saw. "Okay. I'm feeling super underdressed here." You groaned.
Barbara chuckled and wheeled herself in. "That sounds like a personal problem my friend. We are going clubbing right?"
Wrong answer. Barbara was dressed for the runway. Even seated, you fell in love with her short sequined dress that screamed glamor biker vibes.
When she moved you saw the cut outs traveling down her front. And her shoes!! Black leather thigh highs that glistened in the lights. Various silver rings adorned her fingers and she even added silver embellishments into her high frizzy ponytail. Her natural red mane was the only color to her outfit.
"She is her. Not a crumb left!" She ate up your hype and joined Morgana in the living room.
"So where's the girl of the hour?" She snagged a sandwich and a glass of water that you offered her.
Morgana's focus was on her phone. "Stuck in traffic but almost here. I love how we all coordinated our outfits without consulting with one another!"
The three of you glanced around and sure enough, each of you wore sequins of black and silver.
A round of laughter was shared before Barbara spoke. "Oh wow, I wonder what Florence is wearing then."
"If she's matching we gotta take pictures!" Morgana added.
During their little chit chat, you snuck over to your floor length mirror in the room to add the final touches to your outfit. Joker didn't get to see you before he locked himself in his room and you kinda wanted his opinion on your attire.
Although you matched with the girls you were starting to feel self conscious in your plain dress and heels. Your hair was flawless and came out exactly how you wanted it but something was missing.
While Morgana and Barbara weren't looking you went and grabbed Joker's red lipstick from the bathroom. You held it firmly but for some unknown reason, your hand shook as it hovered near your lips.
Maybe because it was sentimental? It was Joker's. It was his color, his tool to taunt and terrify the city with. Sure it was just an innocent shade found in any beauty store, but the power it held was insurmountable.
You didn't know if it would compliment your skin tone but there was no time to grab another color. The hour was getting closer and closer to eight. You closed your eyes and swiped the hue over your lips.
It was soft to the touch and when you opened your eyes, the opacity was extraordinary. It was perfect. Crazy how a shade of lipstick made you feel powerful. You smirked at your reflection and strutted to the front door to answer Florence's urgent knocking.
The second it unlocked she too sauntered in, a thousand apologies spewing from her dark painted lips.
"Alright b___hes! Sorry I'm late, my Uber driver tried to hoe me. But I have arrived." She raised her arms like an Egyptian and spun in her silver strappy heels.
Everyone's eyes started there and followed the straps up her legs before taking in the scandalous sight that was Florence.
"D__n girl. Is this Euphoria place secretly a strip club?" Morgana whistled. Barbara nodded along thinking the same. 
You on the other hand threw your hands up, huffing. "That's it, I'm done. I'm not going. Why bother when Florence shows up wearing nothing! Do you even have on underwear?"
Florence stopped spinning and struck a pose. 'Um yes?" She pointed to her crystal thong. "I am not getting arrested for public indecency."
"Again." Morgana mentioned. Everyone burst out laughing as Flo made her way to the living room.
"Yeah yeah. Real funny. That was one time and I looked phenomenal. Oooh food!" She picked up a sandwich, thanking you in passing for preparing it.
After a bite or two she took a gander at her squad. "Not all of us matching!" Her feathery sleeves danced in the air as she snapped her fingers. "Question. Is your titties buckled in girl?" She asked once she noticed Morgana adjusting them.
"I have so much tape securing these puppies. Trust me, nothing is slipping. Can't say the same for you potentially flashing someone tonight." She tossed back.
"My goodies are covered in Swarovski crystals darling!" She quoted a famous celebrity and flicked her waist length braids over her shoulder.
Her exotic eyes glanced over at you. "Are my eyes deceiving me? Is Y/n wearing makeup?! Oh, and what time is it?"
Barbara leaned in closer to see. "She is! That red looks beautiful on you Y/n and it's... ten minutes til Flo."
If only Barbara knew who's lipstick she just complimented. It would be your secret for the night.
The time however had everyone jumping to action. Everyone moved as a unit cleaning up the remnants of dinner and polishing off the cheeseboard. Everything else vanished in the rush to leave. Barbara was scheduling an Uber to the airport, Morgana magically acquired alcohol from thin air, and Florence was live streaming and taking shots with her for the 'gram.
This was it. The night had officially begun. Your heart was racing, utterly ecstatic that tonight was about to happen but you still cast a forlorn glance at Joker's bedroom door wishing you weren't leaving him behind.
It felt wrong somehow leaving the state in light of your situation but what could you do? You refused to hide forever. That much was certain, plus you deserved to have some fun.
Morgana was holding the door open for Barbara and Florence was yelling at you to 'put ya heels on and let's go! before you could call off the night. It was too late for cold feet. They would drag you to the plane kicking and screaming if you tried backing out now.
