axdently · 1 year
[ californication ]  what do they think is their greatest achievement in life? - Han
"Min says my kimchi is the best she's ever tasted."
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11, 25, 40 :^)
juwie 🥺💕 thank u for the questions ily
11. Favorite extracurricular activity? oh man. ive been taking classes on earring making recently and that has been SO fun!! besides that i would probably say gardening 💕
25. Perfume/body spray or lotion? Answered here!!
40. Did you have any snacks today? honestly all ive eaten today was a homemade egg mcmuffin so no hskdhshfk i should get a snack though now that i think about it
Ask Game Questions!
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gremnda · 1 year
How are you so cool🥺🥺🥺
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no you
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azraeldeath777 · 5 months
Fraf, Edy, and juwi found a bug on the ground.
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legolasghosty · 1 year
idk how to actually ask prompts or if ur still doing these (feel free to delete this one if ur not) but i have this scenario in my head where Ray take his 4y/o Julie to the park with his wife and a 5y/o Reggie comes by his back "Dad! Dad, look what i found!...you're not my dad." and Reggie can't actually find his dad
Hello Anon! Yes still taking prompts, sorry this took so long! Irl things were taking too much energy so I've been really slow on the prompt fills. I hope this finds you well! And I hope this matches up with what you were thinking, it's a really good idea!!!
TW: Implied child abuse and neglect.
"Swing, swing!" Julie exclaims, pulling at her parents' hands as the playground comes into view.
Ray laughs. "Of course, mija, we can do swings," he tells his 4-year-old daughter.
"Might have to just be you on that one though," Rose tells him, glancing down at the baby strapped to her chest. "I think Carlos is starting to wake up."
Ray leans over to peck her on the cheek. "Of course, I got it."
"Swing!" Julie cries again, more insistent this time.
Ray chuckles and allows her to tug him towards the tall, metal swing set. Julie clambers up onto one of the seats and Ray ducks around the chains to get behind her.
"Ready, Julie?" he asks, placing one hand on her back.
"Yes!" Julie cheers.
"Ready, set, go!" Ray calls as he pushes her forward.
His daughter giggles as she flies through the air, first up and then back down towards Ray. He can't help but echo the sound as he pushes her higher and higher. Not too high, she's only 4 after all, but enough to give her that magical feeling of weightlessness that Ray misses from his own childhood.
He glances over at one point to see Rose going down the little slide with a gurgling Carlos in her arms. He wishes he had his camera on him so he could get a picture of it. Ah well, another time.
Julie protests when he misses a push so he turns back to his little girl. Her ponytail is bouncing all over as she tips her head back. Ray thanks God every day that Rose knows how to handle her curls. He wouldn't have the faintest clue where to even start with them.
"Dad! Dad, look what I found!" someone yells from behind him.
Ray thinks nothing of it until he feels a small hand tugging on his black and green overshirt. He looks down to see a little boy, probably a little older than Julie, with dark, straight hair that falls over his eyes. Through the fringes, Ray can see the boy's delight and excitement quickly turn to confusion.
"W-wait, you're not my dad," the boy stutters, stepping back quickly.
"It's okay, no worries," Ray assures the boy, giving him a wide smile. He scans the playground quickly. "Is that your dad over there?" he asks, pointing to a man sitting beside the sandbox who looked to be around his build.
The boy squints, then shakes his head. "No, that's not him," he responds. He stares around at all the grown-ups there, and Ray can see him getting tenser with every passing second.
Ray drops into a squat so he can be on eye level with the kid. "Well how about I help you find your dad?" he offers, smiling.
The boy seems unsure. "Mom wouldn't like that," he mutters, dropping his eyes to the ground.
Stranger Danger, Ray thinks. He's glad the kid is cautious at least. "I bet your mom will just be relieved that they found you," he reassures the boy. He holds out a hand. "I'm Ray."
"Reggie," the boy says. He hesitates, then reaches out to shake Ray's hand in his tiny one.
"Who're you?" Julie asks suddenly, jumping off her now slowed swing to run up beside Ray.
"This is Reggie," Ray tells her. "We're gonna help him find his dad."
"Okay!" Julie agrees, grinning through her crooked front teeth. She turns to Reggie. "Hi, I'm Julie, this is my dad!"
Reggie returns her grin slowly. "Hi Juwie."
"Ju-lee," she corrects, giggling.
Reggie goes red. "Sorry, sorry," he stutters, his smile gone and his eyes widening.
Ray frowns at that reaction. Who was teaching a kid this young to be this upset over a simple mistake? Lots of the kids in Julie's preschool class had done the same thing.
