#juvia too but its kinda bashing
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sun-stricken · 1 year ago
More protective dragon slayers please? 🙏
Gray watching the slayers hang out and go on jobs together: :(
Gray after being ‘adopted’: :| (secretly loving it)
Sting considering putting a gps chip on Gray only to find Juvia’s one already there and getting mad.
Sting: How dare she!
Gray: how dare you!
Wendy being the most protective.
Slayers getting jealous of Gray hanging out with Lyon. (Just wait until Natsu tells them about Galuna island).
Rogue uses Frosch to trick Gray into therapy
Someone comments on Gray’s nudity/makes suggestive comments and Wendy gets mad. Wendy: He’s too young!
My personal headcannon is that memento mori made Gray more demon so he’s got a bit of a taste for blood. He was going to keep it secret but after defeating Avatar one of the members were like ‘they’ll never accept you. You’re a monster!’.
Also that Avatar messed Gray up. He just casually mentions his initiation (ie torture) or Briar and Jerome being a bit too friendly, or not being able to get out a blood stain. And everyone is just wtf?
Sorry for the ramble! It’s just nice to get these ideas out
don’t apologize! i love seeing other peoples hcs!
i refer to the dragon slayers dragon as it or they bc i classify it as kind of a separate entity? same with grays demon
More dragon slayers beinng protective of gray for the soul! (these are more just them and gray hcs i have, but the protectiveness is implied)
its a lot so vv
Gray gets sick a lot, and its never just a simple cold or small fever, its always smth vaguely serious
and the dragons absolutely despise it, they also despise that its not something they can just destroy
Every time Gray gets sick all their inner dragons are immediately running in circles with the need to make him feel better
He sniffles once or gets a tiny scrape and theres a multitude of crashes and yelling to find blankets, med kits, and trying to find the best spot for him to sit down at
Wendy is extra feral and protective during these times
(which is saying a lot bc her dragon is definitely the most protective normally, whether bc its young or bc theyre a healer so thats their job to protect doesnt matter, it just is)
she has bitten people for getting too close (ie. within 40 ft) to them, even if theyre in a public place
Shes also forgotten shes a healer multiple times bc her dragon was so hellbent on the good old fashioned hands on approach
During one of the times he was bedridden at home, they found an book with Isvan style recipes in it, then proceeded to try and make something from it
they failed, they are complicated recipes and they probably wouldve failed home ec
but its the thought that counts and count it did bc Gray practically threw himself at them in a hug when they told him what they tried to do
GOING OFF THE HC OF DEVIL SLAYERS SLEEPING A LOT THING LIKE CATS (ty @bluneko91 for the idea) i think Gray in general has always been the type to sleep anywhere and everywhere
but now he can actually easily get to those hard to reach places and nap, and hes a menace with it
a weekly occurrence at the Fairy Tail guild is half the dragon slayers frantically searching for their demon slayer, looking in his past usual haunts (at the bar, on a table, under a table, makarovs office, on the stairs somewhere, the more random the more likely)
only for him to be found on the rafters 100 ft off the ground
when they find him they have about a good 7 seconds of peace before they verge yet another cardiac event bc holy shit oh god hes gonna fall!!
another common scene is Gray sleeping (in less dangerous places) and having various token dragon slayer clothes covering him
The dragons asking Gray if he wants to go on a job with them, only for him to (reluctantly) decline bc Lyon is in town and they have plans
then proceeding to sulk the whole job
Natsu was sulking the most, and spilt what happened on Galuna
and suddenly Lyon and Gray had 5 fuming dragons following them
(and if Lyon got graphic threats if he ever fucked up again he never said anything)
Gray is a hit of a wanderer, not in a ‘getting lost/bad at directions’ way, but in a ‘likes to see the scenery/has a feeling and doesnt voice it, just goes with it’ kinda way
Hes done this enough times and is quiet enough about it the others dont realize till hes gone
On one of the jobs he took with Rogue & Sting they half jokingly and half seriously threaten him with a tracker
and Gray says that Juvia probably already has one of him
Rogue and Sting not having a whole lot of context on that asks what he means, and then gets a disturbing account of some of the things shes done
Lets just say the feelings they harbor for her and for the people who let it continue are neither kind nor pretty
they probably ripped the other slayers a new one when they got back
Contrary to popular belief, ice mages can get cold, it takes a hell of a lot more than an average person but it does happen.
Gray probs mentioned this once and now when it rains or snows-
Laxus throws his coat at Gray, Natsu offers to share his scarf and using his fire to warm him up, Rogue drapes his cloak around him
its a very soft image and i needed to share it
Gray starting to push the other slayers away bc hes struggling with his demon instincts and because hes scared hes going to become a monster and hurt them
them not taking any of that shit
reassuring him that he would never become something cruel and evil
hes becoming a demon, hes not a monster, not a murderer
Ppl are frequently gross about Grays stripping habit
its one of the only things that made him genuinely try to stop
People tend to think since hes so obviously confident in his body that its okay to touch him whenever and however they want
the dragon slayers are inclined to disagree
Gajeel breaking some guys arm after he wouldnt keep his hands to himself
Laxus spilling water on someone whose personal dictionary didnt include ‘No’ then repeatedly shocked them until they werent in reach
Wendy having to be (reluctantly, they just dont want her to get in trouble tbh) held back when someone keeps making comments on his body after he told them to fuck off
that did not stop her from giving them the worst insults and threats anybody has ever heard
[if she went back to find them again nobody would know, i mean, and they were perfectly intact! not a scratch on them! and who was gonna believe that a sweet girl like her would harm anybody?:)]
Gray has been threatened with being wrapped in bubble wrap after being injured so many times, which is crazy considering its Natsu of all people who says it
They have gotten really comfortable with eachother
and i mentioned once smth abt the slayers having little private hang outs (jobs or normal get together or ‘meeting’ type things at guilds)
during one of these he casually mentioned what he had to endure to be accepted into Avatar
“yeah, they locked me in a kiln like room for hours every couple days”
jaw drops galore
“i beg your fucking pardon.”