With the girls waiting for you out in the hallway you quickly grabbed your phone and evening clutch before locking your roommate inside.
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Florence insisted on giving the Uber driver five stars simply because she was a real one and blasted music the entire way to the airport.
She understood the vibes and scored more brownie points for having a handicap lift installed in her SUV for Barbara to use. The night was off to a good start that only got better once the SUV came to a stop on the tarmac.
A private jet stood waiting with a crew on the steps to greet you all. It was dark but you noticed the red carpet laid out for the girls to walk on. Whoever Florence's client was, he meant business.
The crew was very accommodating to Barbara and her disability. She was the first aboard using a modified lift built into the hull and with the open layout of the plane, she didn't have to worry about leaving the comfort of her personal chair to save non-existent aisle space.
Barbara thanked each personnel that helped and asked for names so she could write a stellar review. If only this were the treatment with commercial flights. She wasn't the only one enjoying the experience. Morgana had yet to shut up about the fancy jet claiming she 'wanted one.'
Along with being handicap accessible, the interior was cream against a wood finish and there was a fresh smell lingering on everything. Florence was too busy taking selfies with you to notice that something was wrong.
The crew went over the required preflight safety demonstration and offered drinks to everyone, however twenty minutes had passed since boarding the plane and it had yet to taxi down the runway.
"Why aint we moving yet?" Florence asked in general.
Morgana looked out the window like the answers were somehow out there. All she could see was a sea of blinking lights and another plane landing on a nearby runway. Almost on cue an announcement sounded from the plane's intercom.
"Hello ladies! This is your Captain speaking. There's been a slight hiccup that we're actively resolving. Please enjoy your refreshments and I'll have us airborne in ten minutes!"
"I hope everything is alright." You said.
Barbara flagged down a stewardess who repeated the same message as the pilot but with a lot more reassurance. True to their word nine minutes later, you all felt the plane start to move. And just in time. Florence was beginning to tap her heels on the floor.
"Hello ladies. Captain speaking again! You know the drill, buckle up until the seatbelt lights are off. In roughly two hours I'll have you all safe and sound in ATL."
You struck up a conversation with Barbara for the duration of the flight while Morgana and Flo charged their phones and talked amongst themselves. The flight itself wasn't long and relatively smooth until the landing wheels roughly touched down on the ground.
"Welcome to Atlanta ladies! Hope everyone enjoyed the flight. Please make sure you don't leave any personal belongings on your way out. Enjoy the rest of the night and I'll be here waiting to take you back home!"
"Geez, he is too hyper for a Captain." Morgana joked while riding the lift down to the tarmac with Barbara.
It was a little odd in your opinion but you still thanked the crew for their hospitality on the way out. You all climbed into the sleek Cadillac idling near the plane.
This one also was modified to accommodate Barbara and she couldn't keep quiet anymore. "I can't wait to meet this client of yours Flo. He thought of everything!"
You and Morgana buckled in your seatbelts, a row in front of them. You verbally agreed, having never seen a modified plane before until today.
Morgana turnt in her seat to face them. "Just confess that you and him been f__ing. It's the only explanation for all of this." The florist teased.
"I just might." Florence said to herself. All she told him was that she and three of her friends were coming to his club. This was all a shock to her too.
He was pulling out all the stops and it was another shock when the SUV pulled up to a massive club in the heart of Midtown. From the street view, the party was in full swing with a long line trailing down the sidewalk. A lo fi beat shook the exterior and street, striking one's curiosity of the place.
"Woah..." Morgana awed.
The dark three story building was illuminated with lights ranging in purple and blue with the title, Euphoria, in bold cursive font on the front. It put clubs in Gotham to shame.
The driver turned the car onto a side street and then pulled into a designated VIP/Valet drop off area. There were two cars ahead being greeted and ushered into the club. The driver whispered something into his suit sleeve and Barbara's former Batgirl instincts bristled.
Her green eyes darted to the side door that was blocked by a heavyweight bouncer who intercepted the driver's message. Even though she was disabled didn't mean she didn't have her wit about her. This was top level security for just an average nightclub.
"Did this.. client of yours ever tell you what he did for a living Flo?" She asked. Her question would have to wait because the SUV door was yanked open from the outside.
"Welcome to Euphoria ladies."
It didn't matter who said it, everyone knew to exit the car. Barbara grumbled to herself and decided to keep her eyes open for the night until she got answers.
Entering the club was like stepping into another dimension.
The spotlights matched the ones outside, purple and blue, and the entire place was rather cool despite the large crowd of swaying bodies out on the dancefloor. The floors were some kind of marble and it absorbed the shock of the many heels clicking on it. Fog machines kept the atmosphere mysterious and three long bars at the front of the establishment were pumping out drinks by the hundreds. Everything moved in sync yet nothing was overbearing.