"It's okay," Julie says, suddenly alarmed. She darts forward and wraps her arms around Reggie's shoulders.
Reggie seems startled by the hug, but after a second he returns it. Ray's chest feels warm at how Julie has so easily made the boy relax.
When Julie lets him go, Ray clears his throat and glances around the playground again. "Reggie, what's your dad's name?" he asks, getting back to the task at hand. The boy's parents must be frantic at not being able to find him.
Reggie frowns, thinking. "Well most of the grown-ups call him Rob, but mom calls him a word I got in trouble for saying at kindergarten."
Ray doesn't let himself dwell on that second part. "Okay, Rob then. What's your last name?"
Julie smiles. "That's my teacher's name."
Ray chuckles. "Well Julie, Peter is your teacher's first name. It's Reggie's last name. Like how your last name is Molina," he explains.
He racks his brain. He can't think of a Rob Peters that lives in their neighborhood, and that's most of who comes to this park. "Do you know your dad's phone number?" he asks Reggie.
Reggie shakes his head. "He gets mad if I ask about his phone."
Ray isn't sure what to do with that information. He just knows he doesn't like it. But that will have to wait. "Okay, that's okay Reggie," he assures the boy. "Where was the last place you saw him?"
"By the slide," Reggie answers, pointing. "We came over here in the truck and he took me to play."
"Your dad brought you here, but he's not here now?" Ray clarifies.
Reggie nods silently, biting his bottom lip. "He likes hiding sometimes, but I'm really good at finding him."
Ray makes a mental note to mention this to Victoria later. His sister-in-law is a social worker. Hopefully Reggie is just blowing things out of proportion because he's young and doesn't have a solid grasp on the world yet, but he'd rather be safe than sorry. Would rather Reggie be safe.
"Okay, well what does your truck look like?" he asks. "Is it still here?"
"It's blue, Dad uses it for work," Reggie tells him, looking around for the vehicle. His brow furrows. "Where's the truck?"
Ray spots the first tear escaping from the boy's eye. Julie must see it too, because she takes a couple of steps forward and pulls Reggie into another hug.
"Don't worry, my Papi is super good at finding stuff," she tells him. Then she laughs. "Unless it's his keys. Mami always has to find them for him."
Reggie lets out a watery chuckle at that. "My mom never finds things for my dad," he says. "She just yells right back at him."
"Everything okay over here?" Rose inquires, walking up to them with Carlos balanced on her hip.
Reggie retreats behind Julie, but Ray offers his wife a worried smile. "Don't worry, Reggie, this is Julie's mom, Rose," he tells the boy. "Reggie can't find his dad," he explains, rising to his feet.
"Oh no," Rose murmurs, frowning.
"I think his dad might have left him here," Ray adds in a hushed tone so only she can hear. "His truck is gone and Reggie said that his dad likes hiding from him."
"He doesn't know a phone number or an address?" Rose questions, mirroring his volume.
Ray shakes his head. "His dad's name is Rob Peters, and he drives a blue truck, but that's all I know. If he doesn't show up soon, we might have to call the police."
Rose winces. "I hope it doesn't come to that," she says. Then she smiles down at Reggie and Julie. "Well, I have some snacks in my bag," she tells the kids. "Why don't we all sit down and have something to eat. Your dad will probably be back any minute, Reggie."
Both children brighten immediately at the word 'snacks' and Ray thanks heaven for the millionth time for granting him the privilege of being married to Rose Molina. His wife leads them all over to a bench, where she'd left her large purse. She produces crackers and string cheese after a minute of digging around. Ray and Rose had learned soon after having Julie that the number one rule of having little kids was to always have food on hand.
Reggie takes some string cheese and starts tearing it open happily. Julie grabs for the crackers. Carlos whines a little and Rose laughs.
"Don't worry, you can eat too, mijo," she tells him, unbuttoning her shirt enough that he can nurse.
Ray chuckles and settles on the ground with the kids, listening to their very serious discussion about the merits of different snack foods. He wonders if Reggie lives close enough that the two could play together again, under less stressful circumstances. They were getting along pretty well so far.
Just then, Ray hears someone yelling. He looks up to see a man storming towards the playground. The guy might be taller than Ray, and definitely a lot broader. Rose, Reggie, and Julie notice the commotion a moment later.
"Dad!" Reggie exclaims, jumping up. "Dad, I'm over here!"
The man, Rob Peters apparently, turns slowly. His angry expression doesn't soften when he sees his son. "What're you doing over there?!" he demands, crossing his arms. "What have I told you about talking to strangers."