“oh yeah, dw tho, it usually overlapped with the deprivations days so i wasnt fully aware of what was going on, didnt even hurt”
*increasing volume of worried and angry sounds*
I think Natsu is also a total cat magnet, so when Gray is having an off day he’ll go in search for a cat
when they approach him, he picks them up and drops them in Grays lap and waits
it always helps him feel better
im trying to imagine Gray getting a date and them all trying to discreetly spy on it
“Gaj, the pole doesnt exactly hide y—“
sorry this took a minute!! i have a lot to say but not enough words
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gralunaisland · 3 years ago
Do you read fanfic? If you do, is there any fanfic you read and recommend where Gray or someone confronts juvia over her creepy behaviors? I’m trying to find those but it’s hard to navigate among all the gruvia people don’t tag. I be reading a nice fic without gruvia in the tags and bom! You though you could run? No, it has gruvia now! I had to make sure fics don’t even have her tagged to run from the pairing
Thanks for asking! I do read fanfic! I love it actually, since it lets me live out my ships when they’re not canon (which is most of them ಥ_ಥ̥ ). There's unfortunately not enough GraLu fanfiction for my taste, nor enough of juvia getting trashed for her behavior, but tbh I haven't looked extensively into FT fanfic.
It’s mostly because I don't want aspects of it ruined for me since it was my first anime and I hold it kinda sacred and untouched by fanon mostly (I'm not like that with any of the other anime/manga fanfics I’ve read though). Tbh though, on a side note, I've written some GraLu fanfiction before myself, so maybe sometime, after revising and finishing one, I might be compelled to put it here.
Anyway, I feel for you! Even in the few I've read, without any gr///via tags whatsoever, the darn ship slithers its way through every crevice. I hate that people just assume you'll know it'll be there because "duh it's canon duhhh" and therefore don't tag it. -_- Like golly at least warn a person before you scar their eyeballs, will ya?
Idk if you ship GraLu too since you didn't mention it, but one fanfic I found that's an absolute gem is called "Can I Kiss You?" by LuminousRain on the fanfiction website Archive of Our Own! It's literally got the tags "anti gruvia", "juvia bashing", and "anti juvia lockser", so it definitely has some very satisfying bashing of her. Unfortunately, it's not to her face, but it's a cute, short fic about GraLu. I suggest, if you don't already use Archive of Our Own, that you use it because of its extensive library and put in those tags to see what you can find!
I'm sorry I wasn't too helpful in suggesting fanfics to you, I wish you the best of luck looking for some sweet, sweet retribution against juvia! If you ever do find some good Anti fanfic, please feel free to send the titles to me by ask or msg! I’d love to read them.
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gruviyasharuto · 4 years ago
I've been seeing a lot of gruvia/juvia defend posts lately on the gruvia tag (which is great and all❤) but why??? Where have you seen these hate posts because I haven't encountered any... And even if I had I don't understand why everyone is so... Worked up about it, just ignore the antis( wherever they may be😅) its really sad when they hate on our ship yes. But... I have to ask are some of you purposely looking at the anti gruvia tag??? As a gruvia shipper myself I have to ask why??? I mean thats the worst thing you could possibly do,,, I mean I get it sometimes curiosity gets the better of us and we just want to see, but it honestly just hurts us and does legit no good, in fact I once read a post from an anti-gruvia fan that said they used to ship gruvia but because their curiosity got the best of them they looked at anti-gruvia tags to just see... And all it did was make them stop shipping it because the fandom just ruined it for them with all the negativity not just from antis
but from actual gruvians who wouldn't stop going on about how this or that person posted this bashing on gruvia/juvia... And that kinda just ruined it for them also because lets face it I love juvia/gruvia but I do understand some of the arguments they make against them back when I first started liking fairy tail I loved them the show, the characters and gruvia/juvia at first sight but I always encountered some sort of hate post about it and it really hurt. It made me doubt myself and why I shipped it in the first place because some of the arguments they made were... Kinda valid... Now, let me set the record straight, I am not talking about juvia being a psycho stalker, her being only centered around gray, or that she is creepy and dangerous, or that gray doesnt like her or is uncomfortable with her or anything outrageous!!!!
I'm talking about other arguments like for example that some of her behavior was a bit.... Unsettling at times for me it was when she tried to be grays chair , I know its for comedic relief and I shouldn't take that too seriously but I just don't like that part and I also think that when juvia was telling gray about silver and how she was the one to "kill" him she wasn't really gas lighting him and I know she had pure intentions but I HATE that she said she doesn't have the right to love him, like why??? Juvia sweetie I love you but that was low key selfish and made it seem like she tried making it all about herself and how she felt but,,, to be fair tho.. She too didnt know what else to say and obviously she was traumatized by this experience too so she just said whatever really came to mind and I forgive her and also my poor baby girl😭😭 like she deserves all the love in the world *ahem* (whispers) *gray go get yo girl*
I know a lot of you will probably get upset with me after reading this.. If you read it, but I had to say my truth not about the things I agree about with some antis but about how y'all need to stop going on those anti tags!! It does you no good and really.. It could eventually diminish or make you doubt your love for the thing you like, I'm not saying it happens to everyone and you can argue that me and that anti might be "fake fans" but I can assure you I at least will never stop loving fairy tail, gruvia or juvia. They've legit brought back the smile and the will to love others to my life. And I personally don't hold any grudge against people who were once gruvia shippers but stopped because people grow, change interests and really there is no point in obsessing over these people because it happens and thats fine they had a bad experience I understand and respect their reasons.