The first few minutes after arriving to a club were awkward. You had to get your bearings of the place, fall in love with the music, etc.
Morgana pointed out a row of tables off to the side and suggested setting up base there to start off the night. Along the way Barbara was scooping out exit points and other key information, a habit Batman ingrained in her mind. You followed along eyeing the crowd in intrigue.
Florence was over the moon. Her body was already moving to the beat all the way to the table.
Ironic how this one offered a clear view of the exits and the dance floor. Barbara approved of Morgana's choice. Everyone got situated and decided on ordering a round of drinks. You were officially assigned as the DD however you protested that unanimous decision.
"No one is driving! An entire private plane is taking us home!" You shouted over the music.
"Doesn't matter!" The trio shouted back. You sunk into your seat dejected yet still with a smile on your face.
A round of drinks turned into several and before you knew it, girl's night was at its peak. Everyone was loose but had yet to venture out onto the dance floor. The current song drew to a close courtesy of the live DJ who hyped up the crowd and introduced a new but familiar beat to the crowd.
You locked eyes with Florence and the spark was kinetic.
"I know this ain't what I think it is!" She hollered. You shimmied your shoulders along to the intro. "Yessssss it is!" The two of you were scrambling to your feet when you heard Barbara shout.
"Go have fun, we'll be right here!" She and Morgana shared a laugh when Florence all but dragged you to the dance floor.
By then the song was playing into the chorus and the two of you immediately stole the attention of nearby onlookers with your moves. The beat was pulsing through your veins and any lingering thoughts about your dress, or Joker, hell even Two Face wanting you dead, quickly evaporated.
I'm just here for the touch and the rush.. Don't wanna make it better.. Don't wanna make it better..
The lyrics spoke to you personally. Florence must've felt the same since she twirled around you in an impromptu dance routine the two of you performed with a purpose.
It brought you back to Friday nights back in high school when Flo snuck you out of your parent's home to a football game after party or wherever the music was jumping that night. The two of you were from completely different cliques. You from the poetry club and she the stereotypical cheerleader but on the dance floor, you moved as one. Music formed the friendship you had with her today.
So it was safe to say personal space was non-existent between you two. You and Florence suddenly faced each other, lips nearly touching to sing the lyrics to the song.
Girl, leave your ex on read! Don't get in your head....
Whistles erupted from the crowd at the tease but you paid them no mind as you whipped around to slowly grind down Florence's front. Her hands guided you down as she held a note. All eyes were on the two of you when you began to throw it back on Flo.
The Haitian even smacked your behind for fun and giggles, much to the crowd's delight.
Morgana choked on her drink and Barbara cackled at her friend's reaction. "They're really getting into it tonight." Morgana commented.
She watched the both of you grind on each other when the second verse came and went. It was hot to watch yet it fit the atmosphere in the room. There was a break in the scene when you tripped up a bit when Flo spun you around too fast. People were too drunk to notice anyways.
The song began to fade out but Morgana still kept an eye on you and Florence, unable to look away.
"Yeah they are.. I'm glad we all came. So! Let's talk about you! How's that new storefront coming along?" Barbara asked.
The crowd broke out in cheers once the DJ transitioned the song into another popular hit. The second their eyes shifted away, Florence felt a tap on her shoulder. She smiled at the newcomer and shouted something in your direction. You were letting the music control you and didn't hear.
The R&B soul beat was strong and it swiftly guided you through the motions. Nothing else mattered. You drowned out all background noise except for the music.
Men and women came and went trying to dance on you after Florence left but they were scared away by an individual keeping an eye on you. Someone had to. You were too lost in the moment and none the wiser to be aware of your surroundings. But one guy was brave enough and stepped forward.
Usually, you only let Florence dance with you but the person behind you could be an exception to the rule. The body felt familiar somehow so you allowed it.
Someone must've dimmed the nights because the shadows grew and cloaked your new dancing partner with an air of mystery.
At first their hands rested on your hips but they grew embolden and slid up the front of your dress to your breasts. If the music wasn't lowering your inhibitions (you did drink a bit, much to everyone's shock) you still wouldn't have told them to stop once you felt their lips on your neck. It just felt too good.
You tipped your head back onto their shoulder and whined your hips harder on theirs.
You earned a deep satisfied groan for your efforts. The hand fondling your body snaked up to your neck like a custom necklace and the thrill of it resting there had you moaning out loud too.
"I wonder... If I weren't here, would you let any man touch you like this, Bunny?" You paid no mind to the voice but the nickname they used had your eyes blinking open in shock.
You tried to turn around but the hand on your neck squeezed in warning. "Don't. Stop. Now. Keep being a slut and work those hips of yours. Noooo one has to know you've been naughty.. 'cept me."