Reggie hangs his head. "I'm sorry, they were being nice," he mumbles.
"I don't care," Rob Peters snaps. "Get in the car."
Ray finally unfreezes and jumps to his feet. "Ah, you must be Reggie's dad," he says, taking a step towards the man and trying for a friendly smile. "I'm Ray, we were helping Reg-"
"I don't care who you are," Rob Peters barks. He takes a few steps forward and grabs Reggie by the arm. "We're going home, kid."
And then they're gone before Ray can get another word out. Reggie manages a little wave over his shoulder. Ray slowly turns back to his family to find them all staring after Reggie as well. Rose glances back at him and their eyes lock.
Ray knows they're in agreement. They're going to mention this to Victoria soon.
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1mnobodywhoareyou · 6 months
4."Come here you little gremlin" for the bex verse
It’s a rare day off for everyone so they decide to haul the crew to the beach. A local hidden gem of a beach that allows them some semblance of privacy.
Julie digs through the cooler to find a can of her favourite soda. She cracks it open as she reclines back in her chair, enjoying the sound of Bex giggling as she’s chased around by her dads and Luke. 
It goes suspiciously quiet as Julie sips at her soda. Just as she’s about to lower her sunglasses to look around to see what’s up, a stream of water hits her in the face. 
Julie sputters, setting her soda down and pulling off her sunglasses. She dries her face on a towel as the giggling starts back up beside her. 
“Bex! You little…” Julie cries playfully. She swings her legs over the side of her chair to stand as Bex takes off. 
Julie chases after her. “Come here you little gremlin!” she calls. 
It doesn’t take long for her to catch up with the toddler, scooping Bex up into her arms and tickling her like mad. Bex’s laughter rings across the beach and Julie can’t help grinning.
“Unca Carwos! Help me!” Bex yells, noticing him coming out of the water. 
Carlos shakes his head as he laughs. “I know better than that, little one! You’re on your own.”
“Muahahahaha” Julie laughs as she throws Bex over her shoulder. 
Bex kicks and flails her arms, laughing as she tries to appeal to her next potential saviour. “Auntie Cawwie! Auntie Fwynn!”
They both laugh, “No way, kiddo. We know better than to cross Julie.”
“Abuewoooo! Pweeeeease,” she calls as Julie walks them to the shoreline.
Ray looks halfway ready to come to help but stops at Julie’s glare.
“You ready to swim with the fishes?” Julie asks, a teasing glint in her eye. “I’ll spare you if you tell me who set me up,” she whispers.
“It was Uke! IT WAS UKE!” Bex cries. Julie laughs, pressing a kiss to Bex’s cheek before setting her down in the sand. Julie crouches down so she’s at Bex’s level and gives her a conspiratorial look. “You wanna help Auntie get him back?”
Bex nods emphatically. 
“Okay, here’s what we’re gonna do,” Julie says before whispering the rest of her plan to Bex. “You got that?”
Bex nods again before confirming. “Got it!”
“Okay, hop to it little bunny!”
Julie watches her bound off toward Luke and makes her way back to her own chair. She’s met with a suspicious look from Flynn.
“What do you have planned?” they ask.
Julie grins mischievously back at them, “You’ll see.”
It’s not too long later that Bex manages to convince Luke to help her dig a massive hole. 
Julie watches them intently, smiling to herself when she overhears Luke. 
“You want to bury me?” he asks, incredulous.
“Yeah! Like Wiwo”
He laughs, “That’s a bit backwards, Bex. Lilo’s the one in the sand.”
Bex plants her hands on her hips and glares at him.
Luke puts his hands up in defense. “Okay, okay!” He climbs into the hole, which is more wide than deep, nearly perfectly made to fit him. He digs around so there’s enough room before he starts helping Bex pile the sand up on and around him. 
“Papa! Come help!” she calls toward the group of lounging adults. 
Reggie eyes Julie warily as he gets up. She grins as she shrugs at him. He rolls his eyes, sure that she’s up to something but ultimately deciding that it’s not his business and if Julie wants to mess with Luke, then that’s her prerogative. He heads over to help Bex bury Luke. 
As Reggie works, Bex gathers her buckets, filling them up with water and setting them around Luke.
“What are you up to Bexi-boo?” Reggie asks.
“Nuffin,” she says as she continues her mission. Once she’s satisfied with her bucket stash, she returns to help Reggie pat down the sand that’s covering Luke. 
“You stuck?” she asks him.
Luke tries to wiggle, causing some cracks to form in the sand covering him. “Yep.”