Just like I hope you take this rant and instead of being upset with me take it to heart and just don't pay attention to antis, now I'm not saying you should completely stop defending gruvia. No. If an anti bombards you with hate on your on page or something then yes its ok for you to explain yourself and give them a bit of a lesson but not to the point your arguing and badmouthing each others ships or worse bad mouthing the person themselves for their beliefs (although I doubt any of you do that)
Anyways thats all...
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cass-chan12 · 6 years ago
Felony of the Heart (Ch 6)
Fandom: Fairy Tail Genre: Romance and Friendship Pairing: Main- NaLu. Sides- Gajevy, Gruvia and Jerza
Summary: What would you do if you were forced into a school that deals with Delinquents and young adults that have committed felonies? Lucy Heartfilia would rather chance it than going back home to being married off. What lies ahead for the blonde is unknown but she's convinced she can make it through with him by her side
Chapter five
What draws people to be friends is that they see the same truth. They share it.
-C.S. Lewis
I viciously coughed against the floor and my cheek was against the wet floor. My lungs sucking in as much oxygen as possible and my ear drum pounded from the despairing cries that echoed behind me, trying to stop desperately.
She let me out of her grasp.
It happened so fast I couldn't gather my thoughts on what just occurred and why.
All that mattered was the fact that this girl was in pain and she tried to take it out on me. I could tell from the beginning of the epidemic that she was hurting, that she tried to fight herself, that she was regretful…
Once my obstinate coughing died down I pushed myself off the wet floor and looked over my shoulder to the blue haired girl who was still balling her eyes out.
It was a shame that she had been reduced to a despairing young woman, she was well… pretty. Okay not pretty… like beautiful. That alone made me cringe at my own appearance.
Even though she was also drenched in water, her hair was a silky shiny dark blue and already started to curl at the tips. She had white porcelain looking skin and was simply flawless, her skin obviously did well in the seasons with the lack of sun and even if she would be in the sun I doubt the rays of heat would damage her skin.
Her crying started to slow down slightly and her tempest blue eyes made contact with mine and set off another fresh waterfall of tears.
I turned my body to her and used my shaky sore arms to pull myself closer to her, and see if I can comfort her somehow. Although deep inside, my mind screamed not to because she did try to drown me, my conscience told me to ease her and her weeping.
She hardly noticed I was inching closer to her since her sobs were the only thing that could be heard in the bathroom. The shallow puddles I moved through were icy cold and sent shivers from my spine to my head making me feel a little dizzy.
By the time I reached her my hand automatically reached out for her.
What exactly was I thinking?
She tried to kill me, or at the very least hurt me quite badly and I… I feel sorry for her? As if I somehow am looking in a mirror of my own despair. I could quite easily lie to myself and say that the time I've spent here hasn't been all that bad since I had new friends by my side; Erza, Levy, Gray… Natsu. Even having him next to me couldn't well subside how sad I really was.
I was sad that I was forced to be a pawn for my father, I was sad I was yanked away to be manhandled in this god forsaken school, I am sad that this school has no sympathy for its students… I am sad for people like this girl who I am about to comfort and how she was angrily crying and repenting that she forced herself to do something she really didn't want to do.
I don't know what came over me but when I was in arms reach of her I flung myself onto her in an overpowering hug.
Her cries slowly began to stop altogether and I squeezed her tighter by pure emotion. My eyes began to water and tears escaped, giving into my own melancholy.
Her body stiffened, I'm only assuming she's confused as to why I'm holding her. Her shoulders slumped though and her sniffs and cries escalated again.
She wrapped her arms around me in return.
"Juvia is sorry." She whispered. "Juvia is so sorry" she said again bursting into more tears and gripping tightly onto my shoulder of my damped shirt. Her voice was sweet and gentle, I wouldn't expect less from her appearance but her actions made her kind of contradictory.
Her sobs quieted down slowly and her body had ceased with its shaking. All I could hear now was her erratic breathing trying to even out.
"Why?" she breathed out.
My body stiffened at the sound of her serious voice, I wasn't sure what she meant though.
"Excuse me?" my voice broke asking her.
"Juvia was intent on hurting you, probably worse…" she gulped "yet… why are you comforting Juvia?" she asked pulling herself away from my grasp.
I met her dark blue gaze which was almost terrifying to look back at. I wasn't really sure how to answer her, really the only thing I could think about was my sympathy towards her… no not sympathy.
"I'm empathetic I suppose? Seeing you in pain only reminded me of myself." I said gazing at the floor refusing to look her in the eye.
"Juvia is in pain, but not in the way your in." she argued.
I laughed slightly "Pain is pain. Whatever type of pain it is, I can still overlook what just happened." I said with my voice cracking.
"No, Juvia shouldn't be forgiven. The pain Juvia is in is petty and weak."
"Petty?" I mumbled
She nodded her head "Juvia is jealous and is in love."
I lifted my eyebrow slightly "How am I involved then?"
She really looked guilty now; even her lip trembled again as if she were to burst into tears right now.
"Gray-sama." She whispered and I blinked unsure what she was talking about.
"The boy you just befriended… Juvia… Juvia loves him." She whispered before starting to cry slightly again.
"And Juvia wanted to hurt you because, Gray-sama was close to Lucy-san… and helped Lucy-san…and…Juvia is so terrible" she wept covering her face with her hands.
My heart was close to stopping, so she's in love with Gray. It didn't make much sense but I guess I understood.
What was to be noted here is that those who came to this school are psychologically unstable and that whatever crimes they committed overshadows what their lives were before. I know that's not always the case but looking at the blue head girl in front of me it's clear she needs friends.
"I'm sorry Juvia, I didn't know. For the record I don't like him." I said reassuring her.
She shook her head harshly "Juvia can't handle her emotions, reasoning doesn't work."
I was crazy for even thinking of it but it already came out my mouth "Then join our group… if you want. It's-kinda-our-own-little-pact-to-make-sure-the-teachers-don't-get-to-us-and-we-watch-each-other's-back." I said hastily running out of breath.
She stared at me astonished of what I just asked her, her dull blue eyes gained some life too and her smile was sweet as infectious.