Joker chuckled in your ear before biting down hard on your neck. You cried out in pain. The current song's bass drowned it out instantly.
His hand bunched the fabric of your dress up and he growled on your skin when he found you bare for him. You tensed up at the angry notes creeping in your ear.
"No panties Y/n? You flew to another city with no.. Oh. Princess. My dirty f__ing slut. You want me to lose my mind huh? No much left of it buuuuut. Why else would you be naked underneath this dress hmm?"
Joker kept up appearances and swayed with your body although you hardly cared. All of your senses were on Joker behind you.
Your brain failed to form sentences. "I-I that's not.."
You didn't want any panty lines in your dress so you went commando. He'd flip his ish when he discovered you weren't wearing a bra either but screw all of that. You were still in shock as to how he got here. Once again you tried to turn around but Joker was always thinking two steps ahead of you.
Nothing could prepare you for the feeling of Joker's fingers rubbing your clit right there on the dance floor.
Your hips bucked involuntarily trying to run away from the assault but Joker pushed you back flush to his body. Your jaw hit the floor in disbelief when he rubbed even faster.
It felt wrong yet so right even as you locked eyes with a girl from across the way.
The dim lights reflected off her dyed hair. She winked at you, almost as if she knew what Joker was doing, and your cheeks tingled in shame. You looked away but it didn't help relieve the pleasure Joker was giving you.
"Joker.. stop. This isn't right.." You glanced at the table where Barbara and Morgana sat but found it empty.
A wave of fear washed over you. Where did they go? Maybe that was what Florence was trying to tell you before she disappeared.
You were snatched from your thoughts by Joker inserting a finger inside. "Your lips are tellin me to stop but she's begging me to keep going." Both of you felt how wet you were. You were practically dripping with arousal. It confirmed Joker's teasing.
Your body was working against you and it didn't take long for a knot to build just beneath your navel.
It was amplified by being out in the open. An energetic couple danced into your line of vision, blissfully unaware you were seconds away from coming. "Go on. Do. It." Joker cajoled in your ear.
Right as you were about to let go, Joker and his touch disappeared. You pitched forward until another pair of hands caught you.
"Girl?! What are you doing!? Florence's friend invited us to the private lounge upstairs." Morgana noticed your shaky legs and flushed cheeks and raised an eyebrow.
You probably looked a hot mess under the flashing lights.
"S-Sorry I ah.. ahem. Lead the way." You pulled your dress back down to its original length and cleared your throat.
She didn't say anything but dragged you to the elevators where Barbara was waiting.
"Took you two long enough." The redhead mashed the button to call the elevator and discreetly eyed your dazed state.
She glanced at Morgana who simply shrugged. The three of you rode the lift to the second floor that overlooked the sea of moving bodies down below.
Only a plane of glass separated you from the crowd below. It felt like a completely different club up here. There was another dance floor up here that was flanked by plush couches and tables with important looking people and their entrange sprinkled about.
The same music from downstairs was playing and people were dancing to it but you could carry on a conversation up here and not have to scream in someone's ear to hear them.
Off to the side of the room was an iron spiral staircase leading up into the unknown. The level above was devoid of light and you surmised shady business was handled therein. You hoped Florence's client wasn't waiting for everyone up there.
Thankfully an attractive man dressed in an all black suit approached your trio. "You girls with Florence?"
He eyed the group's outfits, lingering much longer on Morgana's dress and she definitely noticed.
"Yeah. Wanna show us the way?" She leaned forward so he could see the valley of cleavage she sported.
Barbara smacked her forehead at the flirtatious reply. Typical Morgana to flirt with a stranger. Maybe that's why her business was so successful?
He grinned and waved everyone over to a booth. The lights were dimmer on this floor, almost completely dark, so you had to squint to see Florence's feathery sleeves wrapped around someone at the table.
A guy sat in the middle with your friend practically in his lap with a blonde African female on his left, who smiled in greeting when the three of you showed up. Florence was still laughing at whatever that was said but stopped when she saw her friends.
"There y'all are! I told Y/n we were invited up to VIP like, thirty minutes ago!" Everyone stared at you with disappointment but your mind was elsewhere.
Flo paid it no mind and continued. "Barbara, Morgana, Y/n, I'd like you to meet my client...."
He acknowledged the others before locking eyes with you. One subtle shake of his head told you everything. Florence didn't know she was sitting on one of Joker's henchmen's lap. It felt like someone shoved your head underwater. Joker was here; Neo's smug grin confirmed it.
You didn't hallucinate your stolen orgasm downstairs. Joker traveled over nine hundred miles just to mess with you. You didn't know whether to be concerned or flattered.
".. and that's Iris. She's his assistant. Which means she's the secret assassin bodyguard. Ooh! Y/n you should interview her for inspiration for one of your books!"