“No, you’re not.” she counters as she adds more sand, packing over the cracks. “Auntie JUWIE!” she calls once she’s satisfied. “Come see!”
Luke’s eyes widen in concern. “Bex, what do you have planned?”
“Nuffin, don’t wowwy ‘bout it.” she replies, plunking down to sit on his stomach.
“Oof,” he breathes out at the unexpected contact. 
Julie stands over Luke, casting a shadow over his face and grinning down at him. “What do we have here, Bex?”
“Stuck ‘Uke.”
“It does seem like we do indeed have a stuck Luke, doesn’t it? Shame.” She bends down to grab the nearest bucket of water, directing a sinister grin his way. Bex jumps off of him and runs to collect the next bucket.
“Julie, no!” he cries just before she unleashes the water onto his face. 
He sputters as she dumps the second bucket on him. 
Luke jumps up out of the sandpile and growls as he lunges at Julie. She squeals as he throws her over his shoulder, running toward the ocean. He dives into the water, submerging both of them. 
They both resurface, laughing hysterically. Julie tries to drag Luke back under but he sweeps her legs out from under her, effectively dunking her again. When she jumps on his back, he falls backwards into the water. She finally settles for incessantly splashing him, only stopping when Bex calls from the shore.
“Unca ‘Uke! That wasn’t the plan!”
Luke grins at her, “No? It wasn’t? You sure?” He runs back through the surf and onto the beach, scooping Bex up and dragging her back out into the water with him.
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hoshi-neko-hikari · 1 year
“Juwie!” Hikari smiled and hugged her
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julie-su · 2 years
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baby juwie su
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sparklyeyedhimbo · 1 year
aaah ty the for ask!! some for you: ✨🐶🎧☕ - @heesulovebot
✨ Do you have any nicknames?
Boy i have a few hold on to your keyboard: Juli, Jule, Juwy, Nule, Schnule and ofc Kali
🐶 Are you more of a dog person or a cat person?
still a cat/dog person
🎧 Headphones or earbuds?
on my phone def earbuds on my pc def headphones
☕ Coffee or tea?
it deepends on the mood, but most of the time its coffee okay it 100% of the time.
👁 👄 👁 *holds up sign with i still found cool weird facts*
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lyrics365 · 2 months
잠이 덜 깬 하늘 (half asleep sky) (Feat. E.ul)
ajik jami deol kkaen haneulsaekeun parae chagaun baram haetsaleun baka nae gibungati jal moreugetneun nalssiya jeongriga andoen kkumeun jumeoni ane dama gwihan geol bogwanhadeuti maliya sigani jinago dasi yeoreumiya huihanhage yojeum han haega harugati ppalrado chegami an doeneun ge nae oneuliya byeonhaebeorin juwi saramdeuli manado neomaneun nae yeopiraseo cham dahaengiya igeon uyeoni anira…
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aerospaceandaviation · 3 months
Containerized Solar Generator Market Overview and Growth Prospects Predicted by 2030
The Insight Partners recently announced the release of the market research titled Containerized Solar Generator Market Outlook to 2030 | Share, Size, and Growth. The report is a stop solution for companies operating in the Containerized Solar Generator market. The report involves details on key segments, market players, precise market revenue statistics, and a roadmap that assists companies in advancing their offerings and preparing for the upcoming decade. Listing out the opportunities in the market, this report intends to prepare businesses for the market dynamics in an estimated period.
Is Investing in the Market Research Worth It?
Some businesses are just lucky to manage their performance without opting for market research, but these incidences are rare. Having information on longer sample sizes helps companies to eliminate bias and assumptions. As a result, entrepreneurs can make better decisions from the outset. Containerized Solar Generator Market report allows business to reduce their risks by offering a closer picture of consumer behavior, competition landscape, leading tactics, and risk management.
A trusted market researcher can guide you to not only avoid pitfalls but also help you devise production, marketing, and distribution tactics. With the right research methodologies, The Insight Partners is helping brands unlock revenue opportunities in the Containerized Solar Generator market.
If your business falls under any of these categories – Manufacturer, Supplier, Retailer, or Distributor, this syndicated Containerized Solar Generator market research has all that you need.
What are Key Offerings Under this Containerized Solar Generator Market Research?
Global Containerized Solar Generator market summary, current and future Containerized Solar Generator market size
Market Competition in Terms of Key Market Players, their Revenue, and their Share
Economic Impact on the Industry
Production, Revenue (value), Price Trend
Cost Investigation and Consumer Insights
Industrial Chain, Raw Material Sourcing Strategy, and Downstream Buyers
Production, Revenue (Value) by Geographical Segmentation
Marketing Strategy Comprehension, Distributors and Traders
Global Containerized Solar Generator Market Forecast
Study on Market Research Factors
Who are the Major Market Players in the Containerized Solar Generator Market?