"Really?" she asked for reassurance.
"As a good friend once told me-'We're in this together'."
Needless to say, the night before became restless as ever along with the fact Juvia and myself had to clean the bathroom without anyone noticing.
A tough task indeed since the storage room was close to Ultear's room. If she had caught us we would have been DEAD, and not to mention our stroke of luck that those horrible night guards decided to take the Friday night off to probably drink themselves rotten.
By the time Juvia and I were done we snuck into the bedroom at 4am and managed two hours of sleep. I'm just grateful I did have rest before venturing to the bathroom last night.
Still… I felt like I crawled out of a grave like from a horror film, I did look the part. With the over exertion of my body, the cruel pushing's of Kain and the bathroom epidemic, my muscles were flimsy and weakened tremendously. When the morning siren went off I winced at the slightest movement, although I managed to move without any unwanted attention from my peers in the dorm and since its Saturday we were permitted to wear casual clothes- when I say casual, I mean dull and boring. So I put on a plain white shirt along with some tracksuit pants and my worn out sneakers.
Levy and Erza must have left without me noticing, but across the room I spotted Juvia looking slightly bashful, most likely waiting for me.
I walked to her and saw Ultear inspect the room before looking at the two of us.
"How are you feeling Miss Heartfilia?" she asked in a dismal manner.
"Just fine Ultear, thank you for asking." I said back in the same dull way.
Her eyebrows dipped low almost making her look angry "Right… you two are dismissed." She said gesturing for us to leave.
We slowly passed her and I felt Juvia close behind me feeling nervous which I don't blame her for.
"Just one more thing girls…" her voice appeared again making us turn.
"If you ever stay up past curfew again, there are worse punishments than cleaning up the mess you made in the bathroom. Are we clear?" she asked darkly threating us in a way.
My body was frozen and as I felt Juvia stiffen I assume her heart probably dropped to the floor as well.
She knew? Did she know about Juvia trying to drown me too? If she did was she just going to let it continue? Or did she just know we tried to clean the bathroom without her noticing without the other important details?
I gulped "Yes Ultear." I replied cautiously.
Satisfied with my answer she walked away leaving us dumbfounded.
"Lucy-san?" Juvia called out to me softly.
Out of my daze I shook myself internally and looked at Juvia "Just Lucy, Juvia. We're friends now so no need for the honorifics okay?"
Her face told me she was shocked "Really? Lucy-san… erm sorry, Lucy wants to be friends with Juvia after what happened last night?"
I smiled "Why would I want you in our group of friends if I didn't want to be friends with you?" I laughed and she blushed slightly but then laughed along with me.
Today it was overcast but no rain fell to my and most probably to the boy's relief who had to wake up early to do chores. I'm hoping Natsu and Gray were done by now so I could thank them for yesterday and introduce them to Juvia, well… introduce her to Gray really…
Saturdays in the hall were happier than usual, even the fact the boys were busy in the early hours of the morning they seemed happier than usual. Everyone though didn't go overboard due to Kain-sensei being unpredictable.
Juvia and I grabbed some breakfast that actually looked somewhat editable since the staff tries slightly harder on the weekend. I walked towards the familiar table and I could already hear Natsu and Gray bickering over something and well, Erza wasn't pleased.
By the time I came to the table I saw Levy eating her toast and watching the scene in front of her; which were the boys on their knees in front of Erza who was scolding them.
I let out a laugh which made all four of them look to me.
"Luce! Help!" Natsu yelped while on the floor and pressing his hands together in a pleading manner and Gray just rolled his eyes at the pinkette
I looked to Erza "What happened?" I asked near laughing again.
She flipped her long hair over her shoulder and sighed exasperatingly "Bickering; which friends aren't supposed to be like."
"Like I would be friends with this stripper!" Natsu protested.
"You would be lucky if I was your friend pyro." Gray retaliated.
The boys started again and I sighed showing I've given up before I even started. I felt Juvia was still behind me which reminded me that I still had yet to introduce her.
"Speaking of friends- this is Juvia everyone!" I said pushing her slightly forward.
Her body was frozen under the gazes of everyone at the table.
"Nice to meet you Juvia" Erza smiled easing up the table.
"Yay, another Bluenette!" Levy cheered.
"Welcome Nakama" Natsu smiled.
Juvia's face was flustered at the attention but her face turned an even deeper red when her and Gray made eye contact.
"Cool" was the only thing Gray said before walking to the table nonchalantly.
Juvia's high dipped and she faced me pleadingly. My eyebrows twitched in anger toward the cold boy, it makes more sense now why he lived in such a cold region before, since he has no tact whatsoever.
"Gray…" I mumbled angrily "Can I speak to you for a second?" I pointed to the food line. Gray looked surprised at my demeanour and slowly got up.
My eyes darted to Natsu's briefly and his expression was not impressed in the slightest, I just turned my attention away from the boy piercing me with his dark green stare to Juvia instead.
"Juvia, go sit next to Levy. This will only take a second." I nudged her to the table.
She swiftly turned to me and whispered in my ear "Don't take him away, Love Rival."
Love Rival? Did I hear right?
I sweat dropped "No, no, I'm helping you out." I whispered back.
She squeaked before I nudged her to the table and Gray and I walked to where the group can't hear us. I looked over my shoulders and his carefree slash don't give a damn look was irritating me beyond belief. I turned on my heel when we were far enough and gave him a deadly look.
His eyebrows rose at my action and he shifted to lean on a nearby chair, looking uncaring again… he's really getting on my last nerve right now.
"What exactly was that back there?" I asked angrily.
"I didn't do anything, perhaps talk to yer boyfriend." He 'tched' me.
"W-what? H-he's not- that's not what I'm talking about! I'm talking about how you brushed off Juvia like nothing!"
Gray looked angry now "And why do you care? She's just a stalker of mine, so I don't see why it's your concern."
