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It was much easier to read this book than I expected. It was written quite simply, so I didn’t have too much trouble understanding. The story was also quite relatable for me (especially if I read it a little earlier): a young woman narrates her life while she looks for a job, juggles dating, crazy family, friends and trying to eat less crisps. I expected to find out a bit more at the end, but it was still good!
Tämä kirja kertoo nuoresta naisesta, joka etsii töitä, rakkautta ja elämän tarkoitusta. Oli tosi helppo lukea, halusin vain tietää enemmän tarinasta, ennen kuin se loppui.
“Mietin, miksi joskus uskottelin itselleni, ettei tulevaisuudessa ole mitään, kun kerran kukaan ei tiedä, mitä siellä on.”
I wondered why did I sometimes convince myself that there’s nothing in the future, when nobody actually knows what is there.
“Juuri nyt tunnen olevani hyvässä paikassa. En parvekkeellani, vaikka sekin on hyvä paikka, vaan jossain, missä on elämää. Pitkästä aikaa en vihaa sitä tunnetta.“
Right now I feel like I’m at a good place. Not on my balcony, although that is also a good place, but somewhere where there is life. Since a long time I don’t hate that feeling.
There were still quite a lot of new and interesting words - >
ks. = katso - see.... (reference) tuottaja - producer pätkätyö - temporary job vakituinen - permanent rahoitus - finance vaikutusvalta - influence notkea - flexible kortteli - block (of buildings) olla paikalla - to be available/online (on an app) yleissivistys - general knowledge nilkkurit - ankle boots katuoja - gutter mieleenpainuva - memorable pillifarkut - skinny jeans eläinperäinen tuote - animal product laskutus - billing ulkoistaa - to outsource hypetys - hyping päivystää - to be on call (waiting) toisarvoinen - secondary itsetuhoinen - suicidal sähly - floorball hengailla - to hang out (with people) bailata - to party kantapaikka - hangout (place) narikka - cloakroom bodari - bodybuilder ihottuma - rash (on skin) ratas - cogwheel kermaviili - sour cream kosteusvoide - moisturising cream kammoksua - to dread kynsi - clove of garlic tervehenkinen - healthy munakoiso - eggplant pilkkahinta - a very cheap price kehkeytyä - to become punnerrus - push-up (exercise) koju - booth käytännönläheinen - practical taapero - toddler oma-aloitteinen - spontaneous ripsiväri - mascara vähäpätöinen - insignificant sisustaa - to furnish ignoorata - to ignore työllistää - to employ nyk. (nykyään) - now, currently makunystyrä - taste bud vanulappu - cotton pad kasvovoide - face cream rajauskynä - eyeliner soma - pretty, cute simppeli - simple hinkata - to rub kuvakaappaus - screenshot oivallus - idea, inspiration nyanssi - nuance hakukenttä - search field (on a website) juustonaksu - cheese puff virstanpylväs - milestone ylilyönti - exaggeration fuula - nonsense rekrytointi - recruiting mikrokuituliina - microfibre cloth alitajunta - subconscious elanto - livelihood kysyntä - demand kyyninen - cynical surra - to mourn avarakatseinen - tolerant laajakaista - broadband telinevoimistelu - artistic gymnastics kauneushoitola - beauty salon lehtikaali - kale viestintä - communication haitari - accordion hieroja - masseuse lisuke - side dish pyykkitupa - laundry room oravanpyörä - treadmill tiskijukka - disk jockey kangastus - mirage lakata - to polish nails musisoida - to play music fillari - bike toiseksi viimeinen - second to last
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Taffel Juusto Snacks Cheese snacls, called juustonaksut by probably whole Finland. They're really good, there isn't much of any powder that would stick to your fingers the whole time, and they're just... good. But you must eat the whole packet in one evening or the next day they'll be quite dry in a way. -Ina
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