Containerized Solar Generator market is all set to accommodate more companies and is foreseen to intensify market competition in coming years. Companies focus on consistent new launches and regional expansion can be outlined as dominant tactics. Containerized Solar Generator market giants have widespread reach which has favored them with a wide consumer base and subsequently increased their Containerized Solar Generator market share.
Report Attributes
Segmental Coverage
Grid Connected and Off-Grid
Storage Capacity
10-40 KWH
40-80 KWH
80-150 KWH and 150 KWH and More
Government and Disaster Relief
North America
Asia Pacific
and South and Central America
Regional and Country Coverage
North America (US, Canada, Mexico)
Europe (UK, Germany, France, Russia, Italy, Rest of Europe)
Asia Pacific (China, India, Japan, Australia, Rest of APAC)
South / South & Central America (Brazil, Argentina, Rest of South/South & Central America)
Middle East & Africa (South Africa, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Rest of MEA)
Market Leaders and Key Company Profiles
1. Ecosphere Technologies, Inc
2. Photon Energy N.V.
3. HCI Energy, LLC.
4. Intech GmbH & Co. KG
5. juwi AG
6. PWRstation SA
7. Kirchner Solar Group GmbH
8. Renovagen Ltd
9. Silicon CPV Plc.
10. Off Grid Energy Limited
Other key companies 
What are Perks for Buyers?
The research will guide you in decisions and technology trends to adopt in the projected period.
Take effective Containerized Solar Generator market growth decisions and stay ahead of competitors
Improve product/services and marketing strategies.
Unlock suitable market entry tactics and ways to sustain in the market
Knowing market players can help you in planning future mergers and acquisitions
Visual representation of data by our team makes it easier to interpret and present the data further to investors, and your other stakeholders.
Do We Offer Customized Insights? Yes, We Do!
The The Insight Partners offer customized insights based on the client’s requirements. The following are some customizations our clients frequently ask for:
The Containerized Solar Generator market report can be customized based on specific regions/countries as per the intention of the business
The report production was facilitated as per the need and following the expected time frame
Insights and chapters tailored as per your requirements.
Depending on the preferences we may also accommodate changes in the current scope.
About Us:
The Insight Partners is a one-stop industry research provider of actionable intelligence. We help our clients in getting solutions to their research requirements through our syndicated and consulting research services. We specialize in industries such as Semiconductor and Electronics, Aerospace and Defense, Automotive and Transportation, Biotechnology, Healthcare IT, Manufacturing and Construction, Medical Devices, Technology, Media and Telecommunications, Chemicals and Materials.
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downincmi · 3 months
Distributed Generation Market Overview: Key Insights
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The distributed generation market is transforming the energy landscape by increasing adoption of sustainable energy sources driven by climate change concerns. Distributed generation involves electricity generation at or near the point of consumption. It utilizes smaller-scale power generation technologies including solar panels, wind turbines, reciprocating engines and fuel cells. Distributed generation provides advantages like reduced transmission and distribution losses, ability to use renewable resources, power reliability and energy security. The need for distributed generation is rising due to growing demand for reliable and sustainable energy along with awareness about environmental protection. The Global Distributed Generation Market is estimated to be valued at US$ 364.46 Billion in 2024 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 14% over the forecast period 2024 to 2031. Key Takeaways Key players operating in the distributed generation market are Siemens AG, General Electric, Schneider Electric SE, Mitsubishi Motors Corporation, and Capstone, Activ Solar GmbH, Ballard Power Systems Inc., Fortis Wind Energy, GE Power & Water, Juwi Inc., Sharp Corporation, Cummins Inc. (U.S.), Caterpillar Inc. (U.S.). These players are focusing on solar PV and wind power technologies to gain considerable market share. The demand for distributed generation is growing rapidly due to increasing awareness about environmental protection and rising energy costs. Rapid urbanization and industrialization in developing nations have increased the demand for reliable power supply which is driving the adoption of distributed generation systems. With supportive government policies and regulations, declining technology costs and increasing environmental concerns, distributed generation market is expanding globally. Key players are focusing on partnerships, mergers and acquisitions for strengthening their presence across international markets. Market Key Trends One of the key trends in distributed generation market is increasing integration of renewable energy sources like solar and wind power for distributed power generation. Distributed wind and solar installations allow utilization of intermittent resources like wind and solar at or near the point of consumption without transmission and distribution losses. This boosts the reliability and sustainability of energy supply.