"Stalker?" I mumbled. I didn't think her obsession was that extensive?
"She's my friend that's why." I countered "Just be nice, she really likes you and I'm sure now that you're friends she'll stop… pestering you."
He gave me a deadpanned look and sighed in defeat, clearly meaning I had won this argument and early might I add.
We walked back to the table with Gray tailing me reluctantly and the first thing I noticed was Natsu's gaze on us, fierce and captivating.
The second person my gaze fell on was Juvia's and it was lovesick all over. Her eyes were widened with anxiousness and her smile reached ear to ear.
Before I gave Gray a choice I sat next to Natsu and Erza which only left space next to Juvia and Levy. I could almost feel my head burning from behind but I brushed it off without a care.
He grouchily sat next to Levy creating some space between himself and Juvia and sitting across from me at the table. Gray quietly sat where he was listening to Erza and Levy talk to Juvia.
Natsu leaned against me catching my attention and when I was about to tell him off his mouth was already by my ear. Hot and moist was his breath and sent shivers down my spine.
"Why do you smell like dirty water?" he asked gruffly.
My heart stuttered at the memory of last night which I must keep to myself or Juvia might be kicked out before she started.
My gulp was near audible but I coughed to cover it up "That's rude, the girls water system isn't perfect. I did the best I could."
He growled "Did something happen Luce?"
That's just like him, reading my mind as easily as a book and showing up at times that are near to unexplainable.
Before I could answer a shriek came from Levy's lips and Juvia smiling like a fool and fainting, hanging half off the seat. My sights turned to the boy seated across me and his shirt was off… again.
I only just wish that the cafeteria didn't make an uproar that alerted Kain-sensei. But something about watching the scene in front of me made me smile and feel happy.
Whether it is Natsu and Gray arguing over Gray's stripping habit, Erza yelling at the bother of them, Levy and myself laughing over the matter and now Juvia's fangirl ways on Gray's action.
As great as the group is in its different antics and personality traits, our little group was still incomplete.
But for now our next task is standing together as a unit tomorrow at confessionals. Even though we have been through several together, I think we have an upper hand in having eighty percent of the group on our side.
With that said… why do I still feel unsettled?
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arkus-rhapsode · 7 years ago
Hiro Mashima On The Ending of Fairy Tail
So recently Hiro Mashima was at New York Comic con and let slip that, indeed everything at the end of the series, he had no plan for. He once again brought up his original plan of FT being only 10 volumes and stated he hadn’t thought beyond that.
After hearing it straight from Mashima himself, I think I can finally say something I’ve wanted to to for a while and finally start confirming a suspicion I’ve had for a while.
Hiro Mashima having no idea on the future of Fairy Tail past volume 10 makes so much damn sense to me. I don’t mean in a term of “Ft sucked after a certain point”, but what I mean is you can see how this was supposed to be finished way earlier than it ended up being. If you look back at the beginning of FT, many praise the first arcs because of how they develop our eventual main cast and give them all relevance. The thing about why that worked was, Mashima was working with what he had established and built on. This might sound wierd, but just bare with me, imagine if the real ending of FT was originally suppose to be Fantasia and not Alvarez.
This might sound odd, but thinking about all the arcs up to that point a lot was established an kinda in a bottle resolved. Many characters didn’t have long standing motivations that need to be resolved later on in the series. A lot happened upon their resolution naturally. Gray’s story with Lyon was introduced on Galuna and concluded on Galuna, Erza’s past with Jellal was hinted at through Seigrain and then resolved in ToH, and Lucy’s familial issues were hinted at and then resolved after Phantom. Alot of these events were layered, having some form of build up or Mashima knowing what he wanted to do with the characters. This all concluding with Laxus, him and his crooked morality was the last built up thing and when it concluded there was nothing left to build on.
Now I want to explain a little more, after Laxus was defeated, we got the Oracion Seis arc, this arc was when the bad staples of FT really showed up. There was an increase of Fanservice, an increase of Friendship speeches with no point, and a lack of consistency. It strikes me as odd that this all started happening after Laxus was defeated. The last built up character. Another thing that happened was there was soon a lack of playing with expectations. Reading back, it’s hard to imagine how much foreshadowing there was in only the first real arc of the series. As small of a story it was, Daybreak told a compelling tale that seemed to lack a lot of the problems of Fairy Tail. It knew how to do the twist of “this book wasn’t something your father was ashamed of, but the best book he ever wrote” a lot better than say, “Wendy your guild is an illusion”. With Daybreak you get clear foreshadowing in Kaby’s own words, Lucy discovering a seceret while reading the book, and the tragedy of Zeuka Melon already happening, whereas Wendy’s guild had that one line from Rabaul after we had just learned who they were near the end of the arc. The thing is, playing with expectations is easy to do if you know how you want it to play out, but stuff like Wendy’s guild are clear sign of adding something in near the end.
Now that we know about the lack of planning in the series, a lot of choices still make sense. The ending of FT was ambiguous and left with no real conclusion, now compare that to the end of FT, it was ambiguous and had a lot of things open ended. The reason why FT worked more is that after 11 years what Hiro gave us in Alvarez was not worth it, while in Fantasia, we got a conclusion to a built up problem, Laxus and it was small enough we could accept it.
Now some might then point out things like, what about Grimoire Heart, Mystogan, Igneel, Zeref, the whole raven tail thing, well lets think about those. These do smell like additions to the series, nothing wrong with adding more concepts, but think about how he resolved most of them: Lazily. While these were later additions there was clear signs that unlike the previous arcs these new developments lacked any real direction.
Notice that dragon force didn’t get a name in its first outing (Aside from the title of the chapter), but Zero gave it a name. Another thing that stinks of inconsistency is that after the Laxus arc is when we get the dark guild hierarchy. Another thing is the cease of any of the development for side characters like Elfman, Mira, and Juvia. All really got the height of their characters in Fantasia (though Elfman in phantom lord). Hell the last scene of Fantasia was a montage of every character we had sen in the series so far.