Florence was just babbling at this point. Iris stood to give Morgana her seat but not before whispering in Neo's ear. Both of them glanced at you and she walked off with a knowing smile. Barbara noticed the exchange but without any context she couldn't pry.
She parked her wheelchair in front of the table and struck up a conversation with Neo that Morgana soon joined. It was time she got some answers. Which left you sliding into the booth next to Florence who quickly slung her arm around your shoulders.
The beautician was intoxicated at this point although she was nowhere near her goal of being drunkity drunk. Whatever that meant. You refused to carry her tonight if that was her goal.
"B__ch ain't he fine? Like tall, dark and handsome, reeking of BDE, fine? I might stay the night and get some of that Georgia peach's dick."
You didn't have the heart to tell Florence that Neo lived in Gotham City but nodded along regardless. Flo thought she whispered this to you but judging by Barbara stuttering mid sentence, unfortunately it was said too loud.
The redhead eyed the two of you with a mother-like glare. Strike one. She resumed her discussion with Neo like nothing happened. He paused to wink at Florence. Only Barb would talk business and acquisitions in a club with the owner. Morgana was no better; she was serious when asking Neo what the margins were like for running Euphoria.
And you were the sober one.
You sighed before responding. "Y-Yeah.. sure he's hot and you did an amazing job with his braids, might I add. You are dressed to get laid so.." You gestured at her see through attire as if held the answer.
She laughed, "True, true. And I did go crazy on his hair design." A waiter walked by and she flagged him down to order a drink. "Can I–"
"Hold on Mama, you're with me." Neo stopped Florence from ordering and locked eyes with the waiter. "Bottle service. Top shelf my man."
He kissed Florence's cheek and she melted in her seat. "That aight with y'all?" Neo asked the table. Everyone was in agreement until Florence scoffed. "Y/n doesn't drink!"
You and Barbara just sighed. Did she forget you drank with her and the girls downstairs?
Neo's light brown eyes flickered over to you. And so the staring match began. You and Neo weren't on good terms. Not since he waved a gun in your face outside of Luigi's pizza.
You tolerated Frost the most out of Joker's trusted three and that said something. His driving skills still horrified you. Neo reeked of arrogance. You weren't a fan.
"Is that so? I can order you some juice... water. Some warm milk?"
Morgana snorted at the joke. "That's not necessary. She drank a (insert fav drink) just a while ago. Florence just can't remember cuz she's too drunk. Isn't that right, Y/n/n?"
"Y/n/n?" Neo repeated sarcastically.
Barbara noticed your annoyed eye roll and elaborated. "It's an inside joke between us four. She hates it although it suits her well." She then launched into the story behind your nickname with Morgana adding funny details along the way.
Neo nodded along, learning more about you. In between the story, the waiter returned with two chilled bottles sitting in a bucket of ice with five champagne glasses, the extra one holding lit sparklers. Your order was placed during the grand spectacle.
Other tables looked over at the lively service in intrigue. Neo popped the bottles open and dutifully filled three glasses for your friends before pouring his own. Cheers were being made but someone tapped your shoulder and stole your attention. You were about to thank the waiter for bringing your drink when you locked eyes with green.
Joker was bold. He looked like an average employee, holding a serving tray. "Your drink, miss."
Your eyes flickered to his lips stressing the syllables only to find that he wasn't wearing a mask. You were flabbergasted. It was dark but not enough for him to walk around so exposed!
"Y/n, do you know him or something? He look familiar." You wiped your head around to face Florence.
She sipped on her flute of champagne eyeing Joker pensively.
Neo was too busy staring at her body but he glanced at his boss in shock after hearing her words. Florence was getting too curious about Joker and soon, so would Barbara and Morgana. He was cloaked in darkness but that would only do so much against a native Gothamite. If anyone could identify a wanted criminal it was a suspicious black woman.
Joker narrowed his eyes at Neo. It issued a silent order, one that Neo quickly translated, since he moved to distract his date faster than the Flash on crack.
"Florence baby, you wanna dance a bit?" He suggested.
She readily agreed and off they went to the dancefloor. Crisis avoided. Thank goodness she was drunk. You exhaled but remembered you weren't alone.
At the same time that Florence got curious, Morgana had caught the eye of a man from a different table and proceeded to flirt over the rim of her champagne glass. Barbara was preoccupied with texting on her phone.
You would bet twenty dollars she was texting Grayson. That or she was using her phone as a mobile access point to her PC back in Gotham. Either way, no one was paying attention to you and Joker took advantage of that.
He set your drink on the glass table and whispered in your ear while doing so. "Go up the spiral stairs in five minutes. Second door and, uh, don't keep me waiting."
With that said, he was gone, blending in with the club's shadows.