Porter’s Analysis
Threat of new entrants: The distributed generation market requires high initial capital investments for infrastructure development limiting the threat of new entrants. However, declining technology costs are lowering entry barriers. Bargaining power of buyers: Individual buyers have lower bargaining power compared to large corporate consumers and utilities in the distributed generation market due to bulk purchase volumes. Bargaining power of suppliers: Leading battery manufacturers and renewable energy equipment suppliers have significant influence on pricing and supply in the distributed generation industry. Threat of new substitutes: Advancements in energy storage technologies pose a potential threat of substitution to distributed generation technologies relying on intermittent renewable sources like solar and wind. Competitive rivalry: The distributed generation market experiences intense competition among major players like Siemens AG, General Electric and Schneider Electric SE driving innovation and declining prices. Geographically, North America accounts for the largest share of the distributed generation market currently owing to supportive government policies and high electricity prices encouraging self-generation in the US and Canada. Asia Pacific is poised to become the fastest growing regional market for distributed generation between 2024 to 2031 led by strong growth in solar rooftop installations in China, India as well as emerging economies looking to fulfill rising energy needs through decentralized renewable sources.
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adityacmi · 4 months
Distributed Generation Market Forecast: Trends and Predictions
Distributed Generation Market is Transforming the Power Sector through Increased Reliability and Sustainability The distributed generation market is seeing growing adoption of decentralized power production technologies driven by an increasing demand for reliable and clean energy sources. Distributed generation involves electricity generation at or near the point of consumption from sources such as solar photovoltaic panels, wind turbines, reciprocating engines, gas turbines, fuel cells, and micro hydro plants. Advantages include reliability as the energy is produced locally reducing transmission losses and dependency on grid failures, sustainability as many options utilize renewable resources like solar and wind, lowered energy costs through offsetting consumption from the grid, and carbon emission reductions. The Global Distributed Generation Market is estimated to be valued at US$ 364.46 Billion in 2024 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 14% over the forecast period 2024 to 2031. Key Takeaways Key players operating in the distributed generation market include Siemens AG, General Electric, Schneider Electric SE, Mitsubishi Motors Corporation, Capstone, Activ Solar GmbH, Ballard Power Systems Inc., Fortis Wind Energy, GE Power & Water, Juwi Inc., Sharp Corporation, Cummins Inc., and Caterpillar Inc. Distributed generation solutions from these companies are seeing increasing adoption to meet the growing demand for reliable and low-cost energy across sectors like commercial, residential and industrial. The demand for distributed generation is rising rapidly driven by factors such as need for continuous power supply, integration of renewable sources, backup during grid failures, carbon emission reduction goals of nations and enterprises, and cost benefits of decentralized energy production. Distributed energy resources are playing a critical complementary role to centralized power grids in meeting escalating electricity demand globally in a sustainable manner. Major players are also expanding their distributed generation business globally, especially in regions with increasing clean energy targets such as Asia Pacific and Europe. Strategic partnerships and mergers and acquisitions are allowing companies to establish presence and offer customized localized solutions catering to different power requirements across global markets. Market Key Trends One of the key trends in the distributed generation market is the increasing focus on integrating renewable resources like solar and wind to produce clean and reliable off-grid power. Continuous technology advances are enabling greater efficiencies and control capabilities for distributed solar PV and wind systems. This is driving higher adoption of renewable distributed generation solutions globally. The proliferation of renewable distributed generation systems is expected to significantly reduce carbon emissions from the power sector in the coming years.
Porter’s Analysis Threat of new entrants: The distributed generation market requires significant investment capital which makes it difficult for new players to enter the market. However, technological advancements are lowering entry barriers. Bargaining power of buyers: Buyers have significant bargaining power due to the presence of many players providing similar products and services in the distributed generation market. Bargaining power of suppliers: A few large players dominate the supply of critical components for distributed generation systems, giving them strong bargaining power over buyers. Threat of new substitutes: Technological developments in energy storage are increasing the viability of renewable energy as a substitute for distributed generation sources. Competitive rivalry: The distributed generation market consists of numerous global players and intense competition on factors like product quality, technical support, pricing and customized solutions. Geographically, North America holds the largest share of the distributed generation market in terms of value due to supportive government policies and incentive programs driving growth in the region. The Asia Pacific region is expected to grow the fastest in the distributed generation market during the forecast period. Rapid industrialization and urbanization along with rising energy demand in developing countries of the region such as China and India are contributing to the market growth. Supportive renewable energy targets and investments by governments will further support distributed generation adoption in Asia Pacific.