The Laxus arc could’ve ended the series on the same ambiguous note and celebration of FT that the last chapter did.
My theory on this and why Mashima went this route was he was trying a repeat with Rave: extend the story longer by introducing three new villain groups linked by a signal thing. With Rave Master it was Doryu, Onigami, and Blue Guardians linked by sinclaire. With FT it was OS, Grimoire Heart, and Tartaros linked by Zeref. But the difference was in execution: Rave needed a reason to extend conflict while looking for the Rave Stones, but the rave stone quest never stopped being the focus, FT need a reason to exist. Aside from Natsu trying to find his dad, thee was no reason or these characters to go on past the LAxus arc. They had all been resolved: Gray and Lyon fought, Erza was freed from the tower, and Lucy stood up to her Dad. So there was no real goal for them. Zeref being the big bad was a concept introduced as the main antagonist was a add on. And it only loosely connected together.
I think your all tired of my rambling so I’m going to cut to the chase. Like a lot of people have said FT was a series with a lot of potential and that is true, but you can always see potential in a blank slate that has gaps to fill, but FT never filled those gaps, it gave us the same old thing and then hoped it would work. But if you don’t live up to your potential then the only thing people will see you as is lazy. I know this has seemed like a long bashing on Mashima, but after learning how he had no plan it really began to show me that FT wasn’t suppose  to be the next big action shounen, but rather an author experimenting in a borderless world a lot of people got invested in. I am disappointed in Mashima because I think with planning beforehand of FT and instead of diving into it like he did, then maybe this could’ve been a great series. There is one thing that I am actively angry at though and it goes back to mashima at comic con
FT might not be over because by keeping it ambiguous, Mashima now has a safety net to return to if after his next series fails then he can just keep going with FT. To me there is nothing more lazy then returning to what made you popular, you should stride to always do better than how you did before. So knowing that Mashima has the chance to return makes my blood boil. You had the chance to make a good series and give a conclusion, too late to try again. I hope to never see FT 2 in the future, but I am eager to see Mashima’s next work, because unlike FT, he isn’t rushing it. His new series isn’t coming out as the same time as FT ends, just like FT did when Rave was still running.
I hope you all could take something away from all this... whatever I just wrote... And see FT in a new light.
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gruvia-is-bad · 7 years ago
First of all asshole, you can't be Gray, because he's fictional, and you're just a human being. Secondly, Natsu is the worst character in the show, and is completely shit, terribly developed, and bland boring garbage. Thirdly if you were Gray you wouldn't be hating on Gruvia because that wouldn't make any sense. because the real life Gray would accept Juvia because it's canon . Deal with it. and asshole, some other bitch anon was bashing Gray before, which you stood by and did nothing. Get aclu
~ fictionkin/past lives. i was gray in a past life and still consider myself to be him. if you dont believe in kin thats cool, but it wont negate my beliefs or my memories.
~ thats your opinion, but not mine. this isnt a natsu hate blog, go somewhere else.
~ due to multiverse theory, very few fictionkin remember exactly what is canon from their sources. juvia made me extremely uncomfortable, threatened my partners, and was overall just terrible. no thank you. i dont give a shit about what a bad writer thinks is a good idea.
~ i did do something, i made a joke along the lines of “shit, i hate me too, but do you gotta say it like that?” because tbh i dont give a shit if people hate on me, its kinda funny.
- mod gray
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6ix-dragons · 8 years ago
Fairy Tail Fan Impressions (FTFI): Chapter 537
(Be aware; spoilers for the most recent chapters can be found below!)
"Damn, dude! Did you check out the latest chapter?!”
Me: Yeah, I did.
“That was even more disappointing than the last one! I mean, sure, Zeref and Mavis got together again, for the final time...”
Me: I kinda liked that moment, actually...
“I know, same here—but, there’s still something wrong about that, too! Oh, and don’t get me started about this person who we thought had died, a little while ago...”
Me: “Well, I was surprised at that...”
“Man, this has got to be worse than how Kishimoto ended Naruto! No, actually...it has to be worse than how Kubo ended Bleach!”
Me: Hmm...I wouldn’t go there, just yet.
Alright, so, just around last week, there were a lot of folks who got disappointed over what happened with chapter 536. And, I mean, I totally get the feeling about this. A lot of people expected a showdown between Acnologia and the Seven Dragon Slayers, and a battle between Natsu and Zeref that would have lasted longer than what it actually was. Aaaand, it looked like they would get none of that. So, after what happened in that chapter, it was expected that the next chapter ahead would be good enough to turn the impressions around. I mean, there’s definitely no way that this next new chapter can disappoint the folks, in more new ways than one, am I right?
Well, chapter 537 just did the opposite of that...and it actually disappointed even more than the last one. 
Let’s get right down to the chapter itself, first, before we get right into its shenanigans.
First off, it all begins with Zeref, inside the guild building, shortly after he was defeated by Natsu. Mavis is there with him, and they have a moment together. Now, normally, I would be moved (emotionally-speaking, of course) by scenes such as this. There were many significant scenes, in particular, that have brought those profound feelings in me, and it’s just one of the reasons why I like this series. This, however...well, although it’s also quite an emotionally-moving scene, I couldn’t help but feel that something was off, at the same time. I’ll get to that, in a moment. 
Anyway, Zeref and Mavis are together by themselves. Mavis tells him that she hasn’t forgiven him for what he has done, which is understandable, given all the events involving him. They then talk to each other about their relationship, and all that kind of stuff. What really stands out in this scene, I think, would be the contradictory nature of their relationship. An example of this, would be when Mavis mentioned that she hated him, and wanted him to die—but at the same time, she wished in her thoughts that he didn’t die. All the while, as she’s hitting against him, too. 
Then, at the end of that scene, Zeref and Mavis end up together, but in death. The only way for them to resolve the issues that surround them...would be love, itself. 