Play it off Y/n. Don't make it too obvious. You told yourself.
You nursed your drink and scanned the room in fake interest while counting down the minutes. More people were on the dance floor and the vibe was slowly matching the one on the floor below. Morgana left the table to talk directly to her crush and Barbara was nodding her head to the music, practicing glued to her phone.
The low glow from it highlighted her amused grin. She was definitely texting Dick.
"Hey.. uh. I'll be right back." You said in her direction.
"Yeah sure." She didn't spare you a glance and you didn't waste any time making your escape. 
You grabbed your clutch and dipped. It felt like the entire floor was watching you rush up the stairs yet you made it there with no issues. True to his word, there was a hallway up here lined with doors. Joker mentioned the second, so you approached it cautiously.
The inside was dark but you could tell it was a finance office of sorts. An ornate desk sat in the center and you walked up to it. The surface was cool to the touch and dust free.
The door clicking shut behind you made you drop your clutch on the floor. Before you could panic, warm hands held you close. You knew these arms.
"Joker! What— seriously you gotta stop scaring me! And have you lost your mind?"
He turned you around to face him and looked up at the ceiling, thinking it over. "Yes."
You frowned. "That's not what I meant. Did you really follow me to Atlanta? What if someone sees—"
He cut you off with a kiss. It quickly turned heated and you soon lost track of what you were upset about. His hands roamed your body in reverence and made you dizzy.
"You didn't get to.. ahh cum downstairs. Are ya up for it now?" He asked while licking your pulse.
How could you forget? You thought you imagined it since it happened so abruptly. "Seriously? Now?" 
He seared a yes on your skin and tried pushing your dress up but your hands stopped him halfway. He groaned in defeat and rocked his hips into yours instead.
You were shocked by his sense of urgency. "Joker, quit it! Someone will hear us!"
"Hear what? Hmm? The sounds of you screaming my name or.. the musiC?" Right as he said that, someone turned up the volume.
The crowd shouted their thanks and you had no further excuses to use. His words made your face hot. Just how much control did he have here?
"Dress. Off." Joker ordered. Apparently more than what you were expecting.
The clicking sound of a switchblade echoed in the room. "Or I'll cut it off. Looks expensive too." Joker licked his scars eyeing your designer dress.
You knew Joker wasn't one for empty threats. You pouted and turned around to present your zipper to him. His deep hum of approval caused more slick to run down your thigh and you rubbed them together hoping he wouldn't notice.
"Sooo.. needy."
Of course he noticed. Nothing got past Joker.
The sharp sting of the blade nicking your skin was your only warning before he cut your dress off. You hunched forward clutching the ruined fabric to your chest in shock.
"Ahttt aht ttt. I said take it off, not show me your a** no matter how sexy it is. No bra either? Tsk tsk." He smacked your behind causing you to yelp.
Suddenly Joker was hot and heavy against your back.
"You gonna be my good girl, Y/n? There's still time to.." He reached around and cupped your pussy. "Well. Someone is sopping wet. Does this excite you Bunny?" He circled his thumb on your clit.
He already knew the answer. Joker didn't bother locking the door and anyone could walk in and see your body giving in to his control over it.
You were panting and struggling to keep yourself upright. Your nipples had already hardened to stiff peaks and you were a mess even though Joker had yet to do anything serious.
He was right though. The fear, the overall excitement of being caught, had you wetter than you've ever been. The pleasure he created made you lightheaded and the sensation spurred you on.
"I wanna be your good girl." You gasped. He repeated your sentiment right back into your ear, mocking you for no reason only because he could.
"Yeah? You do? Well good girls don't leave the house without panties or a bra. Goood girls aren't uh.. greedy sluts in public." He slipped a finger inside your pussy, growling at the lack of resistance. "They saw you chasing that high doll. Out on the dance floor. You were so close.. They wanted you to let go. To feel that high. That. Rush. I want you to let go. Right. Now. Can you? For meee? Let go, c'mon on. Do iT."
Joker pumped his fingers faster into you as he talked you through it. His unique voice guiding you was the perfect accelerant to throw you over the edge.
He was notorious for his grand speeches. The way he carefully articulated his words and captivated an audience was riveting. Too bad your head was so far in the clouds you barely understood a single word. A string of yes's tumbled from your lips as you came on Joker's fingers.
His right hand rested atop yours on the desk to prevent your nails from clawing into its wood finish.
The pleasure washed over you leaving your ears ringing. You tried to regulate your breathing but it was all too much.
The music playing in the other room was just buzzing noise in your ear. You weren't a good girl. Even after coming you ached for more. You wanted Joker and he knew your body better than yourself.
"Shhhh shhh. I know. It's never enough." You whimpered as he turned you around to prop you up on the desk.