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christinamac1 · 6 months
Fukushima City: 100 MW solar farm
4 Apr 24,  https://www.pveurope.eu/solar-parks/japan-fukushima-city-100-mw-solar-farm— Juwi Shizen Energy, the joint venture founded in 2013 between the German project developer Juwi and the Japanese developer of wind and solar parks Shizen Energy, has successfully connected the largest single project in its history to the grid in Fukushima City and has already handed it over to the…
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Distributed Generation Market: Growth Drivers and Market Dynamics
The distributed generation market refers to smaller-scale power generation technologies that produce electricity at or near the end user. Distributed generation technologies include solar PV systems, wind turbines, reciprocating engines and fuel cells. These technologies help distribute electricity production to consumers and allow them to generate their own power onsite. Distributed generation offers several advantages such as reduced transmission losses, increased energy security and fuel diversification. Rising energy consumption globally combined with pressing needs to reduce carbon emissions is driving significant demand for distributed renewable energy sources. The Global Distributed Generation Market is estimated to be valued at US$ 364.46 Billion in 2024 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 14% over the forecast period 2024 to 2031. Key Takeaways
Key players operating in the distributed generation market are Siemens AG, General Electric, Schneider Electric SE, Mitsubishi Motors Corporation, and Capstone, Activ Solar GmbH, Ballard Power Systems Inc., Fortis Wind Energy, GE Power & Water, Juwi Inc., Sharp Corporation, Cummins Inc. (U.S.), Caterpillar Inc. (U.S.). Some of these players are focusing on strategies like partnerships, new product development and geographical expansion to cement their position in the market. The growing demand for uninterrupted and reliable power supply across commercial, industrial and residential sectors is driving demand for distributed energy resources. Distributed generation can help meet this demand by complementing traditional centralized grid infrastructure. rapid urbanization and industrialization especially in developing nations is expected to significantly boost demand. Technological advancements are also supporting adoption of distributed generation systems. Advancements in renewable energy technologies like solar PV modules, wind turbines and fuel cells are making distributed energy more efficient and affordable. The development of smart inverters, hybrid systems and energy storage technologies is further enhancing the viability of distributed generation models. Market Trends and Opportunities
Increasing investments in microgrids: Several companies and governments are focusing on developing decentralized microgrid projects powered by distributed energy resources. This is expected to be a key opportunity and trend in the distributed generation market. Advancements in battery storage: Improvements in lithium-ion and other battery technologies are supporting increased integration of intermittent renewable sources like solar and wind with distributed generation. This is expected to significantly boost the business case for distributed energy adoption. Impact of COVID-19 on Distributed Generation Market The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the growth of distributed generation market. During the onset of pandemic, manufacturing operations were halted and supply chains were disrupted globally. This led to decline in new installations of distributed generation systems. There was delay in commissioning of projects under development. Investments into renewable projects reduced significantly due to economic uncertainties arising from pandemic. The demand from commercial and industrial segments reduced substantially as facilities operated at low capacity utilization or remained shut during lockdowns. However, post pandemic there has been renewed focus on distributed renewables as countries aim to rebuild their economies through green recovery programs. Government incentives and policies supporting distributed solar, wind, biomass and other renewable projects have increased. Falling technology costs have also boosted the appeal of distributed generation. Microgrids are expected to gain traction to improve energy resilience of communities and critical infrastructure. The demand from residential sector is rising as people invest in self-generation to reduce electricity bills and ensure power backup. By 2024, the market is projected to recover fully and rise steadily through 2031 supported by socio-economic recovery and decarbonization commitments of nations. Europe and Asia Pacific have emerged as geographical regions where distributed generation market is most concentrated in terms of value currently. Europe dominates with majority of share due to favorable policies for renewables and presence of leading solar and wind equipment manufacturers. Countries like Germany, United Kingdom, Italy and France account for over 50% of European market. Asia Pacific led by China, India and Japan is growing at fastest pace and is poised to surpass Europe by 2024 on back of enormous renewable energy capacity additions underway in the region. Africa and Middle East regions will also witness high growth on account of increasing access to clean energy in rural and remote regions through off-grid solar projects. The Latin American market will grow steadily driven by developments in Brazil, Mexico and Chile. North America remains a significant mature market though growth will continue at moderate rate. Asia Pacific is emerging as fastest growing region for distributed generation market driven by ongoing energy transition and climate actions across major economies like China and India. Both countries have set ambitious renewable capacity addition targets to meet growing power demand through sustainable means and are leading global investments into solar, wind, biomass and other clean energy sources especially at distributed and decentralized level. China alone accounts for over 50% of global investments into renewables currently. Other Southeast Asian nations are also supporting adoption of distributed energy through various initiatives. By 2031, Asia Pacific is forecasted to contribute over 35% of overall distributed generation market revenues, cementing its position as prized destination for clean energy companies worldwide. Rising living standards and increasing electricity access across rural regions will further complement future growth trajectory.