So, what do I think of this? Honestly, I think it’s just an okay closure, of some sort, for both characters involved. I mentioned in a couple of my recent posts about what would happen in the final chapters, starting from 536, on Zeref and Mavis themselves. I was satisified, in that I was kind of right about what would happen to them. What I wasn’t satisfied, however, was the way they were written out of the story. Again, that would be covered shortly. 
Furthermore, it would also be confirmation that “The One Magic” is definitely love, itself. As I also mentioned before, in one of my recent posts, there were some interpretations about what The One Magic is. Now that it’s been revealed about what it truly is, I’m now hoping to see what more this One Magic will play into, for the rest of the final chapters. 
And now...we get into the shenanigans! 
So, with Zeref and Mavis finally being together in death...one might think that this is pretty much great closure for those two, right? However, I feel (and already, quite a number of fans do feel this, too) that this really isn’t suitable closure for both of them. The main reason for this sentiment, and it’s one that a lot of those fans share across, is probably because of Zeref himself. I mean...does he really deserve this kind of closure? More, ultimately: has he done anything in the story to redeem himself at all? 
Because, when Zeref appeared in the story—many times, since he was introduced, he was seen as one of the more major antagonists in the story. He did some pretty villainous things that affected life and society, in all of Fiore, and the rest of the Earthland. Sure, he does have a tragic and unfortunate past, in which we can all sympathize...but, what has he done in this whole story that would redeem everything for what he has done? 
I mean, I would consider this scene between Zeref and Mavis to be a great one—but only if Zeref did something before that, that would make him vindcated for all of his past actions. 
Also, Zeref going down that way, can be a dangerous thing. I express this, because of how it’s always mentioned that his life is somehow connected to that of his little brother. If Zeref goes out like he already did, in this chapter...what do you suppose will happen to Natsu? Not only that, but it’s already been shown that Natsu’s own life is directly connected to whomever is in control of the Book of E.N.D. itself. Now, what do you suppose will happen to Lucy, too??
And, if that wasn’t even enough, the title of the next chapter is “Vanishing Flame”! Man, there’s a lot of stuff that’s quite concerning, and it even scares me, too, frankly. Who knows what would happen to those two?!
But, really, the way the Zervis scene was made...it wasn’t the only part of the chapter that’s kind of contested (I think we can all agree on that). The other part of the chapter that’s really contested, amongst most fans, would be what happens at the end of the chapter! 
Right around the final pages of 537, it’s revealed that the one character who we thought had actually died all along...he really came back to life! No, it’s not a magic trick, or anything, but Makarov (somehow) became awoke—as if nothing consequential had happened to him!
Now, I know about the general feeling around these “fake deaths”—like the ones seen with Gajeel, Juvia, and Mirajane. It was, at first, quite effective for the readers. However, with each subsequent moment after the first one, the effects started to wear off with the readers. They just weren’t as convinced, as they were, before.
When Makarov seemingly sacrificed himself, several chapters ago, all of us thought he was dead for real. Furthering the case for that, was how often he appeared in the chapters after his (supposed) ‘sacrifice’, in which he barely showed up, in all those chapters afterward. And for all those moments when he did show up, after, he was only seen being carried by his own grandson...just laying there, motionless. 
With the old man now revived at the end of this chapter, ‘though, I think it became the point, where those in the fandom (and those on the outside, looking in) had become so disappointed at how this chapter turned out. I agree with the general thought, about how Makarov should have been written-off permanently, when he sacrificed himself at that point, in the arc. What more does he have to do, in this part of the story, now that he’s awake, and totally fine? I mean, there’s just something that we don’t know about Mashima, as to what he intends to do with Makarov.
I’d get the idea that this whole story isn’t as dark and edgy, as with Rave Master before, and that (with some exceptions) “nobody really dies in Fairy Tail”...but, it’s just absurd. Ridiculous, even. I would have been okay with Makarov, as the only major character who gets killed-off, in this part of the story. 
Before I conclude this post, I just want to address the amount of anger and frustration brought upon by this chapter itself. I have seen the amount of toxicity brought out by a lot of folks around the FT subreddit recently, as well as around here. I just want to express, for a moment, about these kinds of things that have been happening for the past few days. 
First off, before anyone calls me out for it, I am a fan of FT, and it happens to be one of my favourite anime/manga series of all time. That is true...however, that doesn’t really mean that I’m quite partial towards this series. To me, Fairy Tail is just okay...as long as I can see through the flaws and issues of it. 
To anybody who’s angry and frustrated about all the shenanigans that happened in the recent chapters, as well as the arc itself...you have a right to be angry about it. I agree that there’s a lot of missed potential on all counts for this part of the story, and I can also mention that this is due to the way Mashima writes things. I’ve already given the benefit of the doubt to him, a couple of times—once, after the GMG arc, and another, at the mid-way point of the Alvarez arc. After all this, ‘though, I’m no longer giving him anymore of that...and I have to say, I’m also disappointed at how things have turned out, in the past couple of chapters. 
But, I also want to express about the unwarranted toxicity, and some of the hatred towards this series, that I think is irrational (for certain reasons). Sure, Fairy Tail does have its several flaws and issues, and I can certainly see that, myself. It’s already happened to a few of the bigger-named series of manga that I know of. However, I don’t usually bash on this series, calling it “the worst thing on Earth”, or something like that. 
If you think it’s okay to do those things, ‘though, then go right ahead. You’d best be prepared for whatever comes your way, if you’re gonna do that! I’d rather partake in a rational discussion, over whatever it is that you don’t like about this series, rather than see somebody spout utter nonsense when they’re bashing for no good reason. 
Okay, so that is it for this post. Thank you very much, to those who have read this, from the top. Click like, if you like this post; follow my blog if you like it; reblog it to all of your friends...and, oh man! After what just happened very recently, I’m holding out a bit of hope—a little bit of hope—that Mashima does something for the next few final chapters, to turn it all around. I don’t like how everything gets rushed, resulting in the missed potential that I mentioned earlier. 