His hands came up to cradle your head as he devoured your lips. Joker always made you feel small in his arms. And when you parted lips and gazed into juniper eyes, you knew he wanted you to completely submit to him.
Giving that much of yourself was like a drug to him. Joker looked high off the idea alone. When he backed away you reached out for him.
He said nothing as he rounded the desk and sat down in the big executive chair. You looked over your shoulder at him, a question already forming on your tongue. With a lone finger he ordered you to come closer.
The desk was oddly bare but it worked in your favor for what you were about to do.
It was awkward at first since you still wore your heels and nothing else, but you slowly crawled over the desk to face Joker. He looked every bit the Prince of Crime seated on his throne. All that was missing was his—
"Sit on my lap Princess."
The gap between the table and his lap was scary but Joker was right there to catch you.
There was power alluding from his body as you sat completely bare on his clothed lap. You ran your hands against the dark fabric of his chest.
He was wearing a suit but not his signature one. This one was designer and oozing with dominance. Another perfect disguise for him to do what he wanted. It made you squirm in anticipation. You went about unbuttoning the black dress shirt but faced backlash.
"Did I tell you to undress me?" He asked. You shook your head. "Then don'T."
Joker's hands slid up and down your back mapping out your dips and curves while kneading your backside. You braced for the sting that never came. Instead he struck you elsewhere.
His teeth sank into your neck and you keened sharply.
He let go with a wet pop. "Too much? Orrr? Not enough?"
You fisted his shirt and choked out a sob. Joker eyed you hungrily and reached over to flick the table lamp on to see you fully. The area was bathed in warm gold and Joker finally got to see his long awaited treat.
"Look... at you Bunny." His thumb swiped at the stubborn red adorning your lips. Something about you completely nude with his shade of red on, sent him into a state.
You didn't know what had gotten into Joker but he declared no more words were needed and quickly unzipped his fly to free himself.
He didn't bother removing his pants all the way; they were hastily shoved to his knees before he hovered you above his aching cock. Harsh pants were shared in the small space between your lips and Joker's. He interpreted your gentle nod as permission to continue.
Your eyes locked with his lust blown green and your jaw slackened as the slow stretch stole your breath away.
"Oh my god."
"That ain't my name bunny but mmm. Close enough." He pushed you down until you were flush with his hips. You cried out at the fullness. Joker wrapped his arms around you when he felt you shivering.
He wasn't any better. It made no sense how tight you were. He tipped his head back laughing to keep from whining like some virgin schoolboy. It took all of his willpower not to ravish your body for his own pleasure. Instead, Joker rocked your hips back and forth, churning his dick in your insides as payback for making him feel so weak.
Your voice got caught in your throat after a rough buck of his hips. "Jo—ker!"
"That'ssss it. That's my name." Joker buried his head on your shoulder, biting down on it to stifle his moan.
What soon followed was straight out of a fever dream.
If anyone dared to venture up the spiral staircase the distinctive sound of sex would greet them. You let each and every pornographic moan rip from your throat in the throes of ecstasy.
Joker didn't hold back his strength and slammed you down on his cock and teased you in between his own heavy pants. He praised you for being so tight, scolded you for being a greedy slut, and for always running away, don't ever run from him was pounded deep into your pussy.
He laughed at you when your eyes rolled back into your skull and slapped your face to force your eyes back on him in the same millisecond. Your eye makeup was ruined but Joker's line of sight was trained on your pristine red lips moving a mile a minute.
You didn't know what you were saying. "P-Please please oh hmph.. Please!"
It was just mindless nonsense in the wave of pleasure consuming your senses. Yet Joker was always attentive.
"Whatcha begging for, Bunny? Breathe n' tell meee." He growled and grabbed a handful of your hair.
The sharp pain had you staring at him with watery eyes and a pouty lip. Joker never seen a more prettier sight.
You didn't know what you wanted. It was all too much for his pathetic bunny. Joker's grin was horrifying in the limited light in the room yet it was the most beautiful sight to you. Your eyes watered up even more.
"Shush shush Y/n. You ahh.. you knooow.. I hate it. I hate when you cry. Mhm. It. Drives. Me. Crazy."
Each word was pounded into you as Joker finally snapped.
He secured a bruising grip on your hips and rose to his feet. You felt weightless for a spell until the cool surface of the desk hit your back. You arched away from it but Joker's sweltering body forced you back down. There was nowhere to go and Joker's shoulders were your only anchor to Earth. All you had to do was keep your legs pulled back and accept the brutal f__k Joker subjected you to.
He groaned uncontrollably and picked up the pace.
You were uncertain if it was the new angle or simply the level of intensity Joker pounded your pussy with but the moment he shifted and started bullying your g spot, you were done. He knew you were close by the strength you used to push at his shoulders.
Always running away... but not this time.