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aerospaceaviation · 7 months
Containerized Solar Generator Market Forecasts | Growth Analysis | Trend Prediction
The Insight Partners offers investors a comprehensive study of the Containerized Solar Generator market from the perspective of entrepreneurs in their most recent research report, " Containerized Solar Generator Market Share, Size and Trends Analysis | 2030" Examining current market conditions yields insightful information for businesses.
This report provides insights into market possibilities, obstacles, and incentives that companies shouldn't pass up. It would be a company recipe for success to choose a Containerized Solar Generator market research since consumer-centric firms often provide higher returns on investment. Making a small batch of items won't be enough, given the intense competition in the Containerized Solar Generator market. Businesses may estimate a product's potential and success with the use of market research.
The study is perhaps a perfect mixture of qualitative and quantitative information highlighting key market developments, challenges, and competition the industry faces alongside gap analysis and new opportunities available and trends within the market. The Containerized Solar Generator market report offers market size, recent trends, growth, share, development status, government policy, market dynamics, cost structure, and competitive landscape. The research report also includes the present market and its growth potential in the given period of forecast.
At the heart of our success lies a commitment to rigorous and reliable methodologies. The firm employs a combination of quantitative and qualitative approaches, ensuring a holistic understanding of Containerized Solar Generator market analysis dynamics. This includes:
Primary Research: In-depth interviews and surveys with key industry stakeholders provide firsthand insights into Containerized Solar Generator market trends and challenges.
Data Analytics: Advanced data analytics tools and techniques are utilized to process large datasets, uncovering patterns and correlations that might otherwise go unnoticed in calculating the Containerized Solar Generator market size.
Expert Analysis: A team of seasoned analysts with diverse industry expertise meticulously analyzes data to draw actionable conclusions and provide strategic recommendations about the Containerized Solar Generator market forecast.
Key companies in the Containerized Solar Generator market are- 1. Ecosphere Technologies, Inc, 2. Photon Energy N.V., 3. HCI Energy, LLC., 4. Intech GmbH & Co. KG, 5. juwi AG, 6. PWRstation SA, 7. Kirchner Solar Group GmbH, 8. Renovagen Ltd, 9. Silicon CPV Plc., 10. Off Grid Energy Limited
On the Basis of Type this market is categorized further into-
Grid Connected and Off-Grid
On the Basis of Storage Capacity this market is categorized further into-
10-40 KWH
40-80 KWH
80-150 KWH and 150 KWH and More
On the Basis of Application this market is categorized further into-
Government and Disaster Relief
On the Basis of Geography this market is categorized further into-
North America
Asia Pacific
and South and Central America
Key regions Containerized Solar Generator Market Research Report:
North America (U.S., Canada, Mexico)
Europe (U.K., France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Central & Eastern Europe, CIS)
Asia Pacific (China, Japan, South Korea, ASEAN, India, Rest of Asia Pacific)
Latin America (Brazil, Rest of Latin America)
The Middle East and Africa (Turkey, GCC, Rest of the Middle East and Africa)
Rest of the World
This report is an essential resource for businesses seeking to stay ahead of the competition in the Containerized Solar Generator market. With its comprehensive analysis of recent developments and emerging trends, it provides valuable insights into the market that can be used to develop effective growth strategies and improve market positioning. The report aims to provide readers with a comprehensive overview of the market analyses. Its objective is to aid readers in devising business growth strategies, assessing the competitive landscape, evaluating their position in the current Containerized Solar Generator market, and making well-informed business decisions. The report presents several market projections for crucial variables such as market size, manufacturing, revenue, consumption, CAGR, gross margin, and price.
How can this research help you in getting business strategically correct?
Exact valuation and key facts about the market | 2030
Value proposition analysis that helps businesses revise their offerings timely
Marketing and segmentation strategies for new entrants in the market
Competitive Containerized Solar Generator market growth strategies for market participants
Latest trends and technologies in the market
Author’s Bio:
Ash Paul
Senior Market Research Expert at The Insight Partners
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