Then again, my glass is sometimes half-full.
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multi-fandomtrashtm · 8 years ago
Gruvia and how to fix it
Okay, as you all should know, Gruvia is my former OTP die hard ship. In recent months, I’ve realized that it’s not that great after all. I realized that the gruvia I love is not the one in Fairy Tail, but rather the one depicted in fanfics and fanart. I realized that the ship in canon is extremely one sided, damages 1/2 of the characters involved and is very forced.  A part of me will probably take this ship to the grave since I still can’t keep a straight face whenever they have a moment.
See, about 80% of Juvia’s current character is developed to gruvia or Gray in general which is not good for such a major character. Levy can get by with being attached to Gajeel because she’s not a major character, but not Juvia. AND practically all of the ship seems to favor her and only her in story. There isn’t any indication that Gray is getting anything from their close companionship besides discomfort in story for a long while. All of that equals a forced ship.
Before you read further, keep in mind that I’m not trying to bash gruvia or its supporters. I’m bashing Mashima’s writing and stating what I think would have made the progression of this ship smoother. In no way is this trying to disregard what happened in canon, I already know its too late to change anything. 
Now about how to improve it.
Give Juvia back her personality, relationships and character from Fantasia and Tower of Heaven arc. Have her function without Gray being in the equation somewhere. Show her having close relationships besides Gray, so that her crush on him is more of a character quirk rather than most of her character. (I would say that she has Meredy, but they get so little screen time together I don’t even know what their relationship is. ESPECIALLY Meredy because Mashima dedicated like 150 pages to jerza but couldn’t have more than 2 panels of Meredy and Juvia interacting??? Ditto for Gajeel. This is an element of Mashima’s poor writing style, unfortunately. It’s like how Lucy and Levy are supposedly best friends but almost never talk.) In turn, this will scale back the creep factor that’s ever present in this ship and will balance it out with character weight. You know when she was all shy and embarrassed to give him that lunch she made for him? That was the perfect balance. 
Scale down the obsessiveness and have it develop more like a relationship upgrade rather than Gray just giving up and settling because Juvia won’t leave him alone. If it’s supposed to be that Gray is slowly warming up to Juvia, then show it. Have him go from a blunt “no thanks, not interested” to a more tsundere attitude. Him bluntly telling her no then her persisting anyway is just her not having enough respect to listen to his opinions despite being in love which makes her affection seem a whole lot more shallow and ,surprise, one sided.
Go into detail about the relationship. Have them reflect on how the other person has helped them. Here, I’ll even give an example on the fly; Juvia loves and appreciates Gray for being her prince charming for taking her rain away because it made her depressed and isolated for the rest of her life. Gray appreciates Juvia because he knows she’s one of the people he can fall back on, she can lighten his mood when his thoughts get too morbid or he’s going through a tough time and generally makes him more cheerful/quirky. Seeing as Mashima has put so much effort into the ball of sexual tension and angst that is Jerza, he’s clearly capable of developing these things for relationships. He just...doesn’t for his other pairings.
Just let them talk. Have Juvia chill out for like 5 minutes and genuinely listen to what Gray thinks of her and her tendencies. And have Juvia explain exactly why she’s so devoted to Gray and how much it means to her. Because he has no idea what her thought process is and to him she’s just been this creepy stalker who won’t leave him alone and “loves” him. If she would do this, then that would explain why he could grow more receptive towards her affection.
When she starts getting close to him (say, Tenrou), have Juvia calm down with her obsession. Seriously. Tone it down from “obsessive and unable to function without him in her life” to “clingy” .
Honestly, Juvia’s character is like 75% of the problem with this ship. She’s like Sakura Haruno gone horribly wrong. Yes, Sakura chased Sasuke to the ends of the Earth despite him literally trying to kill her, but at least she 1) grew out of the puppy love stage and eventually genuinely wanted to save him from himself like Naruto and it showed 2) Had her own personality and relationships and was able to function without him there 3) Made an effort to search for him when he went missing //cough cough did it ever occur to her to go to sabertooth and ask for help? or to look for any of her former FT guildmates at all to help her?? like, a group manhunt is the next logical step up from looking by yourself, cmon-
I mean, she’s not even a yandere. At least yanderes are known for the badass and crazy lengths they go to for their love. At least yanderes has psychological layers and depth that many authors explore. Yet she’s not the love sick puppy character either. I wish she was one or the other instead of being stuck in this barely thicker than cardboard state.
Gruvia just seems to be an unfortunate victim of bad writing of all things. I’m not sure if there are major ft ships that are safe from this tho. 
EDIT: OK, so it seems that my passiveness for Levy has been taken the wrong way. And yikes this post has blown up. 
If you must know, no I don’t support the way Levy’s character has gone because of Gajevy. As opposed to Juvia who’s character seemed to become more revolved around her ship, Levy just kinda...slowly merges her existence with her ship. This problem is just a product of Mashima’s bad writing more than anything else tbh. It’s like...she keeps her personality and all that but now all of her major appearances come with Gajeel like they’re a pair set? I also noticed the strange, unintentional implication that she seems to be actively rejecting her own team in favor of Gajeel? (Why didn’t she go with them during the one year timeskip? They just had 7 years apart too?? And how much screentime does she spent with them vs with Gajeel?) The whole thing is really weird, especially since all the ship tease for gajevy came way before the fact that their first meeting was Gajeel kicking her ass and pinning her to a tree(?) was addressed. I like that it was addressed, but it really should have been so WAY earlier. That said, I don’t have many fucks to give about Levy, so other than those obvious faults, I don’t really care. 
Also, I don’t think this is anti gruvia...? I’m not hating on it or anything? It’s more like constructive criticism which DOES NOT equal hate. 
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