"Aww right there? C'mon doll, give it to me, give it to me." Joker mumbled under his breath. He held your head still and grinned down at your pain stricken face each delicious time the tip of his dick hit your sweet spot. "You can do iT.."
Your lips, stained his signature red, opened in a silent scream as the final cusp of pleasure tipped you over into the nether.
Joker hissed at the death grip your pussy had on his dick. He managed to fight through it although he was seconds from coming undone too. He didn't know why he kept talking; you wouldn't understand a thing. It was mostly done to chase his own high.
"Your pussy is gonna take everything I give her, mkay? T-Take everything I give you Bunny." Maybe it was best that you couldn't hear.
Joker was lost in pleasure, he sounded so unlike himself in that moment.
The things you did to him. He'd endure the feeling of being pulled apart one piece at a time, only to be forcefully slammed back together again any day with you. He grabbed the edge of the desk and let the last few thrusts into your worn pussy echo loudly in the room.
Only then was it quiet.
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It took a while for Joker to get his bearings straight. Every time he had sex with you it got better than before.
You were turning him into a drug addict with you being the most refined drug to grace the Earth. Joker relocated you back into his lap and sat back down in the office chair. You were sound asleep, cuddled up to his dress shirt and shivering from the cold, not arousal.
He drew a breath and raked a hand through his hair, thinking of how to get you out of here without any clothes.
Cutting your dress seemed hot in the heat of the moment but now he eyed the ruined fabric on the floor with a grimace. He refused to let anyone see you in such a state and yet he couldn't resist destroying any and all barriers between him and your body during sex.
Your beauty was for Joker's eyes only, yet there was an entire two floor's worth of people separating you from the exit. He was forming a plan in his head when a series of beeps rang from your phone.
Oddly enough your clutch, and subsequently, your phone survived the fall to the floor and landed near the desk. Joker didn't have to reach far to grab it.
He didn't know your passcode yet but thankfully you enabled messages to be visible from the lock screen. There were a slew of other notifications mixed in with a few missed calls.
The most recent notification were concerned texts from your friends.
If Joker remembered correctly Florence was the girl you danced with earlier. She was very outspoken and... confident. Her sheer covering, (Joker refused to call it a dress) was eye-catching, but she wasn't his type.
Joker liked you and only you. Awkward and skittish Y/n. He grumbled at his soft thoughts and read your text messages.
'B__h wtf?' Sent from Florence.
Exactly two minutes later Barbara, the Commissioner's daughter, Joker said sarcastically to himself, sent a message.
'where r u hello? Y/n/n seriously you said you'd be right back'
Morgana chimed in instantly. '$100 she's getting some!'
Joker smirked at that. She wasn't wrong and he liked bets but he continued to read. He watched as the funny check-ins turned into serious concern. They already searched the first floor and came up empty and the most recent message from your friend Flo read as follows.
'this isn't funny Y/n I asked Neo to look for you
Joker sighed. It was posted seven minutes ago which meant his henchmen was making his way up here soon.
Joker glanced at the time on your cell before settling his eyes on you tuckered out on his chest. You'd hate him later for it but his thumbs were already holding down the blue bubble and typing out a response.
Y/n: 😏👌🏾👉🏾🍆
Immediately three messages popped up simultaneously. He read them in order, Florence being the first.
'whore! Lead with that next time ugh I swear!
Your florist friend was next with her priorities in order.
'Run me my money!! Cashapp me'
Barbara seemed to be the most responsible of the group. Her strict upbringing no doubt at play.
'Ok seriously don't scare us like that Y/n. Morgana is flying back with me. Flo, can you make sure Y/n gets back to Gotham safely? The club is closing in the nxt hour'
Euphoria's public hours were nine pm to three in the morning. But those hours didn't phase Joker when he was the owner. Neo just ran things legally.
Although the base of operations was in Gotham City, Joker took pride in being a national threat. In every major city, he had a sector with enough influence to be respected but not as large as his reputation in Gotham. He took great pride in being feared across the country. A new message chimed in and his eyes flickered down to read it.
'uh uh get someone else to do it, I gotta get mines 🤪🍆'
He liked this Florence gal. He knew any sensible man wouldn't leave her company and that meant Neo wouldn't come sniffing around where he didn't belong.
The noise level had greatly diminished as the closing hour approached. Joker decided to wait until the club closed to the public before searching for some clothes for you.
You mumbled something in your sleep and he took pity on the goosebumps rising on your dark skin. He wasn't getting soft. Honestly he wasn't.
His discarded suit jacket would have to do for the next forty five minutes to keep you warm. It practically swallowed your frame with how small you were.
Joker brushed a curl away so he could see your face better. You were curled up in his arms with his red lipstick highlighting the small smile on your face even as you slept.  
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